English lesson plans for elementary grades. Lesson planning in English

List of topics:

  1. Hello! What is your name? My name is…
  2. school items. colors.
  3. Numbers 1-6 Letters Aa, Bb.
  4. Animals. toys. Letters: Cc,Dd.
  5. How old are you?Numbers1-10 Letters: Ee, Ff.
  6. My Family (My Family) Letters: Gg,Hh.
  7. Adjectives: happy-sad, tall-short, little-big. Letters: II, Jj.
  8. Adjectives: happy-sad, tall-short, little-big. LettersKk,Ll. revision letters.
  9. Clothing Letters:Mm,Nn.
  10. I have a|an…. Letters: Oh,Pp.
  11. Prepositions. Furniture.Room. Letters: Qq,Rr.
  12. Parts of the body Letters: Ss,Tt.
  13. shapes. Letters: Uu, Vv.
  14. food. Numbers: 11-20. Letters: Ww, Xx.
  1. English Alphabet.
  2. Reading i.
  3. The ABC. Reading i.
  4. Reading A. In the kingdom of the letter "A".
  5. Reading I, A.
  6. Reading O.
  7. Reading E. Secrets of reading the letter Ee.
  8. Reading U. Secrets of reading the letter U.
  9. Reading ey, ey, oy. Secrets of reading letter combinations ay, ey, oy.
  10. There is (There's) a ...; Is there a ...? Yes, there is / No, there is not (isn't).
  11. Is there a…? Yes, there is / No, there is not (isn't). Prepositions.
  12. numbers. What time is it now?
  13. numbers. What time is it now?

You can find out the correct pronunciation of certain English words on the website transkriptsiya247.ru

Lesson development example:

Hello! What is your name? My name is…”


  • familiarization of students with the new subject "English", as well as with the teaching materials (textbook and workbook);
  • familiarization with the speech sample What is your name? My name is ... and practicing it in oral speech; introduction of the words hello, goodbye;
  • teaching children how to greet each other, get to know each other and say goodbye in English;
  • learn to understand the teacher's commands in English and perform the appropriate actions: stand up, sit down, raise your hand, put your hand down, take your book, show me your exercise-book, give me your book, dance, clap your hands, open the door, close the door.


  • contribute to the development of children's speech abilities, as well as comprehension skills
  • classroom expressions in the teacher's speech;
  • promote the development of mental processes (memory, thinking, imagination, attention).

Educational: - education of the personality of the child;

  • formation of positive motivation for learning English;
  • familiarization with a new social experience;
  • formation of skills and abilities of intellectual work;
  • fostering respect for the culture of the countries of the studied language and their own culture.

Equipment: textbook, computer, screen, multimedia projector, presentation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Teacher (T): Good morning, girls and boys! I'm very glad to see you! Sit down, please. (showing

gesture to sit down).
T: Hello kids. My name is Svetlana Nikolaevna. I will study English with you. Today we are going on a journey through the country of the English language, we will find out why we need to learn English. On our journey, we will go on a large beautiful ship called "Way Ahead". (Textbook presentation)

T: What country do we live in? . Pupil (P): In Kazakhstan.
T: That's right, that's where we go on a long cruise through the land of the English language. What language do people speak in our country? What language do you speak in your family?
P: In Kazakh and Russian.
T: That's right, the main language for people living in Kazakhstan is the Kazakh language, Russian is the language of interethnic communication. But there are many countries where people speak other languages. What countries do you know? What languages ​​are spoken in these countries?

T: Well done! And now look at the map, I will show you the countries that we will definitely meet during our trip. In these countries people speak English. (Presentation). These are the UK, Northern Ireland, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

(The teacher shows the countries, paying attention to the flags and capitals).

T: Guys, do any of you know what fairy tale characters speak English?

(Presentation, slides) P: Piglet, Winnie the Pooh, Alice, Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Mickey Mouse...

T: Why do you think we need to learn a foreign language? P:…

T: That's right, if we know a foreign language, we can communicate with people from other countries, get to know the country where they speak English better, its life, culture, we can travel around this country. Over the past two hundred years, English has become the most widely spoken language in the world: More than 50 million of your peers from all over the planet start learning English every year. For 350 million people, English is their mother tongue.

80% of all information on the World Wide Web is stored in English. Over 100 million people speak English as a foreign language. In general, guys, English is very important and necessary for us. English will help you in your future profession. If you learn to speak and read English, you will be able to find out what is written on boxes and things.

But in order to speak English correctly and beautifully, you need to study hard and conscientiously in the classroom and at home. And for this, each of you has two assistants: a textbook and a workbook. I hope you enjoy the new subject and enjoy learning English. Do you listen to English songs, hear English words on TV, what English words do you know?

II. Introduction to the speech pattern What is your name? My name is ... and practicing it in oral speech; introduction of the words hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, goodbye.

T: A tongue lives in our mouth, in English Mr Tongue, he lives in a house, our mouth is his cozy house, our mouth is a fence. When Mr Tongue gets up, he looks out the window and rejoices when the weather is good: ,, then he cleans the house, knocks out the dust, like this: [d], [d]. Good work: Good.

And then Mr Tongue rings the bell ,,. Let's show how he looks out the window and enjoys the weather: ,, how he knocks out the dust: [d],[d], how he rings the bell: ,,.

And now, when all the neighbors have come, Mr Tongue greets: Good morning! (Pronounce the sounds clearly, the whole expression is very slow).

Children continue to learn to say hello.
If you meet after dinner you will say to each other: Good afternoon.

T-PS If you meet in the evening you will say to each other: Good evening.

T: Now let's play an interesting game. Now Ilyas will turn away, and one of the guys will “knock on his door” and say: Good morning! I wonder if Ilyas will guess who it is?

P1: Good morning, Ilias!
Ilias: Good morning Lena!
All children must take part in the game.

And now I will tell you one story that happened to children like you.
Tricky, Tom, Tim and Alice love to walk in the park. An impatient Tricky usually walks ahead and whistles [w]-[w]-[w]-[w]-[w] (I suggest that the children round and stretch their lips a little, as if they are going to whistle or blow out a candle). When he sees an unusual cloud, he stops and admires ---- / --. Sad Tim stops nearby and sighs: [t] - [t] - [t] - [t] - [t] (I draw the attention of the children that when pronouncing the sound [t], the tip of the tongue must be placed on the tubercles above the upper teeth). Forest echo spreads: --.

Bees and bumblebees fly around, collecting pollen from flowers: ----. Cheerful fat man Tom, catching up with friends, hears: --. Swift dragonflies cut through the air: --. To make it more fun to walk, Tom mutters: [n]-[n]-[n]-[n]-[n] / [m]-[m]-[m]-[m]-[m] children that when pronouncing the sound [n], the tip of the tongue must also be placed on the tubercles above the upper teeth). Alice stared at the big beautiful butterflies and lagged behind her friends, she shouts to them: ----. The friends heard a mischievous echo: ---- and stopped to wait for Tom and Alice. And the playful echo kept repeating: - -.
P: ... (Children repeat all the sounds after the teacher).

T: And now we will again listen to the conversation between Tricky and Alice and repeat in chorus the phrases that they pronounce.
P: ... (Children repeat phrases after the announcer).

III. Consolidation of the studied material.

T: Now that you know how to meet in English, let's play a little! Stand in a circle and I will stand in the center of the circle. I will ask you a question and throw a ball. The one to whom I threw the ball should try to answer my question: What is your name? (The question is asked to each child)
P: My name is…
T: (The teacher conducts the following game: the children stand in two circles, outer and inner, facing each other, greet and ask each other a question: Hello! What is your name? and answer My name is ... Then the outer circle moves in one direction, and the inner into another, thus, the couples change and the acquaintance continues). …

IV. Listening to the teacher's commands by children.
T.: Listen to me and look at me
Stand up, please.
Sit down, please.
Raise your hand.
put your hand down.
Take your book.
Put your book down.
Take your exercise book.
Show me your exercise book.
Give me your exercise book.
thank you
-You are welcome.
Come here.
Clap your hands.
open the door. close the door.
Children perform together with the teacher, then independently.
V. Summing up the lesson.
T: Well done! So guys, it's time to finish our lesson. What new did you learn today?

In what countries do people speak English? How do English boys and girls get to know each other? (Teacher sums up the lesson)
T: And in parting, we will say goodbye to each other, see you later, which means "goodbye, see you later."

Our lesson is over. Goodbye! See you later!
PS: Goodbye! see you later!
Verse (Ezhkova L.S. Journey with Rhyme)

Hello, my friend, hello
The way to English I show.
Take the book.
Have a look.

English language. Grade 5 Lesson plans for the textbook Biboletova M.Z. and etc.

Moscow: 201 four . - 2 56 p.

The manual presents detailed scenarios for English lessons in grade 5 for teachers working on the M.Z. Biboletova and others. "Enjoy English" (Obninsk: Title). The teacher will find here everything you need to prepare for the lesson and conduct it: methodological techniques for introducing new material and consolidating what has been learned, questions for conversation, entertaining materials in poetic form, and much more. These lesson developments are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The publication will be useful for both beginners and teachers with experience.

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From author 3
Thematic planning of educational material 4
Planned results 7
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3. My classroom 14
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Lesson 26
Lesson 27
Planned results 77
Lesson 28
Lesson 2 9. Event Planning 81
Lesson 30
Lesson 31
Lesson 32
Lesson 33
Lesson 34
Lesson 35
Lesson 36
Lesson 37
Lesson 38
Lesson 39
Lesson 40
Lesson 41
Lesson 4 2. Home reading lesson No. 2 112
Lessons 4 3, 4 4. Test No. 2 113
Lesson 4 5. We are going to travel quiz 114
Lesson 46
Planned results 119
Lesson 47
Lesson 4 8. The definite article 122
Lesson 49
Lesson 50
Lesson 5 1. London Landmarks 132
Lesson 52
Lesson 53
Lesson 54
Lesson 55
Lesson 56
Lesson 57
Lesson 5 8. Exploring the sights of London 151
Lesson 59
Lesson 6 0. Getting to know English participles 156
Lesson 6 1. Bag of chips 159
Lesson 6 2
Lesson 6 3. Learning to use the new tense 163
Lesson 64
Lesson 65
Lesson 66
Lesson 67
Lesson 6 8. Household duties 178
Lesson 69
Lesson 70
Lesson 71
Lesson 72
Lessons 73, 74
Lesson 75
Lesson 76
Planned results 198
Lesson 7 7. Interview 199
Lesson 78
Lesson 79
Lesson 80
Lesson 81
Lesson 82
Lesson 83
Lesson 84
Lesson 85
Lesson 86 223
Lesson 87
Lesson 88
Lesson 89
Lesson 90 234
Lesson 91
Lesson 92
Lesson 93
Lesson 94
Lessons 95, 96
Lessons 97, 98
Lesson 99
Lesson 100
Lessons 101, 102 Reserve 252



Theme of the lesson: Wild life

The aim of the lesson: Zhanuarlar alemi takyryby boyinsha

okushylardyn bilimin tekseru

Tabigatty syuge tarbieleu

Este saktau kabiletin damytu

Methods and : Surak-zhauap

type: bіlіmdі texer

Plan of the lesson:

I. Org . moment


Good morning girl's and boy's!How are you?I'm glad to see you!Who is on duty today?

What month is it now?What season is it now?What date is it today?Who is absent?Thank you!Sit down please!

Today we are going to learn new theme, to learn new words, to do some exercise, to checking up your home work, answer the question, read and translate, work in groups.

phonetic drill

[r] right

Wrong- That's wrong

Is it right? Is it wrong?

It is right. It is wrong

Who is right? Who is wrong?

Pete is right. Pete is wrong.

To check up home work:

What was your homework?Are you ready?.

Do you understand me? Well, let's begin!

II. Presentation new theme:

Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson

Our theme in our lesson is “Wildlife”.

III. Bilimdi texer

1. Otken lexicalyq sozderge dictation to jaz

2. suraқ-zhauap zhұmysy

Do you have a dog?

Do you have a cat?

Do people in Kazakhstan hunt foxes?

Do people in Kazakhstan have “dog fighting” sport?

3 .Grammardanbilimintexer

1. If I were a bird, I fly home

to the UK for holidays.

2. If I had got enough money I

    could go

  1. could have gone

get better grades.

3. If I were good at languages ​​I

a) might

her / him.

4. If I had heard of my friend's problem, I.----------

    I might help

    I might have helped

    I may help

5. Asel says: "I don't remember where I" ve left my key to my flat.
1 think I it on my desk at school, I"m sure".

    must have left

    might have left

    should have left

IVhome work

English Lesson Plans

(according to the textbook by O.V. Afanasiev, I.V. Mikheev)

Grade 7 (third year of study)

unit 1. Traveling in Russia and Abroad

Step 1

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

To acquaint students with a new educational and methodical set, its structure.

Tell about the content and features of the educational process in the new academic year.

Repeat and reinforce, activating the grammatical structures covered last year in speech.

Introduce new lexical material, linking it with repeated grammatical material.

Practice reading, speaking and listening skills.

To train students in the correct articulation and possession of speech intonation.


Photos, illustrations, pictures related to the topic "Attractions in Russia and abroad"

Cards with material for phonetic training.

Disk for listening to audio recordings, computer.

Charts on the board, tables with grammar material.

Phonetic material : can-could, get-got, drive-drove, put-put, swim-swam, say-said.

Lexical material : abroad, a tape, a postcard, to practice, complete.

X one lesson

  1. Greeting and organizational moment of the beginning of the lesson.

Teacher: Good morning, children. It is so nice to meet you again!

In the first lesson in the seventh grade, it is recommended to continue the traditional greeting with a short story about the work of many people, thanks to whom the new textbook has appeared. Next, you should consider (or remember) together with the students the structure of the textbook, paying attention to symbols, sections, headings, name some topics of the upcoming lessons, partially illustrating the issue of the content and some features of the educational process in the new academic year. It is necessary to report on the requirements imposed by the teacher on students as part of the process of teaching English.

Teacher: So, boys and girls, let "s start our lesson and first of all look at the topic of Unit 1 - Do It Together

  1. phonetic charging.

As a phonetic charge, you can use the names of countries from exercise 1

Oral practice of words should be preceded by the practice of vowels, which are found in exercise 1.

  1. Listening.

Phronetic exercise with vocabulary on the topic "Journey" smoothly flows into listening. Performed exercise .1. Page 3.

Teacher: Listen to the tape and use the example to answer who visited these places last summer?

  1. speaking.

The teacher talks about some famous places in London using the material on page 4, accompanied by photos and pictures of places of interest. The students are then asked to complete exercise 2.

  1. Grammar.

The teacher talks about the existence of irregular verbs in English. Exercise 4 is being worked out, with an entry in the dictionary of new verbs.

Ex. 3., ex. 7

  1. speaking.

The speech of students is being worked out in ex. 5, 6, 8, 9 using visual material.

  1. Explanation of homework.

Exercise 11

Exercise 12. make 10 sentences according to the model of what the guys will do next summer and 5 what they did last summer using the learned forms of irregular verbs.

  1. Summing up the lesson, grading.

Teacher: It was so nice to see you today. I wish you success. You were attentive and active today. Thank you, the lesson is over, see you later, goobye.

Step 2

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Continue practicing the vocabulary of the first lesson

Develop students' reading, speaking and listening skills

Repeat irregular verbs, help students learn new aspects of this section of grammar.

Work on the correct pronunciation of students.


Computer, CD for listening to audio recordings

Phonetic material: back, beach, boat, go boating, diary, fun, rain, sand, stay, terrible, trip.

Lexical material : a chil prodigy, the Middle Ages, present, past, learn, a page from.., a picture, true, false.

During the classes

Teacher: How do you do, pupils? It's high time to begin our lesson.

Phonetic exercises: practicing new words in chorus p. 13 exercise. 6. Then exercise 4 p. 12 is performed. New forms of irregular verbs are studied.

Checking homework:

Practicing new verbs smoothly turns into checking homework. Children are asked to remember which forms of irregular verbs were studied in the last lesson. Children in a chain dictate the sentences that they made at home, after which it is necessary to collect notebooks for homework.

Grammar: After the children have remembered irregular verbs, they are introduced to the new verb could. Its development begins with listening to the recording to exercise. 1. p. 11. After that, it is necessary to write down the new rule in the grammar book.

Teacher: Children, you must write down this rule in your special copybook for grammar rules. After that you must do ex. 3.

Listening: task 2 p. 12 in progress

Reading: All stages of the lesson are interconnected, so in ex. For reading, students must apply the rule of using verbs in the present simple and past simple tenses. Children perform ex. 5, 8, 9

After reading the text of ex. 8, the audio recording is turned on and the students repeat the text after the speaker.

Explanation of homework: At home, children should complete ex. 10 and ex. 11., using new learned verbs.

Teacher: Write down your home task. Do it in writing, please.

Summing up the lesson, grading:

Teacher: Thank you for your attention, goodbye, see you later.

Step 3

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Continue working on the vocabulary of the first lesson

2. Develop students' reading, speaking and listening skills

3. Repeat irregular verbs, help students learn new ones

aspects of this section of the grammar.

4. Work on the correct pronunciation of students.


Computer, CD for listening to audio recordings

Cards for practicing phonetic material

Pictures with various activities

Table for the exercise

Group times table Simple

Phonetic material : do, make, leave, go on, write, play on, swim in, stay in, have

Lexical material : swim, sandcastles, boating, the beach

During the classes

  1. Greeting and organizational moment of the beginning of the lesson

The teacher greets the children, the attendant calls the date, which is written on the blackboard and notes those who are absent from the class

  1. Phonetic charging

The words from ex. 2, first verbs, then nouns.

After that, students are asked to remember the forms of verbs in the past tense, i.e. put the verbs from 2 ex. AT present simple.

  1. Checking homework. In homework, the children also worked with the past tense, thus it turns out that the stages of the lesson are inextricably linked.

  1. speaking. Exercises 1, 2,3 are performed in turn. Speaking is accompanied by listening, i.e. after completion, the children themselves can correct their mistakes and hear the correct answer.

  1. Grammar. Teacher: You already know how to build questions in the present tense and how to briefly answer them. When talking about the past, in questions and answers instead of an auxiliary verb do is used did . Then the audio material is listened to. The rule is written in a grammar book, the teacher writes examples on the board.

Then there is a training of a new grammatical rule, students complete tasks in the textbook. Ex. 4, 5. The exercises are accompanied by audio recordings.

  1. Listening. Students do ex. 7.8 on assignment with listening to the material.

  1. Explanation of homework. At home, students must complete ex. 10 in the textbook on the new learned rule.

  1. Summing up the lesson. Evaluation and analysis of students' work in the lesson.

step 4.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    1. Train students in reading, speaking and listening.

      Repeat UK map

      Practice phonetic material

      Remember how to talk about the weather in English


Computer, audio recording.

Weather cards.

Weather pictures.

UK map

Map of Russia

Lexical material : sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Phonetic material : north, south, east, west, famous, mountain, river, forest, people, resort, be situated

During the classes

      1. Greeting and organizational moment of the beginning of the lesson

Children call the date, the teacher notes the absence and checks the readiness of the class for the lesson.

      1. Phonetic exercise: students in chorus repeat after the speaker the words from exercise 7 p. 26. Then students listen to expressions and sentences with new words.

      1. Speaking:

Dictionary work. Students should write down new words in the dictionary on page 26 of ex. 7, work out these expressions in chorus and read them individually in a chain.

Exercise 5, 6 is being performed

The students then talk about the weather on different days in the UK and Russia. Perform ex. 1,2, 3.

Work with maps of Great Britain and Russia. Ex. eight

4. Reading: Students read the dialogue on page 25 of ex. 4 by roles, after which they perform the task according to the content of the read. (answer the questions).

Ex. 5. With listening to an audio recording.

5. Listening: students are invited to listen to the material and complete the task on the content of the text. Ex. ten.

6. Explanation of homework. Students must complete the assignment in writing. 11 in notebooks for homework.

step 5

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Train students in reading, speaking and listening.

2. Work with UK and Russia maps

3. Develop students' phonetic skills

4. To replenish students' knowledge about the countries of the language being studied


Computer, audio recording

Map of Russia and Great Britain

Pictures with activities.

Table for the exercise.

Lexical units : wonderful, terrible, nice, pleasant, interesting, very good, boring

Phonetic charger : north, northwest, south, northeast, west, southwest, east, southeast.

During the classes

1. Greeting and organizational moment of the beginning of the lesson. The teacher greets the children, notes those who are absent from the class, the duty officer calls the date and day of the week.

2. Phonetic charging. Students practice the words that will be worked on in this lesson. Page 29 ex. 1. An audio recording is listened to, students repeat lexical units in chorus.

3. Checking homework. The children completed the task in writing, so the teacher needs to collect notebooks for homework for verification.

4. Speaking. Using pictures of activities, students begin work in the classroom. Speaking is connected to past lessons, as children must continue to use the past tense in speech.

Then the students work with a map of Great Britain and use the names of parts of the world.

New words from the footnote should be recorded in a dictionary with transcription for further memorization.

Ex. 3, 4.

5. Grammar. Definite article the used with nouns denoting mountains, seas, rivers, lakes. However, if the name of the lake is preceded by the word itself lake , the article is missing. Without the article, the names are used: continents, countries, cities, squares, streets, parks, mountain peaks. Then the children practice the learned rule in exercise. 5.

Special questions in the past tense are formed in the same way as in the present, only in the past tense, after the interrogative words, an auxiliary verb is used did .

On the board, the teacher writes examples of question words in the past tense.

Training of grammatical material continues in exercise. 6, 7.

6. Listening. Children listen to the text on page 34 ex. 8 and perform it according to the instructions.

7. Explanation of homework. It is necessary to complete ex. 11. On page 35

8. Summing up the lesson. Grading, analysis of the work of students.

The manual presents detailed scenarios for English lessons in grade 7 for teachers working on the M.Z. Biboletova and others. "Enjoy English" (Obninsk: Title). In addition, the teacher will find here methodological recommendations for organizing the work and leisure of schoolchildren, original options for checking the assimilation of the material: games, quizzes, thematic test tasks.

The manual presents detailed scenarios for English lessons in grade 10 for teachers working on the M.Z. Biboletova and others. "Enjoy English" (Obninsk: Title). In addition, the teacher will find here methodological recommendations for organizing the work and leisure of schoolchildren, original options for checking the assimilation of the material: games, quizzes, thematic test tasks.
The publication will be useful for both beginners and teachers with experience.

Download and read Lesson developments in English, Grade 10, Dzyuina E.V., 2013

The manual presents detailed scenarios for English lessons in grade 5 for teachers working on the M.Z. Biboletova and others. "Enjoy English" (Obninsk: Title). The teacher will find here everything you need to prepare for the lesson and conduct it: methodological techniques for introducing new material and consolidating what has been learned, questions for conversation, entertaining materials in poetic form, and much more. These lesson developments are compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
The publication will be useful for both beginners and teachers with experience.

Download and read Lesson developments in English, Grade 5, Dzyuina E.V., 2014

"Lesson planning" is an integral component of the teaching and methodological package in English for the 2nd grade of educational institutions. It details the course of each lesson and provides methodological recommendations for each exercise in the Textbook and in the Audio Manual, alternative options for performing exercises, additional tasks, including creative ones, tasks for extracurricular work, as well as keys to exercises and test tasks.

Download and read English, Grade 2, Lesson planning, Ter-Minasova S.G., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I., 2014

The manual contains lesson planning of English lessons in the 9th grade of educational institutions according to the textbook “English: Proc. for.9 cells general education institutions / V.P. Kuzovlev, N.M. Lapa, E.Sh. Peregudova and others - 6th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002. All stages of the lesson are considered: phonetic
exercises, checking homework, explaining and consolidating new material. Methodological recommendations are given to the teacher. At the end of the book are attached additional texts, tests, as well as a table of lesson planning.

Download and read Thematic and lesson planning in English, Grade 9, Smirnova E.Yu., Smirnov A.V., 2004

This EMC meets the requirements of the federal component of the State Standard for Primary, Basic and Secondary (Complete) General Education in Foreign Languages, and also complies with the standards developed by the Council of Europe. Being a joint international project of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" with the British publishing house "Express Publishing", in which Russian and British authors participate, this teaching material was created specifically for general education schools in Russia.
The main goals of the course are the development of the communicative competence of students in the aggregate of its components: speech, language, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive, as well as the development and education of the need for students to use English as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation; development of national identity, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different cultures and communities.

Download and read English in focus, UMK

The teacher's book is an integral part of the "English with Pleasure" methodological kit for the 8th grade of general educational institutions at the beginning of education from the 2nd grade. The book for the teacher describes the concept of the teaching materials as a whole, provides information about its individual components and how to use them. The book contains methodological recommendations on working on communication skills (oral and written speech) and on the formation of language skills (pronunciation, lexical, grammatical), on the use of new pedagogical technologies (project methods). The book contains thematic planning and lesson distribution of exercises, texts for listening, keys to the exercises of the textbook and workbook, and other useful materials.

Download and read English, Enjoy English, Grade 8, Teacher's book for textbook English with pleasure, Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N., Babushis E.E., 2012

The teacher's book is an integral part of the educational and methodological package "English with Pleasure" for the 7th grade of educational institutions. In the book for the teacher you will find information about the teaching materials in general and its individual components, methodological recommendations (including detailed thematic and lesson planning of the educational process, recommendations for conducting projects, teaching various types of speech activity), texts for listening, detailed keys to exercises in the textbook and workbook. The content of the book is presented in a convenient way, allowing the teacher to easily plan a lesson, combining all the components of the teaching materials.

Download and read English, Enjoy English, Grade 7, Teacher's book for textbook English with pleasure, Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N., Babushis E.E., 2012

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