English language 2 edition doves. Golubev a

13th ed. - M.: 2013 - 3 36s.

The textbook can be used in the study of the discipline of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle OGSE.04 "Foreign language" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education for pedagogical specialties. The textbook, aimed at developing students' skills in modern English oral and written speech, consists of five sections containing thematically selected texts, situationally oriented dialogues, cultural notes, grammatical reference material, exercises; A brief English-Russian dictionary is given at the end of the book. For students of institutions of secondary vocational education.

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Methodical manual with the translation of texts.

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Preface 3
English alphabet 6
Introduction 7
Organs of speech 7
Phonetic transcription 8
Signs of international phonetic transcription 8
Main features of English pronunciation 9
Vowel sounds 9
Consonants 9
Word stress 10
Phrase stress 10
Vowel reduction 10
Intonation 10
Basic intonational contours of an English sentence 11
Intonation of questions 11
LESSON 1. Front vowels. Consonants 14
Front vowels 14
Consonants 14
Noisy stops 15
Noisy slotted 15
Sonants 16
Nasal 16
slotted 16
Exercises 17
Text: The Whites 18
Homework 20
LESSON 2. Back vowels. Features of pronunciation of some sound combinations 21
Back vowels 21
Back advanced vowels row 21
Features of pronunciation of some sound combinations 22
Exercise 23
Text: The Whites (continued) 25
Homework 27
LESSON 3. Diphthongs. Combination of three vowels 28
Diphthongs 28
Three vowel combinations 29
Exercise 29
Text 1: Grandmother's Week 33
Vocabulary (Words to text) 34
Text 2: Good Traditions Year by Year 34
Vocabulary 35
Homework (Note Task) 35
LESSON 4. Consonants. Vowels in different types of syllable 36
Rules for reading consonants 36
1. Consonants with two readings 36
2. Reading combinations of consonants 37
3. Combinations of consonants with two reading options 37
4. The combination ch, which has three readings 38
Rules for reading vowels in different types of syllable 38
5. Options for reading vowels in accordance
with four types of syllable: 38
Exercise 39
6. Reading vowel combinations under stress 40
7. Reading combinations of vowels with the letter g 41
Topic: Visiting Card 42
Names of educational and educational institutions 44
Business Card Sample 45
Sample ID card 45
Note Task 46
LESSON 5. Combinations of vowels with consonants. Vowels
in unstressed syllables 48
Combinations of vowels with consonants 48
Reading vowels in unstressed syllables 49
Vowel reduction 49
Reduced and full forms of function words,
pronouns and auxiliary verbs 50
Topic: Etiquette 52
Gratitude 52
Apology 53
Attracting attention 53
Questions about the state of affairs 53
Reception 53
Note Task 54
LESSON 6. Noun. Adjective. Verb. System
verb forms. Declarative sentence 60
Noun 60
1. Use of the article 60
2. Plural formation of nouns 64
Plural nouns
not according to the general rule 65
3. Possessive case of nouns 66
adjective 67
Formation of degrees of comparison 67
Verb 68
Basic verb forms 68
Conjugation of verbs in the present tense 70
Verb tense system 71
Text: My Working Day 75
Active Words and Word Combinations 76
exercise 77
The Plural Form of the Nouns 77
The Possessive Case 77
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives 78
The Verb 79
LESSON 7. Pronoun. Adverb. Preposition 83
Pronoun 83
Demonstrative pronouns 84
Interrogative-relative pronouns 84
Indefinite pronouns 85
Adverb 85
Comparisons of adverbs 86
Place of adverbs in sentence 86
Preposition 87
Text: Speaking About Friends 89
Active Words and Word Combinations 90
Exercises 91
Pronouns 91
Adverbs 92
Prepositions 93
Vocabulary 93
LESSON 8. Types of questions. Negative sentences 94
Question types 94
General questions 94
Special questions 95
Questions to the subject 95
Alternative questions 96
Separation questions 96
Negative sentences 96
Text: Choosing aPresent. Hobbies 99
Active Words and Word Combinations 100
Exercises 100
Questions 100
(a) General Questions 100
(b) Alternative Questions 101
(c) Special Questions 101
(d) Questions to the Subject 101
(e) Tag questions 101
Negative Sentences 103
Vocabulary 103
LESSON 9 Participle. Gerund 105
Numeral 105
Some features of the use of numerals 107
Fractional numbers (simple and decimal) 107
Communion 108
Gerund 109
Formation of the gerund and its forms
Text: Getting Ready for a Party. Cooking. Shopping Ill
In the Supermarket 112
Shopping in the USA 113
Sales Tax 113
Active Words and Word Combinations 114
Exercises 114
Numerals 114
Participle I, Participle II 116
The Forms of Participle I 116
Gerund 117
The Forms of the Gerund 117
Vocabulary 118
LESSON 10. Indefinitely personal and impersonal sentences. Turnover there is ... 120
Indefinitely personal offers 120
Impersonal offers 120
Turnover there is and its forms 121
Texts: At Table 122
Restaurants in the USA 123
Eating Habits in the USA 124
Active Words and Word Combinations 124
Exercises 125
Indefinite Personal Sentences 125
Impersonal Sentences 125
Vocabulary 126
Passive voice 128
Forms of the verb in the passive voice 128
Lyrics: My House Is My Fortress 132
Houses in the USA 133
Active Words and Word Combinations 134
Exercises 134
The Passive Voice 134
Vocabulary 136
Conditional sentences 138
Text: Traveling. Transport 140
On Traveling 141
Active Words and Word Combinations 142
Exercises 142
Conditional Clauses 142
Vocabulary 145
LESSON 13 Subjunctive 147
Imperative 147
Subjunctive 148
The formation of the subjunctive mood 148
The use of the subjunctive 149
Text: A Visit to a Doctor 151
Active Words and Word Combinations 152
Exercises 152
The Imperative Mood 153
Vocabulary 154
LESSON 14 Indirect speech 157
Time alignment 157
Indirect speech 158
Message 158
Question 158
Request or order 159
Text: A Telephone Conversation 160
How to Use the Telephone in the USA 161
Calls to the Commonwealth of Independent States 161
Rates for Long-distance and Toll Calls 161
Toll-free Calls 161
Using a Coin-operated Telephone 161
Local Telephone Calls 162
Long-distance Telephone Calls 162
Short-distance Telephone Calls 162
Collect Telephone Calls 162
Active Words and Word Combinations 162
Exercises 163
Sequence of Tenses 163
Reported Speech 164
Vocabulary 165
LESSON 15 Constructions with infinitive and participle 167
Complex addition 167
Participle constructions 168
Independent participle turnover 168
Texts: Sending a Letter 169
The Internet 170
Active Words and Word Combinations 171
Exercises 171
Complex Object with the Infinitive 171
Complex Object with the Participle 172
Absolute Constructions with Participles 172
Vocabulary 173
Compound sentences 176
Complex sentences 176
Main types of subordinate clauses 176
Text: Sports 179
Going in for Sports in the USA 181
Active Words and Word Combinations 181
Exercises 182
Composite Sentences 182
Vocabulary 183
LESSON 17. Modal verbs. Verbs that can act in a modal sense 189
Modal verbs 185
Meaning and use of modal verbs 186
Sap 186
May 186
Must 187
Ought (to) 187
Need 188
Verbs that can act in a modal sense 189
Shall 189
Will 189
Should 189
would 190
To be 190
To have 191
Replacement of missing forms of some modal verbs 191
Text: At My College 192
Active Words and Word Combinations 193
Exercises 194
Modal Verbs 194
Vocabulary 196
A Day at School 196
LESSON 18. Topic: Countries 201
Text 1: Russia 201
Exercises 202
Text 2: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 203
Exercises 205
Text 3: The United States of America 206
Exercises 207
Text 4: Canada, Australia, New Zealand 209
Exercises 210
Active Words and Word Combinations 211
LESSON 19. Topic: Cities 213
Text 1: Moscow 213
Exercises 214
Text 2: London 215
Exercises 216
Text 3: Washington DC 217
Exercises 218
Text 4: New York 219
Exercises 220
Active Words and Word Combinations 221
LESSON 20. Topic: Art 223
Textl: Andrew Lloyd Webber 223
Exercises 224
Text 2: Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) 224
ExcvcisGs 225
Text3: Alan Alexander Milne (1882 - 1956) 226
Lines Written by a Bear of Very Little Brain 227
YprniCJ\c 227
Text 4: Liwis Cargo (1832-v8
The Jabberwocky 228
Exercises 229
Active Words and Word Combinations 229
LESSON 21. Topic: Man and Society 231
Textl: British Mass Media 231
Newspapers 231
Radio and Television 231
Exercises 232
Text 2: The United Nations Organization 233
Human Rights 234
Exercises 234
Active Words and Word Combinations 235
LESSON 22. Topic: Education 241
Text 1: Education in Russia 241
Exercises 242
Text 2: Schools in the United Kingdom 243
Exercises 244
Text 3: Education in the United States 246
Exercises 247
LESSON 23. Topic: My Future Activities 248
Text I. Teacher's Profession 248
Exercises 249
Text 2: Reform in the System of Secondary Education in Russia 250
Exercises 251
LESSON 24. Topic: The Rights of the Child 252
Text: The Convention on the Rights of the Child 252
Exercises 253
Active Words and Word Combinations 258
(1) The Whipping Boy 260
(2) Tom Sawyer at School 261
(3) Arriving at Lowood Institution 262
LESSON 25. Topic 1: Preparation for Studies Abroad.
Topic 2: Correspondence with the Chosen University 266
Preparation for Studies Abroad 266
Samples of drafting and execution of documents and letters 267
Personal Statement 267
Exercises 268
Correspondence with the Chosen University 268
Request for Application Materials (Letter of Request) 269
Exercises 270
Covering Letter 270
Exercises 270
Acceptance and Refusal 271
Exercises 272
LESSON 26. Topic 1: Searching for a Job Abroad.
Topic 2: Drawing up and Filling in Documents 273
Searching for a Job Abroad 273
(1) 273
Exercises 273
(2) 274
Exercises 274
(3) 274
Exercises 275
Drawing up and Filling in Documents 275
(1) 275
Exercises 276
(2) 276
Exercises 276
(3) 277
Exercises 277
LESSON 27. Topics: Business Trip Abroad. At the airport. At the Railway
station. At the Hotel. Currency Exchange 279
Business Trip Abroad 279
Exercises 279
At the Airport 280
At the Railway Station 281
At the Hotel 281
Currency Exchange 283
LESSON 28. Topics: Formal and Informal Correspondence. Invitations. Wishes. business talks. Formal and Informal Correspondence 285
Exercises 285
Letters of Invitation and Replies 285
Formal Letter of Invitation 285
Acceptance 285
Refusal 285
Informal Invitations for Dinners 286
Acceptance 286
Refusal 286
congratulations 286
Reply to the Letter 287
Address 287
Wishes and Replies 288
Business Talks 290
Gratitude 291
Appendix 1. List of basic irregular verbs 293
Appendix 2. A quick guide to word formation 295
Formation of a new word without changing the word 295
Accent shift 295
Sound alternation 296
Affixation 296
The most common suffixes and prefixes 296
Appendix 3. Translation of grammar terms and assignments for exercises 297
Annex 4. List of some geographical names and proper names 299
Annex 5. National Anthems and Patriotic Songs 301
The Anthem of Great Britain 301
God Save the Queen 301
Rule, Britannia 302
The Anthem of the USA 303
The Star Spangled Banner 303
The Anthem of Australia 304
Waltzing Matilda 304

“PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION A.P. Golubev, A.P. KorzhAvy, and. b. SmirnovA English language for technical specialties ENGLISH for TECHNICAL COLLEGES textbook...»

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A. P. Golubev, A. P. KorzhAvy,

and. b. smirnova

English language

for technical

Federal State Autonomous Institution

"Federal Institute for the Development of Education" (FGAU "FIRO")

as a tutorial to use

in the educational process of educational institutions,

implementing SPO programs in all technical specialties

4th edition, stereotypical UDC 802.0 (075.32) LBC 84.2Engl-9ya723 G621

The authors:

A. P. Golubev - general version, section II (theoretical material);

A. P. Korzhaviy - section II (practical part), section III;

I. B. Smirnova - sections I and IV

R e e n s e n t s:

Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Kaluga branch of Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman I.V. Zhuravlev;

teacher of the Kaluga technical school of electronic devices O. I. Ievleva Golubev A. P.

English for technical specialties = G621 English for Technical Colleges: a textbook for students. medium institutions. prof. education / A. P. Golubev, A. P. Korzhaviy, I. B. Smirnova. - 4th ed., Sr. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2014. - 208 p.

ISBN 978-5-4468-0713-0 The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Secondary Vocational Education in Technical Specialties, OGSE.03 "Foreign Language".

It presents the main commonly used conversational topics, dialogues and assignments for them. An accessible presentation of the basics of phonetics and grammar in Russian, the presence of exercises for training allows you to use a textbook for beginners. A separate section - "Professional activity of a specialist" - consists of topics directly related to the future work of graduates of an educational institution.

For students of institutions of secondary vocational education.

UDC 802.0(075.32) LBC 81.2Engl-9ya723 The original layout of this publication is the property of the Academy Publishing Center, and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited © Golubev A.P., Korzhaviy A.P., Smirnova I.B. , 2012 © Educational and publishing center "Academy", 2012 ISBN 978-5-4468-0713-0 © Design. Publishing Center "Academy", 2012


This textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the foreign language program for technical specialties for institutions of secondary specialized education.

A foreign language for technical specialties in the classifier approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation belongs to the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines (OGSE).

The textbook consists of four sections.

Based on the fact that one of the training requirements is the development of elementary communication skills, the authors considered it necessary to start the textbook with a short introductory and corrective phonetic course, since correct pronunciation is one of the essential conditions for communication.

The next section, "Fundamentals of Practical Grammar", contains brief theoretical information, control questions on the main topics of grammar, educational texts and exercises for them.

The authors considered it inappropriate to stretch the study of grammar for the entire course. In their opinion, it is better to give a fairly brief and complete picture of English grammar from the very beginning, which can later be supplemented with the necessary details.

The third section, "Professional activity of a specialist", examines topics directly related to the future work of graduates of an educational institution. The main goal of this block is to form the ability to conduct conversations on professional topics, to read special literature. Each topic repeats the grammatical phenomena studied in the previous block.

In the fourth section, "Business English", instead of the tasks of the previous blocks related to general everyday or special topics, students are given narrower business tasks.

The material of all sections is divided into lessons for greater convenience. The concept of “lesson” here is thematic, i.e., it unites a certain range of issues, and does not mean “one hour” at all

or "one job". The specific number of hours allocated for each lesson can be determined by the teacher, taking into account the whole and the degree of preparedness of the group.




–  –  –

There are 44 sounds in English (12 vowels, 24 consonants and 8 so-called diphthongs, that is, sounds consisting of two vowel elements). Please note: the number of sounds is not equal to the number of letters of the English alphabet, of which there are 26!

–  –  –

Transcription is the designation of sounds by conventional signs.

In this case, each transcription sign corresponds to one sound.

Transcription is usually written in square brackets.

International transcription marks

–  –  –

The main features of English articulation and pronunciation Before starting to work with individual sounds of the English language, we note some differences between English articulation and Russian.

1. The English do not articulate vigorously with their lips, do not round them strongly, do not stretch and do not put forward.

2. In the neutral position, the lips of Russians are more relaxed, the corners of the lips are lowered. The British lips are more tense and the corners of the lips are raised, which slightly resembles a smile.

3. When articulating English consonants, the tongue is moved back more, is in a lower and flat position than when articulating Russian consonants. Therefore, they are not softened and are pronounced firmly, with the exception of: [S], [Z], , , and also [l] before the vowels i, e, u.

4. When pronouncing English vowels, the language is more often located in the back of the oral cavity, and when pronouncing Russian - mainly in the front.

From this follow some characteristic features of the sounds of the English language.


1. The vowels of the English language, unlike Russian ones, are divided quantitatively into long and short. Long vowels are more stressed than short vowels. For example: [I] - , live - leave. But not all short vowels have a paired long sound.

2. Diphthongs and vowels are characterized by sliding articulation from one element to another. There are no such sounds in Russian.

Vowel reduction

In English, as well as in Russian, an unstressed vowel sound is pronounced indistinctly: either the quality of the vowel changes, or its length is reduced, or the sound drops out completely: interval [' [email protected]@l],pencil[' [email protected]], begin , nickel , away [@'weI].


1. English deaf consonants are pronounced more energetically than Russian ones.

2. For English speech, it is important to distinguish between final deaf and voiced consonants, since it is semantic. For example:

cap - cab leaf - leave back - bag hat - had One of the most common mistakes of Russian students is the stunning of English final voiced consonants.

3. Consonants [t], [d] and nasal [n] in English are pronounced with the tip of the tongue on the alveoli, and not on the upper teeth, like Russian [t, d, n].

4. Deaf consonants [p], [t], [k] are pronounced with a breath.

The usual Russian non-aspirated [p] in English can in some cases make it difficult to understand. Breathing [p], [t], [k] is noticeable before a long vowel of a stressed syllable.

With the preceding [s], these sounds are almost breathless:

park - speak tea - stay course - skate


In English, as well as in Russian, the stress in a word can fall on different syllables. Stress in transcription is indicated by the icon ('), which is placed before the beginning of the syllable: possible [' [email protected]@l], impossible .

In English polysyllabic words, there can be two stresses of different strength: the main and the secondary. The main accent is placed at the top, and the minor - at the bottom: possibility [" [email protected]'bIlItI].

Many English words have two main accents: fifteen ['fIf'tn], ice-cream ['aIs'krm], to get up.

Stress in English, as well as in Russian, performs a different function between some verbs and nouns:

contact - contact; interact contact ['knt(kt] - contact; interaction

In English, stress can serve to distinguish phrases and compound words:

blackboard ['bl(kbd] - chalkboard black board ['bl(k 'bd] - black board

–  –  –

1. In declarative sentences, a descending tone is usually used:

I feel well.

2. In incentive sentences expressing an order or prohibition, a descending tone is used:

3. In incentive sentences expressing a request, an ascending tone is used:

Spell the word, please.

4. Exclamatory sentences are pronounced with a descending tone:

–  –  –

1. In a general question, a rising tone is usually used:

[(maI leIt] Is he busy?

2. In an alternative question, the first part is pronounced with an ascending tone, the second with a descending tone:

Is it Thursday or Friday?

3. A special question is pronounced with a descending tone:

4. In dissected questions, the narrative part of the sentence is pronounced with a descending tone, the interrogative part - with an ascending one:

The room isn't light, is it?

If the speaker has no doubts about the correctness of his statement, he speaks with a downward tone:

Peter is eight, isn't he?

Lesson 1 Sounds and letters: Front vowels. Consonants Text: Family Front vowels Let's start studying English sounds with front vowels (language is in front), [I], [e], [(].

The long vowel is a wider, more open sound than Russian [i]. This means that the middle back of the tongue rises to the hard palate somewhat less than for Russian. At the same time, the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, and the lips are stretched, slightly exposing the teeth.

Example: eat [t] [I] The position of the organs of speech is approximately the same as for, but the middle back of the tongue arches up a little less. The desired shade of sound lies between the Russians [i] and [e].

Example: bit [e] The tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth. The middle back of the tongue arches forward and upward, but not as high as for [I]. The corners of the lips are drawn to the sides. The mouth opens slightly wider than for [I].

Example: egg [(] Traditionally considered a short vowel. But in the words sad, bad, bag, jam, man it sounds long. The tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the front of the tongue lies lower than for [e]. The distance between the jaws is wide. This sound lies between Russian [e] and stressed [a] before a soft consonant.

Example: ax[(ks]

–  –  –

Noisy stop [p], [b] The lips are more tense than for Russian [p] and [b], and slightly stretched. They close tightly for a moment, immediately open, and the air escapes with noise ([p] before a long stressed vowel is accompanied by aspiration).

Examples: pen , boot [t], [d] With English [t], [d], the tongue moves back, and its tip touches the alveoli. With Russian [t] and [d], he touches the front upper teeth ([t] is accompanied by aspiration).

Examples: tent , dog

–  –  –

[T], [D] The tip of the tongue is loosely pressed against the cutting edge of the upper incisors, but can also be placed between the front upper and lower teeth. These sounds are not “whistling”, like Russian [s], [h], but “lisping”.

Examples: thin, then [s], [z] In English [s], [z] the tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli, the tongue moves back a little (with Russian [s] and [z] it is omitted). Therefore, [s], [z] have a less whistling character than the corresponding Russian ones.

The lips are slightly rounded.

Examples: sack, zoo [z] [S], [Z] When articulating [S], [Z], only the front of the tongue rises: its tip is towards the posterior slope of the alveoli, and the middle back is towards the hard palate; while with Russian [w], [g], the back of the tongue also rises. Therefore, [S], [Z] have a softer color than [w], [g]. The lips are somewhat protruding and rounded.

Examples: ship , garage [’g(rZ] , The stop begins into a gap. Such sounds are called affricates. should be pronounced harder than Russian [h]: the back of the tongue does not rise so high to the palate. When pronouncing, a voice is added to this articulation.

Examples: chair [e@], jug [g] [h] A guttural sound formed by the friction of an air jet against close, but not tense, vocal cords. When stating [h], one must start with the way of the language for the subsequent vowel and then give this vowel an aspirated beginning. The back of the tongue does not rise to the palate, as in Russian [x].

Example: hat Sonants Nasal [m], [n], (soft palate omitted) [m] Compared to Russian [m] with English [m], closed lips are more tense and slightly stretched. The air stream passes through the nose.

Example: mail [n] The tongue moves back a little, the blunt end is pressed against the alveoli, but not lowered, as in Russian [n].

Example: nest To pronounce the sound, it is recommended to inhale through the nose with the mouth wide open. And while maintaining this position, give a voice while inhaling. When the posterior back of the tongue closes with the lowered soft palate. The tip of the tongue is down.

Example: king Slit sonants [l], [j], [w], [r] [l] The tip of the tongue is pressed tightly against the alveoli, while in Russian [l], [l’] it is pressed against the inner surface of the upper teeth. At the end of words and before consonants, a harder shade [l] is pronounced. Hard [l] is pronounced softer than [l]. Soft [l] is pronounced harder than [l '].

Example: log [j] The middle back of the tongue rises slightly less towards the hard palate than for Russian [й]. Therefore, it has much less noise than in Russian. The lips are stretched, the tip of the tongue is at the lower teeth.

Example: yacht [w] There is no such sound in Russian. The tense lips are strongly rounded and somewhat pushed forward, forming a narrow round gap, and immediately move to the position necessary for the next vowel. It is necessary to ensure that the lower lip does not touch the upper teeth, otherwise it will turn out [v].

Example: well [r] English [r] is pronounced with the tip of the tongue close to the alveoli. Lips are slightly rounded. Only between vowels and after [T], [D] when pronouncing [r] does the tip of the tongue come into contact with the alveoli, producing one blow.

Example: rag EXERCISES

–  –  –

1. What is phonetic transcription?

2. What classes of sounds are distinguished in English?

3. What are the main features of the pronunciation of English vowels?

4. What are the main features of the pronunciation of English consonants?

5. What are the features of stress in English?

6. What intonation is characteristic of declarative, exclamatory, motivating sentences?

7. What intonation is characteristic of different types of interrogative sentences?


1. Write in spelling the words from the text of the lesson, recorded in transcription.

[S] [h] , , , ['verI], , [' [email protected]], , , [’prItI], , , , , [’bIzI]

2. Translate into English and read aloud.

Small, neat, happy, sad, big. He teaches. He is eating. He drinks. He is talking. He helps.

3. Write out words with stressed vowels [I], [e], [(] from the text of the lesson in four columns.

4. Learn any two short stories from the text of the lesson.

–  –  –

The back vowels (the tongue is behind) are: , , , , , [V], [u], [:], [@].

Example: all [l] The back of the tongue is slightly less curved towards the soft palate than for . The lips are slightly rounded, but not protruding.

Example: ox Back advanced vowels (tongue not moved as far):

, , [V], [:], [@] The vowel is similar to the Russian sound [a] in an unstressed position.

Elevation of the tongue - medium, the tip of the tongue is behind the base of the lower teeth. The lips are stretched.

Example: cup English is not as deep as Russian [y]. The tongue is pulled further than with. There is a significant space behind the lowered tip of the tongue. The rise of the tongue is high. The mouth is not wide open. The lips are strongly rounded, but protrude a little.

Example: moon [V] The tongue is not drawn as far as for . But there is also a significant space from the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth. The rise of the tongue is high. The lips are noticeably rounded, but hardly protrude forward.

Example: look [:] There is no such sound in Russian. The tongue is raised, but the back is flat. The tip of the tongue is down. The corners of tense lips are stretched. The teeth are slightly visible. The mouth opening is narrow.

Example: earn [:n] [@] This vowel is called neutral. It is heard only in an unstressed position. It has a different timbre, depending on the position in the word.

Sometimes it may fall out:

– in final position close to : drama

– in other positions it resembles [@]: perform

–  –  –

[a:], , , [:): l "redi], , , , , lf :): t], [:):) ], , , , , , ["hlzb.-shd] ["tz: n;: J], ["wз:k;:J], ["ыst;:J], [fldr;:Jn] ["vil;:J], [ülu:], ["üju:t1bl], [~ndru:], Translate and read aloud.

Small (in size), beautiful, red, black, green, blue, tall (about a person), short, large (numerous), already, too, everything, very much.

–  –  –

The diphthong consists of two vowel elements, but is pronounced with one accent and forms one syllable.

English diphthongs are stressed on the first vowel, the second vowel is weaker and less distinct. In longitude, a diphthong is equal to a long vowel.

–  –  –

Read the tongue twisters.

Not zealously sought to sell the snake to the zoo.

This is a thick stick. ["o1s IZ ;) "81k "st1k]

1.11. Read the turns there is (there is, there is singular) and there are (there are, there are - plural) in different forms (narrative, interrogative, negative). These phrases are very common in English. They should be well remembered.

–  –  –

1.3. After closing the transcription, read the examples aloud.

Read the columns of words horizontally. Pay attention to the alternation of vowels.

–  –  –

In this lesson, you will learn how to compose and design a business card.

Read aloud, using transcription, samples up to 2.1.

documents and the words needed to complete them.

The business card uses the following symbols:

a) addresses:

–  –  –

PhD Doctor of Philosophy ["dukt;: ;:v "fr"lus;:fr] Doctor of Philosophy DSc Doctor of Science ["dukt;: ;:v "sar;:ns] Doctor of Sciences LitD Doctor of Letters [ "dukt;: ;:v "let;:z] doctor of philological sciences The design of the address in English does not coincide with the form used in Russia.


–  –  –

When writing Russian names and names, use the rules of transliteration. Transliteration is the replacement of letters of the Russian alphabet with the corresponding letters or combinations of letters of the English alphabet.

The letter correspondence table is as follows:

–  –  –

Read the words, considering the type of syllable or the position of voice 3.

leg in letter combination.

Cat, we, week, term, plan, weak, plane, hate, wet, West, East, card, play, not, Spain, her, gulf, part, jump, team, tune, herd, eat, yard, bum, hair, hare, seem, nor, pure, North, stream, hop, here, serve, loss, sphere, went, share, dune, hut, fair, mend, disk, nice, cry, tone, note, early, sing, sun, fire, skirt, use, cord, forge, gentle, dress, meet, eam, hurt, simple, single, since, cure, pearl, dure, shirt.

Write the above words in transcription.

–  –  –

In the previous lesson, it was said that the reading of vowels is mainly determined by the type of syllable. However, in combination with some consonants, vowels can be read in a special way. The table shows the most common such combinations.

–  –  –

Read colloquial expressions containing reductions 3.1.

twisted word forms. (The full form is given in brackets in italics, which is reduced in colloquial speech.)

–  –  –

To confidently deal with an English noun in practice, you need to know well:

use of the article with a noun;

1) the formation of the plural of nouns;

3) possessive case of nouns.

–  –  –

Indefinite article:

derived from the numeral one and denotes one, some, any;

Indicates that the object belongs to the class of homogeneous objects and is not distinguished from their number:

–  –  –

Friendship is based on Friendship is based on mutual respect. zhenin.

Snow is white.

Before nouns that already have other determiners (pronoun, numeral, etc.):

–  –  –

In some cases, the definite article is used with proper names.

These include:

Names of oceans, seas, rivers, canals, groups of islands, mountain ranges, deserts:

–  –  –


It is used mainly with animate nouns and expresses belonging;

Corresponds to the Russian genitive case (when it expresses belonging): the book (whose? whom?) of the student (genitive case) is formed by adding an apostrophe to the noun and

–  –  –

Note 2. Nouns such as earth, water, sun, toop, world, ocean, ship can be used with an apostrophe; nouns denoting cities and countries: the ocean "s resources, the world" s popularity, the ship "s crew, London" s population; sometimes the names of machine parts: the plane "s propeller, as well as nouns denoting time and distance: a tile" s distance, a day "s joumey (but a four-day joumey), a year" s absence, a tone " s Zeave This is not a possession, but a measure.

If belonging to several nouns at once is expressed, then the apostrophe is placed at the end of the group:

–  –  –

to tiY-tried-tried

3. If the indefinite form ends in -e, then with the addition of the -ed suffix, this letter drops out:

to translate - translated - translated

With the addition of the suffix -ed, the final consonant is doubled:

For monosyllabic verbs ending in one consonant:

to stop - stopped - stopped

For polysyllabic verbs ending in one consonant,

–  –  –

found in reference books and dictionaries. They need to be known by heart, since there are many such verbs in the texts of the following lessons, but they are not given in the lesson dictionary.

Conjugation of verbs in the present tense In addition to the three basic forms, you need to know the conjugation of verbs in the present tense.

In the present tense, verbs (both regular and irregular) behave as follows:

–  –  –


1. What are the basic rules for using articles?

2. How is the plural of nouns formed?

What is it for and how is the possessive case of nouns formed?

4. How are the main forms of the verb formed?

How does the verb change in the present tense?

How are verb tenses formed? What do they mean?


Learning foreign languages ​​lt "s good to leam foreign languages! It helps us to explore the wor1d.

We leam more about different countries and their traditions, and we can communicate with people who don't know your native language.

Learning foreign languages ​​helps us to become good specialists. One can read different texts about physics, engineering, economy that tell about the latest results in these fields.

Let's list to different students:

Hello! My name is Mike! I "m 17. 1 am a student of the college of electronic devices. I" m fond of English. It "s the language No 1 in the lntemet and in high technologies. 1 like reading and watching Шms in English too! It" s fantastic!

Hi! I "m Jane! I" m 18. I "m a student of a college of mechanical engipeeripg.

1 like to study English! It "s interesting to listen to music in English and to fmd friends via the Intemet. 1 want to tell them about my country and my town and for tbls I must know the language well. And on every product in the supermarket you see information in English.So I need it in my future work, too.

Hello! I "m Peter! I study at a college. I need English very much because our college has intemational cooperation with students from Canada and Denmark, so I study very hard to take part in the program.

These students know that English is useful for them. However, it is not so easy to study it. But, as English people say, "Well begun is half done".

So, let's not be discouraged.

Active Vocabulary because [ЬI"ktz] because latest last become like adj language) device need need our ["au~] our discourage obescu part

–  –  –

2. Find the definite and indefinite articles in the first two paragraphs of the text and explain their use.

Which article would you use with the underlined words, 3.

translating the following sentences into English?

A man was walking along the street. Suddenly he saw a beautiful suit behind the window and stopped. He really liked the costume. He decided to go to the store and find out its price.

–  –  –

1. Divide the nouns into three columns according to the reading of the plural ending.

Parents, days, shops, clothes, houses, markets, sizes, bridges.

Make the nouns plural.

a) branch, fox, day, apple, head, habit, nationality, sumame, street, garden, car, ball;

b) tooth, mouse, ox, datum, radius, child, man.

–  –  –

Forms of the Verb

Specify the missing forms of the verb:

a) travel, translated, stayed, tried, stopped, cook, worked

b) did, told, give, been, done, say, read Write a transcription of these forms of irregular verbs 2.

catch and give the infinitive. Check yourself in a dictionary.

–  –  –

need to use.

Mu / sister / coffee 1 to drink 1 every day.

The teacher / this / question / to answer / yesterday.

Yury Dolgoruky 1 in/ to found 1 Moscow / 1147.

1 / listen / tomorrow / to the radio.

The English language / always / to help / people / in / cooperation / intemational.


Language, people, listen, like, need, explore, world, more, communicate, native, become, engineering, latest, device, high, reading, watch, via, town, because, our, Denmark, hard, part, useful, however, begin, half, discourage.

a place with many houses, shops, schools, offices and other 1) buildings a country in Europe with the capital Copenhagen 2)

3) our planet with all its countries words used in a particular country or bu a particular group of 4) people

5) to look for some time

6) of the country (place) where you overe bom

7) men, women and children

a) from the Active Vocabulary:

College, language, people, student, Internet, world, country, specialist, technology, interesting, supermarket, Denmark, program.

b) from the text:

Listen, love, need, explore, communicate, become, start, device, part, half, more, last, you are, because, our, difficult, useful, however.

1. Russian is the _language. And French is a _language for those.

2. Where does your unc1e live?- Not lives in Ko1otna. - 1 like this _verytuch.

3. Do you like to _ _ filters or _ _ to custom? - You know, 1 like to books.

4. 1 know that it's difficu1t to study English. But it doesn't _ _ those.

5. Our textbook has 5 _ _. P1ease find 2.

1. We leam tore _ different countries and their traditions, and we can communicate _ people who don't know your native language.

2. Texts tell us the latest results these fie1ds.

3. lt "s interesting to listen tusic _English and to find friends _the lntemet.

4. _every product _the supermarket you can find information _English.

5. Our college has intemational cooperation _ students _ Canada and Dentark.

Hello! My name is Lena! I'm 17 years old. I am a student of mechanical engineering college.

I really enjoy learning English:

it is the language of mechanical cooperation and high technology.

–  –  –

Answer the following questions.

1. When did you begin to study English?

2. Why do you study English?

3. Do you need English in your everyday life?

4. Do you have English books at the hotel?

5. How can foreign languages ​​do you want to leam?


Write an essay on the following topics.

1. Why people leam foreign languages.

2. My English classes.

3. English in that life.

Use the following patterns:

Sequencing firstly (First of all) - firstly, first of all secondly, thirdly - secondly, thirdly first, then - first, then to my mind, in my opinion - in my opinion to crown it all, finally - in the end, in the end

–  –  –

An adverb is a part of speech denoting time, place, mode of action, measure or degree.

Adverbs answer questions:

when? where? as? to what extent?

According to the form, adverbs are divided into simple, derivative, complex and compound.

–  –  –

We sometimes go there. ~ Sometimes we go there. Sometimes we go there.

We go there sometimes.

In compound verb tenses (i.e.

expressed by two or more verbs) adverbs of indefinite tense are usually placed after the first verb:

–  –  –

The verb to let can also be used in its main meaning to allow, to allow. Then the sentence Let's read! would mean: Let us read! In this case, the pronoun us will be stressed.

–  –  –

There are five types of questions in English:

general (Do you go there?);

Special (When, why, how, etc. do you go there?);

To the subject (Who, what student, etc. goes there?);

Alternative (Do you go there or stay at home?);

Dividing (You go there, don't you?).

To correctly ask questions of any type, you need to clearly imagine the pattern of general questions in all kinds of tenses. In this case, you can build on the scheme of affirmative sentences given in lesson 6. You will easily notice that in most cases the subject and verb are just swapped. A new element is added only in the first two lines of the general scheme: in the times Sitple Present and Sitple Past. Here, in the formation of the question to do do, the auxiliary verb form is involved in the appropriate form.

–  –  –

Knowing the scheme for the formation of general questions, it is not difficult to ask a special question. You just need to put in front a question word (what? where? when?, etc.) or a group of words, and then everything follows the same pattern.


General question Special question

–  –  –

In such a question, the role of the subject is played by the interrogative word itself or a group of words (Who came? What students study here? etc.). As a result, the direct word order is preserved, that is, the predicate follows the subject. In a question to the subject, you can also use the scheme for the formation of general questions, given the following: in the Sitple group, an auxiliary verb is not used, and since the subject is on the first method to do, ste, the question to the subject in Sitple and Sitple is strictly Present Past is modeled on affirmative offers.


Affirmative sentence Question to the subject

–  –  –

The dividing question has two parts. The first part is not a question as such, but is an ordinary affirmative or negative sentence. It is followed by a short general question.

If the first part was affirmative, then the question is asked in the negative form, and vice versa:

–  –  –

All negations are easily formed according to the same pattern of general questions. It is enough to put the subject at the beginning of the sentence, and the negative part after the first auxiliary verb

–  –  –

Didn't see them.

Nobody saw them.

Doesn't have ever see apythipg like that.

They did not tell him the truth.

Nobody told him apythipg.

Doesn't do kpow apythipg about it.

Don't kows pothipg about it.

Have you any news? - 1 have by news.

Please note that a Russian interrogative sentence in the negative form corresponds to an English question that does not contain a negation.


–  –  –

Big, expensive, beautiful, happy, pleasant.

Write the degrees of comparison of these adjectives.

sad, fat, o1d, handsome, ear1y, interesting, communicative.

Parra, Lig, What category do adjectives that cannot 4.

can form degrees of comparison? Give examples.

–  –  –

1. His unc1e speaks (kind1y) than my aunt.

3. Not said these words (sadly) than before.

1. Try to exp1ain this ru1e (c1ear).

2. This work is done (bad1y).

3. Not so1ved this problem (wisely).

–  –  –

Imagine that you are in a workshop. Indicate where each item is located. Translate the words into Russian.

Tools: hammer, screwdriver, key, nails, nuts...

Places: table, floor, wall...

Imperative mood (The lтperative Mood) Find verbs in the imperative mood in the sentences 1.

research institutes. Translate into Russian.

1. "Write down your homework quickly and you may be free!", said the teacher.

2. "Study well to become good specialists", said the headmaster to the school-leavers.

3. Don't play in the street! It"s dangerous!", said mother to her children.

4. "Open the box! It" s a pleasant surprise for you! Harru birthday!", said the lou to his father.

5. "Tell those your name", said the director to the young worker.

Indicate in which texts the imperative is more common 2.


–  –  –

Translate into English.

1. “Open your notebooks and write down the rule,” said the teacher.

2. Look at the photo! It is so beautiful.

3. Please send me a new song on the Internet.

4. Look out the window! Winter has come!

Interrogative Sentence (The Interrogative Septense) Ask all types of questions to these sentences.

1. Yesterday he met his friend in the street.

2. The lesson of English is over.

3. The students don't study on Sunday.

Ask questions for the underlined words in the sentences.

1. This textbook is for technical students.

2. Our teacher's name is Anna Pavlovna.

3. Your dictionary is green.

4. Can't play the guitar very well.

3. Work in pairs. One of you carefully examines the class, then closes his eyes and answers the neighbor's questions.

–  –  –

1. Did not see them.

2. Does not sing these songs.

3. 1 am not late.

2. Give a short affirmative and negative answer to the following sentences.

–  –  –


1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the follow-up words and phrases from English into Russian.

Teacher, sister, think, now, other, together, each, quite, plant, serious, usually, year, senior, want, sometimes, during, weekend, try, river, thing, guitar, also, since, pronounce, term, grammar, knowledge, especially, finally, everything.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

1) someone who teaches people

2) the rules for using the words of the language a musical instrument played bu plucking its strings 3) 4) 12 months

5) with one more person or thing

7) Saturday and Sunday

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Sister, plant, river, thing, semester, knowledge, try, think, pronounce, want, now, different, each, quite, serious, usually, older, during, also, since, especially, after all , all.

1.1 live Vladimir.

2. We already know _ _ quite well.

3. Mu mother is a teacher _geography _school.

My sister and 1 help her _the house.

She wants to be a teacher 5. Mathematics.

6. During the weekends we try _ spend much time together. We go _the river _summer, or we go skiing _winter.

7. 1 study English _2004.

8. But 1 hold _and say _myself: "Don"t give _!"

–  –  –

Participle 1 also corresponds to the participle in Russian.

Participle 11 (participle 11) for regular verbs is formed by adding the suffix -ed to the stem (this was already discussed in the section Basic verb forms of lesson 6).

–  –  –

The form of Participle 11 of irregular verbs must be memorized (this and the meaning of Participle 11 of transitive and intransitive verbs were also discussed in the section “Basic forms of the verb”).

–  –  –

Not suggested going to see Mike.

They couldn't help laugblng when they saw his surprise.

1 enjoyed playing golf when 1 was in Britain.

Then master English, you must practice speaking it a lot.

lf you want to leave this job, you can't avoid speaking to him.

After the verbs denoting the beginning, continuation and end of the action (begin, start continue, finish, stop, ende), as well as the verbs hate, like, love, either the infinitive or the gerund can be used:

Did not begin to play the piano. Didn't start playing the piano.

They like to mock at each other. They like mocking at each other.

Note that in some cases the choice of the infinitive or gerund affects the meaning of the sentence:

–  –  –


How Participle 1 and Participle IL 1 are formed.

What are the forms of the English participle?

How is a gerund formed? What is its main meaning?

What forms does the gerund have?

How are indefinitely personal sentences formed?

What is the difference between pronouns and one they, 6.

subject in indefinite personal sentences?

How are impersonal sentences formed?


Weather In the moming I looked out of the window and was very surprised.

Everything was covered with snow! Snowy flakes were falling from the sky, everything was pleasant and beautiful! It was not frosty, and children were skating and making snowmen.

But look! The wind has risen! Snow is falling from the roofs to the ground. Small icicles are falling too. That "s a real lizzard. It" s not the best time for going out.

The Russians say "the first snow always melts". And I know that after some months winter will be over, the trees will be in blossom and birds will be singing and building their nests. This is spring, the time when all the nature awakes from its winter sleep.

Then summer will come - a long period of sunshine and time of holidays for schoolchildren and students. We can go swimming, diving or mountaineering. It "s great to go cycling or hiking. We mustn" t forget to take photos: they will remind us of these exciting days.

Time flies and autumn comes. This is the period of harvest for countrymen and for me it "s the beginning of a new year of studies.

DIALOGUE English weather

Russian: "What"s the weather like in England?" Englishman: "Today it"s raining and it"s very foggy, as usual. You see there is no hot summer, and there is no cold and snowy winter." "Really? Why is it so?" "You see, Britain is near the ocean, and the water there changes its temperature slower than the ground, it has greater thermal heat capacity.

That "s why the changes are not so great." "Do you like when it rains?" "When I was a child, I liked it! Now I simply don't notice it. I can walk without any umbrella when it "s drizzling and I never catch a cold." "Do you have central heating at home?" "Yes, I have a radiator, but I don"t have central heating yet. The weather in the world becomes more and more unusual. That's why I must think about it. "That"s a good idea. And are there any beaches in England?" "Yes, there are, mostly on the south coast, but the water isn't really warm. You"d better go to Spain. Many Englishmen do it. It "s not so far, but the weather is completely different." "Sure, I will do so." Active Vocabulary after ["a:fte] after melt melt always [";,:lwerz] always month month any ["eru] any mostly ["mäustlr] mostly mountaineering beach bird [bz:d] bird climbing

–  –  –

drizzle ["dnzl] and drizzle (about rain) schoolboy, pl schoolchildren England ["rl)gland] England simply ["srmpli] simply Englishman ["rl)glrfmen] skating ["skertrl)] exciting delightful ice skating

–  –  –


1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Weather, snow, after, period, roof, central heating, any, snowy, ground, icicle, condition, place, where, car, warm, remove, ice, near, England, cold, really, water, change, look, window , surprise, cover, flakes, sky, pleasant, frosty, snowman, wind, real, blizzard, always, melt, month, over, tree, blossom, bird, nest, then, sunshine, holiday, schoolchild, photo, remind, exciting , harvest, countryman, new, foggy, usual, ocean, temperature, slow, thermal heat capacity, child, like, simply, notice, walk, without, umbrella, catch, radiator, unusual, idea, beach, mostly, south, coast , Englishman, far, completely, so.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

1) one of the twelve parts into which the year is divided a great snowstorm 2) a child who goes to school 3) an opening in a wall to let in light and air 4)

5) to help or make somebody remember something a device that gives out heat 6) a piece of ice hanging from the roof 7) indication of how hot or cold a person or thing is 8)

9) something which happens often or all the time area of ​​water bullger than the sea 10)

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Weather, bird, walk, without, umbrella, catch, unusual, idea, beach, mostly, south, coast, Englishman, far, completely, condition, place, just, notice where, car, warm, remove, ice, near, England, cold, indeed, water, change, central heating, any, snowy, earth, period, roof, look, pleasant, frosty, snowman, wind, real, always, melt, more, tree, greenery, surprise, cover, flake, sky, harvest, villager, fresh, foggy, slow, heat capacity, baby, look like, nest, next, sunny, light, holiday, photo, delicious, snow.

4. Insert prepositions or adverbs.

1. ln the moming 1 looked _ _ the window and was very surprised.

2. Everything was covered _snow! Snowy flakes were falling _the sky!

3. lt "s not the best time _going out.

some months winter will be over.

4. And 1 know that

5. Summer is a long period _sunshine.

6. Photos will remind us _these exciting days.

7. Britain is _ the ocean, and the water there changes its temperature slower than the ground.

8. 1 can walk _any umbrella when it's drizzling.

9. The weather the world becomes more and more unusual.

–  –  –

Pronouns are words that point to objects and their attributes, but do not designate them.

The main pronouns are easiest to remember according to the following scheme:

–  –  –

The forms tu, his, her, etc. are used in conjunction with opre 2.

shared word. Forms tine, his, hers, etc. are used independently, i.e. without the noun following it:

–  –  –

3. In modern English, there is no pronoun you. When referring to one person and to many people, the pronoun you is used, which is translated as you or you, depending on the context.

–  –  –

In this case, another noun follows them with the preposition of. thousands of students 1earn English.

The nouns that follow the numeral are used without a preposition: three thousand students.

Ordinal numbers are used with the definite article, even if the noun they define is not expressed,

–  –  –

In English, when designating page numbers, dms, etc., cardinal numbers are usually used, and not ordinal numbers, as in Russian.

The cardinal number in this case is placed after the noun, and the noun is used without the article:

Open your books at page 10.

Read lesson one, part two, paragraph 3.

Years in dates are indicated by the number of 1st numerals.

When reading a four-digit number of cases in 11 halves into two words and each half is read as a separate "IISJyu:

–  –  –

It should be noted that the same preposition in English can serve to express several meanings and is translated into Russian, respectively, in different ways.

Such combinations of prepositions with nouns should be memorized in their entirety:

–  –  –

Other common prepositions:

with- with without- without bu- y, about, at; to (a certain time), also indicates the author, means, reason, source (and novel bu Tolstoy - Tolstoy's novel, bu by train, bu experience - from experience, etc.).

train for- for.

In English, many verbs are combined with certain prepositions. They often do not correspond to prepositions in Russian, and they must be memorized.

For example:

To look at

To hope for

Some English verbs do not require prepositions, although in Russian they require a preposition when translating them:

to answer - answer to enter - enter Therefore, in the future, pay attention not only to the verb, but also to what prepositions are used with it.


1. List personal, possessive, reflexive and intensifying pronouns.

2. How is the pronoun used, two forms of the possessive place it, pronouns and the form of the 2nd person?

How are cardinal and ordinal numbers formed?

What signs are used when writing numbers?

How are fractions and decimals formed?

6. How are ordinal and cardinal numbers used in numbers (pages, houses, etc.) and dates?

7. Name the most common prepositions of place and time; indicate what the main meaning they express.

What do you know about the use of verbs with prepositions?8.


Myday Yesterday it was a very hard day for Dima Yaroslavtsev. Didn't stand up too late and didn't have his breakfast. Didn't go to college and remembered that he had \eft his pencil-case at home. Besides, he said some unpleasant words to his friends and the Iatter was offended.

"Misfortunes never sat alone," thought Andrew when he came home, "the day was spoiled." Not decided to take from his father.

Today Dima "s father, Sergey Yassilievich got up at a quarter to seven, did his bed. Then he washed himself, brushed his teeth, dressed, and packed his suitcase for work. "Have you brushed your teeth?", he asked his son "Yes, 1 have done it. I "m also ready. Let's go and have breakfast."

The day was very good for Dima. Was not in college on time and he was ready to answer any question the teacher asked.

Today he had the classes of Mathematics, Russian, English, and Physics. It was very difficult to study because there were many new things. But the textbooks were good, and the tasks were clear. His group mate lgor didn't study maths well at school, so he didn't understand the new material.

But the teacher patiently explained, and everybody understood the task.

After classes the students went to different hobby groups. Dima is fond of computers, so he went to a programming club.

There are ten students in the club besides him. Today the topic was cyc\es. At home Dima rewrote one of the programs and inserted a cycle there. The program began to work better.

Mter the club Dima went home and had dinner. All the family were together, except Father, who was still at the plant. They discussed the events of the day.

Mter dinner Dima had a rest, did bls homework, read a books from the college library. Then his college friends phoned him and called him for a walk.

When he came back he had supper, got ready for the next day and went to bed.

This time he was satisfied with his day and decided to plan it carefully in the future.

Vocabulаgy Active aJone (;:J"\;:JUll] ONE pack 1p..ek l pack answer ["a:ns;:J] answer pencil-case ["pensl kers] pencil case ask quaгtcг l"kw:xt; :~] quarter (with besides besides that time) breakfast [Ъrekf;: Jst] breakfast geadu l "rctlrl ready brush clean getemblsg 1n" lsmь;: ~ 1 remember class occupation, lesson; p. i. from gerwite clear adj clear, understandable;

–  –  –

Translate 1. the following phrases into Russian.

A quarter to seven, five o "clock, half past eight, one a.m., twenty to a quarter past six, five past eleven, ten thirty p.m.

2. Tell the time in English.

10:03, 2:59, 10:00, 15:25, 3:06, 4:15, 8:45, 11:55, 16:20

3. Answer the following questions.

1. When do you usually get up?

2. When do the 1essons at college start?

3. When do you have lunch?

4. When do you take home after classes?

5. When do you start doing your homework?

6. When do you go to bed?

Translate 4. the following phrases into English.

Half past nine, fifteen minutes to six, two o'clock in the morning, fifteen minutes past seven, twenty past ten, two minutes to four.

Be5. What time is it now? When will the lesson over?

Active Vocabulary

1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Today, ready, club, up, besides, decide, brush, tooth, ask, class, dinner, yesterday, breakfast, remember, pencil-case, say, word, last, offend, alone, spoil, quarter, wash, pack, suitcase, answer, philosophy, difficult, textbook, task, clear, maths, material, explain, hobby, rewrite, insert, except, who, still, discuss, event, supper, satisfied, future.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

2) the first meal of the day a book that teaches somebody about a 3) subject

5) to write again

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Today, club, up, in addition, decide, brush, tooth, ask, class, dinner, yesterday, remember, pencil case, say, word, last, offend, one, spoil, quarter, wash, pack, answer, philosophy ,task,mathematics,explain,hobby,besides,discuss,dinner,future.

4. Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs.

1. Yesterday it was a very hard day _Dima Yaroslavtsev.

2. Did not go _college and remembered that he had left his pencil-case home.

4. Today Dima "s father, Sergey Vassilievich got _ _ a quarter _ seven, did his bed, washed himself, brushed his teeth, dressed, and packed his suitcase _work.

5. Was not _college _time and he was ready to answer any question the teacher asked.

6. Igor didn't study maths well _school.

7. Dima is fond of _computers, so he went _a programming club.

8. There are ten students the ciLJb him.

9. His college friends phoned him and called him _a walk.

10. This time he was satisfied _his day and decided to plan it carefully _the future.


1. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you like to get up early in the morning?

2. Do you have time to take breakfast before lessons?

3. Do you have much free time?

1. Does planning your day help to solve all the problems?

2. What makes every day of your life interesting?

3. Free time spent together with the farnily- your experience.

–  –  –

In the last lesson, personal, possessive and reflexive pronouns were considered. Here are other classes of pronouns that are also common in English.

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What demonstrative pronouns exist in English?

How do they compare with Russian demonstrative pronouns?

What interrogative-relative pronouns exist in an 3.

Glian? What does the name of this group of pronouns say?

4. List indefinite and negative pronouns.

5. What types of sentences use the pronouns apu, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing?


My friends Friedship meaps very much ip your litc. You realize it fully whep you think how you can live without washing f "ricpds. lp mapu cases it" s unimagipablle. That "s why the Epglisi1111CJ1 say, "A f"riepd ip peed is friepd ipdeed".

borderline between frieepds and acquaintapces is differenpt ip You have oply from opy to three true friepds whom you can coopfide ip apd share all your troubles. All the others are just those with whom you can spepd free time or discuss recipe news and popular films.

Whereas Epglishman think that apuope with whom you are op good terms is you friepd. America's view on friedship is ever more exaggerated.

But, as you know, "So mapu couptries, so mapu customs". Ever frieepdship is different ip different couptries...

As for me, all my frieds and acquaintapces can be subdivided ipto three different groups. Firstly, there are those whom 1 know for a very long time, sometimes even before school. Those friepds are pot mapu, but my best friepd among them. Secondly, there are my school frieds. We were together for so many years that we have very much ip commop. This fact upites us. And lastly, there are my college frieds. We know each other for a short time, but still we are friedds, because our iterests are similar.

For each persop the classification may be different. As my father served ip the army, he had tapu friepds there. They are from all parts of our cuptry! It is friepdship that makes us stropger!

1 would like to speak about my closest friepd. His father is Sergey. We know each other sipce early childhood. Where we were boys, we wept to the couptry together, played teppis, swam ip the river apd had fup. We studied ip the same schoo\ apd oftep helped each other ip our homework.

Whip 1 was a teepager, 1 had mapu prolems and questiops without apswers, and 1 always turned to Sergey for help. 1 also supported him whep he peeded it.

Now we see each other t so oftep, because we dop "t study together.

But we are still very good friends, that will never betray each other.

Active Vocabulary

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1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Realize, unimaginále, indeed, borderline, between, numerous, only, true, confide (in), share, troublé, discuss, recent news, whereas, anyone, terms, exaggerate, custom, subdivide, among, serve in the army, betray support.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

1) real or correct; telling what actually exists or happened

2) to divide again into smaller parts

3) to do harm when somebody is expecting your support

4) to make something seem bigger or better or worse than it really is

5) talk to somebody about something

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Betray, even, support, trouble, first, other, anyone, teenager, unimaginable, friendship, acquaintance, among, strong

4. Insert the vocabulary of the text into the following sentences.

Not is but a relation friend. Don't never me.

When Jane said that the film was popular, she_a little.

3. Did you draw a lot in your _?

4. He "s so kind, he always _me and _his experience.

5. Have you heard the _news"?

I see you are in trouble. Do you nced my _?

7. Is it a _ofthis nation to get up carly in the moming?

1. There are tapu mistakes in your dictation.

2. Is not really a good friend?

3. Jack understood that he was late for the lesson.

4. The last information about him was that he had gone to ltaly.

5. Did not give those his money as I was in a difficult situation.

6. Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs.

1. The Englishmen say, "A friend _need is a friend indeed".

2. I can confide _all my friends.

3. Do you know each other _a long time?

4. When we were boys, we went _the country together, played tennis, swam the river and had fun.

5. Usually a person has only _one _three true friends.

6. Are you _good terms _your cousin?

7. _you know, the Earth rotates round the Sun.

Translate I want to tell you about my friend. His name is Victor. We have known each other since school days. As children, we often went for walks together, (to the cinema) went to the cinema and went swimming.

When I was a teenager, Vikgor was ready to answer any of my questions about life. Now we go to college and are still best friends.

Friendship means a lot in my life.


1. Does the author think that friendship means very much in your life?

2. What is the borderline between friends and acquaintances in Russian culture?

3. Where is this borderline in English culture?

4. How many groups of friends does the author divide?

5. ls the flrst group big?

6. Why does the author have much in cotton with the second group offriends?

7. What does the author say about his college friends?

8. Why does the author mention his father?

9. How long has the author known his best friend?

10. Do they see each other very often now?

2. Use these to retell the text.

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If the clause is a conditional sentence of the unlikely or unfulfilled type (cf.

section Conditional sentences):

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Indirect speech, unlike direct speech, conveys not the words of the speaker, but their content.

To correctly build a sentence with indirect speech, you need to know the three main cases that arise when translating direct speech into indirect speech:

message (He said, reported, etc., that ...);

Question (He asked, wanted to know, inquired, etc...);

Request or order (He asked, ordered, ordered, etc...).

The transition from direct speech to indirect speech occurs as follows:

–  –  –

From the point of view of the rules of translation into indirect speech, all questions can be divided into two groups.

A question without a question word: the conjunctions are used if or roughly corresponding to the particle li in Russian.

whether, Direct Speech: Not asked, "Do you go there?" asked ifthey wept there.

Indirect speech: Not Direct word order applies here (the subject comes before the predicate), as well as the law of tense coordination.

Question with an interrogative word: in this case, the role of the connecting element will be played by the interrogative word itself. Here, too, the direct word order and the law of tense coordination apply.

asked, "When do you go there?" Direct speech: Not Indirect speech: Not asked when they wept there.

3. Request or order Since the infinitive (an indefinite form of the verb) is used in the imperative mood, there is no agreement of tenses here.

–  –  –

In negative form:

Direct speech: Not said to them, "Don"t go there".

Indirect speech: Not told them not to go there.

If the time and place indicated in direct speech have changed during the transition to indirect speech, then the following replacement takes place with the speeches of place and time, as well as demonstrative pronouns.

–  –  –


What is the timing rule?

What temporary forms are used when coordinating times for 2.

expressions of simultaneous, antecedent and future action?

When does Form 3. Past Peifect not apply?

How indirect speech is built when transmitting a message, a question, a request 4.

would or order?

How does indirect speech affect the word order in a preposition?

How adverbs of place and time change in indirect speech, as well as 6.

demonstrative pronouns?

7. In what cases are they not replaced?


Guests There are many holidays during the year. But besides national holidays there are family holidays. If someone in your family has a birthday, a name day, or a wedding anniversary, tbls is just the time when he receives quests and has a party to celebrate this holiday together. Your friends may invite you on one of such occasions as well. Going to a party in Russia is associated with food, presents, greeting cards and congratulations.

When you are going to have a party, it's just the time to tidy up the yuom. It includes polishing the floors, vacuum cleaning the carpets and dusting the fumiture. For some occasions you need to decorate the flat.

Then you must think about inviting guests. This can bе done over the telephone or bу invitation letter. There are other ways as well. The invitation may be accepted or refused. (If it is you who are invited, and you want to refuse an invitation, you should do it very politely and tactfully.) The day before the party it "s time to go to a supermarket and buy all the products you need for cooking This day you can also start cooking something.

The next day everything must be ready and the party starts. The guests sote, give presents to the host, and then comes the time for the meal and entertainment!

When the party is over, you have to wash the dishes. But you are not gloomy, because you know you had had a great day!

–  –  –

letter, guest, tactful, polite.

4. Insert the vocabulary of the text into the following sentences.

1. Ann has a _today. She is 10 years old - it "s her _. She has a_ today. She _ all her friends to this party. At 5 o" clock the guests with and _her on her day.

2. The 9th of Mau is the national _. In 2010 we celebrated the 65th _ of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. 1 _ this holiday with my great-grandfather: he is a veteran.

3. When soteone _you to a party, you can _or _this invitation.

5. Paraphrase the words in italic using the active vocabulary. Make other changes in the sentence if necessary.

The 1st of March for those means the beginning ofspring.

1 invited her to the cinema, but she said no.

Going to a picnic means a lot ofjun.

Did the teacher add you to a list of people who go on an excursion 4.

5. My brother has good manners.

6. lnsert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs.

1. There are tany holidays _the year.

2. If you have a party, you tust tidy _a root.

3. You can invite quests _the telephone or _invitation letter.

4. The quests sote and give presents _the host.

5. When the party is __, you have to wash up.

6. The day _the party it "s time to go to the supermarket.

7. Does anyone _your family have an anniversary tbls year?

Translate 7. the following text into English.

Peter's birthday was yesterday. He turned years old. He invited many friends to his home and they all celebrated together. Some friends could not come and declined the invitation, but since Petya is polite and tactful, he was not offended (was not offended). It was a wonderful day!

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not in Russian) the particle is placed after the subject, and in an abbreviated form it merges with the auxiliary verb (for abbreviations, see p.

section Interrogative and negative sentences):

–  –  –

Some English verbs can have both a direct object and an indirect object after them.

For example: to give something (direct object) to someone (indirect object):

We gave the students a book.

We gave the students the book.

Many of these verbs can form two constructions in the passive: direct passive (the direct object becomes the subject) and indirect (the indirect object becomes the subject):

–  –  –


1. How is the passive voice formed?

How is its interrogative form formed? Based on the citation and 2.

blitz and rules write all temporary forms.

3. How is its negative form formed? Based on the given table and rules, also write all temporary forms.

4. How is the agent (or driving force) and the instrument with which the action is performed expressed in the passive?

What are direct and indirect liabilities? What verbs can be figurative 5.

vat both of these constructions?

How the passive is formed with verbs that require a prepositional complement 6.

7. How are passive constructions with the formal pronoun if! translated into Russian?

8. What temporary forms are not used in the passive and what forms replace them?


college Mu I would like to tell you aboLJt my collcgc.

It is a fine two-storeyed building in thc ccntrc ot the city. It is not very new, but it is nice and comfortable. 1 study here Gog the first year.

On the first floor of the building there is a hall, a cloak-room, a canteen, a gym, and some classes. On the second floor there is a director's office, computer classes and Iaboratories, a big concert hall, a library and a reading-room. 1 like it.

When 1 comb to college, 1 wipe my feet, take off that coat and go to the cloak-room. After that 1 go to the titetablé which is also in the hall. lt "s good to come to the classrootfrom before the bell rings.

After a few classes 1 go to the canteen and have breakfast. I don't like our canteen very tuch, that's why 1 take some food with tyselftoo.

My favorite subjects at college are physics, IT and English. During the breaks 1 like to talk with those friends, read the college newspaper.

Our college is not only the place where we study, it "s also the place

where we stay after classes to take part in clubs. Our college is very green:

there are flowers on every window-sill. And it is very clean too. When those friends, who study in other colleges, to this place they are surprised

when they see that everything is in great order. But 1"11 reveal the secret:

this is the terit of not only the board of the college but also of the students - because it's our second hote and we tust take the car of it.

College life is difficult but 1 know it "s rewarding! That" s why I know that totorrow 1 "11 come here again!

–  –  –


1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Hall, canteen, cloak-room, two-storeys, comfortañle, gym, laboratory, reading-hall, time-tañle, bell, to ring, a favorite subject, a break, talk, newspaper, stay, club, flower, window- sill, clean, order.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

Buy a place where you can leave coats and bags while you are visiting a 1) building a list of the times when school Iessons take place 2) a place equipped for gymnastics 3) a room equipped for scientific work 4)

5) pleasant to use; free from worry

6) something that is studied a group of people who meet together because they are interested in 7) the same thing a short rest from work 8)

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Two-story, comfortable, favorite, clean, reading room, dining room, laboratory, gym, recess, subject, schedule, window sill, compose, talk.

–  –  –

1. Look at the plan of the text you "ve read. The sentences are in the wrong order. Put them correctly.

After-class activities

A visit to the canteen

The group floor of the college - favorite classes at college

green and clean college

Entering the college

The exterior of the college

The first floor of the college

Rewarding college life

2. Write down the plan from 1 into your exercise-book. Use the plan to retell the text.

3. Use the plan to speak about your own college. You may add and remove some items.

4. Speak about the college as you want to see it. Is there much to be done?

5. Discuss the following proems.

1. Do you agree that college is your second home.

2. Places to have and rest in the college.

3. College laboratories.

6. Make an excursion around the college in English for your groupmates. Let every person from the group Be a guide.

7. Make up dialogue on one of the following subjects.

1. Two students are discussing what their favorite lesson is.

2. Two students discuss their time-table and say what they don't like about it.

3. Two students share their impressions about the new college laboratory.

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The infinitive together with a noun or personal pronoun can act as a single line of a sentence, the so-called (Complex Object).

my complex addition The general formula of such an addition can be conditionally represented by asking a question as follows:

–  –  –

After verbs expressing physical perception: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, etc. After these verbs, the particle to is not used with the infinitive:

–  –  –

Along with a complex object, the so-called complex subject (The Comp / ex Sibject) can be used. If a noun or a pronoun from a complex object becomes the subject, and the sentence passes into the passive voice, then the particle to~ is always added to the infinitive, even to the infinitive of the verbs of perceptions, after which in the complex object the particles

to is not required:

–  –  –

The difference between a complex addition with a participle and an infinitive turnover is that the participle in a complex addition expresses a process, and the infinitive is simply the fact of an action:

–  –  –

This turnover, as a rule, consists of a noun with a participle. The sacrament can take on various forms (passive, perfect, etc., see below).

Communion section):

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1. How is a complex object formed with an infinitive?

2. When is it used?

3. When is a particle in a complex object with an infinitive not used to?

4. How are passive constructions with an infinitive formed?

5. What is the difference between a complex object with a participle and a complex object with an infinitive?

6. How is an independent participial turnover usually translated into Russian?

7. In what forms can the sacrament be in it?


Traveling People travel a lot nowadays. The means of transport are numerous and we often have much choice.

Many thousands of years ago it was not so. Figst, people travelled on foot. It is the oldest and the most natural way of travelling!

Man also feels well in water. But of course, swimming is not used as a means of travelling. Still, waterways were probably the first "roads" for which the means of transport were invented: rafts, boats and ships. The ships then came into the seas, but they were sailing a long the coastline until the man leamt to navigate looking at the stars.

One of the greatest inventions of mankind was a wheel. With the help of it appeared carts, vans, carriages, cars, and buses. This invention was a breakthrough in the transport history.

Another invention was a steam engine. It was the main reason of industrial revolution in the 19th century. It also helped to create trains. wu the end of the 19th century a great network of railways covered our planet.

Then came the era of planes. Man at last conquered the air - the dream which was expressed as far as in the myths of Ancient Greece came true! When the gyroscope was invented flying became much safer and quicker.

What are the main features of different means of travelling? Traveling bu air is, of course, the quickest and the most comfortablé, but sometimes it's not the cheapest, and safety control is very tiresome.

Traveling by train is good because you can the countryside and travel see very comfortaly. Unlike airports, railway stations are often in the center of the city. But a joumey bu train often takes a lot of time, especially in Russia, and you are very close to your fellow-travelers.

Traveling bu bus has more disadvantages: buses are not as quick as planes and are not as comfortabl as many trains. But if you travel to the country, this is the best choice!

Traveling by car is also a good choice, as you may start at any time you like and go to any place. You are limited only by the quality of the road.

So many ways of traveling exist. Probably some more will appear in the next decades. Good luck in your choice!

Active Vocabulary ago [~·g~u] ago exist exist airport ["e~p::t] airport express v. Ancient Greece ["eshf~nt gri:s] Ancient, n. express

–  –  –


1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Traveling, transport, choice, probály, main, century, end, ago, on foot, natural, feel, waterway, until, navigate, star, invention, mankind, wheel, history, steam engine, reason, industrial revolution, network, planet , era, conquer, dream, express, gyroscope, quick, feature, safety, tiresome, countryside, comfortañle, passenger, disadvantage, quick, limit, quality, exist, decade.

2. Write down all means of transport from the text and word list.

A. With the surfaces they move on:

sea ​​- river - road - railway - sky

B. With the places they stop:

railway station - bus station - airport - port

C. With the process of moving:

jlying - sailing - driving (going) D. With the time when they appeared.

3. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

1) a device used in navigation that keeps steady because of a heavy wheel spinning inside it

2) a period of hundred years

3) someone who travels bu public transport done in a short time 4) a large vehicle for carrying passengers, powered by bu petrol 5)

6) the parallel metal lines that trains travel on and place where planes land and take off 7)

8) the last part of something a period of ten years 9)

10) something invented

4. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Steam engine, industrial revolution, on foot, waterway, ago, exist, appear, decade, century, express, invention, passenger, railway station, planet, star, mankind, airport, feel, main, network, transport, fast , quality.

5. Insert the vocabulary of the text into the following sentences.

1) The healthiest way of traveling is on _.

2) Modem trains are very __, but the flrst ones were very s1ow.

This car is 40 years old, but it still works well. It is of good_.

3) lfyou want to _by train, you must go to the _ _.

5) ln what century was the telephone _?

a) 6 Make up your own sentences using the active vocabulary.

b) Translate your sentences into Russian. Read them aloud and let your group mates translate them back into English.

7. Write down all means of transport from the text and from the word list all words which denote means of transport. Divide them into two groups.

1. Means of transport bu which you traveled at least once.

2. Means of transport which you never traveled by.

8. Group work. Each student names the place where he was born.

Other students suggest different means of transport to go there.

Doesn't choose the best answer.

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1. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. The means of transport nowadays a rf Jшmcrous, aren't they?

2. What is the most natural way of travcling?

3. Were waterways thc first roads for which mcsh1s of transpogt were invited, according to the author?

4. The wheel was one of the greatest inventions of mapkind, wasn't it?

What is based on this invention?

5. What was the main reason of industrial revolution in the 19th century?

6. Why weren't the first planes quite safe?

7. What is the quickest way of traveling?

8. What does the author say about traveling by train?

9. Is traveling bu bus more or less comfortañle than traveling bu train?

10. If you travel by car, you are not limited by the time, are you?

2. Use the questions to retell the text.

3. What is your favorite way of traveling? Use arguments from the text to prove your point of view. Add your own arguments.

4. Discuss the following problems.

1. Difficulties oftravelling (customs, for language, prices, etc.)

2. The best type of city transport.

3. Interesting places in the world to see and to explore.

5. Make up a dialogue on the following subjects.

1. Two students plan a trip abroad and choose what transport to take.

2. A tourist agent speaks to a client and suggests different tours. The client doesn't like to travel bu plane.

3. Husband and wife arrive at the railway station of their home town.

They see a bus and some taxis and decide what transport to take.

–  –  –

2. Imagine you are a tourist agent who writes a booklet. You need to praise traveling by bus. Write some sentences about it.

3. Write an essay one of the following topics.

1. My longest joumey.

2. The best way to spend your summer holidays.

3. The best way to travel is bu bu cycle (on foot, bu car...)

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In life, there is often a need to convey a different condition (if, if, etc.). This type of sentence deserves special attention because it has a different structure than other affirmative complex sentences.

–  –  –

Sentences expressing real or unfulfilled 3.

new condition in the past. In them, Past Peifect is used in the subordinate clause, and in the main Fitire Peifect-ip-the-Past (i.e., in Fitire Peifect, the verbs shall and will change to should and would, respectively).

If he had sat yesterday, we should have started the work.

Fitire Peifect-ip-the-Past Past Peifect If he had come yesterday, we would have started work.

–  –  –

If he had already been there, we would have gone there too.

In addition to the union if, subordinate conditional clauses can, with unless (if not), provided (that), be connected to the main unions providing (that), op condition (that) (provided that, provided that), in case (that) (in case if), supposing (that), suppose (that) (if, if we assume).

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Sport The healthiest way of life for a person is constant movement and exercise.

When exercise stops, illnesses quickly appear. But those who don't forget about sport have a happy and healthy life.

It is necessary to distinguish between amateur sport and professional sport.

The most important difference is that professional sportsmen, on the one hand, try to win, to break records and to achieve great results because it brings them glory, fame and commercial success. Amateur sportsmen, on the other hand, go in for sport to be healthy and feel well - and not to have a sport career.

One of the simplest and most ancient sports is running. It is an exercise which doesn't make you stronger (so your muscles don't become thicker), but it makes you more resistant to stress. This sport, like many others, improves your health and even cures some illnesses.

Ifyou are an amateur, you probably prefer jogging to running. Jogging is just like running, but here speed is not so important. Jogging is popular in Westem countries. People jog several kilometers a day and found it very healthy. Doctors wam however, that jogging for more than twenty kilometers a week may be harmful for the joints.

In this case the best solution is skiing. Skiing is a very good wintersport. Two main types can be divided in this kind of sport: mountain skiing and cross-country skiing. When Russian people say skiing, they mean cross-country skiing. But Englishmen mean mountain skiing. Both kinds of sport are popular, but in order to go down the ski slopes you need more professionalism.

Besides these kinds of sports, there are games. Everyone knows such games as football, volleyball, basketball\, hockey, tennis and others.

Everyone knows them and played at least one of these games. In some ofthem only two players take part (tennis), in others- a team of several players. These games improve velocity of reaction, abllity to take quick decisions, and coordination. They arc popular with children, who follow the older sportsmen and want to le likc them.

Sport is so important for us, that lessons of physical training are included into school, col\ege and university courses. Besides there are special schools, which preparc futе sportsmen, trainers and Olympic champions.

Active Vocabulary

–  –  –


1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Sport, sportsman, jogging, game, exercise, amateur, important, illness, professional, kilometre, mountain, cross-country skiing, player, constant, movement, quickly, necessary, distinguish, difference, win, to break a record, achieve, glory, fame, commercial success, career, muscle, resistant, stress, improve, prefer, speed, westem, to jog, harmful, joint, solution, ski slope, football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, team, velocity, reaction, ability , decision, coordination, physical training, Olympic champion.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

1) something that you can play, usually with rules

2) from or concerning the west an action or feeling caused by another person or thing 3) the best person in a sport or competition 4)

5) to do better than your opponents in a game an outdoor game played by two teams with curved sticks and a 6) small hard cylinder

7) a team game in which players try to throw a ball through a hoop fixed three meters above the ground

8) a game played by two teams which try to kick an inflated ball into their opponent's goal

9) a very high hill

10) someone who does something because he likes it without being paid for it

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Jogging, game, amateur, important, success, break a record, decision, hockey, opportunity, distinguish.

4. Give antonyms from active vocabulary to the following words.

Amateur, slowly, to lose, useful, inabllity, unimportant.

5. lnsert the vocabulary of the text into the following sentences.

1. The sportsman wanted to _, so he ran very quickly. Not won and became an __. But he was very tired because he had run two _.

A record. Only the best _can do it.

2. It is very difficult to Every football player must be _to stress.

4. The _Zenit won the _match yesterday.

The 9th of Mau is an _date in our history.

If you go weightlifting your _become bigger 6.

and so you become stronger.

7. Do you often have _ _ lessons?

6. Paraphrase the words in italic using active vocabulary. Make other changes in the sentence if necessary. True to use one word.

1. At this competition ath/ete Pctrov was the best.

2. Smoking isfar from good for wash l1calth.

3. The sportsman trained very wcll and his result became better.

4. Do you like to run in thc morpipg?

5. We don "t have R. E. lessons op Mondays.

7. lnsert prepositions og post-vegbal advegbs.

1. _ the one hand, professional sportsmen try to win and break records. Amateur sportsmen, _the other hand, go _ _ sports to be healthy and to feel well.

2. Football and tennis are very popular _children.

3. Games improve ve1ocity _ reaction and abllity to take quick decisions.

4. Why is sport to important _as?

5. In such games _ football, basketball and hockey more than two players take part.

–  –  –

1. A girl persuades her classmate to go in for swimming.

2. Two boys discuss the latest football match.

3. A student answers his classmates questions about an unusual kind ofsport.


1. Imagine you are a journalist. Write a report about the latest local sports competition.

2. Write an essay on one of the following topics. Use ltemet resources if necessary.

1. Professional sport: different points of view.

2. International sports competitions and their role in uniting different nations.

3. Pierre de Coubertin and his activities.

–  –  –

Complex sentences consist of a main clause (The Claise) and one or more subordinate clauses (The Sibordinate Clauses).

The subordinate clause can be attached to the main clause with the help of subordinating conjunctions that (what), if (if), hecause (because), etc. or allied words who (who), whose (whose), (when), (where, where), etc. It is also possible to have a non-union when where, a new addition of sentences.

–  –  –

Sibjipctive Mood (see Subjunctive Mood) can also be used in target clauses, usually lest. After the conjunction lest, the verb is used in the affirmative with the conjunction in the telative form, since in the English sentence there is only one negation, and the conjunction itself is negative.

–  –  –

If the action of the subordinate clause precedes the action of the main clause, then both for the verb to ye and for all the others, the Past Peifect form of the indicative mood in the meaning of the subjunctive is used.

–  –  –


l. What are the types of compound sentences?

2. How is a compound sentence formed?

How is a complex sentence formed?

What are the main types of subordinate clauses?

What questions do they answer?

What does subjunctive mean?

7. How are the main forms of the subjunctive mood formed?

What types of subordinate clauses use the subjunctive 8.


9. In what cases is the past tense form of the subjunctive from the verb ye used? What form do the other verbs take in these to cases?


Health Many philosophers said wise things about health - how important it is for each person, and that one lost, it can "t be restored. lf a person is eating bad food, smoking or taking alcohol - this ruins his health, and it" s very good if he has time to stop and think.

In fact, health is something that is given to many of us since Brth. But only active life and good nutrition can help us stay healthy as long as possible.

The first aspect of good health is a healthy diet. Food that you eat gives you energy, vitamins and fiber. And if it is junk food - it gives you extra weight and problems with your health.

The second aspect of good health is sport and exercises. Doctors recommend to use the stairs instead of taking a lift, and to walk during the break at school and college but not to sit at the same place. There are workers who have to sit at the working times for hours, but then they have problems with their kidneys, which is very serious.

What are other contributions to good health? ot course, it "s the absence of bad habits. But it"s also your attitude to life. lf you are full of energy, optimism and kind-heartedness, your life will be good. But if you are always angry, if it "s difficult for you to keep your temper - then the problems are on the threshold.

Finally, everything depends on us. Lifestyle is a way that leads to a happy and healthy life or to medical problems. The most important thing is to have a map that shows us the right way.

–  –  –

1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Bad, aspect, energy, philosopher, restore, smoking, ruin, birth, active, nutrition, possiblle, diet, eat, vitamin, fiber, junk, extra, weight, recommend, stairs, instead, lift, kidneys, contribution, absence, habit, attitude, optirnism, kind-heartedness, angry, temper, threshold, depend, lifestyle, medical, map, show.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

1) the ability to do things

2) each of several substances which are present in some products and wblch you need to stay healthy

3) several steps that take you from one floor to anither in a building

4) expecting things to turn out well

5) a board or stone under the doorway of a building

6) two organs in our body that remove waste products from the lood

7) the measure of how heavy you are

8) something that you do without tblnking, because you have done it so often

9) something you give

10) to say that something is good or suitañle.

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Bad, restore, philosopher, smoking, possible, additional, lift, attitude, disposition, map, destroy, diet, together, absence, kindness, depend, show, birth, active, nutrition, eat, fiber, defective (of food) , angry, lifestyle, medical.

4. Insert the vocabulary of the text into the following sentences.

1. Our health often_on ecology.

2. In spring our body lacks _and minerals necessary for our living.

3. Change your 1_, or you "ll ruin your _in several years!

4. Is not very active: he goes to work bu bu cycle and always uses _ instead of the stairs.

5. lfyou eat much, you "ll gain _.

5. Paraphrase the words in italic using active vocabulary. Make other changes in the sentence if necessary.

Not 1. eats balancedfood, that's why he is so slim.

3. Not advised to watch this film.

4. A child must have good nutrition from the first days of his life.

Ipsert prepositiops 6. or post-verbal adverbs.

1. Doctors recommend to use the stairs instead _taking a lift, and to walk _the break _school and college.

2. There are workers who have to sit _the table for hours, but then they have serious problems _thcir health.

3. Your attitude _life is also a coptrihution _good health.

4. Our health depends _our eating lшhits to a great level.

7. the text into English.

Trapslate followipg Petya began to study worse than usual. decided that he needed to exercise more and lose weight. This is very useful for non, but not enough. Then he decided to buy vitamins, since fresh fruits and vegetables were still far away. And finally, he took up his studies and tried to catch up. The vitamins helped him a lot.

–  –  –

7. Make up dialogue according to one of the following situations.

1. Two students are discussing the bad effects of smoking on our body.

2. A student asks his new friend what sports he (or she) is fond of.

–  –  –

Write an essay on one of the following topics.

1. Healthy life - it's easy!

2. Going in for sports is my favorite pastime.

3. Be polite, honest and to1erant - and you "ll be healthy.

–  –  –

Modal verbs are those verbs that by themselves do not express an action or state, but establish a relationship between the subject and the action or state expressed by the infinitive of another verb.

Modal verbs express the possibility, ability, necessity, desirability of performing an action.

Compare in Russian:

–  –  –

Sap she sing?

mau she sing?

Ought she to sing?

In the negative form, the particle pot is placed immediately after the modal verb. The verb sap with the particle pot is written together: Not sappo do it.

In colloquial speech, abbreviated negative forms can be used:

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The verb sap means physical or mental ability, the ability to perform an action. It is usually translated into Russian with the words can, can, etc. (in a negative form with words cannot, cannot, etc.).

–  –  –

That is, it expresses more the actual, one-time possibility of may (suddenly does), and sap is rather a general possibility, the theoretical ability to do something.

In combination with the perfect forms of the infinitive, the verb may expresses an assumption (also with a touch of doubt, uncertainty) in relation to the past tense:

–  –  –

must can also be a verb to express probability and be translated into Russian with the words must be, probably.

Here, a much stronger certainty is expressed than with the verb tau:

–  –  –

In combination with the perfect infinitive, this verb is used in relation to the past tense and means that it was not necessary to perform actions:

–  –  –


What verbs are called modal?

What modal verbs are there in English?

3. What is the difference between modal verbs and regular verb forms in education?


Telephone conversation rules When you speak over the telephone, it "s important to know some simple but very useful rules, which make your communication successful.

First of all, you must greet your listener with Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening. If it is not a person you want to speak with, please ask to call the one you want, using a polite expression. But if it happens that you dialed the wrong number, then you must apologize.

Whenever you are calling anybody, ask whether the person you speak to has enough time for you. Maye it is not so.

Don "t speak too long. Long conversation is often a mere chattering, nothing else. Never forget why you are really phoning.

But the matters that are very important should be better discussed in person. Much information is transmitted by our gestures, but very often we don't seem to realize it.

Even if your interlocutor is rude to you, you shouldn't answer back.

Keer your emotions to yourself even if it's difficult for you.

Following these rules, you can speak over the telephone as naturally as in person. Telephone is a great invention, it units people, but it should be used carefully in order not to separate them.

–  –  –

1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Conversation, ask, simple, communication, successful, great, listener, expression, happen, dial, wrong, whenever, call, whether maybe, mere, chattering, matter (n), transmit, gesture, seem, interlocutor, rude, emotion, following, separate.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

1) the person you are speaking with

2) someone who is listening

3) to welcome someone when hejshe arrives

4) not fair or morally right; incopect

5) to take thing or people away from other things or people

6) a strong feeling in your mind, such as love or fear

7) talking quickly, stupidly or too much

8) success

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Conversation, communication, expression, gesture, business, asking, happening, recruiting, calling, conveying, seeming, simple, whenever, perhaps, no more than.

4. Insert the vocabulary of the text into the following sentences.

1. When Jack understood that he had _the wrong _, he _. His _answered that it was all right.

2. 1 couldn't get through (get through) for half an hour. Was it an important talk or just _?

3. "What _do you want to buy?" _the shop assistant.

4. The disk-jockey greeted his _using a polite _andthat announced a very interesting program would bе _in half a minute.

5. Mother let her child know bu a _that he must be silent.

5. Paraphrase the words in italic using active vocabulary. Make other changes in the sentence if necessary.

1. "Your answer is incorrect," said the teacher.

2. His project had great success.

3. The children were divided in 2009 and met only last year.

4. Speak to her using only polite phrases. She is very strict.

5. Probably he is right, but we must check it.

6. Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs.

1. lfit not the person you want to speak _, please ask to call the one you want.

2. Do you have enough time _me?

3. We should better discuss this matter _person. 1 can't say anything _the telephone.

4. Even if your friend is angry, never answer _. Keer your emotions _yourself.

5. Telephone units people, but it should be used carefully _ _ not to separate them.

7. the following text into English.

–  –  –

When Dima told his father about this, he reminded that sometimes they call their number by mistake, and you should always answer politely and with positive emotions, no matter what mood you are in.

–  –  –

1. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. Must you know any ru\es when you speak over the telephone?

2. What are the typica\ greetings when you take the receiver?

3. What should you do if is not the person you want to speak with?

4. lfyou have dialled the wrong number, you must apologize, mustn "t you?

5. Why should you ask if the person has enough time for you?

ls long conversation merely a chattering, in the author's view? And 6.

what do you think?

7. Should important matters be discussed over the te\ephone? Why not?

8. Ifthe interlocutor is rude, what should you do?

Sap these rules help you to speak over the telephone as naturally as 9.

10. ls telephone one of the inventions that has different sides positive and negative? Prove your point of view.

2. Use the questions from 1 to retell the text.

3. What do you think of the moblle phones? Are they dangerous to our health? Give your point of view.

4. Make up dialogues in wblch one student phones to another one

Invites him to the cinema

Asks what the homework is because he's ill

Tel\s about the latest model of a moblle phone

–  –  –

As mentioned above, the modal verbs can, tau, tis, ought to, peed, unlike other verbs, do not have a number of forms.

So, for example, the verbs can and tau cannot be used in the future, but the verb tist cannot be used in the past and future tense.

To convey the meaning expressed by these verbs in the specified tenses, use the appropriate equivalents:

–  –  –

What verbs can be modal?

How are interrogative and negative forms formed in this case?

What do modal constructions with a perfect infinitive mean?

What means are used to express the meaning of modal chapter 4.

must heads sap, tau, and in tenses where these verbs do not have their own forms?


My hobbles The word "hobby" means a large variety of things that people do in their free time.

We can speak about hobbles in our life when we go to school. That "s the time when time of studies can be clearly distinguished from time of rest. Children go dancing, swimming, they sing, play the piano or other musical instruments. They are found of different sports and games, such as footba \ 1, gymnastics, figure skating and others.

This is thc first time when they collect things - for example stickers, stamps, badgcs. lt "s good when the "hobby" doesn't take very much time.

If it "s so, it" s already a bad hablt. We can say so about computer games.

It's not good to become addicts.

When we are teenagers, our interests become wider. Boys become fond of digital technologies and cars; girls are often fond of flowers, different clothes and animals.

Now when we are college students, our hobbles are various. One of the boys of the group is fond of making robots with remote control by iPhone.

This is grcat! Another love likes to draw cars and their owners. This is a very unusual "hobby"! As for those 1 learn to make computer programs and I "m sure it will be helpful for me in my work.

My parents say that when their family life began, many of their hobbies disappeared. So 1 have a great opportunity. But my mum stilllikes to knit, and my dad - to make furniture. These hobbles are not only interesting for them, but also useful for the whole family.

Hobbles make our life very interesting. lt "s especially good when there are people with similar interests around you. This helps us to relax from our studies or main work and do something pleasant for ourselves and the others.

–  –  –


1. Study the active vocabulary. Translate the following words and phrases from English into Russian.

Hoby, like, word, variety, clearly, distinguish, ftgire skating, collect, example, sticker, stamp, badge, teenager, digital, animal, various, group, robot, remote, lou, owner, disappear, opportunity, mum, knit , whole, relax.

2. Guess the word the explanation of its meaning.

1) a set of sounds or letters that has a meaning and is written with a space before and after it

2) moving about in time with music

3) a small piece of metal pained on clothes to tell people something about its owner

4) exercises and movements that demonstrate the body's agility and strength

5) to stop being visiblé

6) to stop working, to rest

7) a small piece of gummed paper with a special design on it

8) a label or sign for sticking on something

9) the person who has something

10) a good time to do something

3. Give English equivalents for the following words.

Hobbies, variety, musical instrument, example, figure skating, teenager, group, robot, animal, boy, mom, love, clear, collect, distinguish, digital, whole, distant, varied, knit.

4. Paraphrase the words in italic using active vocabulary. Make other changes in the sentence if necessary.

1. We have a chance to go on a bus tour to Moscow this weekend.

2. My sister is fond of collecting tapu things: postcards, dolls, books, dresses. She says she has a rest when she 1ooks at her collection.

But in fact she has rest. She has a really big collection.

3. "1 see well that you must go in for sports to improve your hea1th,"

Said mother to her child.

5. Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs.

1. The word "hobby" means a large variety of _things that people do _ their free time.

2. Teenagers are fond of digital technologies.

3. There are hobìies which are not only interesting _ you, but also useful _ the whole family.

4. Hobìies make our life interesting especially when there are people similar interests around us.

5. Can you tell me _ your hobìies?

Translate 6. the following text into English.

My friends showed me that hobbies can be very different.

My friend Iror loves to travel very much. He has been to almost all continents and traveled extensively by plane, train, bus, bicycle and on foot. My friend Nikolai loves to take pictures. He photographs people, buildings, nature and significant events. My uncle loves to cook, although his profession has nothing to do with it. But his dishes are always very tasty, and he himself really likes to bring joy to others. And I love collecting stamps. They carry a lot of useful information. In addition, they help to learn foreign words, because my collections are thematic.

–  –  –

1. Two friends are looking at each other's stamp collection. They decide to exchange some stamps.

2. Two friends are discussing their favorite Шms.

3. Two boys are discussing their favorite types of cars (airplanes).

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The methyc system Physics measures such physical chntitics as time, length, mass, density, velocity, area, volume, tempcrature and cnergy. Different units of length and mass exist. Nearly all of them are interrelated. Nowadays, three main systems of measurement are widely used: the British system ofunity, the metric system ofunits and the Intemational system of units (SI).

With a few exceptions, all the nations of the world use the metric system.

It is so easy that anyone who knows arithmetic can leam it quickly. Before the introduction of the metric system (metre-kilogram-second), the British foot-pound-second system was widely used. But the latter system (which is still in use in Great Britain and the USA) was very complicated and caused serious difficulties in the intemationa1 trade. For example, in the British system 1 mile is equal to 1760 yards, 1 yard - to feet and 1 foot- to 12 inches. This means that it's very difficult to convert units.

But in the metric system each unit is a multiple of the following lower unit bu ten. Therefore, the conversion to a higher quantity is done by moving the decimal point to the right to the required number of p1aces, and vice versa.

The idea of ​​decimal system was realized only at the end of the 18th century. In 1791, the French Academy of Science decided that the standard of length should Be one ten-rnillionth part of the distance from the Equator to the North Pole. The two French scientists charged with the task took this distance on a line running through Paris and divided it into 10,000,000 equal parts. They called one of the parts a metre ("measure"), which became the main unit. Meter was also used to measure area and volume. Thus a square metre and a cublc metre appeared.

The main advantage of the system is that for shorter measurements the metre is divided bu ten, so a decima1 system was used. Shorter units had Latin preftxes and longer ones - Greek preftxes. So, "millimetre" is Latin for "a thousandth part of a metre" and "kilometre" is Greek for "a thousand metres".

As for the unit of mass, it was defined as the mass of a cublc centimetre of water at the temperature of 4 s (the temperature of its maximum density). As we know, the name of this unit is gramme.

The SI units is derived from the metric system and was intemationally accepted in 1960. Besides metre (m), kilogram (kg) and second (s), its basic units are Kelwin (K), ampere (а), mole (mol) , and candle (cd). This system was introduced in our country in the 1960s and every day we measure things by the units from this system.

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1. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. What do you need? What about most of them interrelated?

2. How many systems of measurement are widcly used nowadays?

3. All the nations of the world use the metric system, don't they?

4. What was used before the metric system? Did the earlier system have any drawbacks?

5. When was the idea of ​​decimal system realized?

6. What is the main unit of the metric system? How was it measured?

7. Were the units of area and volume defined as well?

8. Do shorter units have Greek or Latin prefixes?

9. What is a unit of mass?

10. Is there a difference between the metric system and the Sl system?

11. When was the SI system introduced in the USSR?

12. What synonyms to the phrase "metric system" can you fmd in the text?

2. Study the Active Vocabulary. the missing Can you _ cubic metres into cubic centimetres?

2. The between Moscow and Samara is 1049 3. "Bio\ogy" is a _word, and "science" is a _one.

The teacher _ one of his pupils with a difficult task.

Newton was a great _ who formulated the laws of gravitation.

6. What is the _ of this swimming pool? - The swimming pool is twenty-five _long and two _deep, and ten _wide. So, 1 _ twenty-five bu two and bu ten and 1 get five hundred __.

7. The _of ice is more than the _ofwater as a liquid. But the _ of ice is less than the ofwater at 4 °C.

Who was the first traveler who reached the south?

9. The _that studies stars is astronomy.

10. The _ units of the _ systems are a metre, a _and a_.

1. The British system of units, the metric system of units and the Intemational system of units (SI) are...

2. Everyone who knows arithmetic can...

3. Before the introduction of the metric system...

4. The conversion to a blgher quantity in a metric system is done...

5. In 1791 the French Academy of Science decided...

6. The two French scientists took tbls distance...

7. Meter was also used to measure...

8. The main advantage of the metric system is...

9. The unit of mass was defined...

10. The SI system is derived...

1. The disadvantages of the British system of units.

2. The introduction of the metric system.

3. Preflxes in the metric system.

1. The ditference between the metric system of units and the lnternational system of units (SI).

2. The origin of the British system of units.

3. Introduction of the SI units.

4. Conversion in the British system of units.

–  –  –

TEXT Functions of computers Computer is one ofthe inventions ofthe 20th century that changed the world greatly. The first computers of the 1940s were enormous. But now they are almost in every family and in every office building.

Most rnachines do only one job, some are multifunctional (e.g. a TU set + + DVD player). But no device is as multifunctional as computer. The parts of the macblne (or its hardware) remain the same, you change only the program (software) and your computer immediately learns to do various tblngs. A browser program is designed to look at pages on the Internet (you can also say to browse, tbls accounts for the word browser). A word processor program lets you print text and then change styles of fonts and sizes of pages. A database program is used for searching and sorting records. Such program is used in shops, libraries, hospitals, accountant offices, and so on.

They make work with great amounts of data much quicker.

Computers are found everywhere and used in every sphere of life. In a plant one can make a computer model of a car or plane and check its resistance to stress. Such calculations without a computer could have taken several months. Computer is used at school: children watch films, presentations and web pages. This helps them to study effectively.

Computers also have some disadvantages. There is a famous joke that computers are designed to solve problems but half of the time they are the problem. As computer is a complicated device, one small breakage may stop its work. Moreover, the equipment is soon out of date.

Besides, there is a problem of compatibllity. First of all, there are hardware devices which can't work with the old operating systems, such as a processor, a hard disk drive, a video card, etc. Then, there are programs which need more resources than computer actually lшs.

Thirdly, computers become more and more complicated, and much effort is required to learn how to work with them. Fourthly, computer viruses cause a lot of trouble - they can spoil, remove or steal computer data, and every user knows it well from his experience.

And on top of all, computer is a multifunctional device, as we already know, so it can be used both to do work and to entertain oneself. Children often fall prey to computer and Internet: they play computer games, spend their free time chatting with friends on the Internet and doing practically nothing. This aspect can "t be denied.

That is crown it all, computer is a good device like many others, designed to help people. But it "s our own free will that lets us use it in order not to waste time but to get best results.

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1. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. When was computer invented?

2. Were there many computers in the middle of the 20th century? Why do you think so? Find the possibility exp1anation in the text.

3. Is computer a mu1tifunctional device?

4. What types of programs for computer can you name?

5. In what spheres of life can computers be used?

6. Computers have many disadvantages, don't they?

7. What are the main disadvantages? Are there any that happened with your computer?

8. What are the relations between children and computer? Is there any danger?

9. Can you name other functions of the computer?

10. Can you add apytblng to the list of the drawbacks of computer?

11. Computer can be used both for good and bad purposes, can "t it?

12. Name other things that can be misused, like computer. (For examp1e: an atomic energy, and gun, te1evisioп...)

2. Study the Active Vocabulary. lnsert the missing words.

1. The _of ne computcr stoppcd thc whole work of a somrapu.

2. Yesterday my brother hougl1t a ~-- dcvice: it "s a printer, a scanner and a fax.

3. lfyou wapt to look at thc library collcction, open this _program.

4. Then ipstall the drivcr, insert the CD ipto the apd follow the ipstructiops of the computer.

5. If you have probiems with your hardwarc og ___, ask my friepd lgor. Not is a famous specialist, he has great _ _, he can _ _ apu prolem.

6. The hottest place ip your computer is a _.

7. Check your computer for _. They can spoil your _.

8. What _ _ do you have? - Are there mapu? - Yes, therc yeah. But there is only a problem of _ of software.

9. Does not use the Internet only to _ blmself: he listeps to the music, watches films and ipstalls programs.

10. Computer can make _quicker thap apu calculator.

3. Continue the following statements.

1. The first computers of the 1940s were...

2. A browser program is designed to...

3. A wood processor lets you...

4. A database program is used ip shops...

5. Computers age used everywhere: ip a plapt ope can make...

6. Computer is also used at school: childrep watch...

7. There is a joke that computers are designed to solve problems but...

8. There is a problem of compatibility...

9. Computers become more and more complicated, and much effort...

10. Computer viruses cause a lot of...

11. Childrep often fall prey to computer...

12. It "s our owp free will that lets us use the computer ip order ...

4. Make a plan of the text and retell the text looking in your plan.

5. Discuss the following topics.

1. Multifunctional devices aroupd us.

2. Different types of computer programs.

3. Spheres of life where computers are iпdispeсablle powadays.

4. The problem of compatibllity.

5. Computer viruses and their fluence op our lives.

6. Find a short article in English on the topic of the lesson in one of the scientific magazines or on the Intemet. Study and discuss the article in class.

7. Write an essay on one of the following topics.

1. Advantages and disadvantages of the computer.

2. Computer as a multifunctional device.

3. Newer and newer hardware and software: modemisation of computer which has no end.

4. Children and computer: any problems?

Lesson 20 TEXT

The Urals - the center of Russian metal industry The Urals - a borderline between Europe and Asia - are a mountain chain which appeared many years ago as a result of tectonic activity. As time went on, the mountains were being destroyed by the action of water, sun and air. As a result, the highest mountains are only one thousand meters high. One more consequence is that the greatest deposits of ores came to the surface of the Earth. The fact that they were easily accessible stimulated the development of plants.

The Ural mining industries began during the time of Peter the First. In the 18th century the Urals, with their high quality ores and rich forests (a fuel for plants) played the greatest role in the world industry. Russia exported metal even to Great Britain.

The modemisation of the Ural industry began with Magnitogorsk plant, built near the mountain Magnitnaya, rich in metallic ores. Later, many engineering plants were built in the region. The greatest plants are located in Magnitogorsk, Nizhniy Tagil, Chelyabinsk and Novotroitsk.

At the beginning of the 20th century the Ural metal industry suffered a crisis because of the shortage of coal. But the delivery of coal from Kuzbass solved the problem.

lt must be mentioned that about 70 metals and minerals were first discovered in the Ural mountains. Large deposits of iron, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, titanium, wolfram and many other metals characterize the region.

Nowadays some of the deposits are exhausted, and the plants work on the ores from the new layers (Kazakhstan, Siberia). But continued, the Urals are the region with great history, traditions and experience, and hopefully it will have new stages of development.

Active Vocabulary accessiЬle available activity activity action ["rekf~n] action Asia ["eiJ~] Asia chain chain (direct, transl.) mineral terize

–  –  –

1. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. Where are the Urals located?

2. Why are these mountains not very high?

Why are the deposits of ores easily accessible?

4. When did the Ural mining industries begin? Did Russia export metal at that time?

5. Where did the modemisation of the Ural industry begin?

6. What was the reason for the crisis for the Ural metal industry?

7. How many metals and minerals were first discovered in the Urals?

What are the recent problems of the Urals?

9. Does the author of the text hope that the region will have new stages of development? And what do you think?

2. Study the Active vocabulary. Insert the missing words.

1. Fifty years ago there was a _here. Then all the trees were cut and many _ and factories were built.

2. The mountains which divides our continent into and

3. The factory can "t work. We have a _ofcopper. _, we"ll have a ofit soon.

4. _of gold in Califomia were in the middle of the 19th century.

in a spaceship.

5. Gagarin was the first man who flew round the

6. The _of ores is very thick here. A plant can be bunt nearby.

7. The _ of industry means that plants stop working. But all the problems can be _.

8. The Elbrus is the highest _in Europe.

9. These mountains are the result oftectonic

10. Irkutsk is in Siberia.

3. Continue the following statements.

1. The Urals are a mountain change which...

2. Mountains were being destroyed, and now the highest mountains...

3. In the 18th century the Urals...

4. The modernization of the Ural industry began...

5. The greatest plants are situated...

6. At the beginning of the 20th century the Ural metal industry...

7. About 70 metals and minerals...

8. Nowadays some of the deposits are...

9. Hopefully, the Urals will...

4. Make a plan of the text and retell the text looking in your plan.

5. Discuss the following topics.

1. The Third of the mountains.

2. Traditions and innovations in the Ural metal industry.

3. The role of the Urals in the world industry - the 18th century and the 21st century.

7. Write an essay on one of the following topics.

1. Natural resources - the wealth of our country.

2. The blstory of the Ural metal industry.

3. Problems of modern Ural.

–  –  –

Hundreds of electronic eqllipmcnts arc now used for scientific, industrial and everyday pllrposes. They l1clp to do jobs better or more rationally than before and take over jobs that coLJidn "t be done otherwise.

So, industrial electronics LJndoutedly plays a vcry important role today.

You can easily find many electronic eqllipments at lume: a tape recorder, a TV set, an MP3 player, a computer and many othcrs.

The application and use of electronic eqllipments dcmands and good knowledge of their fundamentals.

In meters and lamps electricity flows in the wire. Bllt inside any transistor or microcblp (and previously, in radio tubes) electric current passes through the space (or semiconductor) separating certain parts in tbls detail. Such action is called electronic. lt "s not difficult to imagine it because the same happens in lightning. There you actually see how electricity jumps through space.

The first electronic equipments used radio lamps. They were: a radio set, a TV set, computing machines (predecessors of modem calculators), computers (wblch occupied big rooms), tape recorders.

The next stage came when transistors were invented. The devices became more powerful and much smaller. The number of devices increased greatly, some multifunctional devices appeared (radio + tape recorder).

Computers and calculators became smaller: cassette recorders and videocassette recorders appeared.

The next period was the period of microcblps. They helped to reduce big parts of devices, computers and other devices.

The latest period of industrial electronics development is the period of total digitization of all electronic devices, making them comparable with the computer. Photos are no longer made on film but on memory cards, cassettes and video cassettes are out of use. Television is also becoming digital.

Industrial electronics is a great part of our leisure time, it makes people's lives easier, and reduces their working time.

Active Vocabulary

–  –  –

everyday film davtidli] cannot imagine increase [w "kri: s] increase me

–  –  –

1. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. For what purposes are electronic equipments used now? What do they help us to do?

2. Industrial electronics plays an important role today, doesn't it?

3. What electronic equipments are usually found at home? What can you find at home?

4. What is the difference between electric and electronic devices?

5. Where do you actually see how electricity jumps though space?

6. What were the first electronic equipments based on?

7. Did the first computers look like modem ones?

8. Did the next stage when transistors or cassettes were invented?

9. Why did computers become smaller when microcblps were introduced?

10. What is the 1atest period of industrial electronics development called?

11. What devices became compatible with computer?

12. What does electronics mean in our life?

13. Do you think that electronics does only good to people?

14. What will be the next period of industrial electronics development, in your opinion?

2. Study the Active vocabulary. lnsert the missing words.

1. In lighting electricity _through_.

2. What do you like more: watching _or listening to the _?

3. 1 can "t _how people lived without _devices.

4. Do you have any _at home? No, 1 have only disks. I "m for _.

Does this camera have much_? No, this camera is not digital. lt 5.

has a 5-millimetre_

6. Devices which have _, and not tubes are much smaller and much more powerful.

7. The number of digital devices _every year. We depend on _more and more.

8. Many electronic devices are used for ___, not for work.

Computers and digital cameras are _devices. It means that they 9.

can exchange information.

3. Continue the following statements.

1. Electronic equipments are used for...

2. You can find many electronic equipments at home: and TU set...

3. Inside any transistor electric current passes...

4. In lightning you actually see...

5. The first electronic equipments used...

6. The devices with transistors become...

7. Microchips helped to reduce...

8. The latest period of industry1 electronics development is...

9. Photos are no longer made on 5-millimetre ftlm, but...

10. Industrial electronics makes people's life...

4. Make a plan of the text and retell the text looking in your plan.

5. Discuss the following topics.

1. The fundamentals of electronics.

2. The first electronic equipments.

3. Transistors and microchips and their influence on the size and productivity of the electronic equipments.

6. Find a short article in English on the topic of the lesson in one of the scientific magazines or on the Internet. Study and discuss the article in class.

7. Write an essay op one of the following topics.

1. The role of industrial electronics in modern society.

2. Digitization and its influence on peop1e's leisure time.

Lesson 22 TEXT

The history of buildings For many thousands of years people have lived in houses and 1iked comfortañle and safe living, not so dependent on weather conditions.

Alpinism and rock climbing Textbook Ekaterinburg UDC BBK Rece... "STATE AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCINTILLATION DETECTORS COLLECTION OF REPORTS / KOSHICE, Czechoslovakia / MARCH 1977 CZECHOSLOVAK ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION / PRAGUE 1977 COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ... "Technically permissible load on ... " fifth wheel coupling: approx. 12.000 kg Load on the axle unit: approx. 24.000 kg Technically possible axle load: approx. 27.000 kg Allowed...» Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity DISSERTATION for the degree of Candidate... ""Scientific notes of PNU" Volume 4, No. 4, 2013 ISSN 2079-8490 Electronic scientific publication "Scientific notes of PNU" 2013, Volume 4, No. 4, p. 272 ​​- 277 sciences, VUNC (Voronezh) JSC "Concern "Sozvezdie" Associate Professor, VUNC (Vo ... "number of members of the TC: people. Total attendance of members ..." 2017 www.website - "Free electronic library - electronic materials»

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Compiled by: teacher GOU SPO KAIT No. 20 L.V. Belova

Moscow, 2010

This textbook is intended for teachers and students working on the textbook "English" authors: Golubev Anatoly Pavlovich, Balyuk Natalia Vladimirovna, Smirnova Irina Borisovna for students of secondary vocational schools, publishing center "Academy", 2011.

Topic 1 - “My working day”……….. page 3

Topic 2 - “Talk about friends”……… p.10

Topic 3 - “Choosing a gift. Hobby "…... p. 17

Topic 4 - "Preparing for the celebration" ... .p.25

Topic 5 - “At the table”…………………..p. 33

Topic 6 - “My home is my fortress” .... p. 40

Topic 7 - "Travel"……………….page 48

Topic 8 - “Visit to the doctor”……………… p.55

Topic 9 - “Telephone conversation”……..p. 62

Topic 10 - “Sending letters”……… p.70

Topic 11 - “Sport”……………………… p.79

Topic 12 - “My College”…………… page 87

In each topic, you can find a translation of texts into Russian, basic exercises indicating their number, the page on which they are located in the textbook, assignments in English and Russian, as well as words and expressions that students need to know on this topic. The manual includes some additional tasks that the teacher can offer in the lesson to strong students.


TextMy Working Day (p75)

Hello. My name is Vlad Volkov and I am a college student. I am in my first year now.

I want to tell you about my usual working day.

It is 6.30 am and my younger brother Alexei is knocking at the door of my bedroom. "Will you jog with me today?" he asks. This is the way every morning begins for me. I went jogging last year but then I have become "lazier and Alexei uses every chance to mock at me. He goes jogging regularly and he is a "good sportsman by the way - so his coach says. Alexei goes in for tennis and he has been playing football since he went to primary school. He is the best forward in his team.

Alexei goes away and I stay in bed a little while longer. But anyway it's time to get up. I go to the bathroom and take a shower and clean my teeth, then come back to my room and switch on the television to watch the news while I am brushing my hair, shaving and putting my clothes on.

Now it is time for breakfast. All my family is at table- my mother, my father, Alexei and myself. We have scrambled eggs and bacon, a cup of tea and sandwiches. We chat and discuss news. I think it is the right time to introduce my family members to you. My mother's name is Mary. She is a children's doctor. My father "s name is Alexander and he is an engineer. Alexei is still a schoolboy. He is four years my junior. Oh, I haven" t yet told you about my elder sister. Her name is Nina. She is married. Her husband and she rent a flat not far from our place.

After breakfast I look through my notes- just in case I have left something behind, put on my coat, then say good-bye to my mother and leave home. My father gives me a lift to the college in his car. He starts working later than my classes begin.

I arrive at my college just in time to say hello to my fellow-students before the bell goes. As a rule, we have three or four periods every day. We go to college five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. We have lectures and seminars. Sometimes we work in the workshops. To my mind, these are the most interesting lessons. My friends say that we will be having a test in English today. I think that writing tests in grammar is more difficult than speaking English. I hope I won't fail.

During the breaks we go to the gym and play a round or two of basketball or volleyball. My friend John and I are-fond of reading fantasy and we discuss the latest book by Nick Perumov. He asks me if I liked the book that he had given me. I tell him that I will have read the book by the end of the week.

At 1 pm we have a long break. We go to the canteen and have a roll and a cup of juice. Then there is one more period, which is Mathematics. It is my favorite subject. The classes are over at 2.40 pm. Sometimes I go to the library to study there, but today I don't.

On my way home I see my girlfriend Lena. She smiles at me and we walk together for a while. I suddenly remember that we will have been dating for a year next week. 1 will go and look for a present for her tomorrow. When we first met at a party, I told her that she was the prettiest girl in the world and I had been looking for her all my life. Now I think that she is not only the most beautiful girl, but also the best friend. I am really fond of her. She is still a schoolgirl; she is leaving school this year. Lena's dream is to enter Moscow State University.

I come to my place at about 4 pm. Mother is already at home. She is cooking in the kitchen. Soon my father and brother arrive and we have dinner together. After dinner I do my lessons for tomorrow, watch television and read. I don't go out because the weather has become worse. I go to bed at about 11.30 pm.

TRANSLATION OF THE TEXT My working day (p. 75)

Hello. My name is Vlad Volkov, I am a college student. Now I'm in my first year. I want to tell you about my usual working day.

It's half past seven in the morning and my younger brother Alexei is knocking on my bedroom door. "Will you run with me today?" he asks. This is how I start every morning. I started running last year, but then I got lazy, and Alexei never misses an opportunity to tease me. He runs all the time and, by the way, he is a good athlete, as his coach says. Alex has been playing tennis and football since he started elementary school. He is the best striker on his team.

Alexei leaves, and I lie in bed for a while. But anyway, it's time to get up. I go to the bathroom, shower, brush my teeth, then go back to my room and turn on the TV to watch the news while I comb my hair, shave and get dressed.

Now it's breakfast time. My whole family is at the table - mom, dad, Alexei and me. We eat ham and eggs and tea and sandwiches. We chat and discuss the news. I think now is a good time to introduce you to my family members. My mother's name is Maria, she is a pediatrician. Dad's name is Alexander, he is an engineer. Alex is still in school. He is 4 years younger than me. Yes, I haven't told you about my older sister yet. Her name is Nina, she is married. She and her husband rent an apartment not far from our house.

After breakfast, I go through my notes to see if I forgot something, put on my jacket, say goodbye to my mom, and leave the house. Dad drives me to college in his car. He starts working later than my lessons start.

I arrive at college just in time to say hello to my friends before the bell rings. We usually have 3-4 pairs a day. We go to college 5 days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. We have lectures and seminars. Sometimes we work in workshops. From my point of view, these are the most interesting lessons. My friends say that today we will have an English test. I find writing grammar tests harder than speaking English. Hope I don't fail.

During breaks we go to the gym and play basketball or volleyball. My friend Zhenya and I are fond of reading science fiction and are discussing the latest book by Nick Perumov. He asks if I liked the book he gave me. I say I will finish it by the end of the week.

At one o'clock we have a big break. We go to the dining room, eat a bun with juice. Then another pair - mathematics. This is my favorite subject. Lessons end at 2:40 pm. Sometimes I go to study in the library, but I won't go today.

On the way home I meet my girlfriend Lena. She smiles at me and we take a short walk together. Suddenly it dawns on me that next week will be a year since we meet. Tomorrow I'll go and look for a present for her. When we first met at a party, I told her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and I have been looking for her all my life. Now I think that she is not only the most beautiful, but also the best friend. I love her truly. She is still a schoolgirl. Finishes this year. Lena dreams of entering Moscow State University.

I return home at about four o'clock. Mom is already at home. She is cooking in the kitchen. Dad and brother will come soon, we will all have lunch together. After lunch I do my homework the next day, watch TV, read. I don't go outside because the weather is bad. I go to bed at about half past eleven.
Words and expressions that you need to know on this topic:

Break- change

Be fond of- be fond of something

Brush one's hair

Canteen- catering canteen



College- college

Day off

Do the make-up

Discuss - to discuss

Dream- dream

Fail - fail the exam

Get up- get out of bed

Give a lift - give a lift by car

Go in for sports

Gym- sports hall

Hair- hair

Have breakfast (lunch, dinner) - have breakfast, lunch

Introduce - introduce

Jog- jog


Leave something behind - forget, leave


Look through - look through

Mock at somebody

Period- pair (lesson, lesson)

Primary school - primary school

Put on - put on


Shave - shave

Succeed - to succeed

Switch on / off - turn on / off

Take a shower - take a shower

Watch TV- watch TV

Page 77 No. 2

Write plural nouns

a tooth - teeth a woman - women

a foot - feet a postman - postmen

a man - men a child - children
Page 77 No. 3

Insert articles where necessary

  1. My father is an engineer. He is a good engineer.

  2. The Earth moves round the Sun.

  3. I go to college. I am a second-year student.

  4. Mary is the best student in the group.

  5. Meet an English family, the Browns.

  6. There are many interesting books in our library.

  7. The Amazon is the longest river in the world. The Everest is the highest mountain.

  8. During the break I usually go to the canteen and have a cup of juice and a roll.

  9. My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

  10. Alexei arrives at school before the bell goes.

Page 77 №4

Translate phrases into Russian

Mom's bag teacher's journal

Yulin's ring notes boys

My friend's children's toy book

Table leg book page

Page 77 №5

Translate phrases into English

  1. teacher's register

  2. teachers' books

  3. the door of my bedroom

  4. postmen's bags

  5. father's car

  6. children's names

  7. the words of the song

  8. Sam's exercise book

  9. pupil's answer

  10. my brother's coach

Page 77 #6

Complete the sentences using the family tree

  1. Ann is John's wife. Anna is John's wife.

  2. Stephen is David's and Kate's son. Stephen is the son of David and Kate.

  3. Ann is Stephen's aunt. Anna is Stephen's aunt.

  4. Sam is Mary's husband. Sam is Mary's husband.

  5. Mary is Carrie's, Jessica's and Stephen's grandmother. Mary is the grandmother of Carrie, Jessica and Steven.

  6. Carrie and Jessica are Stephen's cousins. Carrie and Jessica are Stephen's cousins.

  7. David is Carrie's and Jessica's uncle. David is the uncle of Carrie and Jessica.

  8. Jessica is Mary's and Sam's granddaughter. Jessica is the granddaughter of Mary and Sam.

  9. Carrie is David's and Kate's niece. Carrie is David and Kate's niece.

  10. Jessica is Ann's and John's daughter. Jessica is Anna and John's daughter.

Page 77 #6

Write adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees

good-better-the best

Cold - colder - the coldest

Bad - worse - the worst

Heavy - heavy - the heaviest

Little-less-the least

Expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
Page 77 #9

Put the adjectives given in brackets into the correct form

  1. Two heads are better than one.

  2. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

  3. Concord is the fastest plane in the world.

  4. mike is taller than Nick.

  5. Harrods is the most expensive shop in London.

  6. This is the cheapest hotel in our city.

  7. We discuss the latest news.

  8. My elder brother is 5 years my senior.

  9. The first exercise is less difficult than the second.

  10. The weather has become worse. It looks like raining.

Page 77 #10

Translate into Russian.

  1. She is as beautiful as a rose.

  2. He is smart as an owl.

  3. My brother is not as strong as my father.

  4. He's not as busy as me.

  5. This girl is prettier than that one.

  6. This student is as smart as his teacher.

  7. My car is not as new as yours.

Page 77 #15

Write sentences in past and future indefinite tenses. Add the necessary adverbs.

  1. Vlad goes to college. Vlad went to school last year.
Vlad will go to college next year.

  1. She swims very well. She swam very well last year.
She will swim in the river in summer.

3. They speak English during the lesson. They spoke English yesterday. They'll speak English during the lesson tomorrow.

4. He asks me a difficult question. He asked me a difficult question at the lesson. He'll ask me a difficult question tomorrow.

5. We jog in the morning. We jogged last year. We'll jog in the morning in summer.

6. Lena looks through the notes before the seminars. Lena looked through the notes yesterday. Lena will look through the notes before the next seminar. 7. Father gives him a lift to college every day. Father gave him a lift to college last month. Father will give him a lift to college next week.
Page 77 #17

Write the sentences given in the perfect tense, in the simple past tense, using the necessary adverbs.

  1. My friend has already written the test. He wrote it yesterday.

  2. Boris has done his homework this evening. He did his homework two hours ago.

  3. I have already watched this film. I saw it last month.

  4. We have never seen him. We didn't see him near our house yesterday.

  5. They have just come back home. They came 5 minutes ago.

  6. I've left my book at home this morning. I left it on the table.

Page 77 #18

Put the verbs in brackets into the present

simple or present continuous

  1. They speak English very well.

  2. She is speaking to her teacher now.

  3. I usually have orange juice for breakfast.

  4. He is taking a shower now.

  5. We jog every day.

  6. He is jogging out now.

  7. Mother is in the kitchen. She is cooking breakfast.

simple or continuous tense

1. He read an interesting book last month.

2. Sam read an interesting book in the morning.

3. We were discussing this film when you arrived.

4. She knocked and came in.

5. They watched TV and went for a walk.

6. The boy was watching TV at 6 o'clock.

7. My friend introduced me to his mother.
Put the verbs given in brackets in the past

simple or perfect tense

  1. We have just begun our lesson.

  2. He has already introduced us.

  3. I left my copybook at home yesterday.

  4. She got a bad mark last week.

  5. Mike read this exercise before the lesson.

  6. Sam and I met a week ago.

Page 77 #19

Put the verbs given in brackets into the correct grammatical form.

  1. I told him that I hadn't read the book yet.

  2. The weather was bad yesterday, so we didn't go out.

  3. Mary is standing at the blackboard now. She is answering the teacher's question.

  4. I'll have finished this task by 5 pm tomorrow.

  5. At 5pm tomorrow I'll still be doing this exercise.

  6. If the film isn't interesting, I shan't watch it.

  7. At that time yesterday he was writing a letter to his mother.

  8. He asks me if we had the test the day before.

  9. They were playing football when their mother came home.

  10. She goes to college 5 days a week.

Page 77 #20

Translate the text into English.

Tony is Italian. He is an English college student studying mathematics.

He is currently in 2nd grade. Tony lives with an English family. Their last name is Thomson. There are five of them: Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, son Andrew, eldest daughter Jane and younger Maggie. Their home is in Oxford.

In the morning Tony goes for a run and then has breakfast. For breakfast, he drinks a glass of orange juice and eats ham and eggs. Then he goes to college. As a rule, he has 3 or 4 lectures or seminars. Then he studies in the library with his friends.

He comes home at 5 o'clock and has dinner with the Thomsons. In the evenings he goes to the gym and plays basketball or volleyball.

After dinner he prepares the next day's lessons or goes for a walk if the weather is fine. He usually goes to bed at 11 o'clock.

Tony is Italian. He is a student at an English college and studies mathematics. He is in his second year. Tony lives in an English family. Their surname is Tomson. There are five of them: Mr and Mrs Tomson, their son Andrew, an elder daughter Jane and younger Maggy. Their house is in Oxford.

In the morning Tony jogs, then he has breakfast. For breakfast he drinks a glass of orange juice and eats bacon and eggs. Then he goes to college. As a rule, he has 3 or 4 lectures or seminars. Then he studies in the library with his friends.

He comes home at five and has dinner with the Tomsons. In the evenings he goes to a sport hall and plays volley-ball or basket-ball.

After supper he prepares his homework for the next day or goes for a walk, if the weather is fine. Usually he goes to bed at eleven pm.