How can a young leader manage a "mature" team.

Opponents of women's groups have always called organizations where women predominantly worked as "chicken coops", "snake balls" or "hornet hives". On the other hand, advocates of women's teams remind of the main qualities of women, such as their kindness, tolerance, responsiveness, loyalty - this is everything that can create the ground for a favorable working climate and form a good opinion of customers.

Curious is the fact that positive reviews about companies where there are only girls, as a rule, are left only by representatives of the opposite sex.

Even more than that, men see benefits for themselves in joining such a team. Everyone does not mind becoming an employee of the office, where, in the absence of competition, one can count on increased attention to one's own person. However, one must take into account the fact that in such cases one cannot do without negative experience.

As it was once said: “The women's team is a definite death for a man - such an opinion was published on one Internet forum. - Serpentarium the still.

Only a year and a half of work, but the feeling is that it's time to cover yourself with a white sheet and slowly crawl towards the nearest cemetery. There is no nervous system left, the gray hair beats.”

Managing a team is not always an easy task. And managing a women's team is always a problem.

To do this, it is necessary to be not only a good manager and psychologist, but also a “firefighter” in order to be able to quickly put out the fire of squabbles, intrigues, tantrums and all kinds of conflicts. Yes, and it’s not bad to be a psychiatrist, because female nature is a completely vulnerable substance. And if we talk about the quality of work, then also as a coach, in order to be able to develop willpower in their employees.

But it’s not worth saying that women are an exceptionally unsuitable candidate for work, it’s no secret to anyone that they work much more willingly than men, and statistics only confirm this.

On average, women are delayed after a working day for 3-4 hours, which cannot be said about men. Also, women have a greater ability to perform routine work, and the fact that the majority of accountants, cashiers and operators are women, once again proves this. But there must be one factor present here - this is possible only with competent management.

In fact, a lot depends on management.

Well, having considered all the basic concepts, you can move on to specific tips. Below is a list of the most fundamental concepts, but competent management should always be developed by the manager himself, depending on the situation.

Don't let yourself be manipulated

Each individual member of the team, from the cleaning lady to the chief accountant, must maintain subordination and work according to the “boss-subordinate” model.

It is important to remember that women have superbly developed intuition, and one has only to show at least some self-doubt, or to give weakness in behavior, as this can lead to disobedience and free behavior.

Everyone should know their place

To put it more correctly, it must be said that everyone and everyone should be placed in their proper places.

This is easily handled by the coach's strategy, where a clear understanding is developed for everyone about their place, its significance, and proper behavior. This system was developed in order to avoid the favorite female behavior - to transfer arrows to each other. With a clear statement of the task, you can always know what to demand from whom.

You can't measure everyone with the same yardstick.

Although the female team is menacing, its exceptional appeal cannot be denied. And the skills of a psychiatrist will not be superfluous here.

Someone, in order to increase his efficiency and greater motivation, needs a decent kick, and for someone even the smallest praise is enough for him to become able to move mountains.

It is necessary to properly study the behavior of your subordinates, and after all, already skillfully distribute to them what is needed for their productivity.

The most important thing is not to confuse and not overdo it, because there is a great risk of meeting with a weapon of heavy defeat - female tears. And this is not only an unpleasant sight of stress, but also a black spot on the reputation.

Divide and rule

Perhaps this advice is one of the most effective, and if you know how to use it correctly, then the problem of leading a women's team is exhausted by itself.

For most women in life, emotions are the main component that prevails over any logic and reason. And the scheme becomes utterly simple - the most important thing is not the influence of words, but emotional manipulation.

Good luck in leading the women's team!


In modern society, the financial situation becomes the main argument that determines the social status of a person. The only legitimate way to be at the top of the hierarchy is to get a high-paying position in a successful company, becoming the head of an enterprise or a certain division. , controlling the daily life and work of "subordinates" is the dream of most ordinary employees. Only a few workers are capable of becoming a competent boss who knows the nuances of the profession and understands the personal qualities of colleagues. It is not surprising that at the head of enterprises are managers who have among other employees. However, good leaders are not born, they are made. You can have leadership qualities and learn, but not be able to control the work of your employees. The main task of the boss is to organize the labor activity of the “wards”, stimulating them in time or punishing them for being relaxed.

All chefs once started with ordinary positions, doing ordinary work. Some bosses could not cope with the responsibility entrusted to them, having lost the trust of their superiors. The main reason why promising employees failed to live up to expectations is a limited view of the relationship in the team. It makes no sense to consider only the business version of communication between colleagues, forgetting about personal conversations, sympathy, friendship and hatred.

Only a few people who know how to manage a team and know the peculiarities of work, who have leadership qualities and responsibility can be a boss

Based on the above factors, it becomes clear that a good boss should be a sensitive psychologist who anticipates a change in mood in the team. If you do not learn to read the minds of your employees, then theft and lies will flourish at work, and the company's performance in an economically unstable time will negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise. In this situation, the only rational solution is to learn how to manage your “wards”, earning authority and respect among colleagues. To achieve the cherished goal, it is necessary first of all to deal with the theoretical part of the following question: How to lead a team?

Manager's tasks

Each company employs employees with different life positions, hobbies and prohibitions, so you can’t communicate with colleagues adhering to the same format. A conversation that stimulates one person to work can have a negative impact on another person, instantly undermining the authority of the boss. People who find themselves in a leadership position should first of all look around, study the behavior and characters of the “wards”, avoiding premature conclusions and verdicts. Detachment from the team in the first days of work will allow you to form your own opinion about each employee. If you follow the lead of society, you will immediately lose respect among colleagues. The decisions of the chief cannot be challenged, but must be prudent, balanced and fair. It is not surprising that newly-minted bosses are sent to trainings where professionals are taught to manage people and control the work of each member of the team. Once in the chair of the chief, you should adhere to the following rules, postponing the hasty imposition of punishments and the application of sanctions to employees:

Find out the traditions and orders established in the team. It is important to respect the foundations that have been held in society for many years - the main thing is that the daily life of employees does not interfere with production processes.
Get to know the “subordinates” by making for yourself a psychological portrait of each colleague. Find an individual approach to employees by identifying their preferences and fears. One "ward" can be motivated by a bonus, while the other will work only under the threat of dismissal.
Find out who is the unspoken leader of the team. Having met a person who enjoys authority among colleagues, you can get a general impression of the foundations that have developed in the company. If you have a mercantile, cunning and insidious person in front of you, then theft and deceit flourish in the enterprise. If you see in front of you a professional who wants to work for the good of the company, then it remains only to direct his aspirations in the right direction. Act according to the situation, but to enter into an open conflict with the unspoken leader of the team, without yet gaining authority among colleagues, is an inappropriate decision.
Having picked up the “key” to the secret desires of each employee, do not manipulate the “subordinates”. Create a friendly atmosphere in the team, where honesty and openness, professional skills and a high level of productivity will be valued among colleagues. However, do not forget to punish employees for misconduct by demonstrating the need to comply with the procedures you have established.
Do not single out individual employees in the team, guided by personal sympathies. Bonuses or praise from superiors can only be received by responsible colleagues who have completed the production plan ahead of schedule or have concluded a deal that is beneficial for the company. Employees must be clearly aware that flattery and friendly communication with the leader will not help on the way to career heights.

Having decided on the plan for the upcoming work, it is important to pay attention to your own position in the team. Employees will invariably obey you, because violation of the order of the boss is fraught with a fine or dismissal. However, to increase the productivity of the company, inspiring colleagues to work overtime and endowing each member of the team with enthusiasm, you can only lead by example.

In the current situation, it is important for a short period of time. Demonstrate professional skills to colleagues, because you were appointed to a leadership position not by acquaintance, but for your flexible mind and resourcefulness. Employees of the enterprise must be clearly aware that your social position in the company is confirmed by qualifications and personal qualities. The boss is a self-sufficient person who is able to organize the work of "wards", perform tasks independently, help and prompt employees, direct their energy in the right direction.

A boss who can remotely monitor the work of each team member will achieve the highest level of productivity in the company

In order for employees to follow your orders without question, it is important to choose the right behavior model. The manner of communication and the format of relationships with colleagues directly depend on the mood prevailing in the team. If the company is dominated by young employees who have recently graduated from the university, then it is preferable to pay attention to the learning behavior model. You should become an example for colleagues, advising them and helping them in difficult situations. The main thing is not to overdo it with virtue, so that “subordinates” strive to complete the tasks on their own, and not turn to you at the slightest difficulty. The strictness and prudence of the boss is the way to increase the level of company productivity.

You must control the work of each employee, paying attention to the relationships of employees within the team. Personal communication during working hours is strictly prohibited, because suspended conversations negatively affect the work capacity of colleagues. However, do not forget that if things do not go according to the planned course, the panicked mood of the boss should not be transmitted to the employees. Remember the general recommendations for new leaders, following which you can learn to control the activities of each member of the team:

Refer to employees by name, demonstrating to colleagues your participation in the life of the team. The boss who manages the company is the same person who should not forget about the rules of decency in society, etiquette and courtesy.
You do not need to regularly remind employees of their job responsibilities, specifying the deadlines for completing tasks. A fair boss once pronounces a plan for future work. If the company employs professionals, then they will definitely hear you. If employees leave tasks unattended, then there comes a moment of partial change of team members.
Do not limit yourself to orders, forgetting about human relationships. Trust your employees if they have not given you a reason to doubt their professional qualities. The authoritarian model of communication should be used only in exceptional cases, when colleagues do not understand the seriousness of the intentions and the importance of the tasks set.
Learn to listen to people who come to you for advice or complaints. You must carefully read the information provided, making a reasonable decision on the question asked. In some situations, "subordinates" turn to superiors with pressing problems, which are not correct to turn a blind eye.
Prefer to build work in a team according to the “carrot and stick” method. Motivate your "mentees" with bonuses and encourage the initiative of colleagues who want to increase the level of enterprise productivity. It is preferable to punish lazy people and irresponsible employees by applying sanctions and fines to them.
Consider the opinions of "subordinates" in conversations on specialized topics. The engineer knows more than you about the structural features of the object being erected, so it is not advisable to make a decision without his participation. The team must employ craftsmen whose professional opinion you trust.
Keep promises by demonstrating to employees the weight of the words spoken by the boss. If you told your colleagues that you will reward them if they exceed the plan, then do it - you can not jeopardize the competence of the boss.

A leadership position is not only a variety of privileges over employees, but also responsibility, accompanied by various problems.

In situations where the team refuses to accept your candidacy for a leadership position, the only way to change the course of events is to demonstrate your professional skills to employees. It is categorically impossible to fall into depression and succumb to the condemnation of the public. and prudence will help you make the right decisions while maintaining self-esteem. Show your colleagues that you are a specialist who rightfully occupies a highly paid position. Even ardent instigators of conflict situations at work will not be able to oppose anything to your actions, which positively affect the productivity and level of profitability of the company. It is worth noting that in some situations it is preferable to demonstrate power to employees by firing a colleague for non-fulfillment of official duties. There are no irreplaceable people - each member of the team must be clearly aware of the significance of this thesis.

The leader is a vivid example for employees, therefore colleagues should see a self-sufficient person in the face of the boss. Do not forget to save without succumbing to provocations. A good boss will always find a favorable way out of difficult situations by properly motivating the team.

January 16, 2014

One of the main tasks of a leader is to manage people. Since up to 70% of information is not perceived verbally, the impact with the help of emotions is an integral task of managing subordinates. The leader himself must manage his emotions well in order to be an emotional leader and successfully influence his subordinates. The emotional leadership of a successful manager consists of the following components.

The ability to track, recognize your moods and emotions. To do this not when emotions are "untwisted" and you need a lot of strength to somehow work with them, but at the stage of their inception.

The ability to manage your emotions, restrain negative ones, choose the right and appropriate ones.

The ability to set thoughtful goals and maintain the desired emotional state in the process of achieving them.

The ability to understand the emotions of other people and influence them.

Be flexible in your choice of methods of influence. Combine logic, factual material, emotions.

To make important decisions, you need to be able to enter the right state, not to succumb to a momentary mood. To draw final conclusions free from the influence of any emotion.

Having a high level of emotional competence, the leader can influence the emotional mood of subordinates. This may be necessary at different stages of managerial communication, one of which is effective disposal.

Effective command is not just the transfer of information from the leader to the subordinate. This is a system of emotional, verbal, motivational influence, which consists of successive stages.

Attracting the attention of a subordinate

Usually, in companies with a good corporate culture, a scheme for calling a subordinate to the manager has been worked out. This can be a call through a secretary, an assistant, by a selector, using a local area network, by telephone, etc. The main thing is that the subordinate has a clear understanding - he is called at a certain time and place to the leadership. This means that you need to take a break from current affairs and switch your attention to the upcoming communication with the leader. Most likely, attracting attention should be accompanied by calm, businesslike, firm intonations. In some cases, emotions that convey seriousness, urgency, the need for a meeting, for example, a slight concern on the face, a quick voice, short phrases, can be useful in highlighting the significance of the upcoming conversation. Accordingly, these emotions can only make sense if the boss personally addresses the subordinate. If the call follows through the secretary, then direct emotional impact is impossible.

Demonstration of power

Quickly orients the employee to the observance of subordination and other corporate etiquette established in the organization, and also, just in case, reminds him where he is and about his duties. As a rule, the office of the head and the situation in it testifies to his capabilities and powers of authority. Better and larger table, more chairs, etc. In addition, power can be demonstrated by voice, emotions. For example, a friendly instruction: "come in - sit down" in form can be friendly, but in content it is an indication and demonstration of power. The one who gives orders has power.

Indicating the form of behavior at the moment

For example, "write down what I will say" or "there is an important task, I will formulate it, and you listen, mark what is not clear, then ask a question." Emotions - business cooperation, care, interest.

General formulation of the problem

This is a statement of any facts, circumstances, events. Maybe a message to an employee of previously unknown information. The problem is stated in a businesslike, calm tone, if there are no special tasks for exerting an emotional impact on a person. If it is necessary to influence at this stage of giving an order, for example, to show the seriousness of the problem, then some dramatization of the transmitted information is possible, accompanied by excitement, concern, urgency.

Formulation of the problem

It is possible to solve the problem, but it is better to solve the problem, so the leader should not set problems for subordinates, but tasks. The wording must be clear. What the employee needs to do in connection with the described problem. It is useful to speak about the problem in a firm tone, expressing confidence in the possibility of its solution.

Specification of the task by steps

If the task is large, then it is correct to give instructions on what specific steps need to be taken to solve it.

The designation of the time allotted for solving the problem

There are people who are time-oriented, they clearly understand how many days, hours, minutes, they will need for a certain job. Other people are process oriented, they will solve the problem without considering how much time it takes to spend on it. It may turn out that the result will not be needed, because it is too late. The task of the manager is to establish and agree on a time frame for solving the problem.

Error Warning

The leader knows more, so it is better to immediately prevent possible obvious mistakes that a subordinate may make in the course of performing the task. It is better to talk about possible mistakes, showing care, attention and focusing not on the qualities of the subordinate, which can lead to these errors, but on some objective circumstances, without taking into account which the task may become more difficult. This is important for two reasons, firstly, to optimize work, and secondly, to motivate the employee, because, speaking openly about possible difficulties, the manager shows, on the one hand, the complexity of the task, on the other hand, trust in a subordinate who can cope with all difficulties.

Motivation by benefit and/or possible negative consequences

In other words, what will the employee get by following the order, or what will he lose if he fails to complete the task. It is important to accompany positive motivation with emotions of joy, success, pleasure, and set out negative consequences, accompanying with emotions of disappointment, regret, sadness. Depending on the particular subordinate, one can limit oneself to only positive motivation, or only negative motivation, since the manager must know what has the most effective effect on the employee.

Ending with a positive, motivation "the first step"

When the subordinate understood the task, it is important to end the conversation in a positive way. It can be gratitude for cooperation, confidence that everything will turn out in the best possible way, since the performer is an intelligent, professional, competent, promising person. Emotional uplift, inspiration from communication, confidence in success will be very appropriate. In conclusion, it is useful to ask what the subordinate will do first of all to achieve the task, approve this decision, end the conversation with an emotional parting word: "Forward, everything will work out!"

In practical application, the sequence of giving an effective order from a leader to a subordinate can be changed depending on specific circumstances, for example, if the subordinate has a high motivation, then there is no need to spend a lot of effort on an additional positive attitude, everything is good in moderation.

Many leaders have difficulty formulating positive statements. So it turns out that the negative is born by itself, easily and simply, but it can be difficult to reformulate it in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is useful to master the rules for making positive statements.

1. Speak in short, energetic sentences.

They are better remembered as slogans. Energy gives them weight. Emotions of confidence, calmness, significance, make the phrase convincing.

2. Speak in the present and future tenses, all actions in speech should take place now, directed towards a successful and attractive future.

The past tense directs attention to what has already passed. It is better to talk about what is and what will be.

3. Use of positive language.

Say what to do, not what to avoid. For example, "don't set unrealistic goals", it's better to say: "should set realistic goals".

4. Use beautiful images, words should be pleasant.

Create compelling images. As in the movie "12 Chairs", Ostap Bender painted a picture of the great chess city for the residents of "New Vasyukov". But why can't we also talk about real projects in an attractive way?

5. You can and should change yourself, not the world around you.

A positive statement should puzzle what exactly you need to do to change the surrounding reality, and not how the world should change, for a comfortable and good life.

Sometimes young leaders happen to get into a team where all employees are older (and even significantly).wallstreetJournal recently published a study that, for example, in the United States, professionals over the age of 65 are increasingly continuing to work even after retirement. This, among other things, is due to the fact that the average life expectancy has increased. The trend is gaining momentum in Russia. How to behave young managers in a mature team?

All things considered, it makes sense for leaders to prepare themselves for the situation that they may have to lead older and more experienced professionals. And this task can be quite successfully dealt with. What should be remembered?

Differences between generations. We are all shaped by some key events, social trends, relationships. Baby Boomers are not as speed-blinded and don't like to multi-task as much as Gen X and Y generations (or millennials - those born after 1981), for example. But competent feedback is required for all employees, regardless of the generation to which they belong. Each of the generations has its strengths and weaknesses - the leader needs to take a closer look at them and understand how to use the advantages correctly.

Experience matters. Perhaps it's nice to think that technology is changing and simplifying everything so that it's now easier and faster to reach new frontiers. But many business issues (from financial flows to strategic positioning) still remain the prerogative of employees with rich life and professional experience. And this cannot be discounted.

Employees aged are not tired! Even if a specialist is already approaching retirement age (or even reached it), this does not at all mean that he is tired, that he is tired of work, and he only thinks how to retire as soon as possible. Employees continue to love their job, they are often energetic and enthusiastic.

Age diversity is as difficult as gender diversity. But there are a lot of advantages from this variety. Experience is invaluable, and older employees can act as mentors for younger ones. Combining "old" and "new" ideas will do the trick.

Cohesion. Unfortunately, at times, employees may not be too loyal not only to the company, but also to each other. But the strengthening of relations between representatives of different generations contributes to the strengthening of the company. Experience will "remain" in the company, training will not be wasted.

Partnerships - the ideal of teamwork

"Situations where the manager is younger than his subordinates can be found in companies in almost every industry. Of course, once in such a position, a young manager must choose the right strategy for building interaction with his staff and not make fatal mistakes," says a senior consultant at the Executive Search department. & Management Selection for the IT and Telecommunications industry" Anastasia Ovcharenko.

First of all, the expert believes, when communicating with subordinate colleagues, one should not emphasize one's importance and superiority over them, because otherwise the manager will meet only a negative attitude towards his person. It is necessary to show your employees that career growth was the result of painstaking and fruitful work, that the level of knowledge and expertise meets all the requirements for candidates for this position. Simply put, they need to understand that the promotion "didn't fall out of the blue" that the manager deserved.

"Ideally, your relationship should be a partnership, and you yourself should understand that each member of your team is a professional in their field, and you are the person who oversees their work due to the fact that he has great expertise in this area. "Healthy" relationships in the team they are always built on personal relationships, which means that by establishing communication with your subordinates, demonstrating to them that each of them is valuable in your team, you will get your way to success," notes Anastasia Ovcharenko.

The leadership team is "rejuvenated" in various areas

“Today, a situation is quite popular when a young leader can manage a team where most of the employees are older than him. The “rejuvenation” of the managerial level takes place in various areas: the public administration system, manufacturing, HoReCa, telecom, Internet projects, communication groups and agencies.

The surest way for a young boss to gain and establish authority among subordinates is to regularly demonstrate a professional attitude to work and increase the level of their competencies and knowledge. If the boss infects the team with his indomitable energy, faith in the success of the implementation of the most complex projects, an attentive and accurate approach to details, new ideas and does not get personal in clarifying difficult situations, then success is guaranteed to him," the Head of the Banking, Investments, Finance Department is sure. recruiting agency Ella Mikhailova.

Collegial leadership is preferable to dictatorship

"Most often, the emergence of young leaders in the age team can be associated with anti-crisis programs or mergers and acquisitions, when new owners change the team of top managers. However, this phenomenon also occurs in various industries, for example, in construction, where experts and technologists are often older than their managers. Due to the specifics of the profession, sales teams are often led by young, successful, active leaders, whose subordinates can be much older. The trend has not bypassed state corporations, where there is a trend to replace the leadership of pre-retirement age with young personnel, "says managing partner Inna Sumatokhin.

In order to properly build relationships with older subordinates, a young leader needs to be clear and precise in his goals, his methods of work must be simple and understandable, the expert believes.

"It is worth avoiding professional foreign slang, incomprehensible terminology and gradually introducing new practices. In such teams, experts advise avoiding an authoritarian style of communication by choosing a collegiate leadership. Perhaps, in some situations, you can advise a young leader to "bet" on the informal leader of the age group and make him his own. I would also like to add that in order to correctly convey your goals and methods, you need to regularly take and give feedback, which is an important key in building relationships in a team," says Inna Sumatokhina.

Choose a mentor and get ready to grow

According to the partner of the Skills of the Future Academy Ekaterina Lukyanova, the requirements of the economy and the global market are qualitatively changing the demand of business for personnel. Innovative projects, quick search and creation of new business solutions, the necessary mobility in their implementation and execution come to the fore. As a rule, companies now form a mixed, uneven-age team. The tendency to get into the "adult" team is more related to large state corporations. This also applies to production enterprises (factories), where the "older" age of the workforce prevails over the "young". Experience and quality of work take their toll.

"Each situation is unique and specific. There may be several options:
- Get more advice. But really on the case - on professional and all work issues with senior colleagues. Show that it is important for you to know their opinion, their practice, their assessment of your work. Demonstrate your willingness to adjust your plans based on their recommendations. But don't overdo it. By this you can show both the desire to improve your professional level and the desire to combine the interests of everyone, and unprofessionalism when you turn to senior colleagues for every "trifle".
- Less emotions and words - more action.
- Choose for yourself the person who is most likeable to you and whom you see as your potential mentor. There is one "but": sympathy must be mutual. Consult with your chosen mentor. Talk about your ideas, decisions, projects, successes and risks. Win his sympathy and location. And then he will become a "guide" of your ideas in the audience of older and more status colleagues.
- Have patience and be ready to constantly grow and improve your competence. If you are really professional. Ready to work for the benefit of the company and in the interests of both your own, your colleagues and the entire business? Victory is yours!" - says Ekaterina Lukyanova.

Management in a wide variety of areas of human life is one of the most important functions. The conditions of a market economy have given it particular relevance. To properly manage people, the head of the organization must choose a certain style of behavior. It is something to be shown in relations with subordinates, leading them to the intended goal. In other words, for the normal functioning of the enterprise, the presence of one or another management style of the head is necessary. This is the main characteristic of the effectiveness of the work of a top manager. The role of leadership style cannot be overestimated. After all, the success of the company, the dynamics of its development, the motivation of employees, their attitude to their duties, relationships in the team and much more will depend on it.

Concept definition

What does the word "leader" mean? This is the one who "leads by the hand." Each organization should have a person who is responsible for overseeing all the units operating in the enterprise. This type of responsibility involves monitoring the actions of employees. This is the essence of the work of every leader.

The ultimate primary task of the top manager is to achieve the goals of the company. The manager does this work without the help of his subordinates. And his usual manner of behavior in relation to the team should motivate him to work. This is the management style of the leader. What are the roots of this concept?

The word style is of Greek origin. Initially, this was the name of the rod, designed for writing on a wax board. Somewhat later, the word "style" began to be used in a slightly different sense. It began to indicate the nature of the handwriting. This can be said about the management style of the leader. It is a kind of handwriting in the actions of a top manager.

Leadership styles in managing a team can be different. But in general, they depend on the leadership and administrative qualities of the person in this position. In the process of carrying out labor activity, the formation of an individual type of leader, his "handwriting" takes place. This allows us to say that it is impossible to find two identical bosses with the same style. Such a phenomenon is individual, as it is determined by the specific characteristics of a particular person, reflecting his peculiarity of working with personnel.


It is believed that the person who every morning goes to work with pleasure is happy. And this directly depends on his boss, on which leader uses the management style, on his relationship with his subordinates. Management theory paid attention to this issue at the dawn of its creation, that is, almost a hundred years ago. According to the concepts put forward by her, already at that time there were a number of styles of work and management of the head. A little later, others began to join them. In this regard, modern management theory considers the presence of many leadership styles. Let's describe some of them in more detail.


This style of leadership is based on the participation of subordinates in decision-making with the division of responsibility between them. The name of this type of work of a top manager comes to us from the Latin language. In it demos means "rule of the people". The democratic leadership style of the leader is considered the best today. Based on the research data, it is 1.5-2 times more effective than all other ways of communication between a boss and his subordinates.

If the leader uses a democratic management style, then in this case he relies on the initiative of the team. At the same time, there is an equal and active participation of all employees in the processes of discussing the goals of the company.

In a democratic leadership style, there is interaction between the leader and subordinates. At the same time, a sense of mutual understanding and trust arises in the team. However, it is worth noting that the desire of a top manager to listen to the opinion of the company's employees on certain issues does not take place because he himself does not understand something. The democratic leadership style of the leader suggests that such a leader is aware that when discussing problems, new ideas arise. They will certainly speed up the process of achieving the goal and improve the quality of work.

If out of all the styles and methods of management, the leader has chosen a democratic one for himself, this means that he will not impose his will on his subordinates. How will he act on this? Such a leader will prefer to use methods of stimulation and persuasion. He will resort to sanctions only when all other methods have been completely exhausted.

The democratic management style of the leader is the most favorable in terms of psychological impact. Such a boss shows a sincere interest in employees and gives them friendly attention, taking into account their needs. Such relationships have a positive effect on the results of the work of the team, on the activity and initiative of specialists. People are satisfied with their own work. Satisfied with their position in the team. The cohesion of employees and favorable psychological conditions have a positive impact on the physical and moral health of people.

Of course, management styles and leadership qualities are closely related concepts. So, with the democratic nature of communication with subordinates, the boss should enjoy high authority among employees. He also needs to have excellent organizational, intellectual, psychological and communication skills. Otherwise, the implementation of this style will become inefficient. The democratic type of leadership has two varieties. Let's consider them in more detail.

deliberative style

When using it, most of the problems that the team faces are solved at the time of their general discussion. A leader who uses a deliberative style in his work often consults with subordinates without showing his own superiority. It does not shift responsibility to employees for the consequences that may occur as a result of the decisions made.

Deliberative leaders make extensive use of two-way communication with their subordinates. They trust employees. Of course, the most important decisions are made only by the manager, but at the same time, specialists are given the right to independently solve specific problems.

Participating style

This is another version of the democratic type of leadership. Its main idea is to involve employees not only in making certain decisions, but also in exercising control over their execution. In this case, the leader fully trusts his subordinates. Moreover, communication between them can be described as open. The boss behaves at the level of one of the team members. At the same time, any employee is given the right to freely express his own opinion on a variety of issues without fear of subsequent negative reactions. In this case, responsibility for failures in work is shared between the leader and subordinates. This style allows you to create an effective system of labor motivation. This makes it possible to successfully achieve the goals that the company faces.

liberal style

This type of leadership is also called free. For it presupposes a tendency to indulgence, tolerance and undemanding. The liberal style of management is characterized by complete freedom of decision for employees. At the same time, the leader takes a minimal part in this process. He withdraws from the functions assigned to him to supervise and control the activities of his subordinates.

We can say that the types of leaders and management styles are closely related. Thus, a liberal attitude in a team is allowed by a person who is insufficiently competent and unsure of his official position. Such a leader is able to take decisive steps only after receiving instructions from a superior. He avoids responsibility in every possible way when receiving unsatisfactory results. Solving important issues in a company where such a leader works often takes place without his participation. To consolidate his authority, the liberal only pays his subordinates undeserved bonuses and provides various kinds of benefits.

Where can such a direction be chosen from all the existing management styles of the leader? Both the organization of work and the level of discipline in the company must be the highest. This is possible, for example, in a partnership of well-known lawyers or in a writers' union, where all employees are engaged in creative activities.

The liberal style of management from the point of view of psychology can be considered in two ways. Everything will depend on what specialists carry out this guide. A similar style will get a positive result where the team consists of responsible, disciplined, highly qualified employees who are able to independently perform creative work. Such leadership can also be successfully implemented if there are knowledgeable assistants in the company.

There are also such collectives in which subordinates command their boss. He is known to them simply as a "good man". But this cannot go on for long. In the event of any conflict situation, disgruntled employees cease to obey. This leads to the emergence of a conniving style, leading to a decrease in labor discipline, to the development of conflicts and other negative phenomena. But in such cases, the head simply removes himself from the affairs of the enterprise. The most important thing for him is to maintain good relations with his subordinates.

Authoritarian style

It refers to the domineering type of leadership. It is based on the desire of the boss to assert his influence. The head of an authoritarian management style provides the employees of the company with only a minimal amount of information. This is due to his distrust of his subordinates. Such a leader seeks to get rid of talented people and strong workers. The best in this case is the one who is able to understand his thoughts. This leadership style creates an atmosphere of intrigue and gossip in the enterprise. At the same time, the independence of workers remains the most minimal. All emerging issues are sought by subordinates to be resolved by management. After all, no one can guess how the authorities will react to a particular situation.

The head of an authoritarian style of management is simply unpredictable. People do not even dare to tell him about the bad news. As a result, such a boss lives in full confidence that everything turned out exactly as he expected. Employees do not ask questions and do not argue, even in cases where they see significant errors in the decision taken by the manager. The result of the activity of such a top manager is the suppression of the initiative of subordinates, which interferes with their work.

In an authoritarian leadership style, all power is concentrated in the hands of one person. Only he is able to single-handedly resolve all issues, determine the activities of subordinates and not give them the opportunity to make independent decisions. Employees in this case perform only what they are ordered to do. That is why all information for them is reduced to a minimum. The head of the authoritarian style of team management strictly controls the activities of his subordinates. Such a boss has enough power in his hands to impose his will on the workers.

In the eyes of such a leader, a subordinate is a person who is disgusted with work and, if possible, avoids it. This becomes the reason for the constant coercion of the employee, control over him and the implementation of punishments. The moods and emotions of subordinates in this case are not taken into account. The leader has a distance from his team. At the same time, the autocrat specifically appeals to the lowest level of needs of his subordinates, believing that for them it is the most important.

If we consider this leadership style from the point of view of psychology, then it is the most unfavorable. After all, the leader in this case does not perceive the employee as a person. Employees are constantly suppressed creative manifestations, because of which they become passive. People have dissatisfaction with work and their own position in the team. The psychological climate at the enterprise also becomes unfavorable. Intrigues often arise in the team and toadies appear. This increases the stress load on people, which is harmful to their moral and physical health.

The use of an authoritarian style is effective only in certain circumstances. For example, in combat conditions, in emergency situations, in the army and in a team in which the consciousness of its members is at the lowest level. The authoritarian leadership style has its own variations. Let's consider them in more detail.

Aggressive style

A manager who has adopted this type of personnel management believes that by nature people are mostly stupid and lazy. Hence, they try not to work. In this regard, such a leader considers it his duty to force employees to fulfill their duties. He does not allow himself participation and gentleness.

What can mean the fact when a person has chosen exactly aggressive among all management styles? The personality of the leader in this case has special characteristics. Such a person is rude. He limits contact with subordinates by keeping them at a distance. When communicating with employees, such a boss often raises his voice, insults people and actively gesticulates.

Aggressive pliable style

This type of leadership is characterized by its selectivity. Such a boss shows aggression towards his employees and at the same time helpfulness and pliability towards a higher authority.

Selfish style

It seems to the manager who has adopted this type of personnel management for himself that he alone knows and can do everything. That is why such a boss assumes responsibility for the sole decision of the issues of the activities of the team and production. Such a leader does not tolerate the objections of his subordinates and is prone to hasty conclusions that are not always correct.

kind style

At the heart of this type of relationship between the leader and subordinates is authoritarianism. However, the boss still gives his employees the opportunity to participate in making some decisions, while limiting their scope of activity. The results of the work of the team, along with the system of punishments, which occupies a dominant position, are also evaluated by some rewards.


The individual management style of a leader can be very different. At the same time, all of its types listed above cannot be found in their pure form. Here, only the predominance of certain characteristics can take place.

That is why the definition of the best leadership style is not easy to give. A senior manager needs to know the above classification and be able to apply each of the categories of personnel management, depending on the situation and the presence of a specific task. This, in fact, is the art of a true leader.