What strategic mistakes did Hitler make during World War II? Adolf Hitler: biography (briefly).

Hitler's main mistake is the very assumption of the Second World War. Before the attack on Poland, he waged a hybrid war, which ended with the triumphant occupation of the Rhineland, the Ainschluss of Austria and the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact turned out to be a grandiose trap. Both for Hitler and for Stalin (in the future). The miscalculation was that no one would stand up for Poland. They intervened. So much so that by 1941, before the attack on the USSR, Hitler was defeated at sea EVERYWHERE. He was just listening to his generals - and admirals - and therefore did not give a suicidal order to attack England. There were no resources for this. Air attacks on England failed and almost ended in the complete disappearance of the Luftwaffe. The most insulting thing for Hitler is that Mussolini let him down. Hitler counted on the most powerful fleet in the Mediterranean, the Italian fleet. But alas, pasta lovers turned into a shameful flight at the mere sight of the English. Then Mussolini stabbed Hitler in the back by attacking Greece and getting sickly from the Greek army, teeming with English advisers. Hitler had to throw huge forces into the occupation of Greece and the Archipelago. Plus Mussolini completely screwed up in Africa. And Hitler had to send Rommel's corps there. Germany de facto found itself in a complete naval blockade. And if it weren’t for the super-generous help to everyone from the ally, the USSR, then it would have ended. But with all this, Hitler was shaking every second with fear that the huge 6-millionth, armed to the teeth, superior to the Wehrmacht in all types of weapons - the Red Army, a dear friend and ally of Stalin, would strike from the Bialystok ledge to the rear of Germany, and the troops of the Southwestern District they will hit that other "ally" - Romania, Ploiesti, depriving Hitler of oil. And these were not just "fears" - Stalin's occupation of Bukovina, not provided for by the Pact, caused hysteria in Berlin. A sober analysis of the situation with England gave Hitler a fairly accurate forecast that the possibility of a large-scale land operation of the British in Europe in the near future was not improbable. This led Hitler to a simple choice - to try to eliminate the USSR with one insane blow. Then there was a chance for a peace treaty with England. Or meekly wait until Stalin strikes first. Hitler struck first, aware of the adventurousness of his step. None of the German strategists could even count on the fact that the formidable on paper intelligence of the Red Army, at the very first blows, would abandon all their new weapons and scatter through the forests, and millions would go over to the side of the Germans with weapons in their hands. The Germans fought on captured tanks (the losses of the Red Army in the first months were 14,500 vehicles) and on captured fuel. But no one could even count on the fact that Stalin would be able to mobilize almost 12 million new cannon fodder in exchange for the utterly defeated 5.5 million First Strategic Echelon. The detachments and huge losses managed to stop the Germans. But Hitler had a tiny chance to finish off Stalin before the end of 1941, when the United States entered the war on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition. With their huge economic potential. With the entry of the United States into the war under the current lend-lease law, for the Axis countries it was strategically lost forever. The issue of Hitler's defeat after December 1941 was only a matter of time. Therefore, the entire company on the Eastern Front after December 1941 and until 1945 had no strategic significance. It was only an attempt to delay the inevitable death of the Third Reich. Thus, the strategic plan of the ingenious Roosevelt was fully realized - who expected during the new world war to weaken the British Empire and make it a junior partner of the United States (it was 100% successful, the British Empire collapsed as a result of the war), and also to eliminate one of the two enraged maniacs - Hitler or Stalin, but so that they previously bled each other (in relation to Hitler, it worked 100%, in relation to Stalin, 50%, but Stalin's empire existed after the war for a ridiculous 46 years - and collapsed in 1991 in the force of complete economic bankruptcy.) Stalin's strategic plan to stab Hitler in the back, busy conquering England, brilliantly failed. Having moved from Hitler’s allies to the camp of the anti-Hitler coalition and formally won the Second World War, the USSR won a Pyrrhic victory, overstrained itself, made several attempts to show the world Kuz’kina motherly, but, unable to withstand the arms race economically, collapsed under the yoke of internal contradictions.

Hitler is the main ideologist of the military campaigns of the Third Reich. But his obsession became the source of not only high-profile victories, but also fatal defeats that led Germany to collapse.

Dreaming of glory

On February 4, 1938, Hitler removed from their posts Minister of War von Blomberg and Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces von Fritsch. Now the main instrument of the foreign policy of the Reich was in the hands of the Fuhrer. In the coming war, it was Hitler, in the rank of supreme commander, who was to win the laurels of the winner.
But the real change in Hitler's psychology took place after the outbreak of World War II, when Germany took over virtually all of Western Europe in less than a year. “He became more and more overwhelmed by the crazy idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeing a commander who, thanks to his unerring intuition, can do the same thing as highly qualified generals and general staff officers,” wrote the German historian Hans-Adolf Jacobsen about Hitler.
The superiority of the German war machine seemed to cloud Hitler's mind. He began to frankly express distrust of military specialists, who until recently had been indisputable authorities for him. The American historian Alexander Bevin writes about this: "Hitler did not understand that the Germans managed to win the victory not because of his insight, but thanks to the military skill of two generals - Erich von Manstein and Heinz Guderian."
When the turning point came on the Western Front and Allied air superiority became apparent, Hitler did not want to hear about a defensive strategy. Since 1943, American planes have been bombarding German cities and aviation industry without hindrance.
According to the German military leaders, "the fighting fighters of the imperial air defense could not compensate for the mistakes of its top leadership that were made in the field of general strategic planning." Hitler's arbitrariness sooner or later was bound to lead to fatal consequences.

On two fronts

On January 9, 1941, at a secret meeting at the headquarters of the operational leadership of the Wehrmacht, Hitler justified his plans to invade the USSR in the following way: “The British are supported by the hope that the Russians might intervene. They will only give up resistance when this last continental hope of theirs is crushed.
Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, in How the Second World War Was Lost, argues that it was not "living space in the East" that permeated Hitler's political calculations, but rather "the Napoleonic idea of ​​defeating England by defeating Russia" was the main impetus. At first glance, the crazy idea had its own paradoxical logic.
German journalist Sebastian Haffner, who immigrated to England, explained that for at least another two years Germany could not be afraid of a major offensive in the West. If Hitler succeeded within this period in subduing the Soviet Union and making its population and industrial potential work for Germany, then he might hope to be ready in 1943 or 1944 for the final showdown with England and America.
In the event of the conquest of the USSR, Hitler hoped to induce Japan to go to war with the British colonies in the Asian region, which significantly increased the chances of the Axis countries for overall success in the war.
As expected, the decision "to proceed with the destruction of the vital forces of Russia" worried a number of German generals. They were afraid to leave behind a potential threat in the face of Britain and the United States.
Hitler's paradoxical logic manifested itself again after the turning point on the Eastern Front, when the purpose of the Reich's military campaign was only to delay defeat. Now the Führer seemed to want war in the West. “The active performance of England and the United States in the European theater of operations gave Germany a chance to replace the defeat in the East with a defeat in the West, or even cause a big war between East and West as a continuation of the war with the Soviet Union,” Haffner suggested.

Lost chances

The chain of errors of the German headquarters began as early as June 1940, when the commander of Army Group A, Gerd von Rundstedt, at the suggestion of Hitler, stopped the Wehrmacht tank divisions making their way to the English Channel. The fateful stop order gave the Allies the opportunity to evacuate over 350,000 soldiers to the British Isles - almost all who were in the Dunkirk pocket.
In April 1941, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was on the verge of a major victory: his Afrika Korps entrenched in positions in the immediate vicinity of the Suez Canal and was ready to oust the British troops from there. All that was needed to conquer Egypt was to reinforce Rommel's grouping with the rapid transfer of two panzer divisions.
The commander of the German Navy, Erich Raeder, having learned about the successes of the Wehrmacht in North Africa, suggested that Hitler undertake a "decisive attack on Egypt - Suez." In his opinion, if Rommel had received the reinforcements he required, he would certainly have occupied Egypt long before the end of 1941.
According to Rommel's plan, it was necessary to temporarily suspend the offensive in the Balkans and concentrate forces in North Africa in order to finally drive the Allies out of the Mediterranean basin. Rommel blamed the Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces, Franz Halder, for refusing to transfer additional divisions to Egypt, not knowing that the general only obediently carried out the will of the Fuhrer.
Hitler did not take advantage of Rommel's gift. He continued to dream of a big war in the East.
On August 22, 1941, General Heinz Guderian received an unexpected order to move his army to Kyiv. The next day, Franz Halder announced Hitler's decision to postpone the Leningrad and Moscow operations in order to focus on the capture of Ukraine and Crimea.
Guderian, at a meeting with Hitler, expressed his position on an urgent attack on Leningrad and Moscow, the fall of which made it possible to bring the final success in the war closer. Hitler responded by vehemently accusing his commanders of incompetence and strongly insisting on the need to seize an important industrial region in southeastern Ukraine.
Ukraine fell - Hitler achieved his goal. In late autumn, the German army stepped up its operations in the Moscow direction. However, the Soviet leadership used the temporary respite to prepare for the defense of the capital.

The arrogance of the winner

Grand Admiral Erich Raeder once remarked to Hitler that the defeat of France had already opened the way for him to a common victory, and in order to conquer the whole world it was absolutely not necessary to attack the Soviet Union. However, an experienced naval commander understood that it was impossible to convince the Reich Chancellor.
Even having entered the war against the USSR, Hitler could not concentrate on one decisive goal. Alexander Bevin in his book "10 Fatal Mistakes of Hitler" wrote that the German leader sought to simultaneously conquer three objects located at a great distance from each other: Leningrad, because communism was born there, Ukraine - the breadbasket of the USSR and Transcaucasia - the most important oil-bearing region.
Since October 1941, the German troops for the first time faced serious difficulties in supply, as the capacity of the Soviet railways was lower than expected. The normal operation of transport was complicated by regular partisan raids, and the onset of the autumn thaw slowed down the pace of advancement of Army Group Center several times.
“The roads soon turned into bottomless mud channels,” Guderian recalled, “on which our cars could move at a snail’s pace, while wearing out the engines a lot.” The arrival of the harsh Russian winter and the counteroffensive of the Red Army completely paralyzed the German war machine.
The situation on the Eastern Front presented Germany with the highest demands on the supply and support of troops. Hitler was confused. The rapid victories of the German army in the West turned his head. Friedrich Olbert, head of the ground forces department for general affairs, already in 1941 soberly remarked: "Our army is just a breath of wind in the wide Russian steppes."
The German writer Ernst Engelberg argues that the collapse of the Blitzkrieg is in no small part due to the arrogant attitude of the Reich Chancellor towards the Soviet Union. “This played a role in the fact that the production of military products in 1940–1942 was not brought to the same scale as it was after 1942,” the author concluded.
"The arrogance of the winner" - this is how the military historian Rolf-Dieter Müller described the shortcomings of the German military industry on the eve of Operation Barbarossa. The head of the German war economy, Hans Kerl, lamented that the economic potential of the occupied industrial regions of Europe was not used to the right extent: "The war was lost economically as early as 1940–1941."

On the same rake

In the spring of 1943, Germany was in a critical situation on the Eastern Front. Many German generals realized that only defensive actions could save the army from disaster. On March 9, 1943, supporting the German military leaders, Mussolini turned to Hitler with a demand not to take offensive actions on the Eastern Front. Hitler refused an ally, and then the Duce, in a rage, threatened to conclude a separate peace with the USSR.
By the summer, a significant part of the German front in the USSR, according to Field Marshal Manstein, "as if asking to be cut off." But Hitler made the same mistake as at Stalingrad. “He was going to attack a real fortress and did not take full advantage of mobile tactics, colliding with the Russians in the place that they themselves had chosen,” Manstein criticized the Fuhrer.
On the Kursk Bulge, the Wehrmacht lost the tank potential (about 1500 vehicles), which Guderian was counting on in the future. Without armored vehicles, the German army not only could not successfully attack, but also defend itself. On July 10, 1943, an Anglo-American landing force landed on the Sicilian coast, which added a headache to the German General Staff.
If before the defeat near Kursk, Hitler still hoped for a separate peace with Stalin, now the Soviet leader was dictating the terms. From now on, the red war machine will progressively move to the West.

lost sky

Since 1943, the epicenter of the military confrontation has moved from the earth to the sky. Here the advantage of the allies began to emerge clearly. Germany continued to fight with types of aircraft, the range of which did not exceed 500 kilometers. Only by the end of 1943 did He-177 four-engine bombers appear in the sky. But while mass production of new vehicles was being launched, the Allies were systematically destroying stocks of German fuel.
Germany was also sorely lacking in fighters. Hitler only at the end of 1943 ordered to increase their production to 300 cars per month. But one increase in the fleet was not enough. Historian Hans-Adolf Jacobsen notes that the top German leadership adhered to the principle of defending the airspace mainly on the outer bastions, while the German sky remained vulnerable to Allied aircraft.
However, Germany still had a weapon that had no analogues in the world - the Messerschmitt Me.262 jet aircraft. In 1943, the aircraft was under development. Hitler in a modified car wanted to see not only a fighter, but also a bomber. The leadership of the Luftwaffe recognized the idea of ​​​​a universal aircraft as extremely unsuccessful. The Reich Chancellor, of course, continued to insist on his own.
Disagreements in the military leadership led to the fact that with the opening of the Second Front, the high-speed bomber was not ready. The delay cost Germany complete defeat in the air war.

Under hypnosis to disaster

The German lawyer from the Third Reich, Hans Frank, observed that "empires built on democratic principles last until the end of time, but empires built on the principles of hatred and physical violence always have a rather short lifespan." As historians have repeatedly pointed out, the Nazi ideology repelled potential allies from Germany, who initially met the German troops as liberators.
After the failure in the Battle of England, according to the writer Alexander Bevin, two of the most important tasks remained for Hitler: “the war against Soviet Russia and the physical liquidation of representatives of peoples objectionable to the Nazis. This riveted Hitler's attention, and also took away a large part of the military and human resources of the German Reich.
A historian from the University of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg, Bernd Wegner, in addition to the strategic factors that led to the defeat of Germany, calls the ideological “tabooization of defeat”. This suicidal ideologeme "dominated at all systemic levels of the state in general, and the army in particular." Wegner concludes that due to the shift in emphasis, Germany was forced to wage most of the war in an improvisational mode.
Hitler's obsession at all costs to bring the war to a victorious triumph was also "infected" by many German military leaders. Colonel General Alfred Jodl, despite the total retreat of the German army, declared that Germany would win, "because we must win, otherwise world history would lose its meaning."
Admiral Dönitz noted an inexplicable hypnotic "radiation" emanating from Hitler. After visiting the Fuhrer, Dönitz needed several days to recover. Hitler's demonic influence on the environment in a critical situation at the front inevitably moved the empire to a catastrophe, which even the most sober heads of the Reich could no longer stop.

Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) - a great political and military figure, the founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, the founder and ideologist of the theory of National Socialism.

Hitler is known to the whole world, first of all, as a bloody dictator, a nationalist who dreamed of taking over the whole world and purging it of people of the "wrong" (not Aryan) race. He conquered half the world, launched a world war, created one of the most brutal political systems and destroyed millions of people in his camps.

Brief biography of Adolf Hitler

Hitler was born in a small town on the border between Germany and Austria. At school, the boy studied poorly, and he never managed to get a higher education - he tried twice to enter the Academy of Arts (Hitler had artistic talent), but he was never accepted.

At a young age at the beginning of the First World War, Hitler voluntarily went to fight at the front, where the birth of a great politician and National Socialist took place in him. Hitler achieved success in his military career, received the rank of corporal and several military awards. In 1919, he returned from the war and joined the German Workers' Party, where he was also quickly promoted. During a serious economic and political crisis in Germany, Hitler skillfully carried out a series of National Socialist reforms in the party and achieved the post of head of the party in 1921. Since that time, he began to actively promote his policies and new national ideas, using the party apparatus and his military experience.

After the Bavarian putsch was organized on Hitler's orders, he was immediately arrested and sent to prison. It was during the time spent in prison that Hitler wrote one of his main works, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), in which he outlined all his thoughts on the current situation, outlined his position on racial issues (the superiority of the Aryan race), declared war Jews and communists, and also stated that it was Germany that should become the dominant state in the world.

Hitler's path to world domination began in 1933 when he was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Hitler got his post thanks to the economic reforms he carried out, which helped to overcome the crisis that erupted in 1929 (Germany was ruined after the First World War and was not in the best position). After his appointment as Reich Chancellor, Hitler immediately banned all other parties except the Nationalist Party. In the same period, a law was passed according to which Hitler became dictators for 4 years, having unlimited power.

A year later, in 1934, he himself appointed himself the leader of the "Third Reich" - a new political system based on the nationalist principle. Hitler's struggle with the Jews flared up - SS detachments and concentration camps were created. In the same period, the army was completely modernized and re-equipped - Hitler was preparing for a war that was supposed to bring Germany world domination.

In 1938, Hitler's victorious march around the world began. First, Austria was captured, then Czechoslovakia - they were annexed to the territory of Germany. The Second World War was in full swing. In 1941, Hitler's army attacked the USSR (the Great Patriotic War), but in four years of hostilities, Hitler failed to capture the country. The Soviet army, on the orders of Stalin, pushed back the German troops and captured Berlin.

At the end of the war, in his last days, Hitler controlled the troops from an underground bunker, but this did not help. Humiliated by defeat, Adolf Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide in 1945.

The main provisions of Hitler's policy

Hitler's policy is a policy of racial discrimination and the superiority of one race and people over another. This is what guided the dictator, both in domestic and foreign policy. Germany under his leadership was to become a racially pure power that follows socialist principles and is ready to take the lead in the world. In order to achieve this ideal, Hitler pursued a policy of extermination of all other races, Jews were subjected to special persecution. At first they were simply deprived of all civil rights, and then they simply began to be caught and killed with particular cruelty. Later, captured soldiers also ended up in concentration camps during World War II.

However, it is worth noting that Hitler managed to significantly improve the German economy and bring the country out of the crisis. Hitler significantly reduced unemployment. He raised the industry (it was now focused on serving the military industry), encouraged various social events and various holidays (exclusively among the native German population). Germany, in general, before the war was able to get on its feet and gain some economic stability.

Results of Hitler's reign

  • Germany managed to get out of the economic crisis;
  • Germany turned into a National Socialist state, which bore the unofficial name of the "Third Reich" and pursued a policy of racial discrimination and terror;
  • Hitler became one of the main figures who unleashed the Second World War. He managed to seize vast territories and significantly increase the political influence of Germany in the world;
  • Hundreds of thousands of innocent people, including children and women, were killed during Hitler's reign of terror. Numerous concentration camps, where Jews and other objectionable personalities were taken, became death chambers for hundreds of people, only a few survived;
  • Hitler is considered one of the most brutal world dictators in the history of mankind.

Adolf Hitler - Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, head of the NSNRP, commander-in-chief of the military forces of National Socialist Germany in World War II. Today, perhaps, you will not meet a person who would not know this name. Adolf Hitler, whose brief biography will be described below, is considered the most tyrannical and odious ruler of the twentieth century.

Genus history

Adolf Hitler did not like to talk about his family and origin, despite the fact that his subordinates always demanded an extensive description of their ancestry. The only person frequently mentioned by Hitler was his mother Clara.

The ancestors of the Reich Chancellor were simple Austrian peasants, only his father managed to become a government official.

Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, whose biography is not so well known, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Subsequently, she married the poor miller Johann Hiedler, and Alois was given his surname. However, a mistake was made during registration, and the letter “d” in the surname was replaced with “t”.

Modern historians have found evidence that the real father of Alois was the brother of Johann Hiedler, Johann Nepomuk. Therefore, the inbreeding that took place in the Hitler family is often discussed in modern science. After all, the granddaughter of Johann Nepomuk, Clara Pölzl, became the wife of Alois.

In the marriage of Alois and Clara on April 20, 1889, after several unsuccessful attempts to have a child, a son was born. He was given the name Adolf Hitler. The biography, a brief summary of which would not fit on a dozen sheets, began in the village of Ranshofen, on the border of Austria-Hungary and Germany.


Until the age of three, Adolf, together with his mother, father, half-brother Alois and sister Angela, lived in the town of Braunau am Inn.

After the promotion of his father, the Hitler family had to move first to the city of Passau, then to Linz. After Alois retired for health reasons, the family settled in the town of Gafeld, near Lambach an der Traun, where they bought a house in 1895.

Adolf Hitler, whose biography indicates the illiteracy of most of his relatives, studied well in elementary school and pleased his parents with good grades.

He attended school at a Catholic monastery, was a member of the boys' choir and helped the priest during Mass.

In 1898, the Hitlers moved to the village of Leonding, where Adolf graduated from a public school. It was at this time that Alois had a great influence on his son with his constant pressure, moralizing and anti-church statements.

When Adolf was eleven years old, he entered a real school in Linz. It was here that the habits of the future dictator began to emerge. Young Adolf was obstinate, intolerant and refused to attend certain subjects, devoting all his time to history, geography and drawing.


After the unexpected death of his father in 1903, Adolf moved to Linz and lived in a hostel. He did not attend classes quite often, as he decided for himself that he would not follow in his father's footsteps and become an official. Adolf Hitler is an artist! That was the boy's dream.

Due to repeated absenteeism and confrontation with teachers, Hitler transferred to a real school in the city of Steyr. Adolf failed to pass the exams for the fourth grade in some subjects.

In 1907, Hitler makes an attempt to enter the Vienna General Art School, but fails the entrance exams in the second round. The admission committee recommends that he try his hand at architecture, as he sees a predisposition to this.

In the same year, Adolf's mother dies from the consequences of a serious illness. Hitler returns to Vienna, where he again tries to enter art school.

People from the entourage of Adolf Hitler in those years testify that he was intolerant, wayward, quick-tempered and was always in search of someone on whom to pour out his anger.

Adolf Hitler, whose paintings began to bring him a tangible income, refused the orphan's pension due to him. A little later, he inherited the deceased aunt Johanna Pölzl.

At the age of twenty-four, Hitler moves to Munich in order to avoid service in the Austrian army. He hates the idea of ​​standing next to the Czechs and Jews. During this period, his intolerance towards other nations is born and begins to develop rapidly.

Participation in World War I

The outbreak of the First World War enthralled Hitler. He immediately entered the German army as a volunteer. On October 8, 1914, the future dictator took an oath of allegiance to the King of Bavaria, as well as Emperor Franz Joseph.

Already at the end of October, as part of the sixteenth reserve Bavarian regiment, Adolf was sent to the Western Front. Hitler, whose biography will soon be full of participation in various battles, received the rank of corporal after the battles on the Yser and near Ypres.

In early November, Hitler was transferred to army headquarters as a liaison officer. Soon he was awarded the Iron Cross of the second degree. Until March, Adolf participated in positional battles in French Flanders.

Hitler received his first wound in the Battle of the Somme. A shrapnel wound to the thigh kept him in the hospital until March 1917. After recovery, he took part in the battles in Upper Alsace, in Artois, in Flanders, for which he was awarded the Cross of the 3rd degree (for military merit).

According to colleagues and commanders, Hitler was an excellent soldier - selfless, courageous and fearless. During the entire First World War, Adolf Hitler collected a whole collection of awards and medals. However, he failed to meet the defeat of Germany on the battlefield. Adolf ended up in the hospital as a result of the explosion of a chemical projectile, for some time he was even blind.

The surrender of Germany and the overthrow of the Kaiser, Hitler took as a betrayal and was deeply shocked by the outcome of the war.

Creation of the Nazi Party

The new year 1919 began for the future Fuhrer with work as a security guard in a prisoner of war camp for soldiers. However, soon the French and Russians held in the camp were amnestied, and an inspired Adolf Hitler returned to Munich. The biography briefly indicates this period of his life.

At first he was in the barracks of the Bavarian Infantry Regiment. He has not yet decided on his future activities. In this troubled time, in addition to architecture, politics also began to fascinate him. Although he did not stop working. Adolf Hitler, whose paintings were highly appreciated by the famous artist Max Zeper, was at a crossroads.

Hitler was helped to decide in life by sending him to the courses of agitators by the army authorities. There he made a strong impression with his anti-Semitic statements and discovered his talent as an orator. The head of the agitation department appointed Hitler as an education officer. Adolf Hitler, an artist whose paintings could take places in famous museums, gave way to Adolf the politician, who was destined to become a despot and a murderer.

It was at this time that Hitler finally began to position himself as an ardent anti-Semite. In 1919 he joined the German Workers' Party and headed the propaganda department.

Hitler's first public speech on behalf of the Nazi Party took place on February 24, 1920. Then they were presented with a list of 25 items symbolizing the canons of the Nazis. These included, among other things, anti-Semitism, the idea of ​​the unity of the German nation, a strong central government. On his own initiative, the party was given a new name - the German National Socialist Workers' Party. After a major conflict with other representatives of the party, Hitler became its undisputed leader and ideologist.

beer coup

The episode that led Hitler to the prison bunk was called the Beer Hall Putsch in German history. Surprisingly, all parties in Bavaria held their public events and discussions in pubs.

The social democratic government of Germany was severely criticized by conservatives, communists and Nazis in connection with the French occupation and the severe economic crisis. In Bavaria, where Hitler led his party, separatist conservatives were in power. They wanted the restoration of the monarchy when the Nazis advocated the creation of the Reich. The government in Berlin sensed the imminent threat and ordered Gustov von Kahr, the head of the right-wing party, to disband the NSDAP (Nazi party). However, he did not take this step, but he also did not want to enter into an open confrontation with the authorities. Hitler, having learned about this, decided to act.

On November 8, 1923, Adolf Hitler, at the head of a detachment of storm troopers, broke into a pub where a meeting of the Bavarian government was taking place. G. Von Karu and his associates managed to escape, and on November 9, while trying to seize the Ministry of Defense, Hitler was captured, and his party suffered heavy losses in killed and wounded.

The trial of Adolf Hitler took place already in 1924. As an organizer of the coup and a traitor to the legitimate government, he was sentenced to five years, of which he served only nine months.

Adolf Hitler "My Struggle" ("Mein Kampf")

Not without reason, historians and researchers of Hitler's life call his stay in prison a sanatorium. After all, guests were freely allowed to visit him, he could write and receive letters. But the main thing of his entire stay in prison was a book with a political program, written and edited by Adolf Hitler. “My struggle” is the name of the book by the author.

It proclaimed Hitler's main idea - anti-Semitism. The author blamed the poor Jews for everything. Some German's shoe is worn out - the Jew is to blame, someone does not have enough for bread and butter - the Jew is to blame. And Germany was to become the dominant state.

Adolf Hitler, whose "Mein Kampf" (book) was sold in huge circulation, achieved his main goal: he managed to "let" anti-Semitism into the masses.

In addition, this work reflects the very points of the party program that were read out by the author back in 1920.

Road to Power

After his release from prison, Hitler decided to start changing the world with his party. His main task was to strengthen his dictatorial power, the gradual dismissal of the closest associates of Strasser and Rem, as well as strengthening the army of stormtroopers.

On February 27, 1924, in the Burgerbräukeller pub, Adolf Hitler, whose biography includes more than one successful speech, makes a speech that he is the only and invincible leader of the Nazi movement.

In 1927, the first party congress was held in Nuremberg. The main subject of discussion was elections and obtaining votes. From 1928, Joseph Goebbels became the head of the propaganda department of the party. However, not once in all the elections did the Nazis manage to win. In the first place were the workers' parties. Hitler, for his appointment as chancellor, needed at least the appearance of support from the general population.

Adolf Hitler - Chancellor of Germany

In the end, he got his way, and in 1933 he was appointed Chancellor of Germany. At the very first meetings of the government, Adolf Hitler loudly declared that the goal of the whole country was the fight against communism.

Domestic politics

The domestic policy of Germany during these years was completely subordinated to the struggle against the Communist Party. The Reichstag was dissolved, rallies and demonstrations of all parties except the Nazi were banned. President Hindenburg issued an order banning all criticism of the Nazi Party and its activities. In essence, there was a quick and unconditional victory of Hitler over opponents and opponents.

Almost every week new decrees with prohibitions were issued. The Social Democrats were also deprived of their rights, Hitler introduced execution by hanging, and the first mention of concentration camps dates back to March 21, 1933. In April, Jews are officially sanctioned by the government, they are fired en masse from state institutions. Free entry and exit from the country is now prohibited. On April 26, 1933, the Gestapo was created.

In fact, Germany has turned from a state of law into a country of lawlessness and total control. Hitler's associates penetrated into all branches of the life of the country and allowed constant checks on adherence to party policy.

Adolf Hitler, whose biography is full of secrets and mysteries, for a long time hid military plans from his associates, but he understood that for their implementation it was necessary to arm Germany. Therefore, the Goering Four-Year Plan was developed, according to which the entire economy began to work for military affairs.

In the summer of 1934, Hitler finally got rid of Rem and his associates, who demanded a strengthening of their role in the army and radical social reforms.

Foreign policy

The struggle for world domination completely absorbed Hitler. And on June 22, 1941, without declaring war, Germany launched an offensive against the USSR.

The first defeat of the Nazis near Moscow shook Hitler's self-confidence, but did not knock him off his intended goal. The Battle of Stalingrad made him finally convinced of the irrationality of this war and the inevitable defeat of the Fuhrer. Despite this, Adolf Hitler, whose "Mein Kampf" called for the fight, and he himself fought with all his might in order to maintain optimistic moods in Germany and the army.

Since 1943, he has been at headquarters almost all the time. Public speaking has become rare. He lost interest in them.

It finally became clear that there would be no victory after the landing of the Anglo-American troops in Normandy. Soviet troops advanced from the east with monstrous speed and selfless heroism.

Wanting to demonstrate that Germany still had the power and strength to wage war, Hitler decided to transfer most of his forces to the western borders. He believed that European states would be wary of the occupation of German territories by Soviet troops, and would prefer Nazi Germany to a communist society in the center of Europe. However, Hitler's plan failed, the allies of the USSR did not compromise.

Fearing reprisal against himself for all the crimes he had committed against humanity, Hitler locked himself in his bunker in Berlin and committed suicide on April 30, 1945. Together with him went to the next world and his wife Eva Braun.

Adolf Hitler, a biography whose photo is full of self-confidence and fearlessness, left this world cowardly and pathetically, without answering for the rivers of blood that he shed.

Adolf Hitler is a German politician, founder and central figure of National Socialism, founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, head of the National Socialist German Workers Party, Reich Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany, Supreme Commander of the German Armed Forces in World War II.

Hitler was the initiator of the outbreak of World War II (1939-1945), as well as the creation of concentration camps. To date, his biography is one of the most studied in the world.

Until now, various feature films and documentaries continue to be made about Hitler, as well as books are written. In this article we will talk about the personal life of the Fuhrer, his rise to power and inglorious death.

When Hitler was four years old, his father died. After 4 years, in 1907, the mother also dies of oncology, which becomes a real tragedy for a teenager.

Adolf Hitler as a child

After that, Adolf became more independent, and he even filled out the relevant documents for receiving a pension.


Soon Hitler decides to go to Vienna. Initially, he wants to devote his life to art and become a famous artist.

In this regard, he is trying to enter the Art Academy, but he fails to pass the exams. This upset him greatly, but did not break him.

The following years of his biography were filled with various difficulties. He experienced difficult financial circumstances, often went hungry, and even spent the night on the street, because he could not pay for his lodging for the night.

At that time, Adolf Hitler tried to earn money by painting, but this brought him a very meager income.

Interestingly, having reached draft age, he hid from military service. The main reason was his unwillingness to serve along with the Jews, whom he already treated with contempt.

When Hitler was 24 he went to Munich. It was there that he met the First World War (1914-1918), which he was sincerely happy about.

He immediately signed up as a volunteer in the Bavarian army, after which he participated in various battles.

Hitler among colleagues (sitting on the far right), 1914

It should be noted that Adolf showed himself to be a very brave soldier, for which he was awarded the Iron Cross of the second degree.

An interesting fact is that even after becoming the head of the Third Reich, he was very proud of his award and wore it on his chest all his life.

Hitler took the defeat in the war as a personal tragedy. He associated it with the cowardice and venality of the politicians who govern Germany. After the war, he became seriously interested in politics, as a result of which he got into the People's Labor Party.

Hitler's rise to power

Over time, Adolf Hitler took over as head of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), having great authority among his associates.

In 1923, he managed to organize the "Beer putsch", the purpose of which was to overthrow the current government.

When, on November 9, Hitler with a 5,000-strong army of storm troopers headed for the walls of the ministry, he met armed police detachments on his way. As a result, the coup attempt ended in failure.

In 1924, when he died, Adolf was sentenced to 5 years in prison. However, after spending less than a year behind bars, for unknown reasons, he was released.

After that, he revived the Nazi party NSDAP, making it one of the most popular in. Somehow, Hitler managed to establish contacts with the German generals and enlist the support of large industrialists.

It is worth noting that it was during this period of his biography that Hitler wrote the famous book Mein Kampf (My Struggle). In it, he described in detail his biography, as well as his vision of the development of Germany and National Socialism.

By the way, nationalist, according to one version, goes back to the book "Mein Kampf".

In 1930, Adolf Hitler became the commander of the assault troops (SA), and 2 years later he was already trying to get the position of Reich Chancellor.

But that time Kurt von Schleicher won the election. However, a year later he was dismissed by President Paul von Hindenburg. As a result, Hitler nevertheless received the post of Reich Chancellor, but this was not enough for him.

He wanted to have absolute power and be the full ruler of the state. It took him less than 2 years to realize this dream.

Nazism in Germany

In 1934, after the death of 86-year-old German President Hindenburg, Hitler assumed the powers of head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

The title of president was abolished; from now on, Hitler should be called the Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor.

In the same year, severe oppression of Jews and Gypsies began with the use of weapons. A totalitarian Nazi regime began to operate in the country, which was considered the only correct one.

In Germany, a policy of militarization was announced. Tank and artillery troops were created in short lines, and aircraft were also built.

It is worth noting that all these actions were contrary to the Treaty of Versailles, signed after the end of the First World War.

However, for some reason, European countries turned a blind eye to such actions of the Nazis.

However, this is not surprising if we recall how it was signed, after which Hitler made the final decision to seize all of Europe.

Soon, on the initiative of Adolf Hitler, the Gestapo police and the concentration camp system were created.

On June 30, 1934, the Gestapo staged a massive pogrom against the SA attack aircraft, which went down in history as the Night of the Long Knives.

More than a thousand people were killed, representing a potential threat to the Fuhrer. Among them was the leader of the attack aircraft, Ernst Röhm.

Many people who had nothing to do with the SA were also killed, in particular Hitler's predecessor as Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and his wife.

After the Nazis came to power, active propaganda of the superiority of the Aryan nation over others began in Germany. Naturally, the Germans themselves were called Aryans, who had to fight for the purity of blood, enslaving and destroying the "lower" races.

In parallel with this, the idea was instilled into the German people that they should become full-fledged masters of the whole world. Interestingly, Adolf Hitler wrote about this 10 years ago in his book Mein Kampf.

The Second World War

September 1, 1939 began - the bloodiest in mankind. Germany attacked Poland and completely occupied it within two weeks.

This was followed by the annexation of the territories of Norway, Denmark, and France. The blitzkrieg continued with the capture of Yugoslavia.

On June 22, 1941, Hitler's troops attacked the Soviet Union, of which he was the head. Initially, the Wehrmacht managed to win one victory after another quite easily, but during the Battle of Moscow, the Germans began to have serious problems.

A column of captured Germans on the Garden Ring, Moscow, 1944

Under the leadership, the Red Army launched an active counteroffensive on all fronts. After the victories in the Battle of Kursk, it became clear that the Germans would no longer be able to win the war.

Holocaust and death camps

When Adolf Hitler became head of state, he created concentration camps in Germany, Poland and Austria for the purposeful destruction of people. Their number exceeded 42,000.

During the reign of the Fuhrer, millions of people died in them, including prisoners of war, civilians, children and those people who did not support the ideas of the Third Reich.

Some of the most famous camps were in Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka (where he died a heroic death), Dachau and Majdanek.

Prisoners in concentration camps were subjected to sophisticated torture and cruel experiments. In these death factories, Hitler destroyed representatives of the "lower" races and enemies of the Reich.

In the Polish camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz), gas chambers were built, in which 20,000 people were killed daily.

Millions of Jews and Gypsies perished in such cells. This camp has become a sad symbol of the Holocaust - a large-scale extermination of Jews, recognized as the largest genocide of the 20th century.

If you are interested in knowing how the Nazi death camps operated, read the short biography that has been nicknamed the "blonde devil."

Why did Hitler hate the Jews

Biographers of Adolf Hitler have several opinions on this issue. The most common version is "racial politics", which he divided into 3 parts.

  • The main (Aryan) race were the Germans, who were supposed to rule the whole world.
  • Then came the Slavs, whom Hitler wanted to partly destroy and partly make slaves.
  • The third group included Jews who had no right to exist at all.

Other researchers of Hitler's biography suggest that the dictator's hatred of the Jews was born out of envy, since they owned large enterprises and banking institutions, while he, as a young German, eked out a miserable existence.

Personal life

It is still difficult to say something about Hitler's personal life, for lack of reliable facts.

It is only known that for 13 years, starting in 1932, he cohabited with Eva Braun, who became his legal wife only on April 29, 1945. At the same time, Adolf had no children from her or from any other woman.

Photo of Hitler growing up

An interesting fact is that, despite his unattractive appearance, Hitler was very popular with women, always knowing how to win them over.

Some biographers of Hitler claim that he could hypnotize people. At least, he mastered the art of mass hypnosis for sure, since people during his performances turned into a slavishly submissive crowd of thousands.

Thanks to his charisma, oratory and bright gestures, Hitler fell in love with many girls who were ready for anything for him. Interestingly, when he lived with Eva Braun, she twice wanted to commit suicide because of jealousy.

In 2012, the American Werner Schmedt announced that he was the son of Adolf Hitler and his niece Geli Ruabal.

As proof of this, he provided some photographs showing his "parents". However, Werner's story immediately aroused distrust among a number of Hitler's biographers.

Death of Hitler

On April 30, 1945, in Berlin, surrounded by Soviet troops, 56-year-old Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide after killing his beloved dog Blondie.

There are two versions of exactly how Hitler died. According to one of them, the Fuhrer took potassium cyanide, and according to another, he shot himself.

According to witnesses from among the attendants, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver canisters of gasoline from the garage to destroy the bodies.

After the death of the Fuhrer was discovered, the officers wrapped his body in a soldier's blanket and, along with the body of Eva Braun, were taken out of the bunker.

Then they were doused with gasoline and set on fire, as such was the will of Adolf Hitler himself.

The soldiers of the Red Army found the remains of the dictator in the form of dentures and parts of the skull. At the moment they are stored in Russian archives.

There is a popular urban legend that the corpses of Hitler's doubles and his wife were found in the bunker, and the Fuhrer himself and his wife allegedly hid in Argentina, where they lived quietly until the end of their days.

Similar versions are put forward and proved even by some historians, including the British Gerard Williams and Simon Dunstan. However, the scientific community rejects such theories.

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