Offensive 10. The structure of both guas

The upper primary trigram represents the Sky, the lower - the Waterfall, thus, the hexagram describes a strong, active person, followed by a slender unmarried girl. In the classic text of the I Ching, we are confronted with the image of a noble girl who carefully follows a dangerous tiger, trying not to step on its tail. This hexagram means the following: problems, difficulties and dangers surround you everywhere. However, if you are careful, restrained and moderate in everything, you will not step on the tiger's tail, in other words, you will be able to "swim the river safely."

During this period, all ongoing events related to your question depend entirely on you. This moment can bring you benefit or victory, it can be a period of prosperity or a period of chaos. Everything depends on your behavior. Lies will often tempt you, but evil forces will not harm you if you behave with dignity and nobility.

This difficult and dangerous situation is caused by your mistaken attitudes and patterns of behavior that you have developed over the years. They became the reason for the collision with this fatal situation. Trying to resist or change something, you will thereby "step on the tiger's tail." Instead, walk carefully, carefully, with dignity, and the problems will dissipate like clouds.

A wish

The fulfillment of desire, mainly depends on the degree of your ambition. If the desire is noble, then it is quite feasible. Otherwise, no.


Relationships are rife with difficulties, many things can go wrong. If you care about feelings and make noble efforts to maintain relationships, then there is a chance for success.


Good party. However, the problems surrounding you are likely to get in the way of your marriage. The only way out is a complaisant, gentle and noble behavior.

Pregnancy, childbirth

Safe childbirth. a girl will be born.

Health status

Most likely, a long-term serious illness is expected. Diseases of the lungs and brain.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

You are in a precarious position. Look for a compromise.


Difficulties and dangers while traveling. If possible, then postpone it. If not, be vigilant and do not embroil yourself in love affairs.

Exam, test

You can barely pass it.

Work, business, specialization

Promising prospects.


Cloudy, windy towards the end of the day.

lucky color


lucky numbers

5, 7, 9

Changing Traits


This is a good time to reevaluate your goals. What were the consequences of your behavior? By dispassionately studying your behavior, you can find key points, for example, how you should behave in the future.

Fifth (dominant)

Pursuing goals can become dangerous, but the very realization of such danger will help you succeed in your plans. You must fully dedicate yourself to the goal. If you have doubts, make sure this path is right for you.


Be especially vigilant! If you are sure that you are able to keep yourself under control in any situation, then you can take on any risky project. But it is better to limit yourself in actions, devote time to yourself and reflect. Awareness of the situation will save you from problems.


Your ambitions far exceed your abilities. You do not have sufficient strength to achieve the goals that you have outlined. Either way, if you persist in achieving your goal, the results will be disastrous. The problem is this: although you may be right, you should not assume that you are strong enough, in fact you are not! This type of behavior is suitable for a person who is ready to sacrifice himself in the name of a leader. Are you ready to go for it?


Stay humble and moderate. Do not demand or insist on rights. Drop overly ambitious goals. Do not play with fate by continuing to achieve your goal by force. If you follow this advice, you will be successful.


A simple and restrained pattern of behavior will protect you from mistakes and give you the opportunity to move forward. Progress will be slow and gradual. Don't try to use others to achieve your goals, don't let your dreams influence your behavior.

Golden book of divination Sudina Natalia

Hexagram #10 Offensive (Offensive)

B. H. At present, your behavior should be emphatically polite, friendly and reserved. Get inside yourself and think about your position. In any way, show respect for the authorities, now it will do you good. An unexpected event will happen that will bring you great joy. It's not the right time for flirting. Ladies, communicating with men who are not well known, should be especially careful. This is the period when claims to life should be reduced to a minimum.

G.S. The time has come for firmness and determination. You have affected the interests of powerful individuals and must be prepared for adverse consequences. Solitude will help to find the right solution. Take your time! Fate sends you a sign. It is better to moderate your ardor and retreat to your previous positions. Then, despite the dangerous situation, everything will be resolved safely.

From the Golden Book of Divination author Sudina Natalia

Hexagram No. 31 Interaction (Connection) B. H. The state of mind in which you reside is usually accompanied by luck and success. You are tuned to a good “wave”. Several unexpected and very beneficial events for you are approaching, almost every step you take will bring good luck.

From the book Where to get energy? Secrets of the practical magic of Eros author Frater V. D.

Hexagram No. 35 Rising (Advancement) B. H. Luck is on the way. You are waiting for the respect and recognition that you rightfully counted on. In the future, the reward will be even higher. Rely on your lucky star and boldly step forward, while not saddening you that desire

From the book The Wiccan Encyclopedia of Magical Ingredients author Rosean Lexa

Hexagram No. 37 Domestic (Family) B. H. Your place is where your heart is drawn, and well-being awaits you there. Hopes will be fulfilled with outside help. Perhaps you think to yourself that somewhere the grass is greener, but believe me: if you leave your land now, very soon you will be convinced that

From the book The Big Book of Secret Knowledge. Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. divination the author Schwartz Theodore

Hexagram No. 38 Discord (Separation) B. H. This hexagram means that this period of your life is devoid of harmony. It seems to you that everyone around you find fault with you, they are malicious. Even the smallest little things piss you off. Calm down, don't be nervous:

From the book Safe Communication [Magical Practices to Protect Against Energy Attacks] author Penzak Christopher

Hexagram No. 39 Obstacle (Difficulty) B. Kh. One of the most unfavorable hexagrams. The more effort you put in, the further you are pushed back. It is difficult to say why exactly, but at the moment, fortune is not interested in your fate. best now

From the author's book

Hexagram #40 Release (Liberation) BH You have gone through a long period of anxiety and trouble. This period has come to an end. Work will be successful again. Act immediately, otherwise you will miss the opportunity to achieve a great result. Some

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 41 Loss (Decrease) B. H. What you give to others today, fate will return to you tomorrow with interest. Perhaps now it seems to you that you are too wasteful, giving too much to others, but this impression will soon pass and you will be generous.

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 42 Multiplication (Increase) B. Kh. Time favors outstanding personalities, but it is also fruitful for others. What is planned will be realized, what has been done will be paid. You will be able to help others. Some business that your superiors will entrust to you will turn out

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 44 Crossing (Meeting) B. H. Well, if restraint is a characteristic feature of your current behavior. Be attentive to changes in contacts with people and try to evaluate their actions less critically. Fulfillment of desires and hopes

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 45 Reunion (Accumulation) B. H. Everything that you do during this period and what you undertake will end in a successful result. Some invisible force will strengthen your relationships with people, help you make new close contacts that one way or another will become for you.

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 47 Exhaustion (Difficulty) B. H. One of the four worst hexagrams. This is not the period when it would be worth taking on anything. Hang in there and wait. Your thoughts are not clear enough. Someone from your environment, occupying a high position, will extend a helping hand to you.

From the author's book

Hexagram No. 51 Lightning (Thunder) B. H. You are close to success, but someone is making efforts to prevent you from achieving it. Don't get upset about this. What you sought to obtain as necessary for you, in fact, will turn out to be completely different, not what it seemed, so

From the author's book

How to delay the onset of orgasm Unfortunately for many women, their partners often have problems with premature ejaculation. In principle, a man is always inclined to reach orgasm faster than a woman, but this does not always happen, of course. Quite a large number

From the author's book

Hexagram Ruler: Solomon. Type: six-pointed star. Magical form: metal or paper talisman. The two intersecting triangles that make up this star,

From the author's book

Hexagram, or Shield of David The hexagram, or six-pointed star, is a geometric representation of the Six. This is the number of perfection, and the corresponding figure is also perfect and proportionate. Containing two triangles, the hexagram symbolizes the absolute

From the author's book

Hexagram A six-pointed star is called a hexagram; it is often found in various esoteric systems. In Judaism, it is called the Star of David. Its symbolism has many interpretations: four elements, four cardinal points, top and bottom. Hexagram can

The key word of the Lee hexagram is Caution. This is the most important thing to think about now, because a lot depends on how attentive and reasonable you are, and especially health and business.

Note that being careful does not in any way mean that you have to be on the defensive all the time. On the contrary, such a strategy will make you an even more vulnerable person. Protection implies the dominance of fear over all other qualities necessary for successful progress in life. Therefore, now it is necessary to learn that caution is a combination of responsibility, attentiveness and reasonableness. It is these three points that will allow you to control the situation, but at the same time actively move on, step by step approaching your success.

Another important point that should be implemented in the situation symbolized by the Lee hexagram is tactical planning of actions. By itself, the Li hexagram has the semantic name "Offensive", and within the framework of the worldview of the ancient Chinese, this implies a well-thought-out and well-calculated action. Not some kind of emotional outburst, not a whim and not a hope for "maybe", but a well-thought-out plan, implemented in stages, with reasonable adjustments due to changing events.

In order for you to be able to work through this situation effectively, you should be alone for a while and be in silence. It could be an hour, a day, it doesn't matter. It all depends on what topic the fortune-telling is being conducted on. The main thing is that such a moment should be a starting point and a line after which you no longer decide on the go what to do, but act according to a well-developed plan that takes into account your individual characteristics and the unique nature of the events in which you have become a participant.

And finally, the last thing to keep in mind when going through the situation personified by the Lee hexagram is to avoid stereotypical behavior. From the point of view of any strategy, it obviously predicts failure, because it is too predictable. The opponent (problem) is defeated only by the one who is able to surprise even himself, and then he has every chance to take the enemy by surprise and win. Those who act according to a pattern always fall into typical traps.

walk, behavior

The actions of wise people are dictated by the mind, others, less smart - by experience, the most ignorant - by necessity, animals - by nature.
Cicero Mark Tullius




Offensive. Movement towards change. Step. Gait.

Structure Explanation

Sky above, water below. Establishing order. Definiteness of thoughts (thoughts of the masses).

The structure of both guas



In his place (odd), the wise man leaves troubles, it should be noted the desire for independence.


Out of place (odd in even position), you should hide from troubles. Moderation is the blessing of a person secluded from troubles.

THIRD YIN (even on the odd position of the row).

There is no stepping on the tiger's tail yet. Warps. The crooked one looks, the lame can walk, if they step on the Tiger's tail, danger, he will bite. It's unfortunate, but the warrior acts in the name of the ruler.


FOURTH YANG (not in place).

Stepping on the tail of the Tiger, the advent of misfortune ends safely, because QIAN is at the top, Heaven rules. Ruler position.


Impulses are justified, moving forward and higher. The main thing is not to break.


Great achievements - glory!

The main thing in gua

Ritual. Ritual observance is necessary, as is ceremonial observance in interpersonal relationships. The Yang trait rightfully occupies the second place in the sign, for the clarity of the Light, the positions indicate the correctness of the potency on the Path.

The justification of the Ruler is in the departure and arrival, but if the third level, Yin, is located on the yang position, then in such a position - a wrong step!

Divinatory Aspect

Do not deviate from traditions, observe rituals, which means commandments and vows.
The problem will resolve itself, maybe good luck in the end.
Follow the sequence and clarity, do not step on the tail of the Tiger, especially the sleeping one.
It is necessary to take time for meditation, solitude, reflection - this will bring balance, and there will be a breakthrough.
Do not hesitate, study the omens, act only in case of Higher Consent.

Correspondence with Tarot

The most basic thing in this sign is consistency, the right choice, an important choice, moderation, the wise use of one's strength. These are the Arcana of the Senior Hierarchy: Arcana 0, Jester; Arcana VIII, Justice, - following logic and law; Arcana XI, Strength, - moderate use of one's own abilities.

When in Step, LU - consistency, then calmness comes, this is accepted through the following sign: TAI, CONSISTENCY.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Public position, politics.

Don't play with fire. Do not provoke fate. Be consistent and predictable. Success in a political career is possible due to the correct behavior and the acquisition of many like-minded people. In society - to be able to subordinate feelings to the mind. Know how to wait. You may have to wait a long time, but luck will please you, even if it be late.

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

Business. Successes are small, large projects are not shown - Mercury is not very favorable. What is needed at this stage is work in the field of advertising, management.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Noisy gatherings are not shown, on the contrary, meditation classes, solitude from the world, from the hustle and bustle are shown. Reflection. Loyalty to a single lover.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Compliance with rituals and traditions will contribute to your popularity. There are few friends, but they are all true. Justice in relationships.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Acquired diseases. Possibly alcoholism.

Lee (Offensive): go, walk; path, path, road; shoes; advance, follow in the footsteps, follow..., act, practice, accomplish; behavior, manners; salary, livelihood; happiness, luck; the paths of the stars and planets. The hieroglyph depicts the legs of a walking person.

Step on the tiger's tail so that it does not bite you. Development.

This is the time to move forward, to go beyond the familiar and the familiar. You have accumulated enough strength to take the first step. Make new connections, meet people and introduce them to each other. Your efforts will bear generous fruit. Be like an experienced military leader who can personally make decisions and organize his subordinates to follow him. The path is open if knowledge is accompanied by action. But you must move carefully and prudently so as not to lose what you have achieved even in adverse circumstances. Stay focused and don't lose sight of your goal. Awareness of the right path will help to avoid danger.

The reaction to the beginning of the limitation from outside is the next moment - when the most insignificant forces of newly acquired significance begin their positive advance. All the past - and in this sense, the external - is opposed in its usual and therefore destructive for the new knowledge of persuasiveness. Therefore, the latter, in his coming forward, is in danger of being defeated. To avoid it, it is necessary here to support the new idea from the moral side, from the side of meek friendliness - the quality symbolized in the lower, inner trigram “permission”, - only then is it possible for a new cognition to attack the external intense forces. And this attack can and must always be so careful and gentle that the one who launches it in the most terrible circumstances will not suffer. At the same time, the cognitive ability is directed to the final truth, from which all random shades arising from a negligent attitude towards it, which should lead to the next hexagram Flourishing, must be discarded.

Outer and Inner worlds: Sky and Pond

Internal joy and stimulation alternate with external struggle, marking the stages of the path traveled.

Determining your path in the world contains a hidden possibility of determining the circle of acquaintances and affections.


The small accumulates and becomes great. Awareness of this allows you to use the offensive.


Onset means no waiting.


Sky above, water below. Offensive.
A noble person distinguishes between upper and lower.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

Nine first

Primary offensive.
If you go ahead, there will be no blasphemy.

You start moving forward. Let your thoughts be pure, then the future will not bring repentance.

At the first stage of development, the process exists only as an idealiter, and therefore it is only in possibility, and not in reality. But only the transition into reality imparts pragmatism to the process, concretizing and thus individualizing it. Prior to this, the process is conceivable only as the possibility of a given action, and differs from every other idea of ​​the process only in the specificity of this, and not another action. This specificity exists so far, of course, only in general concepts, and not in material concreteness. However, it, as a plan for the future, indicates the possibility of a comfortable development of the process.

Line 2

Nine second

Walk straight along the path.
For the hermit, stamina is fortunate.

You pave the way, expanding and leveling it. This requires a lot of effort, but should not discourage you. Your mind, like a hermit in solitude, does not need recognition from other people.

The main reason for the onset is dissatisfaction with what a person has. From striving for it, a person passes to overcoming obstacles and to a real offensive. At the same time, at this stage, the simplest offensive as such, which is still devoid of any individual coloring, is no longer enough. Here it is already concretized by a certain object of attack. However, such individualization plays only a relative role, because excessive individualization threatens to be separated from the environment and, therefore, to perish. On the contrary, balance, expressed already in the (second - central) position itself - the balance between old and newly acquired knowledge - this is what is especially needed here. The achievement of such tranquility should give a person complete satisfaction; and he does not need evaluation and recognition of his activities from the outside, by other people. It, like a hermit in solitude, continues its attack on the newly acquired knowledge.

Line 3

Six third

One-eyed can see.
Lame may come.
But if you step on the tiger's tail so that it bites, -
A warrior acts like a great sovereign.

In the offensive, one must value not only knowledge, but also action; without this, the offensive will be incomplete and one-sided. Right now you don't have enough knowledge or strength. The path is closed (misfortune). If you continue what you started, then you will become like a simple soldier acting in the place of a military leader.

In the offensive, more than anywhere else, a harmonious combination of knowledge and action is necessary. It is not enough to know the essence of the offensive, one must also know its method. It is not enough to appreciate knowledge alone, but its implementation must be even more appreciated. Without the latter, a certain inferiority and one-sidedness is obtained. It is exactly what is expressed in the images of the text. But it often happens that in such a period of crisis, people vainly talk about what truly exists, without correcting their actions with this knowledge. Because of this, even their limited knowledge is completely coarsened and becomes a dead scheme. But it is precisely such hardened people who act unsuccessfully during a crisis.

Line 4

Nine fourth

If you step on a tiger's tail, you will scream in fear, but
In the end there will be happiness.

You have met the source of power. It can be a great person or a favorable set of circumstances. Be courteous and discreet, but state your point of view vigorously and with conviction. Your goal is achievable. The way is open (happiness).

The experience of the previous crisis has as its positive result the recognition of the inferiority of one-sided development and the desire to overcome it, which is realized here. Of course, this is not done simply, and at this stage a person is still not fully aware of the correct path of his action, and therefore he is still full of fear. Exclamations of horror still escape from him, but if he completes the process of harmonization he has begun, then happiness awaits him. In this case, he will already move forward without retreating.

Line 5

Nine fifth

Decisive attack.
Be steadfast in danger.

Be determined and move forward, even if you have to part with something. You will meet with danger, the roots of which are in the past. To overcome it, you need endurance.

All the offensive experience accumulated in the previous period turns into such a force that an offensive already becomes necessary. You need to decide on it. Otherwise, a person will stop at that moment, at which conditions are especially favorable for the offensive, for cognition in practice of the true being.

Line 6

Top nine

Consider past actions, explore the best in them.
When they are repeated - the original happiness.

Look back at the path you have traveled. Basically, everything has already been achieved, and now you can recall your actions in memory to find out which ones led to success. You have reached the pinnacle of your situation. Your efforts will bear generous fruit.

In view of the danger of overdevelopment inherent in the last position, it would be unfavorable here to look for new ways. Basically, after all, everything related to the offensive has already been achieved, and, based on the acquired knowledge and skill, it is necessary to act again and again, having our previous experience before our eyes and paying attention to what led to the most favorable outcome.