Drawing up an ecological passport of the kindergarten. Goals and objectives of compiling an environmental passport

Of great importance for the organization of work on environmental education in a preschool institution is the assessment of the state of its environment. Currently, in many regions, preschool institutions are in extremely unfavorable environmental conditions, their territories are poorly landscaped. All this negatively affects the health of children. Therefore, it is extremely important to obtain information about the real environmental situation of the district, the microdistrict in which the preschool institution is located, in order to further determine measures for the possible improvement of the state of the environment.

ON THE. Ryzhova proposes to draw up an unusual unofficial document - an environmental passport for preschool educational institutions. It will help to re-evaluate the territory, the interior, and the ecological situation in the area. Having compiled and analyzed such a “document”, teachers will be able to determine the main directions of their work, develop recommendations for the arrangement of the territory (including the organization of an ecological trail), an ecological class, and much more. All data can be arranged in the form of an album or notebook, illustrated with photographs and diagrams. It is possible that such a passport will be of interest and help to attract parents to cooperation.

Ecological passport of a preschool institution”, which has been tested in many regions of the country. Making such an informal document allows you to solve the following tasks:

a) collect information on the ecological state of the district, microdistrict in which the preschool institution is located;

b) study the state of its territory and adjacent areas;

c) assess the building and interior from the environmental and aesthetic positions;

d) determine the impact of the preschool institution on the environment and outline ways to reduce this impact;

e) to systematize and analyze the professional and material resources of the institution in terms of the possibilities of environmental education;

f) outline the priorities and prospects for the development of environmental education in this particular institution;

g) coordinate the work on environmental education with other organizations;

h) create more favorable conditions for the health of children;

i) draw the attention of parents to environmental problems;

j) assess the readiness of the institution to work on this problem (which is important, in particular, for employees of educational authorities at various levels).

The Ecological Passport should be filled out gradually, starting from the section for which information is already available. The whole team is involved in this process to some extent. The work can be coordinated by a senior educator or an environmental teacher.

The "Environmental Passport" is best issued in the form of separate sheets placed in transparent file folders. It is advisable to include photographs (of an ecological complex, a living corner, etc.), maps of premises, the territory of a preschool institution and a series of maps reflecting the ecological situation in the area (based on materials from environmental committees). Every year, additions are made to the “passport” on separate sheets, indicating the year, reflecting the work done by the team. For example, the creation of an ecological room, changes in the landscaping of the territory are noted, new literature is indicated, etc. Such information makes it possible to track changes in the work of the kindergarten in the field of environmental education over a certain period.

Great help in compiling the "Environmental Passport" of the kindergarten can be provided by schoolchildren dealing with the problem of monitoring the environment under the guidance of teachers, and students of universities, teacher training colleges performing term papers and theses (there is already relevant experience). This approach is very important from the point of view of continuity in environmental education.

Teachers (biology, geography, physics, chemistry, the basics of life safety), university professors, employees of young naturalists stations, environmental centers, scientific institutions, reserves, environmental committees, museums, and sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities can be involved in consulting on individual sections.

Maps of the microdistrict of the kindergarten, the territory of the kindergarten are attached to the "Environmental Passport". You can also make layouts of rooms on floors and a layout of the territory of the kindergarten with three-dimensional figures of trees, sandboxes, buildings that children can rearrange during the game.

Below is an exemplary structure of the "Environmental passport of a preschool institution" (in a schematic form, it is shown in the figure).

Municipal formation Kanevskaya district.
Compiled by: senior teacher MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 Grin Svetlana Valentinovna St. Kanevskaya - 2013
Of great importance for the organization of work on environmental education in a preschool institution is the assessment, forecasting and consideration of the state of the environment. Currently, many preschool institutions are in unfavorable environmental conditions, the territories on which they are located are poorly landscaped and are more prone to air pollution due to high traffic loads, as well as emissions from industrial enterprises. These and many other factors have a huge impact on children's health.
The purpose of creating an ecological passport was the desire to find out what environmental factors in a kindergarten affect a modern preschooler.


1. Assess the readiness of the preschool educational institution to work on the problem of environmental education.

2. Assess the ecological state of the area on whose territory the preschool educational institution is located.

3. Assess the condition of the territory of the preschool educational institution and the adjacent territory.

4. Make a perspective for the development of environmental education in preschool educational institutions.

5. Create favorable conditions for the health of children attending kindergartens.

6. Attract the attention of parents to the problem of environmental education,

7. Establish closer ties with environmental education organizations.


1.1. DOU is located at:
Krasnodar Territory, Art. Kanevskaya, st. Kommunarov 39.
The source of environmental pollution is the access road to the kindergarten and the nearest houses. many private cars drive along it.
The distance from the territory of the kindergarten to industrial, municipal, agricultural facilities, transport roads and highways corresponds to SanPin 2.2.1 / "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects."
The source of drinking water is underground sources of drinking water supply. According to sanitary and chemical indicators, the quality of drinking water is stable. There were no unsatisfactory indicators for bacteriological parameters.
The background noise level, according to the SES, corresponds to the normative indicators.
The radiation background is normal, no radiation accidents have occurred.

1.2. The problem of "child health - the environment" is closely related to the problem of environmental safety. The ecological situation in the area where our kindergarten is located is characterized as satisfactory. Industrial enterprises of the city are located at a sufficient distance from the territory of the kindergarten. According to medical indications, the state of health of kindergarten students is generally satisfactory. Seasonal diseases, such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, are the main distribution.
Morbidity in children (data from 09/01/2011 to 05/02/2012):
ARI (flu) - 37; bronchitis - 2; angina - 4; other cases - 6. Total number of cases: 49. On average, one child missed due to illness - 4 days.
The preschool educational institution complies with nutritional standards, the menu uses environmentally friendly products. Nutrition is monitored monthly. The average set of products meets nutritional standards in accordance with SUN PIN. All this has a positive effect on the health of our students.

1.3. In the immediate vicinity of the kindergarten there are residential buildings, shops, cafes, as well as an access road to the kindergarten and residential buildings.
The main pollutants are:
by noise - access roads to residential buildings,
for emissions of gases into the atmosphere - parking at the entrances of houses, especially in winter, when drivers warm up the engines of their cars.
Not far from the kindergarten there is a park that can be used to study the ecosystem. We use this park for excursions and observations.
1.4. Residential buildings are located in the immediate vicinity of preschool educational institutions, if we consider them from the position of video ecology, then there are very few plantings next to the houses, there are almost no color spots.

Conclusion: Due to the fact that in the current environmental situation, more attention should be paid to the improvement of children and parents should be taught this. It is necessary to lay out new flower beds on the territory of the kindergarten. Plant tree seedlings.


2.1. The kindergarten was commissioned in 1956. On the territory there is a sports area, a protective green area of ​​trees and shrubs, areas for children to play, playgrounds, flower beds, a vegetable garden.

The total area of ​​the territory of the kindergarten -
Sports ground -
The area of ​​the economic territory -
Built-up area -



Weeds and wild
Creeping wheatgrass
creeping clover
Chamomile Herbs
Timothy grass
mouse peas
Bluegrass meadow


Rose hip

The list of herbs and plants is not complete and requires additional study.

Soils in the area are natural.

Animal world.

The fauna on the territory of the kindergarten at different times of the year is represented by a wide variety of inhabitants. The most favorable time for studying the local fauna is spring, summer, autumn, where children have the opportunity to observe its most diverse representatives: insects - butterflies, beetles, bees, bumblebees, wasps, ants, spiders. Diverse in the summer and the world of birds: rooks, starlings, crows, magpies, pigeons, tits. Some species of birds breed in artificial houses. To study birds in winter, feeders of a wide variety of designs are hung on the site. Every day, food is poured into the feeders, which are enjoyed by wintering birds: sparrows, tits, pigeons.
The territory of the kindergarten is visited by cats from nearby houses. The list of animals is not complete and requires additional research.


There are no wet areas, as the terrain is solid. Illuminated areas: sports ground, all playgrounds.
Trampled areas include: playgrounds, paths, most of the sports area.
The degree of trampling: playing areas - from 35 to 50%, sports - up to 75%.
Territories under vegetation make up - 60% of the area, areas covered with asphalt - 20%.
Girlish grapes grow along the fence in the territory of the kindergarten. It protects the territory of the preschool educational institution from noise and emissions from road transport. This allows children to breathe dust-free air.
The territory of the kindergarten is closed, in the evening the entrance to the territory is prohibited.
Cars with food products enter the territory of the kindergarten once a day, garbage trucks - once a week. There are two garbage containers on site.
Conclusion: In addition, study the composition of plants and insects, diversify the composition of medicinal plants in the garden. Supplement the territory of the kindergarten with green spaces.


3.1. The preschool educational institution consists of two one-storey buildings, with a total area of ​​-.
Used for construction: brick, concrete, wood, glass, fiberboard, tiles, steel pipes, lime, putty, sand, cement.
Premises of the preschool educational institution: 5 groups, a methodological room, a music room, a speech therapy room, a medical room, a kitchen with a pantry, a pantry for clean linen, a laundry room, a music director's office, a manager's office.

3.2. Oil paint, whitewash, wallpaper are used to decorate the corridors; in groups - whitewash, water-based paint; in the toilets - tiles, painting, whitewashing. The floors in the groups, bedrooms, corridors are covered with linoleum; toilets are tiled. Fresh flowers decorate the groups, bedrooms and the hall near the main entrance.
3.3. In the group rooms there are corners of nature, "mini-gardens on the window", ecological mini-laboratories, didactic games, libraries, albums on the seasons, natural material, models of vegetables and fruits, etc. Each teacher gives his corner uniqueness and originality. The minimum composition of the corner of nature in each group includes indoor plants, selected according to the age of the children.

Teachers, as far as possible, update the corners of nature, systematically conduct observations with children and record the results in drawings, crafts, keep records of children's essays, stories about what they saw. In any season, in a corner of nature, there is something for the children to do. Preschool children have the opportunity to grow onions, dill, and lettuce throughout the year. During morning duty in a corner of nature, children not only take care of plants, but also watch them. Before the eyes of a child in the garden on the window, a complete life cycle takes place: from seed to seed. In the process of observing plants, children learn to distinguish between types of plants; they notice changes in the development of plants: the seed swelled, the first sprout appeared, the first leaf, pay attention to the beauty of flowers and leaves, observe their growth, flowering, learn the rules of care.

3.4. Indoor plants: chlorophytum, begonias, violets, balsam, sansevier, ivy, cyperus, indoor grapes, zephyranthes, fern, aspidistra, etc. Chlorophytum, sansevier, cyperus, begonia species are most common. The groups have aquariums.

3.5. When designing groups, we try to implement the theoretical developments of videoecology, since the environment and its condition is an equally important factor affecting the health of children.
We try to select the color saturation of the group room in accordance with the "Concept of color accompaniment in preschool pedagogy", the main idea of ​​which is that through certain colors it is possible to promote the development of the child. The right color can relieve visual fatigue, affect the mood, activity, physical condition of the child, etc.
When whitewashing group rooms, we use yellow, a combination of yellow and green, blue, beige, peach.
In the design of group rooms and corridors, children's drawings, photographs of the nature of their native land, living plants, paintings, etc. are used.

"Ecological passport of the kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 9 "Gnezdyshko" in Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region"

Goals and objectives of compiling an "environmental passport"

Assess the readiness of preschool educational institutions to work on the problem of environmental education.

To assess the ecological state of the area in which the preschool educational institution is located.

Assess the impact of PEI on the state of the environment.

Assess the state of the territory of the preschool educational institution and the adjacent territory.

Make a perspective of the development of environmental education in preschool educational institutions.

To create favorable conditions for the health of children attending preschool educational institutions.

To draw the attention of parents to the problem of environmental education.

Establish closer ties with environmental education organizations.

1. Ecological situation.

1.1.DOE is located at the address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Sarov, st. Dukhova, d. 5.

a) We live in an amazingly green and clean city of Sarov.

Our kindergarten is located in a microdistrict built 53 years ago. The kindergarten is located in the intra-quarter territory, and is protected from the nearest roads by a number of five-story houses, trees, shrubs, and lawns. There are no large car parks near the kindergarten. Thus, the problem of gas pollution for kindergarten is not relevant.

b) The soil in the territory of the kindergarten consists of construction debris covered with a thin layer of earth. However, due to the fact that every year for 8 years the land is enriched with peat, the territory of the kindergarten was turned into a blooming fragrant island (Appendix A - from the experience of the MDOU kindergarten No. 41 "Zvezdochka").

However, there are also problem areas on the territory of the preschool educational institution. Some areas are heavily trampled, despite the improvement of the soil. From these areas, in dry weather, dust rises, in damp weather, islands of dirt quickly form on them. Accordingly, a decision was made on a more careful selection of ground cover plants. In autumn, seeds of unpretentious, trample-resistant plants (lawn grass) are planted in these areas.

c) The noise level, according to the SES, corresponds to the standard indicators, since the territory of the preschool educational institution is surrounded by green spaces.

Anthropogenic noise also belongs to environmental pollutants. The impact of the noise factor on human health is expressed in the disorder of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, the development of peptic ulcer, the difficulty in mastering educational material, etc. Naturally, while in kindergarten, among a large number of children, the child finds himself in an environment of increased noise exposure. However, through various measures, this impact can be reduced. So, for example, educators try to speak not loudly, but articulately, as if, "setting" the volume of speech in the group. With care, music is used as a background for children's activities.

G) Radiation environment

In the last three years, the radiation situation in the region has remained stable. The Upper Volga UGMS regularly performs observations of the gamma background in 18 settlements of the region and observations of the radioactivity of fallout from the atmosphere - in 3 points (N.Novgorod, Shakhunya, Lukoyanov). In Nizhny Novgorod, observations were made of radioactive contamination in the surface layer of the atmosphere (Appendix: diagram).

e) Residents of our city can say about one natural component - this is our wealth.

We are, of course, talking about water. We drink, use pure artesian water in everyday life and household. There is no disinfectant in this water. Sarov water meets the requirements of international standards for drinking water and is characterized by three zeros: zero taste, zero color, zero smell. This "underground Baikal" is the wealth of not only Sarov, but the whole of Russia. With reasonable consumption, this water supply will last for many hundreds of years. Our water is the water of the ice age, it lies in the dolomite and calcareous deposits of the ancient seas. Passing through the ancient deposits of microorganisms that have lain for millions of years, the water acquires unique healing properties.

The results of studies of surface water bodies of the Mordovian State Natural Reserve (MGNR) and water bodies of the city of Sarov.:

61 species of phytoplankton were found in the reservoirs of the MGPZ, and 37 species in the reservoirs of the city of Sarov. In the Mordovian Reserve, 51 species of phytoplankton were found in Lake Inorki; Tucherki - 17 species, in the Valza pond - 22 species. In the city of Sarov in the lake. Broach found 19 species of phytoplankton, in the Varlamovsky pond - 18 species, in Fillipovka - 13 species, in the lake. Gadovo - 12 species. Thus, the largest number of species occurs in Lake Inorki of the MGNR. Almost the same number of species was found in the Valza Pond, the Protyazhka Pond, the Varlamovsky Pond, and Lake Tucherki. The smallest number of species was found in the Filipovsky pond and Lake Gadovoye (Appendix No. 1).

In the water bodies of the Mordovian Reserve, algae are most often found: Koliella elongata Nygaard, Autospore af Monoraphidium setiforme Komarkova-Legnerova, Hydrodictyon reticulatum Lagerh (Hydrodictyon reticulatum Lagerh). .In the reservoirs of the city of Sarov, the most common algae are: Oscillatoria redekel, Koliella elongata Nygaard, Volvox globator Ehrenberg.

The degree of species diversity of phytoplankton in the water bodies of the MGNR is higher than in the water bodies of the ZATO in the city of Sarov.

The highest biomass of phytoplankton is in the Broach Pond, the lowest is in the Varlamovka Pond, Sarov. In the reservoirs of the city of Sarov, there is a strong difference in the values ​​of phytoplankton biomass. Phytoplankton biomass in water bodies of the IGPZ does not have sharp differences in values ​​(Appendix No. 2).

Thus, despite the large number of phytoplankton species and the degree of species diversity in Lake Inorki, in terms of phytoplankton biomass, it is inferior to the Protyazhka pond and Lake Gadovo in the city of Sarov.

According to the degree of abundance of higher aquatic vegetation, the water bodies of the Moscow State Nature Reserve are in the lead, and in particular Lake Inorki - 25 species and Lake Tucherki - 20 species. Among the reservoirs of the city of Sarov, in terms of the degree of abundance of higher aquatic vegetation, lakes Varlamovka and Fillipovka are in the lead - 13 species. In the reservoirs of the MGPZ, the most common are: frog watercress, small duckweed, submerged hornwort, hare sedge, vesiculate sedge, common telorez. In the reservoirs of the city - submerged hornwort, vesicular sedge, floating pondweed, roadside chastuha.

In the reserve lakes - Inorki and Tucherki belong to beta-mesosaprobic reservoirs, and the Valza pond to alpha-mesosaprobic. In the city of Sarov, Gadovo lake is an oligosaprobic reservoir, lakes Protyazhka and Fillipovka are beta-mesosaprobic water bodies, Lake Varlamovka is alpha-mesosaprobic (Appendix No. 3).

The results of the chemical analysis showed an increased content of nitrates in Varlamovka, Sarov. This is due to the location of the reservoir near the production site, and it is also possible for nitrates to enter with storm drains from adjacent territories. The increased content of iron cations in the Valza pond of the MGPZ is explained by the natural abundance of iron in the soil and soil of the reservoir (before the foundation of the reserve, iron ore was mined in the Valza River and the Valzinsky Pond).

On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that the water bodies of the Mordovian State Reserve are the most favorable in terms of ecological state. This is explained by the reserved regime and the absence of anthropogenic impact. The reservoirs of the city of Sarov are less favorable in terms of their ecological state (especially the monastery pond Varlamovsky), since they are either located near the industrial zone or are used as a recreational zone.

I would like to hope that the studied natural monuments of the city of Sarov will be protected not only on paper, but also in practice.

Application No. 1.

Comparative diagram of the number of phytoplankton species.

Application number 2.

Comparative diagram of phytoplankton biomass .

Application No. 3.

Comparative diagram of the distribution of the studied reservoirs by saprobity zones, according to the saprobity coefficient.

1.2. In the immediate vicinity of the preschool educational institution there are residential buildings, a store, a pharmacy, a nursery No. 21 "Romashka", the Palace of Schoolchildren's Creativity (DTSh), the Palace of Culture (DK), a city square with a fountain (ecological path), a housing and communal services center, a forest, across the territory which the "path of health" passes.

Of the parks of the city, the closest is the Children's Park along Sosina Street with asphalt alleys for walking, green lawns, flower beds, various attractions for preschool children. Several types of trees and shrubs grow in the park. (Appendix: satellite photo).

2.Characteristics of the territory of the institution.

2.1 The kindergarten was built in 1956. On the territory there is a sports ground, a protective green zone of trees and shrubs, an agricultural zone, areas for games and recreation for preschool children, flower beds, vegetable gardens, verandas for walking during inclement weather, a corner of an untouched meadow.

The total area of ​​the kindergarten is 4625 sq.m.

The area of ​​four playgrounds - 700 sq.m.

Sports ground - 262 sq.m

The area of ​​economic territory - 525 sq.m. m

The entire territory of the preschool educational institution is planted with green spaces. The age of the trees ranges from 20 to 60 years.

2.2 List of plants in the DOW area










Jerusalem artichoke

Chamomile perennial








Marigolds low

Plants in the garden change every year, supplemented. Seedlings for the garden are grown by children of the senior and preparatory groups on the windowsills.

Weeds and wild




wild grapes


creeping clover


Lawn grass

Timothy grass

mouse peas

Bluegrass meadow







Apple tree








Rose hip

The list of herbs and plants is not complete and requires further study. There are no dry and old trees on the territory of the preschool educational institution, since they are removed annually, if necessary.

List of wildlife of the Dow territory


















Ground beetle








Bedbug - soldier

green bug



The list of animals is not complete and requires additional research. The territory of the kindergarten is visited by cats, dogs from nearby houses. This leads to contamination of the sand in the sandboxes. This problem was solved in the following way: an annual complete replacement of sand in sandboxes, a systematic study on the degree of biological contamination, closing sandboxes at night with oilcloth "lids", informing parents about pets that carry diseases.

2.3. Territory zoning.

Wet areas are located in the northeastern and eastern parts of the territory. Dry zone - in the south. The shaded area is a corner of untouched nature, part of the playground A. Illuminated areas: playgrounds B, C, D and a sports field.

To the trampled areas include: playgrounds.Degree of trampled downis from 20 to 30%.

Territories under vegetation make up 60 - 70% of the area, areas covered with asphalt - 30%.

The total area of ​​green spaces is 1594.2 sq.m. This allows children to breathe dust-free air. Along the fence on the territory of the kindergarten grow: poplars, birches, mountain ash, ash. The second tier is made up of shrubs: jasmine, lilac, wild rose. They protect the territory of the preschool educational institution from noise and emissions from road transport (application: territory planning)

2.4 The territory of the preschool educational institution is closed on three sides by planting trees. On the fourth side there is MDOU nursery No. 21 "Romashka", and on the territory of MDOU kindergarten No. 9 "Gnezdyshko" there are verandas for walking. The territory between the institutions is divided by an asphalt path, lawns and planting trees from the side of the nursery. Therefore, according to the SES, the noise level corresponds to the normative indicators.

The territory of the kindergarten is closed to unauthorized persons by a mesh fence at least 1.5 meters high. However, in the evenings it is visited by teenagers who break down buildings (in winter), playground equipment, bushes, trample down the garden, and lawns.

Cars with foodstuffs drive into the territory of the kindergarten 2-3 times a day, a garbage truck - twice a week .. On average, cars stay on the territory of the preschool educational institution for one hour a week. In autumn, trucks drive up to the farmyard to deliver vegetables. Dogs are not allowed to walk on the campus.

3.Characteristics of the building.

The preschool consists of one two-story building. The total area of ​​all premises of the preschool educational institution is 768 sq.m.

Characteristics of building materials: brick building with a tin roof. Used for construction: brick, timber, galvanized sheet metal, glass, cement.

Premises of the preschool educational institution: 4 groups, a music room (part-time sports), a medical office, a kitchen with a pantry, a pantry for clean linen, a laundry room, a room for a castellan, a bomb shelter, a wardrobe room, a music worker's office, a museum of old life, an office of a methodologist and clerk, manager's office, manager's office.

3.2 To decorate the corridor, water-based paint is used, the drawing on the walls is applied with oil paint, whitewash on the ceilings, wood. In two groups - water-based paint, whitewash, fiberboard, in the other two groups - ordinary wallpaper; in the toilets - ceramic tiles, whitewash. The floors in the groups, bedrooms, corridors are covered with linoleum, in the toilets - tiled. Artificial flowers, plastic tiles in the design of group rooms, no bedrooms. Fresh flowers or dried flowers in vases decorate the landing.

In all groups, natural areas are decorated in accordance with age, there are indoor plants. The most common tradescantia, chlorophytum, indoor grapes, begonia species, violets, balsam, aloe, fern. All groups have aquariums, and one has a hamster.

Analyzing the state of the preschool educational institution building from the point of view of environmental safety, it is necessary to pay attention to such an important factor as the state of the air environment. Poor chemical composition of the air, very high or very low temperatures and humidity can cause a disruption in the normal functioning of the body.

The temperature of the surrounding air has a very big influence on the body of the child. Too high or too low temperatures adversely affect the well-being, working capacity of children, makes it difficult for them to work. The temperature regime is maintained by short-term and long-term through ventilation (in the absence of children). Humidifiers can be used to increase humidity, but they are not yet used in our garden.

We do not have the opportunity to study the chemical composition of the air in the kindergarten, however, an analysis of the factors influencing it was carried out.

Washable wallpapers are not used in the premises of the kindergarten. Paper wallpaper on two groups and stairs was replaced with water-based paint in the course of cosmetic repairs in the summer of 2007. Cosmetic repairs are planned for the other two groups in the near future.

A significant factor affecting the chemical composition of the air environment of preschool educational institutions is the use of special disinfectants. For a long time, the main disinfectant used in kindergartens was bleach. Since 2001, in the kindergartens of our city, "Samarovka" has been used as a disinfectant, which belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard substances according to GOST 121.007 - 76. "Samarovka" does not contain chlorine, aldehydes and phenols.

Another characteristic of the air environment is its biological composition, or bacterial contamination. In order for the air in the kindergarten to be of high quality, a lot is done: the rooms are ventilated, 50% of the walls of group rooms and bedrooms are occupied by windows, that is, they are well lit by the sun, many pathogenic bacteria and microbes die under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

With the help of a special selection of indoor plants, it is possible to influence the chemical and biological composition of the air (Appendix B - from the experience of the MDOU kindergarten No. 41 "Zvezdochka")

4. The impact of preschool educational institutions on the environment.

4.1 Water use.

The preschool uses artesian water from underground sources. All water taps, bathrooms are working properly, this is supervised by the manager of the economic part. In the event of a breakdown, repairs are carried out immediately.

Approximate indicator of water use in preschool educational institutions (per day):

cooking - 180 l;

washing dishes - 700 l;

washing toys - 130 l;

cleaning of group rooms, service premises and corridor - 300 liters;

washing hands, face - 220 l;

mouthwash - 10 l.

Polluted water goes to sewerage, then to treatment facilities. The department of preschool institutions pays for water supply. Payment does not depend on the amount of water used, since there is no consumption meter in the preschool educational institution.

4.2. Energy use.

Energy comes from CHP. The payment for energy is made by the accounting department of kindergartens to the accounting department of education, and then to the power grid.

The preschool uses incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, 6 lamps for street lighting, 1 electric titanium, an electric stove with 6 heaters.

The team monitors energy savings throughout the day.

4.3. Heating.

In the preschool educational institution there is centralized heating from the CHP system. Cast iron radiators are installed in the rooms. For the winter period, all group rooms are insulated: the cracks in the windows are sealed with a white plain cloth dipped in soapy water. The temperature regime is maintained by short-term and long-term, cross-ventilation (during the absence of children)

4.4. Waste.

Waste in the preschool educational institution is divided into 4 types:


Packing (boxes, ropes);

Construction (trimming boards).;

Household (incandescent lamps, plumbing).

Food waste (from 8 to 10 liters per day is collected by residents of the city.) The amount of such waste decreases during the summer period, since the number of children in the summer period is much less than during the school year.

Construction, packaging and household waste is taken away by a garbage truck, and fluorescent lamps are stored in an outdoor closed warehouse, from where they are taken out during the day. MU DEP is responsible for garbage collection, payment is made by the accounting department of the education department. Some types of waste material are partly used for crafts, interior decoration, equipment manufacturing (feeders from juice bags, toys for ball games, etc.). In 2007, the Kindergarten hosted a Waste to Income contest, which was attended not only by educators, but also by parents with children.

During the summer months, the amount of building material waste increases as renovations are carried out. (Appendix: A reminder for parents.)

4.5. household chemicals.

The preschool uses detergents, cleaners and disinfectants for:

room cleaning(Laundry soap, "Samarovka", which belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard substances according to GOST 121.007 - 76. "Samarovka" does not contain chlorine, aldehydes and phenols.);

washing windows, glass, mirrors(means "Second", laundry soap);

washing dishes (laundry soap, drinking soda);

plumbing cleaning: toilets, sinks("Pemolux", "Pemoxol", "Sanitary Powder");

hand washing (baby soap);

destruction of insects and rodents (as needed by SES employees);

laundry (washing powders, laundry soap,).

The order of storage of these substances has been determined (in a place inaccessible to children). Means intended for cleaning the toilet are stored in a closet in the toilet room (the closet is locked), for washing dishes - in the closet of the washing room. Responsibility for the storage of these substances is assigned to the junior educator and group educators, to the health worker and supply manager.

Household chemicals with an expired shelf life were not found in the preschool educational institution.

The staff of the DOW is 28 people. The kindergarten is attended by 80 children.

5. Professional and methodical training.

5.1. Programs and methods.

The preschool educational institution works according to the program of M.A. Vasilyeva "The program of education and training in kindergarten", we use elements of the TRIZ methodology.

Despite the fact that our kindergarten does not have a priority direction, a lot of attention is paid to the issue of environmental education of preschoolers. In their work, educators use the programs of N.A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature" and S.N. Nikolaeva "The program of environmental education for preschoolers."

Methodical literature:

S.N. Nikolaeva "Creating conditions for the environmental education of children." Guidelines.

N.A. Ryzhova "I and nature." Moscow, 1996.

A.I. Ivanova "Living Ecology". The program of environmental education for preschoolers.

S.N., Nikolaeva "How to introduce a child to nature." Guidelines for working with parents.

Ecological education of preschool children. Handbook for students of ecological school.

L.V., Artemova "The world around in the didactic games of preschoolers."

S.N. Nikolaeva "Education of ecological culture in preschool age."

ON THE. Ryzhov "Air is invisible".

T.I. Popov "The World Around Us".

Dolnik "We all came out of nature."

L.F. Pavlenko "In harmony with nature." 2 parts.

“Enter nature as a friend”, Sarov 2000.

A.Z.Zak "Like a caterpillar and an ant went to visit."

"Ecology, creativity, children". Repertoire collection.

T. I. Tarabarina "Both study and play: natural history."

M.A. Povalyaev Speech Development in Acquaintance with Nature.

OA Voronkevich "Welcome to ecology".

N.A. Ryzhova "Developing environment of preschool institutions."

T.A. Shorygina “Flowers. What are they?

I.N. Pavlenko "The development of speech and familiarization with the outside world in preschool educational institutions: integrated classes."

OA Solomennikova "Environmental education in kindergarten." Program and guidelines

L.G. Semekhova "Introduction to the outside world and the development of speech: integrated classes." For work with children of older preschool age.

OA Solomennikova "Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten." Notes of classes.

O.V. Dybin "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten." Notes of classes.

T.N. Zenina “Ecological living room in the preschool educational institution. Interaction with the families of pupils.

ON THE. Ryzhov "Not just fairy tales". Ecological stories, fairy tales and holidays.

V.M. Kornilov "Ecological window in kindergarten." Guidelines.

Literature for children:

Encyclopedia "First Questions and Answers". Publishing house "Kristina".

My first encyclopedia "Dinosaurs", "Animal Behavior".

My first encyclopedia "From a bear to a hedgehog".

Children's encyclopedia "Swallowtail": "Forest World", "Animals", "Secrets of Nature".

D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck".

E. Charushin "Tomka's dreams", "Bears", "What kind of animal?", "Volchishko".

"Fox evasions". Russian folk tales in the retelling of I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov.

"Where is the hedgehog?" Stories of Russian writers.

M. Prishvin “Children and Ducklings”, “Zhurka”, “Hedgehog”, “Golden Meadow”, “Blossoming Herbs”, “Aspen is Cold”.

S.Ya. Marshak "Children in a Cage".

K. Ushinsky "Four Wishes".

L. Tolstoy "Kitten".

V. Bianchi "Tails", "Sinichkin calendar", "How the ant hurried home", "Fox and mouse", "Whose nose is better?".

K. Paustovsky "Quaksha".

N. Sladkov "Autumn on the Threshold", "Rooks Have Arrived", "Swallow, Swallow", "Squirrel and Bear".


E.L. Blaginina "Dandelion", "Bird cherry".

I. Tokmakova "Oak", "Fog", "Willow", "Aspen", "Apple Tree".

Ya.Akim "April".

V. Zhukovsky "Lark".

A. Fet "A wonderful picture."

F. Tyutchev "Spring Waters".

I. Surikov "Winter".


Literature for parents:

E. Sedletskaya "Ecological Mosaic".

T.Nuzhdin "A miracle is everywhere."

"Problems of environmental education in preschool institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region". Materials of the 6th regional scientific and practical conference.

L.M. Potapov "Children about nature". Ecology in games for children 5 - 10 years old.

L.P. Molodova "Conversations with children about morality and ecology."

M.V.Luchich "Walks with children in nature." A book for teachers and parents.

5.2 Priority areas of work.

MDOU kindergarten No. 9 "Gnezdyshko" is an institution of a general developmental type, that is, there are no priority areas, but a significant place in the system of work is given to the environmental education of preschoolers. Ecological holidays, classes, parent meetings are held, exhibitions, shows of theatrical activities of children of the senior and preparatory groups are organized, the Young Ecologist circle is working.

The team employs 28 workers, of which: administration - 1, physician - 1, kitchen workers - 3, laundry driver - 1, housekeeper - 1 (works at 0.5 rates as a housekeeper, and at 0.5 as a junior educator), office cleaner 1 (for 0.5 rates), clerk - 1 (works for 0.5 rates - as a clerk, for 0.5 rates - as a junior educator), supply manager - 1.

Specialists work: a physical education instructor (for 0.25 rates), a music director (1), a speech therapist (for 0.25 rates), a methodologist - 1 (for 0.5 rates), as well as 9 educators and 5 junior educators.

There are 4 groups in the kindergarten.

Kindergarten workers take part in environmental events, for example: in 2007 in the "Festival of Sarov Flower Gardens", in 2005 in the competition for the best environmental fairy tale, in the author's seminar by S.N. Nikolaeva on environmental education of preschoolers, in creative urban environmental competitions orientation.

5.3 Didactic materials.

Since 2005, a selection of games and toys of a natural history character has been started in the methodological office. In groups, in the corners of nature, there are layouts (village yard, active volcano, meadow, Far North, dinosaurs, desert, aquarium, mixed forest,)

Didactic games:

“Zoological loto”, “Who lives where?”, “In the zoo”, “Take care of the living”; a series of acquaintance with the outside world and the development of speech: "Trees in pictures", "Birds in pictures", "Insects in pictures"; visual and handout for preschoolers: “Pisces. Insects.", "Vegetables. Fruits, Berries.", "Animals", "Trees, leaves, mushrooms, flowers". "Summer Winter spring autumn".

Z.E. Agropovich "Seasons".

There are collections of stones, seeds, tree leaves, tree bark, minerals, shells.

For conducting classes, compasses, binoculars, magnifiers, a globe, maps of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia, Sarov, a world map, flora and fauna are used.

5.4. Main areas of work

Ecological holidays and entertainment are held with children throughout the year. A significant role in the organization of holidays belongs to the music director. In each group, educators conduct environmental classes (1 lesson per month). Since 2001, children of preparatory groups have been visiting the Young Naturalists station, but since January 2009, it has stopped interacting with kindergartens. Children learn to be on duty, take care of plants and animals in the corners of nature available in each age group, under the guidance of an educator. Educators independently conduct classes on the development of memory, attention, thinking. In each group, each teacher has his own circle work.

A speech therapist works to correct speech defects in preschool children

A physical education instructor conducts physical education classes, holidays, sports activities, and entertainment 2 times a week in the gym, on the street.

Working with parents.

Parents take an active part in preparing the holidays (they decorate the hall with balloons, drawings), classes (didactic material for individual work), participate in the exhibitions "Crafts from waste material", in the promotions "Feed the birds in winter".

The main areas of work and the relationship of MDOU No. 9 with other organizations are presented in the “Business card.

6.Additional information.

The vital activity of a person, especially a child, directly depends on many natural factors. The deeper you dive into the problem of ensuring the environmental safety of children in a preschool educational institution, the wider the possibilities for solving this problem. Due to the fact that the environmental problem is always relevant, more attention should be paid to the improvement of children and parents should be taught this.

It is necessary to spend more walks in the park, forest, square. It is necessary to continue to acquaint parents with the ecological situation in the city and carry out explanatory work on the improvement of children and the observance of conditions in the family for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Improvement and use of the territory of the preschool educational institution.

In some areas of the territory of the preschool educational institution, reconstruction is required, namely:

Renew the planting of trees and shrubs on the territory, diversify with coniferous trees;

Continue work on soil enrichment to further improve the territory with flower beds and lawns. Develop a plan for new flower beds;

Create an alpine hill on one of the lawns;

Develop a new ecological path to the forest along the "Health Path", study in detail and use the "ecological path" to the square in work.

In addition, study the composition of plants and animals, develop options for their use for classes with children

Expand the area allotted for the garden.

If possible, prohibit unauthorized persons from entering the territory of the kindergarten (make prohibition signs);

During winter colds, increase the number of bird feeders;

In the spring, additionally hang birdhouses.

Room decoration

When decorating rooms, reduce the amount of synthetic carpeting;

Buy a humidifier if you can.

Diversify the species composition of indoor plants, using the recommendations of kindergarten No. 41, consider options for arranging fresh flowers in the bedrooms.

Impact on the environment.

It is necessary to organize regular monitoring of the consumption of water and electricity in groups, in the catering unit, and in the laundry.

To study the composition of food waste and think about ways to use it for composting in the garden.

Professional and methodological base.

Continue to participate in methodological associations for environmental education, expand ties with organizations dealing with environmental issues.

Develop and implement new forms of increasing the environmental culture of adults and children.

Involve parents in the work on the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution.

To replenish the library with literature on environmental education, purchase and make didactic games, subscribe to environmental education magazines.

Some good advice on how to save the soil!

Plant plants!

They hold the soil together with their roots, increase its fertility;

do not let the winds blow it away, and water - wash it away.

Protect the underground inhabitants!

They help the soil get water and "breathe" air;

increase its fertility.

Do not burn fallen leaves in parks, squares and gardens!

Rotting, fallen leaves return the mineral salts necessary for plants to the soil.

Don't cut down forests!

Trees retain moisture, do not allow lakes, rivers to become shallow and dry.

Sow the fields with different plants,

so that the soil is not depleted.

It is impossible to plow the soil over very large spaces: dust storms form, the soil is washed away, and deep ravines appear.

Don't make fires!

Fire destroys not only the green forest cover, but also the roots of plants, insects and their larvae.

Annex A




The total number of children attending kindergarten - 122

Total number of personnel - 34

The number of groups - 6, of which - 2 groups of early age, 2 groups of younger children from 3 to 4 years old, middle and senior groups Personnel of MKDOU: head, senior educator, speech therapist, music director, additional education teacher, senior nurse, educators, junior educators.

1. Ecological situation of the region

1.1 General characteristics of the area.

Location of the preschool institution: Nizhny Novgorod region,

Vetluga, microdistrict, d. No. 18. The environmental situation in the area where the preschool educational institution is located is characterized as satisfactory. Industrial enterprises of the city are located at a sufficient distance from the territory of the kindergarten. The close location of the central boiler house can be considered the only source of pollution, but with the construction of a new boiler house with an operating mode according to modern technology, this source will also be minimized. Transport roads passing near the kindergarten are secondary. Along the perimeter of the location of the road there is a strip of green spaces that protect the territory of the kindergarten from the penetration of exhaust gases from passing vehicles.

The state of health of preschool children.

According to medical indications, the state of health of kindergarten students is generally satisfactory. Seasonal diseases, such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, are the main distribution.

1.2. Characteristics of the immediate environment of the kindergarten.

The preschool educational institution is located in the residential sector of the city, in the immediate vicinity there are a district hospital, a children's clinic, a pharmacy, a shop, kindergarten No. 5, access roads to residential buildings and to a kindergarten. The main polluting objects are: the proximity of the central boiler house, access roads.

Along the perimeter of the fence of the children's institution from the outside there is a sanitary zone in the form of a green lawn, and a strip of coniferous and deciduous trees from the inside.

2. Characteristics of the territory of the preschool institution. 2.1 General data.

The kindergarten was built in 1990.

The total area of ​​the kindergarten is 5779.06 sq.m. The total area of ​​the building is 1182.30 sq.m. - The area of ​​the economic territory is 455 sq.m. The territory of the institution is formed in accordance with the map, where there is a sports ground, playgrounds for each group with a separate entrance. All playgrounds are equipped with verandas for walking in inclement weather, as well as playground equipment made from environmentally friendly materials, mainly from softwood and hardwood. Playgrounds are separated from each other by a decorative wooden fence, 0.5 meters high, along which a hedge is planted from shrubs: lilac, garden snowdrop, decorative cherry. On each site there are small flower beds, reviving and decorating not only the general, but also the individual landscape of each site. Along the perimeter of the building there are flower beds, beds for growing vegetables by adults and children. Fruit trees and berry bushes are planted on the south side of the building. Approaches to the building and playgrounds are asphalted, narrow strips of soil between asphalted paths and playgrounds serve as lawns. Trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten create a favorable microclimate for children to walk in the summer season. When designing the site with green plantings, the preservation of the light regime was taken into account, therefore, deciduous trees were planted in the central part. The entire territory of the kindergarten is fenced with a wooden fence 1.5 meters high. In the dark season, the area adjacent to the building is illuminated from both sides by spotlights.

The preschool has a watering hose, which allows it to be used for watering plants. In dry and hot weather, the territory is watered 2 times a day.

The scheme of planting the species composition of trees, shrubs, flowers on the territory of the kindergarten site was made taking into account the program requirements for the environmental education of children. The presence on the site of various vitalforms of plants gives educators the opportunity to conduct a variety of environmental activities outdoors. There are many trees on the site, their age is 15 - 20 years, they are all in good condition. To avoid injury among children, low-growing knots and branches are removed to a safe distance. The species composition of trees: warty birch, mountain ash, sycamore maple, pine, spruce, Norway willow. Fruit trees: apple trees, cherries (shrub, tree), bird cherry. Shrubs: chokeberry, common lilac, mock orange (hydrangea family) shrub snowdrop. Cultivated herbaceous plants are present in the design of flower beds, flower beds, lawns. Wild species of herbs grow in the remaining free territory: nettle, fragrant chamomile, common wormwood, large plantain, medicinal dandelion, common quinoa, shepherd's purse, common rape, goose cinquefoil, white sweet clover, yellow sweet clover, meadow clover, purple ergot. On the territory there is a small alpine slide.

Animal world.

The fauna on the territory of the kindergarten at different times of the year is represented by a wide variety of inhabitants. The most favorable time for studying the local fauna is spring, summer, autumn, where children have the opportunity to observe its most diverse representatives: insects - butterflies, beetles, bees, bumblebees, wasps, ants, spiders. The world of birds is diverse in summer: rooks, wagtails, robins, goldfinches, linnets, starlings, swifts, swallows. Some species of birds breed in artificial houses, as well as in bushes. To study birds in winter, a bird pole was built on the site, where children, with the help of their parents, make and hang out feeders of a wide variety of designs. Every day, food is poured into the feeders, which wintering birds feast on: jackdaws, sparrows, tits, bullfinches, greenfinches, jays, pigeons, waxwings.

The soil.

Natural sandy and loamy soils contribute to favorable growth and healthy appearance of plants. Falling and decaying foliage is a natural natural fertilizer. For game purposes, environmentally friendly sand is brought to the sites. The area where children walk every day has dense sandy soil, trampled down to 20%. Soil compaction can also be observed near trees, where children often play. Where there are flower beds, rabatka, lawns, vegetable beds, the soil is loose, soft. To improve the structure and fertility of the soil, imported peat, sand, as well as humus of leaves and weeds are added to the basic, natural composition.

2.3. Zoning of the territory

Depending on the use, the entire territory of the kindergarten is divided into zones. For the successful ecological development of children, a corner of untouched nature has been recreated, where trees and plants of the forests of the middle zone grow. The natural biological rhythm of life of plants and insects is recreated on this site. Grasses on the site are preserved until full ripening, various types of beetles and ants help to preserve the ecological purity of the soil cover. In order not to disturb the ecological balance, an ecological path has been laid on the site, from where children can observe nature in its natural form. There is a zone on the territory where children, with the help of adults, can plant flower or vegetable plants, take care of them during the growing season, flowering, and ripening. There is a transit passage along the asphalt path on the territory, but according to the rules of the charter of the kindergarten, only pupils of the institution, their parents, employees have the right to be on its territory, therefore everything that was created on the sites is carefully preserved.

On the territory of the economic zone there is a place for drying bedding and cleaning carpets.

2.4. Territory pollution

2.4. Territory pollution

The dust content of the territory is low, since the roads are not central and are separated from it by several rows of trees, but sometimes harmful substances (solid and gaseous) can get in. The wooden fence passes dust, snow, noise.
The wind regime is favorable, as the site is surrounded on all sides by tall buildings and trees, softening the gusts of wind.
The territory is visited by cars and trucks bringing food. As a result, the asphalt is contaminated with gasoline stains, but the economic zone is located on the side of the entrance to the dining room and has an independent entrance from the street.

The site is generally clean. Daily cleaning of the territory in the morning 1-2 hours before the arrival of the children and, as it gets dirty, is carried out by a regular janitor. In the utility zone, a garbage collection area is equipped at a distance of 20 m from the building and containers with lids are installed, which are cleaned by public utilities.

3. Room decoration

3.1. Characteristics of the building and premises

The building is brick. Floors of the building: 2. The total area of ​​the building is 1182 sq. m.
Premises for classes: a music room, a corner of the forest, a speech therapy room, group rooms.
In the premises of groups there is a division into zones: zones are allocated in 4 directions (physical development, artistic and aesthetic, cognitive and speech, social and personal), there is a separate zone of a corner of nature., Separate bedrooms. There is an ecological wall in the hall, on which there are drawings with animals and birds living in our region, as well as with the rules of behavior in nature. “Corner of the Forest” is presented as a small separate room in which there is a tree with a hollow, stumps, moss, cones, crafts made from natural material, posters “Why do we need trees in the forest?”, “Why do they go to the forest?” and others. The "Diorama of the Seasons" located in the corridor allows you to acquaint children with the seasons and the gifts of the forest, garden, orchard.

In the design of group rooms and corridors, children's drawings and crafts, photographs of the nature of their native land, live plants, natural stones, and paintings are used. Acrylic paints and synthetic carpets were used in the design of the interior.

3.2. Corner of nature

In all groups there are corners of nature with indoor plants in accordance with the program requirements. The most common plants: chlorophytum, tradescantia, violets, balsam, geranium, begonias. We do not keep aloe, cacti and other thorny plants in group rooms in order to avoid accidents. We also do not keep animals in the corner of nature, since the conditions for keeping animals do not allow, there is no separate room. We introduce children to the inhabitants of the corners of nature, using the presentations "Our friends", "How to care for fish", etc. , as well as toys (bear, hare, snake, etc.) located in the "corner of the forest" A working mini-garden was created on the window.

Equipment and educational materials: shells, seeds, bark, leaves of various trees, a collection of stones, didactic aids.

4. Impact of PEI on the environment

Waste: Approximately 20 kg of waste is thrown out per day.

Heating is central.For the winter, windows and doors are insulated in all rooms.
Chemicals used: chloramine - used for disinfection. It is stored in the medical office, the solution is prepared by a nurse and transferred to junior educators. Washing and washing powders, soda, mustard are also used. All disinfection of the premises, the fight against rodents and cockroaches is carried out by the regional DEZ station.

5. Programs and methods

In working with children, the “Kindergarten Education and Training Program” is used.

(under the editorship of M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova), Nikolaev S.N. "Young ecologist

5.1. Used methodological literature:

Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten. Moscow. Education. 2002

Nikolaeva S.N. Creation of conditions for ecological education of children. Moscow. 1993

Nikolaeva S.N. How to introduce a child to nature. Moscow. 1993

Solomennikova OA Ecological education in kindergarten. M.: Mosaic- Synthesis. 2008

Solomennikova OA Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas in the first junior group of kindergarten. . M.: Mosaic- Synthesis. 2007

Solomennikova OA Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten. . M.: Mosaic- Synthesis. 2007

Solomennikova OA Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas in the middle group of kindergarten. . M.: Mosaic- Synthesis. 2009

Bondarenko T.B. Ecological classes with children 5-6 years old. Voronezh, 2002

Shishkina V.A. Walks in nature.M..2003.

Fisenko M.A. Nature around us. M., 2004 .

Dybina O.V. The unknown is nearby. 2004

Posylkina R.Yu. Fairy tale in the ecological education of children of senior preschool age. M., 2002

N.A. Ryzhova “Not just fairy tales. Ecological stories, fairy tales and holidays” Moscow 2002

Didactic materials:

1) Ecological notebooks

2) Ecological games:

"What grows where"
"What tree is the leaf from"
"Extra Item"

"Mushrooms, vegetables, fruits."

What do we put in the basket?



"Birds in nature"

3) Lotto:
"Where does it grow"
"What a bird"
"What season",
"Shop "Seeds"",
"Tops and Roots"
"Zoological Lotto".

4) Ecological cubes.

6) visual and didactic aids

Models of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries

The World in Pictures series

Marine life. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Garden berries. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005,

Pets. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006

Domestic birds. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Animals are pets. - M.: Mosaic Sintez, 2005,

Animals of hot countries. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Animals of the middle band. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Insects. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Trees and leaves. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Vegetables. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Fruit. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Flowers. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Dogs are friends and helpers. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Forest berries. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Winter.- M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Autumn. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Spring.- M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Summer. - M Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005

5.3. Main areas of work

During the year, the kindergarten hosts ecological holidays and theatrical ecological performances. Together with other kindergartens, KVN, quizzes, and competitions are held. The children are given classes on ecology on the territory of the kindergarten. Parents are involved in the preparation of ecological holidays.

5.4. Liaison with other organizations

The preschool educational institution actively interacts with the Vetluzhsky Museum of Local Lore, the House of Children's Art, the Children's Library, the hospital, and the school. There are agreements with institutions and joint work plans. With children of the older group, once a month, classes are held in the museum.

6. Additional information

Morbidity in children (data as of 01.09.2011 for the last 6 months): acute respiratory infections (flu) - 63; bronchitis - 1; angina - 2; scarlet fever - 1; in / about - 2; other cases - 15. Total number of cases: 84. On average, one child missed due to illness - 6 days. Missed by one child at the request of the parents (vacation, sanatorium) - 32 days

The territory of the kindergarten is quite well-groomed. The vegetation cover on the territory is quite diverse and can be well used for the purposes of environmental education. However, you should consider the design of flower beds at the entrance to the building. Continue the organization of the alpine slide on the territory of the site. Replace the existing fence with the most durable one.
The interior design of the kindergarten makes a favorable impression. The premises have the necessary conditions for caring for plants, but there are no conditions for caring for animals. Try not to use carpets made of polymeric materials, the disadvantage of which is the formation of electrostatic discharges on their surface. This leads to the attraction of dust to the carpet and significantly worsens the hygienic conditions in the room. In addition, when walking on such carpets, mechanical abrasion and destruction of the synthetic fiber and the formation of tiny villi occur, which enter the air of the room and can enter the upper respiratory tract. It should be noted that the body of a child is much more sensitive to adverse effects than the body of an adult.
Compile lists of available indoor plants and animals with recommendations for care and use for environmental education purposes.
Add climbing plant forms.

Passport made up: senior teacher Postnikova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Musical director: Muravyova Natalya Georgievna

1. Ecological situation.

General characteristics of the region. An assessment is given of the area of ​​the city where the institution is located (for large cities). The information is presented in the form of data taken from the reference literature of local environmental authorities (the level of pollution in general, the presence of industrial enterprises, the state of underground and surface waters, flora and fauna; the level of radiation and noise background; the state of public health and other information that will help assess the environment). Where possible, the situation is characterized by a series of environmental maps that indicate the location of the kindergarten. Such data are published annually by local environmental committees, sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities. This information is also of great interest to parents, and can serve as a starting point for substantiating the need for environmental education of children.

Characteristics of the immediate environment of the institution. In this column, sources of environmental hazard are noted: nearby industrial enterprises, landfills, busy highways, sources of noise, electromagnetic and radiation pollution, the wind rose is indicated. Experience has shown that in cities, preschool institutions are often located not far from busy highways, enterprises, surrounded by garages and spontaneous car parks. At the same time, preschool groups do not have information about possible ways to reduce such an impact (selection of green spaces, allocation of the safest places for walking, etc.).

Nearby parks and reservoirs, their condition, purpose are also noted. The information in this subsection helps to choose the safest areas for walking with children, draw up appropriate recommendations for parents, determine the species composition and location of green spaces, depending on the specifics of the surrounding enterprises and the wind rose. Analysis of the location of parks, squares, forest parks, reservoirs allows you to identify places for organizing ecological paths, conducting excursions and recreational walks with children, and giving reasonable recommendations to parents.

2. Characteristics of the territory of the institution

Common data. The history of the establishment and the time of construction of the institution, the size of the area of ​​​​the site are indicated. A site plan is drawn up, the main objects are marked (playgrounds, lawns, etc.).

Soils, flora and fauna. A list of plants of the territory is compiled, indicating cultivated, wild and weed species, life forms of plants (trees, shrubs, lianas, grasses, mosses), fallen dry trunks, stumps. The type and nature of soils (natural, artificial or bulk; with the remains of construction debris, dry or wet), the degree of use of fertilizers or other additives for growing plants is noted. The most shaded and wet areas are highlighted on the plan, which helps to choose the right plants for landscaping with different environmental requirements. The area of ​​green spaces is noted in terms of each child in comparison with the norm (30-40 sq. M of greenery per child). In most preschool institutions, this norm is not maintained. The composition of green spaces is analyzed from the point of view of their protective role (reduction of noise, chemical pollution of the environment) in order to enhance its protective functions.

A list of birds, insects and other animals of the site is compiled, which later helps to select objects for research by preschoolers and determines the direction of work to attract other animals to the territory.

An important indicator of the state of the territory is the degree of its trampling (usually these are playgrounds, paths). This column indicates the percentage of the area under vegetation, asphalt and bare areas. In large cities, experts recommend having as few unvegetated areas as possible in the territory, since the dust rising from them contains pollutants and poses a threat to the health of the child.

Territory zoning. Game, sports, economic zones, the most humid (dry), shaded (illuminated) zones, the most trampled areas (paths, playgrounds), separately lying stones are applied to the territory map. An analysis of this information allows you to select the most interesting objects and draw up a diagram of an ecological path. Specialists are actively involved in this work: biologists, geographers of universities, stations of young naturalists, environmental centers. It is possible and desirable to involve high school students from a nearby school or students in such work.

Territory pollution. The column is filled in if there is information about noise, radiation and other types of pollution. The necessary measurements can be carried out using simple instruments or with the help of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities. Attention is drawn to the features of the wind regime: whether the territory is closed on all sides by trees, shrubs, buildings, or is open to wind currents. The possibility of visiting the site by unauthorized persons, their influence on the state of the territory, the frequency of arrival of cars and the time of their stay, the use of the territory by residents of nearby houses (for example, for walking dogs) is noted. The presence of garbage, landfills (the reason for their occurrence) and garbage bins is indicated.

3. Characteristics of the building (premises)

characteristics of the building itself. The column contains information about the total area, number of storeys, the current state of the building, the nature of the material (different materials affect the creation of the microenvironment in different ways), about the premises for classes: an environmental class, a gym, a living corner, a swimming pool and others.

Decoration of premises. The materials used for decorating corridors and other rooms are noted. Passion for synthetic materials, especially in group rooms, negatively affects the health of the child.

Living area and ecological class. Lists of indoor plants and pets of the institution are compiled, as an appendix to the "Passport" albums "Our plants", "Our animals" are issued with drawings, photographs and descriptions of the features of living organisms. Such information helps to choose the topics and methods of classes, based on the specific conditions of the institution.

The equipment and materials of the premises, the zoning of their area are briefly listed.

4. Impact of the institution on the environment

It is extremely important for the formation of an ecological outlook and environmentally competent behavior in the everyday life of educators to assess the impact of their institution on the environment. This column contains a number of information.

Water use:

- how much water the preschool consumes (at least approximately);

For what purposes is it used;

Are there differences in water consumption by seasons of the year;

Where, from what sources (surface, underground) does drinking water come from;

Where does the polluted waste go?

What is the charge for the used water;

Does this fee depend on the amount of water used;

Who pays: preschool or municipality;

Are there faulty pipes, faucets, permanent drinking fountains in the premises?

Energy use:

How much energy does the institution consume per month; who pays for it and how much;

Type of fixtures (incandescent, daylight);

Where does the energy come from (thermal power plant, hydroelectric power station, nuclear power plant);

Is energy being saved?


- type of heating;

Is the room well insulated for the cold period;

Is the temperature in the rooms regulated?


- how much waste is thrown away per day (approximately: how many buckets, bins, etc.). What time of the year do they have the most?

What waste is predominant?

Where is this waste disposed of?

Does the institution pay for waste?

Is waste (primarily packaging waste) used for crafts, interior decoration, etc.)?

Chemical substances:

- a list of chemicals used in the institution for various purposes;

Where are they stored, who monitors this?

What happens to expired chemicals?

Are the premises processed in the absence of children? Are the rules for their use strictly enforced? Which of them are the most dangerous?

The total number of adults and children in the institution is indicated (the larger the number, the greater the impact on the environment).

5. Professional and methodological training

Programs, methods. A brief result of the analysis of the programs and methods used by the team from the point of view of environmental education is given; the emphasis is on areas related to familiarizing children with the outside world, nature, etc.

Personnel. Information is provided on the staff of the institution (psychologist, ecologist, laboratory assistant of a living corner, fine arts teacher, etc.), information on the advanced training of teachers in courses, seminars in the field of environmental education, the specialization (priority) of the institution is indicated.

Literature. Many kindergartens and schools have their own library, however, books are often not systematized and it is difficult to work with them. Lists (catalogues) of literature that can be used for the purposes of environmental education (literature for children, methodological literature, literature for parents) are compiled as an appendix to the "Passport".

Didactic materials. In the same way, the available didactic materials are analyzed and classified.

Main areas of work. Almost all institutions educate children and parents about environmental issues, but this is often sporadic. This column proposes to clearly formulate the main areas of work and analyze them.

Communication with other organizations. A list of organizations dealing with environmental education is given, their addresses, areas of work (education, nature protection (ecology), other kindergartens, schools working in the same direction, libraries, museums, environmental centers, universities, stations of young naturalists).

6. Additional information

The column is filled in depending on the specifics of the institution (any significant information is entered for this kindergarten, which was not reflected in the previous sections).

This column can be considered the main one. Based on the analysis of the information of the "Environmental Passport", the main conclusions are formulated and the main directions are formulated in working with children, greening the environment, improving the condition of the territory, decorating the premises of the kindergarten, the need for advanced training, coordination with other institutions, etc.

Recently, in the literature on the environmental education of preschoolers, the term "environmental monitoring" of the kindergarten is increasingly common. At the same time, its inaccurate interpretation is often given, any (as a rule, one-time) determination of the state of vegetation, air is called monitoring. However, monitoring is precisely a system for monitoring the state of the environment, which implies multiple observations and their comparison. In addition, one can hardly agree with the statement that the kindergarten should monitor the environment on its own, and its ecologist should master all the methods of monitoring. This is simply impossible, since only specialists can determine the levels of soil and air pollution using certain instruments and methods. An ecologist of a preschool institution can only competently use these data, establish contacts with specialists, conduct accessible environmental studies, for example, find out the degree of landscaping of the territory, trampled areas, and dustiness of leaves. But the ecologist cannot independently determine the suitability of the soil for growing cultivated plants in terms of chemical pollution on the territory of the site, although there are such recommendations (but it is not explained exactly how this can be done). Even if we hypothetically imagine that one of the ecologists, nevertheless, will master the technique and determine the content of various elements in the soil, air, plants, etc., the very fact of the presence of lead compounds or nitrates in the soil means nothing to him won't say. To assess the degree of their danger, it is also necessary to know the existing standards for the content of various substances in a particular environment (primarily the so-called MPCs - maximum permissible concentrations), determine how many times the standards are exceeded, and how this can affect human health. It is difficult to do this without specialists, and an unprofessional approach often leads to both underestimation of the danger and its overestimation, which is also undesirable.

Thus, the staff of the kindergarten, its environmentalist, can only conduct some of the simplest observations of the state of the environment (including within the framework of the "Environmental Passport"), which can be considered as elements of monitoring. In general, this problem must be solved with the involvement of specialists.

Questions for self-control:

1. What are the significance and tasks of assessing the state of the environment of a preschool institution as a condition for organizing work on environmental education.

2. Approximate structure of the "Environmental passport of a preschool institution".