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Plan A. Blok’s creative history, lyric motifs A. Blok’s creative history, lyric motifs Cycle “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” Cycle “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” "Twelve" History of creation History of creation Meaning of the name Meaning of the name Features of the composition and system of images Features of the composition and system of images Symbolism of the poem Symbolism of the poem

The face of Alexander Blok stands out for its clear and cold calm, like a marble Greek mask. Academically drawn, impeccable in proportion, with a finely defined forehead, with impeccable arches of eyebrows, with short curly hair, with a damp curve of the mouth, it resembles the strict head of Praxiteleus Hermes, into which pale eyes of transparent dull stone are set. Marble cold emanates from this face .... Looking at the faces of other poets, one can make a mistake in determining their specialty ... but there can be no doubt about Blok that he is a poet, since he is closest to the traditional romantic M .Voloshin

A. A. Blok was born on November 16, 1880 in St. Petersburg, spent his childhood in the family of his grandfather - a famous botanist, rector of St. Petersburg University A. N. Beketov, in "an old noble atmosphere with literary tastes", scientific interests and humanistic ideals. A. A. Blok was born on November 16, 1880 in St. Petersburg, spent his childhood in the family of his grandfather - a famous botanist, rector of St. Petersburg University A. N. Beketov, in "an old noble atmosphere with literary tastes", scientific interests and humanistic ideals.

He composed his first poems already at the age of five, published children's handwritten magazines, and in his youth he participated in amateur performances in the Shakhmatovo estate near Moscow. In the summer of 1898, Blok met L. D. Mendeleeva, his future wife,

In 1898, A. Blok began to seriously engage in poetry, although he entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. In 1898, A. Blok began to seriously engage in poetry, although he entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. Faculty of Philology, which he successfully graduated in 1906 In 1901, he transferred to the Slavic-Russian Department of the Faculty of History and Philology, which he successfully graduated in 1906

In these poems of Blok, Andrei Bely and the circle of "Argonauts" became known, who joyfully welcomed in them spiritual aspirations and aspirations consonant with them. In these poems of Blok, Andrei Bely and the circle of "Argonauts" became known, who joyfully welcomed in them spiritual aspirations and aspirations consonant with them. In 1902, Blok met Z. N. Gippius and D. S. Merezhkovsky, since that time he has been a regular visitor in their salon and in the editorial office of the New Way magazine. In 1902, Blok met Z. N. Gippius and D. S. Merezhkovsky, since that time he has been a regular visitor in their salon and in the editorial office of the New Way magazine.

Blok's creative destiny was largely determined by a strong feeling for Blok's creative destiny was largely determined by a strong feeling for Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, who became his wife in 1903 and a deep passion for the philosophical ideas of Vladimir Solovyov Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, who became his wife in 1903 and a deep passion for philosophical ideas Vladimir Solovyov

At the end of 1904, Blok's first poetic book "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" was published. At the end of 1904, Blok's first poetic book "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" was published. On the one hand, the heroine appears as a very real, "earthly" woman, on the other hand, it is a heavenly, mystical image of the "Virgin", "Dawn", "Majestic Eternal Wife", "Holy", "Clear", "Incomprehensible". On the one hand, the heroine appears as a very real, "earthly" woman, on the other hand, she is a heavenly, mystical image of the "Virgin", "Dawn", "Majestic Eternal Wife", "Holy", "Clear", "Incomprehensible".

I enter dark temples, I perform a poor rite. There I wait for the Beautiful Lady In the flickering of red lamps. In the shadow of a high column Trembling from the creak of doors. And she looks into my face, illumined, Only an image, only a dream about Her. Oh, I am used to these robes of the Majestic Eternal Woman! Smiles, fairy tales and dreams run high on the cornices. O Holy One, how gentle are the candles, How beautiful are Your features! I do not hear any sighs or speeches, But I believe: Dear - You!

The windows of the neighboring house are zholta, In the evenings - in the evenings Thoughtful bolts creak, People approach the gate. In the neighboring house, the windows are zholta, In the evenings - in the evenings Thoughtful bolts creak, People approach the gate. And the gates are deafly locked, And on the wall - and on the wall Someone motionless, someone black People counts in silence. I hear everything from my top: He calls with a copper voice To bend the exhausted backs Below the people gathered. They will enter and scatter, They will pile on the backs of the coolies, And in the yellow windows they will laugh, That these beggars have been tricked.

You are extraordinary even in a dream. I won't touch your clothes, I'm slumbering - and behind the slumber is a mystery, And in a secret - you will rest, Russia. Russia, girded by rivers And surrounded by wilds, With swamps and cranes, And with the cloudy gaze of a sorcerer, Where diverse peoples From land to land, from valley to valley Lead night round dances Under the glow of burning villages.

About valor, about exploits, about glory I forgot on the woeful earth, When your face in its simple frame Shined before me on the table. But the hour has come, and you left the house. I threw the cherished ring into the night. You gave your fate to another, And I forgot the beautiful face. The days flew by, spinning like a cursed swarm... Wine and passion tormented my life... And I remembered you in front of the lectern, And I called you like my youth...

Die, Florence, Judas, Disappear into the gloom of the ages! ………………………………….. Your cars wheeze, Your ugly houses, Pan-European yellow dust You betrayed yourself! Only brass of solemn Latin Sings on the slabs like a trumpet ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Dante’s shadow with an eagle’s profile Sings to me about the New Life

Again, as in the golden years, Three worn-out harnesses fray, And painted knitting needles get stuck In loose ruts... Russia, impoverished Russia, Your gray huts are for me, Your wind songs are for me - Like the first tears of love! I don't know how to feel sorry for you, And I carefully carry my cross... To whatever sorcerer you want Give the robbery beauty! Let him lure and deceive - You will not be lost, you will not perish, And only care will cloud Your beautiful features ... Well, what then? With one worry more - With one tear the river is noisier, And you are still the same - the forest, yes the field, Yes, the patterns are patterned to the eyebrows ... And the impossible is possible, The long road is easy, When the road flashes in the distance An instant glance from under the scarf, When it rings melancholy cautious The dull song of the coachman! ..

During January 1918, he wrote his most famous works - the article "Intelligentsia and Revolution", the poem "The Twelve" and the poem "Scythians". During January 1918, he wrote his most famous works - the article "Intelligentsia and Revolution", the poem "The Twelve" and the poem "Scythians". The article "The Intelligentsia and the Revolution" concludes with a landmark call: "With all your body, with all your heart, with all your consciousness - listen to the Revolution." The article "The Intelligentsia and the Revolution" concludes with a landmark call: "With all your body, with all your heart, with all your consciousness - listen to the Revolution."

Twelve" - ​​whatever they were - this is the best thing I wrote. Because then I lived in modernity." "Twelve" - ​​whatever they are - is the best thing I've written. Because then I lived in modern times. "A. Blok. A. Blok. "Twelve" Black evening. White snow. Wind, wind! A person does not stand on his feet. Wind, wind - In all God's world! man. Wind, wind - In all God's world!

"Twelve" 12 hours - noon, midnight 12 hours - noon, midnight 12 months - calendar year 12 months - calendar year symbol of transition, boundary 12 people - the composition of the Red Guard patrol in revolutionary Petrograd 12 disciples of Christ a symbol of faith, ideas

Homework Synopsis of the textbook pages (to complete the lecture) Seminar tasks - pages Collection of poems by A. Blok