Presentation for the lesson of the Russian language spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns. Paronymy system

You know, maybe (yes, I told you myself, by the way), began Svidrigailov, that I was sitting here in a debtor's prison, on a huge bill, and not having the slightest means in mind to pay. There is no need to go into detail about how Marfa Petrovna bought me back then; Do you know how intoxicated a woman can sometimes fall in love? She was an honest woman, very intelligent (although completely uneducated). Imagine that this same, jealous and honest woman, after many terrible frenzies and reproaches, decided to condescend to some sort of contract with me, which she fulfilled throughout our marriage. The fact is that she was much older than me, in addition, she constantly wore some kind of clove in her mouth. I had such a swine in my soul and a kind of honesty that I could tell her directly that I could not be completely faithful to her. This confession drove her into a frenzy, but it seems that she somehow liked my rude frankness: “So, they say, he doesn’t want to deceive himself, if he declares so in advance,” well, for a jealous woman this is the first. After long tears, this kind of verbal contract took place between us: first, I will never leave Marfa Petrovna and will always be her husband; secondly, without her permission I will not go anywhere; third, I will never have a permanent mistress; fourthly, for this Marfa Petrovna sometimes allows me to take a look at hay girls, but only with her secret knowledge; fifth, God save me from loving a woman from our class; sixth, if in case, God forbid, some passion, great and serious, visits me, then I must open myself to Marfa Petrovna. As regards the last point, Marfa Petrovna was, however, quite calm all the time; she was an intelligent woman, and consequently, she could not look at me except as a lecher and a slut who is not in a position to seriously fall in love. But a smart woman and a jealous woman are two different things, and that's the trouble. However, in order to impartially judge some people, it is necessary to give up in advance other preconceived views and from the ordinary habit of people and objects that usually surround us. On your judgment, more than on anyone else, I have the right to hope. Perhaps you have already heard a lot of funny and absurd things about Marfa Petrovna. Indeed, she had other very funny habits; but I will tell you straight out that I sincerely regret the innumerable sorrows which I have caused. Well, enough, it seems, for a very decent oraison funèbre for the most tender wife of the most tender husband. In the cases of our quarrels, I, for the most part, was silent and not irritated, and this gentlemanly talk always almost reached the goal; it influenced her, and she even liked it; There were times when she was even proud of me. But your sister still couldn't stand it. And how did it happen that she took the risk of taking such a beauty into her house, as a governess! I explain by the fact that Marfa Petrovna was a fiery and receptive woman, and that, quite simply, she herself fell in love, literally fell in love, with your sister. Well, yes, and Avdotya Romanovna! I understood very well, at first glance, that this was a bad thing, and what do you think? I made up my mind not to raise his eyes to her. But Avdotya Romanovna herself took the first step - do you believe it or not? Do you also believe that Marfa Petrovna went so far as to get angry with me at first for my constant silence about your sister, because I was so indifferent to her incessant and loving comments about Avdotya Romanovna? I don't know what she wanted! Well, of course, Marfa Petrovna told Avdotya Romanovna all the ins and outs about me. She had the unfortunate trait of resolutely telling everyone all our family secrets and constantly complaining about me to everyone; How was it to miss such a new and wonderful friend? I believe that they had no other conversation than about me, and, without a doubt, Avdotya Romanovna became aware of all these gloomy, mysterious tales that are attributed to me ... I bet that you really have something in this kinda heard it too? Heard. Luzhin accused you that you were even the cause of the child's death. Is this true? Do me a favor, leave all these vulgarities alone, Svidrigailov excused himself with disgust and peevishly, if you absolutely want to know about all this nonsense, then someday I will tell you especially, but now ... They also talked about some lackey of yours in the village and that you were also the cause of something. Do me a favor, pretty! Svidrigailov interrupted again with obvious impatience. Isn't this the footman who came to fill your pipe after death... did you tell me yourself? Raskolnikov became more and more irritated. Svidrigailov looked attentively at Raskolnikov, and it seemed to him that an evil smile instantly flashed in his eyes, like lightning, but Svidrigailov restrained himself and answered very politely: This is the one. I see that you, too, are extremely interested in all this, and mail for debt, at the first opportunity, to satisfy your curiosity on all points. Hell! I see that I can really seem to someone a romantic face. Judge, then, to what extent I am obliged after that to thank the late Marfa Petrovna for telling your sister so many mysterious and curious things about me. I dare not judge the impression; but in any case, it was beneficial for me. With all Avdotya Romanovna's natural disgust towards me, and in spite of my always gloomy and repulsive appearance, she finally felt sorry for me, sorry for a lost person. And when the girl's heart becomes it's a pity, then, of course, this is the most dangerous thing for her. Here one will certainly want to “save”, and reason, and resurrect, and call for more noble goals, and revive to a new life and activity, well, it is known that one can dream of this kind. I immediately realized that the bird itself was flying into the net, and, in turn, prepared myself. You seem to be frowning, Rodion Romanych? Nothing, sir, the matter, as you know, was a trifle. (Damn it, how much wine I drink!) You know, I have always been sorry, from the very beginning, that fate did not allow your sister to be born in the second or third century of our era, somewhere the daughter of a sovereign prince or some ruler, or proconsul in Asia Minor. She would no doubt be one of those who suffered martyrdom, and would certainly smile when her chest was burned with red-hot tongs. She would have done this on purpose herself, and in the fourth and fifth centuries she would have gone into the Egyptian desert and lived there for thirty years, eating roots, delights and visions. She herself wants only this, and demands that she take some kind of torment for someone as soon as possible, and if you don’t give her this torment, then she, perhaps, will jump out the window. I heard something about some Mr. Razumikhin. He is small, they say, reasonable (as his name shows, he must be a seminarian), so let him take care of your sister. In a word, I think I understood her, which I consider myself an honor. But then, that is, at the beginning of an acquaintance, you yourself know, you are always somehow more frivolous and stupider, you look erroneously, you see something wrong. Damn it, why is she so good? I am not guilty! In a word, I began with the most irresistible voluptuous impulse. Avdotya Romanovna is terribly chaste, unheard of and unseen. (Note to yourself, I am telling you this about your sister as a fact. She is chaste, perhaps to the point of illness, in spite of all her broad mind, and this will hurt her) Then we had a girl, Parasha, black-eyed Parasha, who had just brought from another village, a hay girl, and whom I had never seen before, very pretty, but incredibly stupid: in tears, she raised a howl to the whole yard, and a scandal broke out. Once, after dinner, Avdotya Romanovna purposely found me alone in the alley in the garden, and with sparkling eyes demanded from me to leave poor Parasha alone. It was almost the first conversation between us. Of course, I considered it an honor to satisfy her desire, tried to pretend to be amazed, embarrassed, well, in a word, I played the role not badly. Relations began, mysterious conversations, moralizing, teaching, begging, begging, even tears, believe it, even tears! That's how strong the passion for propaganda reaches in other girls! I, of course, blamed everything on my fate, pretended to be hungry and thirsty for light, and finally set in motion the greatest and unshakable means to conquer the female heart, a means that will never deceive anyone and that acts decisively on everyone to a single, without any exceptions. This means known flattery. There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness, and nothing easier than flattery. If in straightforwardness only one hundredth of a note is false, then dissonance immediately occurs, followed by scandal. If in flattery even everything to the last note is false, then it is pleasant and obeys not without pleasure; albeit with rude pleasure, but still with pleasure. And no matter how crude the flattery, at least half of it certainly seems to be true. And this is for all development and strata of society. Even a Vestal Virgin can be seduced by flattery. And there is nothing to say about ordinary people. Without laughing, I can’t remember how I once seduced a lady devoted to her husband, her children and her virtues. How fun it was, and how little work there was! And the lady was really virtuous, at least in her own way. My whole tactic was that I was simply crushed every minute and fell on my face before her chastity. I flattered godlessly, and as soon as I get a handshake, even a look, I reproach myself that it was I who wrested it from her by force, that she resisted, that she resisted so much that I probably would never have received anything if I myself was not so vicious; that she, in her innocence, did not foresee deceit and succumbed unintentionally, without knowing it herself, without knowing it, and so on and so forth. In a word, I achieved everything, and my mistress remained in the highest degree convinced that she was innocent and chaste and fulfills all her duties and duties, but she died completely by accident. And how angry she was with me when I finally told her that, in my sincere conviction, she was just as much looking for pleasure as I was. Poor Marfa Petrovna, too, succumbed terribly to flattery, and if only I wanted to, then, of course, I would have written off all her property to myself during my lifetime. (However, I drink an awful lot of wine and talk.) I hope that you will not be angry if I now mention that the same effect began to come true with Avdotya Romanovna. Yes, I myself was stupid and impatient and ruined the whole thing. Avdotya Romanovna several times before (and once in a special way) terribly disliked the look in my eyes, do you believe that? In a word, a certain fire flared up in them more and more incautiously, which frightened her and finally became hateful to her. There is nothing to tell the details, but we parted ways. This is where I messed up again. He set off in the most rude way to mock about all these propaganda and appeals; Parasha again appeared on the stage, and she was not alone, in a word, sodom began. Oh, if only you could see, Rodion Romanych, for once in your life your sister's eyes, as they sometimes know how to sparkle! It's nothing that I'm drunk now and have already drunk a whole glass of wine, I'm telling the truth; I assure you that I dreamed that look; I could no longer endure the rustle of her dress. Indeed, I thought that falling sickness would come to me; I never imagined that I could reach such a frenzy. In a word, it was necessary to reconcile; but that was no longer possible. And guess what I did then? To what degree of stupefaction can rabies bring a man! Never do anything in a rage, Rodion Romanovich. Expecting that Avdotya Romanovna, in essence, is a beggar (ah, excuse me, I didn’t mean it ... but doesn’t it matter if the same concept is expressed?), In a word, she lives by the labors of her hands, what is on her maintenance and mother, and you (oh, the devil, frown again ...), I decided to offer her all my money (up to thirty thousand I could even then) so that she would run with me even here, to Petersburg. Of course, I would here swear eternal love, bliss, and so on and so forth. Would you believe it, I hit it so hard then that if she had told me: slaughter or poison Marfa Petrovna and marry me, it would have been done at once! But it all ended in a catastrophe, already known to you, and you can judge for yourself how furious I could go when I learned that Marfa Petrovna then got that vile clerk, Luzhin, and almost arranged a wedding, which, in essence, would have been the same the same as I suggested. Is not it? Is not it? It is so? I notice that you began to listen to something very attentively ... an interesting young man ... Svidrigailov slammed his fist on the table in impatience. He flushed. Raskolnikov clearly saw that a glass or a half of champagne, which he drank, sipping inconspicuously, in sips, had a painful effect on him, and decided to take advantage of the opportunity. Svidrigailov was very suspicious of him. Well, after that, I am quite convinced that you came here, meaning my sister, he said to Svidrigailov directly and without hiding, in order to annoy him even more. Eh, completeness, Svidrigailov suddenly realized, I told you ... and, besides, your sister cannot stand me. Yes, this is what I am convinced that it cannot, but that is not the point now. Are you convinced that it can't? (Svidrigailov screwed up his eyes and smiled mockingly.) You are right, she does not love me; but never vouch for matters between husband and wife, or lover and mistress. There is always one corner here, which always remains unknown to the whole world and which is known only to the two of them. Can you guarantee that Avdotya Romanovna looked at me with disgust? According to some of your words and catchphrases during your story, I notice that you now have your own views and the most urgent intentions for Dunya, of course vile. How! Did I get such words and phrases? Svidrigailov suddenly became prenaively frightened, not paying the slightest attention to the epithet attached to his intentions. Yes, they are still breaking out. Well, what are you, for example, so afraid of? What are you suddenly afraid of now? Am I afraid and frightened? Scared of you? Rather, you should be afraid of me, cher ami. And what, however, is game ... But, by the way, I'm drunk, I see it; almost spoke again. To hell with the wine! Hey water! He grabbed the bottle and threw it out of the window without ceremony. Philip brought water. This is all nonsense, Svidrigailov said, soaking a towel and applying it to his head, but I can put you down with one word and destroy all your suspicions to dust. Do you know, for example, that I am getting married? You already told me this before. Did you speak? Forgot. But then I could not speak in the affirmative, because I had not even seen the bride yet; I only intended. Well, now I already have a fiancee, and the deed is done, and if only there were no urgent matters, then I would certainly take you and take you to them now, therefore I want to ask your advice. Hey damn! Only ten minutes left. See, look at the clock; but by the way, I'll tell you, because this is an interesting little thing, my marriage is, in its own way, that is, where are you going? Leave again? No, I won't leave now. You won't leave at all? Let's see! I'll take you there, it's true, I'll show you the bride, but not now, but now it will be your time soon. You to the right, I to the left. Do you know this Resslich? This very Resslich, with whom I now live, huh? Do you hear? No, what do you think, this is the one about which they say that the girl is, in the water, in the winter, well, do you hear? Do you hear? Well, so she concocted it all for me; you, he says, are so bored, have fun time. And I'm a gloomy, boring person. Do you think hilarious? No, gloomy: I do no harm, but I sit in a corner; sometimes they don't talk for three days. And Resslich is a rogue, I’ll tell you, she keeps something in her mind: I’ll get bored, I’ll leave my wife and leave, and she will get a wife, she will put her into circulation; in our layer, that is, yes higher. There is, he says, one such relaxed father, a retired official, who sits in an armchair and does not move his legs for the third year. There is, he says, and a mother, a sensible lady, a mother. The son serves somewhere in the province, does not help. The daughter got married and does not visit, and in her arms are two little nephews (there are few of her own), but they took, without finishing the course, from the gymnasium a girl, their last daughter, in a month just sixteen years old blowjob, which means that in a month she will be extradited can. This is for me. We went; how funny they are; I introduce myself: a landowner, a widower, of a well-known surname, with such and such connections, with capital, well, why am I fifty, and that one is not even sixteen? Who is looking at this? Well, it's tempting, isn't it? It's tempting, haha! You should have seen how I talked with my father and my mother! You have to pay just to look at me at this time. She comes out, crouches, well, you can imagine, still in a short dress, an unopened bud, blushes, flares up like the dawn (they told her, of course). I don’t know what about women’s faces, but, in my opinion, these sixteen years, these still childish eyes, this timidity and tears of modesty, in my opinion, this is better than beauty, and she is also a picture. Light-colored hairs, whipped into little curls like a lamb, plump, scarlet lips, legs lovely! Since I arrived, now I’m on my knees, but I don’t let go ... Well, it flashes like the dawn, and I kiss every minute; mother, of course, inspires that this, they say, is your husband and that it is so required, in a word, raspberries! And this is the present state, the groom's, the right, perhaps better than the husband's. This is what is called La nature et la vérite! Xa-xa! I talked with her about two times where the girl is not stupid; sometimes he glances at me so stealthily that he burns me. You know, she has a face like Raphael's Madonna. After all, the Sistine Madonna has a fantastic face, the face of a mournful holy fool, didn’t it catch your eye? Well, it's kind of like that. We had just been blessed, and the next day I brought back fifteen hundred dollars: one diamond headpiece, another pearl one, and a silver ladies' dressing-box—that's the size, with all sorts of differences, so even her, the Madonna's face turned red. Yesterday I put her on my knees, yes, it must have been very unceremoniously, all flared up and tears splashed, but she doesn’t want to give it away, she’s all on fire. We all left for a minute, we were left alone as we are, suddenly throws herself on my neck (herself for the first time), hugs me with both arms, kisses and swears that she will be an obedient, faithful and kind wife to me, that she will make me happy that she will spend her whole life, every minute of her life, sacrificing everything, everything, and for all this she wants to have from me only my one respect and more than that, he says to me, “nothing, nothing is needed, no gifts!” Agree yourself that to listen to such a confession in private from such a sixteen-year-old angel, in a tulle dress, with whipped curls, with a blush of girlish shame and with tears of enthusiasm in his eyes, agree yourself, it is quite tempting. Is it tempting? It's worth something, right? Well, is it worth it? Well... well listen... well, let's go to my fiancee... just not now! In a word, this monstrous difference in age and development excites voluptuousness in you! And do you really get married like that? What about? Certainly. Everyone thinks about himself and lives the most cheerfully, whoever is best able to deceive himself. Haha! Why are you so into virtue with all the drawbars? Have mercy, father, I am a sinful man. He-he-he! You, however, have attached the children of Katerina Ivanovna. However ... however, you had your own reasons for this ... I understand everything now. I love children in general, I love children very much, Svidrigailov laughed. On this score, I can even tell you an interesting one episode, which is still going on. On the first day after my arrival, I went to these various sewers, well, after seven years, I just attacked. You probably notice that I am in no hurry to get along with my company, with former friends and acquaintances. Well, yes, I will last as long as possible without them. You know: at Marfa Petrovna's in the countryside, I was tortured to death by the memories of all these mysterious places and places where, who knows, he can find a lot. Hell! The people get drunk, young people educated from inaction burn out in unrealizable dreams and dreams, mutilate in theories; from somewhere the Jews came running in, hiding the money, and everything else is debauched. So this city smelled on me from the first hours of a familiar smell. I got to one dance so-called evening a terrible sewer (and I love sewers with dirty stuff), well, of course, cancan, which are not there and which in my time did not exist. Yes, this is progress. Suddenly, I see a girl, about thirteen years old, beautifully dressed, dancing with one virtuoso; the other before her vis-a-vis. Her mother is sitting on a chair near the wall. Well, you can imagine what a can-can is! The girl becomes embarrassed, blushes, finally takes offense and begins to cry. The virtuoso picks her up and begins to twirl her and imagine before her, everyone around laughs and I love our audience at such moments, even if it’s a cancan, laugh and shout: “That’s right, that’s how it should be! Don't bring kids!" Well, I don’t give a damn, and it doesn’t matter: it’s logical or not logical they console themselves! I immediately marked out my place, sat down with my mother and began to say that I, too, was a newcomer, that everyone here was ignorant, that they did not know how to distinguish true merits and have due respect; let me know that I have a lot of money; invited to take him in his carriage; drove home, met (they are standing in some closet from the tenants, they just arrived). I was told that both she and her daughter could take my acquaintance only as an honor; I learn that they have neither a stake nor a yard, but have come to fuss about something in some kind of presence; offer services, money; I find out that they went to the evening by mistake, thinking that they really teach dancing there; I propose to contribute, for my part, to the upbringing of the young girl, the French language and dancing. They accept with delight, consider it an honor, and are still familiar ... If you want, let's go, but not now. Leave, leave your vile, low jokes, depraved, low, voluptuous person! Schiller, Schiller is ours, Schiller is something! Où va-t-elle la vertu se nicher?

Among teachers who work in high school and prepare children for the final exam in Russian, there are no doubt those who have encountered the problem of distinguishing between paronyms. The topic is really not easy, because the vocabulary of today's high school students is small, they read little, far from always what can be called real literature. The section "Vocabulary" was studied in grades 5-6, has already been forgotten, it is possible to return to it in the classroom in high school only occasionally, and the topic "Paronyms", if it is explained, is only in passing.

Meanwhile, in the written works of students there are a large number of errors associated precisely with the use of words that are similar in sound and partially coinciding in meaning. Probably each of us at one time read about capital letters heroes of such works as "Dead Souls", "Overcoat", "Gooseberry", was touched by the fact that after a quarrel friends reconcile, what in the fairy tale "Goldfish" grandfather managed to catch a goldfish, grieved along with the author of the essay, who came to the conclusion: the use of slang and swear words is one of the most common ways to communicate on the Web.

The proposed system of work, intended for high school students, can be used both in classes devoted to the repetition of "Vocabulary", working out tasks of type A3 (USE 2006, 2007), and (in the form of fragments) in speech development lessons. It includes brief theoretical information about paronyms, exercises aimed at developing the ability to find paronyms in the text, include them in phrases and sentences, and distinguish between lexical meanings of similar-sounding words. At the same time, children learn to work with an explanatory dictionary. The greatest difficulty is presented by tasks that are associated with finding and correcting speech errors that have arisen as a result of mixing paronyms. But it is these exercises that are most useful for high school students who create their own texts of different content and style, but at the same time do not know how to see speech flaws and check and correct their compositions. The system of work is completed by four variants of the control exercise.

Many of the proposed tasks were used as part of the KIM USE in 2006. They were deliberately involved: the use of the wording of examination tasks inspires children with greater self-confidence.

What are paronyms?

Sometimes words are close in sound, but different in meaning or partially the same in their meaning. Most often, these words are the same root. They are called paronyms (from the Greek. para- near, onyma- name). For example, student- a person awarded a diploma; student preparing a thesis. Piano Competition Diploma;

diplomat– 1) an official engaged in diplomatic activities; 2) transfer. About a person acting subtly, skillfully. Famous diplomat.

The indistinguishability of paronyms can lead to stylistic errors, distortion of meaning.

In some cases, paronyms have different compatibility with other words, for example, resolute person, but decisive step, role, force, deed.

In some meanings, paronymic words can sometimes act as synonyms. We can conduct experiences and produce experiences. The underlined words are close in sound. They converge in one meaning - "to do, to perform, to carry out." In combination with other words and in other meanings, they are clearly distinguished: hold a rehearsal(rehearse), excavate(dig out).

Exercise 1. Match these words with a pair of paronyms. Include these words in phrases.

Dramatic -...
Friendly -...
Creature - ...
The only one - ...
Evil - ...
Signature - ...
Header -...
Legacy -...
Nesting - ...
Unanswered -...
Wasteland - ...

Exercise 2 *.

BUT. informational need to use informative?

informational- pertaining to information;

informative- carrying information, saturated with information.

1) The last decades are characterized by a wide spread of various media, including those presented in electronic form on various information carriers.

2) Dmitry Olegovich was appointed head of the new informational programs.

4) Modern informational technology helps to solve many problems successfully and quickly.

B. In which sentence instead of the word vital need to use worldly?

vital- 1) adj. to life(life is the physiological state of a person, animal, plant from birth to death);

2) (transfer.) important for life, socially necessary;

worldly- ordinary, typical of everyday life.

1) The new story was praised, although someone said that it does not always reflect the true vital phenomena.

2) He was famous for his wisdom and distributed vital advice that really helped people in difficult situations.

3) This painting is clearly lacking vital colors.

4) The government should be guided vital the interests of the country.

AT. In which sentence instead of the word introduce need to use provide?

introduce- 1) give, hand over for review, information;

2) allocate, send as a representative;

3) file a petition for any award or promotion in the rank, position of someone;

5) to show, to demonstrate someone, something, to acquaint with smth.;

6) reproduce, depict on stage, create some kind of stage image;

7) mentally reproduce, imagine;

provide- 1) enable smb. to possess, to dispose of, to use smth.;

2) enable someone to to do or do smth.; entrust to smb., entrust to smb. execution of a affairs.

1) Imagine your friend's guests.

2) The actor was able introduce nightingale singing.

3) You must urgently introduce trip report.

4) I introduced You have the right to decide these issues yourself.

G. In which sentence instead of the word everyday need to use weekday?

everyday- 1) adj. to Weekdays(in the 1st value = not a holiday, a working day; contra. holiday); intended for weekdays;

2) transfer. prosaic, monotonous;

weekday- adj. to Weekdays(in 1st value)

1) Once in everyday day I was raking snow in the yard with my grandfather.

2) From one everyday Natalya found herself in a different environment, just as monotonous and boring.

3) The artist devotes a significant place to the image everyday side of the war.

4) “So we came home,” - already to others, everyday the captain said in a voice.

D. In which sentence instead of the word hostile need to use hostile?

hostile- full of hostility, hatred, enmity; hostile;

hostile- adj. to enemy; enemy.

1) Oksana was ready for everything, but still she didn’t expect such a dry, even hostile reception.

2) In this capricious air was the elegance of the south, its underlined hostile north beauty.

3) Around the village is located hostile regiment.

4) In folk tales, animals sometimes act as hostile force dangerous to people.

E. In which sentence instead of the word explosive need to use explosive?

explosive- adj. to explosion 1; explosive - capable of exploding;

1) Explosive the wave threw the box three meters away.

2) Can't store here explosive substances.

3) Snipers defused explosive device.

4) It burned, burning, passionate, sometimes explosive the senses.

AND . In which sentence instead of the word evil need to use malicious?

evil- 1) filled with a feeling of ill will, hostile, full of malice;

2) caused, imbued with malice, anger, hostility;

3) ferocious, fierce (about animals);

4) containing evil;

5) bringing trouble, trouble; bad, bad;

6) causing pain, harm; cruel;

7) (colloquial) very strong according to the degree of manifestation (about wind, frost, etc.);

8) (simple) diligent, diligent, zealous;

malicious- 1) full of anger, malice; containing evil intentions; malicious;

2) deliberately dishonest.

1) It was so uncomfortable and scary here, as in an enchanted kingdom, everything fell asleep due to charms and witchcraft evil fairies.

2) Not by evil willingly, he made blunders and mistakes.

3) Keep in mind that evil poachers who are criminals will certainly be punished.

4) He was a man evil; he certainly needed someone to torment.

Exercise 3 Instead of dots, use one of the words in brackets.

1. Those who arrived at the conference presented their ... (travel - seconded) certificates. 2. Grandmother said that she hardly remembers ... (face - personality) of this person. 3. There were ... (dressed - put on) covers on the car seats. 4. Straining the last ... (forces - efforts), we completed our journey. 5. Our store has a large selection of beautiful and ... (practical - practical) shoes. 6. The ship that arrived at the port ... (got up - became) anchored. 7. Before the feat of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, we ... (bow - bow) our heads. 8. The student listened attentively to the lecture, making ... (notes - notes) in a notebook. 9. We have not seen each other for so long that at first I did not ... (recognized - admitted) my friend.10. A group of senior students ... (came - came) to the museum for a lecture. 11. In life, you can achieve a lot by applying ... (strength - effort).

Exercise 4

1. Parents take the success of their children to heart. 2. Following the strawberries, cherries and currants arrived. 3. The new employee turned out to be a man of crystalline honesty. 4. The first issue of the wall newspaper was met with great interest by the guys. 5. Patterns are visible on frostbitten window panes. 6. Approving the order, the principal of the school puts his signature on it. 7. The new road has significantly shortened our path. 8. From the very beginning, Raskolnikov seemed to be a closed, hidden person. 9. At first, study was not easy for him. 10. After talking with Luka, the Actor thought that he should be treated for alcohol.

Exercise 5

Wreath, put on, addressee, remnants, approbate, defective, long-term, typos, debt, put on, imprints, pay, crown, long, desirable, inheritance, economic, cattle, live, addresser, fulfill, remains, desired, pay, position, heritage, honor, fulfill, defective, economical, discuss, try, live, bestial, honesty, condemn.

Exercise 6 **. In which sentence is the underlined word used incorrectly? Record this sentence, making any necessary corrections.

A. 1) His soul, filled with pride tired of struggle and self-assertion.

2) The joy of success imperceptibly for him grew into pride glory turned his head.

3) Exorbitant pride embraced this man.

4) New club - pride village.

B. 1) The inhabitants of this Japanese town made all their purchases extremely rarely, making long travels.

2) The channel turned out to be navigable and very lengthy.

3) This time long applause turned into applause.

4) Mastery grows from subtle and long observation of people around.

B. 1) We almost got hit by rocky block, but we managed to run off to the side.

2) On steep slopes with rocky melting snow water runs down the soil.

3) The river valley is straight, open in the lower part and rocky.

4) Soil in this area rocky, difficult to process.

D. 1) Coniferous forest dressed all the mountains and came close to the sea.

2) Darya Alexandrovna was thinking about how warmer dress children tomorrow.

3) Perhaps, not like galoshes, but hunting boots fit dress to cross the street.

4) Andrei sheltered his nephew, dressed and shod him, helped him find an interesting job.

E. 1) A few decades ago there was still a seashore, there were fish crafts.

2) This lake, which separated us from the ill-fated cape, was deep and fish.

3) The cat that sniffed at the window fish aspic, suddenly jumped to the floor and hid behind the closet.

4) In the summer we often went to the lake, taking with us fish networks.

E. 1) They rattled with stones, two fought stormy mountain rivers.

2) And he is no longer able to appease stormy fury and anger.

3) In the XIV century in Russia began stormy flourishing architecture.

4) Him stormy

G. 1) His words remain words and never turn into actions, into deeds.

2) This young man is capable of noble deeds.

3) Selfless deed classmates enthusiastically discussed the guys.

4) In the old days for big deeds

Z. 1) I found an expired library subscription, which was lost six months ago.

2) Subscriptions

3) Sale is open season tickets to the swimming pool.

4) We purchased subscriptions to the museum for a series of lectures on Russian painting of the 19th century.

I. 1) Often memory akin to fiction, creativity.

2) These ruins serve us memory

3) Memories surrounded me, and, indulging in them, I slowly drove through the forest.

4) The artist has been working on memories the result is an interesting book.

Exercise 7 In the proposed phrases, mark only those in which a mistake was made. Write them in the corrected form, include them in the sentences.

Hostile forces, hostile beauty, hostile reception, hostile regiment;

to my great annoyance, the greats of this world, great diversity, great sight, great monument, great joy. a great variety of possibilities;

imagine a job, imagine a person's condition, it is difficult to imagine, kindly imagine a room, present a government award, present a colleague, present an opportunity;

practical skills, practical value, practical person, practical exercises;

buy a subscription, a telephone network subscription, expire a subscription, a subscription to a museum;

effective help, effective force, effective method of conservation, effective throughout the year;

eternal concepts, a layer of eternal dust, given to eternal storage, eternal values.

Independent work***

In the proposed options, find sentences in which a mistake was made in the use of the highlighted word. Indicate the number indicating the number of the sentence you have chosen, write down the sentence next to it in the corrected form.

Option I

1. Stretched through the puddles icy needles, it became uncomfortable, deaf and unsociable.

2. There is a class of fish with bone tissue in the skeleton and scales.

3. Documents important for history were archived for eternal storage.

4. Vicious

vital' said the old man.

6. Spring is ahead - the most colorful time of life for all life on earth.

7. Thick fog dressed valley, mountains, so the road was not visible.

8. Modern informational The service provides an opportunity to solve the problems of labor organization at a high level.

9. In politics double standards are not applicable.

10. Majestic the power of art lies in the fact that it excites a person and purifies his soul.

Option II

1. Friends were discouraged icy the reception that was given to them in this house.

2. From colorful

3. As a mineral supplement for farm animals, bone flour.

4. Yes eternal human values, among them the desire for equality and justice.

5. Dogs met travelers vicious barking.

6. This person produces double impression.

7. Igor dressed

8. Great the poet of Russia managed to express in his works the spirit of our difficult times.

9. Host informative

10. Reading serious books, Uliana, as a very deep person, acquired great vital experience that she generously shared with others.

Option III

1. Lowering his gray head, he seemed to be frozen in icy meditation.

2. Football fans today double holiday: the head of state will be present at the match.

3. Great the mystery connected with the origin of the ancient lakes has been revealed to the readers of this book.

4. This article is dedicated to lapis lazuli - a wonderful sky-colored stone, colorful whose history goes back several centuries.

5. This man was dressed in an old coat, and in his hand he held a stick with bone knob.

eternal dust, and only the old clock was slowly keeping its measured score.

7. According to critics, this painting clearly lacks living, vital colors.

8. Katerina Petrovna was very absurd, with vicious character.

9. She combed her hair, dressed festive dress and, looking around the room, resolutely went out.

informational and therefore very useful.

Option IV


2. Bone The brain is a tissue that fills the cavities of the bones of vertebrates and humans.

3. With a famous composer double surname.

4. Vital the paths of the brothers diverged so much that they did not see each other for years and did not correspond.

5. Good and evil, love and hate - concepts eternal.

6. The reader, of course, will think that I talked with Yefim malignant

7. The groom carefully dressed

8. I was ingenuously surprised at what colorful the canvases of the artist hide so many thoughts and details.


10. Every school graduate must master the techniques informational text processing.

Keys to the exercises

Exercise 1. a) Match the given words with a pair - a paronym.

Dramatic - dramatic.
Friendly - friendly.
Being is essence.
The only one is the one.
Evil - malicious.
Skillfully - artificially.
Signature - painting.
Header - main.
Legacy is legacy.
A nest is a nest.
Irresponsible - irresponsible.
Wasteland - wasteland.

Exercise 2

A) - 3; B) – 2; AT) – 4; G) – 1; D) – 3; E) – 2; AND) – 3.

Exercise 3 Instead of dots, use one of the words in brackets.

1. Arriving at the conference presented their business trips certificates. 2. Grandmother said that she had difficulty remembering face this person. 3. The car seats were put on cases. 4. Straining our last strength, we completed our journey. 5. Our store has a large selection beautiful shoes. 6. Ship arriving at the port became at anchor. 7. Before the feat of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, we incline head. 8. The student listened attentively to the lecture while doing litters in notepad. 9. We haven't seen each other for so long that at first I did not recognize your acquaintance. 10. A group of high school students came to the museum for a lecture. 11. You can achieve a lot in life by applying efforts.

Exercise 4 Find and correct speech errors resulting from the mixing of paronyms.

1. Parents take the success of their children to heart. 2. Following the strawberries, cherries and currants ripened. 3. The new employee turned out to be a man of crystal honesty. 4. The first issue of the wall newspaper was met with great interest by the guys. 5. Frozen window panes show patterns. 6. Approving the order, the principal of the school puts his signature on it. 7. The new road has significantly shortened our path. 8. From the very beginning, Raskolnikov seemed to be a closed, secretive person. 9. At first, study was not easy for him. 10. After talking with Luka, the Actor thought that he should be treated for alcoholism.

Exercise 5 Make pairs of the given words. Explain the meaning of paronyms. If necessary, refer to the explanatory dictionary.

Wreath - crown, put on - put on, addressee - addressee, remnants - remains, approbate - try out, defective - defective, long - long, typos - prints, debt - position, pay - pay, desirable - desired, inheritance - heritage, economic - economical, bestial - bestial, live - live, perform - fulfill, honor - honesty, discuss - condemn.

Exercise 6

A4. New club - pride village.

B2. The canal turned out to be navigable and very long.

IN 1. Almost hit us stone block, but we managed to run off to the side.

G3. Perhaps not just galoshes, but hunting boots fit put on to cross the street.

D4. In the summer we often went to the lake, taking with us fishing networks.

E4. His violent the imagination had to be restrained and directed.

J4. In the old days for big misdeeds students were punished with soldiery.

Z2. Subscribers The telephone network is obliged to pay for the services of the station on time.

AND 2. These ruins serve us reminder that the old building is not guarded by anyone.

Independent work

Option I

4. Malignant Violators of traffic rules will be punished.

5. “Your grief is not grief ..., it’s a matter worldly' said the old man.

9. In politics double standards are not applicable.

10. Great the power of art lies in the fact that it excites a person and purifies his soul.

Option II

2. From coloring substances of animal origin, the most famous are carmine and purple.

6. This person produces dual impression.

7. Igor allotment on the baby in his denim jacket, took him in his arms and carefully carried him home.

9. Host informational programs must comply with the rules of orthoepy.

Option III

5. This man was wearing an old coat, and in his hand he held a stick with bone knob.

6. Desolation and darkness reigned all around, wooden furniture was covered with a layer age-old dust, and only the old clock was slowly keeping its measured score.

9. She combed her hair, put on festive dress and, looking around the room, resolutely went out.

10. The professor's speech was extremely informative and therefore very useful.

Option IV

1. The study of human behavior in ice conditions of the Arctic Sea is of great scientific interest.

6. The reader, of course, will think that I talked with Yefim vicious tone, but he turns out to be wrong.

7. The groom carefully allotment gold ring on the hand of his beloved.

9. Tall, slender, graceful and majestic, the young princess is carried unusually straight, and this gives her a regal air.

* The tasks for this exercise are taken from the manual: Educational and training materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Russian language / V.I. Kapinos, L.I. Puchkova, I.P. Tsybulko. Moscow: Intellect-Centre, 2005, pp. 63–65. The meanings of words are taken from the dictionary: Dictionary of the Russian language in 4 volumes. M .: Russian language, 1985.

** Materials for the tasks of this exercise are taken from the collection: Russian language. Unified State Exam: Training tests and assignments. Reference materials / Comp. E.I. Lelis. Izhevsk, 2006, pp. 13–15.

*** Minor changes have been made to the materials taken from open KIMs (task A3) for 2006.

E.V. Yuminova,

To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
Russian language Grade 4 Minute of calligraphy Praz. nickname, st. faces, ser. tse, ur. wait, star. ny, k.rzina.dododo

Vocabulary and orthographic work Situation, case, journey, repair, eaves, reeds, address, charm, sweater. prestigious style. color Beehive - bee kennel - dog path - pedestrian - transport?
A road is a strip of land with a special surface, such as asphalt, or without it, intended for the movement of various types of transport. Read the proverbs Good fame sits behind the stove, and the thin one runs along the path. The conversation is expensive _ while away, and the song is work. Every road _ is more fun together.

Lesson topic: Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns In order to check the spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns: I put the noun in its initial form and determine which declension it belongs to. , which is the helper word. I check what was written.

Helper words: 1 cl. - moon, earth; 2 fold. - horse, window; 3 fold. - oven, steppe. He jumped off a branch _, a case from life _, ate a branch _, a stain on the cover _, walked along the playground _, water from the roofs _, took it from plates _, a story about sirens _, cleared of dust_. Perform a morphological analysis: 1 option - (c) branches 2 option - (from) life Game "True": Writing an unstressed vowel in the case ending of a noun is a spelling. The words horse, window are helper words for the 2nd declension. All nouns in P.p. the letter e is written at the end. When in doubt which letter and or e to write in the unstressed end of a noun of the 3rd declension, write and and you will never make a mistake. nouns in a grove, on a branch at the end is written e. -++++

Homework: Think of any 3 nouns and perform morphological analysis.

Attached files

Vocabulary. Phraseology. Lexicography.

Lexical text analysis with the solution of test problems.

A2, A30, B8.

The wording of the task: in which answer option is the highlighted word used INCORRECTLY?

    After graduating from the military school, he immediately went to the front.

    The Ural Mountains are FOREST, with deep crevices and fast rivers.

    He had his PERSONAL opinion on this issue.

    The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and health of a person depends.

You need to know what paronyms are; be able to distinguish between the lexical meanings of words included in a paronymic pair; understand what words each of the paronyms combines with.


Read all offers carefully;

Determine the lexical meanings of each of the paronym words by selecting synonyms and ntonyms, taking into account which words each of the paronyms can be combined with;

Specify the correct answer.

Dictionary of paronyms found on the exam

    Artistic- characterized by arrogance. Synonyms: skillful, virtuoso. Matches with words: artistic room; artistic Work; artistic performance, performance.

Artistic- the same as the artist's; pertaining to an artist; intended for the artist; characteristic of the artist. Synonym: acting. Matches with words: artistic activity, organization, environment, soul, nature; artistic temperament, character, talent, gesture; artistic gift; artistic abilities, inclinations.

    swampy - swampy

    Great - majestic

    military - military

    militant - militant

    hostile - hostile


    Clay - clay

    active - active

    diplomatic - diplomatic

    trusting - trusting

    rainy - rainy

    Hard - cruel

    Evil - malicious

    Engineering - engineering

    stone - rocky

    Skillful - artificial

    wooded - wooded

    personal - personal

    dress - put on

    Ignorant - ignorant

    Intolerant - intolerable

    practical - practical

    Frightened - frightened

Tasks for A2

1) Going hunting, he put on a SWAMP-colored windbreaker.

2) In winter, figure skating competitions often take place in the ICE Palace.

3) Peter is a soft, subtle, very DIPLOMATIC person.

4) The HIGH month is looking out the window.

2. In which answer option is the highlighted word used INCORRECTLY?

1) I must certainly express my PERSONAL opinion on this issue.

2) The natural POVERTY of this region is due to harsh climatic conditions.

3) The day promised to be RAINY and windy.

4) Grandmother melted the CLAY hearth.

3. In which answer option is the highlighted word used INCORRECTLY?

1) Maria Petrovna was a very absurd woman, with an EVIL character.

2) This case turned out to be SINGLE and, probably, an exception to the rule.

3) He neglected the rules of etiquette and was a complete IGNORANT.

4) Familiar, TRUSTING relationships have been established between the teacher and students.

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the phraseological unit is used.

    10, 2) 16, 3) 21, 4) 4

16. And then there were years when I tried to embrace the immensity, re-read a lot of books.

21. This pain is caused by compassion, sympathy for the other, and literature should evoke such sympathy so that the human does not fade away in people.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while doing tasks A28-A30, B1-B7. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should be in place of the gap, write the number 0.

The serious and thoughtful attitude of the author to the problem posed is expressed using such techniques as _____ (sentences 4, 5) and ______ (for example, in sentences 14-15). Such a syntactic means as __________ (sentences 1, 20), as well as tropes - _______ (“spiritual eye”) - in sentence 10 give a special imagery to I. Ilyin's thoughts.

List of terms:

    rhetorical question

    a number of homogeneous members

    emotionally evaluative words


    question-answer form of presentation



    comparative turnover

(1) There is no doubt that humanity will find ways leading to renewal, deepening and inspiring of its culture. (2) But for this it must learn gratitude in order to build its spiritual life on it.

(3) Modern humanity does not appreciate what is given to it; does not see his natural and spiritual wealth; does not extract from his inner world what is in it. (4) It does not value the inner strength of the spirit, but external power - technical and state. (5) It does not want to create, create and improve, but to own. (6) Dispose of and enjoy. (7) And therefore, it is always not enough for him and everything is not enough: he always counts his “losses” and grumbles. (8) It is obsessed with greed and envy and knows nothing about gratitude.

(9) And so each of us must first of all learn gratitude.

(10) You only have to open our spiritual eye and take a closer look at life - and we will see that every moment, as it were, tests us, whether we are ripe for gratitude and whether we know how to give thanks. (11) And the one who passes this test turns out to be a man of the future: he is called to create a new world and its culture, he already carries them in himself. (12) He is a creative person; and the one who does not stand this test is possessed by spiritual blindness and envy, he carries within himself the decay of a perishing culture, he is a man of an obsolete past. (13) Here is the criterion of spirituality, here is the law and measure, which few people think about, but by which it is necessary to distinguish people.

(14) What is gratitude? (15) This is the answer of a living, loving heart to the good deed done to it. (16) It responds with love to love, joy to kindness, radiation to light and warmth, faithful service to the bestowed grace. (17) Gratitude does not need verbal expressions, and sometimes it is better for a person to experience and manifest it wordlessly. (18) Gratitude is also not a simple recognition of someone else's beneficence, for an embittered heart accompanies such recognition with a feeling of resentment, humiliation, or even a thirst for revenge. (19) No, true gratitude is joy and love, and in the future - the need to return good for good. (20) This joy flares up by itself, freely and leads love - free, sincere. (21) A gift is a call that calls for a good answer. (22) A gift is a beam that requires reciprocal radiation. (23) He immediately addresses both the heart and the will. (24) Will makes decisions; she wants to respond and begins to act; and this action renews life with love and kindness.

(25) So gratitude cleanses the soul from envy and hatred. (26) And the future of mankind belongs precisely to grateful hearts. (According to I. Ilyin)

1 option

    In which answer option is the underlined word used INCORRECTLY?

    He answered all questions in detail with a BUSINESS look.

    It's cold today, so I'll WEAR a warm jacket.

    On many banknotes you can see WATERMARKS.

    The soil here is STONE, so no crops are grown.

Option 2

    In which answer option is the underlined word used INCORRECTLY?

    His brother was a complete ignoramus in matters of ancient Russian art.

    Dad amazed everyone with his overly belligerent character.

    She suffered an UNBEARABLE grief.

    There are heavy fines for EVIL traffic violations.

    In which sentence is the idiom used?

3 option

    In which answer option is the underlined word used INCORRECTLY?

    SWAMP silt is an excellent fertilizer.

    His report was INFORMATIVE and educational.

    THE WOODED mount attracted the attention of tourists.

    ARTISTIC in nature, he copied the behavior of other people with unusual accuracy.

    In which sentence is the idiom used?

    And we had our heads held high.

    The echelon stood on sidings.

    How much she spoiled my blood!

    What an indispensable specialist he is when he worked as a watchmaker on the Arbat in the workshop!

4 option

    In which answer option is the underlined word used INCORRECTLY?

    At the reception at the embassy, ​​he never violated DIPLOMATIC etiquette.

    Petrov was considered a silent and HIDDEN person.

    High-rise buildings have been built in this area of ​​the city.

    He didn't want to study, that's why he grew up as an ignoramus.

    In which sentence is the idiom used?

    This is a huge waste of time, and time is the greatest value that cannot be wasted on trifles.

    We already knew how he knew how to read, how he knew how to explain what he read, to laugh with us, to admire something, to be surprised at the art of the writer.

    I still love what I listened to when I was a kid.

    They read for themselves, and read some of their favorite passages for us.

For example, if you want to find an error in the use of the words eternal and age-old, then you need to try to formulate their lexical meaning, and then try to determine what is the difference between these meanings. Quite often, the selection of synonyms for them allows us to correctly formulate the lexical meanings of each of the paronyms. Age-old - living, existing for centuries, for a very long time. Eternal - endless in time, having neither beginning nor end; unchanging, permanent; not ceasing to exist, indefinite, not having a term; permanently existing in nature.

The difference in the lexical meaning of these words is clearly manifested in their compatibility with other words. Thus, the adjective age-old correlates with the noun age and is used with words that name something that lives for a very long time, many centuries: age-old oak - an oak that lives for a century; age-old traditions are traditions that have existed for a very long time. The adjective eternal is associated with the concepts of infinity in time and constancy: eternal values ​​are unchanging, constant.

The dictionary of paronyms found on the exam allows you to remember the lexical meaning of paronyms and the words with which they can be combined: 1) Artistic - such as that of an artist; pertaining to an artist; intended for the artist; characteristic of the artist. Synonym: acting. It is combined with the words: artistic activity, organization, environment, soul, nature; artistic temperament, character, talent, gesture; artistic talent; artistic abilities, inclinations. Artistic - characterized by virtuosity. Synonyms: skillful, virtuoso. It is combined with the words: artistic number; artistic work; artistic performance, performance.

Swamp - related to the swamp, characteristic of the swamp; designed for work in the swamp, movement in the swamp; living, growing in a swamp. Combines with the words: marsh smell, color, fog; swamp water, vegetation, dampness, birds; swamp flowers, boots, fumes. Swampy - replete with swamps, swampy, like a swamp. Synonym: swampy. Combines with the words: swampy soil, terrain, lowland, river, valley, road; swampy forest, meadow, shore, soil; swampy lands.

Great - outstanding in its meaning; extraordinarily talented, brilliant. Synonyms: outstanding, brilliant. Combines with the words: great thinker, man; great battle, merit; great event. Majestic - making a strong impression with his appearance; full of grandeur, dignity, importance. It is combined with the words: majestic view, palace; majestic gait; majestic mountains

Military - relating to the war, associated with the conduct of the war, intended for the needs of the war. Combines with the words: military treaty, ship; military uniform, industry, base, strategy; military actions. Military - related to military affairs, to military service; characteristic of a warrior. It is combined with the words: military charter, ticket; military discipline, glory, valor, honor; military rank, skill.

Militant - characterized by a penchant for military action, striving to defend their interests and rights by war; showing readiness for a collision, dispute, fight. Synonym: aggressive. Antonym: peaceful. It is combined with the words: warlike people, spirit, character, tone, cry, appearance; warlike tribes, nomads, plans, intentions; militant policy, sortie, posture, posture; warlike tribe. Militant - leading an active and uncompromising struggle with someone or something. It is combined with the words: militant philosopher, atheism, materialism, idealism, philistine, atheist; militant theory

Hostile - unfriendly, full of enmity. It is combined with the words: hostile world, reception, act, look. Enemy - hostile. Combined with the words: enemy bullet, defense. High - having a large stretch from the bottom up; exceeding the average level, the average norm; eminent, honorable, important. It is combined with the words: high mountain, labor productivity, price, thought, assessment; high ceiling, growth, harvest, guest; high rates. High-rise - produced or used at high altitude; multi-storey. It is combined with the words: altitude number; high-rise task, construction.

Diplomatic - pertaining to diplomacy, international politics. Combined with the words: diplomatic etiquette, protocol, post. Diplomatic - finely calculated; dexterous in dealing with people. It is combined with the words: a diplomatic person; diplomatic behaviour. Trusting - easily trusting other people. Combined with the words: gullible child. Confidential - showing complete trust in someone. It is combined with the words: confidential tone, voice, gesture, look poison.

Rainy - pertaining to rain. Combines with the words: rain air, stream; rain drop. Rainy - plentiful rains. Combines with the words: rainy day, month, evening; rainy morning. Hard - hard, rough to the touch; rough, sharp; requiring rigorous and precise execution. Combines with the words: hard mattress, character; tough discipline. Cruel - ruthless, merciless; very strong, out of the ordinary. Combines with the words: cruel person, cough, dispute; brutal fight.

Vicious - hostile, evil. Combined with the words: evil look. Malicious - having a bad purpose; deliberately dishonest; inveterate in something bad. Synonym: malicious. Antonym: benevolent, well-intentioned. It is combined with the words: a malicious defaulter, a violator of discipline, a slanderer, a bully, a criminal. Engineering - technical; associated with the activities of engineers. Combines with the words: engineering faculty, approach; engineering profession; engineering; engineering troops, personnel, calculations. Engineering - relating to an engineer, belonging to, characteristic of him. It is combined with the words: engineering diploma, home, son, work, eye; engineering cap; engineering duties, traditions, words.

Stone - consisting of stone, made of stone; motionless, frozen, lifeless; pitiless, cruel. Combines with the words: stone house, cliff; stone structure, heart, facial expression; stone fence. Stony - plentiful with stone, covered with stone. Combines with the words: rocky soil, earth, valley, desert, path; rocky shore, ravine; rocky bottom. Skillful - skillful, well knowing his job; superbly executed. Combines with the words: skilled craftsman, jeweler, pianist, magician, swordsman, drawing; skillful carving, finishing, work. Artificial - not natural, unnatural, made like a real, natural; feigned, insincere. Synonym: unnatural. Antonym: natural. Combines with the words: artificial lake, irrigation, pollination, lighting; artificial laughter, silk; artificial joy, cheerfulness, cheerfulness; artificial flowers.

Wooded - abundantly overgrown with forest, rich in forest. Combines with the words: wooded island. Forest - related to the forest; located in the forest; growing in the forest. It is combined with the words: thicket, berry, grass, bird, path. Personal - belonging to this person. It is combined with the words: personal car; personal opinion. Personal - pertaining to a person, associated with a person. It is combined with the words: personal beginning; personal potential.

Dress - someone. Dress up the child. Put on things. Put on a jacket. Ignorant - impolite, that is, rude. Unmannerd person. An ignoramus is a poorly educated, little-knowing person (from the verb to know - to know). Intolerant - one that cannot be tolerated, unacceptable; not considering other people's opinions, devoid of tolerance. It is combined with the words: intolerant person, debater, deed, disposition; intolerant treatment of someone, position, behavior, inaction; intolerable working conditions. Intolerable - exceeding patience, hard to bear; very strong in its manifestation. This adjective is combined with abstract nouns denoting a person's feelings, his physical and psychological state. It is combined with the words: unbearable cold, frost, shame, shine, light, roar; unbearable heat, resentment, longing; unbearable grief.

Practical - related to the field of practice, the application of knowledge in practice; instilling skills and abilities. Combines with the words: practical advice, skill, interest; practical work, activity, psychology, preparation, ingenuity; practical lesson, guide, manual. Practical - experienced, well versed in life affairs; convenient, suitable for business, profitable, economical. It is combined with the words: practical person, suit, color, cut, method of production; practical hostess, shoes; practical coat.

Shy (long-term property of a living being - adjective) - easily frightened, timid, timid. Synonym: fearful. Antonym: fearless. It is combined with the words: shy child, hare, look, gesture. Frightened (short-term state - participle) - one who was frightened or who was very frightened. Combined with the words: frightened bird.

Algorithm for completing task A2: - carefully read all the sentences; - determine the lexical meanings of each of the words-paronyms by selecting synonyms and antonyms or taking into account what words each of them can be combined with; - indicate the correct answer.

Task 1 In which sentence should RAINY be used instead of the word RAIN? 1) A single RAIN drop glittered on the dark foliage. 2) The day promised to be RAINY and windy. 3) Moving age-old stones, RAIN streams fell down. 4) Pure RAIN air poured out of the garden, the intoxicating smell of flowering linden. 2

Task 2 In which sentence, instead of the word HIGH, should you use HIGH? 1) All the experiences of a circus performer when performing a HIGH number are described in this book. 2) There is a HIGH month looking out the window. 3) At the bottom of the ocean live animals with a HIGH degree of activity. 4) Literature is called upon to create a wonderful person, and talented people are involved in this HIGH cause. one

Task 3 In which sentence should CLAY be used instead of the word CLAY? 1) Both banks of the river were high, steep and CLAY. 2) In the historical museum, for the first time, I saw CLAY shards of Neolithic dishes. 3) Near the hut, a woman was melting a CLAY hearth. 4) I remembered the city of my childhood, CLAY whistles, which were traded in the bazaars. one

Task 4 In which sentence should you use WEAR instead of the word WEAR? 1) It was warm, almost hot; young shiny leaves, in a hurry, dressed the trees. 2) The crooked streets of this old town were gradually paved and dressed in asphalt. 3) Daria Alekseevna thought out what to dress the children in when they go to the forest. 4) Divers will WEAR special waterproof suits. four

Task 5 In what sentence should DIPLOMATIC be used instead of the word DIPLOMATIC? 1) Konstantin is a soft, thin, very DIPLOMATIC person. 2) The answer was made in DIPLOMATIC terms. 3) He constantly violated DIPLOMATIC etiquette when talking to ambassadors. 4) The editor-in-chief's speech turned out to be unexpectedly evasive and DIPLOMATIC. 3

Task 6 In which sentence should ARTISTIC be used instead of the word ARTISTIC? 1) It seemed to him that he had subtle, ARTISTIC abilities. 2) Alevtina was well aware that she could not go far along the path of an ARTISTIC career. 3) ARTISTIC in nature, Kachalov very penetratingly read both poetry and prose on the stage. 4) ARTISTIC and literary Moscow was looking forward to the opening of a new literary and artistic circle. 3

Task 7 In which sentence should TRUST be used instead of the word TRUST? 1) Among the TRUSTING squirrels, you will certainly meet one with a bare, scorched tail, like a stick. 2) His brothers were so naive and TRUSTING that it was not at all difficult to deceive them. 3) The relationship between the boss and his subordinate gradually acquired a more TRUSTING character. 4) It was a creature TRUSTING, timid and weak. 3

Task 8. In which sentence should PERSONAL be used instead of the word PERSONAL? 1) Timofeev-Resovsky had a colossal PERSONAL potential. 2) I must certainly express my PERSONAL opinion on this issue. 3) PERSONAL property is protected by law. 4) He knew from experience that the most convincing form of education is a PERSONAL example. one

Task 9 In what sentence should you use HARD instead of the word HARD? 1) During one of the trips, he fell ill with BRUTAL pneumonia. 2) A cruel north-east drove waves onto granite pavements. 3) For the rest of my life, I remembered the CRUEL rule of the machinist - do nothing from the dash. 4) In winter, in BRIEF frosts, he went on foot to the Urals - to look for gold. 3

Task 10 In which sentence, instead of the word EVIL, is it necessary to use EVIL? 1) The reader, of course, will think that I spoke to Yefim in an EVIL tone, but he will be wrong. 2) Katerina Petrovna was very absurd, with an EVIL character. 3) The dogs greeted the travelers with EVIL barking. 4) Pedestrians will be punished for EVIL traffic violations. four