Saratov Agrarian Institute named after Vavilov correspondence department. Saratov Agricultural Institute

Applicants who want to work in the agro-industrial sector in the future are annually invited to study by him. N. I. Vavilov. This university is a state educational organization that has a license and accreditation, so you can enter here without any fear. It is also worth noting that the diploma obtained in this educational institution is highly quoted. SSAU is included in the TOP-100 best universities in our country and occupies the 2nd position in the list of agricultural educational organizations.

The emergence and development of the university

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Volga region, which is the largest region of agricultural production, needed specialists who could work in the agricultural sector. Special courses were opened in 1913 for the purpose of training relevant personnel. They lasted for about 5 years. In 1918 they were transformed into an agricultural institute.

Over the next 5 years, the university went through a lot - joining an existing university in the form of a faculty, re-obtaining the status of an independent educational organization. This difficult period ended with a renaming. The Agricultural Institute became known as Agriculture and Land Reclamation. The next major change in the history of the university took place in 1997. The higher agricultural educational institutions existing in Saratov were attached to it. As a result, Saratov Agrarian University named after V.I. N. I. Vavilov. Currently, this university exists and is developing rapidly.

Saratov Agrarian University. Vavilov: faculties

SSAU currently has 4 faculties of full-time education:

  • agronomic;
  • veterinary medicine, biological and food technologies;
  • engineering and environmental management;
  • Economics and management.

He also has Saratov Agrarian University named after. Vavilov correspondence department. It is called the Institute of Additional Education and Distance Learning. This structural subdivision trains specialists on the job. The university also includes the Institute of International Educational Programs. It promotes the integration of SSAU into the global educational community, the establishment of partnerships with foreign educational institutions.


Applicants entering the Saratov Agrarian University think about choosing the direction of training. One of the existing ones at the university at the moment is “Agronomy”. This area of ​​training belongs to the Faculty of Agronomy. For admission to it, the Russian language, biology and mathematics are surrendered. During the training period, students study crop production, vegetable growing, agriculture, land reclamation and other disciplines.

Graduates receive Employers accept them for the positions of agronomists, whose duties include:

  • planning of agricultural work;
  • monitoring the development and growth of planted crops;
  • planning activities to achieve maximum yield (fertilizing, weeding, etc.).

"Nature management and ecology"

Another bachelor's degree offered by the Faculty of Agronomy is Nature Management and Ecology. To enter here, you must pass the entrance examinations or provide the results of the Unified State Examination in 3 general subjects - Russian language, geography, mathematics.

Future ecologists study in the direction of "Nature management and ecology". Students study general ecology, legal audit and other interesting subjects. Students receive all the necessary theoretical knowledge, which in the future allows them to organize environmental protection, conduct various examinations, and carry out control and revision activities.

"Aquaculture and aquatic biological resources"

An interesting area of ​​study offered by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Biological and Food Technologies is “Aquaculture and Aquatic Biological Resources”. Admission is based on the results of such exams as Russian language, biology, mathematics.

Students of this direction study the structure of fish, their evolutionary development, reproduction features. In the future, they will be engaged in fish farming and fish protection activities. After receiving a diploma, they can work in design organizations, research institutes, and hold managerial positions at enterprises in the processing and food industries.


Saratov Agrarian University. Vavilov faculties and specialties are relevant and interesting. For applicants who want to connect their future life with helping animals, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine offers such a direction of training as "Veterinary Medicine". Upon admission, applicants are tested for knowledge of the Russian language, biology and mathematics.

"Veterinary" is a branch of specialty. On it, students study for 5 years on a full-time basis and 6 years on a part-time basis. During these years, future veterinarians study the anatomy and physiology of animals. They also get acquainted with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of various etiologies.

"Landscape architecture"

At the Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Management, Saratov Agrarian University named after. Vavilova offers a variety of specialties. One of the areas of training that are in demand among applicants is Landscape Architecture. To enter here, you need to pass entrance tests or provide the results of exams in the Russian language, biology and mathematics.

During their studies, students go through many interesting disciplines. This includes ecological design, modern technologies of ornamental crop production, and restoration of territories of cultural heritage sites. The acquired knowledge allows students in the future:

  • design and implement the placement of parks, gardens and other landscaping facilities;
  • choose specific plants for plantings, taking into account climate, soil and other factors;
  • observe the growth of plants, plan their care.


The Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Management also offers applicants such a direction of training as "Agroengineering". It provides training in 3 areas:

  • "Technical service of equipment and machines";
  • "Electrical technologies and electrical equipment";
  • "Innovative agricultural technology".

For applicants when entering the Saratov Agrarian University. Vavilov, knowledge of the Russian language, physics and mathematics is tested. Those who choose the first profile will have to deal with the maintenance and repair of machines in the future. Similar work is done by graduates of the second profile. They carry out maintenance, diagnostics and repair of various electrical equipment and power networks. Graduates of the third profile participate in the development of new technical means, machine technologies, and are engaged in planning the effective use of agricultural machinery.


One of the most popular areas of study is Economics. The educational process is organized by the Faculty of Economics and Management. Applicants take the Russian language, mathematics and social studies. There are several profiles in this direction. These are “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Economics of organizations and enterprises”, “Credit and finance”.

The work of future graduates depends on the chosen profile. Accountants and auditors keep records of the financial and economic activities of organizations, fill out reports and analyze them. Economists determine the strategic development of enterprises, looking for ways to improve performance. Financiers are engaged in solving problems in the monetary sphere.


The Faculty of Economics and Management also offers applicants such a direction of training as "Management". Upon admission to the Saratov Agrarian University. Vavilov surrenders Russian language, social science and mathematics. Over the years of study, students study financial, innovative and strategic management, organization and conduct of business negotiations, human resource management and other disciplines.

People after completing their studies at the university are employed in various positions. They work as HR, customer service, sales, development managers. Their tasks include managing the resources of companies, analyzing the market, identifying new needs for any products and services.

Admission to the university, reviews of the educational organization

When entering Saratov Agrarian University, applicants submit an application, a passport and a document of education to the admission committee (it can be a certificate or diploma, indicating the presence of secondary specialized or higher education). School graduates are accepted to study based on the results of the Unified State Examination. Persons who have graduated from colleges or universities pass entrance examinations within the walls of the Saratov Agrarian University.

Only those applicants who in each subject (according to the results of the Unified State Examination or entrance examinations) gain the minimum number of points established by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation are accepted for training.

Saratov Agrarian University. Vavilov: passing score
Discipline Permissible Result
Russian language36
Social science42

Applicants who have not yet decided on the place of further study should pay attention to the fact that Saratov State Agrarian University receives good reviews. The majority of students and graduates express positive opinions about the educational organization, they say that SSAU is a territory of opportunities. Here you can get a sought-after profession.

Studying at the university is interesting. Here they give not only theoretical knowledge, but also allow you to gain practical skills. The university has a huge laboratory base, which includes 47 educational, scientific and industrial divisions. For example, there is a center "Veterinary Hospital". It provides veterinary services to the public. It hosts practical classes for students. Students get acquainted with their future profession, watch how specialists perform various diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures in relation to animals.

Summing up, it is worth noting that for admission it is necessary during the admission campaign to visit the Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov, whose address is Saratov, Theater Square, 1. For applicants who live outside the city or for some reason cannot come to the university, there are options for sending the necessary documents by postal and e-mail addresses.

This is a large research complex, which trains specialists whose work is related to the agricultural industry. The university has five faculties - economics and management, engineering and environmental management, agronomy, veterinary medicine.

History of University

SSAU them. Vavilov - one of the most prestigious higher educational institutions of agricultural orientation in the Volga region. Higher agricultural courses were opened in Saratov in 1913. They began to train scientists agronomists who were ready to work in difficult conditions in the south-east of Russia.

In 1918, in the new Soviet republic, a decision was made to transform the higher agricultural courses in Saratov into an agricultural institute. There began to actively accept representatives of the working and peasant youth.

From 1917 to 1921, one of the most talented Soviet geneticists, Nikolai Vavilov, conducted pedagogical and scientific activities at the Institute. A young professor in Saratov studied plant immunity to infectious diseases and formulated the law of homologous series. In 1921 he left for Petrograd, leaving behind a team of able-bodied like-minded people. In 1981, his name was given to the Saratov Agricultural Institute.

Birth of the university

Status of the university SSAU them. Vavilov received in the 90s. The integration processes that took place at that time in science and education required significant changes in the very principle of development and teaching of agricultural universities.

In 1997, by a government decree, three universities were merged into one. Saratov Agroengineering University has joined the Saratov State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology and the Saratov State Agricultural Academy. Thus, SSAU was born. Vavilov.

Boris Dvorkin was elected rector of the university. A well-known agronomist, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Russia. He put a lot of effort into the creation of the university. The scientist and teacher died in 2003.

Faculty of Economics and Management

The Faculty of Economics and Management was founded on the basis of the Faculty of Economics, which opened in 1952. For more than 50 years of work, teachers have trained more than 6 thousand specialists who graduated from SSAU. Vavilov. Saratov has received qualified managers and economists who are ready to prove themselves in various areas of work. First of all, their specialization includes the organization and planning of agricultural production, planning the national economy, managing the foreign economic activity of companies.

Graduates get prestigious and highly paid jobs at the largest enterprises in the region, and manage government agencies.

The Faculty of Economics, which existed since the middle of the last century, was transformed into the Faculty of Accounting in 2005. In 2009, after another reorganization of the university, it was renamed the Faculty of Finance and Economics. At the same time, a separate faculty of management and agribusiness appeared to train specialists in the field of management and economics.

It received its current name in 2013 after these two faculties were merged into one.

Currently, the dean is Elena Borisovna Dudnikova, Doctor of Sociological Sciences.

Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Management

The history of this faculty begins in 1922, when the ameliorative faculty was opened on the basis of the Saratov Agricultural Institute. In 1956, he interrupted his work for a while, resuming only in 1970. Then there was a need for hydroreclamation specialists for the development of agriculture in the southeastern regions.

In its current form, it has existed since 2009 at the SSAU named after V.I. Vavilov (Saratov). Faculties of environmental management, forestry and landscape engineering were merged into one.

At the moment, the faculty is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences Dmitry Aleksandrovich Solovyov.

Faculty of Agronomy

Teachers of SSAU Vavilov have always been highly qualified. This statement also applies to teachers of the agronomic faculty.

It has existed since the founding of the university, and in 1922 it was separated into a separate agricultural institute. After 12 years, the faculty of plant protection was launched on its basis, which became the first in the country working in this profile.

After a large-scale reorganization in 2009, which affected the field of higher education, the faculties were merged. Now the Faculty of Agronomy is headed by a specialist in agricultural sciences, who has the title of candidate - Natalya Alexandrovna Shyurova.

The most versatile education can be obtained at SSAU Vavilov. Faculties are divided into departments. For example, there are 6 of them in the agricultural sector. And all of them are in demand. Extremely popular in SSAU Vavilov are specialties in which you can get a diploma of higher education here, these are ecologist, cadastral engineer, agronomist, land management specialist.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Food and Biotechnology

This faculty is one of the oldest in the country. It originates from the Yuriev School of Veterinarians, which was opened in 1948 in the town of Dorpat. Three decades later, it was transformed into a veterinary institute.

By that time, in addition to the faculties where students were given a quality education, there was a model educational forge, and the teachers had at their disposal unique collections of dental and pharmacological preparations. There were therapeutic and surgical clinics, a clinic for infectious diseases, and a pharmacy.

The faculty trains specialists in various fields. These are biotechnology, food products from vegetable raw materials and animal origin, product technology and catering.

After graduation, graduates are helped with employment. The best students are looking for jobs at the largest regional enterprises.

Much attention at the faculty is paid to innovative developments in the field of food technology.

Institute of Correspondence Education and Additional Education

The Institute of Correspondence Education is a separate important structure of the SSAU. Vavilov. The class schedule is most convenient for the busiest students. So, they receive knowledge without interruption from work at an enterprise or factory.

The institute was founded relatively recently, in 1998. During this time, the educational institution has acquired a rich material and technical base. It helps to organize the educational process for students of the evening department at the most modern level. Traditional forms of education alternate with innovative ones. The library has all the conditions for students to independently prepare for seminars and exams.

Scientific work

The university pays great attention to scientific work. Thanks to this, the Saratov State Agrarian University received the title of the best higher educational institution in the Saratov region.

Conferences and seminars are regularly held on the basis of the university. For example, the scientific-practical conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Territories".

The conference discussed the prospects for optimizing the process in the bakery market, providing agricultural enterprises with borrowed funds, the development of beekeeping, agricultural environmental management, the development of animal husbandry in the Saratov region, the realization of the productive potential of black-and-white cattle, rural tourism, analysis of the regional poultry market, the role of innovation in increasing labor efficiency of the agro-industrial complex.

Constant communication with leading scientists, participation in conferences on topical issues of agriculture allow students to maintain their knowledge at the highest level.

Saratov Agricultural Institute


SSAU main building

Rector N.I. Kuznetsov
Location Saratov
Legal address Russia, 410012, Saratov, Theater Square, 1

Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov- an educational university of an agrarian profile, one of the leading educational institutions for training specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the Volga region. More than 20 thousand students study at the university on all forms of ownership.


In May 1922, the Faculty of Agronomy separated from the State University and again became an institute. The well-known biologist, Professor V. R. Zalensky was elected the first director of the institute. At this time, such prominent scientists as A.I. Stelbut, A.P. Shekhurdin, E.M. Plachek, V.S. Bogdan, G.K. Meister, N.M. .Zernov, Ya.Ya.Dadonov.

In 1923, the reclamation faculty was opened. In this regard, the Saratov Agricultural Institute was renamed the Saratov Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation.

In the 30s of the XX century, such educational institutions as the State Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute (1930) and the Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (1932 on the basis of the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineering transferred to Saratov) were formed in the city.

By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 18, 1997 "On improving the system of vocational education in the Saratov region" three higher educational institutions of an agricultural profile - Saratov State Agroengineering University, Saratov State Agricultural Academy. N.I. Vavilova and the Saratov State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology were merged into the Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov.

Dvorkin B.Z. was chosen as the first rector of the united university. (April 1998). Passed away in 2003. In May 2003, Kuznetsov N.I. was elected rector of the university. N.I. Vavilov to this day.


At the moment (2009), the following faculties function at the university: Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Faculty of Management and Agribusiness, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization and Technical Service, Faculty of Electrification and Energy Supply, Faculty of Environmental Management and Forestry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology , Faculty of Technology.


  • Balashovsky
  • Astrakhan


  • Rector - Kuznetsov N.I.
  • Vice-rector for organizational, managerial and personnel work - Druzhkin A.V.
  • Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Correspondence Education - Larionov S.V.
  • Vice-Rector for Research - Golubev A.V.
  • Vice-Rector for Capital Construction and Administrative and Economic Work - Vasiliev V.V.
  • Vice-rector for educational work - Popova O.M.
  • Vice-Rector for Innovative Development - Butyrin V.V.



  • - The official site of the Saratov State Agrarian University. N. I. Vavilov.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Saratov region
  • Saratov Operetta Theater

See what "Saratov Agricultural Institute" is in other dictionaries:

    Them. N. I. Vavilov (see VAVILOV Nikolai Ivanovich), see Saratov Agrarian University. N. I. Vavilova (see SARATOV AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Them. N. I. Vavilova was founded in 1913. It trains engineers in the specialties of agriculture and forestry, ecology, etc. 1993, approx. 5 thousand students ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Year of foundation: 1913
Number of students studying at the university: 22976
University tuition fees: 29 - 36 thousand rubles.

Address: 410012, Saratov region, Saratov, Teatralnaya sq. d. 1


Email: [email protected], [email protected]

About the university

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov" is one of the largest leading educational institutions for training specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the Saratov province, the Volga region and other subjects of the Russian Federation. The university is ranked among the top 100 universities in Russia and ranks 5th among agricultural universities.

The Agrarian University is an educational and research complex, a cultural and social center with a developing modern infrastructure. The university includes 12 faculties (3 of them part-time), 2 branches (in Balashov, Saratov region and in Astrakhan), boarding school of natural sciences, postgraduate and doctoral studies, three libraries, publishing house.

The structure of the university includes the institute of additional professional education for agricultural personnel, the educational, scientific and production complex "Agrocenter", the educational and production unit "Agroexpocenter", the technopark "Volgoagrotekhnika", the Veterinary Hospital, the information and consulting service "POISK". On the basis of the university, the Association "Agrarian Education and Science" was created, which unites leading scientific, educational organizations and agricultural enterprises.

19 basic advanced farms are a testing ground for scientific experiments and provide students with basic agricultural practice. Currently, the educational process and scientific work are conducted by 1317 highly qualified teachers (including part-time teachers), including 227 doctors of sciences, professors and over 765 candidates of sciences, associate professors. More than 22,000 students are studying vocational training at the university in full-time and part-time forms of education.
Training is conducted in 43 specialties with the qualification "certified specialist", in 14 areas of training with the qualification "bachelor" and 6 areas of training with the qualification "master". During the period of study, each student masters additional professions.
In the organization of the educational process, a progressive modular-rating technology of education with a cumulative system for assessing students' knowledge is used. Graduates who successfully graduated from the university and showed a penchant for research work can be recommended for further postgraduate studies.

Training of highly qualified personnel is carried out through postgraduate studies (in 36 specialties) and doctoral studies.
There are 6 specialized dissertation councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science.

Directions of education in SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov

University graduates receive a versatile education. They have the necessary level of theoretical and practical knowledge, allowing them to successfully work at agro-industrial enterprises in such areas as:
- agroecology and agroengineering;
- animal husbandry, fish farming, poultry farming;
- viticulture and beekeeping;
- forestry, landscape gardening and landscape construction;
- Entrepreneurship, banking and agribusiness;
- food and processing industry;
- in the areas of service, trade and veterinary services;
- in higher educational institutions, technical schools and research institutes;
- in the administrative and management organizations of the agro-industrial complex of the Volga region and Russia.

Over the years of the university's formation, more than 100 thousand qualified specialists have been trained.

Every year, scientific and pedagogical workers of agricultural universities, colleges, technical schools, heads of agricultural enterprises, regional departments of agriculture of the region, etc. are trained and retrained on the basis of the Institute of ADP personnel of the agro-industrial complex.

Social and educational sphere of the university

The university has a multifunctional sports complex with an indoor pool, more than 30 different sections function in the sports club.
The university has three sports and recreation camps located on the picturesque banks of the Volga, health centers.
Singing and dancing groups, a theater studio, an orchestra of folk instruments, and a choir have been created in the student club.
The library of the university is one of the largest agricultural libraries in the region. The fund of the scientific library is more than 1.8 million copies. Fund of scientific literature - more than 650 thousand copies - among them - a unique collection of publications.

Since 1995, the Vega search team has been working at the university: every year students go on expeditions to the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War.

To date, SSAU them. N.I. Vavilov has eight comfortable buildings of student hostels. The ninth building along Bakhmetyevskaya street will be put into operation by September 1, 2010. Another residential building with an improved layout, the construction of which will be completed at the end of this year along Rostovskaya Street, is designed to accommodate graduate students and young scientists.

International relations

Saratov State Agrarian University. NI Vavilova develops integration processes not only at the regional level, but also on the scale of Russia and abroad. Long-term international contacts have been established with 28 European, American and Asian scientific and educational centers. The university closely cooperates with universities in the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Turkey, China and other countries.

History milestones

The date of the "birth" of the university is May 14, 1913, when the Higher Agricultural Courses were opened in Saratov by the Decree of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II.
In 1918, the courses were transformed into the Saratov Agricultural Institute (SHI). In 1917-1921. scientific and pedagogical activity at the institute was conducted by one of the greatest geneticists in the world - Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, who headed the department of genetics, breeding and private farming.
In 1930, the process of formation of the Saratov Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute was completed, the foundation of which was laid by a group of researchers and students who arrived in Saratov in 1918 from the Estonian city of Yuryev (Tartu).
In 1932, the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineering was transferred to Saratov. On its basis, the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (SIMSKh) arose.
In April 1998, three higher educational institutions of an agricultural profile were merged into the Saratov State Agrarian University. N.I. Vavilov.
In 2013, the Saratov State Agrarian University named after V.I. N.I. Vavilov - the largest agricultural university in the country.

In its recent history, the university has been recognized three times (in 2003, 2005 and 2008) as the best among universities and scientific institutions in the Saratov region and was awarded the standard of the Governor as the best higher educational institution and scientific institution in the Saratov region. The achievements of the Agrarian University are recognized by the Golden Medal "European Quality" in the nomination "100 Best Universities of Russia" (2009) and the Diploma of the Laureate of the competition "100 Best Universities of Russia" in the nomination "Communication of Science and Production" (2009).

In the future development of the university - the opening of new specialties; development, modernization and harmonization of undergraduate and postgraduate study programs with world standards; improvement of librarianship; information support for the processes of education, scientific research and management; creation of databanks relating to scientific research, curricula and methodological developments; introduction of information technology systems for telecommunications; scientific, methodological and advisory and informational support for farms in the field of production and agribusiness.

The university is in a continuous process of improving the structure of training specialists: new specialties are being licensed, training in new popular specializations is beginning, and existing educational programs are being reviewed. Such a wide range of educational programs is not available in any agrarian university in the country.

In 2010, the university successfully passed state accreditation and re-licensing for the right to carry out educational activities.

License of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation AA001876 dated 17.06. 2009

Reviews (1)

License series AA No. 001876, reg. No. 1867 dated 17.06. 2009

The date of the "birth" of the university is May 14, 1913, when the Higher Agricultural Courses were opened in Saratov by the Decree of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov" is one of the largest leading educational institutions for training specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the Saratov province, the Volga region and other subjects of the Russian Federation.

Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov is an educational and research complex, a cultural and social center with a developing modern infrastructure. The university includes 12 faculties (3 of them part-time), 2 branches (in Balashov, Saratov region and in Astrakhan), boarding school of natural sciences, postgraduate and doctoral studies, three libraries, publishing house.

University graduates receive a versatile education. They have the necessary level of theoretical and practical knowledge, allowing them to successfully work at agro-industrial enterprises in such areas as:

  • agroecology and agroengineering;
  • animal husbandry, fish farming, poultry farming;
  • viticulture and beekeeping;
  • forestry, landscape gardening and landscape construction;
  • entrepreneurship, banking and agribusiness;
  • food and processing industry;
  • in the areas of service, trade and veterinary services;
  • in higher educational institutions, technical schools and research institutes;
  • in the administrative and management organizations of the agro-industrial complex of the Volga region and Russia.

Over the years of the university's formation, more than 100 thousand qualified specialists have been trained.


  • Faculty of Agronomy
  • Faculty of Finance and Economics
  • Faculty of Management and Agribusiness
  • Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization and Technical Service
  • Faculty of Electrification and Energy Supply
  • Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Forestry
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology
  • Faculty of Technology
  • Faculty of agro-industrial market

Reviews: 1


You are welcomed by the graduates of the Faculty of Economics of the Saratov Agricultural Institute, graduated in 1971 and 1972 from Kazakhstan. It's been 40 years since we graduated from the institute. The dean of the faculty was Germashev Grigory Panteleevich. We would like to visit the university next year. And in 2013 it seems that there will be an anniversary - the university will be 100 years old. Who can be contacted and are there graduates of these years currently working at the university?