Topic. Our land is hospitable

Lesson summary

for extracurricular activities

"Culture of good neighborliness"


Target: to acquaint children with the population of Crimea; expand knowledge about the culture of the peoples living in the Crimea; to cultivate love for the Fatherland, a sense of solidarity, respect for people of different nationalities.

Equipment: illustration depicting a round dance; images of people of different nationalities, illustrations with the faces of girls of five nationalities, depicting temples of three religions.

Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment. Exercise "Funny greeting"

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Crimea today - this is the blessed land of the Crimean peninsula, washed by the Black and Azov seas. In the north it stretches a plain, in the south - the Crimean mountains with a necklace near the coastal strip of seaside resort cities: Yalta, Miskhor, Alupka, Simeiz, Gurzuf, Alushta, Feodosia, Evpatoria and seaports - Kerch, Sevastopol.

Crimea is a wonderful land. Around - high rocky mountains; on the slopes of pine, to the very shore; the sea is changeable: peaceful and radiant in the sun and terrible in a storm. The climate is mild, there are flowers everywhere, a lot of roses.

The Crimean peninsula is a kind of fabulous piece of land, thrown deep into the waters of the Black Sea and connected to the mainland only by a narrow thread of the Perekop Isthmus.

This little land is unique. In one day you can drive along it andacross. But on the Crimean land, the signs of almost allclimatic zones of our planet, plants of subtropical latitudes and the north ...

Skiers are skiing on the Angarsk Pass, and roses are blooming in Yalta ...

On the southern coast of Crimea, a specific smell of magnolias hovers, and violets have just blossomed in the mountains ...

So whimsically intertwined in the Crimea seasons. And you can touch any of them, slowly rising from the sultry beaches to the sky-high mountain peaks...

3. Cognitive conversation.

Today we will talk about people of different nationalities who live on the territory of Crimea.Now the Crimean peninsula is very multinational. At the moment, more than 120 nationalities live here. Amazingly, they not only fit on such a small peninsula, but also get along with each other.

Since ancient times, people belonging to a variety of ethnic nationalities and groups have lived in the Crimea: Cimmerians and Taurians, Scythians and Sarmatians,Greeks and Romans , Khazars and Proto-Bulgarians, Pechenegs and Cumans,Byzantines and Italians , Tatars and the Turks Karaites and Krymchaks , Armenians and Slavs .

What is nationality? (belonging to an ethnic community)

What nationalities do you know? (children's answers)

Round dance.

Greeks, Russians, Armenians,

Krymchaks and Karaites

We have another name:

We are also called "Crimeans".

Ukrainians and Jews

Germans, Crimean Tatars,

Assyrians and Bulgarians,

Get in the circle soon!

Haytorma, hopak and freylahs,

Syrba, mistress, sirtaki-

Like buttercups and poppies

So the field caught fire.

Not in the garden, not in the garden -

We are in the family, in our people.

Give me your hand, my age,

Let's stand side by side in a round dance!

You listened to the poem, and now, tell me what nationalities were mentioned in it?

And now I will show illustrations, and you will say representatives of what nationalities are depicted. (children's answers)

Now I will tell you a little about the nations. living in the Crimea. And the first stop on our journey will be the Russians.

I Stop "Russians".

No one can name the exact date of the appearance of the first Rusich on the territory of Crimea. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, many Russians settled here: these are dismissed soldiers, merchants who settled in Taurida, and peasants. During the reign of Catherine II, there was a time when the Crimea was depopulated. Some soldiers from the Yekaterinoslav regiment were resettled with their families in the Crimea. The first soldiers' villages appeared in the Simferopol and Feodosiya districts. They exist even now - Zuya, Kurtsy, Izyumovka.

The modern village of Mazanka was founded by retired soldiers. There is still a legend about how the first twenty retired soldiers were married. So that no one would be offended, the steward ordered the grooms to leave their caps by the road where the brides were brought. Whose cap the girl chose, he went to her husband. So they played one big wedding instead of 20.

II Stop "Crimean Tatars".

Crimean Tatars as a people were formed on the territory of Crimea. The Crimean Tatar language is one of the offshoots of the Turkic languages. In addition, it contains words of Greek, Arabic and Byzantine origin. Dwellings in the old days were rectangular buildings with flat roofs made of uncut stone. There were definitely terraces. In everyday life, dishes made of copper and bronze were used. The ancient capital of the Crimean Tatars was the Old Crimea (Solkhat), and since the time of the Crimean Khanate - Bakhchisarai. The main occupations are viticulture, tobacco growing, horticulture, fishing, and animal husbandry.

4. Game "Define nationality"Illustrations are given, it is necessary to determine what nationality the person depicted on it belongs to.

III Stop "Armenians".

The first connections of Armenians with the Crimea have been known since the time of King Tigran the Great and Mithridates of Pontus. In the 11th century, Armenians emigrated to Crimea for a permanent place of residence. Hard-working Armenians quickly established friendship with all their neighbors, so their number grew rapidly.

There is an Armenian Easter. There was always little snow in the Crimea, so on Shrovetide they rode not on a sleigh, as was customary among the Russians, but on horses, camels and donkeys. Trade rows and booths were built on the city square. The mummers in masks and costumes danced and sang. Around the city on a stretcher they carried "Palna" - the god of spring. They danced until morning. They had fun, treated themselves to pancakes, various sweets and drinks.

Armenians have always been famous for their ability to work with leather, they knew how to find water and springs. Each spring was dressed in a stone dress and turned into a monument.

5. Game . On the board you see illustrations with girls, you need to say what nationalities they are. (Russian, German, Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar)

Do you know what "religion" is? Three temples are depicted - what religions do they belong to?

IV Stop "Bolgars".

The Bulgarians received in the Crimea 50 acres of land for each family member. The first colonies of the Bulgarians appeared in Balta - Chokran, near Simferopol, in the Old Crimea, in Evpatoria.

The house is solidly built of brick or clay with brushwood. Cleanly whitewashed inside and out. On March 1, in honor of the arrival of spring, the Bulgarians gave each other Martinichki - a symbol of fertility and family well-being. (200 kinds)

V Stop "Greeks".

The Greeks called their homeland Hellas, which was located on the territory of modern Greece. Centuries will pass and the Hellenes (ancient Greeks) will sail to the shores of Crimea and with all their hearts they will love him and will consider him their second mother. They will build their city-states here: Panticapaeum, Feodosia, Chersonesus, Tiritana.

During the First World War, the Greeks moved to the Crimea. They were called neo-Greeks. Simferopol residents know the fountain in the lower part of the city park of culture. The Greeks called it Ai-Nero (holy water).

VI Stop "Krymchaks and Assyrians".

Krymchaks and Assyrians live on the territory of Crimea. Krymchaks previously settled in the Cafe, on Mangup - Kale, in the Old Crimea, Bakhchisarai. Their main occupation is gardening, crafts, trade, gardening. Since ancient times, they have been sewing beautiful shoes, they were famous as craftsmen - hatmakers.

They built one-story stone houses with windows overlooking the courtyard.

6. Conclusions: As you heard and saw today, people of different nationalities live in Crimea. And the ones I mentioned are only a small part of the total. We all live in Crimea and therefore we must know the culture, traditions and customs of other peoples, show respect and understanding for other peoples.

7. Reflection. Exercise "Thank you for a wonderful day!"

Bogdana Maksimova
Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the environment for children of senior preschool age "I am a Crimean"

Target: Develop at children a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland.

Tasks: Continue shaping at children idea of ​​Russia as a native country; meet children with the concept of the Motherland, small and large; educate children's love for the motherland; to form civil-patriotic feelings; learn to answer questions from an adult, build simple common sentences; expand vocabulary through nouns (parents, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, house, country, city, homeland, Crimean) and adjectives (Native, native, big, small); develop attention and memory - recognize flags and coats of arms in pictures; develop endurance, the ability to follow the rules of the game; develop memory, ingenuity, resourcefulness.

vocabulary work: native, native side, Motherland, Russia, big Motherland, small Motherland, Crimea, Crimean peninsula, Crimean, nationalities.

Integration of educational regions: « Cognition, "Communication", "Socialization", "Work"

materials: Map Crimea; images of the coat of arms and flag; visual and didactic aids; sightseeing slides; Audio recordings.

preliminary work: reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland; reading works of art Crimea; viewing photographs of cities; reviewing illustrations and performing work on coloring the Flag and coat of arms Crimea.

move lessons. - Hello guys! Today we will try to uncover the secret of a new word. Are you ready to know the secret?

But first, let's remember one familiar word. Listen carefully and remember his secret. This word "native". What do you think I'm talking about? (Mom, grandmother, sister, etc.)

That's right, dear - this is the closest and dearest. But the native can be not only mother, but also the earth. This is the land where you were born and live. Every person has a native land. In another way, it can still be called the Motherland. Repeat….

All people have the most precious thing - this is their native country, Russia. This is our great Motherland. It can also be called the native side. Repeat ... The capital of our country is the city of Moscow. The capital is the most important city.

Our native land is with you Crimea and our city Evpatoria. This is our small homeland. Capital Crimean city of Simferopol. Many years ago our Crimea had other. The name is Tauris. A. S. Pushkin wrote about Tavrida:

Happy land, where the waters sparkle,

Caressing the lush shores,

And the light luxury of nature

Illuminated hills, meadows,

Where the rocks are frowning vaults

Many people live in Crimea and more nationalities: Russians, Tatars, Georgians, Ukrainians and many more others. We can all be called one beautiful word Crimeans. I am Ukrainian, Murat is Tatar, Yasya is Russian. What nationality are you? Although Crimea inhabited by a huge number of people of different nationalities, we all live together.

Without friendship, my little people would perish,

Great only by the fact that love lives.

We are true friendship and a song about it

More necessary than air, and more necessary than bread.

Let's watch a presentation about our small Motherland Crimea. (View presentation)

- Crimea is a wonderful land. Around- high rocky mountains; on the slopes of pine, to the very shore; sea fickle: peaceful and radiant in the sun and terrible in a storm. Flowers everywhere, lots of roses.

Crimean The peninsula is a kind of fabulous piece of land, thrown deep into the waters of the Black Sea and connected to the mainland only by a narrow thread of the Perekop Isthmus.

This little land is unique. In one day you can drive it up and down. But on Crimean The earth surprisingly combined plants that grow in hot countries and cold northern ones.

Skiers ski in the mountains of the Angarsk Pass, and roses bloom in Yalta ...

So bizarrely intertwined in Crimea seasons. And you can touch any of them, slowly rising from the sultry beaches to the sky-high mountain peaks...

O Crimea written many legends, tales, legends.

Many writers and poets sang beauty Crimea in verse. And many artists in their paintings. Because it is impossible to remain indifferent to the unquenchable beauty Crimea.

Physical education minute

Hello world. (hands up)

It's me! (on the chest)

BUT around my country! (scatter)

The sun is burning in the sky (up)

And the earth lies at your feet! (incline)

There are forests! (lock right)

And then there are the fields! (lock left)

Here are friends (head turn)

And friends are here. (right and left)

Hello home - you are the best (spread downwards)

Hello, mighty native land! (spread tilted up)

Hello my country! (scatter)

Hello world!

Meet me!

Look at this picture, it's symbolism Crimea. Flag and coat of arms. What is the name of what is shown in the picture? (Flag and coat of arms.) How can you call it in one word? (Symbolism)

Everything in the image of these elements of symbolism has a certain meaning.

The red bottom stripe of the flag symbolizes the heroic and tragic history Crimea, memory of the past. The top blue is the hope for a prosperous future. Medium white stands for equality of all cultures and peoples of the peninsula, the desire for peace and friendship.

Emblem of the AR Crimea represents a shield on which a silver griffin is depicted, holding an open silver shell with a blue pearl in its right paw. The shield is surmounted by the rising sun and surrounded by two white columns connected by a blue-white-red ribbon with motto: "Prosperity in Unity". The griffin is a unifying symbol of natural and cultural diversity Crimea. The pearl in the paw is a symbol of a unique corner of the planet, it is read as the guardian of the republic. The Varangian shield of the coat of arms is a reminder of the trade routes that passed and are passing through Crimea, i.e. many merchants transported their goods through our territories, columns are symbols of our ancestors who left their traces on the peninsula.

The game "Choose a word". Need to come up with words "native", "native" suitable words. Remember who or what we can call native.

Answers children: mother, father, brother, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, house, kindergarten, country, city.

Wonderfully picked.

Listen to a poem by Z. Alexandrova "If they say the word Motherland".

If they say a word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

Or the steppe, red from poppies,

Golden whole…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

Audio recording about Crimea performed by the choir from the boarding school, Evpatoria

Guys, listen to the proverbs about the Motherland?

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly sweeter.

Learn to defend your motherland.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

To live - to serve the Motherland

Take care of your Motherland like the apple of your eye.

It happens that a person ends up in a foreign country, as they said in antiquity - in a foreign land and at first everything seems new to him, interesting: and people, and customs, and nature. But a little time will pass, and the heart will yearn, it will ask for home, to its native little side.

Now sit down at the tables, each of you has a sheet with the image of the flag Crimea. How can you call a flag and a coat of arms in one word? Correct symbolism. But the flag is colorless, and you and I must paint it in the right colors. Let's remember what color the bottom band is and what it is stands for? (Answers) What color is the top band and what is it stands for? Middle lane?

Children color the flag.

Outcome lessons:

Guys, what did we do today? What did you like the most (answers children)

Who are they Crimeans? (These are people who live in Crimea.)

What is a big motherland? (This is the native country; the country where we live)

And what is a small homeland? (This is our peninsula Crimea, our hometown)

Which city is the capital Crimea? What is the capital of Russia?

What is the symbolism of our peninsula Crimea?

Why do you love your small homeland (Answers children.)

Why do people say: “On the other side, the Motherland is doubly sweeter.” (Answers children.)

What needs to be done so that our Motherland becomes more and more beautiful over the years? (Answers children.)

Dear Guys! Love your homeland - big and small. try learn more about its people and history, take care of its nature, keep its customs and traditions.

Related publications:

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Lesson summary

for extracurricular activities

"Culture of good neighborliness"


Target: to acquaint children with the population of Crimea; expand knowledge about the culture of the peoples living in the Crimea; to cultivate love for the Fatherland, a sense of solidarity, respect for people of different nationalities.

Equipment: illustration depicting a round dance; images of people of different nationalities, illustrations with the faces of girls of five nationalities, depicting temples of three religions.

Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment. Exercise "Funny greeting"

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Crimea today - this is the blessed land of the Crimean peninsula, washed by the Black and Azov seas. In the north it stretches a plain, in the south - the Crimean mountains with a necklace near the coastal strip of seaside resort cities: Yalta, Miskhor, Alupka, Simeiz, Gurzuf, Alushta, Feodosia, Evpatoria and seaports - Kerch, Sevastopol.

Crimea is a wonderful land. Around - high rocky mountains; on the slopes of pine, to the very shore; the sea is changeable: peaceful and radiant in the sun and terrible in a storm. The climate is mild, there are flowers everywhere, a lot of roses.

The Crimean peninsula is a kind of fabulous piece of land, thrown deep into the waters of the Black Sea and connected to the mainland only by a narrow thread of the Perekop Isthmus.

This little land is unique. In one day you can drive along it and across. But on the Crimean land, the signs of almost all climatic zones of our planet, plants of subtropical latitudes and the north ...

Skiers are skiing on the Angarsk Pass, and roses are blooming in Yalta ...

On the southern coast of Crimea, a specific smell of magnolias hovers, and violets have just blossomed in the mountains ...

So whimsically intertwined in the Crimea seasons. And you can touch any of them, slowly rising from the sultry beaches to the sky-high mountain peaks...

3. Cognitive conversation.

Today we will talk about people of different nationalities who live on the territory of Crimea.Now the Crimean peninsula is very multinational. At the moment, more than 120 nationalities live here. Amazingly, they not only fit on such a small peninsula, but also get along with each other.

Since ancient times, people belonging to a variety of ethnic nationalities and groups have lived in the Crimea: Cimmerians and Taurians, Scythians and Sarmatians, and , Khazars and Proto-Bulgarians, Pechenegs and Cumans,ByzantinesandItalians , and the Turks and , and .

What is nationality? (belonging to an ethnic community)

What nationalities do you know? (children's answers)

Round dance.

Greeks, Russians, Armenians,

Krymchaks and Karaites

We have another name:

We are also called "Crimeans".

Ukrainians and Jews

Germans, Crimean Tatars,

Assyrians and Bulgarians,

Get in the circle soon!

Haytorma, hopak and freylahs,

Syrba, mistress, sirtaki-

Like buttercups and poppies

So the field caught fire.

Not in the garden, not in the garden -

We are in the family, in our people.

Give me your hand, my age,

Let's stand side by side in a round dance!

You listened to the poem, and now, tell me what nationalities were mentioned in it?

And now I will show illustrations, and you will say representatives of what nationalities are depicted. (children's answers)

Now I will tell you a little about the nations. living in the Crimea. And the first stop on our journey will be the Russians.

I Stop "Russians".

No one can name the exact date of the appearance of the first Rusich on the territory of Crimea. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, many Russians settled here: these are dismissed soldiers, merchants who settled in Taurida, and peasants. During the reign of CatherineIIThere was a time when the Crimea was depopulated. Some soldiers from the Yekaterinoslav regiment were resettled with their families in the Crimea. The first soldiers' villages appeared in the Simferopol and Feodosiya districts. They exist even now - Zuya, Kurtsy, Izyumovka.

The modern village of Mazanka was founded by retired soldiers. There is still a legend about how the first twenty retired soldiers were married. So that no one would be offended, the steward ordered the grooms to leave their caps by the road where the brides were brought. Whose cap the girl chose, he went to her husband. So they played one big wedding instead of 20.

II Stop "Crimean Tatars".

Crimean Tatars as a people were formed on the territory of Crimea. The Crimean Tatar language is one of the offshoots of the Turkic languages. In addition, it contains words of Greek, Arabic and Byzantine origin. Dwellings in the old days were rectangular buildings with flat roofs made of uncut stone. There were definitely terraces. In everyday life, dishes made of copper and bronze were used. The ancient capital of the Crimean Tatars was the Old Crimea (Solkhat), and since the time of the Crimean Khanate - Bakhchisarai. The main occupations are viticulture, tobacco growing, horticulture, fishing, and animal husbandry.

4. Game "Define nationality" Illustrations are given, it is necessary to determine what nationality the person depicted on it belongs to.

III Stop "Armenians".

The first connections of Armenians with the Crimea have been known since the time of King Tigran the Great and Mithridates of Pontus. ATXIcentury, Armenians emigrated to the Crimea for a permanent place of residence. Hard-working Armenians quickly established friendship with all their neighbors, so their number grew rapidly.

There is an Armenian Easter. There was always little snow in the Crimea, so on Shrovetide they rode not on a sleigh, as was customary among the Russians, but on horses, camels and donkeys. Trade rows and booths were built on the city square. The mummers in masks and costumes danced and sang. Around the city on a stretcher they carried "Palna" - the god of spring. They danced until morning. They had fun, treated themselves to pancakes, various sweets and drinks.

Armenians have always been famous for their ability to work with leather, they knew how to find water and springs. Each spring was dressed in a stone dress and turned into a monument.

5. Game . On the board you see illustrations with girls, you need to say what nationalities they are. (Russian, German, Ukrainian, Crimean Tatar)

Do you know what "religion" is? Three temples are depicted - what religions do they belong to?

IV Stop "Bulgari".

The Bulgarians received in the Crimea 50 acres of land for each family member. The first colonies of the Bulgarians appeared in Balta - Chokran, near Simferopol, in the Old Crimea, in Evpatoria.

The house is solidly built of brick or clay with brushwood. Cleanly whitewashed inside and out. On March 1, in honor of the arrival of spring, the Bulgarians gave each other Martinichki - a symbol of fertility and family well-being. (200 kinds)

V Stop "Greeks".

The Greeks called their homeland Hellas, which was located on the territory of modern Greece. Centuries will pass and the Hellenes (ancient Greeks) will sail to the shores of Crimea and with all their hearts they will love him and will consider him their second mother. They will build their city-states here: Panticapaeum, Feodosia, Chersonesus, Tiritana.

During the First World War, the Greeks moved to the Crimea. They were called neo-Greeks. Simferopol residents know the fountain in the lower part of the city park of culture. The Greeks called it Ai-Nero (holy water).

VI Stop "Krymchaks and Assyrians".

Krymchaks and Assyrians live on the territory of Crimea. Krymchaks previously settled in the Cafe, on Mangup - Kale, in the Old Crimea, Bakhchisarai. Their main occupation is gardening, crafts, trade, gardening. Since ancient times, they have been sewing beautiful shoes, they were famous as craftsmen - hatmakers.

They built one-story stone houses with windows overlooking the courtyard.

6. Conclusions: As you heard and saw today, people of different nationalities live in Crimea. And the ones I mentioned are only a small part of the total. We all live in Crimea and therefore we must know the culture, traditions and customs of other peoples, show respect and understanding for other peoples.

7. Reflection. Exercise "Thank you for a wonderful day!"