Upstairs, under the ceiling, someone is not right. Course: Preparation for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, Distance course


Possible difficulties

good advice

The wind tore wet and fragrant leaves from the birches and threw them into the grass.

Before us are two homogeneous rows (wet and odorous; plucked and thrown), the members of each of them are connected by a single union and. Commas are not needed in this case.
The wind tore wet and odorous leaves from the birches and threw them into the grass.

You can make a mistake when arranging commas in the following case.
He left himself only a saber and a pipe_ and his father’s gun.
He then frowned displeasedly_ or frowned_ or pursed his lips.

Sometimes with a repeated union and (yes), or, or there is no union in front of the first member of a homogeneous series. In such cases, a comma is placed between all homogeneous members, including after the first of them.

You can make a mistake when arranging commas in the following cases.
He was respected by both friends and enemies.
He was _ though old_ but strong.

With all double unions (both ... and ...; although ..., but ... and so on), a comma is placed between homogeneous members. Before the first part of the union, it is not needed.

It is possible that in this task there may be homogeneous or heterogeneous definitions, the distinction of which often causes difficulties.

See the syntax reference for Homogeneous Definitions.

Punctuation marks with homogeneous members
A comma is placed between homogeneous members in the absence of a union.
The wind rushed through the yards, pounded on the windows, burrowed into the leaves.
Answers should be complete, clear and concise.
In some sentences, words may be repeated for greater expressiveness. A comma is also placed between them, but they are not considered homogeneous members.
She walked and walked and finally came.
And he felt sorry, sorry for his passing life.
For homogeneous members connected by coordinating unions, there are the following punctuation rules:

Cases where homogeneous members are separated by a comma

Cases where homogeneous members are not separated by a comma

With single unions, a, but, but, yes (in the sense of but).
Small spool but precious.

With single unions and, or, or, yes (in the meaning of and).
There was the sound of the forest_ and the crackling of boughs in the fire.
Inside groups of homogeneous members, connected in pairs by unions and, or, or, yes (in the meaning of and).
He walked like this in summer and winter, autumn and spring.

With repeated unions and - and, neither - neither, then - then, not that - not that, or - or, either - either, yes - yes.
Neither I nor my friend got tired.

With all double alliances: as - and, not only - but also, where - there and, as much - as far as, although - but etc.
He was respected by both friends and enemies.
Although he was old, he was strong.

A repeating union can be located in different ways relative to a number of homogeneous members. Usually the union is placed in front of each member of a homogeneous series. In this case, a comma is placed between all homogeneous members, including after the first of them:
He knew the work, and loved it, and knew how to do it.
The stars either barely burned, then disappeared, then suddenly flashed brightly in the sky.
Sometimes there is no union in front of the first member of a homogeneous series.
In such cases, a comma is also placed between all homogeneous members, including after the first of them.
He left himself only a saber, and a pipe, and his father's gun.
He then frowned with displeasure, or frowned, or pursed his lips.
In the Russian language there are many phraseological units built on the basis of a number of homogeneous members. Commas are not used in such phraseological units. Remember the main ones:

and this and that;
neither this nor that;
and so and so;

neither light nor dawn;
and hither and thither;
neither fish nor fowl;

neither day nor night;
neither give nor take;
neither back nor forth, etc.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous / non-homogeneous definitions
Homogeneous definitions connected by an allied connection are separated by commas.
To the so-called "creeping" inflation, financial, industrial, fiscal structures adapt better than to sharp jumps in the exchange rate.
In practice, it is difficult to distinguish homogeneous definitions from heterogeneous ones. The following table will help you do this.

Homogeneous definitions characterize different objects.

Red, yellow, lilac splashes tore the night sky (some splashes are red, others are yellow, etc.).

Homogeneous definitions are related to each other in a sentence in terms of meaning as cause / effect, condition / effect, specified / specified, etc.

They were opposed by an experienced, dangerous enemy (experienced, therefore dangerous - cause and effect).
He was a tired, exhausted person (the second definition clarifies, explains the first).

Definitions are homogeneous if they denote different features of the same object, characterizing it on the one hand. In this case, the union I can be inserted between the definitions.

Violent, deafening rain poured down on the steppe.

He fell into a deep, unmoving sleep.

Definitions are usually considered homogeneous if the second component is a participial phrase or a phrase based on an adjective.

Tall, sun-baked trees lined the road.
Bright, full of light glare played on the glass.

Definitions after the word being defined are considered homogeneous.

Sea waves, elastic, chilly, seemed to him like leather.

Often the question of the homogeneity of definitions (and hence the question of punctuation marks attached to them) can only be resolved by taking into account the intonation of the sentence (the speaker usually emphasizes homogeneous definitions intonation).

Insert missing punctuation marks.

Apple trees ___ cherries ___ plums are blooming.

Let's go for a walk before going to bed.

I'm going to ___ get some air.

Questions ___ exclamations ___ stories rained down with each other.

Rainy ___ dirty ___ dark autumn has come.

Zotov frowned ___ stopped writing ___ swayed in his chair.

In the evening twilight, a large ___ one-story house with a rusty iron roof and dark windows appeared.

She brought new ___ illustrated magazines from the city.

A variety of ___ undersized flowers grew in the meadow.

Guess ___ try someone else's thoughts.

He returned to Moscow on a bright ___ sunny day.

Spring ___ summer ___ autumn passed unnoticed.

Conversations became louder ___ more incoherent ___ more cheerful.

The sky seemed to be higher ___ brighter.

In the evening twilight, a large one-story house with a rusty ___ iron roof and dark windows appeared.

My friend lives in a big ___ brick house.

Waiting ___ can not wait for spring.

Grasshoppers, crickets, fiddlers and bears played their squeaky ___ monotonous music in the grass.

After warm ___ clear weather, mud came.

Masha was presented with beautiful ___ gold earrings for her sixteenth birthday.

Look ___ do not stumble.

He covered himself with a warm ___ checkered blanket and fell asleep again.

The stone broke ___ rolled and fell down.

The big city attracted with its power ___ vitality ___ bustle of continuous human flows.

I'll go ___ to find out the schedule.

Honey mushrooms were collected along the edges of a deep ___ forest ravine.

A comma is placed between homogeneous subjects ___ predicates ___ definitions ___ additions and circumstances not connected by unions.

Go ___ tell your father everything.

Her confused ___ confused speech frightened us even more.

She remembered the room with dirty wallpaper, the goose, Fyodor Timofeyevich, delicious dinners, studies, the circus, but all this now seemed to her like a long ___
confused ___ bad dream.

Sit down and write a letter to your mother.

This little ___ fluffy dog ​​is already five years old.

We came to a small ___ back street.

I'm going to ___ feed the dog.

He loved the solitude ___ silence ___ night ___ stars in the dark August sky.

I still sleep well on this sagging ___ creaky sofa.

He drank hot___ scalding tea.

I'm going ___ to see Europe.

Let's ___ take a swim.

A large ___ crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling.

Clothes lay on a chair ___ on the bed and even on the table.

Ivan was wearing a huge ___ furry hat.

Thunder was already rumbling ahead ___ right ___ left.

Children collected red ___ patterned maple leaves.

He got up ___ stretched ___ yawned and spoke in a tired voice.

With & nbsp age, she became softer ___ more accommodating ___ more tender.

Respect for the work of our ancestors ___ for their customs ___ traditions is necessary for the people.

There was a small ___ round mirror on the nightstand by the bed.

Go ___ look at the train schedule.

His smooth ___ well-groomed hands made a good impression.

The light ___ fluffy hair of the girl fluttered in the wind.

At the threshold we were met by an affectionate ___ black puppy.

Look ___ do not stumble.

Run ___ buy some bread.

I listen, listen ___ and fall asleep.

With strangers, I was either shy ___ or put on airs.

Work ___ though not difficult, but laborious.

It was said about Gogol's hero that he was neither in the city of Bogdan ___ nor in the village of Selifan.

Other owners have already grown cherries ___ or lilacs, or jasmine.

There was admiration ___ and gratitude ___ and love in this exclamation.

Hippo ___ or hippopotamus is a clumsy animal.

I have an order ___ both from the judge ___ and from all our acquaintances to reconcile you with your friend.

For a penny, he will not only ___ brother, but defame God himself.

The sentry reached the corner of ___ and turned back.

Brother promised ___ but did not come.

Not a word from my brother ___ not a breath.

The leaves in the grove turned yellow ___ and spin ___ and fly.

Come at six sharp, not earlier___ or later.

It was light ___ but dull and gray in autumn.

Old people ___ and children and adults rejoiced.

It's not raining today, although it's cloudy.

Now the sea was no longer shining all over ___, but only in a few places.

At that moment, I didn’t exactly ___ get scared, but a little shy.

Work ___ is not so much difficult ___ as laborious.

The water had long since drained into the Terek ___ and ran away ___ and dried up in the ditches.

For Alevtina Vasilievna ___, although familiar, the power of Yerofey Kuzmich was heavy.

I saw only the tops of the vines ___ and the winding edge of the opposite bank.

Liza’s eyebrows didn’t ___ frown, but trembled ...

At a glance, he is good ___ yes green.

And she lives for herself not a candle to God ___ not a damn poker.

Usually in the evening ___ if there was no rain, we went for a walk.

There is no end to this forest.

Only mallows ___ and marigolds, and twisted panych bloomed here and there in the yards.

The children returned from the forest neither alive ___ nor dead from fear.

... In your heart there is both pride ___ and direct honor.

He didn’t exactly ___ calm down, but he cheered up a little.

Upstairs, behind the ceiling, someone groans ___ or laughs.

The glow spread ___ not only over the center of the city ___ but also far around.

Pass fire ___ and water ___ and copper pipes.

Flowers are best cut in the morning ___ or in the evening.

This sentence is nominative ___ or nominal, in other words.

He is strong ___ and strong ___ and handsome with old Russian beauty.

Linen ___ and canvases and yarn are carried.

The professor immediately showed me all the necessary tools ___ both for catching butterflies ___ and for laying them out.

The days are overcast ___ but warm

A debatable question, but an important one nonetheless.

Now I will go to the North___ or the Far East.

Neither sacrifice ___ nor loss ___ nor suffering will cool the people's love.

Chilly aspen forest ___ yes a river, yes a blue forest, yes yellow fields, you are sweeter than everyone, dearer than everyone, Russian, loamy, hard land.

We study the science of sounds ___ or phonetics.

It rained ___, if not every day, then every other day.

He is not only able to betray a friend, but he will betray his own brother.

I wanted to call you ___ but I forgot.

Offend for no reason ___ about anything good person!

Grass lay ___ not only on the windowsills ___ but also on the clay floor, on the table, on the bench.

You want to eat a fish ___ and not choke on a bone.

The dog ate ___ and now lies ___ and sleeps.

All evening Lensky was absent-minded ___ silent, then cheerful again.

Our shelter is small ___ but calm.

Let's go to the Caucasus in the summer ___ or to the Crimea.

I thank you ___ not so much for the parcel ___ as for the memory and attention.

Women liked him ___ though he was ugly.

There were both old and young at the celebration.

The child calmed down ___ and sits in an armchair ___ and draws.

From the barrel on the pavement and clatter ___ and thunder ___ and dust in a column.

She is not that ___ stupid, but a little naive.

After the verb, there can be a direct ___ or an indirect object.

Such beauty! Neither in a fairy tale to say ___ nor to describe with a pen.

Mashenka was not exactly ___ offended, but somehow upset.

The dew has already fallen ___ and glitters ___ and sparkles in the sun.

He ___ is as timid with Dasha ___ as he is bold with others.

He is kind of lethargic, boring, neither this ___ nor that.

A person needs to know ___ and love ___ and protect their land.

The prefix ___ or prefix is ​​at the beginning of a word.

The fog dispersed ___ but still covered the tops of the trees.

Hoarfrost lay for a long time on the slopes of the roofs ___ and at the well, and on the railing of the balcony, and on the foliage.

Vasya was not exactly ___ scared, but a little shy.

The horse ___, if not frightened, can take this obstacle.

He _ though not scared, but wary.

They rowed this way ___ and that, but they didn’t decide anything.

The sun is shining ___ but not warm.

Without work there can be no clean ___ and joyful life.

Birds have flown in from distant countries ___ and sing ___ and chirp in the grove.

Today is Wednesday ___ not Thursday.

Cheeks are ruddy ___ and full and swarthy.

There was neither housing ___ nor people on this deserted shore.

He ___ is not so much smart ___ as cunning and dexterous in dealing with superiors.

Notebook___ or portable computer, convenient for travel.

It’s not like ___ with an alarm clock, but you can’t even wake him up with a gun.

Here I will suffer a little more ___ and run away to my mother.

Today ___ is not so hot ___ as stuffy.

___ both friends ___ and ill-wishers of the applicant came to the defense.

He passed the exam no matter ___ although he had been preparing for several months.

I wanted to translate the text ___ but I couldn't.

Only the owner remained in the room ___ yes Sergey Nikolaevich, yes Vladimir Petrovich.

All night the fire of the fire flares up ___ then goes out.

You can’t give you not only ___ knives, but also forks.

They say about such people: neither in the city of Bogdan ___ nor in the village of Selifan.

He came back tired ___ but happy.

Neither ___ nor the other brother is at all like his mother.

The boy was offended for no reason.

The wolf cannot catch up with the hare ___ or catch the mouse in the field.

The water in the river has risen ___ and is noisy ___ and breaks from the banks.

The children are already awake ___ and laughing ___ and whispering in the nursery.

Tit made glory ___ but did not light the sea.

I will come ___ if not tomorrow, then in the coming days for sure.

In the deep taiga, in the tundra ___ and in the high mountains, and on the seashore, and in the deserts parched by the heat, one can meet a tireless explorer of the bowels.

Homogeneous are two or more members of a sentence that act in the same syntactic function (i.e., play the same role in the sentence), refer to the same word and are connected to each other by a coordinating or non-union connection.

Petyaand Masha vying with each other ordered chocolate, strawberry, caramel ice cream.

In this proposal, the same

*subject to Petya and Masha

*definitions chocolate, strawberry, caramel refer to the same word ice cream.

Homogeneous members are equal. The means of communication for homogeneous members are coordinating conjunctions and enumeration intonation:

Petya loves and chocolate , and strawberry, and pistachio ice cream. - Means of communication - repeating union and.

Petya loves chocolate, strawberry, pistachio ice cream. - Means of communication - enumeration intonation.

Sometimes homogeneous members of a sentence can be connected subordinating unions(causal, concessive):

The ice cream was delicious, although cold.

Homogeneous are like main, and secondary members of the proposal; if the members of the sentence are expressed not in one word, but combination of words, parts of such members of the sentence can be homogeneous:

Petyaand Masha love ice cream.

- homogeneous subjects;

Millions of boys and girls all over the world love ice cream.

Homogeneous parts of the subject;

Day turned out to be sunny, joyful, happy.

Homogeneous parts of the predicate etc.

Homogeneous members of the proposal can be isolated and isolated sentence members, as well as individual components within separate members:

This picture was painted in a very original and even somewhat remarkable manner.

Homogeneous non-isolated definitions;

Pulling up a chair and picking up a spoon , Petya pounced on ice cream.

Homogeneous isolated circumstances etc.

Homogeneous members of a sentence may have different morphological expression:

He talked and laughed all day.

Homogeneous predicates expressed by verbs;

He was talking and laughing all day.

- predicates have different morphological expression;

We ordered vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

Homogeneous definitions, one expressed adjective, other - noun with a preposition.

Between homogeneous members of the proposal, not connected by unions, is placed

punctuation mark


Candied cherries could be added to ice cream , chocolate , waffles , sugar sprinkle.

Semicolon(common homogeneous members of a sentence are separated if there are already commas inside them)

Petya loved chocolate ice cream sprinkled with waffle crumbs; strawberry with whipped cream, topped with candied cherries; creamy, in which nuts or candied fruits are added.

Dash(to express the opposite between two homogeneous members, not related unions)

Not strawberry ice cream - chocolate was Petya's favorite.

Between homogeneous members of a sentence connected by unions, a comma

Not set

Is put

If homogeneous members are connected by connecting single unions and, yes ( in the meaning of i):

Petyaand Masha took a long time to choose which one to order.

If homogeneous members are connected by opposing unions ah but yes (meaning but) :

In the end, Petya chose not coffee, a chocolate ice cream.

If homogeneous members are connected by dividing single unions or, either :

They chose for a long time whether to order chocolate or coffee ice cream for them.

If homogeneous members are bound by a concessive union although :

He liked chocolate, albeit bitter ice cream.

If the homogeneous members of the sentence with repeated alliances form close semantic unity(usually in such cases they have explanatory words), as well as inside whole phraseological expressions:

And Petya ate a lot of ice cream in winter and summer.

If homogeneous members are connected by repeated unions:

and... and, yes... yes, neither... neither, or... or, whether... whether, or... or, that... that and etc.

Petya asked for something chocolate , then pistachio, then lemon ice cream.

If the number of homogeneous members is more than two, and the union is repeated:

When only a part of them is connected by repeated unions, and the rest by an unionless connection:

It was chocolate ice cream , strawberry, coffee, and pistachio, and lemon , and cream.

Rice. 1. Comma with homogeneous members of the sentence ()

If homogeneous members are connected paired (comparative, double) unions like ... so and, not like ... like, not only ... but also, not so much ... how much, how much ... so much, although ... but, if not ... then etc., then the comma is placed only before the second part of the union:

Petya ate Not only chocolate ice cream , but also creamy with great pleasure.

Inside comparative unions not that ... but, not that ... but (but) comma before what and to not set:

Before a difficult choice between chocolate and coffee ice cream, Petya is not exactly doubted , and thought a little.

With homogeneous members, sentences can be generalizing words. These are words with a more general meaning compared to the meaning of homogeneous members. Generalizing words are the same member of the sentence as homogeneous members. They can stand both before homogeneous members and after them.

In sentences with a generalizing word with homogeneous members of the sentence,

Rice. 2. Punctuation marks with generalizing words in sentences with homogeneous members ()


  1. Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E.M., Galaktionova I.V., Litnevskaya E.I. and others. Russian language.
  2. Barkhudarov. S.G., Kryuchkov S.E., Maksimov L.Yu., Cheshko L.A. Russian language.
  3. Lukerya spoke softly and weakly, but without stopping (I. Turgenev).
  4. Empty without a team with a lowered flag of the uprising "Potemkin" slowly moved surrounded by a close convoy of smoke (V. Kataev).
  5. He was a thinker and did not hide it (A.N. Tolstoy).
  6. Thoughts caught the artist either in the middle of the street, or in a cab, or in the midst of a conversation with friends (K. Paustovsky).
  7. To all those who asked, he gave money not so much out of kindness as out of feigned gentlemanship (A. Chekhov).
  8. Finally, I hear the speech of not a boy but a husband (A. Pushkin).
  9. Although he was close, but not the best friend (I. Goncharov).
  10. Liza's eyebrows did not frown, but trembled (I. Turgenev).

Creepy. I close the window and run to bed. I feel my pulse and, not finding it on my arm, I look for it in my temples, then in my chin and again on my arm, and all this is cold, slimy with sweat. Breathing becomes more and more frequent, the body trembles, all the insides are in motion, on the face and on the bald head there is a feeling as if a cobweb is sitting on them.

What to do? Call family? No, it doesn `t need. I don't understand what my wife and Liza will do when they come to me.

I hide my head under the pillow, close my eyes and wait, wait... My back is cold, it seems to be drawn inward, and I have such a feeling as if death will certainly come to me from behind, slowly...

- Kiwi-kiwi! - suddenly there is a squeak in the silence of the night, and I don’t know where it is: in my chest or on the street?

- Kiwi-kiwi!

My God, how scary! I would drink more water, but I'm afraid to open my eyes and I'm afraid to raise my head. My horror is unaccountable, animalistic, and I can’t understand why I’m scared: is it because I want to live, or because a new, yet unexplored pain awaits me?

Upstairs, behind the ceiling, someone is either moaning or laughing ... I listen. After a while, footsteps are heard on the stairs. Someone hurriedly goes down, then up again. A minute later steps are again heard below; someone stops at my door and listens.

- Who's there? I scream.

The door opens, I boldly open my eyes and see my wife. Her face is pale and her eyes are teary.

"Are you awake, Nikolai Stepanych?" she asks.

- What do you want?

- For God's sake, go to Lisa and look at her. Something is going on with her...

“Okay…with pleasure…” I mutter, very pleased that I’m not alone. - Okay... Right now.

I follow my wife, listen to what she says to me, and I do not understand anything from excitement. Light spots from her candle jump up the steps of the stairs, our long shadows tremble, my legs get tangled in the skirts of my dressing gown, I suffocate, and it seems to me that something is chasing me and wants to grab me by the back. “Now I will die here, on this staircase,” I think. “Now…” But then we passed the stairs, a dark corridor with an Italian window, and we enter Lisa's room. She sits on the bed in one nightgown, her bare feet dangling, and moans.

“Oh, my God… oh, my God!” she mutters, squinting at our candle. - I can't, I can't...

“Liza, my child,” I say. - What happened to you?

Seeing me, she screams and throws herself on my neck.

- My dad is kind ... - she sobs, - my dad is good ... My little one, dear ... I don’t know what’s wrong with me ... It’s hard!

She hugs me, kisses me, and babbles caressing words that I heard from her when she was still a child.

“Calm down, my child, God bless you,” I say. - Dont cry. It's hard for me myself.

I try to cover her, the wife gives her something to drink, and we both hustle around the bed; I push her shoulder with my shoulder, and at this time I remember how we used to bathe our children together.

Help her, help her! the wife pleads. - Do something!

What can I do? I can't do anything. There is some heaviness in the girl’s soul, but I don’t understand anything, I don’t know, and I can only mutter:

- Nothing, nothing ... It will pass ... Sleep, sleep ...

As if on purpose, a dog's howl was suddenly heard in our yard, at first quiet and indecisive, then loud, in two voices. I have never attached importance to such signs as the howl of dogs or the cry of owls, but now my heart is painfully compressed, and I hasten to explain this howl to myself.

“Nonsense…” I think. The influence of one organism on another. My strong nervous tension was transmitted to my wife, Lisa, the dog, that's all ... This transmission explains premonitions, foresights ... "

When I return to my room a little later to write a recipe for Lisa, I no longer think that I will die soon, but my heart is just heavy, tedious, so it’s even a pity that I didn’t die suddenly. For a long time I stand motionless in the middle of the room and think of what to write down for Lisa, but the groans behind the ceiling are silent, and I decide not to write down anything, and still I stand ...

The silence is dead, such a silence that, as some writer put it, it even rings in your ears. Time passes slowly, the stripes of moonlight on the windowsill do not change their position, as if frozen ... Dawn is not soon.

But here in the front garden the gate creaks, someone sneaks and, breaking off a branch from one of the skinny trees, gently knocks it on the window.

- Nikolai Stepanych! I hear a whisper. - Nikolai Stepanych!

I open the window, and it seems to me that I see a dream: under the window, pressed against the wall, stands a woman in a black dress, brightly lit by the moon, and looks at me with big eyes. Her face is pale, stern and fantastic from the moon, like marble, her chin is trembling.

“I am…” she says. - I ... Katya!

In the moonlight, all women's eyes seem large and black, people are taller and paler, and therefore, probably, I did not recognize her at first.

- What do you want?

“Sorry,” she says. “Suddenly, for some reason, it became unbearably hard for me ... I could not stand it and went here ... There is light in your window, and ... and I decided to knock ... Sorry ... Oh, if you only knew how hard it was for me! What are you doing now?

- Nothing ... Insomnia.

“I had some premonition. However, it's rubbish.

Her eyebrows rise, her eyes shine with tears, and her whole face lights up, as if with a light, a familiar, long-unseen expression of trust.

- Nikolai Stepanych! she says pleadingly, holding out both hands to me. - My dear, I beg you ... I beg you ... If you do not despise my friendship and respect for you, then agree to my request!

- What?

Take my money from me!

Well, here's what I came up with! What do I need your money for?

- You will go somewhere to be treated ... You need to be treated. Will you take it? Yes? Dove, right?

She eagerly peers into my face and repeats:

- Yes? Will you take it?

“No, my friend, I won’t take it,” I say. - Thanks.

She turns her back to me and bows her head. I probably refused her in a tone that prevented further talk about money.

“Go home to bed,” I say. - See you tomorrow.

"So you don't consider me your friend?" she asks dejectedly.

“I don't say that. But your money is useless to me now.

And she leaves so fast that I don't even have time to say goodbye to her.

I am in Kharkov.

Since it would be useless to struggle with my present mood, and beyond my power, I decided that the last days of my life would be impeccable, albeit from a formal point of view; if I am wrong in relation to my family, which I am well aware of, then I will try to do as they want. To go to Kharkov, so to Kharkov. Besides, lately I have become so indifferent to everything that it makes absolutely no difference to me where I go, to Kharkov, to Paris, or to Berdichev.

I arrived here at twelve o'clock in the afternoon and stayed at a hotel not far from the cathedral. In the carriage, I was sick and drafty, and now I'm sitting on the bed, holding my head and waiting for tic'a. I ought to go today to the familiar professors, but there is no desire and strength.

An old bellboy enters and asks if I have bed linen. I detain him for five minutes and ask him a few questions about Gnekker, for whose sake I have come here. The footman turns out to be a native of Kharkov, knows this city like the back of his hand, but does not remember a single house that would bear the name of Gnekker. I ask about estates - the same thing.

In the corridor the clock strikes one, then two, then three... The last months of my life, while I am waiting for death, seem to me much longer than my whole life. And never before have I been able to put up with the slowness of time so much as now. Before, when you were waiting at the train station or sitting at an exam, a quarter of an hour seemed like an eternity, but now I can sit motionless on my bed all night and think with complete indifference that tomorrow will be the same long, colorless night, and the day after tomorrow ...

1. Yermolai fired, as always, victoriously; i - pretty bad (incomplete sentence, predicate omitted; parallelism of constructions). 2. Our business is to obey, not to criticize (subject - noun in I. p., predicate - infinitive, zero link). 3. The earth below seemed like a sea, and the mountains - like huge petrified waves (incomplete sentence, ligament SIS omitted; parallelism of structures). 4. The artist's job is to resist suffering with all his strength, with all his talent (subject - noun in I. p., predicate - infinitive, zero connective). 5. I love the sky, grass, horses, most of all - the sea (the second part of a complex non-union sentence is an incomplete sentence with an omitted predicate I love). 6. When I was walking to the tram, on the way I tried to remember the face of the girl (the main part of the complex sentence is an incomplete sentence with the subject omitted I). 7. Through the black huge branches of larches - silver stars (incomplete sentence with omitted predicate visible). 8. He won’t get up soon, and will he even get up at all? (the second part of the compound sentence is an incomplete sentence with the subject omitted he; there is no pause, so there is no dash). 9. The river turned blue, and the sky turned blue (the link was omitted in the second sentence became; parallelism of constructions of complete and incomplete sentences). 10. And the color of these fields changes endlessly on the day: in the morning - one, in the evening - another, at noon - the third (in a complex sentence, the second, third and fourth parts are incomplete, elliptical (subject and adverb of time); the part of the subject is also omitted - color; parallelism of constructions of incomplete sentences). 11. Who is looking for something, and the mother is always affection (in the second part of the complex sentence, the predicate is omitted looking for). 12. A tree is expensive with fruits, and a person with deeds (the second part of the complex sentence is incomplete, the predicate is omitted roads; parallelism of constructions of complete and incomplete sentences). 13. In big people I love modesty, and in small people - my own dignity (the second part of the complex sentence is incomplete; the predicate is omitted I love and addition in people; parallelism of constructions of complete and incomplete sentences). 14. The business of the bakery was going very well, personally mine is getting worse (the second part of the complex sentence is incomplete; the subject is omitted affairs and predicate walked; parallelism of constructions of complete and incomplete sentences). 15. Turkin - further. The author - following (incomplete elliptical sentences consisting of subjects and circumstances; in oral speech there is a pause between the circumstance and the subject, in writing - a dash).

Exercise 31

1. Upstairs under the ceiling someone not that moaning, not that laughs. 2. Lukerya spoke quietly and weakly, but endless . 3. Empty, no team, with the lowered flag of rebellion The Potemkin moved slowly, surrounded by a tight convoy of smoke. 4. He was a thinker and did not hide it. 5. Usually consent or refusal Coach recognized by the look. 6. Thoughts overtook the artist then in the middle of the street then on a cab, then in the midst of a conversation with friends. 7. He gave money to everyone who asked not so much out of kindness How many of feigned gentlemanship. 8. Finally I hear a speech not a boy, but husband. 9. He was but close , but not the best friend. 10. Lisa's eyebrows Not really frown, a faltered. 11. He can talk whenever : awake, on an empty stomach, dead drunk, in a fever. 12. However, there is always a place and for the dog and for the gun and for rods. 13. There is an aspen in this forest, and Birch , and viburnum, a lot of bird cherry. 14. Sky then shrouded in white clouds then suddenly cleared in places for a moment. 15. Grushnitsky hit the table with his fist and started walking backwards and forward across the room (Lermontov). 16. Kiryuha and Vasya wandered at a distance and collected weeds for a fire and birch bark. 17. All simulated gaiety, self-control, restraint - all left Davydov at that moment. 18. She and erases, and washes floors, and accepts babies and woo, and begging. 19. Table, armchairs, chairs - all was the hardest and restless property. 20. The professor immediately showed me all the necessary tools how for catching butterflies so for unfolding them. 21. The defender did not receive an answer to his question, yes and didn't feel the need for it. 22. Alexander's apartment but spacious, but not graceful and gloomy. 23. In the infinite, in the free space, noise and movement, noise and thunder. 24. In a serious silence, only Chapaev's authoritative voice was heard, Yes whistles, Yes snores of sleeping soldiers. 25. I or sob, or I'll scream or I will faint. 26. These words did not seem to threaten nobody : neither her , neither running after him and overtaking her people, neither factory director, neither Savchuk. 27. Others colors: forget-me-nots, buttercups, porridge, cat's paws - were not here. 28. Tatyana in the short table of contents finds in alphabetical order the words: forest , storm , witch , spruce , hedgehog , meadow , bridge , bear , blizzard and other . 29. From the house, from the trees, from the dovecote and galleries - from everything long shadows ran far away. 30. Hope and hatred - both disappeared at once. 31. Dogs, horses, chickens - all wet, dull, timid. 32. In the mornings in our hut it was not that smoky, a somehow creepy. 33. I could never see indifferently Not only cut groves, but even the fall of one large felled tree. 34. River how stood , so costs . 35. No one will get away from Protopopov's criticism neither warm neither cold . 36. He neither man, neither master, neither fish neither meat .

Exercise 36

1. In order to lecture well, that is, not boring and for the benefit of the audience, you need, in addition to talent, to have skill and experience. 2. Almost all young fish, especially some of the not very large breeds, are so beautiful, or, rather, so pretty, frisky and clean, that the people in southern Russia use the word "fish" as a word of affection, tenderness. 3. In addition to the hostess, I found four more guests, officials, in the dining room. One of them, an old man without a mustache and with gray whiskers, who looked like the playwright Ibsen, turned out to be a junior doctor in the infirmary. 4. The scattered inhabitants of the capital are unaware of many of the impressions so familiar to the inhabitants of the countryside and city, for example, of waiting for the postal day. 5. On a farm, three miles from the village of Solomennaya, the scouts left their horses and went on foot. 6. In the Crimea, in Miskhor, last summer I made an amazing discovery. 7. About ten steps from the entrance to the tunnel, near the highway, stood a lonely house. 8. We set off and wandered for a long time, until the evening. 9. The next day, with five Yakuts, I crossed the Lena, that is, through the narrow channels that separated countless islands. 10. The ringed seal, or seal, is one of the pinnipeds. 11. Narrow, for one cart, the road wound like a snake. 12. Both had orders for military unit 113, that is, for the group of our troops stationed in Mongolia. 13. In fruitful, or mushroom, years, mushrooms often come across in bunches, families, even grow in twins. 14. The admiral decided to stop on the Cape Verde Islands, five hundred miles from the African mainland, and precisely on the island of S. Yago. 15. His profession was the most peaceful - a teacher. 16. Art, together with speech, is one of the tools of communication, and therefore of progress, that is, the movement forward of mankind towards perfection. 17. In this respect, even one important event happened to them, namely, Kitty's meeting with Vronsky. 18. Sometimes you want to do something - read. 19. The Germans pretty much damaged the Popovs' garden, especially the cherry trees. 20. The loud cry of them [swans] and the muffled cackle, very different from the goose, were heard by all the hunters, including myself. 21. Senior navigator Truk served on a battleship in his direct specialty, that is, he was in charge of the ship's shop, conducted inquiries, went to meet the chefs. 22. He then turned six years old, and not just turned out, but turned out exactly on that day - May 1. 23. Bazarov lives as a bobyl and dies as a bobyl, and, moreover, as a useless bobyl ... 24. This feeling bothered him, especially in the first weeks of command. 25. But don’t you think that if everyone, including the best people, thinkers and great scientists, participating in the struggle for existence, each for himself begins to spend time breaking rubble and painting roofs, then this can threaten progress with a serious danger? 26. In addition, he was not averse to admiring himself and his voice, which is characteristic of very young, especially beautiful, people who, even when completely alone, constantly imagine that someone is looking at them with curiosity, and behave exactly on stage . 27. Go home, and, moreover, quickly. 28. Nikon was constantly angry with these two, and especially with the long, red-haired, cat-eyed Kolka, whom he called only Kolchaga. 29. It was incredible that one person, and even with a heavy suitcase, decided to go skiing on such a long journey. 30. I galloped for so many miles, but in such weather. 31. Already in the Caucasus, I learned, and then not from the captain, that he was seriously wounded four times ... 32. There is a lot of nobility in people, a lot of love, selflessness, especially in women. 33. The most backward of the partisans, including the commanders of the detachment, became agitated and made noise. 34. He remained the same as before - calm, hardworking, modest. 35. Lisa, along with everyone else, had to look for a job. 36. In addition, quite unexpectedly, other circumstances that greatly favored the defendant also came to light. 37. During this lesson, it turned out that everyone on the boat, with the exception of only Sizov and Zhadan, was older than their commander. 38. No one lived in Panya Kozlovskaya's apartment, except for her and her son, infantry lieutenant Romuald. 39. This extensive work was interesting in that, in addition to a general description of each region, its rivers and lakes, soil, climate, flora and fauna, historical destinies, life and culture, crafts and occupations of the population, it also described in detail not only all the cities, down to the most insignificant, "out of the ordinary", but even all the villages and villages. 40. But we did not see anything but rusty swamp water, rotten bushes and sedge. 41. In addition, the picnic promised to be very entertaining. 42. The summary, with rare exceptions, corresponded to what was planned to be. 43. In a word, instead of teaching, Styopa had to be on the premises. 44. In the wardroom, almost no one talked with the baron, except for official business, and he was somehow a stranger in the friendly family of officers of the Mighty. 45. It seemed to him that all children, with rare exceptions, are similar to each other. 46. ​​In addition to our usual regular meetings, from time to time so-called weekends, or large “Wednesdays”, were arranged, to which many people gathered. 47. Instead of answering, he leaned the motor back on himself so that the propeller came out - while water flowed from the cooler. 48. He had a habit of saying "you" to all his subordinates, including people older than himself in age. 49. So, in addition to the commander, the ship's doctor, mechanical engineer, artillery lieutenants, navigators and political workers met me. 50. They went to see this place, but instead they found a huge new cargo port. 51. The car stopped. Now, besides the rooks, human voices were heard. 52. I really liked the story, with the exception of some details. 53. The count wrote a will, according to which he gave all his estate, in addition to the direct heirs and us, to Pierre. 54. No one, except for her valet, saw him without powder. 55. The doctor in a hurry, instead of twelve drops, poured forty. 56. The soil of the Sudan Valley, with the exception of only the swamps at the mouth of the river, is extremely fertile. 57. The general assembly of the regiment was scheduled for ten o'clock, but not a single company commander, with the exception of Stelkovsky, had the idea to let people sleep and rest before the show. 58. Everyone, with the exception of the commissioner, was doing well, and there was only talk about being discharged [from the hospital]. 59. The mood of the crew, beyond usual, was upbeat.

Exercise 37

1. Her eyes, sometimes wide open and bright and joyful, like day, sometimes half-covered with eyelashes and deep and dark, like night, stood before his eyes. 2. Turgenev, like perhaps no other Russian writer, is suitable for the title of master. 3. Kupfer, as one of the stewards, with a white bow on the cuff of his tailcoat, fussed and fussed with all his might. 4. The dense foliage covered with hoarfrost was picturesque: yellow, purple, red, like blood, it was pleasing to the eye. 5. She both holds and moves as if magnetized, like a somnambulist. 6. He, as a “fatal” person, had to throw out some unusual thing. 7. None of the writers makes noise and shimmers on the pages of such festive seas as Green's. 8. Most people know Bunin mainly as a prose writer. 9. She is all petrified. 10. His mobile face, like that of an actor, became cheerful again. 11. To meet me, clean and clear, as if also washed by the morning coolness, the sounds of a bell came. 12. Sometimes it seemed that it was about to rain; but the outstretched hand did not feel anything, but, looking at the sleeve of the dress, one could notice traces of tiny drops, like the smallest beads. 13. Pulse like a hammer and hands cold. 14. There was a fine, hard snow, pricking the face, like needles. 15. She's just like a child. 16. If not for death, then perhaps A. Green would have entered the ranks of our literature as one of the most original writers who organically merged realism with free and bold imagination. 17. The moon rose crimson and gloomy, as if sick. 18. Sometimes you shoot a hare, you hurt him, and he screams like a child. 19. Panteleimon sits on the goats, stretching forward straight, like wooden hands. 20. But precisely because Alexandra Gavrilovna gets excited, she loses more often than her husband. 21. Cities are like magnets. 22. The traitors have sunk into the water. 23. As I recall the old concepts, it pours over me like a brew. 24. And the whole steppe was covered with the fallen, like a swarm of black locusts. 25. As a woman, you loved your homeland. 26. Valya was called in his case as a witness. 27. She needs it just like we do. 28. It rained like a bucket. 29. Since the pre-war times, I have been following you as an ordinary moviegoer and appreciate your talent. 30. I speak like a writer. I am used to looking at literature as a revolutionary thing. 31. And this little story is nothing but fragmentary memories of those days of happy closeness to them. 32. It was evident that he sought to get away from this large gray building as soon as possible. 33. But in front of him was none other than Aigle, a well-known collector of songs, legends, traditions and fairy tales, traveling on foot. 34. Days, like streams, run into a foggy river. 35. Gentlemen, I think that you, like all decent people, have been in love at least once during your life. 36. Oil smells as strong as in the church. 37. To Moscow, as well as to the whole country, I feel my sonship, as to an old nanny. 38. I see, as now, the owner himself. 39. She has now become again slender and thin, as before. 40. I looked at her like a fool. 41. We treated Vanya like our own person. 42. The robber ripped off the peasant like a sticky. 43. After all, she lived with a paramedic like a cat with a dog. 44. I answered him as best I could. 45. Like a telegram, the earth flies, the fields ring with an even ringing. 46. ​​Vera Pavlovna was constantly in the workshop, and they already managed to get to know her closely as a prudent, prudent, reasonable woman. 47. Urbenin and the Pole, like heavy people, preferred to wait for us below, on the road. 48. He was afraid of familiarity like fire and kept himself very dry. 49. From the blood of the dead, like a wound, the sunset was baked. 50. Like a snow maiden, the night outside the window is good. 51. Chichikov as an acquirer no less, if not more, Pechorin is a hero of our time. 52. She was, like the smallest, the favorite of her father. 53. Vasenda, as a positive and practical person, found a fixed place unprofitable.

Exercise 38

1. It seemed- "uncertainty, assumption"; at least- “assessment of the measure, the degree of what is being said”; stands out together with a separate turnover, because it stands at the end of this turnover (in his language at least). 2. Apparently- "uncertainty, assumption." 3. Really- credibility, certainty. four. Against- "the order of thoughts, their connection." 5. As usual- “the degree of commonness of the stated facts”; the introductory sentence is isolated on both sides, since it stands in the middle of a separate member of the sentence (exciting, as usual, in the kids amazement). 6. You see- "attracting the attention of the interlocutor." 7. How did he express- "message source". eight. you understand- "to attract attention". 9. To our indescribable joy- “feeling of joy, approval.” ten. According to Yermolai- "message source". eleven. According to you, according to me- "message source". 12. For example- "the order of thoughts, their connection." 13. So to speak- “evaluation of style, manner of speech”. fourteen. According to ancient order- “the degree of commonness of the stated facts”. fifteen. Luckily- “feeling of joy, satisfaction”. 16. In my opinion- "message source". 17. Word the dash is placed because the introductory word is preceded by homogeneous members ( common sense, firmness and freedom, participation), and after it - a generalizing word ( all the virtues). 18. Of course- credibility, certainty. 19. To be honest- "assessment of style, manner of speech, way of presentation and design of thought." twenty. Consequently- "the order of thoughts, their connection."

Exercise 39

1. Realizing the vastness of his talent, Mayakovsky, but(an introductory word in the meaning of “the order of thoughts, their connection”), strove to always be in the “bucha of life”. Some of the poet's predictions now seem naive, but(conjunction in the meaning of "but") they do not lose their charm. 2. Tsvetaeva never tried to hide from life, against(an introductory word meaning "the order of thoughts, their connection"), she wanted to live with people. The gymnasium where I studied was located against Cathedral of Christ the Savior. 3. Yes, by the way(an introductory word in the meaning of "evaluation of style, manner of speech, way of presenting and shaping thoughts"; can be replaced - by the way), he is easy to remember. He couldn't bow by the way, pat on time. 4. In the thin twilight of a summer night, her face it seemed paler and younger Small pink clouds, it seemed(an introductory word in the meaning of "uncertainty, assumption"), did not float past, but went into the very depths of the sky. 5. Here, they say(introductory word in the meaning of "message source"), give points. At the next table they say about gold. 6. And if this is not the case, then means(an introductory word in the meaning of “the order of thoughts, their connection”), there is nothing. Remembering what it is means, Kashtanka jumped up on a chair. 7. He now has no one to talk to word. My uncle replaced my father, raised me at his own expense, and, word(an introductory word in the meaning of “the order of thoughts, their connection”), did for me what my own father would not always do. 8. No, friends, it can be a hundred times worse, this exactly I know. Potugin, exactly(an introductory word in the meaning of "confidence"), and loved and knew how to speak. 9. It happens, but it happens vice versa. Instead of slowing down, he vice versa(an introductory word in the meaning of “the order of thoughts, their connection”), stood on the goats and desperately twisted the whip. 10. There will come a time when everything will change In your, will live In your, and then you will become obsolete, people will be born who will be better than you. [Tuzenbach:] In your(introductory word in the meaning of "message source"), do not even dream of happiness! But if I'm happy! 11. At first glance at his face It was obviously that he has no permanent employment. The path we were on was rocky, wet and, obviously(an introductory word in the meaning of "uncertainty, assumption"), was a bed of a dried-up rivulet. 12. Balyasnikov made a bold speech in which by the way said I was arrogant. Moral women, strict judges and, by the way by the way), Nil Andreevich criticized her aloud. 13. Truth and the fact that until now he had never happened to go on business. "AND truth(an introductory word in the meaning of “reliability, confidence”), disgusting on your part,” Valya said, proudly raising her upper lip, “when you returned, and did not go in.” fourteen. It is seen(an introductory word in the meaning of “assumption, uncertainty”), such a passage was not expected from me and no order was given to me. It is seen it was that Paul's words made a deep impression on them. 15. Their patterned edges, fluffy and light, like cotton, slowly but apparently changed. Apparently(an introductory word meaning "guess, uncertainty"), you will have to start by studying these documents. 16. My wound healed slowly; but actually(a particle in the meaning of "directly") I had no bad feeling against my father. Here, actually(introductory word in the meaning of "relationship to style, manner of speech"; can be replaced as a matter of fact), and the story, and its plot is not wise. 17. At present, conscientious and gifted popularizers at least(meaning "no less than") are as necessary as original thinkers and independent researchers. I feel like everyone is working at least(an introductory word in the meaning of “relation to the thought expressed”; the introductory word is at the beginning of a separate member and stands out with it) the majority will take up arms if necessary. eighteen. One side silent distant mountains, on the other hand the sound of the nearby sea. AND, on the other hand(an introductory word in the meaning of "the order of thoughts, their connection"), Kirsanov withstood his role with the same impeccable artistry. 19. Energy comes from somewhere, and, most importantly (an introductory word in the meaning of “the order of thoughts, their connection”), you do not feel tired. She could not remember her nightly thoughts, but main left of them and filled her being with that "something" that was, should be happiness. twenty. Finally the path was found, and we cheerfully went on. Sitting down somewhere on a mound in the steppe, or on a hillock above the river, or, finally (an introductory word meaning “the order of thoughts, their connection”), on a well-known cliff, the blind man listened only to the rustle of leaves and the whisper of grass or the indefinite sighs of the wind. 21. All in all(an introductory word in the meaning of "relation to style, manner of speech"; can be replaced - generally speaking), the spring turned out to be extremely protracted and not good. I made a few remarks about various little things, but all in all very much praised. 22. Perhaps from my point of view(an introductory word in the meaning of "message source"), he is not stupid. I know it's a crime if you look at things in terms of general morality .

Exercise 40

1. I must confess, it stunned me. 2. By the way copying of documents is prohibited. 3. Of course, he clearly saw that I was dissatisfied with the task, that the task seemed strange to me and, to put it mildly, ridiculous ( and connects nominal parts of predicates - seems strange and absurd, therefore it is separated from the introductory combination to put it mildly). However for some reason he couldn't tell me more than he said ( but- adversative union, can be replaced by but). 4. As I expected, there was nothing in the folder but documents. My first impulse was to shove this whole pile of papers on the table, but I, of course, caught up in time. 5. However, it must be said, in my attitude to theorists I am not original. Luckily, I rarely have to deal with people of this profession. 6. coming out, the chief is mainly interested in a certain Tristan. For his sake, he got up today at an unbearable early hour and did not hesitate to pick up Elephant from bed, who, as is known, goes to bed with roosters. 7. But I am his, perhaps, remember! Everyone called him (except Komov, certainly) Lyovushka-ryovushka, or just Ryovushka but not because of course that he was a crybaby, but because his voice was loud, roaring. 8. This, most likely, does not concern me. But I have to know where can he go? To my mind, it is obscene to go to my mother in such a state. He doesn't look like a jerk more precisely- should not be similar. Teacher? Mentor? It is possible. This is quite likely. 9. Since the boss did not explain to me why it is necessary to look for Abalkin, means, it does not matter. And then I realized one more thing. Or rather did not understand, but felt. And more precisely- suspected. All this abundance of papers, all this yellowed scribbling will give me nothing but, may be, a few more names and a huge number of questions, having norelation to business. 10. Most of the papers were documents written, as I understand, by the hand of Abalkin himself. Firstly, it was a report on participation in the operation "Dead World" on the planet Hope. Secondly, there was another document in the folder - transaction report for planet Giant. Operation, however, was, in my opinion, trifling. eleven. How it seemed to me, this material was completely useless for me. Write reports like this pure pleasure, read them, usually,- sheer torment. 12. I'm not a psychologist, anyway- not a professional, but I thought that, may be, I will be able to extract from these reports something useful about the personality of Lev Abalkin.

Exercise 41

1. By the way, rumors about the scholarship of university watchmen are greatly exaggerated ( by the way- “evaluation of style, manner of speech”). Truth, Nikolai knows more than a hundred Latin names ... but, for example, the uncomplicated theory of blood circulation for him is now as obscure as it was twenty years ago ( truth- "confidence, reliability"; for example- “the order of thoughts, their connection”; but connects parts of a compound sentence and is not related to the introductory word: Nicholas knows, but the theory is dark). 2. A painter helps me, or, what he calls himself, painting contractor (what he calls himself- "message source"; or in the meaning "that is" refers to a separate application with an explanatory meaning ( painter, or painting contractor) and is separated from the introductory sentence by a comma). 3. And this Greek teacher, this man in the case, can you imagine almost got married can you imagine- "attracting the attention of the interlocutor"). four. To my mind, the best thing you can do is to leave the medical faculty altogether ( to my mind- "message source"; in front of the pointer this is relating to the predicate, put a dash). If you fail to pass the exam, then obviously, you have neither the desire nor the vocation to be a doctor ( obviously- "Assumption, uncertainty"; no no...- a repeating union connecting homogeneous members). But immediately I feel sorry for him, and I hasten to say: However, as you know ( however- "admission"). So, read a little more and come ( so- “the order of thoughts, their connection”). 5. I probably don’t know, but, seems, all this trick was deliberate, a not improvised (seems- “uncertainty, assumption”). 6. Among birds, insects, in dry grass - word, everywhere, even in the air, the approach of autumn was felt ( word- "assessment of style, manner of speech, way of presentation and design of thought"; the introductory word stands after homogeneous circumstances before the generalizing word everywhere, so a dash is placed before the introductory word). 7. I will drive around the city, by the way, and buy cigars ( by the way- circumstance of the mode of action). eight. By the way he was remarkably handsome by the way- "assessment of style, manner of speech"; can be replaced with a combination by the way). 9. The greasy cap with which Bredyuk, it seems, did not part even in a dream, was pulled over her forehead ( it seems- “guess, assumption”). 10. He was really interested in philosophy ( Indeed in the meaning of "really" is not an introductory word). 11. Housekeeper, at least, does not shave his beard, but this one, on the contrary, shaved and, it seemed, quite rare ( at least- “assessment of the measure, the degree of what is being said”; on the contrary- “the order of thoughts, their connection”; it seemed- “guessing, uncertainty”). 12. In the strict sense, a man with ten, of course including me, were not worth this appointment due to lack of sufficient knowledge and youth ( of course- "confidence, reliability"; stands at the beginning of a separate turnover, therefore it stands out together with it). 13. Someone ran past fortunately not noticing us (fortunately- "joy, approval"; stands at the beginning of a separate definition, therefore it stands out together with it). 14. His literary works, need to say quite successful brought him fame need to say- "assumption" and "assessment of the manner of speech, the way of formulating thoughts"; stands at the beginning of a separate definition and stands out together with it). 15. From the next room, apparently dining room, the living room was separated by an arch, curtained heavy curtain (apparently- "assumption"; stands at the beginning of a separate addition with a clarifying and explanatory meaning and stands out along with it). 16. Misfortune did not change him at all, but on the contrary, he became even stronger and more energetic ( against a is not separated from the introductory word by a comma, since the introductory word without a union cannot be removed from the sentence, it is impossible: misfortune did not change, but he became stronger and more energetic). 17. We know and it became, we believe that fairy tales come true and we visit Venus, may be, still destined ( that is- “the order of thoughts, their connection”; union a is not separated from the introductory construction by a comma, since the introductory construction without a union cannot be removed from the sentence, it is impossible: we know, but we believe; may be- “guessing, uncertainty”). 18. And Pyotr Petrovich, at least in many ways, a very respectable person ( at least- “assessment of the measure, the degree of what is being said”; stands at the beginning of a separate turnover with an explanatory and connecting meaning, therefore it stands out together with it). 19. At least twenty times and, seems, for no particularly important reasons, he ran down to the sledge in one coat and ran up again ( at least has the value "at least" and is not introductory; seems- “guessing, uncertainty”). 20. Terenty made his living doing minor plumbing work; but, firstly there was little work, and, Secondly, urgent matters took a lot of time ( Firstly Secondly- “the order of thoughts, their connection”; conjunctions but, and connect parts of a compound sentence and are not related to introductory words, cf .: Terenty made his living with petty work, but there was little work, and things took up a lot of time.). 21. For them, he is a hero, eh, confess say, I imagine heroes differently ( confess say- "assessment of the manner of speech, the way of designing thoughts"; union a connects parts of a compound sentence and has nothing to do with the introductory construction, cf .: For them, he is a hero, but I imagine heroes differently.). 22. Not a year, but, may be, Ivan Georgievich lived ten years in one night ( may be- "uncertainty, assumption"; the union a connects homogeneous members and has nothing to do with the introductory construction, cf .: Not a year, but ten years, Ivan Georgievich lived in one night).