Dividing union. Is there a comma before "or"? Classification of subordinating conjunctions by meaning

The Russian language is as beautiful as it is difficult. Moreover, both for foreigners, and sometimes for those who speak it from early childhood. The biggest difficulties arise with the stylistic combination of words, spelling and, of course, punctuation. Many rules are complex in that they have many nuances and exceptions. For example, a comma before the conjunction "or". This article will be devoted to a detailed analysis of this rule.

Why do we need unions in Russian

This performs a syntactic function, providing the connection of words in combinations are also possible, but do not convey many important elements of meaning.

The classification of these parts of speech is very extensive. They are simple and compound, single and double, paired and unpaired, etc. According to their function in the sentence, they are divided into two more groups - coordinating and subordinating. And in terms of meaning, they can be divided into more than 15 types, including explanatory, mode of action, goals, connecting, adversative, dividing, and many others. The last of these types we will consider in this article. And let's focus in detail on one of the examples of dividing unions, as well as the rules for its punctuation.

The meaning of the union

The meaning of this word conveys division or opposition. Such an alliance is used when the described situation excludes another.

For example, two objects or phenomena are opposed:

She will buy milk or kefir.

Signs of any objects can be divided or contrasted:

Either he's brave or he's crazy.

Often the object of opposition are actions:

Open the door or we'll break it down!

Most likely, you have already noticed that in some of the examples given, a comma is placed before the word "or", while in others it is not. What affects it? First of all, the features of the proposal itself.

Single union with homogeneous members

In a situation often arises when its individual members answer the same question and refer to the same word. It can be two (or more) predicates. Such members of a sentence are called homogeneous.

They can be separated by commas:

There was a quiet, gentle, melodious sound.

They may be preceded by a colon:

There were dishes on the table: cups, plates, a kettle.

The unions “and”, “a”, “but” are also often used. In some cases, homogeneous members are connected by a divisive union. The meaning of such a sentence is to separate something similar (objects, signs).

Let's look at examples of how a comma is placed before "or" in such cases, and whether it is placed at all.

In good weather, they usually went on a picnic or walked around the neighborhood.

He was going to go to Paris or London.

The application can be typed on a computer or handwritten.

As we can see, a union with a separating function connects various types of homogeneous members of a sentence. Is there a comma before "or" in such cases? No, it is not set.

Single conjunction in a compound sentence

The grammatical basis - subject and predicate - can be present not only in a single amount. If a sentence has two (or more) such stems, it calls it complex. Two parts can be connected both in an allied way, and with the help of various unions, including dividing ones. Do I need a comma before "or" in a compound sentence? Consider examples.

Tomorrow we will go to the Petrovs, or they will visit us.

We must act now, or it will be too late.

The examples clearly show that a comma before “or” connects parts of a complex sentence (two grammatical bases united by semantic unity). This punctuation mark is always needed between such parts.

Double union ("either ... or")

In some sentences, an increased opposition or separation of certain objects, actions, qualities is expressed. This function is carried out by a double dividing union. As, for example, in the saying:

Sink or swim.

In this case, a comma is placed before "or", since a double union is used. You can give an example with a simple sentence that has homogeneous members:

It will either rain or hail.

In the same way, a comma before "or" is necessary if we have a complex sentence:

Either you calm down or I'll leave.

In the latter case, this punctuation mark is required for two reasons:

  • type of sentence (complex, two grammatical bases);
  • double dividing union.

So, is a comma needed before "or" if this union is double? Yes, always. This rule is not affected by accompanying grammatical circumstances.

When not to put a comma

We have dealt with several difficult cases. But a logical question arises: is a comma always placed before “or”?

As we have already understood, in a simple sentence this union does not require separation with a punctuation mark. For example:

The food could be tasty or tasteless.

What other similar cases are there?

For example, when there is a common element that unites all parts.

Look at the clouds: soon it will rain or there will be hail.

Separation is also not required if the constituent elements of a complex sentence are indefinitely personal or have the same form of the predicate. For example:

I wanted to sleep or just got cold.

It was getting dark or getting light - it was difficult to make out what time of day it was.

Sometimes there are cases when the unifying factor is intonation. For example, interrogative:

Would it be better to come back tomorrow or postpone until the day after tomorrow?

In the cases described above, there is a common element that unites the parts of the sentence. Under such conditions, a comma before "or" is not needed.

And now consider other divisive unions. Many of them mean the same thing as the official part of speech, which has become the topic of this article.

Similar in meaning union "or"

This part of speech may well replace the word "either", as it expresses the same meaning: an alternative in the form of two (usually opposite) phenomena, properties or objects. For example:

Will you have tea or coffee?

I don't like being too hot or too cold.

They can wait for you or go themselves.

She spends the summer in the city or in the country.

This union has cases of isolation or non-isolation. This will be discussed in more detail below.

When a comma is placed

The isolation of this union is similar to the rules by which a comma is placed before the word "or". These are the cases:

  • double union "either - or";
  • difficult sentence;
  • a double title for a work of art.

An example can be given for each of these situations:

Either he's stupid or he's pretending(double alliance).

We must leave early or the bus will leave without us.(difficult sentence).

"The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"(title of the work).

When not to put a comma

There are also rules governing the punctuation mark in cases with a union that is similar in meaning. It is not required to isolate "or" in the following situations:

  • a simple sentence in which homogeneous members are connected by a single union;
  • a complex sentence with a common element for all constituent parts (a sentence member, a group of words, intonation).

An example of a sentence that fits the first case:

Everyone has already gone outside or gone to bed.

The second situation can be illustrated by the following examples:

Let's bake something for tea: cake, buns or cookies.

Has it become quiet or have we just stopped noticing the noise?

As we can see, disjunctive conjunctions are similar not only in their expressed semantic meaning, but also in their grammatical functions and interaction with punctuation rules.

Other divisive unions

In addition to the official part of speech and its double version, which have become the topic of this article, there are a number of similar unions that carry the same meaning. Here they are:

  • otherwise;
  • and then;
  • whether - whether;
  • not that - not that;
  • that - that;
  • whether - whether;
  • or or.

Examples of sentences with these parts of speech clearly demonstrate that they are quite similar in meaning to each other. Compare:

She will cook fish or chicken.

Leave in a good way, otherwise you will be kicked out.

Quiet, otherwise the child will wake up.

Either no one is at home, or they don’t want to open the door.

Outside the window is not the rain, not the snow.

He gets in the way of one thing or the other.

Whether you want it or not, it doesn't matter.

He's either very brave, or he's gone crazy.

We see that the rules for placing commas in separating unions are also very similar.


A comma before "either", "or" and other separating unions is a rather difficult question. Not in all cases it is possible to unambiguously determine whether this punctuation mark is needed here or not.

If we are talking about a simple or complex sentence without any accompanying features, then the solution is more or less clear.

With homogeneous members, the single union "or" is not isolated. The exception is when the union is double.

In a compound sentence, a comma before the dividing conjunction is usually required. But certain factors (general intonation, unifying word or group of words, impersonal and vaguely personal types of sentences) can create exceptions to this rule.

For this reason, it is necessary to carefully analyze the sentence and check the appropriateness of the arrangement. In disputed cases, it would be useful to consult the punctuation guide. The classic version of this was written by Professor D. E. Rosenthal.

Homogeneous are such members of a sentence that answer the same question and refer to the same member of the sentence or are explained by the same member of the sentence.

Compare two sentences:

I often receiveletters andparcels . I oftenget andsend letters.

In the first sentence, two complements answer the question WHAT? and refer to the same predicate, and in the second sentence two predicates are explained by one common addition.

Homogeneous members are usually expressed by words of one part of speech, as was the case in the sentences above, but they can also be expressed by different parts of speech. For example: He spoke slowly With big pauses. In this sentence, the first circumstance is expressed by an adverb, and the second by a noun with a preposition.

Homogeneous members in sentences can be common, that is, they can have dependent words. Consider carefully the following sentence.

Guys filmedfrom the head of the cap andbowed.

There are two homogeneous predicates here (REMOVED and BOWED): the first is common by the circumstance (FROM THE HEAD) and the addition (CAPS), and the second is not common (it has no dependent words).

In one sentence there can be several rows of homogeneous members. For example:

The moon rose and illuminated the road, the field and the houses of the village.

The first row of homogeneous members in this sentence is created by predicates, the second - by additions.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

The same word in a sentence can have several definitions, which can be homogeneous and heterogeneous. Learning to distinguish between these two types of definitions is necessary, since homogeneous definitions in writing are separated by commas, and a comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

1. Homogeneous definitions are pronounced with enumerative intonation and characterize the object on the one hand: by color, shape, size, and so on.

In the morning the sun hits the gazebo through the purple, lilac, green and lemon foliage.(Paustovsky).

In this sentence, there are four definitions for the word FOLIAGE, they are homogeneous, since everyone names a color and is pronounced with an enumeration intonation.

Heterogeneous definitions characterize an object from different angles and are pronounced without enumerative intonation, for example:

It was an unbearably hot July day(Turgenev).

The definition HOT tells us about the weather, and the definition JULY tells us what month this day was in.

Please note that homogeneous definitions can be connected by coordinating unions, and if there are no unions, then they can be easily inserted. Compare the three sentences below.

He spoke German, French, English.
He spoke German, French and English.
He spoke German, French and English.

2. Homogeneous definitions cannot be expressed by adjectives belonging to different lexical categories.

If definitions are expressed as adjectives, then you can determine whether they need to be separated by commas in the following way. It is known that adjectives are divided into three categories: quality, relative and possessive . If one word has definitions expressed by adjectives of different categories, then these definitions will be heterogeneous.

On the porch stands his old woman inexpensive sableshower jacket(Pushkin).

The word DUSHEGREYKA has two definitions: EXPENSIVE (qualitative adjective) and SOBOLEY (relative adjective).

3. Definitions are considered heterogeneous if one definition is expressed by a pronoun or numeral, and the other by an adjective.

Consider the examples in the illustration.

Why don't you wearhis newdress?
Finally we waited
first warmdays.

4. Sometimes in works of art there may be sentences in which there are commas between the definitions characterizing the subject from different sides.

Read the sentences from the works of I. A. Bunin and A. P. Chekhov. In them, the authors strive to create a single, holistic view of an object or phenomenon, and such definitions can be considered homogeneous.

Has comerainy, dirty, darkautumn(Chekhov).
Clear days have changedcold, bluish-gray, soundless(Bunin).

Punctuation in sentences with homogeneous members connected by coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions in Russian speech are divided into three categories: connecting, separating and adversative.

Meaning connecting unions can be conditionally designated by the phrase: "BOTH THIS AND THAT". They connect two homogeneous members to each other. Meaning separating unions can be defined as: "OR THAT, OR THIS." Such unions indicate the possibility of only one homogeneous member from several, or their alternation. Meaning adversarial unions is expressed differently: "NOT THAT, BUT THAT". Opposing unions oppose one homogeneous member to another. Consider examples of unions of each category in the illustration.

Please note that the union YES is written both in the column with connecting unions and in the column with opposing unions. The fact is that it can be used in two meanings. Compare two sayings: Without thread Yes do not sew fur coat needles and Small spool, Yes roads. In the first saying, the union YES can be replaced by AND, and in the second - by BUT.

Some coordinating conjunctions consist of several words, for example, HOW ... SO AND; NOT ONLY ... BUT AND. Such unions are called composite.

The placement of commas in sentences where homogeneous members are connected by coordinating unions depends on which category they belong to.

Before coordinating unions connecting homogeneous members, a comma is placed in three cases:

1) if in a sentence homogeneous members are connected by an opposing union:
red berry,Yes tastes bitter. The task is difficultbut interesting;

2) if homogeneous members are connected by repeated unions:
Noisy in the forest aloneand creepy,and fun(Fet);

3) if homogeneous members are connected by compound unions:
There will be a holidayNot only today,but also tomorrow..

Now let's turn to the cases when there is no need to put a comma before unions connecting homogeneous members.

1. If homogeneous members are connected by a single connecting or dividing union, for example:

Minnows splashed in the gardenand perch.
In this forest on the pines you can see a squirrel
or woodpecker.

2. If unions combine homogeneous members into pairs, for example:

He had a lot of knives in his collection. and daggers, pistols and guns, decorated with precious stones.

3. If two homogeneous members are connected by repeated unions, but form a stable combination: AND DAY AND NIGHT, AND LAUGHTER AND SIN, NO YES NO NO, NO TWO NO ONE AND A HALF, NO BACK OR FORWARD and others.

We were awakenedneither lightneither dawn.

Punctuation marks in sentences with generalizing words

Read the offer carefully.

Coniferous trees grew near the housetrees: spruces, pines, firs.

In this example, there are four subjects, but it is impossible to call them all homogeneous, because the first of them - the word TREES - combines the following ones in its meaning, or, conversely, the last three subjects specify, clarify the meaning of the first. Between the first subject and subsequent ones, you can insert the question: "Which ones?".

If one of the words in the sentence is specified, specified by a number of homogeneous members, then such a word is called generalizing . Please note: the generalizing word is the same member of the sentence as the homogeneous members.

Generalizing words in sentences can be expressed by different parts of speech, but pronouns are used most often in this capacity, for example:

Neither a noble family, nor beauty, nor strength, nor wealth - nothing can escape trouble(Pushkin) or It has always been like this: a hundred and three hundred years ago.

Generalizing words can also be expressed as whole phrases, for example:

Every day he began to bring old Moseichvarious large fish : pike, ide, chub, tench, perch(Aksakov).

In this sentence, the combination DIFFERENT BIG FISH will be generalizing.

In sentences with generalizing words, punctuation marks are placed in accordance with the rule of three main points.

1. If a generalizing word is in front of homogeneous members, then a colon is placed after it.

yellow maple leaves layeverywhere : machines.

2. If the generalizing word is after homogeneous members, then a dash is placed before it.

On paths, on benches, on rooftops machines everywhere lay yellow maple leaves.

3. If the generalizing word is in front of the homogeneous members, and after them the sentence continues, then a colon is placed after the generalizing word, and a dash after the homogeneous members.

Everywhere : on paths, on benches, on rooftops machines lying yellow maple leaves.

An exercise

    He lay on his back_ and looked at the sky for a long time.

    Sketches of trees, splashed with rain_ and agitated by the wind, began to emerge from the darkness (Turgenev).

    Exhausted_ dirty_ wet, we reached the shore (According to Turgenev).

    In deep silence, the nightingale's clattering (Bunin) was clearly and cautiously echoed around the garden.

    I collected my dobrishko_ and returned to my sister (Bunin).

    Dew silvered on wet_ odorous_ thick flowers_ and herbs (Bunin).

    The clatter of hooves - the ringing of the wheel resounded with thunder - and echoed from four sides (According to Gogol).

    Noisier_ and noisier songs_ and cries were heard through the streets (Gogol).

    We took a rubber_inflatable boat_ with us and at dawn we rode it over the edge of coastal water lilies to fish. (Paustovsky)

    The waiter put cold_hot appetizers on the table, as well as the main dish - stuffed salmon.

    From somewhere outside came the restlessly growing_ mighty_ formidable noise of a huge crowd (Babel).

    I threw a heavy lead sinker at the she-wolf (Paustovsky).

    From here one could see a large neglected garden (A. Gaidar).

    The menu featured a large selection of white_red wine_ as well as sodas_ and juices.

    Evgeny Schwartz grew up in the small_ provincial_ southern town of Maykop.

    In the depths of the garden, a clumsy_ two-storey shed stuck out, and under the roof of this shed a small_ red flag fluttered (Gaidar).

    It is especially good in the gazebo on quiet_ autumn nights, when the unhurried_ sheer rain rustles in the garden in an undertone (Paustovsky).

    The exhibition presents a lot of gas_electric cookers_ and ovens.

    Ahead is a desert_ September day (Paustovsky).

    He packed into the suitcase_ not only clothes_ but also books.

    He decided to pack either clothes or books in his suitcase.

    He took out a suitcase and put in_ and shirts_ and ties_ and an album of photographs.

    The album contained photographs of his wife_ and relatives_ and friends.

    In the depths of the garden stood a small outbuilding with small windows that did not open either in winter or in summer.

    There were already pies_ and pancakes, pancakes_ and cheesecakes on the table.

    I'll order_ either ice cream_ or strawberry juice.

    I'll order ice cream_ or strawberry pie_ or cheesecake.

    I will order_ not only ice cream_ but also apple pie.

    Yegorushka had never before seen steamboats, locomotives, or wide rivers (Chekhov).

    He is well acquainted with the life of the landowner and peasant and petty-bourgeois (Turgenev).

    On the left side you can see vast fields_ forests_ three_ or four villages_ and in the distance the village of Kolomenskoye with its high palace (Karamzin).

    And the deceptive shaft of the blue sea in the hours of fatal bad weather_ and the sling_ and the arrow_ and the crafty dagger_ spare the winner years (Pushkin).

    The palisade was hung with bundles of dried pears_ and apples_ and ventilated carpets (according to Gogol).

    There grew a lot of flowers_ crane peas_ porridge_ bluebells_ forget-me-nots_ field carnations (Turgenev).

    He knows a lot about everything that is important_ and entertaining for a Russian person_ in horses_ and cattle_ in the forest_ in bricks_ and dishes_ in red goods_ and leather goods_ in songs_ and dances (Turgenev).

    The hare has many enemies: both the wolf_ and the fox_ and the man.

    Whether at home, on the street, or on a visit, everywhere he felt someone's gaze on him.

    Tatyana prepared everything you need for embroidery_ colorful threads_ beads_ sequins_ beads.

    In our department store you can buy various_headwear_caps_hats_winter_and sports caps.

    Everywhere_ in the club_ on the streets_ on the benches at the gates_ in the houses_ there were noisy conversations (Garshin).

    Everything merged, everything mixed up_ earth_ air_ sky.

    The next day, for breakfast, they served very tasty pies_ crayfish_ and lamb cutlets (Chekhov).

    There were no human feelings left in him, no love for his son, no compassion for his neighbor.

    Deciduous trees_ aspens_ alder_ birches_ still bare (Soloukhin).

    The dewdrops shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow_red_yellow_green_violet.

    It was joyful_ young_ both in heaven_ and on earth_ and in the heart of man (Tolstoy).

  1. _ and the grave of fatal secrets, fate_ and life in its turn_ everything was subjected to their judgment (Pushkin).
  2. And the shepherd chasing cows_ and the surveyor riding in a cart across the dam_ and the gentlemen walking around_ all look at the sunset and everyone finds that it is terribly beautiful, but no one knows and will not say what beauty is here (Chekhov).

    And the fact that they were sitting in the living room, where everything_ and the chandelier in the case_ and armchairs_ and carpets underfoot_ said that here once walked_ sat_ drank tea these same people who now looked out of the frames, and that it is now noiseless here beautiful Pelageya walked - it was better than any stories (Chekhov).

    Sometimes it happens that clouds crowd in disorder on the horizon, and the sun, hiding behind them, paints them_ and the sky in all sorts of colors_ crimson_ orange_ gold_ purple_ dirty pink; one cloud looks like a monk, another looks like a fish, the third looks like a Turk in a turban (Chekhov).

    The glow has engulfed a third of the sky, shines in the church cross_ and in the glass of the master's house_ shines in the river_ and in puddles_ trembles on the trees; Far, far away, against the backdrop of dawn, a flock of wild ducks flies somewhere to spend the night ... (Chekhov).

    Imagine ... a cropped head with thick_ low hanging eyebrows_ with a bird's nose_ with a long_ gray mustache_ and with a wide mouth from which a long_ cherry chubuk sticks out; this head is clumsily glued to a lean_ hunchbacked torso, dressed in a fantastic costume_ in a stubby_ red jacket and wide_ bright blue harem pants; this figure walked with her legs apart_ and shuffled her shoes, spoke without removing the chibouk from her mouth, but behaved with purely Armenian dignity_ did not smile_ did not bulge her eyes_ and tried to pay as little attention to her guests as possible.

    A good conductor, conveying the composer's thought, does twenty things at once - reads the score, waves his baton - watches the singer - makes a movement towards the drum - then the horn, and so on. (Chekhov).

    Alien people - alien nature - miserable culture - all this, brother, is not as easy as walking along Nevsky in a fur coat, arm in arm with Nadezhda Fedorovna_ and dreaming of warm climes (Chekhov).

    Hatred for von Koren_ and anxiety_ all disappeared from the soul (Chekhov).

Complex sentences- These are sentences consisting of several simple ones.

The main means of connecting simple sentences in complex ones are intonation, conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating) and allied words (relative pronouns and pronominal adverbs).

Depending on the means of communication, complex sentences are divided into allied and unionless. Allied proposals are subdivided into compound and complex subordinate.

Compound sentences (SSP) are complex sentences in which simple sentences are connected to each other by intonation and coordinating conjunctions.

Types of compound sentences by the nature of the union and meaning

SSP type Unions Examples
1. connecting unions(connective relationship). AND; Yes(in meaning and); no no; yes and; too; also; not only but.

They opened the door, and air from the yard flowed into the kitchen.(Paustovsky).
Her face is pale, slightly parted lips also turned pale.(Turgenev).
Not only was there no fish, but the rod did not even have a fishing line.(Sadovsky).
He did not like jokes, and she was with him left alone(Turgenev).

2. Compound sentences with opposing alliances(opposite relationship). BUT; but; Yes(in meaning but); but(in meaning but); but; but; and then; not that; not that; a particle(in the meaning of union a); particle only(in the meaning of union but).

Ivan Petrovich left, but I stayed(Leskov).
Beliefs are inspired by theory, behavior is shaped by example.(Herzen).
I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry.(Tendryakov).
It rained in the morning, but now the clear sky shone above us(Paustovsky).
you today should talk with his father, otherwise he will worry about your departure(Pismsky).
Boats immediately disappear into the darkness, only bursts of oars and voices of fishermen are heard for a long time.(Dubov).

3. Compound sentences with divisive unions(separating relations). Or; or; not that ..., not that; then ... then; whether... or.

Either eat the fish or run aground(proverb).
Either he envied Natalia, or he regretted her(Turgenev).
Either silence and loneliness affected him, or he just suddenly looked with different eyes at the situation that had become familiar(Simonov).


1) Coordinating conjunctions can connect not only parts of a compound sentence, but also homogeneous members. Their distinction is especially important for punctuation marks. Therefore, when parsing, be sure to highlight the grammatical foundations in order to determine the type of sentence (simple with homogeneous members or a compound sentence).

Wed: From the smoky hole a man walked and carried a large sturgeon(Peskov) - a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates; I’ll give money for the road, and you can call a helicopter(Peskov) - a compound sentence.

2) Coordinating conjunctions usually take place at the beginning of the second part (the second simple sentence).

In some places, the Danube serves as a border, but it serves as a road people to each other(Peskov).

The exceptions are unions, too, also, particles-unions are the same, only. They necessarily take or can take place in the middle of the second part (the second simple sentence).

My sister and I were crying, my mother was also crying.(Aksakov); His comrades treated him with hostility, while the soldiers truly loved him.(Kuprin).

Therefore, when parsing such complex sentences, they are often confused with non-union complex sentences.

3) The double union not only ..., but also expresses gradation relations and is referred to as connecting unions in school textbooks. Very often, when parsing, only its second part is taken into account ( but also) and are mistakenly referred to as adversarial unions. In order not to be mistaken, try replacing this double union with the union and.

Wed: The language should not only understandable or vulgar but also the language must be good (L. Tolstoy). - Language should be understandable or vernacular, and language must be good.

4) Compound sentences vary greatly in meaning. Quite often they are close in meaning to complex sentences.

Wed: You leave - and it becomes dark(Schefner). - If you leave, it will become dark; I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry.(Tendryakov). - Although I didn't eat anything, I didn't feel hungry.

However, when parsing, it is not this particular meaning that is taken into account, but the meaning determined by the type of the coordinating union (connective, adversative, divisive).

Notes. In some textbooks and manuals, compound sentences include complex sentences with explanatory conjunctions. that is, namely, for example: The board authorized him to speed up the work, that is, in other words, he authorized himself to this(Kuprin); The flights of birds have developed as an adaptive instinctive act, namely: it gives the birds opportunity to avoid adverse winter conditions(Peskov). Other researchers attribute them to complex sentences or distinguish them as an independent type of complex sentences. Some researchers of sentences with particles only refer to non-union sentences.

Often, writers have a question whether a comma is placed before “either” or not. The reason for the doubts is that this is not a very common union, which, moreover, belongs to the category of divisive unions, and they, unlike adversaries, are not so unambiguous in terms of punctuation with them. So, let's consider different cases when this word is separated by commas or not.

The word "or" is separated by commas

Before the word

1. Since “either” is a disjunctive union, synonymous with “or” and almost the same used, a comma is needed before “or” in a complex sentence (with the exception of the cases discussed below).

  • We will arrive tomorrow at five o'clock in the evening, or you can come on Sunday morning.
  • Each lesson, Fedor was obliged to approach the teacher and submit his disciplinary diary, or the teacher himself demanded a diary for some kind of violation.

2. A comma will also be in the event that the union is repetitive. If so, it does not matter whether the sentence is complex or homogeneous. It is only necessary to ensure that you do not put an extra comma before the first homogeneous member or part of the complex: it is not needed, even if there is also “either” before it.

  • We are going to either the circus or the theatre.
  • Either he will pass the test in geography, or he will be expelled from the gymnasium.

No comma needed

1. A comma before a single union "or" is not placed if it connects homogeneous members of the sentence.

  • Pay for the purchase by credit card or cash.
  • Please bring milk or kefir.

2. In a complex sentence, a comma is not put before the union “or” if the parts of the complex have common secondary members or a common part.


Union- this is a service part of speech, which serves to connect homogeneous members of a sentence, parts of a complex sentence, as well as individual sentences in the text. Unions do not change and are not members of the proposal.

Of Education unions are:

1) non-derivatives (primitives), that is, those that are not related by origin to other parts of speech: a, but, or, yes and;

2) derivatives (non-derivatives) formed by:

By connecting non-derivative unions: as if,

By connecting a demonstrative word from the main part and a simple union: to,

By connecting a union with a word with a generalized meaning: as long as,

Historically from other parts of speech: for now, though, to.

By structure distinguish unions:

1) simple, consisting of one word: ah, because, to;

2) composite, consisting of several components: since, while.

By use unions are divided into:

1) single (non-repeating): but, but, however, on the other hand;

2) repeating, which consist of the same parts ( neither...nor, that...that, or...or, either...or).

3) double (two-component) unions, parts of which are located at a distance with an obligatory or optional second part: not so much ... as, not only ... but also; if...then, when...then, barely...how.

According to the nature of syntactic relations, expressed by them, unions are divided into: 1) coordinating: and, and, but, even, but, however,;

2) subordinate: although, so that, if, therefore.

Coordinating conjunctions connect equal parts. They connect homogeneous members of a sentence, parts of a complex sentence, sentences in the text.

Coordinating conjunctions, depending on the meanings conveyed, are grouped into ranks by meaning.

Classification of coordinating unions by meaning





and, yes (=and), also, also, neither ... nor and etc.

1. Grasshoppers crackle dryly, and lulls, and worried about this whisper-crack(I. Bunin). 2. Peter got up too got up.


or, either, then ... that, not that ... not that and etc.

1. They harnessed the horse, threw two on the cart or three knots, a bed and a wooden trestle bed - that's all the household(V. Rasputin). 2. That cold, then very hot, then the sun will hide then shining too bright(I. Krylov).


but, but, yes (= but), however, but, the same and etc.

1. I will laugh with everyone a I don't want to cry with anyone(M. Lermontov). 2. They click on us, drive us home from the cold, but we are not leaving(V. Astafiev).


not only ... but also, not so much ... how much, not that ... but, etc.

I.E. Repin has repeatedly stated that Leonid Andreev Not only appearance, but also character reminds him of one of the most charming Russian writers - Garshin(K. Chukovsky).


that is, namely, or (= that is) and etc.

He belonged to the number of young people who, at every exam, "played tetanus", that is did not answer a word to the questions of the professor(I. Turgenev).


yes and, moreover, moreover and etc.

When the exhausted musicians stopped playing, the excitement caused by the music disappeared and I felt that I was about to fall, yes and would have fallen if there had not been a timely stop for rest(V. Garshin).

Subordinating conjunctions combine unequal components and indicate the dependence of one of these components on the other. They connect mainly parts of a complex sentence, but can also be used in a simple sentence to connect homogeneous members: The book is interesting, although a bit long.. Unions how, as if, as if, than connect homogeneous and heterogeneous members of the sentence: In winter, the night is longer than the day; The pond is like a mirror.

The categories of subordinating conjunctions are varied in meaning.

Classification of subordinating conjunctions by meaning





what, to, as if and etc.

1. It seemed what multi-colored shreds are strewed on the ground(Yu. Olesha). 2. My goal was to visit Old Street(I. Bunin).


when, until, since, just, barely and etc.

1. In the frosty air the first chime of the bell rang out, when Makar entered the hut(V. Korolenko). 2. So the hut will be twisted, bye will not collapse at all or will not wait for a good owner(V. Rasputin).


because, because, since, due to the fact that, due to the fact that and etc.

And now it was difficult for a foreign stranger to fight with a simple local tune, because she appeared to a blind boy, accompanied by all kindred Ukrainian nature(V. Korolenko).


in order to, in order to, in order to and etc.

1. Then, to to reward themselves for a dreary day, the passengers huddled together with the sailors in the wardroom(I. Bunin). 2. To to raise real men, you need to raise real women(V. Sukhomlinsky).


if, if, if... then, whether and etc.

If a you will successfully choose a job and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you(K. Ushinsky).


despite the fact that although and etc.

1. There was no time to enjoy the view although the look deserved it(Yu. Olesha). 2. The horse began to get tired, and sweat rolled down from him, although he was constantly waist-deep in snow(A. Pushkin).


as, as if, as if, as if, as if, exactly and etc.

The flame appeared in one second, as if someone let sunbeams into the crowd(Yu. Olesha). Comparative conjunctions can add a comparative turnover: Thunder jumped how ball, and rolled in the wind(Yu. Olesha).



Everything goes according to plan, so act boldly.

These examples of subordinating conjunctions can be supplemented with compound subordinating conjunctions, for example: while, as if, only, in connection with the fact that, for the purpose of and others (see above). Some unions are ambiguous and can be assigned to several categories, for example to(target and explanatory), when(temporary and conditional).