How to develop the ability to express your thoughts. Why the interlocutor does not understand you and how to fix it


In communication and understanding between people, an important role is played by the ability to formulate correctly and the ability to convey thoughts to others. Even simple conversations with friends require certain skills. How to learn to express your thoughts competently so that communication brings a new impetus, gives rise to the development of relationships or climbing the career ladder? First of all, you need to understand what exactly the problem is. To do this, you need to pass a small test and answer simple questions:

Do you easily express your thoughts while communicating with relatives, friends?
Do you have buddies or friends?
Are you good at putting your thoughts into writing?
Do you often make friends?
Do you rarely open a book?
One on one with the interlocutor, do you talk more often, and not be silent?
Do you quickly decide what to say if the pause is too long?

If there are more “yes” answers, then the reason lies in the difficulties of the thought process. If “no” outweighs, then the reason is in psychological characteristics. In any case, the problem is fixable. With psychological problems, you should consult a specialist. If this is not possible, correct the situation yourself.

The reasons for problems with can be different. The most common:

Fear of speaking because of the peculiarities of upbringing. Some parents in childhood “beat off” the child’s desire to tell something.
Lack of communication. Being often alone, a person has no idea what topics to touch upon when meeting.
Defects in diction, features of the voice. Complexes give rise to fear, and fear makes a person silent.

Fight your fears, overcome them on your own or with the help of a psychologist.

What to think about before expressing thoughts?

Back in the 17th century. French literary critic Boileau N. said: "He who thinks clearly, he also expounds." The ability to think competently and convey the essence is important both in a regular meeting and during an interview. Especially if you're applying for a job that requires negotiation skills.

Before expressing a thought, it is necessary to think it through to the end. You must clearly know what will be discussed in the next sentence, phrase, how it will end. Often the inability to express an idea in words indicates that it has not yet been formulated in the head.

Another mistake is being obsessed with details. The famous expression of Chekhov A.P. “Brevity is the sister of talent” is true today. Verbosity clogs and makes it difficult to perceive what is heard.

Do not be distracted during the conversation, focus on the interlocutor so as not to lose the thread of the conversation. To express a thought correctly, it is important to concentrate. You can not speak in fragments of sentences, jump from one subject of conversation to another. The interlocutor should not guess what we want to say.

How to acquire the skill to express thoughts?

Logic will teach you how to correctly express thoughts, with the help of which, based on reasoning, draw conclusions and get the right idea about the element of reflection. To correctly convey the idea, build a logical chain of sentences and the narrator will understand the essence.

Competently expressing thoughts will not work without absence. As an example: a person expresses a thought briefly, in fact, without digressing into other topics. At the same time, it is impossible to listen to him, since the speech is uninteresting. The fact is that often there are not enough words to correctly and beautifully describe the situation.

Statistics say that a modern, educated person uses about 10,000 words. Pushkin A.S. operated with a vocabulary of 21,000 words, which he actively used in his works.

Use the dictionary of synonyms and introduce new words into speech. It attracts attention and makes the statements interesting and memorable.

The influence of memory on the ability to express literate thoughts

Perhaps you have had to get into a situation where thoughts completely disappear from your memory during a conversation. You don't know what to say or how to keep up the conversation. Only after a while, whole phrases that could be said come to mind. Memory is negatively affected by lack of oxygen, physical passivity. Try to ventilate the room more often if you have to work in the office. Do exercises or periodically get up from your seat and move so that blood flows to the brain.

Sleep duration affects memory. Improve its products with protein content: fish, egg, cottage cheese, meat. If you have intense mental work, include nuts, cheese and other foods containing phosphorus and calcium in your diet.

It is possible with the help of special exercises. Train your memory by adding numbers in memory, memorizing phone numbers, poems, birthdays or other dates.

Simple exercises for the ability to formulate thoughts

Way to increase vocabulary. Get a dictionary and read the words. Open on an arbitrary page and try to independently select synonyms for the words you read. Read classical literature and memorize expressions.
A way to learn to express thoughts in an orderly manner. Choose a story from a movie or from a book. The main thing is that he is familiar to you. Choose a listener (mirror reflection, pet, friend or close relative) and retell it with expression. Before you say a sentence, think about its structure and only then say it out loud.
Way to develop eloquence. Compose a text from 7 sentences on a free topic. Write it down on a piece of paper and read it several times to remember. Take a voice recorder and say the text from memory. Listen to the recording and correct if you think that the thoughts are not expressed correctly. Practice until the finished speech suits you completely.

After all, the skills to correctly formulate thoughts quickly pass if you don’t have to strain in a conversation. A person who communicates with people who need a few words in a conversation loses the ability to express thoughts correctly. Read books and think about the text. After all, until you begin to order sentences in your mind, you will not learn how to express them beautifully.

February 28, 2014

Skill articulate ideas correctly and the ability to convey them to others play an important role in communication between people, whether it is a friendly conversation, business negotiations, the desire to convince or teach a person something. It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how! The main problem arising from the inability to correctly formulate thoughts is a misunderstanding between people. An insufficiently clearly formulated and stated thought is misunderstood and, in addition to the lack of the desired result, such a speech can misinform the interlocutor.

What will help you learn to formulate thoughts

  • Reading will help you learn how to formulate thoughts. The benefits of reading are obvious. Read good, varied literature. Read and re-read Russian classics - Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Turgenev, Bulgakov, Chekhov, Pasternak, etc. You need to read thoughtfully, analyzing what you read, no matter what happens, as Alexander Sergeevich wrote: uselessly".
  • A rich vocabulary, a good assistant in the ability to beautifully formulate your thoughts (read - " How to improve vocabulary"), replenish it.
  • It is one thing when, trying to express your thoughts, you are looking for a suitable word and a meager vocabulary does not allow you to find it, another thing is when you simply cannot quickly remember, find the right word. Pay attention to the development of memory and reaction.
  • Learn to express your thoughts Keeping a diary or blog will help. Write eloquently, vividly, about what is happening in your life, about what worries you, about your mood, your emotions.
  • Take part in discussions on various forums, speak out. Learn to discuss and develop ability to defend one's point of view.
  • The 19th century English philosopher John Mill wrote - “Logic is the great pursuer of dark and confused thinking; it dispels the fog that hides our ignorance from us and makes us think we understand the subject when we do not. I am convinced that nothing in modern education is more useful for developing precise thinkers who remain true to the meaning of words and sentences and who are constantly on guard against terms vague and ambiguous, like logic. Study logic, it will teach you to look at what is happening deeper and understand it, and this will come in handy in the ability to express thoughts.
  • An important fact in the ability to express your thoughts is human environment, his social circle. It is clear that those who cannot connect two words together will not teach you anything in this regard, and if there are a majority of such people in your environment, this will only aggravate the situation. Looking at how people from your environment correctly express their thoughts, shake your head.
  • It is always easier for a sociable person to find words to express his thought. If you do not consider yourself to be such, develop communication skills.

Thought Formulation Technique

  • Sometimes external, distracting or embarrassing factors interfere with the formulation of a thought. Do not pay attention and do not go in cycles in the external environment.
  • Often the problem of formulating a thought is its lack of thought. You need to clearly and specifically understand what you want to say.
  • When formulating your thoughts, focus on the main one, on the one you want to convey. Avoid verbosity and excessive talkativeness. If details are needed, the interlocutor will clarify them.

Hope for understanding at a glance, just leads to misunderstanding. Formulate thoughts clearly and clearly, do not expect that your interlocutor will definitely guess what you want to say!

Hello, Pavel Yamb is with you again!

If you write articles, then you need to be able to express your thoughts clearly and to the point. How to achieve the necessary clarity, what three important components a quality text consists of, we will talk today.

The main thing is the idea

To clearly articulate an idea, you either need to be a kid or have a serious knowledge base. The unclouded mind of a child immediately and often without the usual diplomacy of adults grabs the essence of what is happening. Life stories when kids put parents or other people in an awkward position are probably familiar to you.

A father and a five-year-old child ride in a packed trolleybus. Cold weather, windows fogged up. The boy begins to rub the glass so that it squeals under his fingers. The father makes a remark, the child does not react.

- How many times can you tell? he explodes. “I talk, I talk, but you still don’t listen!”

- And your mother tells you not to pee in the bath, but you pee anyway! the boy retorts loudly.

An educated and well-read person draws analogies in the same way and captures the essence of events - however, he already distinguishes what and when to say, and what is better to refrain from.

Therefore, the first and most important condition for the successful formulation of thought is the main idea. Without it, it will be just a stream of consciousness.

It happens that there is even an idea, but the problem is in the presentation. In this case, three necessary conditions - three whales "- will help to convey it to the reader or listener:

  • clarity and simplicity of thought;
  • structuredness;
  • data.
  • Mirra peace and...

Explaining with words

The clarity of expression will not arise from scratch. To choose the right words, you need to know a sufficient number of them. Synonyms, semantic shades - all this comes into our speech with the presence of a sufficient vocabulary.

For comparison: Dahl's explanatory dictionary consists of 200 thousand words. The vocabulary of a person with higher education is approximately equal to 10 thousand words, and an erudite uses no more than 50 thousand. The passive vocabulary, of course, is larger. Here is an interesting test: My passive vocabulary, according to this questionnaire, is 58,000 words. And yours?

Self-confidence is also an important factor. An insecure and illiterate person will try to hide gaps in knowledge with abstruse phrases. Those who know and are sure, on the contrary, are interested in the accessibility and understandability of their ideas. However, one should beware of confusing simplicity with primitivism, and elementary knowledge of the material with abstruseness. Even when explaining the basics of quantum physics to children, one can hardly avoid a certain number of terms:

Although the idea is presented gracefully: clearly and simply.

Structure is the basis for understanding

The importance of a structured presentation of thoughts, I hope, does not need to be explained. How to learn to structure your thoughts? Plan the message you want to make. Decide what to talk or write about first, how to develop the idea further. From simple to complex or from complex to simple, whichever you prefer. However, the consistent presentation of information is our “second whale” of a clear and precise presentation of our thoughts. Then, when experience comes, this plan can simply be kept in mind. The clear structure of the message will immediately show that it is made by a master who knows how to correctly present the idea.

Facts on the table

The “third whale” on which clear thinking rests is facts. Give weight to your messages with confirmed facts, real examples, they inspire confidence. For example, Dale Carnegie's books are filled with examples from the lives of different people - from outstanding personalities to his unknown students, friends, relatives and acquaintances. And he has long become a real classic of self-improvement techniques.

In addition, thanks to the facts, it becomes clearer what idea the author wants to convey to the reader or listener.

Is this skill necessary in everyday life? Of course, if you want to improve the quality of communication with other people.

If the dispute ends in a quarrel or a fight, it means that none of the participants could express their thoughts clearly and clearly. The skill of discussion, like many other things, can and should be learned. However, everything is subject to us, if we only set such a task. And I'm sure you will succeed!

It is important for a modern person to be able to concisely and clearly express an opinion. After all, it is difficult to assess the genius of an idea if its creator is not able to correctly state the essence in words, to convey the main idea to the opponent. This is important for representatives of those professions whose work is connected with people.

A well-delivered speech helps to make a positive impression on the interlocutor.

Oratory is easier to master if you divide the task into two stages. The first is devoted to the question of how to learn how to express your thoughts correctly. The second is how to speak competently, speaking in simple language.

  • Vocabulary expansion. Books will help to formulate the essence of a conversation or a separate sentence, first mentally, and then verbally tell. Classical fiction, scientific and journalistic literature will not only replenish your vocabulary, but also broaden your horizons.
  • Memory training. Very often in a conversation, the interlocutor fails to find the right word. A lot of options are spinning in my head, and the right one, unfortunately, is forgotten. Quatrains, combinations of numbers are suitable for memory training.
  • The ability to focus on a specific thought. This is important in order to clearly and clearly reproduce the meaning. In this case, it is useful to ask yourself a few questions before the conversation - what (what will be discussed), where and when (details), why (the ultimate goal of the conversation).

When thoughts are in order, you should improve your oratory skills.

Concentration of attention

It is important for a speaker not only to be able to concentrate at the right moment, but also to be able to keep the attention of the audience until the end of the speech. How to arouse interest and capture the attention of the audience will tell the science of rhetoric.

To learn how to control your own attention, use a simple technique. At first, training can be done in silence, then complicate the process by doing the same in a crowded place or on the street. The art of concentration is honed through yoga.

The purpose of the technique is to learn to focus on a certain image, being in any conditions. For this you need:

  • mentally pronounce a word, for example, a table;
  • comprehend its meaning (why do you need a table where you can put it);
  • visualize the image (clearly imagine the design of the table, its color, size, location in the room, other details).

During the exercise, distractions arise - extraneous sounds, the actions of people, etc. You need to keep your attention on the invented word for several minutes, periodically repeating it. First, it is recommended to train at home. Concentrating on the street or in a crowded place is much more difficult. However, having mastered this skill, a person will be able to freely formulate a thought, in the future - to clearly state the meaning, to speak competently and convincingly.

Components of a beautiful speech

Public speaking is considered successful if the speaker's speech has the following characteristics:

Working through each component separately, you should remember about self-confidence during a conversation.

Techniques for developing eloquence

Oratory and rhetoric help develop free speech skills. Confidently stand in front of the public and perform in front of a large audience of listeners are taught in acting classes. In practical classes, they work out diction, stage speech, intonation. If the concepts of oratory and acting are clear, then the meaning of rhetoric raises some questions.

Rhetoric is a scientific theory, the study of which allows you to master oratory. This philological discipline is mandatory studied by all actors, public figures and other professionals whose profession is related to public speaking. Rhetoric studies the influence exerted by the speech of the speaker on the opponent.

You can improve diction on your own with the help of tongue twisters and special speech therapy gymnastics. Tongue twisters are first spoken slowly, syllable by syllable, gradually increasing the tempo and adding intonation. In addition to diction, it trains memory. Charging for working out the speech apparatus consists of simple exercises:

  • Touch the tip of the tongue alternately to the sky, reach the base of the tongue, to the inside of each cheek.
  • Sing all the vowel sounds, stretching your lips.
  • Extend hissing consonants, the sound "r".

What will help to speak correctly and beautifully

The ability to express thoughts correctly and intelligibly can be developed by taking a course in public speaking. After listening to a few lectures, you can learn how to learn eloquence. Self-development skills will help:

  • Recording your own speech on a voice recorder. When listening, you can make an objective assessment of the oratory, take into account shortcomings, correct errors.
  • Games using various words, descriptions (selection of synonyms, characteristics of objects);
  • structuring speech. When speaking or in a normal conversation, you should highlight the main points, clearly and clearly formulate secondary information, and omit unnecessary details.
  • Increase in active vocabulary. Every day you need to select 2-3 words that are rarely used in everyday speech, and actively use them in conversation.
  • Control over gestures and facial expressions. The inability to correctly formulate a thought leads to excessive gestures and facial expressions during a conversation. It is necessary to get rid of this bad habit, which distracts from the main idea, irritates the opponent. Developed facial expressions help to speak more convincingly in front of an audience. It is useful to hone the art of speech in front of a mirror.
  • Self confidence. It is important to learn to control your own emotions, to cope with the excitement that arises before public speaking. Only a speaker who is confident in himself can speak convincingly.

It is important to state your point of view in such a way that it is clear to the opponent what is at stake. Therefore, it is better to speak in simple language, without using complex speech turns and scientific terms.

Correct, competent speech is the basis of mutual understanding and the main tool for the exchange of information between people, which is used in professional activities and in everyday communication. The skills of oral presentation of ideas and concise transmission of meaning are important for representatives of professions related to the service sector, trade and other areas.

Eloquence and expressing thoughts "on the case" makes people think about your rightness, thereby bringing you closer to public recognition.

Anyone can learn to express their thoughts correctly. To do this, you need to monitor the ornateness of the syllable, literacy, and even the intonation of your statements.

We build sentences correctly

The first brick in the foundation of the building called “how to learn to speak beautifully” is a clear and grammatically correct construction of sentences. After mastering this wisdom, the newly minted speaker will be able to produce stylistically correct sentences, while not thinking about how this is done.

Most likely, at the beginning of training, it will be a little difficult to generate semantically correct constructions on the fly. Therefore, before delivering a scheduled report, it is better to write down the basic maxims on paper - this way it will be easier for you to generate your speech.
As you prepare your speech, consider:

  • interesting thoughts,
  • expressions and word forms that come to mind.

Review the information received, it will facilitate your further work.

So, one of the working methods of developing the skill of beautiful oral speech is keeping a diary. It records the events that happened to a person during the day. On the one hand, this method helps to organize thoughts, on the other hand, it teaches how to express them beautifully and, as a result, helps to learn how to speak beautifully.

Thesaurus Improvement

Communicate more with different people

In the event that learning to speak beautifully is your goal, you need to realize once and for all that the wider your vocabulary, the more ornate and interesting your speech will be. In order for your thesaurus to be constantly updated, it is recommended to read more books and, drawing unfamiliar words from them, study and memorize their meaning. The same can be done when communicating with people.

The more words you know, the more diverse your social circle will become, because you will be able to maintain a conversation with representatives of different professions and social strata. That's right, thanks to the practice of communication and reading, you will significantly expand your vocabulary and make the speech more ornate.

To replenish vocabulary, experts recommend reading complex books with an abundance of unfamiliar words. Thus, you can achieve amazing results in a fairly short time.

Reading classical works is the key to competent and beautiful speech

Read books

Everyone has long known that classical literary works help people learn how to speak beautifully - it’s not for nothing that the whole world admires them. Remember that not every reading is useful for the formation of competent speech. So, reading the tabloid press or mediocre women's novels, you will never master the Virgil style. And vice versa, when reading classical literature - Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - a person puts precious speech turns into a piggy bank, which will certainly come in handy when conducting a conversation or reciting a speech.

Remember that writers and poets are called upon not only to entertain people and give them a sense of beauty. It is they who can make a world-class orator out of a tongue-tied person. Remember that well-delivered speech directly depends on reading.

However, you should not focus solely on the classics - today, there are great amount modern writers who introduce their own, unique and unlike anything style into the written word. Milorad Pavic, Boris Vian, Richard Brautigan - their work is permeated with a fairy tale, their style can literally be felt. By reading high-quality literature, you will notice that, over time, your speech will become more interesting, saturated with synonyms and metaphors. Now people will reach out to you with a request to teach them how to speak beautifully.

Technique of conducting public disputes

To learn how to speak beautifully, you should determine for yourself a few points. First, why do you need a beautiful, staged conversation? Do you just want to match up with your friends by talking to them as equals, or is your goal to become a professional public speaker who can turn the crowd on?

Different ends require different means. So, chatting with a few friends will never compare with public speaking to huge audiences. Even as a person with a well-delivered speech, before going to a meeting with a large number of people, be it a rally or a concert, you need to think through every phrase to the smallest detail and write down the result, in case you succumb to excitement or forget what you wanted to say.

Of course, it is necessary to plan performances of this kind in advance. In addition, after creating the perfect sketch, you should periodically re-read it - you may want to add or change something. Among other things, while proofreading your speech, you will probably find a few mistakes in it that are worth correcting.

The role of gestures and facial expressions in the construction of a monologue

Having understood how beautiful it is to communicate, you will certainly notice that even the most beautiful speech will be dry and uninteresting without the use of facial expressions and gestures. So, to be sure that your speaking skills are really good, you should practice near the mirror and understand what your strengths are and what you, on the contrary, are doing wrong.

At first, your gestures will look a little funny, but as you practice, you will understand what should be removed from the process, and what points look bright, they are better left. You should not assume that the implausible, forced smile that will become your companion throughout the monologue will be the ideal solution. Remember that people feel fake, and the more natural you look, the better you will be perceived. Practicing in front of the mirror long enough, you will certainly achieve tangible results.

As in any business, motivation is important in oratory. Be persistent, remember that you will never master the technique of competent presentation of thoughts.

The beauty of speech is in its confidence

Some people cannot express their thoughts clearly and clearly, not because of a lack of knowledge or an insufficient vocabulary base, sometimes the reason lies in banal shyness. If you notice that this problem concerns you, it is worth, first of all, to cross the inner barrier and stop being afraid of people. If you have already learned how to express your thoughts in the family circle or your mirror image, this does not mean that you do not hesitate in front of a large number of people. Practice self-control and, in time, you will be able to.

Highlight the main points

Of course, the variety of details in your monologue is a positive thing, however, sometimes your interlocutor can simply lose the thread. Remember too long literary works - have you ever wanted to put the book on the far shelf just because the climax will never come? This is also the case in the construction of a monologue.

Remember that even the most interesting information presented boringly loses all meaning and deprives the interlocutor of interest. When creating a speech, be guided by the main rule - stipulate the most important and interesting postulates, while omitting minor details that the interlocutor, if desired, will ask himself.

  • all in all,
  • as if,
  • exactly this,
  • type,
  • shorter.

A voice recorder will help you get rid of them, on which you can record part of your monologue and, after listening to it, highlight your own inserted words that haunt you.

It doesn't matter what exactly you record, because our goal is to identify unnecessary words in the process itself. Many people, having started recording themselves on a dictaphone, are simply amazed at the amount of unnecessary garbage flying out of their mouths.

Remember - a person who expresses his thoughts beautifully and correctly always stands out from the masses, they begin to imitate him, he literally becomes an ideal in terms of communication.

Do not forget that grandiloquent communication is a wonderful process, but it is far from always appropriate. It is worth delimiting circles of communication, understanding where you are at a particular moment in time and with whom you are having a dialogue. Sometimes, in order to achieve understanding, it is worth starting to communicate with people in the language that they understand to a greater extent.

Also, remember two necessary points that must be present when conducting a discussion or a simple friendly conversation. It's about self-control and maintaining self-control.