How to be a cool girl at 13. I'm the cool guy in the class

If you're a little nerd or just having a hard time getting other guys and girls to take you seriously, life can seem just impossible. Don't worry, you can change how people see you! It may take a little time and hard work, but perseverance and completing difficult tasks is part of being a tough guy. Read below to make Arnold Schwarzenegger look like a helpless kitten against your background.

How to be cool

1. Take up martial arts, boxing, sambo or wrestling, and make everyone around you know about it (at school, at work, on the street, your friends and everyone around you). People will know that you are a fighter and will think that you are strong/cool.

2. Go in for sports. Nothing says "cool" like massive arms. Sign up to the gym, do abs and squats, and take it seriously. Don't tell anyone that you play sports. Supplements like protein powders and creatine can help you reach your goals faster. (Don't forget about bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and crunches.)

3. Do scary and extreme things. Cool guys love the adrenaline rush, they love to overcome fears and step out of their comfort zone to improve themselves.

4. Be mysterious. Hint about past events that made you who you are now. Under no circumstances do you think.

5. Develop your pain tolerance. It's true that pain is necessary to know if something is wrong with your body, but don't let it control your mind.

6. Be rough, grow stubble or a mustache. Wear darker and/or rougher outfits. (You don't have to always wear black.)

7. Be unpredictable. If you're unpredictable, people won't know what to expect from you and it will scare away other "false" tough guys.

8. Earn other people's respect. Why be a tough guy if no one respects you? Earn respect by helping people with difficult assignments that no one else takes on, but make sure you don't push or force respect on you (depending on whether you're on the good side or the bad side). The choice is yours!

9. If things don't go the way you planned, or something bad might happen, always be calm. Instead of worrying or being scared, take the necessary steps to prevent, correct, or minimize the problem.

10. Learn the rules of the streets.

11. Don't start fights, end them. Don't just get into any fight you see - be smart.

12. Always be a white knight. Protect victims of bullies. Stand up for the offended. Take them under your protection and escort them to safety.

13. Do dirty work. When you are given a list of tasks, do what no one else wants to do, and do it with pleasure.

14. Be nice. It sounds strange, but being cool is not the same as being a villain. You must use your manners, just like everyone around you.


Keep your back straight. This will make you look confident.

Learn to fight. Being a tough guy means that you should always be ready to respond to the haters.

Find out people's weak points. Everyone has weaknesses that can be exploited. Even you! Try to work on yours and get rid of them!

Nothing says more about your seriousness than visible strength, self-confidence and kindness.

Develop self-confidence.

Schedule your workouts, make sure you work your abs and arms day in and day out to develop your strength and power.

Do or at least help with heavy tasks.

Don't scream if you see a spider.

Learn to be positive.

Eat meat and vegetables or whatever you want. After all, the tough guy has to choose what he eats.

On this page we will cover an interesting topic: "How to become cool?". And no matter where, at school, at work, in the company. On this page, the question is: "How to become cool?", will be treated as a general question. How to become cool in life - that's the scenario we're going to follow. So let's get started.

How to become cool?

When a person seeks a question for such an answer, he clearly has motives. It will be great if you state your motives why you want to become cool in the comments below the article. For guys, the motives can be the following: self-affirmation, attracting female attention, increasing a sense of significance, gaining respect, feeling a sense of superiority. Approximately such desires arise in a man when he wants to become cool. Every action is always followed by a motive.

Before you become cool, you need to describe the image and qualities of a cool person. This is a required task. If you do not fulfill it, then you will not take concrete steps. I'm sure you know roughly what a cool man or a cool girl looks like. However, the description may vary from person to person.

For example, someone would describe a cool person as follows: a cool person is someone who has a lot of dough, a lot of heifers, a lot of sex, a fancy car, an elite house, a mountain of fans. The option is good. He relies on the possessions of something. Another person will focus on character traits: a cool person is always confident in himself, maybe for others, takes responsibility, knows how to handle girls, has an adequate,. The first and second options can be combined, then you get a very cool person.

However, not everyone can get rich in our world in order to become cool. It is better to choose the second option and go for it. Therefore, write your conditions that will make you a cool person. My example will help you.

Just don't fall into the same trap. Many Hollywood films have their own cool characters. But they are fictitious and untruthful. Remember the movie . What guy do you see there? Yes, he's really cool. Just if you start to make an image in his likeness, then you will have to learn how to shoot, fight with the crowd, run after the terrorists. You will have to do the same if Agent 007 is your ideal image of a cool person.

If you look at the heroes of Hollywood films and want to be like them, then take only character traits from them. I do not need to take them from me, as it is impossible. Watch how they behave in difficult situations, how they control themselves, how they behave with girls / men. Coax their behavior. That's all you need for the first step in order to become cool.

To be cool, you have to make the decision to be cool. Now I will tell you a very interesting story from my life. When I was in school, I had a classmate. He is Azerbaijani by nationality. In the 6th grade, he was offended by classmates and students from parallel classes. When he wasn't in class, the whole class kicked his briefcase all over the class. When he arrived, his briefcase was covered in dirt, crumpled, and the textbooks in it were torn apart.

One day he got bored and decided to become cool. At school, the cool guy is the guy everyone is afraid of. To fear is to respect. At one point, he just stopped allowing others to treat him like that. If earlier he was afraid to fight, then this time he often went to "arrows" after school and defended his honor. A few months later, even the most hooligan boys of the school began to respect him. That's how he turned from a sucker into a tough guy.

To be cool in the neighborhood, you have to be cool. It’s not enough just to know the image of a tough guy. This image must be followed. That is, you need to learn how to express yourself in conflicts. Alas, one of the ways to become cool and gain respect is the ability to stand up for yourself mentally and physically. It doesn't matter if you're a teenager or an adult.

To learn to stand up for yourself and temper your character, you must deliberately create such conditions. For example, start attending martial arts schools. I myself have been engaged in this business for 10 years and I know that there you will bring up a man in yourself. Firstly, you will somehow learn how to fight, and secondly, there will always be a local bully with whom you can conflict and fight. By doing this, you will begin to feel like a more confident person. The toughness will start to develop.

For extreme people, you can choose a specific job. For example, the work of a loader. Most of the loaders are always drunk and ill-mannered. Once in their company, get ready for the fact that you will have to demonstrate your cool qualities. Such advice is only for extreme people and for those who strongly and quickly want to become cool.

Answer the question: What does a cool person look like? Surely you will say that he is pumped up, walks all out of himself, thieves and so on. I advise you to pay attention to the gait of a tough person, to the way he walks. A confident person can be identified by his gait. I think you understood me what you need to start following in the first place at the initial stages.

Create your look and style as a tough guy or girl. Pay attention to your clothes and hairstyle. Stand in front of a mirror and start looking at yourself. Answer the question: "Do I look like a tough person?". If not, start making changes. By the way, for coolness, you can wear sunglasses "steep" models (remember Neo from the movie "Matrix").

Break the rules. A cool person does not follow other people's tastes, he easily breaks the rules and sets his own. This should be done in moderation. Otherwise, you can be severely punished for it.

How to be cool

First of all, you must always monitor your appearance and be impeccable in everything. Clothing, clean and ironed, should be chosen carefully and tastefully. Learn how to make different hairstyles and choose the most suitable for each look: sports, casual and festive. With makeup, it is advisable not to overdo it, but to emphasize your natural beauty. At the same time, pay attention to manicure weekly: nails should be well-groomed, clean and filed to the same length. Jewelry and accessories are chosen according to the occasion, without pretentiousness and frills.

positive and respect

Be sociable and strive to beautifully and competently express your thoughts. Try to be witty and cheerful. Show respect and a positive attitude towards everyone around you and do not seek to command. A leader is not the person who forces everyone to obey, but the one who is able to offer the best solutions and knows how to lead.

To do this, learn to understand the interests of your entire team separately and strive to find unifying goals. The leader is determined to rally the whole team around him and does not intend to conduct intrigues.

The pursuit of excellence

A strong personality, able to lead, must have a high level of knowledge and abilities. Constantly expand your horizons and strive to be excellent in certain areas in which you will have no equal. It can be some school subject, sport or hobby. Strive to improve your skills and abilities. At the same time, do not be modest and show your advantages: actively participate in discussions and provide convincing facts, take part in competitions and everything that you understand. Leaders do not sit on the sidelines, they act and gather their group of adherents.

Personal opinion

Those individuals who have their own point of view on many issues become authoritative. In cases where they do not understand something, they listen to the opinion of experts. The leader becomes the girl who is principled in her beliefs, is not subject to other people's influence and is used to keeping her word.

Leaders must also be purposeful individuals. They know what they want to achieve from life and are quite demanding and ambitious. Learn to set goals and think through the most effective plan for their implementation. The leader seeks to calculate the situation many steps ahead and attracts all those around him for future success.

Confidence without reason

It is impossible to take a leading position in the team and even a little doubt yourself. A leading person knows his worth, adequately perceives his capabilities, but at the same time he is confident in his rightness and victory. She turns her shortcomings into virtues or simply presents them as individual characteristics. Be self-confident without reasons and doubts, and this feeling will pass to others.

Do you really want to win the favor of others, but you do not know how to do it? Would you like to try on the image of a cool girl? There is a solution!

always attract you like a magnet. They try to imitate such people, elevating them to the rank of idols. You will never see them among the crowd - they usually lead it. It is hardly worth copying their image - it will still be inferior to the original.

How to become a cool girl? Find your own path, however, you still need to start from a certain base.

So the steel was tempered

If you know about such concepts as "willpower" and "iron character" only by hearsay - it does not matter. These qualities can be cultivated in yourself. What does that require?

Go in for sports - it is a great motivator.

- Set goals and achieve them, do not quit halfway through.

- Learn to control your emotions. Only those who know how to manage themselves can manage others.

- Stick to the daily routine. A cool girl is not a party girl, hanging out at night in clubs, and in the morning crawling to couples. Everything is just the opposite.

The ability to see the good in everything

Our thoughts are a beautiful flower that needs to be nurtured. If you allow a grain of negativity into your head, then you can be sure that this weed will definitely germinate and try to stifle a flower that delights those around you with its wonderful aroma. How to learn to protect yourself from the bad?

- Keep a diary of personal achievements. Every day, write down 5 successfully completed tasks in it, gradually bringing their number to 10. You will see, your life will begin to improve!

- Don't be lazy. Only a pampered princess can afford to sit on satin pillows and be capricious: I don’t want to, I won’t. A cool girl is a hardworking nature. As a rule, we create jobs for ourselves by not doing things on time. Hence depression and nervous breakdowns.

Don't take trouble as a trend: "Well, here it is again, this could only happen to me." In general, forget that sentences can be built in this way. Learn to learn from your own mistakes, unless you want the rake dance to be your signature act in life.

Connecting with the right people

If you are now in a company where you are considered uninteresting, it is hardly worth wringing your hands, slandering yourself. It's the psychology of a loser. Perhaps you just need to change companies. Find friends of interest, sign up for various sections and circles. These people will see you in a completely different way.

A talented person is talented in everything

Powerpuff girls tend to be very smart and well-read. You just need to read the right books, not modern glosses. Look for the use of your talents, perhaps you will discover facets in yourself that you could not even imagine. The more you know how, the higher your competence in various areas, the more cool you are considered to be.

Even when she sleeps, it is clear that she is educated

Many, hearing the phrase "cool girl", imagine a catwoman or a kind of Terminator in a skirt. It's not like that at all. The cool girl has a unique feminine charm, she has great manners. Learn to express your emotions brightly and beautifully, because behind them lies the power that you have so stubbornly nurtured in yourself.

I'm in the house!

Don't lock yourself in. Living in your own little world, where you are a lovely dandelion surrounded by evil gnomes, is pleasant and convenient: if anything, you are in a house, and no one can reach you. Get out of your shell, hatch into the light of day already - life is full of interesting people and events!

Thus, to become a cool girl, you do not need to wear aviator glasses, pout your lips and take a picture of yourself in the mirror on your iPhone. Real coolness is in knowledge, in true, not ostentatious self-confidence, in friendliness and willingness to help. How do you know that you have succeeded in becoming a leader?

Everything is very simple - a special light will light up in your eyes, to which good people will begin to flock. Radiate happiness - and it will come to you!

A cool girl is always the attention of classmates, a lot of friends, the sympathy of boys. We will now tell you about what needs to be done to become the most popular girl in the class and at school.

How to achieve "cool girl" status

To make your peers like you as much as possible, follow these tips.

  • Make sure that your appearance is as attractive as possible. Make beautiful interesting hairstyles. Wear fashionable clothes and various accessories: jewelry, belts, hairpins and hoops. Moreover, you can completely learn how to make jewelry yourself - then they are guaranteed to be original and unique.
  • Cultivate the qualities of a leader. A cool girl is necessarily decisive, courageous, with her own opinion on every issue. Never be afraid of how your classmates and friends will evaluate you - stay independent.
  • Be sociable and liberated. Feel free to communicate with boys, peers and guys a little older. Nothing to be ashamed of - you're the best!
  • When thinking about how to become a cool girl, it will not be out of place to pay attention to self-education. Study hard, be active in class, be creative with your homework. This will help, firstly, to gain self-confidence, and secondly, it will force classmates to reckon with your opinion, because you will become smart.
  • Stay up to date with the latest in fashion, music, etc. Your peers will certainly appreciate your knowledge and consider you very modern.
  • If you have something that others don't, show it off delicately. For example, it can be some interesting toy, a music CD signed by a famous artist. If one of your relatives has an expensive and stylish car, then ask him to pick you up from school a couple of times. Calculate everything so that your peers will definitely see how you get into a luxury car.
  • It is very important to be well educated. Never quarrel with anyone, do not be rude to teachers and comrades, acquaintances. Do not offend or humiliate others. Respect elders. Be polite and honest. Know how to sincerely feel sorry for those who feel bad or difficult. Always offer your help to other people if you can be of some help to them. Such human qualities always cause respect and sympathy.
  • Dare to stand up for yourself. Despite the previous point, you still should always be able to protect yourself from the attacks of other guys. Learn to say a categorical "no". Never go out of your way with those who say: “Do it ..., or are you weak?” Always answer this that you are not “weak”, you just don’t want to do it, which means you won’t. Be relentless.
  • Make new acquaintances. Cool girls always have a large number of friends, fans and just buddies. Moreover, it is desirable that they include a boy and girls older than you - this always causes respect and admiration among peers.
  • Start dating a cool guy. Together you will become a real thunderstorm of the whole school.
  • Smile. A sincere smile will help you win over other people.

Since not only girls, but also boys want to be popular among peers, we have prepared another interesting article on this topic -