Is it possible to switch from a contract to a budget. How to transfer from a paid place to a budget: personal experience

The number of free places in educational institutions is usually limited. However, contract students, under certain conditions, can count on a transfer from paid education to the budget.

Almost every student who did not have enough state-funded places when entering an educational institution wants to switch to a free department. But not everyone, even after studying for a certain time on a contract, knows how to transfer to the budget from paid education. At the legislative level, the change in the form of study is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 06.06.2013 No. 433, which describes in detail the transfer procedure.

Transition conditions

Legislation generally provides for the right of a student to change the commercial form of education to a budget one. However, the specific conditions of the procedure are established by the rules of the university.

Transfer from paid education to the budget is often carried out subject to a number of requirements:

  • absence of academic debts of the student-contract worker;
  • discipline, diligent attendance;
  • timely payment for contract training;
  • availability of places in the required specialty and corresponding course.

The number of vacancies is determined by a special algorithm for calculating the ratio of commercial and free places in each specialty. It takes into account the number of people admitted to study in a particular year and the actual number of students at the current moment. Recalculations are carried out twice a year at the end of each semester, the data obtained are necessarily posted in the media or on the website of the institution.

Important! Students who have completed the last two sessions, having received high scores (excellent and good) in all subjects, can count on a transfer, while there should not be more than 25% of fours.

The procedure for transferring to the budget

Often students ask themselves whether it is possible to transfer from a paid to a budget immediately after entering a university. This cannot be done. To qualify for the transfer, you must study a certain amount of time, the duration of which the university sets independently, but not less than two semesters. During this period, teachers have the opportunity to assess the student's abilities, his attitude to study and other merits in order to determine whether there are grounds for transferring him to the budget.

If the period established by the university is observed, then within thirty days after the appearance of data on the availability of vacancies, the student-contractor must submit to the dean's office:

Important! In most institutions there is such a thing as a special basis, which is the reason for transferring a student to budget education. They may be unable to pay under the contract due to the death of one of the parents, the need for expensive treatment, the loss of a job, etc.

Employees of the dean's office will check the information submitted by the applicant and transfer the documentation to a special commission. If the request is granted, the transfer will be confirmed by the order of the rector, which is issued within ten calendar days from the date of the decision.

Preferential categories

  • orphans and children without parental care;
  • students under the age of twenty from low-income families who have a disabled parent of the first group;
  • students from families with income per member below the regional subsistence level;
  • students who lost both parents (guardians) in the process of studying.

Important! If a student becomes unable to pay for tuition due to financial difficulties, then he has the legal right to apply for a transfer.

Transfer from paid to budget to another university

According to the law, you can change the form of education not only within the institution, but also by moving to another university. The mechanism of the procedure is prescribed in general, but each institution has its own rules for transferring to the budget. In this case, you need to:

  • Find out about the availability of budget places in the institution where the transfer is planned. By law, if there are such places, the university does not have the right to refuse to consider the application. However, one should not apply for a solution to the selection committee, but to a higher level, for example, to the rector of an educational institution. Most often, the final resolution is made by the Academic Council.
  • After that, the student submits an application for transfer to the budget according to the example provided by the department.
  • Some institutions require the student to pass certain certification tests. At the same time, it is necessary to pay off the existing academic debts that may arise due to the difference in curricula.
  • If the student passes all the "tests", he is issued a certificate of enrollment in a new educational institution. With the received document, he returns to the previous university and writes an application for expulsion, submits a record book and a student card, receives a certificate of secondary education and an academic certificate with information about all exams and tests passed.

Important! If the number of students applying for free education is greater than the number of available places, then the academic council has the right to select applicants based on the results of the competition.

If you failed to enter a place paid by the state, do not rush to get upset, since the transition to the budget is a real and feasible task. All that is needed is to show your best side in the learning process and actively participate in the social activities of the educational institution.

How to transfer from a university to another university? Probably, there will always be those who are interested in this issue. It becomes especially relevant at the end of the academic year, when the session is over, the results are summed up, and the student is faced with the choice of either staying at the same educational institution, or trying something else, perhaps more in line with his goals and ambitions.

There is a fairly persistent misconception that it is almost impossible to transfer from a university to another university, which means that this idea, in principle, is better to be abandoned. This is not entirely true. Yes, it will not be easy, you will have to tinker with paperwork and learn a lot of new material in order to pass the academic difference. But in some cases, such a game, as they say, is actually worth the candle.

This article will mainly focus on how to transfer from a university to another university. In addition, readers will receive practical advice and recommendations, which, if necessary, will definitely help them to carry out their plans easier and faster.

Section 1. Initial List of Documents Required from the Student

First of all, you need to draw up an application with a request to issue an academic certificate and submit it to the dean's office or the educational department of the institution where you previously studied.

In the next 10 days, an order of the rector should be issued to expel the student who submitted such an application from the university.

On the basis of this order, the student is given the original document of education, which is stored at the university from the moment the student enters.

Section 2. How to transfer from a university to another university and what documents are required from the previous place of study?

It should be noted that which is a document of strict accountability (ordered at the State Sign, has protection against counterfeiting) must be issued within 2 weeks. That is, it will take some time, and it will not work in one day.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it necessarily indicates all the disciplines studied by the student, without exception, as well as coursework and practice completed by him.

Section 3. Order of transfer. Student actions

How to transfer from a university to another university and save time at the same time? Is it possible in principle? Yes, of course!

Before drawing up an application with a request to issue an academic certificate, the student is advised to decide in which university he will continue his studies.

In doing so, the following should be taken into account:

  • currently state and non-state are functioning;
  • it is possible to study at a budget place, if there is one, of course, or with payment of the cost;
  • current forms of education: full-time, evening, part-time; in different universities and in different specialties (directions - for a bachelor's degree), these forms may not be presented in full.

With special care, you need to take these points before transferring from a university to a university in another city. Agree, sometimes the distances are considerable, which means that traveling several times, clarifying the nuances, will not only be very inconvenient, but also financially unprofitable.

After deciding where to continue your studies, you need to contact the selection committee of the selected university.

If there are vacancies in the specialty (direction) chosen by the student, and if other conditions suit him, of course, the student has the right to be enrolled in this educational institution.

However, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • a copy or an extract from this document - compiled by the dean's office (this must be done before being expelled from the place where the training was started) to determine the difference in curricula at the chosen university, which will serve as the basis for drawing up an individual student's study plan;
  • a personal statement of the student with a request to transfer him to a university to continue his studies.

Section 4. Order of transfer. Actions of the educational institution

The university chosen by the student, in which he intends to continue his studies, if it is possible to accept a new student, issues him a certificate stating that the student is admitted to certification tests and, after successfully passing them, is enrolled in order to continue his studies.

Some of the disciplines based on the results of certification are re-read to the student, and a number of them will have to be studied on their own and liquidated as academic debt.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that it is much easier to answer the question of how to transfer from a university to a university in Ukraine or, say, in Belarus, if the transition is carried out within the framework of the legislative framework of one country. Otherwise, it will be necessary to take into account the national characteristics of foreign educational institutions.

After receiving the aforementioned certificate, the student must apply to the administration of the former educational institution and write an application with a request for expulsion in order to continue studying elsewhere, as well as with a request to issue a document on education and an academic certificate.

Before the student provides all the necessary documents, he can be admitted to classes only by order of the rector.

The enrollment order is issued after the required documents are submitted to the certification committee of the new university. This document must also indicate the need to eliminate academic debt.

In the new educational institution, a student's personal file is formed, in which his application with a request for a transfer, a photocopy and the original document on education, as well as an extract from the enrollment order in the order of transfer are entered.

If a student is enrolled in a place with tuition fees, an agreement on the provision of paid services in the field of education is entered into the personal file.

Only after that, the applicant should be given a record book and a student ID.

Section 5. List of documents to be submitted to the selection committee:

  • Student's personal application for transfer.
  • Academic certificate on the results of studying at the university where the training began.
  • Document on education, on the basis of which the student was enrolled in the university.
  • on admission to the university where the student decided to continue his studies.
  • If the training will be held on a paid basis, it is necessary to provide an agreement for the provision of paid services.

Section 6. How to transfer from a Ukrainian university to a Russian university, i.e. to a foreign educational institution?

In order to transfer to a foreign institute or university, you must successfully pass an exam, the result of which will confirm the knowledge of the language in which the studies will be conducted abroad.

An extract on the degree of development of the Russian university in which the training was started is also obligatory.

All academic achievements of those wishing to continue their studies at a foreign university are taken into account.

You can choose another way of transferring to a university abroad - to study at a summer school, the results of which will be taken into account when enrolling.

Required copies of documents must be submitted by April. It should also be taken into account that the start of classes in foreign institutions is represented by more than one date, as in Russian universities.

You can continue studying from the semester, by the beginning of which a positive decision on enrollment for training will be made.

Section 7. Can a foreigner transfer to a Russian university?

Purely theoretically, such a procedure is quite real.

If there is an appropriate agreement between the state where the student began studying and Russia, under which the transfer can be made, then the procedure for enrolling a student in a Russian university is possible and is carried out in accordance with this document.

Section 8. What should you pay attention to first of all?

  • When transferring within a university, the procedure remains the same as when transferring to another university, however, the academic difference is not required.
  • The deferment for young men from serving in the army during the transfer is preserved only if the transfer is the first, and the total period of study does not increase by more than 1 year (the university, by the way, must have state accreditation).
  • When transferring from non-accredited universities to accredited ones, attestation in the form of an external study is mandatory, except when such practice is not allowed.
  • As a rule, not all disciplines studied by the student are re-read. Some disciplines must be passed in order to eliminate academic debt.

Question: Hello, Ekaterina Gennadievna! My name is Lilia Romanovna. I am the mother of Nelli Marselevna Shigapova, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Philology, "Linguistics", "Foreign languages" profile "Italian language".
Question: Is it possible to transfer my daughter from paid to budget? If I am an old-age pensioner, I do not work for health reasons, I receive a pension of 10,000 rubles plus 1,000 rubles. for a child, my husband's salary is 20,000 rubles, on the next. the year goes to retire, and my mother's pension is 10 00 rubles, the daughter does not work, because. studying in the daytime department. As a result, on average, it turns out 40-45 thousand, sometimes they rarely give the husband a bonus.
My daughter passed the exams and tests all three semesters for "4" and "5", but so far the translation is not working. We have run out of all the reserves of money, and there is no one to borrow from. The daughter always studied perfectly well, they expected that she would go to the budget. Is it possible to transfer it to the budget as a poor person? If so, what documents to apply and when? Thank you.

Response of Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk, First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Teaching and Methodological Work of St. Petersburg State University

In accordance with paragraph 7.2.8 of the "Rules of Education for the Basic Educational Programs of Bachelor's, Specialist's, Master's and Secondary Vocational Education at St. Petersburg State University, approved by order of the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Educational-Methodical Work of January 29, 2016 No. 470 / 1 ", the following students can apply for transfer from places with payment of tuition fees to places financed from the budgetary allocations of the federal budget:

  • students who passed exams in the last two semesters of study preceding the application, for grades "excellent" or "excellent" and "good" or "good";
  • orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita income of the family is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation;
  • students who have lost one or both parents (legal representatives) or a single parent (legal representative) during the period of study.

According to paragraph 7.1.3 of the rules of study, the transfer and restoration of students is carried out on a competitive basis if there are vacancies.

Information on the number of vacancies is published on the official SPbU portal no later than the working day preceding the day of the meeting of the commission for accepting documents for the purpose of making transfers and reinstatements in the relevant direction.

The next meeting of the Central Commission for Translations and Restorations will be held on February 10, 2017 before the start of the spring academic semester of the 2016/2017 academic year. Documents are accepted from 12/12/2016 to 01/30/2017 (inclusive). Documents can be transferred to members of the commission for receiving documents in the relevant direction, or in electronic form through the "Personal Account".

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There are many gloomy workdays and everyday life in a student's life, but we will stop at an important stage in student life, but a stage that is pleasant in every respect, and for some it is vital. This is a change from a paid form of education to a free one. But do not think that everything is so simple! Transfer to the budget is possible. However, it is desirable to make it in the first years of study.

There are several ways to transfer to free, and you will not get anything for it. Those. legally. For this you have to sweat. In your personal arsenal of advantages and characteristics should not be:

academic debts;

disciplinary action;

Tuition arrears.

What should be:

Achievement above average: this order is typical for most cases. Mostly your record book and their statement should be full of "excellent" grades. 25% of grades "good" are allowed for control disciplines for which the form of verification "exam" is established.

Who can be transferred to a free basis without complying with the "achievement" category

Students under 20 years of age;

Having one parent, having lost one parent;

Disabled people;


Citizens with an income level below the subsistence minimum.

By law, any student can apply for a transfer if he has lost the ability to pay for tuition. There are nuances, so be aware

Ways to transfer to the budget:

What we talked about above. The traditional way is to improve performance. If a student receives 75% "excellent" grades during the academic year, he/she can apply for a transfer. In the most prestigious educational institutions, it is allowed to change the form of education when passing all exams for the previous two sessions to "excellent".

In universities where international educational standards and a scoring system are in force, it is possible to receive discounts on tuition fees up to 75%. It's not technically a translation, but the discount can be significant.

Students of technical universities who are actively involved in research activities can apply for a transfer if financial difficulties arise.

You can transfer to another university. The transfer will require the recommendation of the academic council, where the student is "interviewed". Then an application is submitted. In this case, it may be necessary to pass certification tests and pay off academic debt. It is formed if the difference between the hours allotted in universities for one subject is significant.

And remember, dear martyr of science, that your good study increases the chances of success, but it is worth bearing in mind that:

Transfer to the budget is possible only if there are free budget places.

Translation is carried out, most often, on the recommendation. Excellent students have an advantage over other students.

The decision to transfer is made by senior officials in universities, so the application should be made to the dean's office or directly to the rector. In the latter case, the chances will be higher.

Good luck, student, and may you have a sound sleep, healthy food and a completed record book.

Paid education is very popular. Students of both higher educational institutions and colleges pay for their education. However, not every person who entered an off-budget place knows that he can transfer to the budget. In this case, the state will pay for the training. But how to transfer to a budget from a paid one?

You can get a budget place if certain conditions are met

1. The educational institution has a free place in the course in which you are currently studying and in the corresponding specialty.

2. There must be no tuition debts, as well as disciplinary actions.

3. For the last two semesters in a row, exams must be passed with high marks.

To get a budget place, first you need to find out from the administration of the educational institution whether there is such an opportunity.

Some universities provide it only to those students who have a high GPA.

It is important to get high marks in tests and exams. It is also important to take an active part in the affairs of the educational institution. In many universities, students who participate in various competitions are highly valued. These are guys with an active lifestyle. After each session, you need to contact the dean's office and find out if there is a free budget place. Don't be afraid to be intrusive. Remember that your family's money is spent on education.

If you have the opportunity to transfer from paid education to free, be sure to use it. This will save you a lot of money that you can spend on other things. Proceed in the following order.

  1. As soon as you find out that there is a vacant state-funded place, immediately go to the dean's office.

2. Write an appropriate application. The sample will be provided by the dean's office.

3. If there is a document that gives you the right to receive some benefits, then be sure to attach it to your application.

4. The application must also be accompanied by documents that confirm special achievements in educational, social, sports and other activities.

All documents submitted by you will be reviewed by a specially created commission. This process usually takes about a month. The rector draws up the corresponding order. The document is signed within ten days from the date of the decision by the special commission.

Not only those students who study well can get a free place. Also, orphans, children with only one parent, as well as students who were left without a father and mother right during their studies are entitled to this. All transfer conditions in these special cases can be obtained from the administration of the institution.