Which is faster sound or. Which is faster the speed of sound or light

To the question Which is faster, light or sound? given by the author Little-mousy the best answer is naturally light. The speed of light in a vacuum is the limiting value of this kind and is 300 thousand kilometers per second (by the way, it is different in different environments). The speed of sound is much less - depending on the propagation medium, it changes in hundreds and thousands of meters per second.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Which is faster, light or sound?

Answer from User deleted[guru]

Answer from Leto[guru]

Answer from User deleted[guru]
light, moreover, 1000 times faster

Answer from Yovetik[guru]
Light, of course.

Answer from User deleted[guru]

Answer from Best[guru]
I don't like twins!

Answer from Ivan Malienko[guru]
Depends on the propagation medium, although light should still be faster... .
I was bad at school

Answer from User deleted[expert]
Light, naturally, the speed of light is the fastest

Answer from Dima Kaminsky[master]
The speed of light is 300,000 km / s and the sound is 340 m / s, compare yourself!

Answer from Alina Starikova[newbie]
Speed ​​of light 300,000,000 m/s
speed of sound in air 340 m/s
The speed of light is a million times faster and this is the maximum speed in nature.
Light can propagate in a vacuum (airless space), but sound needs a medium - the denser the medium, the faster the speed of sound. So for example, after rain, sounds are better and more clearly audible. In ancient times, in order to hear how far the enemy army was, they put their ear to the ground.
To hear the sound of an approaching train, put your ear to the rails - because in denser environments the speed of sound is greater

Answer from ARTYOM FEDOROV[newbie]
The speed of sound is greater than the speed of light!
The experience of scientists from the University of Tennessee
Such a striking result was demonstrated in their experience by William Robertson from the University of Tennessee (Middle Tennessee State University), together with colleagues, as well as a number of students from other educational institutions.
The researchers built a kind of "loop" from a plastic pipe, calculated so that in it a group of individual sound impulses that make up a common impulse were separated and then brought back together. The authors called this device an asymmetric filter. As a result, it turned out that the sound passed through the pipe propagates faster than light travels in a vacuum.
Of course, in this case we are talking about the so-called group velocity - that is, the speed of movement of the peak of the total impulse obtained by mixing a large number of small waves of several frequencies.
Each individual wave in this packet did not move faster than light, no miracle, of course, happened. But the authors of the experiment say it will help develop methods for faster transmission of electrical impulses in communication systems. For more details, see the article by the authors of this work in Applied Physics Letters.
Previously, physicists from another American university built an installation in which the speed of sound increased by five orders of magnitude. They also calculated that, under certain conditions, the speed of a sound pulse (group) can exceed the speed of c, which is now demonstrated in practice by testers from Tennessee.
We also add that tricks with group velocity, but not of sound, but of a light pulse, previously led to even more surprising results. So physicist Robert Boyd (Robert Boyd) from the University of Rochester (University of Rochester) back in 2003 slowed down light to 57 meters per second.
And he also conducted an even more impressive experiment last year: he received light with a negative speed, at which the peak of the pulse moved not from the source, but towards it. Moreover, in that experiment, one more "hump" of the light pulse was even ahead of time, as it left the end of the installation before it got to its beginning.

    Darkness is faster

    The speed of thought is equal to the speed of transmission of electrical impulses, which in any case is less than the speed of light.

    rainbow on the sides

  • There was also an article by scientists who conducted research. They were in shock. A certain particle, I do not remember its name, passed through the liquid faster than the speed of light. This is in terms of available physics.
    From the point of view of paraphysics, there must be particles-carriers of information. With their help, telepathy occurs. The speed of their spread is clearly demonstrated by the imagination. Just imagine how you are flying through space and approaching the nearest star in seconds. So, this speed is not the limit, and you, or rather one of your "I", really flew to the star with information, and this "something" consists of these superluminal particles-waves. And similar speeds are exhibited by particle-waves with torsion coupling.
    As you understand, this does not change either science or physics in any way.

    If we are talking about the speed of sound, we must ask: in what medium?
    The speed of sound in air is about 335 m/s. But this is at a temperature of 0 ° C. With an increase in temperature, the speed of sound propagation also increases. No environment - no sound. If a vacuum is created in some volume, sound cannot propagate in it. This is because sound travels in waves. A vibrating object transmits its vibration to neighboring molecules or particles. There is a transfer of motion from one particle to another, which leads to the appearance of a sound wave.

    From chemistry class, I know that the speed of light is about one million faster than the speed of sound. But the speed of sound and light can change. The approximate speed of sound is approximately 1450 m/s. But this is not a constant value, it can change depending on the conditions where it passes, just through air or in water, it depends on the ambient pressure and temperature. That is, there is no definite concept of the speed of sound, but there are already approximate figures. The speed of light in vacuum is 299792458 m/s. Until now, smart people in their laboratories are putting experiments to discover by creating more and more new devices and making new experiments. 299792458 m / s, this speed is considered more accurate, it was identified in 1975 more accurately, and in 1983 it began to be used in the International System of Units (SI). Most often, in order to solve a school problem, teachers are allowed to round the numbers of the value to exactly 300,000,000 m / s or (3 × 108 m / s). As for lightning and thunder, it seems to me that they do not depend on each other and the laws of the speed of light and sound do not apply here.

    Yes, everything is exactly the opposite. The speed of sound in the atmosphere is about 342 meters per second, light travels about 300 thousand kilometers in 1 second. These values ​​are completely incommensurable. And we see lightning first, then we hear thunder.

    It is believed and proven that light is much faster in speed than the speed of sound. When thunder rumbles, we can first notice lightning, its light, and its appearance in the sky is ahead of the sound of the thunder following it, and since there is a very short period of time between them, it seems to you that at first thunder.

    The speed of light is incomparably greater than the speed of sound (300 thousand m/sec). During a thunderstorm, we first see lightning, and then we hear thunder peals. If there are a lot of peals and they are frequent, you can confuse which lightning corresponds to which thunder. Hence the error.

    The speed of light is faster, this can be clearly seen in the example of thunder and lightning. The first thing we see is a flash of lightning in the sky, and only a few seconds later we hear thunder. The further the storm goes, the longer it will take for the thunder to reach us.

    Everyone answered the question well, and there is nothing to add. But it seems to me (this is just my personal opinion) that the speed of thought is the fastest))) We can mentally overcome such distances that the light will need to get there for centuries)))

    If we first heard thunder, and then we saw lightning, then this lightning refers to a completely different thunder. To put it simply, a thunderstorm looks like this: flash - thunder, flash - thunder, and not vice versa. Light travels much faster.

    The speed of light is higher than the speed of sound, so if during a thunderstorm you first heard thunder and then saw lightning, then most likely the epicenter of this thunderstorm was located quite far from where you were, and you heard the thunder accompanying the previous flash lightning, and the lightning you saw was already the next, and after a while it was again supposed to be followed by thunder.

    In my opinion, you are mistaken - just the opposite: first we see lightning, and then we hear thunder. As a child, we had a favorite fun during a thunderstorm - when you saw lightning, calculate how many seconds thunder will thunder (since the speed of sound in air is about 1/3 km per second, dividing the number of seconds by 3, you can find out at what distance from we have a thunderstorm, and it is approaching or receding).

    More precisely, the speed of sound in air is 331 m/s, and that of light is almost a million times faster (299,792,458 m/s).

    For the first time, he discovered that the speed of sound lags far behind the speed of light in early childhood, when he had no idea about the laws of physics at all. Opposite my house, 200 meters away, there was a volleyball court. I often watched adults play from the balcony. And I was very surprised when I noticed that I heard blows of hands on the ball belatedly. That is, they hit the ball as if silently, and the sound of the blow began to be heard only when the ball was already flying. Later I understood why this was happening. The speed of light is extremely high - 300,000 km per second. It is believed that this is the maximum physical speed that can only be in this world. The speed of sound in air is very small compared to the speed of light, only about 340 meters per second. Some planes fly faster, which is why they are called supersonic.