Best chrome ad blocker. Testing

The Adblock extension plays a very important role in blocking annoying and repetitive advertisements. With it, surfing the net is much more enjoyable. However, there is a downside to this wonderful addition. It lies in marketing. For example, if you want to watch a movie, clip, or any other content of interest to you on some site, then very often the owners of such sites ask you to disable your ad blocker. And you really (voluntarily-compulsory) need to do this, otherwise you will not be able to view what you wanted. The same applies to browser games. In order for them to work stably, you need to disable the installed ad blocker. In such cases, it is very important to know how to do it.

AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers. To disable it on a specific site (or on all sites), follow the step-by-step instructions below.

How to disable AdBlock in Google Chrome

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser and go to the site where you want to disable it. Or if you want to disable it on all sites, you don't have to go anywhere.

  2. First, you need to check if there is an AdBlock icon in your Chrome. It consists of a red stop sign and a hand that is in the center (as in the picture below). Usually the icon is located next to the settings button (three dots in the very top right corner of the page). If you don't find this icon in your Chrome, skip to step 6 to continue. If you find this sign, right click on it.

  3. In the menu that opens, select "Pause on this site", which means that the extension will be stopped on the current tab and on the current site, but not on other sites. If you want to disable AdBlock on all sites, select the "Pause on all sites" option, after which the extension will be disabled on all sites and tabs.

  4. After clicking (both in the first and second cases), you will see that the red icon has changed color to green, and a thumbs up has appeared in its center.

    On a note! If you clicked "Pause on this site", then this means that AdBlock no longer works on the page you opened. If you clicked "Pause on all sites", then this means that on all sites and tabs.

  5. If you want to enable the ad blocker again, click on the green extension icon and in the menu that appears (which will already be much shorter than the previous menu), click on "Resume blocking ads", which translates as "Resume ad blocking".

  6. If you didn't find the AdBlock icon (as in step 1), hover your mouse over the three dots (in the very top right corner of the page) and click on it. The settings menu will open.

  7. Hover over "More Tools" and select "Extensions" from the menu that appears.

  8. A new tab will open with a list of all the extensions you have installed. At the very top of the page you will see AdBlock (as in the picture below).

  9. Uncheck the box where "Enabled" (as in the example below).

After you uncheck the box, the extension will turn white. This way you disable AdBlock and it won't work on any new tabs or sites.

On a note! When you want to enable it again, repeat the step and tick the "Enable" box.

Video - How to disable AdBlock in Google Chrome

If you asked yourself this question, then you are a fairly experienced user and you know about the existence of such an add-on as Adblock, which hides almost all ads from the eyes of users. It would seem a useful plugin, so why disable it then? Undoubtedly, it can be used to get rid of colorful and intrusive banners, teasers, clickers and other types of advertising that distract from the main content of the site with their colors or sounds. However, some sites begin to display incorrectly, which makes it difficult to read articles, watch pictures or videos on them. That is why we decided to tell you how to disable the Adblock plugin in order to browse your favorite site in normal mode.

How to disable adblock plugin in chrome

To get started, we suggest looking at the shutdown process in the most popular browser today - Google Chrome! Well, let's not delay, let's get straight to the point:

1. Open the menu by clicking on the button on the right side (located at the very top);
2. Click on “Settings”, after which the page with settings opens, but we don’t need it - we move on;
3. Switch from settings to “Extensions”, after which a page with all add-ons opens;
4. Uncheck the box next to “Enable”;
5. Done! Now Adblock does not prevent your favorite site from displaying in normal mode!

How to disable the Adguard plugin in Yandex Browser

In principle, everything is the same in Yandex browser as in Chrome, because they have the same source code. But we'll explain anyway:

1. Click on the “Menu” button, which is located on the top right;
2. A list drops out where you need to click on the “Add-ons” section;
3. The page with extensions opens. They are divided into categories;
4. Scroll it to the very bottom and find the Adguard plugin for us (the same Adblock only specifically for Yandex Browser);
5. Move the slider opposite it and the extension becomes inactive.

Disable the Adblock plugin in Mozilla Firefox

As you have already noticed, the process of disabling the plugin is actually the same in all browsers, only the names of the menu and the add-on itself have been changed (in the case of Y. Browser), and Mozilla was no exception:

1. Click all on the same button to open the menu;
2. Click on the icon, under which is the inscription "Add-ons";
3. The extension store opens. We do not need it - we pass by;
4. In the menu on the left, click on “Extensions”;
5. Actually, now the most interesting thing is that we find Adblock among the plugins and click on the “Disable” button;

How to disable adblock extension in Opera browser

And finally, we will please people who use Opera as their main browser:

1. Click on the “Opera” logo in the upper left corner, open the menu;
2. Point the arrow at “Extensions” and go to “Extensions Manager”;
3. A page with installed plugins opens;
4. We find our favorite Adblock among the add-ons and disable it by clicking on the “Disable” button;

The question "how to disable Adblock" is as urgent among the inhabitants of the Internet as its opposite: "how to enable Adblocker". In Mozilla Firefox, in Google Chrome, in Yandex Browser or some other web browser, the addon is deactivated in order to install another anti-banner, view ads on sites.

From this article you will learn how to disable Adblock in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera and Internet Explorer, how to remove Adblock Plus from your computer (similar anti-banner). And also how to quickly disable these plugins on a specific site, sites.

Temporary deactivation and removal


1. In the Opera browser, at the top left, click the Opera menu button.

2. In the list, place the cursor over the "Extensions" item.

3. In the submenu, click Manage Extensions.

4. In the add-on blocks, use the "Disable" button to temporarily disable the anti-banner.

Or completely remove the application by clicking the cross in the upper right corner of the panel (it will appear when you hover over).

To completely remove the extension from the browser, confirm its removal. When prompted in the additional panel, click OK.

Google Chrome

To disable the Adblock or Adblock Plus plugin in the Google Chrome browser, follow these steps:

1. Click the "three dots" (menu button at the top right).

2. In the list, go to: Additional tools → Extensions.

3. Uncheck the box by clicking on the "Enabled" box if you need to temporarily disable Adblock.

To completely remove the addon, click the "Trash" icon.

And then confirm the action.


1. In the top menu, click: Tools → Add-ons.

2. Open the "Extensions" tab.

3. Click "Disable" to deactivate or "Remove" to uninstall.

Yandex browser

To disable Adblock in the Yandex browser, do this:

1. Click the three stripes icon at the top right.

2. Select Addon.

3. In the "From other sources" section, in the extension block, select the required option - "Off." or "Delete".

When deleting, in the "Confirmation" window, additionally click "Delete".

Internet Explorer

1. Click the gear.

2. Click "Configure add-ons".

3. Click the mouse to highlight the line with the name of the plugin. At the bottom of the panel, click the Disable button.

Disabling anti-banners on websites


1. Open the site in the tab and click the addon button.

2. Select the required action:

  • “Suspend…. » - global disabling of the filter for some time;
  • "Do not run on this page" - disable blocking on the current page;
  • "Don't start... this domain" - deactivation for the entire site.

If you created a rule for the entire domain, confirm its addition to the exclusion list. Click "Exclude" in the new window.

Addons are managed exclusively by regular means and through their functional menu. Master their principle of operation and quickly turn filters on / off. This skill will definitely come in handy during your “walks” on the Web.

You can right-click on any image or frame and choose "Adblock" from the context menu. This will open a dialog where you can tweak the new filter before adding. Feel free to replace parts of the banner"s address by wildcards (* - the star symbol) to make the filter block other banners with similar addresses as well. For more information you can read Writing Adblock Plus filters .

I sometimes want Adblock Plus to be disabled. How can I do this most easily?

You can click on the arrow of the Adblock Plus icon in the toolbar to bring up the menu. There you have the option to disable/reenable Adblock Plus. If this isn't fast enough, simply press the middle mouse button on this icon, it will also disable or reenable Adblock Plus.

In the menu you also have the option to disable Adblock Plus on a certain page.. You can find more information on exception rules in Writing Adblock Plus filters .

Can I support my favorite website by downloading but hiding ads?

no. Most advertisers pay per-click, so if you hide ads, you won't actually support the site in question. Even in the off-chance of payouts per-view, it's trivial for advertisers to use JavaScript to check if the ads are visible. Additionally, downloading but hiding ads to trick advertisers into paying would be akin to fraud.

In short, if you want to support your favorite websites, you"ll have to whitelist them to disable Adblock Plus on those sites.

How can I update my filterlist manually?

In Firefox:

  1. Select Firefox >> Add-ons (for Mac OS X / Linux, select "Tools" from the menubar >> "Add-Ons"), this will open your Firefox Add-ons Manager.
  2. Click on "Extensions", find Adblock Plus there, go to "Options" and then click on "Filter preferences...".
  3. Press this shortcut key to update all filter susbcription at once: Ctrl+Shift+T or right-click a filter subscription and choose "Update filters".

In Chrome:

  1. Click the Chrome menu button, then go to "Tools" and choose "Extensions".
  2. Find Adblock Plus there and click on "Options" under its description.

In Opera:

  1. Click the "Menu" button (for Mac OS X / Linux, "Tools"), select "Extensions" >> "Manage Extensions".
  2. Find Adblock Plus there and click its small tool-icon on the right side and choose "Preferences".
  3. Click the "Update now" button.

How can I remove a filterlist?


Go to Tools >> Add-Ons >> Preferences (next to Adblock Plus) >> Filter Preferences. Select the filterlist you want to delete, click on the "Action" button, and select "Delete". Click on "OK" to confirm.

In Google Chrome

Go to Window >> Extensions >> Options (of the Adblock Plus extension). Click on the red "X" next to the filterlist you want to delete, and click "OK" to confirm.

In Opera (on Windows/Ubuntu)

Click on the menu button and go to Extensions >> Manage Extensions >> Click on the tool-icon >>

In Opera (on Mac OS X)

Go to Tools >> Extensions >> Manage Extensions >> Click on the tool-icon >> Preferences. Click on the red "X" next to the filterlist you want to delete, and click "OK" to confirm.

The banner is an object (Flash or Java) and doesn't have a context menu. What now?

Adblock Plus has an option called "Show tabs on Flash and Java". When activated (the default) it will display a button saying "Block" at the upper right (lower right if there isn't enough space) corner of every object.

alternatively you can open the list of blockable items (press Ctrl+Shift+V or click the dropdown arrow next to the ABP toolbar icon and choose Open blockable items) and look for an object there.

You can click the Type column header - this will sort the list by type and make finding objects easier.

The list of blockable items shows many addresses. How do I know which one is the banner?

You can look for addresses that start differently than the address of the page you are viewing. Banners also typically have keywords like "banner" or "ad" in their address. Click an address to make the corresponding element(s) blink on the page (unfortunately this doesn't work for all types of objects). If you are still unsure, press the middle mouse button on the address to open it in a new tab - there you will definitely see whether it is a banner.

Is the order of filters relevant for performance?

no. When Adblock Plus tests an address against your list of filters it determines the best order in which filters should be tested automatically, in fact most of the filters won't be considered at all. The order of filters you can change in the Preferences dialog is for your convenience only, it has no impact on the performance.

Are regular expressions faster than "normal" filters?

Usually this is not the case. Adblock Plus will transform any "normal" filter into a regular expression, and internally it will work only with regular expressions - there is no difference between the filters banner and /banner/ .

Regular expressions are often used to "compress" the filters list and replace several filters by one regular expression. The rule of thumb says "fewer filters means faster" but it isn't always correct in this case. Complicated regular expressions require much time to be evaluated, it might be faster to use several simple ones.

Regular expression give you more flexibility however, that"s where their use is always justified. For example the regular expression /adv(?!ice)/ will block adv and advert and advertisement but not advice - something you couldn't have done with simple wildcards.