Three palm trees summary 5 6 sentences. Mikhail Lermontov - three palm trees

“Three palm trees” is a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, written in the style of an oriental legend. The main characters of the poem "Three Palm Trees" are palm trees growing in the middle of the desert. A clear stream breaks through the roots of palm trees. Palm trees carefully cover the stream from the scorching rays of the sun and protect it from sand, applied from the desert by a sultry wind.

It would seem that a happy symbiosis is evident here - the stream nourishes the trees with life-giving moisture, and palm trees protect the stream from heat and sand. But such a fate is not enough for palm trees. They are indignant and ask the heavens, when will they be able to fulfill their destiny and shelter weary travelers in their shadow?

And the heavens give them such an opportunity - a large caravan appears on the horizon, which is heading towards the palm trees. Palm trees gladly receive guests, covering them with their shadow, and a cool stream generously gives people clean and tasty water to drink. But then evening comes, people get cold and they, without thinking about the consequences, cold-bloodedly chop palm trees for firewood. Fires burn all night, and in the morning the caravan moves further into the desert.

Having lost the protection of palm trees, the stream gradually dries up under the onslaught of hot sands and the hot sun. Time passes and nothing reminds that there was an oasis here, a fertile corner that gives travelers a saving shade and life-giving moisture of a clean stream.

This is the summary of the poem.

The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe poem “Three Palm Trees” is that a person should take care of the nature around him so that other people can use the gifts presented to us by nature. The author focuses the reader's attention on the senseless cruelty that is characteristic of a person, shows the short-sightedness that is inherent in many people.

In the poem, I liked the responsible position of the palm trees, which were not satisfied with the fertile existence in the oasis, but expressed their desire to serve and help people. But here a philosophical question, unspoken by the author, arises: “Is the fulfillment of a wish always a good thing?” If the heavens had not fulfilled the wish of the palms, then the paradise, perhaps, would still have remained in the desert. Sometimes it is natural for people to strive for a desired goal, but at the same time people rarely think about what consequences the achievement of this goal will bring to them.

I like the poem "Three Palm Trees" for its philosophical bias. It makes you think about the consequences of human actions. Do the deeds done by people always benefit themselves and the world around them?

What proverbs are suitable for the poem "Three palm trees"?

Take care of your beloved nature, like a mother dear.
Best the enemy of the good.
Whoever did not plant a tree does not lie in the shade.
Chasing the big, you will lose the small.

(Eastern legend)

Patterned floors of camping tents;

The Arab heated the black horse.

Jugs sounding filled with water,

Their clothes were torn off by small children,
Their bodies were then chopped up,

Which of these opinions do you share? Why? Maybe you have a different view on the main idea of ​​the poem? Share your thoughts.

2. Researchers of creativity M.Yu. Lermontov called the poem Three Palms a ballad. What do you think? Justify your opinion

Help me please!!!


(Eastern legend)

In the sandy steppes of the Arabian land
Three proud palm trees grew high.
A spring between them from barren soil,
Murmuring, breaking through a cold wave,
Stored, under the shade of green leaves,
From sultry rays and flying sands.

And many years silently passed;
But a tired wanderer from a foreign land
Burning chest to the cold moisture
I have not yet bowed under the green booth,
And they began to dry from the sultry rays
Luxurious leaves and a sonorous stream.

And three palm trees began to grumble at God:
"Is that what we were born for, to wither here?
Without use in the desert we grew and bloomed,
Shaken by the whirlwind and the heat of burning,
No one's benevolent, not pleasing to the eye? ..
Yours is not right, oh heaven, a holy sentence!

And just fell silent - in the distance blue
The golden sand was spinning like a pillar,
Discordant sounds rang out,
Packs covered with carpets were full of carpets,
And he walked, swaying like a boat in the sea,
Camel after camel, exploding sand.

Dangling, hung between hard humps
Patterned floors of camping tents;
Their swarthy hands sometimes raised,
And black eyes sparkled from there ...
And, leaning towards the bow,
The Arab heated the black horse.

And the horse reared up at times,
And he jumped like a leopard struck by an arrow;
And white clothes beautiful folds
On the shoulders of the Faris curled in disarray;
And with a cry and a whistle rushing across the sand,
He threw and caught a spear at a gallop.

Here a caravan approaches the palm trees, noisily:
In the shadow of their cheerful camp spread out.
Jugs sounding filled with water,
And, proudly nodding with a terry head,
Palm trees welcome unexpected guests,
And the cold stream generously waters them.

But as soon as dusk fell to the ground,
The ax pounded on the elastic roots,
And pets of centuries fell without life!
Their clothes were torn off by small children,
Their bodies were then chopped up,
And slowly burned them with fire until morning.

When the fog rushed to the west,
The caravan made its own way;
And then sad on barren soil
Only gray and cold ashes could be seen;
And the sun burned the dry remnants,
And then they were blown away by the wind in the steppe.

And now everything is wild and empty around -
Leaves with a rattling key do not whisper:
In vain does he ask the prophet for a shadow -
Only hot sand brings it
Yes, the kite is crested, the steppe is unsociable,
Prey torments and pinches over him

please answer one of the following questions:

1. There are different opinions about the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis poem. Some researchers believe that three palm trees, dissatisfied with life, brought trouble on themselves and died, not knowing what a person could be.
The critic and publicist N.G. wrote about it differently. Chernyshevsky, believing that the death of palm trees was the best, most beautiful moment of their entire life. They died to save people from the cold and predatory animals.
Which of these opinions do you share? Why? Maybe you have a different view on the main idea of ​​the poem? Share your thoughts.

what is common in Lermontov's poem three palm trees and a cliff? Below is a poem! Help prooosh!) In the sandy steppes of the Arabian land Three

proud palm trees grew tall. A spring between them from barren soil, Murmuring, made its way in a cold wave, Preserved, under the canopy of green leaves, From sultry rays and flying sands. And many years silently passed; But the wanderer, weary from a foreign land With a flaming chest to the icy moisture, has not yet bowed under the green bushes, And the splendid leaves and the sonorous stream have already begun to dry from the sultry rays. And three palm trees began to murmur against God: “Why were we born, to wither here? We grew and bloomed uselessly in the desert, Shaken by a whirlwind and the heat of burning, Not pleasing anyone’s gaze? sentence!" And as soon as they fell silent - in the blue distance Golden sand was already spinning, Discordant sounds were heard ringing, Carpeted packs were full of carpets, And he walked, swaying like a shuttle in the sea, Camel after camel, exploding the sand. Dangling, hung between hard humps Patterned floors of camping tents; Their swarthy hands sometimes raised, And black eyes sparkled from there... And, tilting his lean body to the bow, the Arab roused the black horse. And the horse reared up at times, And jumped like a leopard struck by an arrow; And the beautiful folds of the white clothes On the shoulders of the Faris curled in disarray; And with a cry and a whistle, rushing across the sand, He threw and caught a spear at a gallop. Here a caravan approaches the palm trees, noisily: In their shadow, a cheerful camp is spread. The jugs sounded filled with water, And, proudly nodding their terry head, The palm trees greet unexpected guests, And the icy stream generously waters them. But as soon as dusk fell on the ground, The ax rattled on the elastic roots, And pets of centuries fell without life! Their clothes were torn off by small children, Their bodies were then chopped up, And they slowly burned them with fire until morning. When the fog rushed off to the west, Urochny made his way to the caravan; And then sad on the barren soil Only gray and cold ashes could be seen; And the sun burned down the dry remnants, And then the wind blew them away in the steppe. And now everything is wild and empty around - Leaves with a rattlesnake do not whisper: In vain does he ask the prophet for a shadow - He is only carried by hot sand Yes, a crested kite, steppe unsociable, Prey is tormented and pinched over him.

A golden cloud spent the night
On the chest of a giant cliff;
She left early in the morning,
Playing merrily across the azure;

But there was a wet mark in the wrinkle
Old cliff. Alone
He stands deep in thought
And he weeps softly in the desert.

Find metaphors in the picture of the death of palm trees. (Three palm trees. M.Yu Lermontov)

In the sandy steppes of the Arabian land
Three proud palm trees grew high.
A spring between them from barren soil,
Murmuring, breaking through a cold wave,
Stored, under the shade of green leaves,
From sultry rays and flying sands.

And many years silently passed;
But a tired wanderer from a foreign land
Burning chest to the cold moisture
I have not yet bowed under the green booth,
And they began to dry from the sultry rays
Luxurious leaves and a sonorous stream.

And three palm trees began to grumble at God:
"Is that what we were born for, to wither here?
Without use in the desert we grew and bloomed,
Shaken by the whirlwind and the heat of burning,
No one's benevolent, not pleasing to the eye? ..
Yours is not right, oh heaven, a holy sentence!

And just fell silent - in the distance blue
The golden sand was spinning like a pillar,
Discordant sounds rang out,
Packs covered with carpets were full of carpets,
And he walked, swaying like a boat in the sea,
Camel after camel, exploding sand.

Dangling, hung between hard humps
Patterned floors of camping tents;
Their swarthy hands sometimes raised,
And black eyes sparkled from there ...
And, leaning towards the bow,
The Arab heated the black horse.

And the horse reared up at times,
And he jumped like a leopard struck by an arrow;
And white clothes beautiful folds
On the shoulders of the Faris curled in disarray;
And with a cry and a whistle rushing across the sand,
He threw and caught a spear at a gallop.

Here a caravan approaches the palm trees, noisily:
In the shadow of their cheerful camp spread out.
Jugs sounding filled with water,
And, proudly nodding with a terry head,
Palm trees welcome unexpected guests,
And the cold stream generously waters them.

But as soon as dusk fell to the ground,
The ax pounded on the elastic roots,
And pets of centuries fell without life!
Their clothes were torn off by small children,
Their bodies were then chopped up,
And slowly burned them with fire until morning.

When the fog rushed to the west,
The caravan made its own way;
And then sad on barren soil
Only gray and cold ashes could be seen;
And the sun burned the dry remnants,
And then they were blown away by the wind in the steppe.

And now everything is wild and empty around -
Leaves with a rattling key do not whisper:
In vain does he ask the prophet for a shadow -
Only hot sand brings it
Yes, the kite is crested, the steppe is unsociable,
Prey torments and pinches over it.

The personality of Mikhail Lermontov is mysterious, and his work is so deep and meaningful that it seems as if these works were created by a very mature person, wise over the years.

At the time when M. Yu. Lermontov wrote "Three Palm Trees", he was only twenty-four years old. But this work is not only a brilliant example of landscape lyrics, here the poet shows himself as a wonderful narrator and thinker. Let's try to prove this by using the methods of literary analysis applicable to the poem and retelling its summary.

"Three Palms"

Lermontov thought hard about the main issues of human life, about the strength of passions and the power of the spirit. With his bright dynamic narrative, whether it be lyrics or prose, the poet drew the reader into the orbit of his thoughts. That is why we do not remain indifferent to his heroes and events described in the works of the master. This fully applies to the poem, which is sometimes called the Three Palms ballad.

What is the subtext?

What and who are three palm trees in the ballad of the same name, created by M. Yu. Lermontov? Of course, these are not just three slender trees growing in the middle of the desert. They are both the personification of human suffering and quest, and an allegory of a rebellious spirit, and a symbol of the tragic contradictions of this world. The work is multi-layered. Removing layer by layer, we will come to the innermost idea of ​​the author.

He placed in his "oriental legend" in an oasis, where a spring breaks out of the earth. The first stanza of the ballad is dedicated to this landscape sketch. In this tiny living world in the middle of a barren and sultry desert, there is a kind of idyll built on harmony: a spring nourishes and refreshes the roots of three trees ascending to the sky, and dense foliage, in turn, shelters a weak source from the scorching sun and hot wind. Years go by and nothing changes. Suddenly, the palm trees begin to grumble, express dissatisfaction with the fact that their life is supposed to be worthless and boring. Immediately, a many-voiced caravan appears in the distance, people with shouts and laughter approach the oasis, having reached it, they shamelessly use all the benefits that nature has in store for them: they are saturated with water, they chop down palm trees to make a fire, and at dawn they leave the place, continuing their journey . Then the wind will scatter the ashes of the burnt palms, and the unprotected spring will dry up under the unbearably hot sun. This is the summary.

Three palm trees as a symbol of rebellion against the Divine will

It is no coincidence that from the first lines Lermontov assigns them the epithet "proud". From a biblical point of view, pride, pride is a grave vice and sin. Indeed, palm trees were not satisfied with the good fate that God determined for them, they were indignant: there is no one who could appreciate their beauty and grandeur, therefore, life is wasted! God directed events along a different path, which turned into death for the palms. The tragedy of the situation does not hide even the retelling of the ballad, which fits into a summary. Lermontov likened to a three-part human being, consisting of a body, soul and spirit, in which all three parts rebelled, and therefore there was not even a trace left of the oasis (the prototype of a harmonious person), and only an unsociable kite sometimes kills and torments its prey in the place where was meant to celebrate life.

Ecological pathos of the poem "Three palm trees"

The main characters of the work found themselves in fatal opposition: the trees hospitably received their guests, intending not only to show off, but also to bestow what they have. The oasis gave people rest, freshness, moisture, shelter in the wild desert. But evening came, people froze and chopped palm trees for firewood to keep warm. They acted naturally, but ungratefully and thoughtlessly, they destroyed what should have been saved. This question is relevant not only because today people often do the same. The ecological problem is closely connected with the moral problem. The barbaric actions of the caravaners are an indirect consequence of the murmuring of palm trees before God: the poet shows what happens when absurd self-will violates the original order of things.

Artistic techniques

The plot of the ballad is very dynamic, it intrigues the reader like an entertaining story. “Three Palms” is generally a very elegant poetic work in terms of form. Let's pay attention to what epithets the author chooses to emphasize the conflict of the ballad. Tall palm trees appear before us in the luxury of thick juicy leaves, the stream is sonorous, cool and generous, and the merry caravan is full of colorful clothes, packs, tents, eyes shining. The author skillfully creates a tension of anxiety as travelers approach the oasis, where they will be graciously greeted by three palm trees. An analysis of the speech structure of the verse emphasizes this feeling; the description of the caravan is dominated by verbs and nouns. The sand "spun in a column", the floors of the tents "hung, dangling", the Arab "hot" the horse, which "raised on its hind legs and jumped like a leopard", the folds of clothes "curled in disorder", and the young man "with a cry and whistle" threw and caught flying spear. The peace and tranquility of the paradise is hopelessly destroyed.

Murder story

Using personification, Lermontov turns the sketch of the travelers' camp into such a dramatic story about feelings and death that the heart shrinks. Palm trees from the very beginning appear before us as living beings. They, like people, grumble, fall silent, then greet the newcomers favorably, nodding their “terry heads”, and when axes pounded on their roots, they fall without life. The author likens the trunks to chopped bodies subjected to the torture of slow burning, and the leaves to clothes that were torn off and taken away by small children. After that, a lifeless and static picture of death and desolation appears before us.

Sound writing of the verse

Alliterations and intonational accents strike with accuracy. Pauses, questions, exclamations, embarrassment and reflection, conveyed by ellipsis, allow you to see and hear what is happening, to experience it emotionally. Abundance is consistent with the story of the serene life of palm trees, and the appearance of hissing sounds heralds the invasion of disharmony, which is about to come. The poem is written in three-foot amphibrach, which according to the regularity corresponds to the genre declared by the author - “oriental legend” or, in other words, a parable.


These are some of the strokes of the analysis of this work, the main conclusions and a summary. "Three palm trees" Lermontov, no doubt, dedicated to his favorite theme of loneliness and dissatisfaction of the soul, longing for something more significant that surrounds it in everyday life. That is why a vivid feeling is born in our heart that the author does not agree with God's judgment, although he understands its regularity and justice.

"Three palm trees" - a poem by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, studied by schoolchildren in literature in the 6th grade. It describes the life story of three proud palms. Check out our analysis option “Three palm trees” according to the plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation The poems were written in 1838. Published - in 1839.

Theme of the poem- You need to be careful in your requests to God - prayers can be heard and then retribution follows the fulfillment of a desire. You should not wish yourself a different fate, you need to come to terms with your destiny.

Composition- ring, built on the antithesis: life-death.

Genre- ballad.

Poetic size- the ballad consists of 10 stanzas written in two-syllable three-foot amphibrach using a sextine rhyme with an adjacent rhyme.

Main character- three proud palm trees that are saddened by their loneliness. They grow up in the desert and believe that they live their lives in vain, because they do not fulfill their destiny - they do not give shade to people in the heat.

Metaphors- the sand was spinning in a column, a flaming chest

epithets- a sonorous stream, luxurious leaves, proud palm trees, barren soils, terry head.

Comparisons- people - “small children”, the caravan “walked, swaying like a shuttle in the sea”.

Avatars- the spring made its way, the leaves whisper with a thundering stream, the palm trees greet unexpected guests.

History of creation

The work “Three Palms” refers to the mature period of creativity of M. Yu. Lermontov. It was written in 1838, and a year later, in 1839, it was first published in Otechestvennye Zapiski.

In this poem, Lermontov used several images from A. S. Pushkin’s “Imitation of the Koran”, but unlike the work of Alexander Sergeevich, Lermontov made the main question in poetry about the meaning of life and the purpose of man.

Theme of the poem

The whole work of Lermontov is imbued with a deep philosophical meaning, in which Biblical motifs are clearly felt. The image of three palm trees in the poem is an archetype of the three components of the human soul: mind, feelings and will.

The source symbolizes the Holy Spirit, which is the connecting thread between the human soul and God. The place of action where the events of the poem unfold is also not chosen by chance. Palm trees grow in the oasis of the Arabian Desert (“the steppes of the Arabian land”), in which, according to legend, the Garden of Eden - Paradise was located.

Lermontov calls palm trees proud, which symbolizes human pride, indicates the presence of original sin.

The Arabs in the poem, from the ax of which palm trees die, are a symbol of Satan, who severed the connection between man and God.

The main idea of ​​the work: pride and refusal to accept one's destiny are detrimental to the human soul.


This verse has a ring composition, which is based on the reception of antithesis in the first and last stanzas - life and death. In the first stanza, the poet paints a paradise idyll in an oasis - an island of life in the middle of a dry and dead desert. In the last stanza, the oasis also dies, turning into “hoary and cold” ashes. The sands of the desert, no longer held back by palm trees, advance on the former oasis, they absorb the stream - the source of life. Now, without an oasis, the desert promises only death to rare travelers.

The main characters of the poem are "three proud palm trees". Palm trees do not want to live "without use". They complain about fate and grumble at God: “Your holy sentence is not right, O heaven!” . And the Creator heard them. Suddenly, a caravan appeared in the desert and stopped at an oasis. Merchants quenched their thirst with “icy water” from the stream, and then, in order not to freeze at night, they cut down palm trees to kindle a fire: “The ax pounded on the elastic roots, / And pets of centuries fell without life!” .

Proud palm trees paid with their lives for being dissatisfied with the fate prepared for them and daring to grumble at God. This is the main problem of the poem - the relationship between God and people who have free will and long for a better life than the one that is destined for them by fate. Also in the poem, Lermontov's personal position is clearly captured. The poet believes that those who yearn to live for others, strive to benefit people, will invariably be trampled, used and cut down to the root by those who care only about their own needs.


By genre, the poem is a ballad, consisting of 10 stanzas. The ballad was written in two-syllable three-foot amphibrach - a three-foot foot with an accent on the second syllable. Rhyme is a sextine with an adjacent rhyme.

means of expression

In the ballad - a story about the fate of lyrical heroes - palm trees - Lermontov uses a variety of means of expression. The poem has:

  • epithets(a sonorous stream, luxurious leaves, proud palm trees, barren soil, terry head);
  • metaphors(sand spun in a column, flaming chest);
  • comparisons(people - “small children”, the caravan “walked, swaying like a shuttle in the sea”;
  • personifications(a spring made its way, leaves whisper with a rattling stream, palm trees greet unexpected guests).

When describing the felling of palms, the alliteration of the sound “r” is used.