Methods of psychological influence. Language functions and their implementation in speech

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Types and functions of speech.

Speech performs certain features:

Rice. 3. Functions of speech

Impact function It consists in the ability of a person through speech to induce people to certain actions or to refuse them.

Message function consists in the exchange of information (thoughts) between people through words, phrases.

expression function lies in the fact that, on the one hand, thanks to speech, a person can more fully convey his feelings, experiences, relationships, and, on the other hand, the expressiveness of speech, its emotionality significantly expands the possibilities of communication.

Designation function consists in the ability of a person through speech to give objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality their own names.

According to the set of its functions (see Fig. 3), speech is a polymorphic activity, i.e. in its various functional purposes, it is presented in different forms (Fig. 4) and types (Fig. 5): external, internal, monologue, dialogue, written, oral, etc.

In psychology, there are two forms of speech: external and internal.

Rice. 4. Forms of speech

External speech- a system of sound signals used by a person, written signs and symbols for transmitting information, the process of materialization of thought.

External speech may have jargon and intonation. Jargon- stylistic features (lexical, phraseological) of the language of a narrow social or professional group of people. Intonation - a set of speech elements (melody, rhythm, tempo, intensity, accent structure, timbre, etc.) that phonetically organize speech and are a means of expressing various meanings, their emotional coloring.

External speech includes the following types (see Fig. 5):

* oral (dialogical and monologue) and

* written.

Rice. 5. Types of speech

Oral speech- this is communication between people through pronouncing words aloud, on the one hand, and listening to them by people, on the other.

Dialog(from Greek. dialogos- conversation, conversation) - a type of speech, which consists in the alternate exchange of sign information (including pauses, silence, gestures) of two or more subjects. Dialogic speech is a conversation in which at least two interlocutors participate. Dialogic speech, psychologically the most simple and natural form of speech, occurs during direct communication between two or more interlocutors and consists mainly in the exchange of replicas.

Replica- answer, objection, remark to the words of the interlocutor - is characterized by brevity, the presence of interrogative and motivating sentences, syntactically undeveloped structures.

A distinctive feature of the dialogue is the emotional contact of the speakers, their influence on each other by facial expressions, gestures, intonation and timbre of the voice.

The dialogue is supported by the interlocutors with the help of clarifying questions, changes in the situation and intentions of the speakers. A focused dialogue related to one topic is called a conversation. Participants in the conversation discuss or clarify a specific problem with the help of specially selected questions.

Monologue- a type of speech that has one subject and is a complex syntactic whole, structurally completely unrelated to the speech of the interlocutor. monologue speech - this is the speech of one person, for a relatively long time expressing his thoughts, or a consistent coherent presentation of a system of knowledge by one person.

Monologue speech is characterized by:

Consistency and evidence, which provide coherence of thought;

Grammatically correct formatting;

Monologue speech is more complicated than dialogue in terms of content and language design and always implies a fairly high level of speech development of the speaker.

stand out three main types of monologue speech: narration (story, message), description and reasoning, which, in turn, are divided into subspecies that have their own linguistic, compositional and intonation-expressive features. With speech defects, monologue speech is disturbed to a greater extent than dialogic speech.

Written speech- This is a graphically designed speech, organized on the basis of letter images. It is addressed to a wide range of readers, is devoid of situationality and involves in-depth skills in sound-letter analysis, the ability to logically and grammatically correctly convey one's thoughts, analyze what is written and improve the form of expression.

Full assimilation of writing and written speech is closely related to the level of development of oral speech. During the period of mastering oral speech, a preschool child undergoes unconscious processing of language material, the accumulation of sound and morphological generalizations, which create a readiness to master writing at school age. With underdevelopment of speech, as a rule, there are violations of writing of varying severity.

inner speech(speech “to oneself”) is a speech devoid of sound design and proceeding using linguistic meanings, but outside the communicative function; internal speaking. Inner speech is speech that does not perform the function of communication, but only serves the process of thinking of a particular person. It differs in its structure by curtailment, the absence of secondary members of the sentence.

Inner speech is formed in a child on the basis of external speech and is one of the main mechanisms of thinking. The translation of external speech into internal is observed in a child at the age of about 3 years, when he begins to reason aloud and plan his actions in speech. Gradually, such pronunciation is reduced and begins to flow in inner speech.

With the help of inner speech, the process of turning thoughts into speech and preparing a speech statement is carried out. Preparation goes through several stages. The starting point for the preparation of each speech utterance is a motive or intention, which is known to the speaker only in the most general terms. Then, in the process of transforming a thought into a statement, the stage of inner speech begins, which is characterized by the presence of semantic representations that reflect its most essential content. Further, the most necessary ones are singled out from a larger number of potential semantic connections, and the corresponding syntactic structures are selected.

Inner speech can be characterized by predicativity. Predicativity- a characteristic of inner speech, expressed in the absence in it of words representing the subject (subject), and the presence of only words related to the predicate (predicate).

Although all these forms and types of speech are interconnected, their vital purpose is not the same. External speech, for example, plays the main role of a means of communication, internal - a means of thinking. Written speech most often acts as a way of memorizing and storing information, oral speech - as a means of transmitting information. The monologue serves the process of one-way, and the dialogue serves the two-way exchange of information.

Speech has its properties:

Speech intelligibility- this is a syntactically correct construction of sentences, as well as the use of pauses in appropriate places or highlighting words with the help of logical stress.

Expressiveness of speech- this is its emotional richness, the richness of linguistic means, their diversity. In its expressiveness, it can be bright, energetic and, conversely, sluggish, poor.

The effectiveness of speech- this is a property of speech, which consists in its influence on the thoughts, feelings and will of other people, on their beliefs and behavior.

Rice. 6. Properties of speech

A person's speech can be abbreviated and expanded, both from a conceptual and linguistic point of view. AT expanded type of speech the speaker uses all the possibilities of symbolic expression of meanings, meanings and their shades provided by the language. This type of speech is characterized by a large vocabulary and richness of grammatical forms, the frequent use of prepositions to express logical, temporal and spatial relationships, the use of impersonal and indefinite personal pronouns, the use of suitable concepts, clarifying adjectives and adverbs to indicate one or another specific state of affairs, more pronounced syntactic and grammatical structuring of statements, numerous subordination of sentence components, indicating anticipatory planning of speech.

abbreviated speech the statement is sufficient for understanding among well-known people and in familiar surroundings. However, it makes it difficult to express and perceive more complex, abstract thoughts associated with subtle distinctions and differential analysis of hidden relationships. In the case of theoretical thinking, a person more often uses expanded speech.

Speech is a combination of spoken and perceived sounds.

Speech is the main means of human communication, with the help of which a person receives and transmits a large amount of information, in particular, one that carries a large semantic load or captures in itself what cannot be perceived with the help of the senses (abstract concepts, not directly perceived phenomena, laws , rules, etc.). Speech also contributes to the transmission of experience in time (between generations) and space (through writing).

Speech is a psychological process of forming and transmitting thoughts by means of language. Speech without language acquisition is impossible.

Speech functions:

The generalization function is related to the fact that the word denotes not only a separate, given object, but a whole group of similar objects and is always the bearer of their essential features;

The function of influence lies in the ability of a person through speech to induce people to certain actions or to refuse them;

The function of a message is to exchange information (thoughts) between people through words, phrases;

The function of expression lies in the fact that, on the one hand, thanks to speech, a person can more fully convey his feelings, experiences, relationships, and, on the other hand, the expressiveness of speech, its emotionality significantly expand the possibilities of communication;

The function of designation consists in the ability of a person through speech to give objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality their own names.

Planning function - speech helps a person to plan his actions.

In psychology, there are two main types of speech: external and internal. External speech includes oral ( dialogic and monologue) and writing.

External speech:

Dialogic speech is supported speech; dialogue is a direct communication of two or more people; the interlocutor puts clarifying questions during her, giving remarks, can help complete the thought (or reorient it). A kind of dialogic communication is a conversation, in which the dialogue has a thematic focus.

Monologue speech is a long, consistent, coherent presentation of a system of thoughts, knowledge by one person. It also develops in the process of communication, but the nature of communication here is different: the monologue is uninterrupted, so the speaker has an active, expressive-mimic and gestural effect. In monologic speech, in comparison with dialogic speech, the semantic side changes most significantly. Monologue speech is coherent, contextual. Its content must first of all satisfy the requirements of consistency and evidence in the presentation. Another condition, inextricably linked with the first, is the grammatically correct construction of sentences. The monologue does not tolerate incorrect construction of phrases. He makes a number of demands on the pace and sound of speech.

The content side of the monologue should be combined with the expressive side. Expressiveness is created both by linguistic means (the ability to use a word, phrase, syntactic construction, which most accurately convey the speaker's intention), and by non-linguistic means of communication (intonation, a system of pauses, dismemberment of the pronunciation of a word or several words, which performs the function in oral speech peculiar underlining, facial expressions and gestures).

Written speech is a kind of monologue speech. It is more developed than oral monologue speech. This is due to the fact that written speech implies a lack of feedback from the interlocutor. In addition, written speech has no additional means of influencing the perceiver, except for the words themselves, their order and the punctuation marks that organize the sentence.

inner speech is a special kind of speech activity. It acts as a planning phase in practical and theoretical activities. Therefore, internal speech, on the one hand, is characterized by fragmentation, fragmentation. On the other hand, misunderstandings in the perception of the situation are excluded here. Therefore, inner speech is extremely situational, in this it is close to dialogic. Inner speech is formed on the basis of external speech.

Methods of psychological influence

Initially, the method of persuasion will be considered, and then the socio-psychological methods of influence - suggestion, infection and imitation.

Belief. In the process of psychological influence on an ethnophore, persuasion is the main method (method) of exerting a psychological influence on his consciousness. This method performs informational, critical and constructive functions; in practice, they are, as a rule, consistently implemented. Depending on the personality of the ethnophore, their significance is different. Informational the function is to transfer certain information to the object in order for it to make an appropriate decision for the object; the content of the message and the choice of arguments depends on the degree of awareness of the recipient on the subject of influence (problem, question, etc.). critical the function is to evaluate the views, opinions, stereotypes of the value orientations of the ethnophore. The role of this function is especially important in disputes, discussions, etc., i.e., in the process of persuading and persuading the ethnophore. Persuasion, in comparison with persuasion, is a more complex, time-consuming and painful process for the recipient. This is explained by the fact that he is undergoing a change (breaking) of the prevailing views and ideas, the old ones are being destroyed and new social attitudes are being formed. In this regard, the ethnophore (communicator) has to spend more psychological and other resources on the process of influence in order to solve intermediate tasks and achieve the final goal. constructive the function of persuasion is manifested in the formation of new views, approaches and attitudes in the ethnophore. Depending on the tasks of psychological influence (persuasion or persuasion), the degree of awareness of the ethnophore and his point of view on the subject of persuasion, the characteristics of the subject and object of influence, a strategy, tactics and methods of using persuasive influence are developed (Reznikov, 1989, 2002b).

One should take into account E. Hall's division of culture into high-context (Japan, China, Korea) and low-context (USA, Germany, Scandinavian countries, Switzerland) (Hall, 1969, 1983). When an ethnophore belonging to a high-contextual culture is affected, the situation (environment) of the impact plays a very informative role. In the second case, on the contrary, the context is almost not taken into account by the ethnophore, but the speech directed at it should be very informative.

For revealing the ethnopsychological appearance of Russians we used a sample that included 610 respondents from all 24 districts of the Kostroma region (a region where Russians traditionally live).

1) One of the components of the methodology included positions on identifying "peculiarities of discussion of business issues by Russians." From table 1 it can be seen that the first four places both in the city and in the countryside are occupied by "resourcefulness", "insight into the essence of the matter", "independence" and "tempo of discussion". The coincidence in the hierarchy of qualities noted by Russians in the city and the countryside indicates the same working conditions for residents of the Kostroma region.

Table 1. Ranks of psychological qualities that Russians show when discussing business issues, disputes and conflicts

The "reality of the proposed plans" among the townspeople takes 5th place, and among the villagers - 8th, which indirectly may indicate a relatively greater pragmatism of urban residents and their professionalism. "Imposing one's point of view" when discussing business issues in the city is in 8th place, and in the village - 5th. In our opinion, this indicates that when discussing business issues in the city, the democratic style of management is more manifested.

In general, we can say that no significant differences were found in the discussion of business issues in the city and the countryside.

2) Answers to the question “When discussing the options for decisions to be made, what is important for Russians: the result, the preservation of interpersonal relations or the demonstration of their professionalism” both in the city and in the countryside were distributed as follows. The first place is occupied by the “result” (average 4.36 in the city and 4.25, respectively, in the village), the second place is “showing one’s professionalism” (3.9 and 3.93, respectively) and the third place is “preservation of interpersonal relations (3.47 and 3.62). The hierarchy of data indicates a businesslike approach of Russians when discussing various options for resolving business issues and a certain disregard for interpersonal relationships.

3) Let's compare the styles of discussing business issues by Russians in urban and rural samples (see Table 2).

Russians discuss business issues, disputes and conflicts (in urban and rural areas): 1st place - "emotionally" (4.26 and 4.10), 2nd place - "collectively" (3.38 and 3.35 ) and 3rd place - “in the process of discussing business issues, they switch to the personality of the interlocutor” (3.38 and 3.35). Collective discussion testifies to the manifestation of a democratic style of discussing business issues. The position “In the process of discussing issues becomes personal” indicates that the level of emotional-volitional control when discussing business issues, disputes and conflicts, apparently, is not high enough.

The judgment “When discussing business issues and disputes, Russians avoid conflicts” ranks 6th (penultimate) among urban residents, and 4th among rural residents. Apparently, the difference is explained by the fact that the villagers are forced to live and communicate with people for life, with whom they have to discuss business issues, disputes and conflicts, in connection with which they seek to avoid conflicts. The position “Russians are involved as judges (mediators)” took the middle of the discussion style list (4th place in the city (3.38 points), and 7th place (2.95 points) in the countryside).

Table 2. Ranks of manifestation of styles of discussion of business issues by Russians

4) In our opinion, interesting data were obtained when comparing the type of argumentation that is most convincing for Russians living in the Kostroma region (see Table 3).

The argument “Appeal to the authority of the individual, her professional experience” takes the 1st place among the townspeople, and the 2nd place among the villagers. This is interesting in the sense that currently the most authoritative person is the person with professional experience on the business issue under discussion. These data indirectly indicate that market relations have become established among Russians in the business sphere. At the same time, the argument "Appeal to one's own experience" in rural areas takes the 1st place, which indicates a certain distrust of the villager to the arguments of opponents during the discussion of business issues.

The arguments “appeal to the majority”, “appeal to the authority of the individual (her age)” and “appeal to traditions” both in the city and in the village occupy 7th, 8th and 10th places, which indicates that that traditional collectivist arguments are gradually receding into the background. “Attracting arguments taking into account the strong objections of opponents” takes 9th place out of 10, which indicates a rather high self-criticism of Russians (Reznikov, Sadov, Fetiskin, Kolioglo, 2005).

Table 3. Ranks of manifestation of the type of argumentation most convincing for Russians in the process of discussing business issues

Suggestion. Suggestion (suggestion) is understood as a purposeful, unreasoned impact based on an uncritical perception of information. The role of suggestion in the history of the formation of ethnic groups was studied quite deeply and comprehensively by BF Porshnev (Porshnev, 1971, 1974, 1979).

The importance of suggestion on the process of formation of ethnopsychological characteristics is also noted by other researchers. So, for example, V. N. Kulikov writes: “National traditions, customs and mores take root in the psyche of people by the power of this suggestion. And all this contributes to the formation of class and national psychology” (Kulikov, 1965, p. 331).

The effectiveness of ethnophore suggestion depends on many features of the interacting subject and object: gender, age, criticality of the mind, stability of beliefs, physical and mental states, and most of all, on the relationship that develops between the suggester (influencing) and the suggester (ethnophore, which is influenced). Especially the effectiveness of using the method of suggestion depends on the authority of the suggester and his preparedness for this process, the conformity of the object, etc. The presence of a positive attitude among the representatives of the ethnic group towards their national way of life and negative attitudes towards the way of life of other peoples makes it difficult to effectively inspire influence on the ethnophore by members of another ethnic group. Alertness to information coming from representatives of other ethnic groups as an outgroup should be destroyed by weighty arguments. “And the higher the resistance, the more convincing the arguments should be, the deeper they should affect the thinking and feelings of the recipients. Evidence then becomes a means of overcoming alertness, distrust, suspicion” (Sherkovin, 1973, p. 210).

Increasing the effectiveness of inspiring influence can be achieved by increasing the prestige of the source of information, repeating the influence in various modifications and reinforcing the content with logically thought-out evidence that seems very convincing from the standpoint of the ethnic group whose representative is being suggested.

Infection. This method of influence consists in the unconscious and involuntary exposure of ethnophores to certain mental states. As the results of studies show, infection performs integrative and expressive functions (Apollonov, 1972). The first function is used to strengthen the solidity of an ethnic community or a certain social group in society (for example, in Nazi Germany, members of the Hitler Youth were forced to collectively listen to recordings of the Fuhrer's speeches and sing Nazi songs, thereby rallying the youth), and the second is associated with the problem of relieving psychological tension and detente. W. Metzger believes that ethnic groups are united by common emotional experiences that are associated with significant events, for example, with wars. In peacetime, intense emotional experiences that unite nations can be triggered by sports competitions, national holidays, etc. (Metzger, 1969).

The expressive function of infection is manifested during spectacular mass and sporting events (in the circus, in stadiums, etc.). The manifestation of the method of infection is determined by the level of self-regulation and the locus of control of the ethnophore, national traditions, etc. So, for example, the British are quite reserved in communication, but they become unrecognizable at the stadium (they scream, whistle, hoot, etc.).

In interpersonal influence on an ethnophore, the method of infection is usually associated with the use of an affective verbal style and the transfer of an optimistic mood to it.

Imitation. Ethnophore imitation consists in conscious or unconscious following the behavior or example of the subject of influence. B. D. Parygin considers imitation as a means of introducing the individual to the system of group values ​​(Parygin, 1999). In the process of ethnicization, a person, through imitation, masters the norms and rules of behavior of his ethnic community. This is done both in the process of conscious learning and through imitation. The role of imitation is especially great in the early stages of the development of ethnic groups. Representatives of an ethnic group in everyday life usually adhere to historically established norms of relationships, which is a favorable prerequisite for imitation as a mechanism of mass behavior, which depends on the presence of elements of conservatism in everyday life and the level of emotional self-regulation.

The imitation of an ethnophore by representatives of other peoples depends on many components: the level of socio-economic development of his country, its socio-historical development path, the level of culture of the population, etc. The effectiveness of using the imitation method increases when national authorities influence the ethnophore, references are made to the statements of national authorities , practical results achieved by the country, etc.

In interpersonal influence on an ethnophore, the imitation method is productive if the influencer and the object of influence belong to the same national community. When using the method of suggestion on a representative of another ethnic group, the high personal and business qualities of the suggester, his authority in the eyes of the object of influence, as well as his psychological preparation for the process of influence, etc. are important.

At revealing the ethnopsychological appearance of Russians the question was raised in the methodology: “What methods of influence are most often used by Russians: persuasion, coercion, suggestion, imitation and infection?” The analysis was carried out on the basis of urban and rural samples.

The methods of psychological influence were distributed according to the hierarchy in the following order. The method of persuasion both in the city and in the countryside takes the 1st place (3.86 and 3.79 points). Among the townspeople, the second place belongs to “infection” (good or bad mood), and among the villagers, “suggestion” (3.46 and 3.40 points). The third place in the city is occupied by “imitation” (personal example), and in the village “infection (by good or bad mood)”. The fourth place among the urban population belongs to "suggestion", and among the rural population - "imitation (personal example)" (3.39 and 3.29 points). The “coercion” method is in 5th place in urban and rural areas (3.23 and 3.08 points) (Reznikov, Sadov, Fetiskin, Kolioglo, 2005).

Analyzing the obtained results, we can draw the following conclusions. In the countryside, "suggestion" takes 2nd place, and in the city 4th. This situation, apparently, can be explained by the fact that the townspeople live at a higher pace of life and communicate with a large number of people, among whom there are unscrupulous people, which makes them wary and critical. In addition, intensive communication and a more dynamic lifestyle makes citizens wary and sometimes vigilant towards the people around them. In this regard, every working city dweller assumes with a certain degree of confidence that the psychological impact exerted on him can potentially bring him material, economic or some other damage.

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Speech has a socio-historical nature. People have always lived and live collectively, in society. Public life and the collective work of people make it necessary to constantly communicate, establish contact with each other, influence each other. This communication is done through speech. Thanks to speech, people exchange thoughts and knowledge, talk about their feelings, experiences, intentions.

Communicating with each other, people use words and use the grammatical rules of a particular language. Language is a system of verbal signs, a means by which communication is carried out between people. Speech is the process of using language to communicate between people. Language and speech are inextricably linked, they represent a unity, which is expressed in the fact that historically the language of any nation was created and developed in the process of speech communication of people. The connection between language and speech is also expressed in the fact that language as an instrument of communication exists historically as long as people speak it. As soon as people stop using this or that language in speech communication, it becomes a dead language. Such a dead language has become, for example, Latin.

Cognition of the laws of the surrounding world, the mental development of a person is accomplished through the assimilation of knowledge developed by mankind in the process of socio-historical development and fixed with the help of language, with the help of written speech. Language In this sense is a means of consolidating and transmitting from generation to generation the achievements of human culture, science and art. Each person in the learning process assimilates the knowledge acquired by all mankind and accumulated historically.

Thus, speech performs certain functions:





The function of influence lies in the ability of a person through speech to induce people to certain actions or to refuse them. The function of influence in human speech is one of its primary, most basic functions. A person speaks in order to influence, if not directly on behavior, then on thoughts or feelings, on the consciousness of other people. Speech has a social purpose, it is a means of communication, and it performs this function in the first place, since it serves as a means of influence. And this function of influence in human speech is specific. The sounds made by animals as "expressive" ones also perform a signal function, but human speech, speech in the true sense of the word, is fundamentally different from those sound signals that animals make. The call made by a sentinel animal or the leader of a pack, herd, etc., can serve as a signal for other animals to take flight or attack. These signals are instinctive or conditioned reflex reactions in animals. An animal, uttering such a signal cry, does not emit it in order to notify others of impending danger, but because this cry breaks out of it in a certain situation. When other animals take flight at a given signal, they also do so not because they “understood” the signal, understood what it means, but because after such a cry the leader usually takes flight and the animal is in danger. situation; thus, a conditioned reflex connection was created between screaming and running; it is a connection between running and screaming, not what it stands for.

The function of the message is to exchange information (thoughts) between people through words, phrases.

The function of expression lies in the fact that, on the one hand, thanks to speech, a person can more fully convey his feelings, experiences, relationships, and, on the other hand, the expressiveness of speech, its emotionality significantly expand the possibilities of communication. The expressive function in itself does not determine speech: speech is not identical with any expressive reaction. Speech exists only where there is semantics, a meaning that has a material carrier in the form of sound, gesture, visual image, etc. But in man the most expressive moments pass into semantics. Every speech speaks about something, i.e. has some object; any speech at the same time refers to someone - to a real or possible interlocutor or listener, and any speech at the same time expresses something - this or that attitude of the speaker to what he is talking about, and to those to whom he is speaking. actually or mentally drawn. The core or outline of the semantic content of speech is what it means. But living speech usually expresses immeasurably more than it actually means. Thanks to the expressive moments contained in it, it very often goes beyond the limits of the abstract system of meanings. At the same time, the true concrete meaning of speech is revealed to a large extent through these expressive moments (intonation, stylistic, etc.). Genuine understanding of speech is achieved not only by knowing the verbal meaning of the words used in it; the most important role in it is played by the interpretation, the interpretation of these expressive moments, revealing that more or less secret inner meaning that the speaker puts into it. The emotional-expressive function of speech as such is fundamentally different from the involuntary and meaningless expressive reaction. The expressive function, being included in human speech, is rebuilt, entering into its semantic content. In this form, emotionality plays a significant role in human speech. It would be wrong to completely intellectualize speech, turning it only into an instrument of thinking. There are emotionally expressive moments in it that appear in rhythm, pauses, intonations, in voice modulations and other expressive, expressive moments that are always present to a greater or lesser extent in speech, especially in oral speech, affecting, however, in writing. speech - in the rhythm and arrangement of words; expressive moments of speech appear further in the stylistic features of speech, in various nuances and shades.

The functions of expression and influence can be combined into communication function, which includes means of expression and influence. As a means of expression, speech is combined with a number of expressive movements - with gestures, facial expressions. Animals also have sound as an expressive movement, but it becomes speech only when it ceases to accompany the affected state of a person and begins to designate it.

The designation function (significative) consists in the ability of a person through speech to give objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality names that are unique to them. Significant function distinguishes human speech from animal communication. A person's idea of ​​an object or phenomenon is associated with a word. Mutual understanding in the process of communication is based, therefore, on the unity of the designation of objects and phenomena, perceiving and speaking.

Figure 2 - Speech functions

We can also highlight another function of speech - generalization function, which is connected with the fact that the word denotes not only a separate, given object, but also a whole group of similar objects and is always the bearer of their essential features.

So in human speech can be identified by psychological analysis different functions, but they are not aspects external to each other; they are included in the unity within which they determine and mediate each other. Thus, speech performs its message function on the basis of its semantic, semantic, denoting function. But not to a lesser, but to an even greater extent and vice versa - the semantic function of designation is formed on the basis of the communicative function of speech. Essentially social life, communication gives the cry a function of meaning. Expressive movement from emotional discharge can become speech, acquire meaning only because the subject notices the effect that it has on others. The child first makes a cry because he is hungry, and then uses it to be fed. Sound first performs the functions of designation objectively, serving as a signal for another. It is only due to the fact that he performs this function in relation to another that he is realized by us in his significance, acquires significance for us. Initially reflected in the mind of another person, speech acquires meaning for ourselves. And so in the future - from the use of the word, we establish more and more precisely its meaning, at first little realized, according to the meaning in which it is understood by others. Understanding is one of the constituent moments of speech. The emergence of speech outside of society is impossible, speech is a social product; intended for communication, it arises in communication. Moreover, the social purpose of speech determines not only its genesis; it is also reflected in the internal, semantic content of speech. The two main functions of speech - communicative and significative, due to which speech is a means of communication and a form of existence of thought, consciousness, are formed one through the other and function one in the other. The social nature of speech as a means of communication and its denoting character are inextricably linked. In speech, in unity and internal interpenetration, the social nature of man and his inherent consciousness are represented.