How to write a kindergarten work plan. Kindergarten annual work plan


event title

The purpose of the event

Event participants



Design of information stands in kindergarten groups

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents

Activation of parental attention to the issues of upbringing and adaptation of the child to the conditions of kindergarten

Teacher - psychologist

Art. educator


Questionnaire "Let's meet"

Obtaining and analyzing primary information about the child and his family

Parents of newly enrolled children


Social teacher


parent meeting

Acquaintance of parents with the rules for visiting kindergarten, the results of adaptation to kindergarten, the tasks of education for the year
Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the work of groups of children with allergic diseases

kindergarten parents

Art. educator



group meetings

Acquaintance of parents with the tasks of raising children for the school year, psychological and age characteristics of children

Elections of the parent committee



Teacher - psychologist



"Articulation gymnastics at home"

Acquaintance with the techniques of articulatory gymnastics

Helping parents to reinforce sounds in a child at home

Parents of children attending the logopoint

Speech therapist


Familiarization of participants with the goals and objectives of the club

Activation of educational skills of parents


Social teacher
Art. educator

Teacher - psychologist


Concert for the Day of the elderly

Introducing parents to the traditions of kindergarten

Purposeful formation of a positive image of the preschool educational institution in the minds of parents

Parents of older groups

Musical director

Art. educator


Open Day

Formation of a positive image of the kindergarten in the minds of parents
Demonstration of the organization of work on the formation of children's ideas about healthy and proper nutrition

Establishing partnerships with families

Parents of all groups

Art. educator

Social teacher


Show quiz "Superdad"

Activation of dads in the life of kindergarten

Creating an atmosphere of common interests of children and parents

Parents of preparatory groups

Educators groups
Musical director
Art. educator
Social teacher


Consultation "The role of the father in the upbringing of the child"

Changing the position of fathers in relation to issues of education

Introduction of positive experience of family education

Parents of all age groups


Social teacher


Meeting of the family club "Health"

Implementation of practical training of parents on the issues of raising children

Acquaintance of parents with methods and techniques that contribute to the development of harmonious relationships in the family.


Social teacher
Art. educator

Teacher - psychologist


group meetings

Involving parents in the preparation of the New Year holidays

Involvement of parents in the purchase of New Year's gifts

Parents of all age groups



Consultation “Incomplete family. Features of education "

Formation of a conscious attitude to the issues of raising a child in an incomplete family

Dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience on this issue

Parents of all age groups


Social teacher



"Emotional well-being of the child in the group"

Obtaining information about the state of emotional comfort of the child

Assessing the readiness of parents to participate in the creation

Parents of all age groups

Art. educator



Competition of creative family works "Winter's Tale"

Involvement of parents in the work of kindergarten

Development of creative interaction between parents and children

Parents of all age groups

Art. educator



Registration of memos "Health-improving games with children at home"

Attracting parents' attention to children's health issues

Implementation of unified health improvement methods in kindergarten and at home

Parents of all age groups

Art. educator

physical instructor


Consultation "What is a healthy lifestyle"

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

Bringing family attention to health issues at home

Parents of all age groups

Art. educator
physical instructor



Making a folder - moving "We develop fingers - we stimulate the child's speech development

Development of the educational potential of the family

Activating the interaction of parents with the child in order to develop speech

Parents of the first and second junior groups

Speech therapist


Open classes of a social pedagogue, speech therapist, physical instructor

Acquaintance of parents with the work of narrow specialists of the kindergarten in various areas of development of preschoolers
Increasing the authority of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution

Increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents

Parents of all groups

Art. educator
physical instructor
Speech therapist
Social teacher


Meeting of the family club "Health"

To acquaint parents with the methods and techniques of working with children, contributing to the development of harmonious relationships, creating a favorable emotional climate in the family


Social teacher
Teacher - psychologist

Art. educator


Consultation for parents "The ABC of communication with a child"

Enriching the pedagogical skills of parents with new techniques in communicating with the child


Social teacher
Teacher - psychologist


Wall newspaper "Mommy, mommy, mommy!"

Demonstration of respectful attitude of the kindergarten to family values

Development of a positive attitude of parents towards kindergarten

Parents of all age groups

Art. educator



Exhibition of joint works of parents and children "Mother and I are craftswomen!"

Involving parents in the life of the kindergarten

Parents of all age groups

Art. educator



Consultation for parents whose children study at the speech center

Psychological and pedagogical education of parents on the speech development of the child

Parents of students studying at the logopoint

Speech therapist



"Preschool maturity"

To acquaint parents with the results of diagnosing the preschool maturity of children in preparatory groups


preparation groups

Teacher - psychologist


Conducting a community work day for the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution

Formation of a collective spirit among parents of different groups

Formation of positive relationships between the staff of the preschool educational institution and parents

Parents of all age groups


Deputy head according to ACH


"Health Day"

Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in the family

Involving parents in active participation in kindergarten activities

Parents of all age groups

Art. educator
physical instructor



Parent photo exhibition

"My family"

Activating the involvement of parents in the work of the kindergarten

The relationship between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents

Parents of all age groups


Social teacher


Open Day

To acquaint the parents of future pupils with the peculiarities of the organization of education and rehabilitation of children in kindergarten

Parents of future pupils

Art. educator


Meeting of the family club "Health"

Involving parents in the prevention of flat feet, scoliosis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract in preschool children


Art. educator
physical instructor



Questionnaire "At the end of the year"

Identification of successful activities and forms of work with the family in the past year
Identification and analysis of the causes of dissatisfaction of parents with education in kindergarten
Determination of the main content of work with parents for the new academic year

Parents of all age groups

Art. educator

Social teacher



"Baby on the Road"

Implementation of a unified educational approach when teaching a child the rules of the road in kindergarten and at home

Parents of senior and preparatory groups



parent meeting

Summing up the results of solving the tasks of education for the year

Prospects for the further work of the DOE

kindergarten parents

Art. educator



Group parent meetings

Summing up the work of the group for the past year

parent committee report




Pedagogical advice

MKDOU "Zaoksky kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type"

for the 2015-2016 academic year.


Responsible, participants

Pedagogical Council No. 1 (installation)

"Priority directions of the educational policy of the preschool educational institution"

1. Strategy for the development of preschool educational institutions for the transitional stage to the Federal State Educational Standard. (Plan - task)

2. Approval of the annual work plan of the PEI

3. Approval of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution

4. Presentation of the generalized experience of the work of the educator

Deputy head for water resources management


Pridorogina S.A.

Pedagogical Council No. 2

Modeling the subject-developing environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

1. Analytical report on the results of a thematic review of the state of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution

2. Report from the work experience "Development of children's cognitive interests in the process of physical and play education using non-traditional sports equipment.

3. From work experience. Presentation. "Organization of the sensory zone"

4. From work experience. Organization of experimental environment with natural material.

5. From work experience. Organization of a corner of the native land and patriotic education.

Deputy head for water resources management

Zaikina T.I.

Strakhova T.M.

Vinogradova O.A.

Strakashina L.V.

Pedagogical Council No. 3

"Rights of the Child"

1. Report. "Regulatory framework. Civil law knowledge in the preschool educational institution"

2. Protection of the rights of the child in preschool.

3. Warm up.

4. Quiz "The rights of literary heroes.

5. Solving problem situations.


Deputy head for water resources management

Pedagogical Council No. 4

"Development of intellectual and creative abilities of children" (KVN).

1. The result of the thematic control "Creating conditions for improving the cognitive and intellectual development of older preschoolers"
2. Business game: "What to teach?"
3. Contests:
1) "Understanding"
2) "Collection"

4. Competition "Magic circles"

2 stages of the "Thinking Game" - work with the plans of the "Thinkers"
Summing up the results of competitions.

Deputy head for water resources management

Pedagogical Council No. 5 (final)

1. Report. "Results of the program implementation for the academic year.

2. Analysis of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions

Interaction with the school.
Goal: Establishing business cooperation between teachers of the preschool educational institution and the school, preparing children for a successful adaptation to schooling

Discussion and approval of the joint work plan of the school and preschool educational institution


deputy head for water management
Head teacher beginning class

educational psychologist

"Round table": discussion of sections of the program of elementary school and kindergarten.


deputy head for water management
head teacher

educational psychologist

Observation of lessons in the 1st grade by teachers of the preparatory group.


Head teacher of the beginning class

Observation by teachers of the initial level of classes on the development of speech, mathematics in preparatory groups for school.



Acquaintance of educators of preparatory groups with the requirements of the 1st grade school curriculum


Head teacher of the beginning class

Joint exhibitions of drawings by children of preparatory groups and students of the 1st grade of the school



Mutual attendance by teachers and primary school teachers of lessons, classes, matinees, sports events, "Open Days".


deputy head for water management

Participation of school teachers in the parent meeting of parents of children of the preparatory group within the framework of the seminar "Family in anticipation of the child's school life."


Head teacher of the beginning class
deputy head for water management

Educational psychologist


deputy head for water management

educational psychologist

speech-language teacher

Events with children's polyclinic
1. Joint planning of health-improving and preventive measures
2. Medical examination of the state of health and physical development of children.

During a year


Activities with the library
1. Participation in conversations, quizzes, KVN

2. Visiting holidays

During a year


1. Shooting and reporting about the life of the kindergarten

During a year


Good day everyone! Tatyana Sukhikh is in direct contact with you. On the pages of my blog, a reader shared a professional problem with me and asked for help. The bottom line is that, having never worked as a teacher before, she got a job in a preschool educational institution with strict rules with apparently not very responsive colleagues, since there is no one to tell the newcomer what kind of documentation the teacher should keep and how work plans are drawn up for the middle group. Let's figure it out!

I would not want to scare my young colleague-educator, but there is enough documentation, so that my head is spinning at times. But, if you do not start this "paper art", then everything can be done.

So, what you definitely need to draw up and lead in the middle group:

  • Local acts are a folder with instructions: official, labor protection, health and life protection for children, modeled on your preschool institution. It is done once and updated periodically;
  • The work program for the age group for the year in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, drawn up according to the educational program chosen by your preschool educational institution, for example, "From Birth to School". Based on the general program, you need to make such a document for your group;
  • Comprehensive thematic plans are plans for working with children by season and week of each month, where general areas of work are recorded. That is, what do you want to achieve during each month. Below I will give an example of filling for October;
  • The calendar plan of upbringing and educational activities is already a specific detailed plan for every day. It should be coordinated with the work program and the comprehensive thematic plan. Here we write down everything that we will do with the children during the day: exercises, classes, games, walks, regime moments, work with parents, etc .;
  • Class grid - simplifies the planning of educational activities and is a table by day of the week, in which we enter all classes, including music, physical education;
  • Folder of pedagogical diagnostics - here are maps of observations of children, diagnostics and recommendations;
  • Portfolio of the educator - I wrote a separate article about him and not one. You need a portfolio for certification;
  • Folder for self-education - choose a topic and gradually fill the folder with materials;
  • Attendance sheet of pupils;
  • Information about children and parents;
  • List of children;
  • hardening plan;
  • The scheme of seating children at the tables;
  • Daily regime;
  • Adaptation sheet;
  • Journal of admission and care of pupils;
  • Folder of work with parents;
  • Minutes of parent meetings.

Comprehensive thematic planning for October for the middle group

As promised, I will show an example of how to draw up a comprehensive thematic plan for October for the middle group. According to the same principle, we compose for other months, but we take other tasks. In principle, all plans are freely available on the Internet for download.

So October:

1-2 week theme "Autumn". The content of the work: to expand the children's ideas about autumn as a season, to give an understanding of the different signs and features of autumn weather phenomena, to teach how to establish elementary connections between animate and inanimate nature. Conduct seasonal observations of nature, note its changes, beauty. To give an idea about the professions of agriculture and forestry. Expand knowledge about seasonal vegetables, fruits, including exotic ones. Get to know autumn colors. Cultivate respect for nature and its gifts. To form initial information about ecology.

Events: "Autumn" matinee, an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials, the "Harvest" project, targeted walks.

3rd week topic "ABC of courtesy". The content of the work: the formation of ideas about moral and ethical standards, to develop friendly relations between all pupils. Strengthen positive habits: greet, thank, correctly express requests, etc. Filling out a development card for each child.

Events: role-playing games "Polite Bear Cub", puppet show "Hello!" Development of an individual development sheet for each child.

4th week topic "My favorite toys". The content of the work: improvement and development of play activities of preschoolers. Formation of knowledge and practical skills of communication between peers, with adults through the game. Expand play techniques and enrich children's experience in play activities. To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers in the direction of independent development of new plots of games. Consolidate cognitive material through didactic games.

Events: a holiday of folk games and festivities, competitions in folk outdoor games, a complex of didactic and plot-role-playing games.

What does the schedule for each day look like?

Calendar-thematic plans for each day are drawn up differently, there are ready-made magazines for sale, graphed. Usually the columns are: month, day of the week, date. The theme of the week in accordance with the long-term plan, for example, as I wrote above, “Autumn”, “ABC of politeness”, “My favorite toys” for October.

Then the graphs are as follows: vertically - the joint activities of the educator and children, the organization of a subject-developing environment, support for the child's individuality. There may be other columns at your discretion. For example, according to goals: social and communicative, cognitive and speech, physical and aesthetic development.

If we choose the second option for recording the plan, then what can we write in the column "Joint activities" on the topic "Autumn" in the line of cognitive-speech development:

  • Observation "Autumn Trees", examining the leaves, the bark of trees that are on the site, we learn to distinguish between a tree and a bush, we characterize the shape of the leaves of different plants, color.
  • Encouraging children to actively communicate. We listen to the rustle of leaves, the sound of the wind, we develop sensory sensations.
  • Research activity: "What do trees like?" We find out what conditions are suitable for the growth of trees. We develop cognitive abilities, the ability to observe, analyze, express our thoughts.
  • Problem situation: autumn is a controversial season. We learn to analyze cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena and people's attitudes towards them, we try to analyze the pros and cons of autumn, we develop the ability to prove our point of view.
  • Conversations on the theme of autumn. There can be many topics, I will not list.
  • FEMP: learning to count, compare values, in general, according to the lesson plan.
  • Didactic games. Also a great variety, define as you wish.

This is just one column filled in. You also need to fill in the rest, starting from the program and the long-term plan, as well as the grid of classes. Difficult for a beginner, right? I hope I helped a young colleague a little. If so, write, I will answer. I advise you to find a ready-made plan on the Internet and just rewrite it, and make adjustments for yourself along the way. Should there have been work plans from the predecessor?
If you liked the article, share it with those who may need it. Also subscribe to the news, we will be in touch.


Spring in Russia begins with the farewell to winter, which means from Maslenitsa week. In our preschool educational institution, the celebration of Maslenitsa is a good tradition. This is the most cheerful, noisy and favorite holiday, illuminated by the expectation of close warmth. Winter resisted and sent a blizzard to the guys. Understandably, her reign is over. However, no one was afraid: they sang, danced and played.
Let's spend the winter together
We lead a friendly round dance.
No one stands still
After all, spring is about to come (03/07/19. Markaryan L.V.).

Hiking is fun, Hiking is great!

More like nature
Romance is calling!
"And who is this
And where does she live?
Hooray! Pupils of 6-7 years old went on an ecological trip to a forest glade (Ilyina U.V.). Learned how to sort waste. The forest owner - Misha, had his paw cured, and as a token of gratitude, he played outdoor games with the children (11.09.18)


Under this name, teachers Ilyicheva I.Yu. and Shpyakina L.O. within the framework of the workshop on the NGO "Speech Development", a puzzle game was held for preschool teachers. The participants of the game had to guess riddles, compose poems, pick up rhymes, solve puzzles and even depict the given letters with their bodies. It is very interesting to develop the cognitive and speech sphere of preschoolers through the game! (14.05.18)

Our news

Today, within the framework of the ORC, an open urban kaleidoscope of pedagogical practices "Modern forms and methods of working with preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standards of Education" was held. One of the conditions for ensuring the quality of distance education is the introduction of effective pedagogical practices. They activate the cognitive activity of children, realize the personal and professional growth of teachers, improve the pedagogical culture of parents. Shared their work experience: Ilyicheva I.Yu., "Quest" Island of courtesy", Revina N.V., Historical tour "Ancient Russia", Makhmudova Yu.A., workshop "Didactic and communicative games for the formation of children's legal culture". Reviews : interesting, informative, original.

Dear employees!
On April 18, 2019 at 13.15 the General Meeting of Employees will be held.
1. Report on FCD for 2018 Petrakova M.K.
2.Report on the expenditure of funds from the Social / Insurance Fund. Romantseva E.V.
3.Report on the implementation of the Col.contract. Khmeleva G.Yu.
4. Adoption of the rules of internal labor contracts. Khmeleva G.Yu.
5. Acceptance of the Number of the contract. Khmeleva G.Yu.
6. Elections of the commission for conducting collective negotiations. Khmeleva G.Yu.
7. Elections representative. work body. Khmeleva G.Yu.
8. Elections of the commission on payments. stimulus. character. Khmeleva G.Yu.
9. Definition of the total number. Management advice. Khmeleva G.Yu.
10. Election of delegates to the Conference.
11. Acquaintance with the Regulations.

On the eve of the spring holiday on March 8, a quiz "I + you = we" was held at the preschool educational institution. Only a creatively working team of teachers is able to provide a high level of educational work with children, the formation of a creative personality. When everyone is together, any tasks are solved with enthusiasm and in one breath, the presenters N.A. Bragina think so. and Shpyakina L.O. The event was fun, interesting and exciting. 3 teams of representatives of all positions of the kindergarten participated. The team of employees "Diamonds" won (Markaryan L.V.).

February 2019

  • "Petrushka's Tales" price 150 rubles -14.02.19 at 15.15 junior, middle, 16.00 - senior, preparatory.
  • "Light theater" price 150 rubles -28.02.19 from 15.10, in subgroups of 50-60 people
  • Thematic music lessons from 18.02 to 22.02 - otv. educators of groups and musical instructors. Zvereva L.V.
  • Sports entertainment « We are fun guys"- juniors," Well done joys " middle groups, Fun relay races "- seniors, "Knight's Tournament" preparatory from 13.02.19-19.02.2019, resp. Chukmasova O.M., Kharinova L.N., Shromova L.A.
  • Sports competitions between the teams of DOW 49,55,97 - on the basis of DOW 49, 02/26/19
  • Chess tournament 12.02.19 at 16.00 - ans. Nikolyuk A.E.
  • Chess tournament in preschool educational institution No. 71 02/18/19 at 9.30 - responsible. Nikolyuk A.E.
  • Competition "Academy of young intellectuals" - 02/12/19 at 10.00 - teams of three people from groups No. 2,4,3,9, responsible for the organization in accordance with pr. No. 13 of 17.01.19
  • Competition "Academy of Young Intellectuals" in preschool educational institution No. 49 - 15.02.19 at 10.00
  • Scientific and practical conference "I open the world" - 19.02.19 at 16.00 from groups on 1 project-winner of internal competitions, responsible teachers of secondary preparatory groups

  • Pedagogical hour "Drawing Methods" - 02/07/19 at 13.30 (+ making booklets-recommendations)

1 ml. group - otv. Shromova L.A.

2 ml. group - otv. Pykhteeva N.L.

Middle group - resp. Butina T.A.

Senior group - resp. Dubinina E.A.

Preparatory - otv. Lyozina T.V.

  • From 11 to 18 to hold an internal competition of projects - teachers of secondary preparatory groups
  • From February 11 to February 15, pass the topics of open classes (schedule of the OOD from 02.25 to 03.27) - all teachers are responsible
  • Pedagogical hour "Design Methods" - 14.02.19 at 13.30 (+ production of booklets-recommendations)

1 ml. group - otv. Kharinova L.N.

2 ml. group - otv. Zhirenkova O.V.

Middle group - resp. Golovenko A.A.

Senior group - resp. Semina E.A.

Preparatory - otv. Mednikova L.A.

  • Seminar at the State Scientific and Medical Center "Working with children with disabilities" - 02/13/2019 at 10.00, responsible. Anishina I.S., Petrova N.S.
  • Report on the production and automation of the sounds of children of preparatory groups - until 02/11/19 - otv. Loskutnikova T.M.
  • Retraining courses Mednikova L.A., Mulina E.A. - remotely "St. Petersburg Center for Additional Professional Education"

Creative Group

  • The structure of the individual route for children with disabilities - Rg 02/04/2019 at 13.30 in the method. office
  • 02/18/19 fill in the bonus criteria - commission meeting 02/20/19


  • For the organization of meals in groups during the month - a cook, a nurse
  • Control of the speech development of children of preparatory groups through interviews, play activities, observation - resp. Butina G.M., Anishina I.S. within a month.

Working with parents.

  • Competitions "Strong and Courageous" - middle groups 19.02 at 18.00, seniors 20.02 at 18.00, preparatory groups 21.02 at 18.00 - from a group of 5 couples, responsible. group educators and PIZO instructor Chukmasova O.M.

PEI work plan for January 2019

Cultural and leisure activities:

  • "Laser show" price 170 rubles -17.01.19 at 15.15 junior, middle, 16.00 - senior, preparatory.
  • "Light theater" price 150 rubles -31.01.19 from 15.10, in subgroups of 50-60 people
  • Sports entertainment « Missing toys» - younger, middle groups, Winter Olympics » - senior, preparatory from 14.01.19-19.01.2019, resp. Chukmasova O.M.

Organizational and pedagogical work.

  • Pedagogical hour "Preparation for the delivery of preschool educational institutions in 2019" - 01/10/19 at 13.30, responsible. Anishina I.S.
  • Delivery of projects Creation of conditions for the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers in terms of visual activity and design» - until 15.01.19
  • Round table "Protection of projects for the annual task" - 17.01.19 at 13.30. Briefly prepare the relevance of the selected technologies, the topics of children's projects and the desired results - 3-4 minutes for each project, responsible. all teachers
  • Pedagogical Council "AnalyticalI the first half of the year" - 01/24/189 at 13.30 (with a report on the work done)
  • By 01/10/19, hand over all debts for documentation (GTO, individual routes, monitoring for additional education, tables for role-playing games, etc.
  • Until 02/04/19, draw up a group passport for the 2019-2020 academic year in accordance with the Childhood program (taken from the DOE website).
  • Seminar at the State Scientific and Medical Center "Working with children with disabilities" - 01/15/2019 at 10.00, responsible. Anishina I.S., Petrova N.S.

  • Drawing up an action plan for "Financial Literacy" - Tg 01/27/19 at 13.30 in the methodical room


  • For the sanitary and hygienic condition of the groups - weekly - m / s, deputy for ACH;
  • For the organization of meals in groups during the month - a cook, a nurse (evening, morning hours).
  • Submission of reports on the topics of self-education, on the work done for the six months - until 01/31/19, responsible. all teachers

Working with parents.

  • Consultations, master classes, etc. according to the project plan - resp. all teachers

PEI work plan for December 2018

Cultural and leisure activities:

  • From December 24 to December 28, New Year's morning performances according to the plan, responsible music directors
  • Master class "Snowmen", group No. 2 - 9.30, group No. 4 - at 10.15 - December 4, group No. 3 - 9.30, group No. 9 - at 10.15 - December 6, price 150 rubles
  • Sports holidays "Winter fun" 10.14.18-14.12.18 - otv. Chukmasova O.M. , 1 junior group - resp. Kharinova L.N., Shromova L.A.
  • Photographer 06.12.2018 - New Year theme, group sequence - 10.11, 6.7.8, 1.5, 2.4, 3.9
  • On December 20-21 at 13.30 we decorate the hall, on December 29 at 13.00 friendly cleaning in the music hall

Organizational and pedagogical work.

  • Preparation of the section of the work program, the table “Role-playing games in accordance with the integrated thematic planning” - hand over the table in digital form - junior, secondary until 11/30/18, senior, preparatory - taking into account financial literacy games (FG) until 7.12. eighteen
  • Pedagogical Council "Formation of cognitive and speech development in preschoolers through the use of modern educational technologies" - 06.12.18 at 13.30, responsible. all teachers
  • Consultations on the topic "Review of modern technologies in the classroom for fine arts" - responsible. Butina T.A., “Review of modern technologies in design classes” -responsible, Masyukova V.Yu., 13.12.2018 at 13.30
  • Pedpoisk by cyclogram.
  • PMPk writing an individual route - otv. specialists and educator Petrova N.S., until 12/14/2018
  • Seminar at the State Scientific and Medical Center "Working with children with disabilities" - 12/18/2018 at 10.00, responsible. Anishina I.S., Petrova N.S.
  • Registration of plots and halls of the kindergarten until 12/14/18
  • General meeting of the team 29.12.18 at 13.30
  • Writing a project for the second annual task before 01/15/19


  • Certification for category 1 IRO Zab.krai - Teterina E.A.

Creative Group:

  • Working group "Writing a program on financial literacy" - 12/20/2018 at 13.30, responsible. teachers of senior and preparatory groups, Anishina I.S.


  • For the sanitary and hygienic condition of the groups - weekly - m / s, deputy for ACH;
  • Organization of a report for parents in reception rooms - 5.12.18, responsible. Anishina I.S.
  • Mutual control "Winter equipment and design of sites" - December 17-18, responsible. all teachers
  • Control of the holding and organization of New Year's morning performances, from December 24 to 28, responsible Anishina I.S., Butina G.M.

Working with parents.

  • Consultations, master classes, etc. according to the project plan - resp. all teachers

November 2018 work plan

Cultural and leisure activities:

  • November 23 at 10.00 - "Mother's Day", responsible music directors
  • Puppet theater "Far Far Far Away Kingdom", fairy tale "Rhinoceros and Giraffe" - 11/1/2018 at 15.15 junior, middle, 16.00 - senior, preparatory, price 150 rubles
  • Planetarium "Star World" - 15.11 from 9.00 junior, middle, preparatory groups, at 15.15 - senior groups, price 140 rubles.
  • Sports holidays 11/12/18-11/16/18 - otv. Chukmasova O.M. "Mosaic of health"
  • Photographer 11/13/2018 - at the request of the parents
  • As part of the week of safe traffic on the roads, a theatrical performance will be held in our preschool educational institution on November 30, 2018 at 16.30

Organizational and pedagogical work.

  • "Mosaic of health" - from 12.11 to 16.11, all teachers are responsible
  • Pedagogical planning meeting "Indicators of bonuses" - 08.11.18 at 13.30, responsible. all teachers
  • Round table “Annual task. What succeeded”, analysis of the results of mutual control of the RPPS - 11/22/2018 at 13.30, responsible Anishina I.S., all teachers
  • Control of additional education programs (circles), update the lists and, if necessary, agreements with parents, make monitoring until 11/09/17 - resp. Bylkova O.A., Zvereva L.V., Loskutnikova T.M., Petrova N.S., Chukmasova O.M.
  • Pedpoisk by cyclogram.
  • PMPk writing an individual route - otv. all members of the council, 11/12/2018 at 13.30
  • Seminar at the State Scientific and Medical Center "Working with children with disabilities" - 11/20/2018 at 10.00, responsible. Anishina I.S., Petrova N.S.
  • Presentation competition - pass on 11/23/2018, summarizing 11/28/18, responsible. all teachers
  • Pedagogical Council - 11/29/2018 at 13.30, responsible. all teachers
  • Open viewings according to the plan.

Creative Group:

  • TG "Expert" analysis of bonus indicators - 11/13/2018 at 13.30
  • TG "Initiators" + educators of st, preparatory groups - organization of a New Year's party - 9.11.2018 at 13.30
  • TG "Initiators" + educators of junior, middle groups - organization of a New Year's party - 11/16/2018 at 13.30
  • Working group "Writing a program on financial literacy" - 11/21/2018 at 13.30, responsible. teachers of senior and preparatory groups, Anishina I.S.


  • For the sanitary and hygienic condition of the groups - weekly - m / s, deputy for ACH;
  • For the organization of meals in groups during the month - a cook, a nurse.
  • Organization of duty corners in groups - otv. Alferova Yu.E., Pykhteeva N.L.
  • Mutual control "Updating the RPPS in accordance with the annual task" - November 20-21, responsible. all teachers
  • Report "Submission of TRP standards" - otv. Chukmasova O.M. 11/12/2018
  • Thematic control “Formation of cognitive and speech development in preschoolers through the use of modern educational technologies” from November 19 to 23, responsible Anishina I.S.

Working with parents.

  • Consultations, master classes, etc. according to the project plan - resp. all teachers
  • Familiarize parents against signature with the regulation “On the organization of matinees” until 12/15/2018

PEI work plan for October 2018

Cultural and leisure activities:

  • October 1 "Day of the Elderly" - a concert and a tea party for employees of the Kindergarten at 10.00
  • “Autumn, we ask you to visit” - according to the plan of musical directors from October 22 to October 26
  • Theater Serpentine "Heroes of fairy tales return" - 04.10 at 15.15 junior, middle, 16.00 - senior, preparatory, price 140 rubles.
  • Puppet theater "Paw Patrol" - 18.10
  • Delivery of the TRP standards - preparation. groups - resp. Chukmasova O.M. from 10/15/18 to 10/19/2018, employees of preschool educational institutions - 10/12/2018 at 13.30
  • Sports holidays 10/29/18-11/2/18 - otv. Chukmasova O.M. (2 ml.-training group), responsible Shromova L.A., Nomokonova A.D.

(1 ml. group)

Organizational and pedagogical work.

  • Delivery of projects for the annual task - 10/4/2018 until 15.00 - responsible all teachers
  • Submit topics and dates for open screenings for the annual task - until 5.10.2018
  • Monitoring of giftedness - 5.10.2018 - all teachers responsible
  • Work programs - 8.10.2018 until 15.00 - responsible all teachers
  • Pedagogical hour "Organization of an exhibition-competition of inventive projects" - 04.10.18 at 13.30, responsible. all teachers
  • Round table "Writing a program on financial literacy" - 10/11/2018 at 13.30, responsible. teachers of senior and preparatory groups, Anishina I.S.
  • Pedagogical hour - 10/25/2018 at 13.30, responsible Anishina I.S.
  • Submit additional education programs (circles) to the methodological office, update the lists and, if necessary, agreements with parents, make monitoring until 07.10.17 - resp. Bylkova O.A., Zvereva L.V., Loskutnikova T.M., Petrova N.S., Chukmasova O.M.
  • Pedpoisk by cyclogram.
  • Competition in accordance with the regulation of the KO "Inventing an assistant or life hacks for the educator" - 10/19/2018, exhibition decoration from 13.00 to 14.00

Creative group "Initiators":

  • Holding a life hack contest - 10/19/2018
  • Summing up the results of the exhibition "Golden Autumn" - 1.10.2018


  • For the sanitary and hygienic condition of the groups - weekly - m / s, deputy for ACH;
  • For the organization of meals in groups during the month - a cook, a nurse.
  • Organization of duty in groups - responsible Butina G.M., Anishina I.S., Anishina N.S.
  • Organization of physical culture and health work during the day - responsible Butina G.M., Anishina I.S., Loginovskaya V.N.
  • Report "Plan of self-education for 2018-2019 academic year" - 10/23/2018

Working with parents.

  • Consultations, master classes, etc. according to the project plan - resp. all teachers
  • Consultation "What makes us happy", guidelines for each educational area - responsible group educators

PEI work plan for September 2018

Cultural and leisure activities:

  • September 3 "Knowledge Day" - entertainment according to the plan of the muses. leaders
  • September 27 "Day of the preschool worker" - solemn meeting at 13.30
  • Philharmonic Theater " Chukopolo" - 6.09 at 15.15 groups 10.11 (if ready), 6.7.8, 1.5; 16.00 - 2,4,3,9 price 150 rubles.
  • Art and Exhibition Center, entertainment show - 20.09
  • Sports entertainment « It's fun to walk together » - all groups - from 17.09.2018 to 21.09.18, resp. Chukmasova O.M.

Organizational and pedagogical work.

  • August Conference 27 and 28 August
  • Pedagogical Council "Installation for the 2018-2019 academic year" - a single day in the city 09/29/18 at 13.30. With a report on the summer wellness work done.
  • Bring the documentation of teachers in line with the new academic year - 09/10/2018 - junior, Wednesday, 09/11/2017 - senior, prep, specialists
  • Consultation "On duty in a preschool organization, their features in each age group" 09/13/2018 at 13.30

Types of children's duty in the preschool educational institution - responsible. Teterina E.A.

Features of the organization for the first and second junior group - resp. Belyakova O.P.

Organization Features in the middle group - resp. Sandueva E.A.

Features of the organization in senior group - responsible Petrova N.S.

Features of the organization in preparatory group - responsible. Lyozina T.V.

  • Monitoring of individual development of preschoolers - otv. all teachers until 09/15/18.
  • Submit the notebook of group movement in electronic form to the head until 09/20/2018 - resp. group educators
  • Submit the schedule and topic of parent-teacher meetings for September to the head until 09/07/2018 - resp. group educators
  • The procedure for self-assessment by teachers of the level of professional development and the preparation of an individual route, to be submitted before 09/24/18 - responsible. Anishina I.S., all teachers
  • Project according to the annual task until 20.09.2018
  • Writing a working program (preferably with your own laptop). Reception RP Tg


13.10 - junior group

13.30 - cf. groups

13.50 - senior group

14.20 -


13.30-music guide

13.50 - speech therapists

14.10 - FIZO instructor

  • Submit additional education programs (circles) to the methodological office until 09/27/18

Creative group "Initiators":

Control and leadership in the preschool educational institution

Annual plan of educational and educational work of MDOU kindergarten No. xx for the 20xx-20xx academic year

1.1. Basic technical information about the institution, characteristics of the material base.

The building of the kindergarten was built according to the project, two-story, bright, central heating, water, sewerage, plumbing equipment in a satisfactory condition. Group rooms and sleeping rooms are separated from each other. Each group has its own entrance. There are sports and music halls, a methodical office, a psychologist's office, a game library, a room of Russian life.

The kitchen-catering unit is located on the ground floor (preparation and cooking). The kitchen is provided with the necessary sets of equipment (refrigerators - 3 pieces, household two-chamber refrigerator - 1 piece, freezer - 1 piece, electric stoves - 2 pieces, electric meat grinder, vegetable cutter, potato peeler, electric boiler, electric boilers - 2 pieces, electric frying pan.

The laundry room is equipped with 2 automatic washing machines, a centrifuge, a tumble dryer, and a Kalinka ironing machine.

The medical office is equipped, has an insulator, a vaccination room.

The territory of the kindergarten occupies 14,430 sq.m., for each group there is a separate area, where play buildings are located, there are shady canopies.

There is a sports ground with a pit for jumping.

1.2. Provision of teaching staff.

FULL NAME. job title Date of Birth education discharge category
FULL NAME. job title education discharge
1 Art. nurse
2 Deputy Head according to AHR
3 Chef
4 cook
5 kitchen working
7 laundress
8 ml. educator
ml. educator
18 ml. educator
19 service cleaner premises
20 watchman
21 street cleaner
22 building worker

1.4. Analysis of work for the past year.

In 2006 - 2007 academic year During the year we set the following tasks:

  1. To create conditions for the protection of the life and health of children.
  2. To improve the work of the kindergarten on the formation of the foundations of ecological culture among preschoolers.
  3. Develop creative imagination, musical abilities of children, contribute to the creation of a comfortable environment in the preschool educational institution.

To solve the primary task in the preschool educational institution, systematic systematic work is carried out. To successfully solve these problems, we used various means of physical education in a complex: a rational regimen, nutrition, hardening (in everyday life; special hardening measures) and movement (morning exercises, developing exercises, sports games, leisure, sports activities). Many groups have been updated, physical culture corners have been created, where various physical aids are located. Much attention is paid to the prevention of flat feet: special exercises are carried out with children, such physical equipment as massage mats, health paths, spiked mats are used.

An analysis of children's health groups showed that with 1 health group 15%, with 2 health groups 75%, with 3 health groups 10% of children.

An analysis of the work of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution on the development of speech showed that in the process of regular systematic conduct of individual and frontal classes, the use of various methods and methods, knowledge about the environment expands and deepens, and coherent speech develops. In general, the level of speech development of children is stable, which is confirmed by the diagnostic results.

This year, the staff of our kindergarten also worked on the legal education of children, parents and employees. such documents as the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Family Code were studied with educators. The creative group develops the planning of classes with children.

To solve the third task, the work was carried out in parallel with the children and with the educators. A consultation was held on the organization of nature corners in groups. As a result, during the review-competition for the best corner of nature, it was revealed that in all age groups the ecological space was designed in accordance with the requirements of the program, the age of the children.

Much attention was also paid to the adaptation of children who came to kindergarten again. A psychologist and a senior educator worked with parents, children and educators of early age groups. As a result of a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the team and the interaction of adults with children, the children quickly and painlessly adapted to the conditions of the kindergarten.

The educational level of the pupils' parents: 47% have a higher education, 47% have a specialized secondary education. in this regard, parents are highly motivated to receive high-quality preparation of children for school and their successful adaptation to new social conditions. Some parents are actively involved in the process of managing a preschool through parent committees. Number of large families 2.4% incomplete 16%.

Our preschool institution employs 26 teachers, of which 31% have higher education, 66% - secondary special education. Teachers regularly and successfully pass certification. The number of teachers who successfully passed certification for the 2006-2007 academic year. amounted to 31%.

Brief description of teaching staff

-by level of education-
total 26 teachers

- by work experience -
total 26 teachers

Against the background of the successes achieved in the system of educational work of the kindergarten, we have identified the following problems and contradictions:

  1. Insufficient level of education of parents and children on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Despite the introduction of modern technologies into the practice of MDOU, play activities are not used enough in the lives of children.
  3. Low level of development of fine motor skills of hands in preschoolers.
  4. Legal education of children and parents of children of senior preschool age is not carried out in full force
  5. Insufficient level of knowledge and ideas of children about their hometown, about the country in which they live.

1.5. Analysis of the implementation of the annual plan for the section "Organizational and pedagogical work for the 2007-2008 academic year. year."

Achieved (in %) Not done due to …(in %)
Lack of responsibility
Absence of other workers Lack of time due to fluid issues Change to another event Overload
No need for an event Other
1 teachers' councils
2 Consultations
3 Workshops
4 Open views
5 Muses. entertained.
6 Phys. entertained.
7 "School of the beginning. educator"
8 Control and leadership

1.6. Tasks of work for 2007-2008 academic year. year

  1. Continue to create conditions for protecting the lives and improving the health of children.
  2. Introduce children to the history and culture of their native land.
  3. To improve the joint work of the kindergarten and the family in legal education.
  4. Study and implementation of the program "Safety" in the educational process

1.1. Group recruitment

age group caregivers ml. caregivers
Gr. early age No. 1 (2-3 years)
Gr. early age No. 7 (2-3 years)
1 ml group number 8 (2-3 years)
1 ml group number 12 (2-3 years)
2 ml. group number 4 (3-4 years)
2 ml. group number 11 (3-4 years)
Middle group No. 3 (4-5 years old)
Middle group No. 10 (4-5 years old)
Senior group No. 5 (5-6 years old)
Senior group No. 6 (5-6 years old)
Preparatory for school. group number 2 (6-7 years old)

September 2007

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Current briefings on OSH and protection of life and health of children Head
1.2. Drawing up support schemes, choosing topics for self-education, plans Art. educator
1.3. Drawing up a certification schedule, certification work plan Art. educator
1.4. Trade union meeting “Approval of the work plan. The choice of the trade union committee» Art. educator
1.5. Briefing with junior service personnel "Job instructions" Art. nurse
1.6. Rules for processing dishes, changing linen, etc. Art. nurse, assistant head of AHR
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Pedagogical Council No. 1, installation.
1) Analysis of work for the summer-health period Head
2) Familiarization of the teaching staff with the annual plan of MDOU for 2006-2007 account. year Head
3) Annotation and approval of the list of programs and technologies used in the work of children Art. educator
4) Approval of lesson schedules and plans for circle work with children Art. educator
5) Approval of the schedules of music and physical education classes Art. educator
6) Approval of the topics of parent meetings Head
7) Discussion of the placement of personnel in groups Head
2.2. Consultation for educators of groups No. 12. 8 "Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten" Psychologist
2.3. Consultation for educators "Overview of the program "Safety" Art. educator
2.4. MPS “Approval of the work plan. Start of adaptation» Psychologist, early childhood educators
2.5. Exhibition of drawings "How I spent the summer" Group tutors
2.6. Musical entertainment dedicated to the Day of Knowledge Muses. Supervisor
2.7. Direction and control: checking the quality of documentation Manager, Art. educator
2.8. Organization of work on the creation of an ecological circle Art. educator
3. Working with parents
3.1. Registration of family passports, information about parents Group tutors
3.2. Analysis of families by social groups (complete, incomplete, etc.) Child Protection Inspector
3.3. Expanded meeting of the parent committee Head
Head, Deputy head of AHR
4.2. Analysis of furniture labeling and furniture selection in children's groups Head, Nurse, St. educator
4.3. Work to strengthen the preschool educational institution with new manuals and furniture Head
4.4. Order on catering in the preschool educational institution, appointment of responsible Head
4.5. Operational meeting on the preparation of preschool educational institutions for the new academic year Head

October 2007

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Labor protection raid Occupational Health Commission
1.2. Preparing preschool groups for winter Deputy head for AHR, head
1.3. Drawing up work plans for educators on self-education Art. educator, group educators
1.4. Assistance to educators in preparing materials for certification Art. educator
1.5. View work of young professionals Art. educator, manager
1.6. School of the novice educator. Consultation on the "Rainbow" program to help understand the tasks, taking into account the characteristics of the children in their group Art. educator
1.7. TV in the kitchen, work with electrical appliances. TB in the laundry room, electric machines Deputy head for AHR, head
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Preparation for the teachers' council number 2 Manager, Art. educator
2.2. Consultation for educators "Family through the eyes of a child" (using children's work) Psychologist
2.3. Workshop "Interpersonal Relations in the Kindergarten Group" Psychologist
2.4. Open viewing of the lesson in the senior group No. 5 "Health of the child" Senior group teacher
2.5. Open view of the lesson in the senior group No. 6 "Child on the street" Senior group teacher
2.5. MPS "Child on the doorstep of school" Art. educator
2.6. Guidance and Control: Child Health Survey Manager, Art. nurse
Art. educator
3. Working with parents
3.1. Consultation. "Family through the eyes of a child" Art. educator, psychologist
3.2. Conducting a general parent meeting for parents of newly admitted children
"Good in our garden"
Manager, Art. educator, group educators
3.3. Group parent meetings according to the plan Group tutors
3.4. Working with parents to improve the territory Head, Deputy Head of AHR
4. Administrative work
4.1. Submission of applications for advanced training courses. Head
4.2. Meeting of the administrative council on labor protection - the results of a survey of the building, premises of the preschool educational institution
4.3. Work on updating soft inventory - bed linen
4.4. Raid to check the sanitary condition of the groups
4.5. Inventory in the preschool educational institution. Write-off of low-value and valuable inventory
Occupational Health Commission
Deputy head according to AHR
Occupational Health Commission, Art. nurse
Deputy head according to AHR

November 2007

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Discussion of the actions of personnel in emergency situations, with the threat of terrorist acts Head
1.2. Preparing the building for winter, pasting windows, cleaning the territory team, Deputy head according to AHR
1.3. The work of educators in self-education Educators, St. educator
1.4. Assistance to educators in the preparation of materials for certification Art. educator
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Teachers' Council No. 2 "Safety and health of our children Manager, Art. educator
2.2. Consultation for educators "Introduction to the program" Young Kostroma " Art. educator
2.3. Workshop "Development of leaflets on the implementation of the rights of the child" Art. educator
2.4. MPS "Continuity between nursery and preschool groups: problems, ways to solve them" (for groups No. 4,11,8,12) Art. educator, psychologist
2.5. Exhibition of drawings "Golden Autumn" Group tutors
2.6. School of the novice educator. Seminar "Methods and techniques in organizing classes with children" Art. educator
3. Working with parents
3.1. General parent meeting for parents of future first graders Art. educator
3.2. Photo exhibition "Visiting Autumn" (on the pages of autumn holidays) Group tutors
3.3. Consultation. "Portrait of a future first grader" Psychologist, Art. educator
3.4. Production of family albums "Me and my family" Group tutors
4. Administrative work
4.1. Work on the design of the preschool educational institution for the New Year Head
4.2. Checking the lighting of the preschool educational institution, work on additional lighting of the preschool educational institution Deputy head according to AHR
4.3. Preparing a new group for young children: purchasing furniture, dishes, toys Head, parent committee, deputy. head according to AHR
4.4. Analysis of the accumulative statement, marriage log Manager, nurse
4.5. Development of a preventive action plan for acute respiratory infections and influenza Art. nurse

December 2007

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Safety precautions when holding Christmas trees. Head
1.2. About New Year's gifts and a holiday for employees trade union committee
1.3. New Year's Eve advice Art. educator
1.4. Preparation of certified educators for testing Art. educator
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Preparation for the teachers' council number 3 Manager, Art. educator
2.2. Consultation for educators "Types of parental love" Psychologist
2.3. Consultation "Compatriots - Kostroma during the Second World War" Art. educator
2.4. School of a novice educator. Planning (difficulties). Conduct form: circle. table Art. educator
2.5. Leadership and Control: Table Etiquette Art. educator, manager
2.6. New Year holidays Muses. leaders
3. Working with parents
3.1. Involving parents in winter buildings on the plots Educators, St. educator
3.2. Organization and purchase of New Year's gifts Parental committee
4. Administrative work
4.2. Raid of the commission on OT by groups, at the catering department, at the laundry OT commission
4.3. Work in a preschool educational institution on the aesthetics of interior design Headmaster, educators, specialists
4.4. Drawing up a vacation schedule. Viewing work books and personal files Head
4.5. Work on the preparation of regulatory documentation Head

January 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Briefing "On the protection of life and health in the winter - ice, icicles" Head
1.2. Production meeting following the results of the inspection on labor protection in December Head
1.3. Discussion of novelties of methodical literature. Exhibition Art. educator
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Pedagogical Council No. 3 "Work of educators with parents to prevent child abuse" Art. educator
2.2. Advice for educators. Creating a developing environment in kindergartens is an important condition for mastering the Young Kostromich program Art. educator
2.3. Intellectual game "Oh, Kostromich!" (expanding and deepening the knowledge of teachers about Kostroma) Art. educator
2.4. Open view of the lesson in the preparatory school group “Family. Family tree of my family Art. caregiver
Educator of preparatory school. gr.
2.5. Open view. "Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas" Musical director
2.6. MPS. Analysis of adaptation. Dynamics of the neuropsychic development of children (group No. 8,12) Art. educator
2.7. Exhibition of children's drawings "Crystal Winter" Group tutors
2.8. School of the novice educator. Methodology for conducting classes in fine arts Art. educator
3. Working with parents
3.1. Consultations. About childhood trauma. Art. educator
3.2. General parent meeting. Dangers on the roads. SDA. (with the invitation of a traffic police officer) Art. educator
3.3. Photo exhibition "New Year and Christmas holidays" Art. educator
3.4. parent committee meeting. Report. Manager, Art. educator
3.5. Group parent meetings according to the plan Group tutors
4. Administrative work
Head, parent committee
4.2 Cleaning the roof. Revision of electrical wiring in a preschool educational institution manager, parents
4.3. Food warehouse inspection. Product stock control Deputy head for AHR, head
4.4. Strengthening the MTB preschool educational institution - the purchase of play furniture for groups Members of the trade union committee
4.5. Operational meeting on fire safety Head
4.6. Development of a development plan for preschool educational institutions and statutory documents Head, Deputy head according to AHR

February 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Briefing. Influenza prevention in preschool educational institutions during the period of epidemiological trouble Nurse
1.2. Raid on health and safety of children and employees Occupational Health Committee
1.3. Preparation and conduct of certification events Art. educator
1.4. Preparations for the celebration of March 8 trade union committee
1.5. Advice for service personnel. We repeat the rules of SanPiN. Requirements for the sanitary maintenance of premises and disinfection measures. Nurse
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Preparation for the teachers' council No. 4. Art. educator
2.2. Lecture hall for teachers "Artists of Kostroma" Art. educator
2.3. Business game "Five rules for conducting classes with children" Art. educator
2.4. Management and control over the organization and conduct of hardening events in groups Manager, nurse
2.5. Exhibition of children's drawings "Our wonderful dads" educators
2.6. Muses. entertainment "Wow, Maslenitsa!" Muses. workers
2.7. Review-competition of local history corners in groups Commission members
3. Working with parents
3.1. Consultation. Psychological readiness of parents and children for school. Psychologist
3.2. Issue of a newspaper for parents on the topic of school preparation of children Art. educator
3.3. Photo exhibition "Our wonderful boys" educators
4. Administrative work
4.1. Work to raise additional funds Head
4.2. The state of labor protection in the catering department Occupational Health Committee
4.3. Purchase of furniture. Improvement of MTB DOW. Head
4.4. Checking catering according to SanPiN. Manager, nurse
4.5. Implementation of the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the preschool educational institution team

March 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Work on compiling instructions and updating briefings Head
1.2. Sanitary condition of groups - mutual check Trade union committee, nurse, educator
1.3. Preparation of documents for certification Art. educator
1.4. Celebration of International Women's Day trade union committee
1.5. On the rules of internal labor regulations Head, trade union
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Pedagogical Council No. 4 "Know and love your native land" Manager, Art. educator
2.2. Consultation “Zoning of kindergarten premises. Design of group corners» Art. educator
2.3. Exhibition of drawings "Our beloved mothers caregiver
3. Working with parents
3.1. Analysis of the incidence of children Nurse, educator
3.2. Parent survey. “Satisfaction with kindergarten. Parents' requests for next year Art. educator
3.3. Musical congratulations from children to mothers and grandmothers Muses. leaders
4. Administrative work
4.1. Work on additional lighting of the preschool educational institution manager
4.2. Replenishment of the game room Head, senior educator
4.3. Analysis of the accumulative statement in the preschool educational institution Nurse, caretaker
4.4. Work on the drafting of new local acts and regulations Head

APRIL 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Raid of the administration and the trade union committee on health and safety Manager, supply manager, trade union committee
1.2. Production meeting “Caring for the PEI site is the business of the whole team. Subbotniks. Seedlings for flower beds» manager, team
1.3. Acceptance of applications for certification in 2007-2008 academic year. years Art. educator
1.4. Viewing summary lessons by group Art. educator
1.5. Ecological subbotniks for cleaning the territory team
1.6. Implementation of the sanitary and epidemic regime Nurse
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Preparation for the teachers' council number 5 Art. educator
2.2. Seminar - business game "Speech development of preschoolers" Art. educator
2.3. Mutual review of the final lessons educators
2.4. MPS. The child is on the threshold of the school. Reports of educators and psychologist Art. educator
2.5. School of a novice educator. Methodology for conducting classes on cognitive development Art. educator
2.6. Exhibition of children's drawings "Spring-Red" Group tutors
2.7. Leadership and control. Readiness of children for school. Art. educator
3. Working with parents
3.1. Conducting final classes for parents and the meeting “So we have become a year older” Educators, St. educator
3.2. Photo exhibition "Our Affairs" senior caregiver
4. Administrative work
4.1. Landscaping work Caretaker, team
4.2. Operational meeting on the results of the analysis of nutrition in the preschool educational institution Head
4.3. Work to streamline the nomenclature of cases Head

MAY 2008

Kind of activity Responsible
1. Work with personnel
1.1. Conducting briefings for summer health work Head
1.2. About the transition to summer mode Head
1.3. OER mapping caregiver
1.4. Preparation of annual reports Art. educator
1.5. Organization of the release of children to school educators
1.6. Landscaping of the PEI site team
1.7. Compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the summer Nurse
2. Organizational and pedagogical work
2.1. Teachers' council number 5. Final. Manager, Art. educator
1) On the implementation of the annual tasks of the academic year Head
2) “About our successes” - a report of group educators on the work done for the year educators
3) Report of the senior educator on the work done for the year senior caregiver
4) Analysis of the incidence of children Nurse
5) Analysis of physical culture and health improvement work for the year Physio instructor
6) Approval of the work plan for the summer recreation period Head
7) Draft decision of the pedagogical council, its approval, additions Head
2.2. MPS. Achievements of children for the year, using the results of diagnostics (younger, middle, older groups) educators
2.3. About the work of educators in the summer Art. educator
2.4. Preparation of materials for final lessons Art. educator
2.5 Graduation ball Musical director
2.6. Excursion to the Eternal Flame senior caregiver
3. Working with parents
3.1. Involve parents in the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution Educators, St. educator
3.3. parent committee meeting Head
3.4. Release of children to school Musical director
3.5. Exhibition of works of artistic and productive activity "What we have learned in a year" caregiver
4. Administrative work
4.1. Work to raise additional funds for the development of preschool educational institutions. Head
4.2. Analysis of children by health groups at the end of the school year Nurse
4.3. Purchase of materials for repair work manager
4.4. Accumulative statement analysis Manager, nurse
4.5. Landscaping, review competition trade union committee