58 Panzer Division autumn 1941 16 November. Iron Fist of the Red Army

Motorized divisions

Each mechanized corps, along with two tank divisions, included a motorized division. It was intended to consolidate the success achieved by the tank divisions and solve other problems in the depths of the enemy's defense. Motorized divisions of the first nine mechanized corps were deployed from rifle divisions with the same numbering. For the second wave of MK, the formation of new divisions began - from scratch or on the basis of disbanded cavalry divisions. The composition and organization of the motorized division were approved by the Decree of the Defense Committee dated May 22, 1940 No. 215s.

Organizationally, the motorized division consisted of the following units and subunits:
division management;
two motorized rifle regiments;
cannon artillery battery (4 76-mm guns);
tank regiment (consisting of 4 tank battalions and support units);
support units.

According to the wartime staff, the division should have had: 11,534 people; 258 BT and I7T-37 tanks; 51 armored vehicles; 12 152 mm howitzers; 16 122 mm howitzers; 16 76 mm guns; 30 45 mm anti-tank guns; 8 37 mm anti-aircraft guns; 12 DShK anti-aircraft machine guns; 12 82mm mortars; 60 50mm mortars; 80 heavy machine guns; 367 light machine guns; 1587 cars; 128 tractors; 159 motorcycles.

BA-10s of the 2nd MK General Yu.V.Novoselov are moving towards Ungheni for a counterattack on the Romanian units.

Medium armored vehicles BA-10 on the march. The headlights of the armored vehicle are covered with light-protective visors.

Armored car BA-20 and its driver, awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

The numbering of units in motorized divisions was the same as rifle divisions, that is, unsystematic (although until 1939 the numbering of regiments in rifle divisions was simple - their numbers went in order, for example, 11th sd - 31st, 32nd and 33rd joint venture, 24th rifle division - 70th, 71st and 72nd joint ventures (since 1939, the 7th, 168th and 274th joint ventures, respectively).

Motorized divisions differed greatly in terms of staffing, weapons and equipment. This is clearly seen in the example of three formations - the 131st, 213th and 215th MD, which were part of the KOVO mechanized corps. Having personnel close to regular (1 1534 people), in the 131st MD - 10580, in the 213th MD - 10021, in the 215th MD - 10648 people, these divisions experienced a large shortage of command personnel: with the regular number of command personnel in 1095 people, there were in the 131st MD - 784, in the 213th MD - 459, in the 215th MD - 596. The tank fleet - an average of 36% of the state. By divisions: in the 131st - 122 tanks, in the 213th - 55, in the 215th - 129. Artillery - the total percentage of equipment for three divisions: 76-mm guns - 66.6%, 37-mm guns - 50 %, 152-mm howitzers - 22.2%, 122-mm howitzers - 91.6%, 82-mm mortars - 88.8%, 50-mm mortars - 100%.

The situation with vehicles was much worse:
cars - 24% of the state. Instead of 1587 cars, in the 131st MD - 595, in the 213th MD - 140, in the 215th MD - 405;
tractors and tractors - 62.6% of the state. Of the 128 full-time, in the 131st MD - 69, in the 213th MD - 47, in the 215th MD - 62;
motorcycles - 3.5% of the state. Instead of 159 cars, in the 131st MD - 17, in the 213th and 215th MD - none at all.

But these were divisions of the First Strategic Echelon. In the inner regions, the situation was even worse. Therefore, from the first days of the war, most motorized divisions were used in battles as rifle formations.

In total, before the war, the mechanized corps had 29 motorized divisions. In addition to them, there were several more separate motorized divisions.

The fate of the motorized divisions of the mechanized corps during the war years was different:
The 1st MD of the 7th MK on 09/21/1941 was transformed into the 1st Guards Medical (from 01/23/1943 the 1st Guards). She completed her combat career during the war years as the 1st Guards Moscow-Minsk Proletarian Order of Lenin Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov SD.
7th MD 8th MK 09/12/1941 was reorganized into the 7th RD. 12/27/1941 disbanded.
On August 6, 1941, the 15th MD of the 2nd Mk was reorganized into the 15th Rifle Division. She ended the war as the 15th Inza Si-vash-Szczecin Order of Lenin Twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov and the Red Banner of Labor SD.
The 29th MDB-GOMK was disbanded on September 19, 1941.
On July 16, 1941, the 81st MD of the 4th MK was reorganized into the 81st Rifle Division. 09/27/1942 disbanded.
On July 16, 1941, the 84th MD of the 3rd MK was reorganized into the 84th Rifle Division. She ended the war as the 84th Kharkov Red Banner Rifle Division.
103rd md 26th mk. 08/28/1941 it was transformed into the 103rd division. 12/27/1941 disbanded.
On July 19, 1941, the 109th MD of the 5th MK was transformed into the 304th Rifle Division.
On July 29, 1941, the 131st MD of the 9th MK was reorganized into the 131st Rifle Division. 12/27/1941 disbanded.
On September 15, 1941, the 163rd MD of the 1st MK was reorganized into the 163rd Rifle Division. She ended the war as the 163rd Romno-Kyiv Order of Lenin Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov SD.
On August 25, 1941, the 185th MD of the 21st MK was reorganized into the 185th RD. She ended the war as the 185th Pankratov-Prague Order of Suvorov sd.
On September 17, 1941, the 198th MD of the 10th MK was reorganized into the 198th RD.
On September 20, 1941, the 202nd MD of the 12th MK was reorganized into the 202nd RD. She ended the war as the 202nd Korsun-Shevchenko Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov sd.
The 204th MD of the 11th MK was disbanded on September 19, 1941.
The 205th MD of the 14th MK was disbanded on 06/30/1941.
The 208th MD of the 13th MK was disbanded on September 19, 1941.
The 209th MD of the 17th MK was disbanded on September 19, 1941.
The 210th MD of the 20th MK on 07/14/1941 was transformed into the 4th cd.
On July 29, 1941, the 212th MD of the 15th MK was reorganized into the 212th RD. 11/21/1941 disbanded.
The 213th MD of the 19th MK was disbanded on September 19, 1941.
The 215th MD of the 22nd MK was disbanded on September 19, 1941.
The 216th MD of the 24th MK was disbanded on September 19, 1941.
218th MD of the 18th MK 09/08/1941 was reorganized into
218th sd. 09/27/1942 disbanded.
219th MD of the 25th MK 09/09/1941 was reorganized into
219th sd. 12/27/1941 disbanded.
On July 21, 1941, the 220th MD of the 23rd MK was reorganized into the 220th Rifle Division. She ended the war as the 220th Orsha Red Banner Order of Suvorov SD.
The 221st MD of the 27th MK was disbanded on 08/10/1941.
The 236th MD on the 28th MK on 09.1941 was reorganized into the 236th RD. She ended the war as the 236th Dnepropetrovsk Red Banner Order of Suvorov sd.
239th MD of the 30th MK 6.08.1941 was reorganized into
239th sd. She ended the war as the 239th Red Banner Rifle Division.
240th MD of the 16th MK 08/06/1941 was reorganized into
240th sd. She ended the war as the 240th Kiev-Dnepr Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky SD.

After the abolition of the mechanized corps, most of the motorized divisions were transferred to the states of rifle divisions, since there were practically no tanks left in them, and there was no hope for the arrival of new ones.

Panzer divisions

The main striking force of the mechanized corps was the two tank divisions that were part of them. The main purpose of the tank division was to break through the weakly fortified defense of the pro. enemy, the development of an offensive to a great depth and actions in the operational depth - the defeat of reserves, disruption of control and demoralization of the rear, the capture of important objects. In defensive operations, TDs were supposed to launch counterattacks in order to destroy the enemy that had broken through. This task before the war was considered secondary and unlikely. Therefore, in the ensuing battles, it was not possible to organize and properly conduct counterattacks.

The organization of the tank division and its staff fully corresponded to its purpose. In view of the dominance of the theory of "war with little bloodshed on foreign territory," which implied the seizure of air supremacy and the offensive as the main type of combat operations, tank divisions had great striking power, but an absolutely insufficient (as the war showed) amount of air defense systems, evacuation equipment.

The formation of tank divisions began in accordance with the states approved by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of July 6, 1940 No. I93-464s. The division was supposed to: personnel - 11343 people, tanks - 413 (of which 105 KB, 210T-34, 26 BT-7, 18 T-26, 54 chemical), armored vehicles - 91, guns and mortars (without 50-mm) - 58. In March 1941, the organization of the tank regiment of the tank division was changed - the number of heavy tanks in it decreased from 52 to 31. Accordingly, the number of tanks in the division was reduced from 413 to 375. In the mechanized corps, instead of 1108 tanks, it became 1031. In 1940 . It was
18 tank divisions were formed as part of mechanized corps and two separate TDs (6th - in the Western Military District and 9th - in the SAVO).

The organizational structure of the tank divisions was as follows:
two tank regiments, each consisting of 4 tank battalions (heavy tank battalion - 31 KB and 2 medium tank battalions of 52 T-34 each; chemical tank battalion);
motorized rifle regiment;
howitzer artillery regiment;
ancillary units.

A tank company of medium tanks had 17 vehicles (in a platoon - 5), a battalion - 52 tanks. The battalion of heavy tanks consisted of 31 tanks (10 in a company, 3 in a platoon).

T-34s move into position. The "bare" cases attract attention - the machines are not equipped with spare parts, boxes with accessories and tools. Northwestern Front, September 1941

The numbering of units in tank divisions was simpler than in motorized and rifle divisions. The numbers of the tank regiments were in order (with a few exceptions) and corresponded to the division number multiplied by 2, and the number multiplied by 2 minus 1 (for example, in the 47th TD - the 93rd and 94th TP). Exception: 16th TD - 31st and 149th TD. 23rd TD - 45th and 144th TP, 24th TD - 48th and 49th TP, 25th TD - 50th and 113th TP, 27th TD - 54th and 140th TP, 29th TD - 57th and 59th TP, 31st TD - 46th and 148th TP. The numbers of the motorized rifle regiment, artillery regiment, anti-aircraft artillery battalion, reconnaissance battalion, pontoon bridge, medical and sanitary, motor transport, repair and restoration battalions and communications battalion, control company and field bakery coincided with the number of the division. Field postal stations and cash desks of the State Bank had their own numbering system.

In the tank divisions formed for the mechanized corps of the inner districts, the numbering system was broken - the numbers of the regiments changed - and did not have their former harmony.

Here is the composition of the 1st Red Banner Tank Division: 1st, 2nd TP, 1st SME, 1st ran, 1st rear, 1st time-vedbat, 1st pontoon battalion, 1st separate communications battalion, 1st medical battalion, 1st motor transport battalion, 1st repair and restoration battalion, 1st regulation company, 1st field bakery, 63rd field postal station, 204th field cash desk of the State Bank.

The staff of the tank division of the Red Army in 1941 was 10942 people, including 1288 people of command and command staff, 2331 people of junior command staff, 7323 privates.

The armament of the division consisted of 375 tanks (63 heavy, 210 medium, 26 BT, 22 T-26, 54 chemical); 95 armored vehicles (56 BA-10 and 39 BA-20); 12 122 mm howitzers; 12 152 mm howitzers; 4 76-mm regimental guns; 12 37 mm automatic anti-aircraft guns; 18 82mm battalion mortars; 27 50-mm company mortars; 1360 cars; 84 tractors; 380 motorcycles; 122 light machine guns; 390 submachine guns; 1528 self-loading rifles.

The events of the beginning of the war showed that the weak point of the tank divisions was the lack of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons, armored personnel carriers (there were none at all), although all other weapons were at the level of the best examples of the Wehrmacht or even surpassed it.

Colonel Baranov (second from left) indicates the battle line to the tankers of his unit. You can clearly see the "cutting house" characteristic of the T-34 of the 1941 model, the driver's viewing devices and the rounded joint of the front hull plates. South of Ukraine, October 1941

Heavy tanks in KOVO, ZOVO and PribOVO were represented by 48 T-35s (all in the 34th TD), 516 KV-1 and KV-2 (the last in the 41st TD there were 31 by the beginning of the war, but all of them remained without ammunition). Park of medium tanks in the western districts in 1940 - 1941 replenished with 1070 "thirty-fours". The lightest BT-5 and BT-7 remained the most common (about 3,500 pieces) and the most massive in the Red Army T-26, as well as its flamethrower modifications (about 9,500 vehicles in total). For reconnaissance, the floating T-37, T-38, T-40 and armored vehicles BA-20 and BA-10 were intended, which were equipped with reconnaissance battalions and reconnaissance companies of tank divisions.

Each tank division was supposed to have 84 tractors and tractors for towing artillery pieces. In fact, there were much fewer of them, for example, in the 19th TD - 52, and in many divisions the situation was even worse: in the 41st TD - 15, in the 20th TD - 38, in the 35th TD - 7, in the 40th TD - 5. The percentage of staffing with tractors of tank divisions of the mechanized corps of the 5th Army of the KOVO was 26.1%. In addition, agricultural tractors were also used very often, as there was not enough special equipment. As for the suitability of the available tractors as an evacuation vehicle, even the best of them, the Komintern, could only tow a 12-ton load and was suitable, at best, for the removal of light tanks.

The authorized strength of the fleet of tank divisions was 1360 vehicles. But there were also not enough of them, so the number of cars ranged from 157 in the 40th TD to 682 in the 41st TD. The average staffing of tank divisions of the 9th, 19th, and 22nd mechanized corps was 27% of the standard, and for motorized divisions - 24%.

Each tank division was to have 380 motorcycles. However, in reality the picture was different. 35, 40, 41 TD did not have motorcycles at all, in 19 and 20 TD there were 10 cars each, in 43 TD - 18. The total percentage of staffing was only 1.7 of the regular one. The situation was no better in motorized divisions - with a regular number of 159 motorcycles, 213, 215 md did not have them at all, in 131 md there were 17. The percentage of staffing was 3.5. In addition, the existing motorcycles served in good order and were in poor technical condition. Here is the testimony of the commander of the 43rd reconnaissance battalion of the 43rd TD V.S. Arkhipov: “By the beginning of June 1941, the 43rd reconnaissance battalion was almost completely formed. there are very few of them, so most of the fighters were transported by trucks." This created great difficulties in conducting intelligence and organizing communications.

BA-10s are undergoing repairs in the factory workshops.

Communication facilities were one of the weak points of the mechanized corps. As in the corps of the 1939 model, the 71-TK tank radio stations and the 5-AK automobile radio stations remained the main ones. These radio facilities were not enough to control the tank corps of the previous organization, and even more so the new corps, the number of tanks in which had almost doubled.

While homogeneity on paper, in reality the number of personnel, weapons and equipment in the tank divisions was different, there were very few fully equipped divisions by the beginning of the war.

The number of tanks ranged from 36 in the 20th TD to 415 in the 41st TD. Close to the regular number of vehicles had 1,3,7, 8, 10 etc., while most of the divisions were in the initial stage of formation.

Comparing the weapons of the Soviet and German tank divisions, it should be noted that the tank division of the Red Army in terms of the number of tanks (regular) was 2 times superior to the German one, inferior in the number of personnel (10,942 versus 16,000 people). The organizational and staffing structure of the divisions had differences: in the Soviet there were 2 tank regiments of the 3rd battalion, in the German - one tank regiment of the 2nd battalion. Against one motorized rifle regiment (3 battalions) in the TD of the Red Army, in the German there were 2 grenadier regiments (2 battalions each). The rest of the units and divisions were almost the same.

Table N9 7. Data on the tank fleet of some tank divisions

The tank fleet of the tank divisions of the Red Army was also diverse. If the 7th, 8th, 10th TDs had a large number of new KB and T-34 tanks, then in the 40th TD out of 158 tanks, 139 were lightly armored amphibious T-37s and only 19 T-26s, and its combat potential as a tank formation was minimal - one loud name. Most of the divisions had mainly tanks of the BT and T-26 series of various modifications.

The staffing of tank divisions with weapons and military equipment can be considered using the example of formations 9, 19, 22 of the KOVO mechanized corps, since the most reliable information is available about them. Let's start with the personnel. The total staffing of tank divisions with commanding officers was 46% (with a staff strength of 1288 people, ranging from 428 in the 35th TD to 722 in the 19th TD), junior command staff - 48.7% (staff - 2331 people, in fact - from 687 in the 20th TD to 1644 in the 35th TD). More than half of the commanders of various levels were missing. With a staff of 10942 people, the number of personnel ranged from 8434 in the 43rd TD to 9347 in the 19th TD. The overall staffing level was 81.4%.

Tanks in these 6 divisions had 51% of the state. The spread by vehicle type was large: KB had only 9.41%, T-34 - even less - 0.16%, BT - 41%, T-26 - 64.9%, chemical - 16%. The main vehicle was the T-26 - in the 41st TD - 342, in the 43rd TD - 230. The situation with artillery weapons was a little better - the overall percentage of equipment by types of guns was as follows: 76-mm guns - 66.6%, 37 mm anti-aircraft guns - 33.3%, 152 mm howitzers - 66.6%, 122 mm howitzers - 86%.

A big problem for divisional commanders was the lack of vehicles, especially fuel trucks. For example, in the 11th, 13th, 17th, 20th mechanized corps of motor vehicles there were only 8 - 26% of the staff.

The most difficult situation with fuel trucks was in the Baltic OVO, where the commander of the district, Mr. Kuznetsov, was forced on June 18, 1941 to give the order: and the 12th mechanized corps. All this led to sad consequences: in the early days of the war, very often tanks at the most inopportune moment found themselves without fuel and were forced to wait for hours for it (which frustrated all plans for interaction), or the crews had to destroy their vehicles so that they would not get to the enemy.

T-34s take up positions near Leningrad.

Another shortcoming of the tank divisions was the lack of evacuation means, as a result of which not only damaged, but even serviceable tanks, but stuck in swamps, on rivers and other obstacles, were not evacuated and destroyed. The divisions had only 3-4 low-power tractors intended for evacuation. In addition, in the prewar years, repairs were considered as a purely technical measure, providing only the elimination of malfunctions in machines during operation, but did not contribute to the restoration of the combat capability of the troops. Therefore, the repair of equipment on the battlefield was supposed to be carried out only after the troops had completed their combat missions. In combination with the poor training of personnel, all this led to the fact that the loss of materiel for non-combat reasons exceeded 50%.

Table No. 8. Number of vehicles by border districts

The reason for this "wastefulness", along with the weakness of the repair base and the lack of spare parts (according to existing practice, their production was stopped with the removal from the plans for the production of the vehicle itself), was the poor training of many crews, who for the first time in the army met with complex equipment and abandoned tanks at the slightest breakdown which they were unable to eliminate. According to German data, during the first two months of the war, they captured 14,079 Soviet tanks with destroyed or abandoned crews.

This is also referred to in the political report of the propaganda department of the South-Western Front dated July 8, 1941: "In the 22nd mechanized corps during the same time (22.06 - 07.06.1941) 46 vehicles, 119 tanks were lost, of which 58 were blown up by our units in withdrawal time due to the impossibility of repairing en route.The losses of KB tanks in the 41st Panzer Division are exceptionally high. Of the 31 tanks available in the division, 9 remained on June 6. Disabled by the enemy - 5, blown up by crews - 12, sent to repair - 5 ... The large losses of KB tanks are primarily due to the poor technical training of the crews, their low knowledge of the materiel of tanks, and the lack of spare parts. There were cases when the crews could not eliminate the malfunctions of stopped KB tanks and undermined them. "

Table No. 9

Table No. 10

The state of many tank divisions before the war can be imagined by reading the "Description of the hostilities of the 40th TD of the 19th MK":

"By June 22, 1941, the division was equipped with tanks by 8-9%, and those were not standard equipment. The condition of the materiel for the battle did not correspond (T-37, T-38, T-26 vehicles, mainly undergoing medium repairs, intended for the combat training park.) There are no service tanks at all.

Armament: tank regiments had rifles for guard duty. The command staff was staffed by 35%. Due to the lack of tanks, the division did not have special weapons. The artillery regiment had 12 guns. The motorized rifle regiment was equipped with service weapons, especially automatic weapons, by 17-18%.

Pz Kfpw III Ausf E knocked out in the Smolensk direction. The tanks that broke through to the trenches were shot at by fire in the sides and stern. July 20, 1941

The pre-war deployment of many divisions was extremely disadvantageous. Here is one example: the 22nd Panzer Division of the 14th Mk4th Army of the ZapOVO was located in the Southern military town of Brest (2.5 km from the border). For her, a serious problem was access to the assembly areas - to get to the Zhabinka region, it was necessary to cross the Mukhavets River, cross the Warsaw highway and two railway lines: Brest - Baranovichi and Brest - Kovel. This meant that for the duration of the passage of the division, all movement in the Brest area would cease. In addition, due to the proximity of the border, the division suffered huge losses from artillery fire in the very first hours of the war, having lost, moreover, ammunition and fuel and lubricants.

Red Army soldiers at a light armored personnel carrier Sd Kfz 253 stuck in their trenches.

After the start of the war, the organizational and staff structure of many tank divisions, due to the lack of materiel, underwent changes. Already on June 24, the tank divisions of the 21st mechanized corps of the Moscow Military District were reorganized. Two tank regiments remained in the 42nd and 46th TDs, but each now had only one two-company tank battalion. In the company - 3 platoons of 3 tanks. 9 command tanks were added to them. In total, the tank division had 45 tanks, which was less than in the tank battalion of the pre-war organization. In July 1941, after the abolition of the mechanized corps, 10 tank divisions of the new organization were formed from the mechanized corps of the internal military districts - the number of tanks in the state was reduced to 217, in a tank company instead of 17 tanks there were 10, the howitzer artillery regiment was transformed into an anti-tank one, instead of the repair and restoration battalion, a repair and restoration company was introduced into the divisions, which included:
a platoon for the repair of heavy and medium tanks;
2 light tank repair platoons;
a platoon for the repair of wheeled vehicles;
electrical platoon;
a platoon for the repair of artillery and small arms;
spare parts delivery platoon;
tractor (evacuation) platoon.

The well-known picture depicting a T-34 tank duel with a German "Panzer" shows the vehicle of the commander of a tank company, L.L. Kukushkin, who destroyed three enemy tanks with water from the battles. Armament has already been removed from the defeated Pz Kpfwll Ausf C and the engine compartment has been dismantled. August 7, 1941

Separate tank divisions were placed under the command of the commanders of combined arms armies.

Until January 1942, all tank divisions were disbanded or converted into tank brigades, which became the main tactical unit of the armored forces. Until 1945, only the 61st and 111th Panzer Divisions, which were part of the Transbaikal Front, survived. They took part in the defeat of the Kwantung Army in August-September 1945.

The combat operations of Soviet tank divisions in the summer of 1941 can be judged by the example of the 43rd TD of the 19th MK of the 5th Army of the South-Western Front. It was not possible to complete the formation by the beginning of the war, although the division had 237 tanks, of which 5 KB, 2 T-34s and 230 T-26s. The division was commanded by Colonel I.G. Tsibin, chief of staff - Colonel V.A. Butman-Doroshkevich. About how the 43rd TD entered the war, says the "Report on the hostilities of the 43rd TD of the 19th MK for the period from June 22 to June 29, 1941":


The headquarters of the division was staffed almost completely by fully trained command personnel, knocked together and capable of command and control, staffing it occurred at the expense of the headquarters of the 35th Red Banner Tank Brigade that arrived in the division.

The senior and middle command personnel were also quite satisfactorily trained, most had combat experience in battles with Finland.

The division was staffed with specialists both in quantity and quality quite satisfactorily, the crews of combat vehicles were trained, many of them had combat experience and fully mastered the equipment available.

The junior commanding staff, especially the motorized rifle regiment, was 70% out of stock, insufficiently trained, as it arrived from other units and was promoted from the Red Army.

The personnel of the first battalions of tank regiments remained untrained as soon as they arrived for staffing, due to the lack of materiel, having completed only the course of a young soldier.

The combat vehicles were completely ready for battle, manned, but technically very worn out. Of the available number of vehicles, about 150 were out of order, partially repaired at repair depots, and some of them stood without drivers in Berdichev until they were received from the assigned staff according to the mob plan. There were only 40-45% of spare parts for combat vehicles in the warehouses of the division.

The available number of motor vehicles in no way provided the division for going on a campaign and raising all supplies. As a result, the bulk of the personnel of the motorized rifle regiment and other specialists of non-combat vehicles could not be raised by motor transport. Also, the people of the first battalions of tank regiments that did not have materiel could not be raised.

There were absolutely no shells for 37-mm anti-aircraft guns in the unit. For the 122 and 152 mm guns, there was only one ammunition load. MP with automatic weapons and mortars was equipped with 1520% against the table.

Pz KpfwIIAusf C, shot down by Soviet tankers on the Southwestern Front. August 1941

At noon on June 22, the division was given the task of concentrating 20 km southwest of Rovno and being ready for an offensive in the direction of Dub-no-Dubrovka. The march under its own power took three days under continuous air strikes with a constant shortage of fuel and lubricants and spare parts, which literally had to be searched for along the route of movement, moving away from the unit by 150-200 km. During all this time, the division headquarters did not receive any information about the situation at the front, intelligence and operational reports, remaining in the dark even about the neighbors from the flanks and the enemy. So, it was believed that the main forces of the Red Army were already successfully fighting to the west and the task of the division was to eliminate the German tank groups that had broken through. At the same time, one and a half thousand people had to move on foot due to lack of transport. On the morning of June 26, the tank group of the division, which included 2 KB, 2 T-34s and 75 T-26s, moving towards Dubno, met the retreating Soviet units. They managed to stop and, subjugating themselves, included in the defense. However, the division was left without artillery, hopelessly lagging behind on the march, and did not have any air cover, still lacking proper intelligence data. Nevertheless, as a result of a tank attack, it was possible to reach the goal and reach the outskirts of Dubno, pushing the enemy back 15 km. The tank battle lasted 4 hours, and the result was 21 destroyed German tanks, two anti-tank batteries and 50 vehicles, and, due to the lack of KB and T-34 armor-piercing shells, they had to fire fragmentation shells and crush the enemy anti-tank guns with their mass. The price of this was 2 burned-out KB and 15 T-26s. The achieved success could not be developed due to weak interaction with the neighbors, who retreated under the flank counterattack of the Germans. Behind them, under fire at night, the 43rd TD also retreated.

T-34, which lost its track roller and burned out after a mine explosion.

T-34, destroyed by an explosion of ammunition.

Having occupied the lines east of Rovno, the 43rd TD continued to remain under artillery fire and bombardment, repelling German attacks and constantly losing contact with its neighbors, now and then discovering that they had already left their positions. The tankers had to switch to "mobile defense", with short counterattacks, leaving one line after another and fighting off the advancing Germans. By the end of the day on June 28, the 43rd TD had lost 19 T-26 tanks.

The 1st Red Banner TD was formed in July 1940 in the Leningrad Military District on the basis of the 20th Red Banner Tank Brigade of the 1st Tank Brigade as part of the 1st Mk. Stationed before the war in Pskov. By order of the chief of staff of the LenVO, Mr. Nikishev, on June 17, 1941, she was transferred to the Arctic, where, from the beginning of the war until July 8, she fought against 36 AK Germans in the Alakurtti area. 3.07 the crew of the tank of the 1st TP under the command of senior officer A.M. Borisov, holding the line at the bridge over the Kuolaiki River, repelled enemy attacks for 32 hours. In July (without the 2nd TP) she was transferred to the Gatchina region and until mid-August she fought defensive battles on the outskirts of Leningrad. In mid-September, it became part of the 42nd Army of the Leningrad Front and defended itself at the Ligovo-Pulkovo line. On September 30, it was disbanded, and the 123rd brigade was created on its basis. Commander - Mr. V.I. Baranov. On June 22, it had 370 tanks and 53 armored vehicles.

The T-60 light tank was put into production in September 1941. The tank in the photo has two types of rollers - solid and cast with spokes.

Modified KB, carrying 25-mm screens of the upper and lower frontal plates of the hull, introduced since July 1941, and a mounting bracket for the DT anti-aircraft machine gun (the machine gun itself is missing).

1st TD (2nd formation) converted from 1st honey 18.08. She fought on the Western Front. On September 21, it was renamed the 1st Guards Med.

The 2nd TD was formed in July 1940 in the PribVO as part of the 3rd MK. Before the war it was stationed in Ukmergė. June 22 was in the area east of Kaunas. On June 23, together with the 48th and 125th Rifle Divisions, it launched a counterattack on the troops of Army Group North in the direction of Skaudville. In an oncoming tank battle with the 6th TD of the Germans, she inflicted heavy damage on her, but by the end of June 24 she was surrounded by troops of the 56th Manstein MK and was left without fuel and ammunition. In the Raseinay area, one KB from the division held back the offensive of the 6th TD by Mr. Landgraf for almost two days. On June 26, she fought the last battle in the forest northeast of the town of Raseiniai, in which the division commander, Mr. E.N. Solyankin, died. The remaining tanks were blown up, and parts of the personnel managed to get through to their own. July 16 was disbanded.

The 3rd TD was formed in July 1940 in the LenVO as part of the 1st MK. Before the war, it was stationed in the Pskov region, having 338 tanks and 74 BA. In early July, she received 10 KB tanks and was transferred to the NWF troops. Participating in a counterattack on the 56th MK of the Germans, rushing to Novgorod, on July 5 attacked the 1st TD of the Germans, which occupied the city of Ostrov. Lacking air support and advancing without infantry, she lost more than half of her tanks. On July 6, 43 tanks remained in the division. By the evening of July 5, she captured Ostrov, but by the morning of July 6, she was driven out of the city by a blow from the 1st and 6th German tank divisions. On July 7, the 5th TP was transferred to the 22nd sk, and the 6th TP fought as part of the 41st sk, as a result of which the 3rd TD ceased to exist as a combat unit. By August 1, 15 tanks remained in the division, and it was used as a rifle unit. On December 14, 1941, it was transformed into the 225th SD (ended the war as the 225th Novgorod Order of Kutuzov SD). Commander - Colonel K.Yu. Andreev.

The 4th TD was formed in July 1940 in the ZapVO as part of the 6th MK. By the beginning of the war, it was based in the Bialystok region, having, among others, 63 KB and 88 T-34s. On June 22, she entered the battle at the turn of the Narev River, but by the evening she was withdrawn to participate in the counterattack of the mechanized corps of the Western Front. On June 23, together with the tank divisions of the 6th and 11th MK, it launched a counterattack on the Suvalka grouping of German troops. During the battle, she was left without fuel and ammunition and was forced to retreat towards Novogrudok. The remaining tanks were blown up. The remnants of the division, along with other troops of the 3rd and 10th armies, were surrounded west of Minsk, where until July 1 they fought with the enemy’s 10th MD, trying to break through to the Baranovichi area. Disbanded July 6th. Commander - Mr. A.G. Potaturchev.

The 5th TD was formed in July 1940 in the PribVO on the basis of the 2nd ltbr as part of the 3rd MK. Before the war, it was stationed in the city of Alytus. On June 22, after leaving the point of permanent deployment, the division was to deploy on a 30 km front to defend the crossings in the Alytus area and ensure the withdrawal of the 128th Rifle Division. Parts of the division entered the battle at different times, as soon as they were ready. In difficult conditions, the 5th TD was unable to complete the combat mission - the tank units suffered heavy losses and allowed the German troops to capture 3 bridges across the Neman. The division itself was surrounded on the eastern banks of the Neman near Alytus and was practically destroyed. The headquarters of the 3rd Panzer Group on June 22 informed the headquarters of the armies "Center": "On the evening of June 22, the 7th TD had the largest tank battle during the period of this war east of Olita against the 5th TD. 70 enemy tanks and 20 aircraft (at airfields) were destroyed. We lost 11 tanks, 4 of them heavy...".

Repair of KV-1 after the battle. Hanging logs served for self-pulling, often necessary for a heavy machine.

A German soldier leads captured KV tankers. The "staged" picture is a clear plot of one of the Wehrmacht's propaganda companies; none of the crew would have survived in an exploding tank.

A shielded KV-1 shot down with 88mm guns, the only guns capable of fighting these tanks.

The 6th TD was formed in July 1940 in the ZakVO as a separate tank division, then included in the 28th MK. Before the war, it was based in Armenia, being fully equipped. After disbanding in July 1941, the 28th MK as a separate TD was included in the 47th Army. In August, it was transferred to the Nakhichevan region, from where on August 25, as part of the 45th Army, it entered Iranian territory and marched to Tabriz. Later it was returned to the ZakVO, where it was disbanded on October 17, and the 6th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - colonel V.A. Alekseev.

The 7th TD was formed in July 1940 in the ZapVO as part of the 6th MK. Before the war, it was stationed in the Bialystok region, having 368 tanks (including 51 KB, 150 T-34). One of the most complete and powerful tank divisions of the Red Army. On June 22, it was alerted, on the night of the 23rd it made a march to the area east of Bialystok to eliminate the Germans that had allegedly broken through, losing 63 tanks from air strikes, but did not detect the enemy. On the night of June 24, she made a march to the area south of Grodno, but again she did not find the enemy. On June 24 - 25, she participated in the counterattack of the 6th MK against the German troops that had broken through. Due to the lack of fuel, she lost almost all the tanks and retreated towards Minsk, where she was surrounded along with the troops of the 3rd and 10th armies. At the end of June, she tried to break through the front of the 12th German Panzer Division in the direction of Molodechno in order to get out of the encirclement, but by July 1 she had lost all the tanks. July 6 was disbanded. Commander - Mr. S.V. Borzilov (died surrounded on 09/28/1941).

Guns, tractors and trucks abandoned in the encirclement near Kyiv. In the Kiev pocket, the Germans got 3,718 guns and about 15,000 trucks.

The OT-133 flamethrowers were disarmed and blown up by their crews. Kyiv region, September 1941

The 8th TD was formed in July 1940 in KOVO as part of the 4th MK. By the beginning of the war, it was located in the Lvov region, having 325 tanks (of which 50 KB, 140 T-34s). From June 22, she fought in the Lvov ledge in the area of ​​​​Gorodok, Nemirov with the troops of the Army Group "South". On June 23, in the Radekhov area, she repulsed the attacks of the 262nd infantry division and other troops of the enemy's 44th army corps. On June 26, it was transferred to the command of the commander of the 15th MK. In late June - early July, she fought defensive battles in Western Ukraine and retreated to Kyiv. From July 8, the combined detachment of the division defended Berdichev. At the end of July, she was surrounded near Uman, but managed to escape from the ring. In mid-August, she fought near Dnepropetrovsk. On September 20, it was disbanded, and on its basis the 130th brigade was created. Commander - colonel P.S. Fotchenkov.

The 9th TD was formed in July 1940 in SAVO as a separate tank division, then included in the 27th MK. Stationed in the city of Mary. In mid-June, the transfer of parts of the division to Ukraine began. After the start of the war, the 27th MK was disbanded, and the 9th TD became separate. Soon she changed her numbering, becoming the 104th TD. Commander - colonel V. G Burkov.

The 10th TD was formed in July 1940 in KOVO as part of the 4th MK. In 1941 transferred to the 15th MK. Stationed before the war in the city of Zolochiv. Fully equipped - 365 tanks (of which 63 KB, 38 T-34) and 83 BA. On June 22, she made a march to the Radekhov, Brody area, where on the 23rd she entered into battle with the 262nd and 297th infantry divisions of the enemy. On June 26, as part of the 15th MK, she participated in the strike of the mechanized corps of the South-Western Front, advancing from the Brody area to Radekhov, Berestechko. In battles, she suffered heavy losses and subsequently covered the withdrawal of the troops of the South-Western Front. In early July, near Berdichev, she fought with the 11th Panzer Division of the Germans, was surrounded, but managed to break through to her own. At the end of July, she was again surrounded near Uman and again managed to break through the ring. After reorganization on August 20, it was included in the 40th Army, defended at Konotop. On August 29, she launched an offensive in the direction of Shost-ka, Glukhov. In September, she repulsed (unsuccessfully) the attack of Guderian's tank group to the south, which ended with the encirclement of the main forces of the South-Western Front. After the loss of almost all materiel, the 10th TD was withdrawn to the rear, to the Kharkov region. Here, on September 28, it was disbanded, and on its basis the 131st and 133rd brigade were created (from 12/8/1942 - the 11th Guards Korsun-Berlin Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky brigade). Commander - Mr. S.Ya. Ogurtsov (was taken prisoner in August).

The 11th TD was formed in July 1940 in the OdVO as part of the 2nd MK. Before the war, it was stationed in the Tiraspol region. With the outbreak of war, it reached the Soviet-Romanian border, where on June 25, together with the 74th Rifle Division, it launched a counterattack in order to eliminate the Skulian bridgehead. On the 27th, she released Skulyany. In late June - early July, she participated in the counterattack of the 2nd MK on Balti in order to stop the enemy's advance. On July 8, she struck at the junction of the 4th Romanian and 11th German armies, having managed to stop the enemy by 10.07. Due to the aggravation of the situation on the right flank of the Southern Front, the 2nd MK was transferred to the Khristianovka area, where on July 22 the 11th and 16th TD launched a counterattack on the German 11th and 16th tank divisions in the direction of Uman in order not to allow the encirclement of the 18th army. The task was completed, and in the future the division fought defensive battles, retreating to the east. By July 30, the 11th and 16th TDs of the 2nd MK lost 442 tanks out of 489. On August 27, it was disbanded, the 132nd brigade was created on its basis (from 01/24/1942, the 4th Guards Smolensk-Minsk Red Banner Order of Suvorov brigade). Commander - Mr. G.I. Kuzmin.

The Germans are inspecting abandoned equipment at the crossing over the Dnieper, removing suitable spare parts. One of the drivers liked the "reserve" from the BA-10.

The 12th TD was formed in July 1940 in KOVO as part of the 8th MK on the basis of the 14th brigade. Before the war it was stationed in Stryi. On June 22, after the transfer of the 8th MK from the 26th Army to the 6th Army, she marched to a new concentration area. On the 23rd, in the Brody area, it repulsed the attack of the 16th Panzer and 16th Motorized Divisions of the 48th German MK. On June 24, by order of the commander of the 6th Army, she marched in a new direction. Having received an order from the commander of the SWF, on June 26 she moved to a new deployment area to participate in the counterattack of the mechanized corps. During the first 4 days of the war, obeying the conflicting orders of the command, she traveled 500 km and lost 50% of her materiel due to technical reasons. On June 26, it was put into battle on the move, in parts and without sufficient preparation. Having crossed the Slonow-ka River and fought with the 16th German Panzer Division, it advanced 20 km. On June 27, at the turn of Turkovichi-Poddubtsy, she suffered heavy losses from artillery fire and went on the defensive. On the 28th, she again attacked the enemy - the 16th TD, 75th and 111th Infantry Division, advanced 12 km, but was forced to withdraw by evening. On the 29th, she was surrounded in the Radzivilov area, but by the end of the day she managed to break out of the ring, having lost all her materiel. By June 30, 10 out of 858 tanks remained in the 8th MK. In subsequent battles, the division participated as a rifle unit. On September 1, it was disbanded, the 129th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - Mr. T.A.Mishanin.

The 13th TD was formed in July 1940 in ZabVO as part of the 5th MK. It was stationed in the Borzi area. On June 15, 1941, she was sent to KOVO as part of the 16th Army. At the end of June, she was transferred to the ZF, where she became part of the 20th Army. July 5, having 238 BT-7 and other vehicles, together with the 17th TD of the 5th MK, the 14th and 18th TD of the 7th MK participated in a counterattack on the 39th and 47th MK of the army group " Center" on the Lepel direction. Having advanced 20 km, she got up due to lack of fuel. Resuming the offensive on July 7, the tank divisions ran into organized defenses and suffered heavy losses (more than 50% of the materiel). From July 9, she fought against the 17th TD of the Germans north of Orsha. In mid-July, along with other troops of the 20th Army, she was surrounded in the Smolensk region. In early August, the remnants of the division made their way to their own. August 10 disbanded. Commander - colonel F.U.Grachev.

The 14th TD was formed in July 1940 in the Moscow Military District as part of the 7th MK. Stationed in the Moscow region. By the beginning of the war, it had 179 BT-7s and other tanks. After the start of the war, the 7th mechanized corps became part of the ZF troops. On July 5, she participated in a counterattack of 5 and 7 microns in the Lepel direction against 3 trg. On July 8, she fought a meeting with the 18th German Panzer Division in the Senno area. Due to heavy losses (more than 50% of tanks), on July 9, she was withdrawn from battle to the reserve. At the end of July, she was in the Vyazma region in the reserve of the commander of the Polar Front. August 19 disbanded. Commander - colonel I.D. Vasiliev.

The 15th TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 16th MK. Stationed in Stanislav. From the beginning of the war, she fought with the 48th MK of the Germans, operating on the right flank of the 1st Panzer Group. On June 26, it was transferred to the 18th Army of the Law Firm. In July, again as part of the SWF, she participated in defensive battles in the Berdichev area, covering the withdrawal of the SWF troops. By the end of July, she lost almost all the tanks (on 30.07 in the 16th MK - 5 T-28 and 12 BA) and
was surrounded near Uman. The remnants of the division managed to break out of the ring in August. On August 14, it was disbanded, and the 4th brigade was created on its basis (since 11/11/1941, the 1st Guards Chertkovskaya twice Order of Lenin Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky brigade). Commander - colonel V.I. Polozkov.

The 16th TD was formed in July 1940 in the OdVO as part of the 2nd MK. Stationed in Kotovsk. After the outbreak of the war, it became part of the 9th Army of the Law Firm. At the end of June, together with the 11th TD, she participated in a counterattack in the direction of Balti, stopping the enemy’s advance. Then it was transferred to the Uman region, where from the 11th TD it attacked the 11th and 16th tank divisions of the enemy in order to eliminate the threat of encirclement of the 18th army. Having thrown the enemy back for 40 km, she subsequently fought defensive battles in the Khristianovka area. August 20 disbanded. Commander - colonel M.I.Mindro.

The 17th TD was formed in July 1940 in ZabVO as part of the 5th MK. It was stationed in the Borzi area. By the beginning of the war, she had 255 BT-7s and other vehicles. On June 15, the transfer of the division to Ukraine began, but after the start of the war with the 5th MK, it was sent to the ZF. On July 5, she participated in the counterattack of the 5th and 7th microdistricts in the Lepel direction. Having advanced 20 km, it stood for almost a day without fuel, resuming the offensive on July 7. On July 8, she fought a meeting with the 18th Panzer Division of the enemy in the Dubnyakov area. After the loss of most of the tanks, it was put into reserve in the Orsha area. Later she participated in the battle of Smolensk. The 17th SME of the division was the first in the Great Patriotic War to be awarded the Order of Lenin. On August 28, it was disbanded, and the 126th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - colonel I.P. Korchagin.

Lying in the river BT. The tank, left on the bridge as a barrier, was thrown into the water by German tankers to clear the way.

The skeleton of a T-26 destroyed by an explosion of fuel and ammunition. Karelian isthmus.

KV-1 issued in August 1941 with additional hull armor. Side 25-mm screens of increased height to protect the turret ring. In place of the headlight - a plug.

The 18th TD was formed in July 1940 in the Moscow Military District as part of the 7th MK. Stationed in the Moscow region. June 28 became part of the ZF troops. In July, she participated in a counterattack in the Lepel direction. In the oncoming tank battle with the 17th and 18th tank divisions of the enemy, she lost more than 50% of her materiel. On July 9, it was withdrawn to the reserve of the Polar Division in the Vyazma region. In the future, she fought in the Moscow direction. On September 1, it was disbanded, and the 127th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - Mr. F.T. Remizov.

The 19th TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 22nd MK. Stationed in Rivne. On 22.06 it had 163 tanks. On the night of June 23, she made a 50 km march to the area northeast of Lutsk, suffering losses from air strikes and for technical reasons (118 tanks - 72%). On the 24th, having only 45 T-26s, attacked the 14th German Panzer Division in the Voinitsa area. Having lost most of the tanks, she retreated. In the battle, the commander of the 22nd mechanized corps Kondrusev was killed, the division commander was wounded. The remnants of the division retreated to Rovno. On July 1, she participated in a counterattack in the direction of Dubno, but, having been attacked from the flank of the SS division "Adolf Hitler" on July 2, she was forced to defend herself, retreating to the east. 10-14.07 struck at the 113th infantry and 25th motorized divisions of the enemy in the Novograd-Volynsk direction. In late July - early August, she fought in the area of ​​​​the Korostensky fortified area. By 19.08, only one tank remained in the division. Disbanded October 8th. Commander - Mr. K.A. Semenchenko.

The 20th TD was formed in July 1940 in KOVO as part of the 9th MK. Stationed in Shepetivka. By the beginning of the war, it had 36 tanks. On the evening of June 22, she marched to Lutsk. On the 24th, near Klevan, she attacked the 13th MD of the Germans, losing all tanks in the battle. On June 26, as part of the 9th MK, she took part in a counterattack in the Dubno region against the enemy's 13th Panzer and 299th Infantry Divisions. By the end of the day, due to the threat of encirclement, she retreated to Klevan. Until 30.06, she fought with the 14th TD and the 25th MD of the Germans at the turn of the Goryn River, and then at Klevan. On July 10-14, she participated in a counterattack in the Novograd-Volynsky direction, after which she fought in the area of ​​​​the Korostensky fortified area until August 6 (no tanks, 2 thousand personnel). At the end of August, it was defending in the area north of Chernigov. September 9, disbanded. Commander - Colonel M.E. Katukov (in the first days of the war due to Katukov's illness - Colonel V.M. Chernyaev).

Booked in the Leningrad workshops ZIS-5 with the installation of a DT machine gun in the cockpit and a 45-mm 21-K naval gun in the wheelhouse in the back. Leningrad Front, October 5, 1941

Another version of a self-made armored truck with the installation of an anti-tank "forty-five" in the back. Car in winter camouflage. Leningrad Front, November 22, 1941

The 21st TD was formed in March 1941 in the Leningrad Military District as part of the 10th MK. Stationed in the Leningrad region. Since the beginning of the war was in reserve. In July, it was included in the 1st MK NWF, then directed to reinforce the 11th Army. Participated 14 - 18.07 in the counterattack of the troops of the 11th army against 56 MK Manstein in the area of ​​​​the city of Soltsy, striking from the north. After 16 hours of battle with the 8th TD and 3rd MD, the Germans pushed the enemy back 40 km. In August, it became part of the 48th Army and fought defensive battles in the NWF already as a rifle unit. On March 3, 1942, it was disbanded, and on its basis the 103rd (since November 20, 1944 - the 65th Guards Sevsko-Pomeranian Order of Lenin twice Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky brigade) and the 104th brigade were created on its basis . Commander - Colonel L.V. Bunin.

The 22nd TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 14th MK on the basis of the 29th brigade. It was stationed in Brest, 2 km from the border. In the first hours of the war, it was subjected to massive shelling, as a result of which it lost most of the tanks, artillery and vehicles. Art warehouse and fuel depot were destroyed. The remnants of the division reached the area of ​​concentration by 12 o'clock, having almost no fuel, ammunition and means of communication. In the second half of the day on June 22, she entered into battle with the 3rd Panzer Division of General Model. June 23, with about 100 tanks, participated in the counterattack of the 14th MK in the Brest area. In the battle near Zhabinka, she suffered losses from the 3rd TD and, under the threat of encirclement, retreated to Kobrin, where she was subjected to air strikes. The division commander, Mr. V.P.Puganoye, died. Colonel I.V. Kon-nov took command. On June 24, together with the 30th TD, having a total of 25 tanks, stopped the troops of the 47th MK General Lemelzen at the turn of the Shara River, southeast of Baranovichi. 25 - 28.06 fought in the Slutsk area with the 3rd TD of the Germans. By the end of June 28, 450 people, 45 vehicles, and no tanks remained in the division. June 28 disbanded.

The 23rd TD was formed in March 1941 in the PribVO as part of the 12th MK. Stationed in Liepaja. June 22 was in the Kurtuvena area. 06/23, having received an order to launch a counterattack on the enemy’s Tilsit group that had broken through in the Skaudvile area, made a march from Plunge to the Laukuva area, with 333 T-26s in its composition. On the march, she lost 17 tanks from air strikes. On the same day, the first combat clash with the enemy took place. 24.06 participated in the oncoming tank battle in the Siauliai area with the troops of the 4th Panzer Group. By the end of the day, having lost most of the tanks, the 23rd division ceased to exist as a single combat unit. Its remnants became part of the 8th Army and until July 3rd they defended themselves in the Ostrov area. On July 8, under the blows of the 1st Panzer Division of the Germans, she left Pskov. At this time, the division had 2 serviceable tanks (plus 56 damaged and in need of repair). 144 tanks were lost from enemy fire, 122 - for technical reasons, 9 - transferred to other units. August 16 disbanded. Commander - colonel T.S. Orlenko.

The 24th TD was formed in March 1941 in the Leningrad Military District as part of the 10th MK. Stationed in the Leningrad region. As of June 22, it had 139 BT-2s, 88 BT-5s and other vehicles. In early July, it was included in the Luga Operational Group. On July 13, she entered into battle with the 41st MK of the enemy, participating in a counterattack at the Luga line. In July - August, she fought defensive battles here. In early September, she was surrounded along with the troops of the Luga operational group. The remnants of the division managed to break through to their own. On September 22, it was disbanded, and the 124th and 125th tank brigades were created on its basis. Commander - Colonel M.I. Chesnokov.

The 25th TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 13th MK. It was stationed in the Belsk-Podlyasny area. From June 22, she fought on the Belo-Stok ledge. On June 25, together with other troops of the 10th Army, she was surrounded west of Minsk. The remnants of the division without materiel made their way to their own at the end of July on the Sozha River. Disbanded July 4th. Commander - Colonel N.M. Nikiforov.

The 26th TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 20th MK. It was stationed in the Borisov region. Before the war, the 20th mechanized corps had only 93 tanks. On June 24, the division was sent to the front as part of the 13th Army. On the same day, she entered the battle at the Negoreloye station. 7 days fought in the interfluve of the Berezina and the Dnieper. June 29 - on the near approaches to Minsk from the 17th TD von Arnim, but by the end of the day she was forced to leave Minsk. Fighting retreated to the Dnieper. On July 7, the division had 3,800 men and 5 guns. On July 9, in the defense sector of the 20th MK, the troops of the 2nd Panzer Group of the Germans broke through the front of the 13th Army, and soon it was withdrawn to the rear. On July 12, the 26th TD was transferred to the command of the commander of the 61st Rifle Corps, and on July 17, it took part in a counterattack on Orsha. Having advanced to the west, it was stopped by German troops and forced to retreat to the starting line on July 20 with heavy losses. July 21 disbanded. Commander - Mr. V.T. Obukhov.

The 27th TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 17th MK. Stationed in Novogrudok. By the beginning of the war, the formation of the division was not completed. There were no materiel, the personnel were armed with rifles by 30 - 35%. The incapable division was ordered to take up defense in the Baranovichi region. Only three thousand people came to the line of defense, and the remaining 6 thousand were concentrated in the forest without weapons. As a result of the blow of the German troops, the division was defeated. Disbanded August 1st. Commander - Colonel A.O. Akhmanov.

Tank landing on the armor of the KV-1 and T-34 during the counterattack. The tank unit of the holder of two orders of the Red Banner, Major V.I. Filippov.

The 28th TD was formed in February 1941 in the PribVO as part of the 12th MK. Stationed in Riga. June 18 began advancing to the border, having in its composition 210 BT-7 and other vehicles. On June 23, having received an order to launch a counterattack on German troops in the direction of Skaudvile, she marched to the starting line of Varnai-Uzhventis, while losing 27 tanks from air strikes. Having stood for several hours due to lack of fuel, it entered into battle with the 1st Panzer Division of the enemy only in the evening of the 24th. On June 25, at Pashili, she defeated a column of the 8th motorized regiment of the Germans, but, having fallen under heavy shelling, retreated after 4 hours of battle, losing 48 tanks. In total, 84 tanks were lost on 25 June. By June 26, 40 vehicles remained in the division. In the following days, the 28th TD covered the withdrawal of the NWF troops. On July 6, it was withdrawn to the rear for reorganization (by this time it had lost 133 tanks from enemy fire, and 68 for technical reasons). In early August, the remnants of the division, some units of the 48th Army and all attached sapper units were combined into an operational group under the command of divisional commander I.T. Korovnikov for the defense of Novgorod, and then participated in the battles in Valdai. On September 13, the division had 552 people, 4 guns. On January 13, 1942, the 28th TD was transformed into the 241st SD (ended the war as the 241st Vinnitsa Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky and the Red Star SD). Commander - colonel I.D. Chernyakhovsky.

The 29th TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 11th MK. Stationed in Grodno. On June 22, it counterattacked units of the 20th Army Corps of the enemy in the direction of Lipsk, but due to the lack of organization of supplies in the midst of the battle, it was left without fuel and ammunition. As a result of the oncoming battle at the turn of Golynka-Lipsk, having lost almost all materiel and a large number of personnel, she retreated towards Novogrudok. On June 25, 600 men and 15 tanks remained in the division. At the end of June, it is surrounded to the west of Minsk. Due to the lack of fuel, 2.07 was destroyed by all materiel. The rest of the division made their way to their own. July 14 disbanded. Commander - colonel N.P. Studnev.

The 30th TD was formed in April 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 14th MK on the basis of the 32nd brigade. Stationed in Pruzhany. Before the war, she had 174 T-26s. On June 22, she entered the battle in the Pilica region with the 18th German tank division of General Nering and stopped her for a while. On June 23, with 120 tanks, she participated in the counterattack of the 14th MK near Brest. During the oncoming tank battle with the 17th and 18th tank divisions of the enemy, she lost 60 tanks and retreated, leaving Pruzhany. Due to poor organization and management, the counterattack failed. On June 24, together with the 22nd TD, she fought on the Shara River, where most of the foot units were surrounded. 25 - 28.06 defended Slutsk, repelling the attacks of the German 3rd Panzer Division. By the end of June 28, 1090 people, 2 T-26s, 90 vehicles and 3 tractors remained in the division. June 30 disbanded. Commander - colonel S.I. Bogdanov.

The 31st TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 13th MK. It was stationed in the Belsk-Podlyasny area. On June 22, she entered the battle in the defense zone of the 10th Army of the Polar Front at the turn of the Nurets River. It was surrounded in the area of ​​Belovezhskaya Pushcha and destroyed. June 30 disbanded. Commander - Colonel S.A. Kalikhovich.

The 32nd TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 4th MK on the basis of the 30th ltbr. Stationed in Lvov. It was fully equipped, had about 200 KB and T-34. Since June 22, she fought on the Lvov ledge against the right wing of the shock group of the Army Group "South". Came into contact with the enemy at noon on 22.06 south of Kristinopol. On June 23, she fought in the Great Bridges area. In the evening of the same day, having received an order from the commander of the 6th Army to destroy the enemy in the Kamenka area, she attacked German troops on this sector of the front. On June 24, it was withdrawn to Lvov, where it was shelled in the streets by members of the OUN. June 25 counterattacked units of the 14th MK in the Yavorov area, losing 15 tanks in battle. From June 26, northwest of Lvov, it repulsed the attacks of the 1st Guards Rifle Division of the Germans. Later she fought defensive battles in the area of ​​Starokonstantinov, Ostropol. In early July, she participated in the defense of Berdichev, acting against the German 16th Panzer Division. She was surrounded near Uman at the end of July. The remnants of the division made their way to their own in August. On August 10, it was disbanded, and on its basis the 1st (from 16.02.1942 - 6th Guards Sivashskaya brigade) and 8th brigade (from 11.01.1942 the 3rd Guards Minsk-Gdansk Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov) were created tbr). Commander - Colonel E.G. Pushkin.

A dug-in T-28 in defensive positions near Leningrad. The tank is whitewashed with winter camouflage. December 9, 1941

The Red Army soldiers are inspecting a wrecked Stu G III Ausf E self-propelled gun. Judging by the antenna and the armored box of a powerful radio station, this is the car of the division commander.

The 33rd TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 11th MK. Stationed in Grodno. June 22 entered the battle in the Augustow area. 23-24.06 participated in the counterattack of the 11th MK in the Bialystok region, but, left in the midst of the battle without fuel and ammunition, lost almost all tanks and retreated towards Novogrudok. Here 25.06 was surrounded. The remnants of the division in July managed to break through to their own. July 14 disbanded. Commander - colonel M.F. Panov.

The 34th TD was formed in July 1940 in KOVO as part of the 8th MK on the basis of the 14th heavy tank brigade. Stationed in Sadovaya Cherry. The only tank division that was armed with heavy T-35 tanks (in the 67th 68th tank regiments there were 48 tanks that were previously part of the 14th tank brigade, and all of them were lost in the first days of the war for technical reasons). On June 22, it was transferred from the 26th Army to the 6th Army and marched to a new concentration area. June 24 - another march (by order of the commander of the 6th Army) to a new place. On June 25, by order of the commander of the South-Western Front, she began to advance to participate in a counterattack in the Dubno region. During the first three days of the war, she covered more than 500 km, losing 50% of her materiel due to technical reasons. June 26 attacked the 16th Panzer Division of the enemy, advancing 10 km in the direction of Berestechko. On June 27, a mobile group was formed from the 34th TD, the 24th TD, the 12th TD and the 2nd MCP under the command of Brigadier Commissar N.K. The offensive began without prior reconnaissance and preparation. With heavy losses, by the evening of June 27, the division drove the enemy out of Dubno, pushing back his 11th TD. The next day it was surrounded by the Germans (16th TD, 75th and 111th Infantry Division) and completely destroyed. On June 29, the division commander I.V. Vasiliev died in battle. A small group led by Popel managed to break through to his own. After this failure, Corps Commissar Vashugin shot himself. On August 15, the division was disbanded, and the 2nd and 16th tank brigades were created on its basis. Commander - colonel I.V. Vasiliev.

The 35th TD was formed in December 1940 in KOVO as part of the 9th MK. Stationed in Novograd-Volynsk. By the beginning of the war, it had 142 tanks (141 T-26, I chemical). June 22 made a march to Lutsk. On June 24, southwest of Klevan, she entered the battle with the 13th TD of the Germans, participating in the counterattack of the mechanized corps of the South-Western Front. On June 26-27, she fought with the 299th Infantry Division at the Stavok-Mlynuv line. On the evening of June 27, it retreated across the Goryn River under the blows of the 14th TD, 25th MD of the enemy. Then, until July 4, she defended herself in the area of ​​Tsuman, Klevan. 1014.07 as part of the 9th MK launched a counterattack on the 44th and 95th infantry divisions of the Germans in the Novograd-Volynsky direction, slowing down their advance. In late July - early August, she fought at the turn of the Korosten fortified area. By 19.08 the division had 927 men and not a single tank. September 10 disbanded. Commander - Mr. N.A. Novikov.

The 36th TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 17th MK. It was stationed in the Bara-novichi area. By the beginning of the war, it had practically no materiel, so from the first days of the war it was used in defensive battles in Belarus as a rifle formation. Disbanded August 1st. Commander - Colonel S.Z. Miroshnikov.

The 37th TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 15th MK. Stationed in Sukhodolakh. June 22 made a march to the border in the area west of Brody. As part of the 15th mechanized corps, she participated in a counterattack on the right flank of the 1st Panzer Group Kleist, advancing from the Brod area in the direction of Radekhov, Berestechko. In battles with the 297th Infantry Division, it suffered heavy losses and was forced to retreat. In early July, it defended in the Berdichev area, then on the outskirts of Kyiv. On August 10, it was disbanded, and the 3rd brigade was created on its basis. Commander - Colonel F.G. Anikushkin.

Unit T-26 before the march.

In the Moscow direction: Pz Kpfw II Ausf C and Pz Kpfw III Ausf G on a village street near Rzhev.

The 38th TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZapOVO as part of the 20th MK. It was stationed in the Bara-novichi area. On June 22, 3 divisions of the 20th mechanized corps had 13 BT tanks and 80 T-26s. On June 24, she was sent to the front as part of the 13th Army. Until June 30, she fought on the outskirts of Minsk from the 17th TD von Arnim. After Minsk was abandoned, it retreated to the Berezino-Svisloch line. Until 9.07, she fought defensive battles at the turn of the Berezina-Dnepr. After the Germans broke through the front in the defense sector of the 20th MK, he was withdrawn to the rear. On July 17, as part of the 61st Rifle Corps, together with the 26th TD, launched an offensive against Orsha. Moved forward, but by 20.07 was thrown back to the starting line. Disbanded August 1st.

The 39th TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 16th MK. Stationed in Chernivtsi. Since June 23, she participated in battles against the 48th enemy MK. 26.06 transferred to the 18th Army of the SF, fought on the right flank of the SF. On July 4, it was returned to the South-Western Front, on July 7 it began unloading from railway echelons, immediately engaging in battle near Berdichev, where in July-August it retreated to the east with battles. September 19 dis- -formed. Commander - Colonel N.V. Starkov.

The 40th TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 19th MK. Stationed in Zhytomyr. By the beginning of the war, it had 158 tanks (19 T-26s, 139 T-37s). Having made a 300 km march, on June 24 she entered the battle west of Rovno. On June 26, participating in a counterattack by the mechanized corps of the South-Western Front, she fought a meeting with the German 13th Panzer Division, in which she suffered heavy losses. Due to the breakthrough of the 13th Panzer Division of the enemy at the junction of the 40th and 43rd Panzer Divisions and the threat of encirclement, she was forced to withdraw. 27.06 defended on the outskirts of Rovno, repulsing the attacks of the 13th TD, 299th Infantry Division of the enemy. The next day, due to the coverage of the divisions of the 19th mechanized corps, the 11th German TD left Rovno and held the defense at the turn of the Goryn River until 3.07. From 04.07, she began to retreat to the line of fortified areas. On July 9, 75 tanks remained in the 40th and 43rd divisions. 10 - 14.07 participated in a counterattack in the Novograd-Volyn direction against the 99th and 298th infantry divisions of the Germans. Then, until August 5, it defended itself at the turn of the Korostensky fortified area. August 10 disbanded. On its basis, the 45th (since February 7, 1943, the 20th Guards Yassko-Mukdenskaya Red Banner Order of Kutuzov brigade) and the 47th brigade were created. Commander - Colonel M.V. Shirobokov.

The 41st TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 22nd MK. Stationed in Vladimir-Volynsky. By the beginning of the war, it had 415 tanks (31 KB, 342 T-26, 41 chemical and 1 T-37). All 31 KV-2s arrived a week before the war and had not yet been mastered by the crews. In addition, they did not have 152-mm shells, so on June 24, the Chief of the General Staff G.K. Zhukov, who was in the South-Western Front, was forced to order the use of concrete-piercing shells of the 1909-30 model. On June 22, in accordance with the mobilization plan, the division left Vladimir-Volynsky for the Kovel region, but, on the way, hitting a swamp, got stuck in it and could not complete the task, having also suffered heavy losses from air strikes and artillery fire. For this, the division commander, colonel Pavlov, was removed from his post. Being transferred to the command of the commander of the 15th Rifle Division, the division was split into small units: on June 22, the 41st MSP was transferred to the 45th Rifle Division, on June 23, two tank battalions were transferred to the 87th Rifle Division, 5 tanks to guard the headquarters of the 5th Army . On June 24, 20 tanks were transferred to the 45th SD, 30 tanks to the 62nd SD. On the same day, a tank company was engaged in chasing small enemy landings, and two more tank companies were sent to guard the command post of the 15th sk. By the end of June 25, the entire 41st TD was divided into units. Then, until the beginning of July, it was in the Kovel area in readiness to repel an attack from Brest. On July 1, with 16 KB and 106 T-26s, she participated in a counterattack on Dubno against the 14th German Panzer Division, which ended in failure. After retreating to the east on July 10-14, she participated in a counterattack in the Novograd-Volynsky direction against the 113th infantry division, 25th mechanized division, SS Adolf Hitler MBR. On July 18, she began to retreat to the northeast. In late July - early August, she fought in the area of ​​​​the Korosten fortified area. By 19.08, one tank remained in the division. At the end of August, she defended herself on the Dnieper, near Chernobyl. September 9, disbanded. Commander - Colonel P.P. Pavlov.

Map from the German army magazine "Signal" for October 1941, illustrating the losses of the Red Army.

On the outskirts of Moscow. T-26s move forward to attack. October 1941

Members of the government, evacuated to Kuibyshev, take the parade on November 7, 1941

The 42nd TD was formed in March 1941 in the Moscow Military District as part of the 21st MK. Stationed in the area of ​​Idritsa. By the beginning of the war, there were only 98 tanks in three divisions of the 21st MK. On June 25, as part of the 21st MK, it was transferred to the NWF in order to cover the Daugavpils direction, where the 8th Panzer and 3rd Motorized Divisions of the 56th MK Manstein advanced, breaking through at the junction of the 8th and 11th armies. Having made a 200-km march, on June 29 she entered into battle with the 121st infantry division east of Daugavpils, then took part in street battles with the 3rd German infantry division. From July 2, it repelled attacks by the 8th TD, 3rd MD and the SS division "Dead Head" in the Rezekne region (3.07 at Dalda defeated the column of this division). In July - August, she participated in the battles near Pskov and Novgorod as a rifle formation. On September 5, it was disbanded, and the 42nd tank brigade was created on its basis. Commander - colonel N.I. Voeikov.

The 43rd TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 19th MK on the basis of the 35th light tank brigade. Stationed in Berdichev. By the beginning of the war, it had 237 tanks (5 KB, 2 T-34s, 230 T-26s). June 22 began advancing to the border. On June 27-28, on the outskirts of Rovno, she fought with the 13th Panzer, 299th Infantry Divisions. As a result of the breakthrough of the Germans (11th TD) and the threat of encirclement, on June 28, she left Rovno and began to retreat to the east. In July, she participated in counterattacks on the left flank of the Army Group "South" in the Kiev direction in the area of ​​​​Novograd-Volynsky and Korostensky UR. In early August, it was withdrawn to the rear, near Kharkov. On August 10, it was disbanded, and the 10th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - colonel I.G. Tsibin.

The 44th TD was formed in March 1941 in Od VO as part of the 18th MK on the basis of the 49th ltbr. Stationed in Tarutino. From the beginning of the war, she fought in the YuF zone. June 29, 18 MK was sent to the Western Front. On July 9, due to the danger of the encirclement of the 6th army of the South-Western Front by the troops of the 1st tank group, which had advanced to Berdichev, the divisions of the 18th mechanized corps, which at that moment were marching from Chernivtsi to Lyubar, were transferred to the 6th army. From 10.07 the 44th division fought near Berdichev with the enemy's 16th tank division. On July 19, it became part of the 18th Army and participated in a counterattack south of Vinnitsa against the 17th German Army. On July 25, troops of the 17th Army broke through the defenses in the zone of the 18th Mechanized and 17th Rifle Corps, forcing them to withdraw from the Gaisin-Trostyanets area. By July 30, 22 tanks remained in the 18th MK. In early August, it was withdrawn to the rear, to the Pavlograd region. August 21 disbanded. Commander - colonel V.P. Krymov.

The 45th TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO as part of the 24th MK. It was stationed in the Proskurov area. By the beginning of the war, the 45th and 49th Panzer Divisions had 222 tanks. From June 22, she fought as part of the troops of the 26th Army of the South-Western Front. At the end of June, she defended herself in the Starokonstantinov area, fighting with the 14th MK. In early July, transferred to the 12th Army, defended in the Letichevsky fortified area. At the end of July, she was surrounded near Uman, where she died. September 30 disbanded.

KV-1 leaves the Moscow plant after repairs. The overhead armor screens on the bolts on the turret and hull are clearly visible.

Disguised KV-1 in a forest ambush. Ambush tactics have become the most effective in the fight against advancing enemy tanks. October 29, 1941

The 46th TD was formed in March 1941 in the Moscow Military District as part of the 21st MK. Stationed in Opochka. At the end of June, she was transferred to the NWF to repel the German offensive on Daugavpils. On June 28, in the first echelon of the 21st MK, she struck at the 56th motorized corps, as a result of which the enemy was stopped in this direction until July 2. After the start of a new offensive by German troops (8 TD, 3 MD) in the Rezekne region, from 2.07, it retreated to the northeast with battles. In the future, left without materiel, she participated in defensive battles in the NWF. On September 1, it was disbanded, and the 46th brigade was created on its basis (since February 16, 1942, the 7th Guards Novgorod-Rodsko-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov and the Red Star brigade). Commander - Colonel V.A. Koptsov.

The 47th TD was formed in March 1941 in the OdVO as part of the 18th MK on the basis of the 23rd ltbr. Stationed in Ackerman. In the early days of the war was in reserve. On June 29, she was transferred to the Vinnitsa region, where in mid-July she entered into battle with units of the 17th Army. At the end of July, she was surrounded in the Tulchin area. On July 28, the remnants of the division, without materiel, made their way to their own. In early August, a group was formed from units of the 18th Mechanized Corps under the command of Mr. P.V. Volokh, which fought as part of the 18th Army. On August 12, it was withdrawn to the rear in the Poltava region for reorganization. On August 31, having 34 tanks, she became part of the 38th Army and took up defenses on the Dnieper near Kremenchug. After the start of the German offensive, with the aim of encircling the South-Western Front, it retreated to Poltava with battles. 10.09 launched a counterattack in the Kobelyak area, 19 - 22.09 fought at the Pisarevka-Shevchenko line near Poltava. 30.09 withdrawn to the rear, in the area of ​​Kharkov. Here the 47th SME was transferred to the 199th Infantry Division, the materiel to the 71st Separate Tank Battalion. On October 7, it was disbanded, ^ on its basis the 142nd brigade was created. Commander - PC G.S. Rodin.

The 48th TD was formed in March 1941 and the ORVO as part of the 23rd MK. Stationed in the Orel region. At the end of June, she was transferred to the Western Front, where she entered the battle on July 6. Participated in the battle of Smolensk. On September 2, it was disbanded, and on its basis the 17th (from 11/17/1942 the 9th Guards Zaporizhzhya Order of the Suvorov brigade) and the 18th brigade (from 10.04.1943 the 42nd Guards Smolensk Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky) were created , Red Star tbr). Commander - colonel D.Ya.Yakovlev.

The 49th TD was formed in March 1941 in KOVO and was part of the 24th MK. It was stationed in the Proskurov area. With the outbreak of war, it became part of the 26th Army of the South-Western Front, and then, in early July, the 12th Army. Conducted defensive battles in the area of ​​Letichevsky UR. At the end of July, she was surrounded in the Uman region. September 17 disbanded.

The 50th TD was formed in March 1941 in the KhVO as part of the 25th MK. Stationed in the Kharkov region. June 25 sent by rail to the South-Western Front. On June 30, she began unloading near Kyiv, becoming part of the 19th Army. But soon she was transferred to the ZF in the Gomel region. On July 4, at Novozybkovo, the 25th MK, having received an additional 32 T-34 tanks in addition to 300 tanks, became part of the 21st Army and struck at the German troops in the direction of Godilovichi. In mid-July, she participated in a counterattack on Bobruisk, after which she defended herself in the Mogilev region, repelling attacks from the 10th and 17th infantry divisions. In mid-August, it was included in the 13th Army of the Bryansk Front. She fought against the troops of the 2nd Tgr, who turned south in order to encircle the SWF. On September 17, it was disbanded, and the 150th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - Colonel B.S.Bakharev.

The 51st TD was formed in March 1941 in the ORVO as part of the 23rd MK. Stationed in the Orel region. After the start of the war, as a separate tank division, it was included in the 30th Army, formed in the Moscow Military District. In July it was transformed into the 110th TD.

The 52nd TD was formed in March 1941 in the North Caucasus Military District as part of the 26th MK. By the beginning of the war, the divisions of the 26th MK had 184 tanks. In mid-June, as part of the 19th Army, she began redeployment to Ukraine. After the outbreak of the war, she was transferred to the Western Front. After the disbandment of the 26th mechanized corps in early July, it was transformed into the 101st TD. Commander - colonel G.M.Mikhailov.

The 53rd TD was formed in March 1941 in SAVO as part of the 27th MK. It was stationed in the area of ​​the city of Mary. In mid-June, the 27th mechanized corps was sent to the ZF. After the start of the war, the 27th MK was disbanded. The 53rd division became separate and transformed into the 105th TD.

"Thirty-four" in the forest clearing. In addition to camouflage, the crew covered the front of the tank with a log barricade.

BT-7 and KV-1 on the outskirts of the village after the battle.

Landing on the armor of the T-34. The undercarriage combines road wheels of different types, but they all have rubber tires. The tank carries a spare 200-liter barrel of fuel on the armor.

The 54th TD was formed in March 1941 in the ZakVO as part of the 28th MK. After the start of the war, the 28th MK was disbanded, and the 54th TD became part of the 47th Army. It did not participate in hostilities, it was disbanded, and on its basis the 54th (from 12/26/1942 the 25th Guards Elninskaya Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov brigade) and the 55th brigade were created.

The 55th TD was formed in March 1941 in the KhVO as part of the 25th MK. Stationed in Chuguev. On June 25, she was sent to the South-Western Front in the Kyiv region, and in early July, with the troops of the 19th Army, she was transferred to the Western Front. 4.07 became part of the 21st Army. Participated in a counterattack near Bobruisk, in the battle of Smolensk. On August 10, it was disbanded, and the 8th and 14th separate tank brigades were created on its basis. Commander - Colonel V.N. Badanov.

The 56th TD was formed in March 1941 in the North Caucasus Military District as part of the 26th MK. In mid-June, she was sent to Ukraine as part of the 19th Army. After the start of the war, it was transferred to the ZF. In July, after the disbandment of the 26th mechanized corps, it was transformed into the 102nd TD. Commander - colonel I.D. Illarionov.

The 57th Red Banner TD was formed in March 1941 in ZabVO as a separate TD of the 17th Army. Stationed in Mongolia. In May 1941, she was included in the 5th MK of the 16th Army and sent to KOVO. By the beginning of the war had more than 300 tanks. She entered the battle near Shepetovka, then was transferred to the ZF in the 19th Army. Soon transferred to the 20th Army and participated in the battle of Smolensk. From 9.07 she fought near Krasny from the 29th MD. By mid-July, the division did not have the main forces of the 114th and 115th tank regiments: one lost tanks in the battles near Shepetovka, and the second was part of the 20th army. On July 20, she moved beyond the Dnieper. On September 1, it was disbanded, and the 128th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - colonel V.A. Mishulin.

The 58th TD was formed in March 1941 in the Far East as part of the 30th MK. In October, she was transferred to Moscow. Participated in defensive battles near Moscow from November 1, and then in the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops. On December 31, it was disbanded, and the 58th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - Mr. A.A. Kotlyarov.

The 59th TD was formed in March 1941 in the Far East as a separate tank division. Stationed in the Khabarovsk region. In June
sent to the Western Front. On the way, it was converted into the 108th TD. Commander - colonel N.I. Orlov.

The 60th TD was formed in March 1941 in the Far East as part of the 30th MK. In October, she was transferred to the NWF, where she became part of the 4th Army. On November 1, she entered the battle, participating in the battles for Tikhvin. In the future, she fought in the NWF. On January 20, 1942, it was disbanded, and the 60th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - Mr. A.F. Popov.

The 61st Red Banner TD was formed in March 1941 in ZabVO as a separate TD on the basis of the 11th brigade. Stationed in Mongolia as part of the 17th Army. In 1941-1945. as part of the Trans-Baikal Front. Materiel - BT and T-26. In March, the 45th received T-34 tanks. In August 1945, she became part of the 39th Army. 9.08-2.09 1945 participated in the operation to defeat the Kwantung Army in Manchuria. Having overcome the Great Khingan, she ended the war on the Liaodong Peninsula, defeating the 107th and 117th infantry divisions of the Japanese. Commander - colonel G.I. Voronkov.

Tank landing with the support of the T-34 attacks the village. Western Front, December 1941

The 101st TD was formed in July 1941 on the basis of the 52nd TD. On July 15, she entered the battle at the ZF. Participated in the battle of Smolensk. In mid-July, she fought in the Smolensk region, trying to release the encircled 16th, 19th and 20th Armies of the Polar Front. On September 16, it was transformed into the 101st honey (10/20/1941 - disbanded). Commander - colonel G.M.Mikhailov.

The 102nd TD was formed in July 1941 from the 56th TD. On July 15, she entered the battle at the ZF. As part of the 24th Army, in late August - early September, she participated in a counterattack near Yelnya against the 20th Army Corps. On September 10, it was disbanded, and the 144th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - colonel I.D. Illarionov.

The 104th TD was formed in July 1941 from the 9th TD. On July 11, in the Bryansk region, it became part of the ZF. 20-22.07 fought with the 10th TD of the Germans west of Spas-Demensk. Since July 23, as part of the operational group of General Kachalov, she participated in a counterattack with the aim of breaking through to Smolensk. When leaving the area, Yelnya suffered heavy losses from aviation. July 24 launched an offensive in the direction of Smolensk, fighting with the 137th and 292nd Infantry Division. 31.07 was surrounded in the area of ​​Roslavl. In early August, the remnants of the division made their way to their own. On September 6, it was disbanded, and the 145th brigade was created on its basis (from 04/10/1943, the 43rd Guards Verkhnedneprovskaya brigade). Commander - Colonel V.G. Burkov.

The 105th TD was formed in July 1941 from the 53rd TD. From July 15, she fought on the Western Front. Participated in the battle of Smolensk, together with the 104th TD tried to release the troops surrounded in the Smolensk region. On September 13, it was disbanded, and the 146th brigade was created on its basis.

The 107th TD was formed on July 17, 1941 on the basis of the 69th MD on the Western Front. On July 18, together with the 110th TD, launched a counterattack on Dukhovshchina in order to reach Smolensk to deblockade the 16th, 19th, 20th armies of the Western Front. Having suffered heavy losses in battles with the 7th German Panzer Division, she could not complete the task. July 20, with 200 tanks, participated in the offensive of the 30th Army in the direction of Smolensk (until 28.07). In the future, she fought defensive battles in the ZF. At the beginning of September, the division had 153 tanks. On September 16, it was transformed into the 107th honey (since 01/12/1942, the 2nd Guards Medical Service, from 10/13/1942, the 49th Guards Kherson Red Banner Order of the Suvorov SD). Commander - Colonel P.N.Domrachev.

Soviet soldiers inspect a German MP 38 submachine gun near a captured Pz Kpfw IV Ausf E.

The 108th TD was formed in July 1941 from the 59th TD. Since July 15, she entered the battle on the Western Front. At the end of August, as part of the mobile group of the Bryansk Front, she participated in a counterattack against the 47th tank corps of the enemy in the Unecha area, which ended unsuccessfully. In the future, she defended herself in the Orel region, fighting with the troops of Guderian. By October 6, the division had 20 tanks left. In November, as part of the 50th Army, she fought in the Epifani area. On December 2, it was disbanded, and the 108th brigade was created on its basis. Commander - colonel N.I. Orlov.

The 109th TD was formed in July 1941. From July 15, it took part in the battles on the Western Front, in the Battle of Smolensk (without much success). On September 16, it was disbanded, and the 148th brigade was created on its basis.

The 110th TD was formed in July 1941 from the 51st TD. Participated in hostilities since July 15. On July 18, she struck in the direction of Dukhovshchina against the 7th German TD in order to reach Smolensk. The task was not completed and was withdrawn to the reserve of the commander of the Polar Front in the Rzhev area. Subsequently, she fought on the Western Front. On September 1, it was disbanded, and the 141st and 142nd tank brigades were created on its basis.

The 111th TD was formed in March 1941 in ZabVO on the territory of Mongolia. In 1941-1945. was part of the 17th Army of the Trans-Baikal Front. It was stationed in the Choibalsan area. 9.08-3.09.1945 participated in the defeat of the Kwantung Army, being in the reserve of the commander of the Trans-Baikal Front. Commander - colonel I.I. Sergeev.

The 112th TD was formed in August 1941 as part of the troops of the Far Eastern Front on the basis of the 42nd ltbr. Stationed in the Voroshilov area. In October she was sent to the Western Front, near Moscow. On November 5, having 210 T-26 tanks, the division began combat operations in the Podolsk region as part of the Polar Front mobile group under the command of P.A. Belov. November 18 launched a counterattack on the 17th Panzer Division of the enemy in the Tula region. As part of the 50th Army, she participated in a counterattack near Moscow. She liberated Yasnaya Polyana, on December 21 she was the first to enter Kaluga. 01/03/1942 was disbanded, and the 112th brigade was created on its basis (since 10/23/1943, the 44th Guards Berdichevskaya Order of Lenin Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Red Star, Sukhe-Bator and the Battle Red Banner of the MPR named after Sukhbaatar tank brigade). Commander - Colonel A.L. Getman.


The failures of the first months of the war and the loss of 90% of all materiel, especially noticeable in corps and tank divisions, forced by the end of 1941 to switch to new organizational forms and states that were more in line with the real situation. The main form of organization of armored and mechanized troops became brigades, tank, mechanized and motorized rifle, more mobile and flexible in structural and tactical terms. The return to large combat forms began in the spring of 1942. They were tank corps, which included three tank brigades with the necessary motorized rifle and artillery reinforcements, and in the fall of 1942 the first mechanized corps were deployed with a new organizational and staffing structure:
3 mechanized brigades (each with a tank regiment);
tank brigade;
2-3 self-propelled artillery regiments;
mortar regiment;
anti-aircraft artillery regiment;
guards mortar division;
motorcycle battalion;
sapper battalion;
communications battalion.

From December 1941, the armored forces became known as armored and mechanized troops (BT and MB). Organizationally, they consisted of tank armies, tank and mechanized corps, tank, heavy tank, mechanized, self-propelled artillery and motorized rifle brigades and individual tank regiments.

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TsAMO. f. 38, op. 11360, file 2. l.l. 168,169,170, 174

Report about hostilities 58 th tank regiment for the period from 22.6.1941. to 27.7.1941

On December 20, 1940, according to the order of the KOVO Troops, 58 th Separate tank regiment 131 th motorized division(9th mechanized corps) with deployment in the mountains. Novograd-Volynsky. Despite the great understaffing of the command staff and materiel, on January 1, 1941, regular training began in the regiment. With exceptional perseverance, painstaking work was carried out to put together units and master military equipment, which was constantly arriving at the armament of the regiment.

By the time the hostilities began, i.e. by June 22, 1941 in the regiment already had:

t Ankov BT-7 - 28 pieces

t Ankov BT-5 - 59 pieces(production of this modification was completed in 1934)

t Ankov BT-2 - 36 pieces (production of this modification completed in 1933);

Only 123 pieces.

Of these: 83 tanks belonged to the 2nd category and 40 tanks to the 3rd category.*

The personnel consisted of:

Senior command and command staff - 14 people;

Middle command staff - 159 people;

Junior command staff - 154 people;

Ordinary composition - 1416 people.

Despite the short period / 6 months / elapsed since the organization of the regiment,by the day the hostilities began, the regiment was quite combat-ready and ready to go into battle with the fascist gangs. The political and moral state of the commanding and ordinary With the rest was very high. Everyone was ready to face the enemy,ruthlessly destroying it and defending our great Motherland.

June 22, 1941 at 8.00 according to the order of the Commander 131 m Oto-division in the regiment was declared a combat alert. Prior to the receipt of the combat order, the command of the regiment issued a preliminary order, according to which all materiel and personnel were withdrawn to the muster area on alert. Ammunition was completed here, as well as refueling vehicles with fuel and lubricants. and materials. By 14-00 [June 22] Basically the regiment was put on alert,meeting the set time according to the mob plan.

According to the order of the Commander of the 131st Motorized Division No. 02, received on June 22 at 14040, the regiment must march along the route: Novograd-Volynsk uy , Yarun, Mukharev, Krylov, Bashiny, Novy Dvur, Tynne, count. Mowing, focusing on 24-00 forest 2 km west of Bronniki (settlement 14 km north-west of Rivne, on the highway Lutsk, Rivne - M.S.). The total length is 122 km. At 19-00 June 22 regiment consisting of: headquarters, 4th tank battalion, reconnaissance, repair, and a motor transport company, a communications platoon and service units set out along this route. With this column, 83 tanks left Novograd-Volynsk.

During June 23, the regiment continued to move along the established route. The column was greatly stretched. The reasons for which should be considered: about the absence of petrol stations, who commander of the 131st Motorized Division, were sent along a different route (???). Technical malfunction of individual machines. Delay at the crossing of the Goryn River, where the ferry could carry only one tank at a time, and the ferry itself was out of order and not prepared*

* The advance route was laid 5-10 km south of the main highway Novograd-Volynsky, Goshcha, Rovno, and therefore had to be crossed on a village ferry to the Bashino metro station. It can be assumed that, without further ado, parts of 131 MD were advanced along the routes indicated in the Cover Plan, in which case the choice of off-road driving option, away from the main highway, becomes clear

The first 3 tanks arrived at BRONIKI by 14-00 23 June. With regard to the fastest pulling up of the rest of the vehicles, the command of the regiment took the following measures: Tankers were sent under the command of Lieutenant Kukushkin. Remletuchki were sent towards the column, and it was also allowed to use stationary bridges located to the south and north of the crossing over the river in order to speed up the crossing. HORYN.

K 16 - 00, 35 tanks arrived in BRONIKI, of which, on the basis of the order of the Commander of the 131st Motor Division, a consolidated battalion was formed in the amount of 14 tanks under the command of Captain TERMET and(two? one?) Reconnaissance consisting of 10 tanks under the command of Captain RUDENKO.

General leadership of both groups, as well as one battalion of 743 motorized regiments, one battalion of 135 th line of the Christmas tree division and artillery division, was assigned to the Commander 58 1st Tank Regiment Lieutenant Colonel KA NShINA. The specified grouping was tasked with focusing on the eastern outskirts of the mountains. LUTSK and prevent the enemy from crossing the river. STIR, holding the crossings in their hands until the approach of the main forces of the division.

K 10 - 00 defense was ready. The tanks of the combined battalion took up a fixed defense along the eastern bank of the river. STIR and on both sides of the highway LUTSK-ROVNO. The reconnaissance occupied the eastern outskirts of the mountains. LUTSK.

K 18 - 00 on the southeastern outskirts began the accumulation of the enemy preparing for the crossing. By 20.00, under the cover of artillery and mortar fire, the enemy began crossing on the left flank of our defense. Despite the superior forces of the enemy, our units held him back up to 15-00 June 26.

On this day in the battles under the mountains. LUTSK, our tanks took part in two attacks, inflicting serious defeats on the enemy, who lost more than a company of men, 8 motorcycles and one tank. The commanders and fighters of the battalion showed exceptional perseverance and heroism. ml. lieutenant DENISENKO destroyed 2 motorcycles and knocked out an enemy tank. Lieutenants SKOMOROHOV and KONEV destroyed 6 motorcycles and a lot of manpower.

In this battle died the death of the brave: l lieutenant SKOMOROHOV, m l. lieutenant DENISENKO, ml. political instructor IVANCHENKO, private and junior command staff 5 people and missing: middle command staff 2 people and privates 13 people.

Among the individual divisions of rifle units, operating in conjunction with the tanks, a panic retreat began. By about this Commander 58 th tank regiment lieutenant colonel KAN SHIN said to the one who came to him military equipment of the 1st rank PUCCHNIN: " It is not so difficult to defeat the enemy as to overcome the panic of your troops " .

To combat the alarmists in this area was allocated With comrade political instructor GUSEV, who, by his courage and personal example, contributed to the mobilization of all forces for a decisive rebuff to the fascist bands. In one of the battles in the tank turret With comrade political instructor GUSEV failed the rotary mechanism. He,sitting on top of the tank,hands turned the tower(!!!) at the enemy's landmarks, thus correcting the fire of his tank, despite the explosions of shells and mines quite close to him.

On the same day the company l Lieutenant SATINA, consisting of 7 tanks, was thrown by order of the Division Commander to help 743 Motorized Regiment,one battalion of which was surrounded in the ZHIDICHI area (Northern suburb of Lutsk - M.S.). Consolidated Battalion and Intelligence the company was replenished with additional tanks brought from the BRONIKI area. FROM military technician of the 1st rank and PUCCHNIN arrived 10 tanks and with l lieutenant LOCTEV 17 tanks (i.e. no less than 51 (or maybe 62) tanks out of 83 are fighting - an incredible story, M.S.).

Holding back the superior forces of the enemy,who had the intention to strike at the headquarters of the division located in SAPOGUV (north-eastern suburb of Lutsk, 8 km from the city center - M.S.), 12 tanks under command[regiment commander] lieutenant colonel KA NShINA and to captain TERMET at 10-00 went into battle. In this battle, the enemy organized exceptionally strong anti-tank artillery fire, with a large activity of motorized infantry, which presumably it was not less than a regiment. Having lost at least one and a half companies killed and wounded,the enemy could not withstand heavy fire from our side,suspended the offensive and moved to temporary defense,accumulating their troops on the held lines.

In this battle, the death of heroes died:[regiment commander] lieutenant colonel KANSHIN, with Comrade Lieutenant PAVLOVSKY, l lieutenants statin and LOCTEV, m l. lieutenant Porohnyavy, junior command and rank and file- 4 people. Since that time, the command of the regiment took n chief of staff of the regiment, major LEGEZA.

All the remaining tanks in the amount of 7 pieces, according to the order of the division commander, were used for reconnaissance and protection of the division headquarters.

On the same day, under the command of Captain GRIGORY E VA, Lieutenant VORONOV, and Jr. lieutenant TRETYAKOV reconnaissance of the BOROCHOW-TEREMNO region was carried out. During reconnaissance, Lieutenant VORONOV, sneaking up on a group of German officers who were drinking at that time, and threw a grenade. Three officers were killed, the rest fled. Like proof l Lieutenant VORONOV brought buttonholes,taken from a dead officer. When retreating to the tank l Lieutenant VORONOV was wounded in the leg by the Nazis surrounding him.

Performing a reconnaissance mission,the required information was delivered to the division headquarters. The crews left after the battle without materiel in the amount of about 50 people were used to defend the division headquarters. This group was led by: to Captain TERMET, and from July 1- Captain RYABKIN, and art. political instructor Gusev.

By this time, the 1st and 2nd battalions remaining in Novograd-Volynsk, by order P Assistant Division Commander Colonel MOROZOVall defective combat vehicles , who were on the rembase , equipped with ammunition and used as fixed firing points in the UR (well, the regiment !!!), placing them on the line: Novograd-Volynsk - GULSK, and Novograd-Volynsk - CHIZHOVKA.

The remaining personnel took up defensive positions on the eastern outskirts of the mountains. Novograd-Volynsk.

Fascist bandits, sending their agents to the rear,they tried to destroy and burn everything, trying to undermine the organization and discipline in the rear of our troops. Near the village of VYSHNYUV, three unknown persons were detained and handed over to the headquarters of the division.,hiding in the cellar and calling themselves brothers, which was not confirmed at all during the check. They found a can of fuel on them.,obviously for organizing arson, which often fascist agents signaled and oriented the enemy about the location of our units.

This is also confirmed by this episode: on the night of June 29, military technician 1st rank PUCCHNIN and Ml. lieutenant VOLTOVSKYtook out a tank in tow at the location of their troops (no words - M.S.) . During a forced stop, a nearby shed suddenly caught fire from all sides.,and immediately a rocket took off, indicating the locationthese two tanks (how? they still "know" that it is impossible to tow a tank by a tank! - M.S.). The tanks, having traveled 3-4 km, again fell into an ambush organized by the Nazis behind the house. A thrown grenade and firing from a cannon of a tank Voentekhnik 1st rank PUCCHNIN and Ml. Lieutenant VOLTOVSKY destroyed a group of fascists in the amount of 14 people led by an officer.

So oh showing stubborn resistance and destroying the enemy, the group under G op. LUTSK, with the exception of the tanks left at the headquarters, according to the order of the division commander, began to withdraw to a new line of defense - the northeastern outskirts of the mountains. Novograd-Volynsk uy. ..


On l. 174 of the archival file contains such data on the losses of the regiment in the period from 22.6 to 22.7. 41

Personnel: 44 were killed, 55 were wounded, 126 (of which 107 were privates) were missing, a total of 225 people.

Arithmetically, after such losses (13% of the original strength), 1,518 people should have remained in the regiment. However, in the entire 131st MD (two motorized rifle regiments, an artillery regiment, a reconnaissance battalion, a communications battalion and other units), according to the headquarters of the South-Western Front, by July 15, only 1,283 people remained (SBD No. 38, p. 38)

Tank losses:

46 destroyed in combat and bombardment

8 lost for technical reasons

5 sat down in a swamp

75 (including 34 BT-2) were transferred to the UR or handed over to the repair base

Amount per 11 units exceeds the original amount, because On June 29, the regiment received 11 more tanks (type not specified)

This article is a continuation of the article. In the time that has passed since the previous article was written, scans of authentic documents of the Great Patriotic War have been found on the Internet. Here special thanks to such sites: http://smolbattle.ru/ and http://www.podvignaroda.mil.ru/.

Briefly, the background is this. We have at the entrance. The well-known whistleblower of the "bloody tyrants" Boris Sokolov "On the myths old and new." 08/18/2010 writes: “... At the same time, more than once, cavalrymen were thrown at the enemy, who managed to take up the defense and had a sufficient amount of firepower. As a result, the cavalry was subjected to a real beating. Here we can recall the tragic consequences of the use of two cavalry divisions of the 16th Army near Moscow in November 1941.

Here's more and more details: “Rokossovsky’s counterattacks…. On the same day, the 17th and 44th cavalry divisions, which arrived from Central Asia, were thrown into the attack on the dug-in German infantry and tanks. The description of this battle was preserved in the combat log of the 4th Panzer Group Gepner: “... I could not believe that the enemy intended to attack us on this wide field ... But then three lines of horsemen moved towards us. Riders with shining blades rushed to the attack across the space lit by the winter sun, bending down to the necks of their horses. The first shells exploded in the midst of the attackers. Soon a terrible black cloud hung over them. People and horses torn to pieces take off into the air.. Newspaper "Forty One" No. 40 dated 10/28/11 (http://www.id41.ru/printing/8406/)

And here someone carefully indicated the place of death of two divisions

And here is the text of the "report" itself. Written very poetically, who are interested - read it, you will not regret it! This nonsense is intentionally hidden under the spoiler. The source of all this: collection Russian Archive: Great Patriotic T. 15(4-1), Moscow, ed. "TERRA", 1997, p.50-52

Read the report

On November 16, the 5th Corps of General of the Infantry Ruof (2nd Panzer Division, 35th and 106th Infantry Divisions), on the left flank of the 4th Panzer Group, was the first from the group to go on the offensive from the Volokolamsk area in the direction of Klin . The 23rd Infantry Division follows him as a reserve. The task of the corps is to capture the city of Klin and then, turning to the southeast, cut off Moscow from the north. The enemy is trying by all means to prevent the capture of his capital. Fierce battles break out. What means the Russians resort to in this struggle can be most clearly seen in the example of one combat report, which describes the attack of the 44th cavalry division of the enemy, which took place on November 17 in the Musino region. This Asian cavalry was hastily transferred by the enemy to the most threatened northern flank of the Moscow defense.
“At 9.00 the morning fog dissipates and finally you can see the cold winter landscape around. We are on the top of a hilly ridge, somewhat east of Musino, at the observation post of one battery. At 3 kilometers from us, a forest begins, disappearing beyond the horizon. Between us and the forest stretch narrow fields with small bushes. Furrows and stubble peek through the thin snow cover. The sun is rising higher. One of our regiments has the task of advancing in a northerly direction. He occupies the starting line in the village behind us. 10.00 am.
Suddenly, in the direction of the planned offensive of the regiment, 60-70 cavalry are shown, which, after several shots of our artillery, hide in the depths of the forest. But our command is counting on the presence of cavalry in the enemy, so the appearance of cavalry is not given much importance. To our right we can see the wooden thatched huts of the village of Parfinnikovo. The houses stretched like a horseshoe towards the forest. This village was the scene of fierce fighting yesterday, and today it still remains a tempting target for Soviet troops.
Suddenly, four tanks appear in front of these huts, occupied by soldiers of one of the battalions of our regiment. Now they do not move gropingly and cautiously, as usual, but rushing across the frozen field straight to their intended goal. Only once they make a short stop and then rush on. Why are the howitzers and anti-tank guns, well-camouflaged on the outskirts of the village, silent, we ask ourselves. True, there is no infantry escort behind the tanks, but the danger of a breakthrough seems to be more and more likely. But behind the cannons and guns are battle-tested soldiers who just yesterday destroyed more than one tank at short distances; and then the first shells burst. Having flared up, the lead tank travels another 100 meters and then explodes. Within 10 minutes, the same fate befalls the other three. Enemy tanks are slowly burning down.
All our attention is still riveted on this rapidly unfolding battle, when suddenly a short command from the division commander standing in front makes us shift our gaze from south to east. His sharp eyes made out in the depths of the forest cavalry galloping along a narrow clearing. It seems that these are large forces that either disappear behind the trees, or reappear in small clearings, and, finally, moving south, disappear into the thicket. By telephone, short, clear orders are transmitted to the battery. Suddenly, 3000 meters from us, horsemen appear on the edge of the forest. At first there were few of them, then 50, 100, 300, and, finally, from the right and left from the thick of the forest to the west, more and more masses of cavalry rushed. We still cannot believe that the enemy intends to attack us on this wide field, intended, it seems, only for parades. True, this possibility was spoken of on occasion, and small cavalry attacks in the defensive battles near Smolensk were also spoken of, but an attack by forces of more than one squadron against our perfect weapons and in the area over which we completely dominate seems a foolish enterprise.
And yet the enemy uses this last trump card. Masses of cavalry appearing in disorder from the forest imperceptibly and quickly take up battle formation. Now these are already three lines, echeloning one after another, which are jumping in a southerly direction, moving away from the forest.
It is an indescribably beautiful sight when, in a clear sunny winter landscape, saddle to saddle, bending low to the necks of the horses, with shining sabers drawn, the cavalry regiment rushes to the attack. It seems that the times of the Mongol invasion have returned, and an unstoppable stream of small black shaggy horses with Asians ingrown into them is rapidly breaking into the countries of the West.
But here the charm dissipates. The officer-observer shouts data for firing into the handset. Machine guns roll out to the edge of the trenches, soldiers throw off their warm mittens and a performance begins that even the greatest fantasy cannot draw. The battery fires from an open firing position. With a hiss, the first shells fly out of the barrels and explode in the mass of the attackers. They are joined by explosive shells from anti-tank guns. From the village to the south of us, all the guns that the Russian tanks had just destroyed are firing. A solid black cloud hangs over the squadron continuing to gallop. Apparently, nothing can hold back this impulse, although the shells now and then tear out huge gaps in the continuous mass of horse bodies. And it is completely inexplicable how, in this sea of ​​fire, the squadron turns a little to the right, and its vanguard is carried straight to the open side of the village.
The fire of our artillerymen forms a solid wall. Horse corpses fly into the air. It is impossible to make out where the people are, where the horses are. The squadron lost control and the purpose of its offensive. What until recently had been a picture resembling a parade has now become a helpless mass. The whole mass of the squadron is marking time aimlessly on the spot. Now to the right, then to the left, the horses that have run wild in this hell are carried away, crushing everything that remains alive in its path. The few cavalrymen still on horseback are drowning in this continuous mass, and our artillery is finishing off the last remnants of the attack.
And now the second cavalry regiment rushes out of the forest to attack. It is impossible to imagine that after such a death of all the squadrons of the first regiment, the nightmarish performance will be repeated again. The direction of the attack and the distance are now known, and the death of the second regiment is even faster than the first. Only 30 cavalrymen, led by an officer on a fine horse, jump almost to the village itself, and here they perish in the fire of our machine guns.
A deep silence reigns over the battlefield. Everyone is looking to where just now, as in a dream, numerous horses were rushing. One of the first large horse attacks of the Second World War took place near Moscow. It must be hoped that she was the first and last in this war, and perhaps in the entire military history. But here come the sharp orders. The regiment goes on the offensive.

So, we decided on the date of the attack - November 16-17, and with the divisions - the 44th and 17th, and the place of the village of Musino. Now authentic documents
Report on the combat operations of the 17th Cavalry Division for the period from 11/16/1941
author Colonel Gaidukov
TsAMO fund 208 inventory 2511 item 35
record number in the database 60163031

... Starting position Egorievo, Borodino d.b. occupied at 9.00 on 11/16/41. The same prikaom of the division was given 2 companies of tanks 58 TD in the amount of 15 T-26 tanks. on the right defended the line of the river. Lama remnants of units of 120 SMEs 107 MSDs, which did not receive active tasks. To the left, from the starting line Kuleshovo, Teleshovo in the direction of Solgino, b. Syrkovo, Ilinskoe, Zubovo, Kozino d.b. break through the front in the Vlasovo, Kuzyaevo 24 KD section.
AT 9.00 16.11.1941 the 13th command post crossed the river. Lama, took up the starting position for the attack, Egoryevo, 128 CP - Borodino, 91 CP, in the second echelon, Glazkovo. Shtadiv - a grove, west of 0.5 km. Glazkovo. Attached tank companies of the 58th TD, despite sending orders to the area of ​​their starting positions, did not arrive.
Exactly at 10.00, units of the 17th KD of the first echelon / 128 KP and 2 squadrons of the 13th KP / launched an offensive in a westerly direction - by 11.00 they reached Osheynikovo, Novoselki. The second echelon, under the cover of 2 squadrons of the 13th command post, began to force the river. Lama with the task of developing the success of the 1st echelon.
There was no battle heard in section 24 of the CD. The sent liaison officer reported that only the 56th command post had returned to its original position. Thus, by the beginning of the offensive, the division was alone.
At the time of the approach of the 2nd echelon to the crossing over the river. Lama in the Egoryevo district with a sudden fire raid from the Matyushino district and the exit to the infantry regiment with tanks, the 2nd echelon was cut off from the 1st echelon. A fierce battle ensued, lasting 10 hours. In the midst of the battle of the 2nd echelon, 120 tanks were thrown into the 1st echelon from Lotoshino, up to an infantry regiment, which began to shoot and crush the battle formations of the 1st echelon. Finding themselves without tank support, having shaken up artillery, without the support of the 2nd echelon, the 1st echelon began to retreat to its original position. Heroically fighting off the tanks and infantry of the project, 150-200 people led by unit commanders and commissars went to their original position.
Having defeated the 1st echelon, the avenue fell upon the 2nd echelon with all its might. After 5 hours of fierce fighting in the 91st KP district, Colonel Gusev arrived from the army with the order of the division at 8.30 on 11/16/1941 to rapidly attack the avenue in the direction of Sentsovo, push it back in the direction of Turginovo and subjugate all the detachments of the 107th MSD - firmly occupy defense in the district of Sentsovo. ……
At 20.00 on 11/16/1941, having handed over the site of 120 SMEs, parts of the division began to withdraw from the battle and concentrate in the Pokrovskoye district. The division lost 50% of its personnel, artillery, mortars and machine guns of 2 regiments. ….
According to intelligence and parts of 107 MSD, the pr-k moved to the eastern bank of the river. Lama and occupied Stepankovo, Markovo, Maksimovo. To accomplish the task of the division, there was one route of movement to Isosinye-Kuzminskoye-Kitenevo-Glukhino-Sentsovo. ….
On 11/17/1941, the 16th division was assigned the task of reaching the district of Vozdvizhenskoye, Svistunovo, Kitenevo and, with 120 SMEs, firmly defending the line of the river. Yauza. To the right, on the Volovnikovo site, Bortniki d.b. defend 24 CD.
By the end of 11/18/41, the division reached the defense area on time and, due to heavy losses and a large defense area, a decision was made: to occupy the defense with separate strongholds - Vozdvizhenskoye, Bortnikovo, Vysokovo, Ovsyannikovo - 91 KP (the most full-blooded). In the Kitenevo district, in the 2nd echelon 128, 13 KP in Izosinya ....
During 11/18/41, the pr-k led fierce attacks on the entire front-ke front.

44th Cavalry Division
From the reports for 11/16/1941 it follows that the 44th cavalry division was generally in the second echelon, behind the positions of the 58th tank division, only one squadron of the 51st cavalry regiment took part in the battle, which occupied Kuzyaevo.

The conclusion is this: there was no “epic battle” in the Musino area, it was just couldn't be neither the 17th Cavalry Division nor, especially, the 44th Cavalry Division. As there was no horse lava attack on tanks and dug-in German units at all. The 17th Cavalry Division suffered heavy losses (up to 50% of the personnel), but not because "cavalrymen were thrown at the enemy who managed to take up defense", but because of the counterattack inflicted by the Germans from the districts of Matyushino and Lotoshino.

It would seem that everything is clear and understandable - the German report is a fake. I even understand why this lie is so tenacious, roaming dozens of sites. She is very “beautiful” because she has everything that is so dear to the heart of every “conscientious intellectual”:
1. attack with drafts "naked" against tanks and artillery - i.e. "filling up with corpses" and bloodthirstiness of commanders
2. Voroshilov and Budyonny, who were limited "horsemen" and considered tanks to be wrecking
3. repressed Tukhachevsky, who loved tanks
4. The Germans who almost went crazy shooting masses of Asians on "shaggy horses"
The only thing that is not clear to me is how to stop the replication of this impudent lie in the vastness of Runet! It remains only to write more and more, so that more people can know the truth.

Below are scanned documents.

The 58th separate tank brigade began to be reorganized at the end of December 41. from the 58th Panzer Division. After withdrawing from the front after heavy losses in the November battles, 58td concentrated east of the city of Kimry, where it was reorganized and replenished. However, the brigade did not receive new tanks, and at the end of December it had 1 T-34, 2 BT-7, 1 BT-2, 3 BA-10.

By December 22, 41. the brigade concentrated in the Konakovo area, from where on December 28 it marched towards the front. By January 2, 42. concentrated in the area of ​​​​Borovka (northern Lotoshino). Retreating under pressure from 30A units, German troops occupied the sowing line. Lotoshino, where they planned to gain a foothold. On January 3, 116otb having tanks, together with an infantry landing, attacked the enemy in Yagodino. The tanks managed to break into Yagodino, but the infantry did not consolidate the success of the tankers.

Only on January 15, under the threat of a bypass from the south, the enemy left the Lotoshino area and retreated to the next line of defense. In mid-January, 42. participated in the 30A offensive in the Stupino, Klepenino area, supporting the attacks of 371sd. There was still no new mat part and the combat value of the brigade was limited.

By NPO directive No. 723499ss dated February 15, 1942, the brigade was transferred to new states.

May 42. brigades are transferred to the SWF in the area of ​​Stary Oskol, and on May 17 they are loaded into echelons and sent to the 28A offensive area north of Kharkov. The strength of the brigade's tank fleet was: 29 T-34s, 15 T-60s. The brigade concentrated east. With. Ternovaya (surrounded by parts 28A). Having entered the subordination of the 3GvKK, the brigade attacked the enemy in the Veseleye area. However, due to heavy enemy fire, the attacks were not successful. In total, in the battles of May 20-21, the 42nd brigade lost 45 tanks (some were restored and put into operation). Holding back enemy attacks by May 22, the brigade, together with the 5th GVKD, retreated east to the Arapovka-Ploskoe area (northern Ternovoy).

At the end of May 42. concentrated in the rear of the 169th and 175th divisions, preparing to repel the enemy offensive from the side of Murom to Staritsa. However, it was here that the enemy, after the completion of the liquidation of the Barvenkovsky pocket, was preparing a new offensive.

On June 10, 6A Paulus launched Operation Wilhelm to improve positions and defeat the opposing Soviet troops before launching an offensive into the Caucasus and Stalingrad. Parts 113, 305 and 79pd were concentrated on a narrow section. Having attacked, after powerful artillery and aviation preparation, the defense of the 169th division (which, by the way, occupied a 20 km defense section), the enemy immediately broke through its defensive line. By evening, 169sd moved beyond the North. Donets. The enemy, pursuing the departing units, crossed to the east. coast of the North. Donets and broke into Volchansk. The 58th brigade, together with the 90th brigade, having retreated along with units of the 175th division beyond the Donets, were combined into a group of Popov's regiment and counterattacked the enemy, preventing him from breaking through from Staritsa to Volchansk. During June 10-11, the 58th brigade fought in the Prilepa area, the 1st Soviet to the east. coast of the North. Donets. The 58th tank brigade fought with infantry and tanks in the Prilepa region in the morning. But soon she was attacked by much superior forces of tanks and withdrew to the area of ​​the Zemlyanoy Yar farm, the Volchanok-Bely Kolodez highway, where she continued to fight with large enemy forces advancing from Volchansk. Developing the offensive to the south, the enemy bypassed the 28A units remaining on the right bank of the North. Donets. The 58th brigade was sent on June 12 to the Novo-Aleksandrovka area in order to take up defenses and prevent the enemy from breaking through from the White Kolodez. On June 13, it was withdrawn to the reserve in the Valuyki area.

By June 14, the brigade consisted of 2 T-34s, 4 T-60s, 1 76mm gun, 2 37mm guns. Having achieved their goals, the Germans suspended the further offensive.

In July 1942, the brigade was withdrawn from the Southwestern Front and sent to Saratov for reorganization.

In September, he arrives at the Stalingrad (from October 1, Don) Front and conducts an offensive in the direction of Stalingrad as part of 66A. On September 22, the 58th brigade brigade was included in the 7TK and led the offensive along with the infantry of the 84th and 99th divisions. So on September 22, the brigade consisted of 2 KV, 22 T-34, 19 T-70. However, the attacks were repulsed by the enemy with heavy losses for our troops. On September 27, 42. consisted of 2KV, 4 T-34, 6 T-70. On October 10, 42. 699 people and 6 tanks. After the withdrawal of 7TK for replenishment, it remained at location 66A.

66A did not participate in the Stalingrad offensive, being in the rear between the Volga and the Don in the Erzovka region. Tanks and personnel were also not replenished. At the end of December 42. was withdrawn to the reserve of the Headquarters.