What is a pedantic person. What does a pedantic person mean

what is pedantry or a pedantic person?

  1. pedant - 1. Requiring observance of a strict formal order, a teacher, mentor. Formalist in science. 2. One who is unnecessarily strict in fulfilling all formal requirements.

    pedantry - excessive formalism in something.

  2. A person who does everything thoroughly, meticulously, according to instructions and schedule, with high quality and on time.
  3. pedantry
    1. Distraction. noun by value adj. : pedantic (2,3).

    PEDANTIC adj.
    1. Corresponding in value. with noun. : pedant, pedantry associated with them.

    2.Svoystvenny pedant, pedantry, characteristic of them.

    3. Differing in pedantry.

    PEDANT m.
    1.obsolete Requiring observance of a strict formal order, a teacher, a mentor. // Formalist in science.

    2.trans. One who is unnecessarily strict in fulfilling all formal requirements

    Pedantry (from Italian pedare to educate) is a phenomenon that occurs in various areas of life, but most often accompanies scholarship and pedagogical activity.

    When writing this article, material from the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (18901907) was used.
    Source http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/RRRRRRRRRR
    PEDANT (French pedant, from Italian pedante, originally - teacher, educator), a person distinguished by excessive accuracy, accuracy, formalism.

    Pedant m. 1. obsolete. Requiring observance of a strict formal order, a teacher, a mentor. // Formalist in science. 2. trans. The one who is unnecessarily strict in fulfilling all formal requirements (Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova)
    pedant a, m. 1. A person is overly strict in fulfilling all formal requirements (in science, life, etc.), distinguished by an exaggerated adherence to a certain order. In duels, a classic and a pedant, He loved the method out of feeling. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin. (Small academic dictionary)
    pedant m. pedante (Big Italian-Russian and Russian-Italian Dictionary)
    pedant m. formalista m, pedante m, meticuloso msuho / y peda / nt formalista cien por cien (Big Spanish-Russian and Russian-Spanish Dictionary)
    pedant m. p#233;dant m, cuistre m dry pedant p#233;dant encro#251;t#233; (Big French-Russian and Russian-French Dictionary)
    pedant m Pedant m 2c (Big German-Russian and Russian-German Dictionary)
    Pedant m
    A pedant (French p # 233; dant, from Italian pedante, originally a teacher, educator) is a person distinguished by excessive, exaggerated accuracy, pettiness, formalism, and verbalism. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)
    pedant Through it. Redant "petty trader" (since the 17th century; see SchulzBasler 2, 436 ff.) or French. pedant from it. redante, which is brought closer to lat. paedag#333;gus, gr. #960;#945;#953;#948;#945;#947;#969;#947;#8057;#962; "tutor". (Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer)
    PEDANT, Tsa, m. A person who is overly strict in fulfilling all formal requirements (in science, in life). (Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov)

  4. Who tries to do everything right))) Down to the smallest detail
  5. A person who lives strictly by the rules. There are such "correct" ones that make you sick.
  6. This is a person who is characterized by extreme accuracy and accuracy in any actions; excessive propensity to comply with formal requirements, rules, etc.
  7. A person who always fulfills his obligations accurately and on time

This is an unfinished article. A pedantic person is one who constantly double-checks homework. Let's summarize what a pedantic person means. Let me guess: most likely, you are not a pedantic person. A pedantic person is a literalist, a formalist and an unbearable bore, but there are professions where these qualities are indispensable and in demand. PEDANTIC, th, th; -chen, -chen. Strict in fulfilling all requirements, extremely precise and accurate.

Let's try to describe anankastic people. The main feature of this personality type is pedantry. Immediately or during superficial communication with them, this character trait is almost impossible to identify. Such a person is simply indispensable in the performance of any precise and punctual duties. In this case, a person can no longer independently make a decision in any situation. He constantly and repeatedly thinks about everything and doubts when an ordinary person would have already begun to act a long time ago.

For example, if an aircraft designer who checks the health of an aircraft before a flight turns out to be a pedantic person, checks and revises everything many times, then this will only bring benefits. Whether the light, iron or gas is turned off, it is better for a pedantic person to double-check several times before leaving home. Moreover, it never happened that he forgot to do at least something from this list.

Such a person will not work in the motto: "Do it somehow!". A pedantic type of character often brings only advantages to its owner, of course, if his behavior does not go beyond the reasonable. Any work entrusted to them will be done well and on time, since pedants are people of duty and conscientiously treat their duties.

Pedants can hardly endure a job change, they get used to their team and value it very much. Often people who have the qualities of a pedant become good leaders and rise very high. This is not even their choice. Just a responsible person who performs his duties well, often moves up the corporate ladder.

A pedantic person is neat and clean even in his appearance. Such people are distinguished by impeccable cleanliness in their things, a neat haircut or haircut, polished shoes. But sometimes pathological manifestations can deprive him of rest or even sleep. Gradually, all the joy of life leaves, turning a person into a psychopath, enveloping him from all sides with obsessive thoughts.

As an educated person, the teacher understood that no one needed this hard labor daily work, because it prevented her from concentrating on the lesson and the real knowledge of the students. P. B. Gannushkin once noted that obsession is a kind of pedantry that has crossed the line of what is permitted.

If we consider the words of Gannushkin more deeply, it becomes clear that obsession is a mental pathology, which is directly related to pedantry. Uncontrolled obsession is pure distorted pedantry. The main features of such a person are meticulousness, scrupulousness, punctuality.

A pedantic person: how to survive next to a pedant?

This “inability” lies in the fact that pedantic individuals cannot take the last step and move from thinking to action. They delay the decision, repeatedly checking and rechecking it, even when for a sane person there is, as it were, nothing to check.

When the behavior of such a person remains within the acceptable limits of society, he may even have advantages in many activities. Such people are distinguished by thoroughness and seriousness.

Pedantic character of a person, correction of accentuation of a pedant

Therefore, such people in production teams are valued and respected. In work, sometimes they can "get it" with their tediousness, chicanery, formalism, but it is in such work, where these qualities are in demand, that they cope better and more successfully. Having many positive features, such people become leaders (often they rise to the “level of their incompetence” against their will), due to the fact that they performed their previous duties well.

I don't know how often you've met archaic neat people, but for me this problem is a little more than completely relevant. The pedant himself does not realize how much he drips with his accuracy and desire for order on the brains of other people. I think, if such a hamster wound up in your environment, one comes out - to run.

I wrote it cool) I caught myself that I also contain some of the properties of Pedand, although it’s more all the same from razebay and it helps out. Everyone has their own strengths, and therefore innate pedants are what they are .. By the way, Germany is one of the richest countries in the world, so you should not elevate SPONTANEOUS people to Gods here ..

We continue the cycle of posts about the program of psychological correction of character, today we will consider the pedantic character. Test Character People with a pedantic nature rarely enter into conflicts, acting as a passive rather than an active side.

In the service, a pedantic person behaves like a bureaucrat, presenting many formal requirements to others. A pedantic character makes a person timid, indecisive, doubting the choice of successful options for solving a problem. The negative of the pedant is that he is often too concerned about his own health, and this can lead to hypochondria.

In some people, pedantry is very painful, obsessive, often associated with objective mental disorders, including psychoses. Such pedantry can be called part of a person's life strategy.

what is pedantry or a pedantic person?

What distinguishes anancaste from a business pedant is mainly the nature of his feelings. Pedantic attitude to their duties. Meticulously (adv.) carry out all orders. PEDANT - PEDANT, husband. A person who is overly strict in fulfilling all formal requirements (in science, in life). 1. A person who is overly strict in following a certain order.

These are the people of the same place. They do not like to change their place of work, they usually value it and love their team. The positive of a pedantic character is that the pedant is aware of his actions, and this is a plus for production. The pedantic type of accentuation in a person's character means that he is quite satisfied with his habits and believes that it is impossible to live otherwise.

Good day to everyone who reads these lines, Artem Bukanov and Sasha Bogdanova are with you. Recently, while dealing with various psychotypes of a person, we decided to think in more detail about one of them - what is a pedantic person?

So, a pedantic person is... The usual definition is that pedantic people are distinguished by their accuracy and the desire to do everything very accurately.

But for us, the inquisitive, this is not a comforting answer, and I would like to dig deeper - to figure out what kind of people they are, what is their peculiarity and difference from the rest. We invite you to discover it with us!

What am I... What kind of bird am I?

Perhaps it will be interesting to understand pedantry not only to the inhabitants, but also to the heroes of our article today. For, reading about themselves, they can discover new sides of their personality, and competently use their features in various life situations.

In fact, pedantic people (as well as others) cannot be classified as “good” or “bad”. This is the same individuality as our other character traits.

But nevertheless - who is a pedant and how different is he from the townsfolk? As Henry Ford said, "Quality is doing something right, even when no one is watching." This is what pedantry is.

Such people always try to do everything right and as efficiently as possible. They are not accustomed to work carelessly, and they do not hold confidence.

Two sides of the same coin: pros and cons

But as usual in this world: light does not exist without darkness. So in our case: pedantry has both pluses and minuses. Let's take a closer look at this.

Let's start with the pros, pedantic - it means:

  • Accurate performance of work and other activities with strict observance of all requirements and rules
  • The ability to achieve greater results than ordinary people
  • Ability to work diligently and scrupulously
  • Striving to do a job "excellent", not just "good"

As for the shortcomings, then the pedants themselves would rather name them more than the merits from the same character trait of theirs, namely:

  • Sometimes, the desire to perform work at the highest level only worsens the results (because of the need - or rather: the desire - to do everything at once, and at the same time - ideally)
  • Frequent refusals from work (especially creative work) due to fear of making mistakes or doing something less than perfect
  • Self-criticism bordering on paranoia
  • Constant stress due to the fact that some things are still not brought to perfection
  • Intolerance towards other people and their "unscrupulous" manner of doing work, from which others consider pedants to be picky

Thus, we can say that pedantry delivers more inconvenience than benefit. But do not confuse it with poor quality, because pedants are capable of much more in terms of getting the job done than most people.

Here, except that you need to understand: striving to do your job perfectly is useful, but you should not go to extremes.

But one way or another, everyone determines independently how to relate to their own or other people's character traits.

However, before stating in yourself (or another person) with pedantic inclinations (not to be confused with all sorts of other inclinations) an extreme degree of pickiness or something else, think:

  • Is it so important for you to express your opinion to the pedant, and is it worth it for you to “drive” yourself so much (in the event that you yourself are distinguished by pedantry)?

In any case, this is life, and you should not complicate it once again. And we say goodbye to you for a while, we are waiting for your opinions, comments and invite you to discuss...

Your Sasha and Artem

Let's try to describe anankastic people. The main feature of this personality type is pedantry. Immediately or during superficial communication with them, this character trait is almost impossible to identify. It is revealed only with closer or constant contact, if some important business is carried out together.

Positive sides

A pedantic person - who constantly complies with all formal requirements, scrupulously treats work, finds fault with every little thing. But the pedant is also endowed with some positive features, such as conscientiousness in completing the assignment, even without control, accuracy, punctuality, special diligence in everything.

Anancast never makes hasty decisions, he carefully weighs his every action and every step, he is very practical and sensible. Such a person is simply indispensable in the performance of any precise and punctual duties.

How to do better?

When these manifestations become pronounced, the possibility of developing pathological anankastic psychopathy increases. In this case, a person can no longer independently make a decision in any situation. He constantly and repeatedly thinks about everything and doubts when an ordinary person would have already begun to act a long time ago. The pedantic often does not dare to take the last decisive step. Constantly scrolling for the hundredth, for the thousandth time in his head the solution of some problem, he is still looking for something more constructive or profitable.

Anancast and profession

Pedants are very well integrated into the team and become simply indispensable people in many professions. For example, if an aircraft designer who checks the health of an aircraft before a flight turns out to be a pedantic person, checks and revises everything many times, then this will only bring benefits. However, think about what can happen if pedantry goes off scale? Such an aircraft designer in his frequent checks can simply overdo it and, with his excessive diligence, twist or disrupt something.

Anancast at home

A pedantic person is one who constantly double-checks homework. Whether the light, iron or gas is turned off, he will double-check several times before leaving the house. Moreover, it never happened that he forgot to do at least something from this list.

As for pedantic women, constant cleanliness and order reign in their house. Housewives rub and smooth everything to such an extent that everything in the house sparkles like in a museum. But homework often takes a lot of time due to the fact that washing floors or dishes can be up to 4 times a day. Before preparing the soup, vegetables are washed more than once. And so in everything.

Irreplaceable worker

Anancaste, who works as an accountant, is immediately visible. All his reports are in perfect order, all figures are reduced to the smallest accuracy. Such a person will not work in the motto: "Do it somehow!".

Pedantic often brings only advantages to his master, of course, if his behavior does not go beyond the reasonable. Basically, anancasts are very serious and thoroughly approach any issue. Any work entrusted to them will be done well and on time, as pedants are people of duty and conscientiously treat their duties. Such subordinates are highly respected and valued by production managers. After all, it is nice to have an employee in your team who is alien to haste, laxity and inattention. Pedants can hardly endure a job change, they get used to their team and value it very much.


A pedantic person is a literalist, a formalist and an unbearable bore, but there are professions where these qualities are indispensable and in demand. If you put him in certain conditions, he may be prone to psychosthenia and hypochondria. Often people who have the qualities of a pedant become good leaders and rise very high. This is not even their choice. Just a responsible person who performs his duties well, often moves up the corporate ladder. But still, pedantic leaders are afraid to make risky decisions on their own, and also never take responsibility for the misconduct of others (this also applies to subordinates).

Cleanliness in everything

A pedantic person is neat and clean even in his appearance. Such people are distinguished by impeccable cleanliness in their things, a neat haircut or haircut, polished shoes. Everything is ironed and perfect to the smallest detail. Even being at home, they cannot allow slovenliness in clothes.


The Anancastes are a people who are very fond of collecting collections and, of course, keeping them in perfect cleanliness. And if rare exhibits are of great importance for an ordinary collector, then the pedant simply satisfies the process of collecting, and not the items that he collects.

Absurd behavior

Pedantic in means that he is quite satisfied with his habits and believes that it is impossible to live otherwise. But sometimes pathological manifestations can deprive him of rest or even sleep. Gradually, all the joy of life leaves, turning a person into a psychopath, enveloping him from all sides with obsessive thoughts. Digging into his meticulous details, a pedantic psychopath even loses the ability to complete the work he has begun. All his rules, laws and orders take precedence over the person himself, their implementation becomes the meaning of existence. And at the same moment, the best ones, such as justice and tolerance, are completely destroyed by pettiness and captiousness. Sometimes a pedantic person herself understands that her behavior is sometimes simply absurd, but she cannot deviate from her line of behavior.

History from life

One practicing psychologist told that he had a patient with a severe form of pedantry, which developed into an obsession. Checking the control and independent work of students was delayed until late at night, the woman took into account all the most ridiculous little things. Constant tension and responsibility led her to a nervous breakdown, but neither tears nor despair could change her behavior. As an educated person, the teacher understood that no one needed this hard labor daily work, because it prevented her from concentrating on the lesson and the real knowledge of the students. And later, she generally realized that checking notebooks takes her much more than raising the education of children.


P. B. Gannushkin once noted that obsession is a kind of pedantry that has crossed the line of what is permitted. After all, everyone knows that if you often repeat some action, then it turns into a series of obsessive habits. If we consider the words of Gannushkin more deeply, it becomes clear that obsession is a mental pathology, which is directly related to pedantry. Both obsession and pedantry can be summarized in one phrase - "meaningless formalism."


Let's get pedantic man. This is an overly obsessive, detached from real life individual, who is ruled by his fears, pettiness and painful doubts. Uncontrolled obsession - this is pure distorted pedantry.

Hello dear readers! Today's article is devoted to the topic: what does a pedantic person mean. We will try to understand the concepts, consider the pedant in different areas of life, understand what are the advantages of this type of personality and what difficulties the owners of this character have to endure.

Features of a pedantic person

There are different types of personality. Someone active, open and agile. The other is more calm, measured and slow. The book by Otto Kroeger and Janet Thewsen will help you understand this issue well. Why are we like this? 16 personality types that determine how we live, work and love". If you want to know this area even deeper, then I recommend that you turn your attention to the works Carl Gustav Jung.

When someone says “he is a pedant”, then an association with the negative immediately arises in the head: excessive accuracy, scrupulousness to details, pettiness, pickiness, thorough study, and so on. It turns out that being pedantic is bad? Not unless it turns into manic pedantry, which we'll talk about later.

Many are confused in three concepts: pedantry, idealism and perfectionism. Let's figure it out. We immediately brush aside idealism, because this is a purely philosophical concept and has nothing to do with the type of personality.

But the perfectionist is really often confused with the pedant. Only they have one main difference: the pedant will strictly follow the instructions, do everything according to a clear plan, on time, accurately and accurately, but the perfectionist does not care about all this. For him, only the result is important, which should be the best (fast, beautiful, fashionable, new, and so on).

In our country it is rare to find a real pedantic person. Much more often they are found in Germany or Norway. And remember, each personality type has its pros and cons, the main task of a person is to recognize them, learn to work on themselves and use their strength.

Have you ever met a real pedant? How did you get along with him? What are the indisputable advantages of such people? Why can it be difficult to communicate with them? Do you find similar traits in yourself?

Wish you all the best!