Can people read minds? How to Make People Think You Can Read Minds

Good day! Dear readers, you have definitely heard about human superpowers. Someone communicates with the other world, someone knows how to move objects, and someone even reads minds. Is this fantasy or reality? Is it really possible? How to develop these skills? In this article I will tell you how to learn how to quickly read minds. This is a rather complicated process, but still, if you delve into it, you can learn, the main thing is desire.

Did you know that mind reading can be awakened in each of us? By learning to do this, you will achieve great results in certain activities. If you master these techniques, then unlimited possibilities will open up for you in any business. Thanks to this ability, you can easily find a common language with a person who interests you. The seller always knows exactly what the buyer wants to buy. The boxer knows how the opponent will hit. The goalkeeper will always guess the direction of the ball. The businessman will guess what the competitor is up to.

I have the ability to read minds. But this is more likely not reading thoughts, but predicting events. I sometimes like to bet on the sweepstakes. And you know, quite often I guess the outcome. This is due to the fact that I do not act according to a special algorithm (that is, the team lost, which means they will win next time). No, it doesn't work that way. First of all, I look at the standings, statistics and other indicators, but I do not take into account the last match. A subtle system is very important here, where you need to feel that force majeure can occur. Similarly, in life, by collecting information and systematic observations, you can figure out the plans of anyone. For example, after 5 years at the university, I know what a teacher will say, what a friend or colleague will say. There is no single algorithm, the main thing is consistency.

Predicting sports results I call mind reading from a distance. You see, everything is very simple, but these skills are practiced over the years. For example, now, I know, you will definitely read this article and go quietly about your business, forgetting what it is about. But after a while, you will remember her.

Where is mind reading used?

Mind reading is used in all areas of activity. I have already given some examples. But, most often, these techniques are used in judicial investigations, in particular with the use of a lie detector, that is, a polygraph. Also, these abilities are used by psychics to search for objects or people. Mind reading is also useful for ordinary people. It is directly related to intuition.

Mind Reading Techniques

First, let's look at what mind-reading exercises are, as well as examples. The idea of ​​recording brain activity dates back to the 1920s. For a long time, these diagnostics were used to determine brain diseases.


To complete all the stages of reading a thought, you need to find a volunteer who will agree to the experiment and a room where excess noise does not fall (basement, cellar, house in the forest or cottage).

The instruction consists of preparation and several stages:

  1. Physicists say that every thought is created as a result of fluctuating energy flows. Each thought has its own frequency and can be programmed into the "biological computer". This area is poorly explored. The process of reading thoughts is, of course, possible, but for this it is necessary to create certain situations. Despite the high development of technology, scientists still cannot understand how this mechanism works.
  2. Work on your own consciousness if you want to learn to read minds from a distance. Bring your mind to a state of complete rest and then you will learn to control your thoughts. Various types of meditation help to relax well. You can choose a suitable meditation for yourself on the expanses of our website in another section.
  3. So, you have already learned to dive into a state of rest, the body is completely relaxed, but still the brain is actively working. What to do? Is the stream of thoughts still taking over you? That is why you cannot read other people's thoughts, you have not yet learned to control your own. To do this, let's move on.
  4. To stop thinking, do a special exercise that you do during meditation. Block out thoughts. It will be difficult to release the mind right away, but after a while you will improve your results.
  5. Now let's move on to the exercises. Ask someone close to you to think about an experience you went through together. Put your partner in a comfortable chair "like the Godfather" and make sure that there are no extraneous noises and distractions near him.
  6. Use professional relaxation techniques. If your person is not prepared for this, then try to do it as quickly as possible so that he does not accidentally fall asleep out of habit.
  7. Now it's time to release your thoughts and anticipate what your partner is thinking. After that, you will see some images and silhouettes. After you understand that this is a signal of a person’s thoughts, and not a figment of your imagination, then you can safely end the session. After you're done, ask your partner if that's what they thought at the time you described.
  8. At first, this event should be obvious to you, as clear as the fact that after the night the day will come. That is, you must be associated with this event. Once you have learned to read thoughts, it doesn't matter if you are familiar with it or not. If you are confident in your abilities, then feel free to go to an unfamiliar city and try to find attractions on your own without guidebooks and local residents, just going at random.

Psychological methods of "mind reading"

You should use a few simple exercises to help you learn the basics of telepathy.

In order to become a master at this, you need to train patience, determination and time to practice.

Before starting training, completely free your mind. How to do this is described in the previous section. Well, let's get started.

  • So, the first exercise. Pick up any item that does not belong to you. It can be a phone, a pen, a notebook, a book or a piece of jewelry. Have taken? Now fully concentrate on this subject and abstract (get distracted and try not to think about anything other than the selected subject) from all thoughts. Then close your eyes and think of images that are associated with the owner of this item. Practice regularly, and in the future it will not be a problem for you to unravel the train of thought of any person.
  • This activity helps to train mind reading at a distance. Take a mechanical watch and go to a quiet secluded place. Listen to every sound of the mechanism. To do this, put the watch directly to your ear. Then gradually move the watch away from your ear until you can no longer hear the sound.
  • You can develop telepathy skills anywhere. For example, they saw a stranger walking down the street. Try to guess in which direction it will go next. If you are traveling by public transport, try to guess at which stop the person sitting next to you will get off (I often succeeded in this). It comes with experience.

Thanks to these exercises, you will not only learn to read the minds of other people, but you will also be able to quickly restore energy, improve your intuition, and also be able to control yourself. And remember: “Patience and work will grind everything!”

4 methods to protect against mind reading

To protect yourself from mind reading, cross your arms or legs while talking. So you close the circuit of your biofield. Basic protection methods:

  • "Ring" - connect the thumb and forefinger on the hand, so you form a ring. Lay other fingers on top of each other. Residents of China and Japan actively use this technique.
  • "Ring insertion" - mainly practiced by yogis. For this exercise, again form a ring with your index finger and thumb, but only place the ring in the palm of your other hand. Three times you need to repeat this exercise.
  • "Mirror Wall" - imagine that you are surrounded by a brick wall several rows high. Outside, the wall is covered with mirrors and you are protected from your opponent. When you do this, don't give away your intentions. Try to act in such a way that the opponent does not guess what you have in mind.
  • Soul protection. Immediately after midnight, place two magical candles near you. Three times turn to the Higher Spirits with these words: “I call and conjure you, Holy, Almighty Angels of God, Rulers of every day and hour, in the name of the Mighty and Great Agla. Oh, come to my aid this hour." After that, end the session and extinguish the candles.

In addition to these, there are many more exercises, but they are less effective and will not be useful to an ordinary person.

Thanks to the reader

Thank you dear readers for staying with us! Now you've learned how to read other people's minds, as well as techniques to help you avoid having your mind read. Learn to manage yourself and engage in self-development, then you will see how your life improves. The main thing is to do everything hard and regularly, then there will be an amazing result!

If you learn to read a person's thoughts, then you can ... oh, you can do anything. In any case, those who dream of being able to read the minds of other people think so. But if you think about it, how much will we really get together with reading a person’s thoughts? The ability to manipulate people, the ability to find an approach to them, to be able to communicate with them correctly? Hardly. For one simple reason - we often do not understand ourselves and our thoughts, let alone the fact that someone could extract at least something worthwhile from them, on which one could play. Our thoughts are often a chaotic set of rationalizations and excuses, and even indictments for those who are unpleasant to us. And this, in fact, is all.

Why does a person want to learn to read other people's minds?
What do people generally think about? What do these thoughts represent?
Why, even if it were possible to acquire the ability to read the minds of other people, it would not bring the desired effect?
Is it possible to learn to understand a person, what drives him, his desires and his preferences in life, his psychotype?

The desire to read the thoughts of other people slips at some point in life for many. No, probably in the world of a child who would not want to eavesdrop on the thoughts of a teacher at school or parents. This interest is especially evident when we first realize that what we say does not always coincide with what we really think. Sometimes we lie, sometimes we don’t say anything, we hide something, we embellish reality. And naturally we guess that this is exactly what all other people do: but we would so like to know the truth.

In fact, the desire to eavesdrop on the thoughts of other people is built on a simple misunderstanding of the formation of thought itself. After all, it is in our thoughts that we form a deception in order to lie later. Similarly, with all other thoughts - they are always the result of our desires, and not vice versa.

They say "what a sober man has on his mind, a drunk man has on his tongue." This phenomenon is connected with the fact that alcohol disinhibits a person's psyche, removes cultural restrictions from him, and he can say or do something that he would never say when sober. As a rule, his drunken words will come as a surprise to himself, because while he was sober, all this did not occur to him - his psyche was hidden for himself. At least he didn't admit it to himself.

And yet, the longed-for dream of eavesdropping on other people's thoughts has been living among people for centuries. Naively, it seems to us that if we could read the minds of other people, then everything would change. We could do what we want and not do what we don't want. There are even many attempts to implement such a scenario in books and cinema.

How to learn to read other people's minds? What an absurdity!

Today, humanity suffers from a strange disease: we really want something, the meaning of which we understand little or do not know at all. As a result, we begin to dream about something that actually carries absolutely nothing in itself, like a soap bubble.

For example, we would like to travel to other planets to find other life there. And the desire to know and read the thoughts of other people is akin to this. We dream about what we know nothing about. Moreover, if we thought about the meaning and meanings of what we want, we would easily understand that all these are empty thoughts, thoughts that in 99% of cases are very mundane and relate to the pressing problems of a person, the desire to eat, drink, breathe, sleep .

In essence, if you know and understand the human psyche, you can understand its inner component from a single word, movement, posture, facial expressions and without eavesdropping on his thoughts. But this is studied not from the outside, but from the inside - through subconscious meanings. Understanding a person, his condition and his mood, we can unravel him and even ... predict actions and train of thought. And in this case, not only the rationalizations and justifications with which his head is filled, but also those that guide him, his actions, which make him make purchases, make this or that choice.

Eavesdropping on the thoughts of another person in this regard is quite simple. Touching the thoughts of another, we can become not only incomprehensible, but also unpleasant. We don't understand them. But what you can get real pleasure from is the ability to understand the human soul.

How to learn to understand another person, and not read his thoughts?

The desire to read the thoughts of another person is usually built on the desire to manipulate another person, to get some kind of benefit for himself. And to a lesser extent, it is an interest in arranging someone else's soul. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this - we want to get the most out of life.

Today there is already real knowledge about the human psyche, which makes it possible for a person not to manipulate others, but to feel happiness and joy because of the opportunity to understand people, to know much more about them than they themselves know. We are talking about the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. In the training, a person's desires are revealed in opposites, which makes them very easy to understand for any person.

With knowledge of system-vector psychology, there is no need to try to eavesdrop on the thoughts of another person. Such interest disappears literally after the first training sessions, because it becomes obvious that a person's thoughts are just the surface of an iceberg. And those depths that his soul keeps, where no one has ever looked, are much more interesting. Moreover, understanding other people, we begin to understand ourselves and our own thoughts, distinguish their meanings and understand how to achieve exactly what we ourselves want. And this is worth a lot!

Hello everyone! If you want to learn how to read people's thoughts and emotions by their gestures, then first of all you must be a very observant person. The best option would be a place where a large number of people are present within sight. It is there that you can analyze facial expressions, analyze human gestures, and also pay attention to the interaction of people. The best option is any place of public recreation.

In this article, you will learn what you need to know in order to make human observations extremely informative.

How to learn to read people's minds: where to start?

And you need to start small, do not try to immediately get into your head and start digging there. Be observant and identify for yourself a few of the simplest rules of human behavior. Gestures, facial expressions and movements can tell about the emotional state of a person, his intentions. Therefore, visit large crowded places more often. Let's take the example of an airport and see what people can tell us about themselves. You don’t have to go there and train, coffee, a park or a supermarket are quite suitable.

If you arrive at the airport, you will immediately find a large crowd of people with a variety of emotions and behaviors! With the help of this lab, you can study a huge number of non-verbal messages that convey the feelings, thoughts and attitudes of people.

Body language can be used to identify a variety of human experiences, such as the fear of not getting on a plane, the joy of a pleasant meeting with relatives, or the anxiety that you can miss the right person.

For example, a woman is sitting in the waiting room waiting for her flight. At this point, her body is quite tense and straightened. She has a straight back, her ankles are crossed, her palms are clenched. These signals indicate that this woman is very nervous and very concerned about something! Maybe she's just afraid to fly on a plane, or maybe the flight is delayed and she's afraid of being late for an important meeting.

Not far from this woman, you can meet three men, each of whom is talking on a mobile phone.

The first man looks at the laptop screen, and his posture is tense. Most likely, he wants to look good in front of his interlocutor, or maybe he is talking to his boss.

The second man sits without any tension, one ankle of his leg rests on the knee of the other leg, one arm is thrown behind his head, and with the other hand he speaks on a mobile phone. His body is slightly tilted back, and a smile can be seen on his face. It is immediately clear that he is now talking to his wife or a good friend.

The third man is also talking on the phone, but his voice is specially reduced, he tries to isolate himself from the people around him and stoops. His left hand seems to cover his face, and his gaze is directed straight down. This suggests that this person is definitely hiding something! Most likely, he was up to some kind of deal or a secret scheme!

It's easy to spot a family in a long baggage claim line as they all stick together and share similar facial features and gestures. Try to observe this family yourself.

It is best to use intuition to determine what these people are thinking right now? Maybe they are in a joyful state, or maybe they feel tension, as the trip was caused by some negative events.

At the airport, you can become an eyewitness to the meeting of close friends or relatives (most often such meetings are observed on weekends). Usually such meetings are accompanied by multiple hugs and kisses.

You can also watch passengers who are not met by anyone. After they have collected their luggage, they go to a taxi. Appreciate the pace of their walk as it reflects the importance of this trip. Those passengers who will be picked up from the airport by car, look at the clock and pay attention to every car passing by, they can also hold their mobile in their hand and wait for a call!

As you have already noticed, at the airport you can learn and understand a lot of interesting things about a person, as well as gain initial skills that will help you learn to read people's minds. So the next time you are in this place, instead of reading a newspaper or a magazine, try people watching. Through their movements and gestures, you will understand what they think and feel! If you saw a whole group of people at once, then try to analyze how each of them interacts with each other, guess who they are to each other. All the time you spend observing and deciphering human body language will not go to waste, and you will learn to understand people even better!

Gestures and words in understanding thoughts

Verbal communication is a complex process that includes a variety of intentions and scenarios. Every person from birth has the ability to determine by behavior and appearance a man of his intentions. Therefore, if you see that a person says one thing, but gives non-verbal signals that are completely inconsistent with words, then it is best to listen to your own inner voice!

For full-fledged communication, it is very important that certain words are supported by appropriate gestures. For example, in an election campaign, success depends on the prepared speech, on the honesty and sincerity of the words, and on the gestures that match the words. Naturally, almost all politicians go through special training courses before their speeches so that their non-verbal and verbal messages do not contradict each other. But even after such training, sometimes they make inappropriate gestures. For example, few people will believe a politician who says that he will listen to the youth, but at the same time shakes his finger at the audience. Not entirely clear are those people who are trying to speak about their good intentions, emphasizing their interest in the life of every citizen, and at the same time making chopping movements with their palms!

In some literary works, writers also pay great attention to the gestures and language of the human body. For example, if a person wants to hide something, then gestures give him away! For example, Sherlock Holmes often uses knowledge of human body language to solve the most complex crimes.

As you know, it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. So don't rely too much on what the person says. It is best to follow his gestures, by which you can understand his true "I".

The role of gestures in the ability to read people's minds

In fact, a person has a great variety of gestures. If we compare human gestures with writing texts in literature, then 1 single gesture is like 1 word in a sentence. That is why it is impossible to immediately draw a clear conclusion about a person and his true desire to do something, having seen only 1 gesture. When communicating with a person, you should pay attention to his gestures, and after that draw conclusions, then you will have enough information to analyze his behavior.

With such an analysis, you should understand that perhaps your words or behavior have changed the gestures of another person (your interlocutor), therefore, first of all, you should analyze the current situation well.

When you communicate with a person, it is very important to combine all his gestures into a certain structure. If a person simply uttered a certain gesture, then this does not mean anything. For example, if the seller talks about the benefits of a particular product, then he must back it up with a few gestures, otherwise it can be concluded that the person himself understands that the product is not so good and just wants to deceive you!

To learn how to read minds competently, you should pay attention only to groups of gestures, because each subsequent gesture can cross out all the previous ones. Therefore, it is necessary to train observation and patience in yourself if you want to learn to understand people well and read their thoughts!

If you saw 1 gesture in a person, then you do not need to immediately draw conclusions. This is just a gesture, and the final conclusion can only be drawn on the basis of a large number of gestures, and nothing else!

Beginning Observer Mistakes

If you are talking to a certain person, then interpreting gestures, in principle, will not be difficult. All this comes with a little practice. But let's look at an example: in front of you, a person covered his mouth with his hand. According to the general description of gestures, this means some kind of uncertainty, you might even think that the person is lying to you. And newcomers very often jump at the first such explanation and do not dig deeper. But it is possible that this person has recently had his front tooth removed, and from this he covers it with his hand. Or he doesn't smell good from his mouth. Therefore, when analyzing gestures, you must take into account other possible options before giving a final decision on this person!

Absolutely everyone can learn to read minds, but many people have serious problems with observing the gestures and posture of a person. This is especially evident in beginners who are not yet very good at responding and interpreting this or that gesture or sign.

In this case, you can use another technique that is sometimes used in the study of foreign languages ​​- just look at your interlocutor or an outsider. No need to immediately try to decipher his every gesture, just look at him and study!

If you are a beginner, it is best to start your development from public places. It can be airports, train stations, parks, discos and so on. There are a lot of people at all these events, and you will be able to train your skills well.

In addition, you can pay attention to television shows (reality shows, interviews, televised debates, discussions, crime films, etc.) where the actors simply radiate a huge amount of gestures and emotions. For example, if you are watching an interview with some famous person, you can easily react to his reaction, to the questions you receive from viewers, and so on.

It is best if you, when watching a TV show or talk show, pay attention to the gestures of people and write them down in a notebook, and decipher them after the end of the show. You can watch the same video a few more times, and at the end draw the final conclusion!

Reaction to non-verbal messages

In some rare cases, the reaction to the interlocutor can be formed on an intuitive level, that is, you just feel it in your subconscious without special conscious thinking!

A study was made at Harvard University, in which 4 videos were made (short, 30 seconds each), sound was removed from the video and only gestures and non-verbal messages of teachers were left. This video was shown to students who had never been to the lectures of these teachers and their opinions agreed with those who were at the lectures of these teachers! It turns out that non-verbal messages play a more significant role than the words of this or that person!

If you analyze a person's gestures, then, first of all, take them in their entirety and think logically what could cause these gestures. For example, if a person is sick and has a nervous tic, then this should not be taken seriously.

If you are speaking in public, then first of all you need to pay attention to the gestures and behavior of a person or even a group of people. If you see that the audience is losing their desire to listen to you, then it is best to change the topic of conversation to something more relaxed or interesting in order to relieve tension among the listeners.

To summarize: how to learn to read minds

Newbies usually have a lot of trouble with this, so here is a short list of what to look for first when meeting a new person:

  1. The general facial expression of a person. Pay attention to the mouth, eyebrows, lips, forehead, and so on.
  2. The position of the human head.
  3. The general position of the back and shoulders of a person.
  4. Pay attention to how the hands and palms of a person move.
  5. On the way a person walks, on how he moves his legs and the position of his feet.
  6. Pay attention to how the person speaks, with what speed, confidence, perhaps there are some extraneous sounds, such as coughing.
  7. Think about the relationship of all these elements.

If you put all these elements together, then you can easily find a common language with this or that person, find new friends and acquaintances, and also learn to read people's minds and understand them more deeply!

Each person can develop telepathic abilities, since it is inherent in our nature with you. But for some, such development takes only a few months, while others will take many years. Why is this happening?

In many ways the speed of progress depends on how regularly the neophyte practices, on his perseverance, as well as natural inclinations. In any case, only those who work on themselves achieve success, and therefore, let's get started. The first point is peace as an exchange of information and energy. I hope you have long been familiar with the concept of "metabolism", and now it's time to get acquainted with the concept of "energy exchange".

Telepathy is nothing more than an energy-information exchange, but before you can read people's thoughts, you must improve your own body, accumulate enough energy (in India it is called prana). Without an appropriate amount of prana, telepathic communication is simply impossible.

Prana Accumulation Exercises

You will need to use your imagination, as well as use a special respiratory system developed by Indian yogis. You should lie on a bed or sit in a comfortable chair, and put your hands on your stomach in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus (manipura - chakra area). Feel the pulse beat. You need to breathe as follows - inhale for 4 heart beats, then hold your breath for 2 beats, exhale for 4 beats and again hold for 2 beats.

As you inhale, you should imagine how prana rushes out and is absorbed by your body. Prana can be represented as rays of light, running ants, and so on. What matters is not what you imagine, but how clearly this image is stored in your mind.

As you exhale, imagine how the absorbed prana flows into the solar plexus area. If this exercise is performed correctly, then after a while you will feel prana - it can manifest itself as heat or a vague movement. Well, although you have not yet understood how to learn to read minds, the foundation has already been laid. Now is the time to move on to point two - the use of accumulated prana. And you can use this energy for many things - from the treatment of various diseases to the establishment of an energy-informational connection with other people.

The use of prana - how to make this energy work

So, we have accumulated prana, now it should be spent on something. To begin with, we will master the method of transferring prana to other people for the treatment of minor illnesses. You can’t count on curing serious diseases - only saints can do this, but it’s quite possible to eliminate a headache. To do this, you should put your hands on the sore spot and imagine how a powerful concentrated flow of prana flows from you to the one you are helping. One important condition - you should not be in relation to your patient. And yet - at the end of the procedure, shake your hands to throw off the negative.

Psychic breathing

Now you have to learn how to learn to read people's minds. To sharpen your perception, do the following exercise: while inhaling, imagine how the air penetrates into the smallest pores of the body, and drags the hair with it, making them fit closer to the body. As you exhale, imagine that the air comes out of the pores and causes the hair to rise.

After a few workouts, your sensitivity will noticeably increase, and you will feel this movement. This exercise is called "mental breathing". According to V. Ser Bin Terro, author of The Development of Telepathic Abilities, the regular practice of "mental breathing" allows you to achieve a state of samadhi - a kind of trance during which a person.

Switching consciousness

Those who have learned to read people's minds know that the most important thing for a telepath is complete self-control. Otherwise, the acquired power can break out under the influence of random emotions and harm both others and the telepath himself. Train your mind to control emotions by doing the following exercise:

Concentrate your full attention on any thought that does not cause you any emotions. Anything can be a subject for reflection - the weather on the street, abstract philosophical topics, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is no emotions. Then switch your mind to any subject that causes a violent emotional reaction - business affairs, relationships with loved ones, or a new thing that you passionately desire to acquire. Then switch back to neutral thinking.

By mastering this exercise, you not only prepare for your first telepathic experience, but also gain control over your emotions. Think how nice it will be to learn how to exorcise negative thoughts with one act of will.

How to learn to read minds - the first experience

Remember your friends and acquaintances, choose the most worthy person from them. Imagine what you could do for him, how you could help. Search until you feel that the connection is established. This sensation manifests itself in different ways: for some it is a hot wave running through the body, for others it is a chill in the lumbar region.

Then visualize a clear image of your friend, imagine that he is listening. If you want to provide two-way communication, then also draw your image and "give" it to a friend. The connection is established - you can start communication. But if you only ask and ignore counter questions, then the connection will be interrupted.

Mandatory requirements: you should enter into a telepathic connection only in a state of good physical health, as well as complete emotional calm. Failure to comply with these terms may harm you or your interlocutor. Alcohol and even caffeine are also not allowed.

Unleashing our full potential

Do not think that after learning how to read minds, you will want to stop at. Information can be obtained not only from people, but also from the energy-informational field of the earth. To do this, you need to completely free your mind from extraneous thoughts, do "mental breathing", and then focus on the information you want to know. Gradually, new thoughts will begin to arise in the consciousness - this is information extracted from the energy-information field.

Another way to get information is to pick up any object in your hand, send a stream of prana into it, and then return the prana back. At the same time, images will begin to appear in the mind - the object transmits the accumulated information to you. I have often used this method.

The danger of telepathy

In conclusion, it remains to be said that the development of telepathic abilities is not the safest occupation. A person who has revealed his energy potential is fully responsible for its use (do not forget about karma - the law of causes and effects). It is not acceptable to use telepathic practices for selfish purposes or as a means of settling scores with one's enemies. That is, of course, you can use your abilities as you wish, but retribution will inevitably follow for the harm done. The question "how to learn to read minds" is directly related to another question - "how to use the acquired power correctly."

Incredible Facts

At least once in a lifetime, but each of us found ourselves in a situation where we would like to read the thoughts of another person.

No matter how closely and well we know a friend or loved one, what goes on in their head is beyond our power to know. This aspect seems to be the ultimate goal of our knowledge of someone else.

But in fact, everything is somewhat different. After all, there is emotional intelligence, empathy, with the help of which a person turns into a real telepath with a high level of sensitivity to the emotions of others.

Today, telepathy in its classical sense (that is, the ability to read a person's thoughts at a distance without the use of any devices) is considered a pseudoscientific delusion.

Suggestion, telepathy

As early as 1882, attempts began to prove the reality of telepathy. Frederick Myers, a well-known researcher and philosopher at that time, who studied paranormal phenomena and wrote the book The Human Personality and Its Life after the Death of the Body, took up this task. Since then, these attempts have not stopped for a moment. He also introduced the term "telepathy".

Experts in this field distinguish several types of telepathy, including:

- conscious and unconscious;

- latent (which is currently sleeping, but may manifest itself in the future);

- retrocognitive (refers to events from the past);

- intuitive (refers to events from the present);

- precognitive (refers to events from the future);

- emotive (if emotions, sensations, mood, etc. are transmitted instead of thoughts);

- mental;

- touch;

- physical.

How to develop telepathy

astral feelings

Each of us is aware of the existence of five senses (taste, hearing, sight, touch, smell). However, a person, among other things, has two more types of feelings related to more subtle reasoning and understanding. While the five senses are directly connected to our physical body, there are also feelings connected to the human astral body.

astral body

Astral feelings are a kind of analogues of physical feelings only at the astral level. Such feelings are creativity, intuition and emotions.

Some may say that only physical feelings are true, and the rest is all nonsense. But just consider that our senses may well deceive us. For example, colors are certain impressions of specific light waves that do not exist separately.

Another example. Without telescopes and astronomy, human intelligence alone, even the most advanced and developed, would not be enough to conclude that the Earth is a sphere. It is impossible to prove it only with the help of feelings.

There are many things that a person does not see, but which are. These are bacteria, and radio waves, and X-rays, etc. In other words, relying only on feelings, it is impossible to present a complete picture of the world.

About telepathy

Lost feelings

For a person who knows, astral feelings are an important addition to physical ones. It is easy for such a person to switch from the physical body to the astral body, not really feeling the difference between them.

To the five physical senses, one should also add a telepathic sense and a sense of the presence of another living being. These feelings are inherent in humans and higher forms of animals. However, modern man does not use them.

As a rule, a person calls this reasoning or logic, but in reality they do not at all help to increase our mental abilities or sharpen our senses. Therefore, a person needs not to develop, but simply to rethink the feelings that are inherent in him from birth.


The first principle of telepathy is the existence of astral senses. The second says that our every thought is a vibration that our telepathic sense can catch. From a scientific point of view, this is the reality of neuroimaging, and how machines can scan our brains to interpret the results, that is, to talk about how we feel and what we think.

Telepathy is the work of the sent message and its recipient, but at the level when the mental abilities of a person are so expanded that he can receive such waves.

How to develop telepathy?

So, you have set yourself the task of learning to read the thoughts of another person. Let's hope that the reason for setting such a goal is quite valid. Once you have this power, it is extremely important to use it wisely. Here are the steps you need to take:

How to learn telepathy

1) You must sincerely believe

You will never be able to do something if you do not believe in it with all your heart. If you want to learn telepathy, then you need to forget about all the scientific reasoning on this subject. Your faith will help you make telepathy your reality.

2) You need to turn on the third eye chakra

In order to activate your center of intuition and understanding (the third eye), it is essential to balance your chakras. This is the center of all telepathic meaning. Unfortunately, in modern man, the third eye has fallen into disrepair and atrophied, turning into a pineal gland inside the brain. The very first and most important steps to take is to meditate to cleanse your chakras and aura.

3) You need to find a person who will agree with you to practice telepathy

In the very early stages, you really need to be in contact with a person who will share your desire to master telepathy. Try to practice together. The important thing here is to avoid deception, not to make the other think about having telepathic abilities before it actually happens.

Telepathic abilities

How to start?

Work together, pass various easy tests.

Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

Try to start with emotions (that is, your partner should be trying to convey very strong emotions to you, such as pain, anger, sexual desire, enthusiasm, etc.).

Do not use complex and abstract thoughts in your work, as they are very subtle, and at the beginning of the practice you will not be able to catch them.

You can also try to "see" what your partner writes in a notebook, what he imagines.