How is the characteristic for the student compiled and what does it look like. An example of typical characteristics on students

The class teacher very often has to fill out characteristics for students. This document is a description of the psychological, social and personal qualities of the student. It is compiled both for the needs of the school itself and for external users. It can also be issued by the head teacher, director or psychologist of the educational institution.

This document is compiled mainly to facilitate the acquaintance of a new teacher with a student. Pupils move from one class to another according to the curriculum. In the process of education, they must change at least two or three class teachers: when moving from elementary school to secondary school, when moving to grades 10-11.

Some teachers - narrow specialists can use this document to improve contact with the student and the correct construction of the learning process.

A reference for a student is provided to another school (if there has been a change of educational institutions), higher and special educational institutions, guardianship and protection of children's rights, district police, military registration and enlistment office. The main requirement for an external characteristic is that it must be drawn up on the official letterhead of the school and certified by the signature or seal of the director.

There are three types of characteristics per student, depending on its content: psychological, pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical.

How to write a testimonial for a student

The characteristic for the student is drawn up in a free form. Nevertheless, it is desirable to adhere to its standard structure. This is necessary so that teachers can compare characteristics over time, track the changes that have occurred in the behavior and progress of the student.

What this document should contain:

  1. At the beginning of this document, the personal data of the child are indicated: full name, his class, age. Here you can also write down information about his parents and nationality.
  2. Next, you need to fill in information about the health and physical development of the student.
  3. In this section, the class teacher needs to describe the atmosphere in the child's family, his relationship with his parents and the degree of their influence on him.
  4. This paragraph of the characteristic is devoted to the interests of the child. It is best to tell in it what he loves to do, what he is fond of, what sections and circles he attends, information about his hobby.
  5. In this section, the compiler of the characteristics should describe the development of the student's intellect, the existing abilities for certain sciences, as well as the subjects that are most difficult for the student. Be sure to indicate his performance.
  6. In this subsection, the teacher characterizes the characteristics of temperament and the presence of strong-willed qualities in a child.
  7. Important for the teacher is a paragraph describing the relationship of the student with classmates, other students, as well as with other teachers.
  8. In the last section, you need to describe the moral qualities of the student, talk about his self-esteem.

The characteristic for the student is signed by the class teacher and the date of its compilation is necessarily affixed.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics, its compilation

A psychological and pedagogical characteristic is the most detailed document with an objective assessment, which is compiled by a teacher or psychologist for a particular student. It is more standardized, it is used within the school to build the educational process by the teacher, and also as a source of information for a social pedagogue, psychologist, doctor, and school management.

It is advisable not to use general phrases in it, here the student is assessed according to predetermined indicators. The main feature of this characteristic is that it contains maximum information for the teacher, it does not take much time to compile it, and it is understandable to any teacher.

It is best to use a variety of this characteristic - a graphic psychological and pedagogical map. It is a scale, at the beginning and at the end of which there are opposite characteristics of the student. For example, "Studies with interest" and "Study is not interested." The map is divided into blocks. For example, "Study", "Behavior", "Communication in the family", "Communication at school", "Social activity", "Personal qualities". This document also allows you to assess the degree of development of the child's qualities on a scale.

The peculiarity of compiling some characteristics for students

The teacher can write a description for a group of students. In this case, it is necessary to first divide the students into groups according to academic performance, communication, etc. And only after that proceed to compiling it.

For middle and high school:

(The name and surname of the student are fictitious. Such a student does not study and did not study at our school. All coincidences are random)
for a 7th grade student of the branch

MOU secondary school No. 3 of the city of Gusev
"Secondary school in the village of Mikhailovo"

Ivanova Victoria Nikolaevna
Ivanova Victoria was born on January 25, 1995 in the city of Kyzyl, Republic of Tyva. Lives in the Gusevsky district, Maiskoye settlement, st. Tsentralnaya, d. 6. He has been studying at the branch of the secondary school No. 3 "Secondary school in the village of Mikhailovo" since September 1, 2009. Arrived from secondary school № 3, Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region. During my studies, I changed 7 educational institutions. In the 7th grade, she was left for re-education. She had annual unsatisfactory grades in algebra, geometry, the history of the Fatherland, a foreign language.
He is brought up in an incomplete large family by his mother Ivanova Svetlana Igorevna. Victoria has two younger sisters. Victoria smokes.
Moves quickly from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; there is an inappropriate change of mood.
Victoria, probably due to frequent school changes, frequent skipping lessons, insufficient home preparation, has large gaps in knowledge in many subjects. Motivation to study is weak. Attention in the lesson is unstable, often forgets notebooks, pens. As a rule, does not show interest in acquiring new knowledge. Slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lessons. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking. Not organized. Does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.
Victoria often does not do her homework, gets distracted in class, violates discipline, interferes with other students' work in class, and hides her diary. He does not respond properly to the comments of teachers or responds with rudeness, swearing. He often skips classes for no good reason.
Does not show initiative in social activities. Often refuses to participate in public affairs, tries to evade any work. Often does not fulfill his/her self-service duties (school duty, classroom duty, participation in work Saturdays) or performs very carelessly after repeated reminders.
By nature, the girl is closed, stubborn, prone to lies. Victoria has poor control over her feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression. It has increased emotional excitability, a tendency to violent emotional manifestations. Almost always acts thoughtlessly, insufficiently carefully controls himself. Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions, there have been cases of foul language. Always harsh, unrestrained both in communication with peers and with elders. In a quarrel, insults other students, is rude, uses physical force.
Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them. Violates school rules. Refuses to comply with the demands of teachers. Has a negative impact on classmates.

Although Victoria is a difficult teenager, she was registered with the police in Chernyakhovsk, her mother, despite repeated invitations, refused to visit the school. Communication with Victoria's mother takes place by phone. Victoria's mother blames the school for everything, and she can no longer influence her daughter.

Branch Manager:
Classroom teacher:
the date

http://mihailovoschool. ucoz. ru / index / karta _ skhema _ psikhologo _ pedagogicheskoj _ kharakteristiki _ uchenika /0-281

Map - diagram of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student
Section 1. General information about the child
1.1. Personal data.
1. Date and place of birth

2. Home address
3. Information about the parent

1.2. Health Information
1. Do you often get sick (often, moderately, rarely);
2. Chronic diseases (what);
3. Features of the functioning of the nervous system:
gets tired quickly; tired after a long load; tireless;
quickly goes from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; inadequate change of mood;
stable in the manifestation of mood;
excitation prevails;
excitation and inhibition are balanced;
inhibition dominates.
1.3. Achievement (excellent, good, fair, unsatisfactory)
1.4. Extracurricular activities (systematic)
1. Classes in socially useful work (what kind)
2. Amateur art classes (what kind);
3. Classes in circles, clubs, headquarters, brigades (which ones);
4. Sports activities (what kind); _
5. Organizational work (what kind).

Section 2. The manifestation of the personal qualities of the child

2.1. Direction of interests:
1. for educational activities.
2. for labor activity.
3. for artistic and aesthetic activities.
4. for achievements in sports, tourism.
5. on relationships between people.
2.2. Attitude towards assigned work:
1. Social activity
Actively participates in all public affairs, regardless of his own time.
Takes an active part in public affairs, but tries not to spend his
own time.
Does not show activity in public life, but carries out instructions.
Rarely takes part in public affairs.
Refuses to participate in public affairs.
2. Diligence
The student always performs any work willingly, looks for work himself and tries to do it well.
As a rule, he willingly takes up the work, trying to do it well. Cases of dishonest or poor-quality performance of work are rare.
Rarely willing to take on the job.
Most often, he tries to evade any work.
Always evades any task
3. Responsibility
He always performs any task entrusted to him well and on time.
In most cases, he performs the work entrusted to him well and on time.
Often does not perform on time (or performs poorly) the work entrusted to him.
Very rarely does the work assigned to him.
He never completes the tasks entrusted to him.
4. Initiative
He is the initiator of many cases, not seeking to receive any recognition for this.
Quite often he is the initiator of a new business.
Rarely does he start a new business.
Almost never starts a new business.
Never initiates any business.
5. Organization
Always correctly distributes his work in time and performs it according to the plan.
In most cases, he correctly distributes and completes his work on time.
He knows how to correctly distribute and performs his work on time, only if it is necessary to report for each of its stages.
Often does not know how to correctly distribute his work in time
Does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.
6. Curiosity
Constantly actively learns something new in different fields of science and culture.
In most cases, interested in obtaining new knowledge from different fields of science
and culture.
Rarely seeks to learn something new; usually interested in one limited area of ​​expertise.
As a rule, does not show interest in acquiring new knowledge.
Indifferent to any kind of new knowledge.
7. Neatness
Always keeps his belongings in perfect order. Always dressed neatly, pulled up - both at the desk and at the blackboard. Protects public property, always tries to put it in order.
Keeps in proper order own and loaned to him things (books, abstracts). Helps to put in order public property (desks, inventory, etc.) rather out of duty.
Does not show much desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school untidy, sloppy dressed. Indifferent towards those who damage public property.
Often he does not care about his appearance, the condition of his books, things, does not protect public property, even spoils it.
Doesn't care at all about keeping his belongings in proper order, always
untidy, untidy. On occasion, without hesitation, spoils public property.
2.3. Attitude towards people
8. Collectivism
Always shows concern for acquaintances and strangers, tries to
provide assistance and support.
He is inclined to take care of strangers, if this does not interfere with his personal plans and affairs.
Often shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns, if this does not affect him personally.
As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others, does not help them on his own initiative.
Considers it unnecessary to take care of unfamiliar members of society, lives under the motto
"Mind your own business"
9. Honesty, truthfulness
Always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades. Tells the truth and then
when it doesn't work for him.
Almost always truthful in relation to his parents, teachers, comrades.
He often tells lies for his own benefit.
Almost always tells a lie if it suits him.
I tend to always tell lies.
10. Justice
Actively fights what he considers unfair.
He does not always fight what he considers unfair.
Rarely speaks out against what he considers unfair.
Doesn't seek justice.
Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.
11. Selflessness
In his actions he is always guided by considerations for the benefit of the cause or other people, and not his own benefit.
Almost always guided by considerations for the benefit of the cause or other people.
He is rarely guided in his actions by considerations of the good of the cause, and not by his own benefit.
In actions, he is often guided by considerations of his own benefit.
In actions, he is always guided by considerations of his own benefit.
12. Sociability
Always willingly comes into contact with people, likes to work and relax with others.
As a rule, he enjoys talking with people.
Strives to communicate with a limited circle of people.
Prefers individual forms of work and rest.
Closed, uncommunicative.
13. A sense of camaraderie
He always helps his comrades in difficult work and in difficult moments of life.
As a rule, he helps his comrades.
Helps comrades when asked.
He very rarely helps his comrades: if asked, he can refuse to help.
He never helps his comrades at work, in difficult moments of life.
14. Responsiveness
Always sympathetic to others, comrades often share their worries with him.
Genuinely sympathizes with others, if not too preoccupied with his own affairs.
Absorbed by his own feelings so much that it prevents him from sharing the feelings of other people.
Almost does not know how to sympathize with others.
He does not know how to sympathize with others at all, his comrades do not like to "borrow" from him.
15. Politeness, tact
All his actions and words testify to respect for other people.
Almost always shows proper respect for other people.
Often impolite and tactless.
Often unacceptably harsh, rude, often starts quarrels.
Always harsh, unrestrained both in communication with peers * and with elders. In a quarrel, insults others, is rude.
2.4. Attitude towards yourself
16. Modesty
He never flaunts his merits and merits.
Sometimes, at the request of his comrades, he talks about his real achievements and merits.
He talks about his strengths and achievements.
Often boasts of things that have not yet been done or that in which he takes very little part, to which he has little to do.
He boasts of even minor achievements, exaggerated virtues.
17. Self-confidence
Never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.
All tasks are performed without the help of others. Ask for help only if
real need.
Sometimes, performing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could handle it himself.
Often when performing tasks, instructions ask for help, support from others, even if he himself
can handle.
Constantly, even in simple matters, he asks for help and support.
18. Self-criticism
He always listens with attention to fair criticism, persistent in correcting his own shortcomings.
In most cases, he responds correctly to fair criticism, listens to good advice.
Sometimes he listens to fair remarks, tries to take them into account.
Criticism, advice is inattentive, does not try to correct shortcomings.
Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes, does nothing to correct them.
19. Ability to calculate your strength
He always soberly assesses his own strengths, choosing tasks and affairs "on the shoulder" - not too easy and not too difficult.
As a rule, he correctly measures his strength with the difficulty of the task.
Sometimes there are cases when a student poorly measures his strength and the difficulties of the task assigned.
In most cases, he does not know how to measure his strengths and the difficulties of the case.
Almost never knows how to correctly measure his strength and the difficulties of a task or business.
20. Striving for success, superiority
Always and in everything strives to be the first (in studies, sports, etc.), persistently achieves this.
Strives to be among the first in many areas, but pays special attention to achievements in any one area.
Strives in one thing, especially of interest to him, to achieve recognition, success.
Very rarely strives for success in any activity, easily satisfied with the position of the "middle peasant".
Never strives to be the first in anything, gets satisfaction from the activity itself.
21. Self-control
Always carefully weighs his words and deeds.
He does not always carefully control his words and actions.
For the most part, he acts thoughtlessly, counts on “luck”.
Almost always acts thoughtlessly, insufficiently carefully controls himself.
He constantly acts thoughtlessly, counting on “luck”.
2.5. Volitional qualities of individuals
22. Courage
Always joins the fight, even if the opponent is stronger than himself.
In most cases, he enters the fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.
He cannot always force himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.
In most cases, retreats before the force.
Always retreats before force, cowards.
23. Decisiveness
Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.
In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.
Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.
Rarely does one dare to make any responsible decision.
Unable to make any responsible decision on their own.
24. Persistence
Always achieves the intended, even if it takes a long effort,
does not shy away from difficulties.
As a rule, he tries to fulfill the intended, even if there are difficulties in doing so.
Opposite cases are rare.
Brings to the end the plan, only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant
or require short-term efforts.
Very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.
Faced with difficulties, immediately abandons attempts to fulfill the intended
25. Self-control
Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.
As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.
Sometimes he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions.
Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions.
He has poor control over his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, and so on.
2.6. The situation of the child in school
26. Authority in the classroom
He enjoys unconditional authority among almost all classmates: he is respected, his opinion is taken into account, and responsible affairs are trusted.
Enjoys prestige among the majority of classmates.
He enjoys authority only among some of his classmates, among some group, only among boys, or among girls, etc.
Does not enjoy authority in the class.
27. Sympathy
He is the favorite of the class, he is forgiven some shortcomings.
In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.
Enjoys the sympathy of only a part of classmates.
Enjoys the sympathy of some guys.
The class doesn't like him.
28. Authority in extracurricular associations
Is an unconditionally recognized authority in any out-of-school association (sports school, music school, club, yard company, etc.).
He enjoys authority among the majority of the children of some out-of-school association (sports school, music school, club, yard company, etc.).
Enjoys authority among individual members of out-of-school associations.
Is a member of some extracurricular association, but does not enjoy authority there
(sports school, club, etc.).
Not a member of any out-of-school association.
Section 3. Features of mental processes and emotionality
29. Attention
Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the explanation of the teacher. He never gets distracted in the lesson, he does not make mistakes due to inattention in the lesson.
He listens attentively enough to the explanation of the teacher, rarely gets distracted, sometimes there are mistakes due to inattention.
Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanation. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking.
He listens attentively enough only when he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to inattention, does not always correct them when checking.
As a rule, slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking.
30. Memory
When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires rote memorization is easy to memorize.
When memorizing, he can remember only what he previously understood, understood. Material that requires rote memorization is given with difficulty.
Material that requires rote memorization is absorbed very easily, it is enough to look at it 1-2 times.
Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being memorized.
When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes errors in form, but he sets out the meaning accurately.
To memorize the material, he repeatedly mechanically repeats it, without parsing and comprehending, makes semantic errors.
31. Thinking
Quickly grasps the essence of the material, always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.
He understands the material quite quickly, solves problems faster than many, sometimes offers his own original solutions.
Satisfactorily understands the material after the teacher's explanation, solves problems at an average pace,
usually does not offer its own original solutions.
Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace
thinking and problem solving.
He understands the material only after additional classes, solves problems extremely slowly, blindly uses known “templates” when solving problems.

32. Emotional reactivity
Always emotionally vividly reacts to any life phenomena, it can deeply, to tears
excite story, film.
Usually emotionally vividly reacts to life events, but it is rare that he can be deeply agitated.
Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.
Live emotional reaction is practically absent.
33. General emotional tone
Constantly lively, very active in all areas of school life, interferes in everything, takes on all cases.
Lively, moderately active in all spheres of school life.
Lively, active only in some areas of school life.
Compared to his comrades, he is less active and lively.
Almost always lethargic, apathetic in all areas of school life, despite the fact that he is healthy.
34. Emotional balance
Always calm, he does not have strong emotional outbursts.
Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.
Emotionally balanced.
Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations
Hot-tempered: frequent strong emotional outbursts on minor occasions.
Note: the purpose of this map - the scheme - is to help the teacher, the class teacher, most accurately and clearly imagine the individual characteristics of the student, in order to ultimately identify in each child those positive aspects, based on which the educational process should be built.
Filling in this map-scheme is mainly based on the principle of “underline what is necessary”, that is, in each of the items containing a scale of possible manifestations of a particular quality, the teacher must choose the degree of manifestation of this quality inherent in the student. It is possible to draw up a characteristic according to this scheme by parents or by the student himself. In this case, in the template along the ruler, the desired color lines are emphasized. For example: the student underlines in blue, the parents in green, the teacher in red.

Municipal educational institution
"Secondary school No. 6 of the city of Budennovsk
Budyonnovsky district"
356800 Budyonnovsk, Stavropol Territory,
microdistrict 7, Mendeleev avenue
tel/fax: 8 (86559) 26311
@ mail
Email: school


Ref. No. _________ of ______
student 8 c (k) class VIII type MOU secondary school No. 6 of the city of Budyonnovsk
Avanesov David Olegovich,
03. 01. 2001 year of birth, residing at:
Budyonnovsk, st. Artesianskaya, 38.
Since September 1, 2008, David has been studying under the individual
learning at home (load 8 hours a week).
First class was
duplicated. The family is incomplete, consists of 2 people. Atmosphere in the family
friendly, warm. Relationships between family members are trusting,
close ones. Mom, Natalya Vasilievna, willingly cooperates with the teacher,
actively helps the child in his studies, constantly assists in the preparation
David's efficiency is extremely low; often experiences in class
drowsiness, complains of headache. Doesn't always understand requirements
teachers. Attention is unstable, quickly depleted. The amount of memory is not
corresponds to conventionally accepted age norms.
The boy's learning ability is low, he does not use enough help.
Can complete a simple model task, however, knowledge transfer
difficult. Thinking: Visual. Has difficulty with
establishing logical connections, generalization. The stock of general representations is not
age appropriate. Thinking is underdeveloped. At
analysis of objects highlights the general properties of objects, and not their
individual signs. There is no consistency in his analysis and
consistency: some signs are called several times, while others are not
are noticed at all; significant features stand out next to
secondary. The hallmark of thinking is non-critical,
the inability to self-assess their own work. The student is often
notices his mistakes. He does not understand his failures and is pleased with himself, his
work. Characterized by reduced activity of thought processes and
weak regulatory role of thinking.
Reading skills are low. Reading unfamiliar words and difficult words
structures - syllabic. Answers questions in monosyllables, detailed answers
does not give. Retells with difficulty, with the help of leading questions, by heart

texts are poorly learned. Can't cope with tasks even of medium difficulty
on one's own. Slowly writes "from dictation". Test papers
performs with a teacher, constantly needs individual assistance.
In mathematics, he confuses the meaning of arithmetic operations, a table
does not know multiplication by heart. Use it only with the help of a teacher.
Doesn't know how to add and subtract within 10, doesn't understand
meaning of multiplication. In order to achieve any result,
there should be constant help in the classroom.
The stock of general ideas is not age appropriate.
The teacher uses various types of assistance to overcome
found difficulties, the most effective was the relief and
individualization of tasks (without time limits).
Teacher E. N. Sizonova
Director of MOU secondary school No. 6 N. P. Okhmat

for a student of grade 8a MBOU Lyceum No. 4

city ​​of Dankov, Lipetsk region

Starykh Victoria Anatolyevna

21.08. 1999 year of birth

Vika has been studying at MBOU Lyceum No. 4 of the city of Dankov since the first grade. During the training, she has proven herself on the positive side, she is evenly engaged in all subjects, the subjects of the humanitarian cycle are easier for her.

He is conscientious about the fulfillment of public assignments. Attitude to public opinion is active - positive: understands criticism, agrees with it. Takes part in duty at the lyceum, class and dining room.

Vika has charm and cordiality. She is kind and considerate. Knows how to convince, respects people, treats them kindly. Capable of empathy, not very easy to get close to people, but she is characterized by gentleness and simplicity in communication. Vika is self-critical, reasonably evaluates not only her successes, but also her failures. Not afraid to speak your mind openly.

Vika is a friendly person, she has many friends. She is characterized by calm, even relations with her classmates, and is responsible for her actions.

The family is prosperous. The emotional atmosphere in the family is positive. Parents monitor the upbringing of their daughter.




9th grade students

secondary general education № 2013

Kirovsky district of Kazan

for 2012 - 2013 academic year

Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna,

residing at: st. Beautiful house 5 sq. 50.

Ivanna has been studying at this school since the 1st grade. Throughout her studies, she proved herself to be a capable and diligent student. Ivanna's knowledge is rated at "4" and "5". He treats studies with interest and a sense of responsibility, actively participates in the course of the lesson. He reacts calmly to failures in studies, looks for the reasons for failures in himself, tries to correct himself immediately. Oral and written speech, memory, imagination are well developed. The pace of mastering new knowledge is average. There are no pronounced abilities, it is developed comprehensively.

Behavior in the classroom and breaks is restrained, without unnecessary activity. Fulfills all the rules of conduct for students of the school, indicated in the Charter of the school, there were no cases of missing lessons without a good reason, disciplined.

In the class, Ivanna enjoys deserved authority and respect from her classmates, her opinion is listened to, and she is consulted. The style of relations with peers is calm and friendly. She is attentive and tactful with teachers and elders. Criticism of others is treated with attention, without resentment.

The main character traits: activity, confidence, responsiveness, goodwill, the ability to empathize, accuracy, sociability.

Ivanna participates in all extracurricular activities, socially useful affairs. She does not remain indifferent to everything that happens in the classroom and school.

Physically, Ivanna is developed, she is engaged in physical education lessons in the main group. Has no bad habits.

Ivanna is brought up by her mother, Polina Petrovna, who tries to develop in her daughter such character traits as responsibility and independence. Mom pays Ivanna a lot of attention, is interested in the successes and failures of her daughter.

Headmaster: S.S. Sidorov


9th grade student

secondary school № 2013

Kirovsky district of Kazan

for 2012 - 2013 academic year

Petrov Petr Petrovich,

Peter has been studying at this school since the 1st grade. For all the time of training, he showed himself to be a student, whose knowledge is rated at "3". Not always attentive in class. Due to his hyperactivity and mobility, it is difficult for Peter to focus on one thing during the lesson. He reacts calmly to failures in studies, looks for the reasons for failures in himself, tries to correct himself immediately. Oral and written speech, memory, imagination are developed. The pace of mastering new knowledge is average.

Behavior at lessons and breaks is active. Fulfills all the rules of conduct for students of the school, indicated in the Charter of the school.

In the class, Peter is treated with sympathy and respect. The style of relations with peers is calm - benevolent, without conflicts. With teachers and elders, he is polite and tactful. Criticism of others is treated with attention, without resentment.

The main character traits: activity, responsiveness, goodwill, the ability to empathize, honesty, sociability.

Peter participates in all extra-curricular and school-wide activities, socially useful affairs. Does not remain indifferent to everything that happens in the classroom and school.

Physically, Peter is developed. But for health reasons, she is registered at the cardiology center. At the moment, he does not attend circles and sections.

Peter's mother, Maria Ivanovna, is engaged in the upbringing of Peter. Mom often goes to school, regularly attends parent-teacher meetings, is constantly interested in her son's successes and failures in school and behavior.

Class teacher: P.P. Petrova


9th grade student

secondary general education №2013

Kirovsky district of Kazan

for 2012 - 2013 academic year

Sidorova Sidor Sidorovich,

residing at: st. Beautiful 5-50.

Sidor has been studying at this school since the 1st grade. For all the time of training, he showed himself to be a capable and organized student, whose knowledge is assessed in most subjects at "4". At the lessons attentive and active. Oral and written speech, memory, imagination are well developed. The pace of mastering new knowledge is high. Fully developed.

Behavior in the classroom and breaks is restrained, without excessive activity. Fulfills all the rules of conduct for students of the school, indicated in the Charter of the school, there were no cases of missing lessons without a good reason.

In the class, Sidor is treated with sympathy and respect. The style of relations with peers is calm and friendly. He is attentive and tactful with teachers and elders. He takes criticism from others with respect.

The main character traits: activity, goodwill, ability to empathize, honesty, confidence, purposefulness, sociability, independence, organization. On any issue, Sidor has his own opinion and can convincingly defend it.

Sidor participates in all extra-curricular and school-wide activities, socially useful affairs. Does not remain indifferent to everything that happens in the classroom and school.

Physically, Sidor is developed, at physical education lessons he is engaged in the main group. He plays football at the Victoria Sports School.

Sidor is brought up in a complete family, in which there are good and respectful relations between all members. Parents devote a lot of time and attention to the issues of upbringing and development of Sidor.

Class teacher: P.P. Petrova

Headmaster: S.S. Sidorova

On this topic:

The classification of students into groups, according to learning opportunities is given. Classification according to V.V. Voronkova.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students with mental retardation.

At the end of the academic year, the teacher of the Children's Music School, Children's Art School draws up a characteristic for the student and determines the pedagogical tasks for the next academic year. The characteristic should reflect the mental and physical.

The presentation contains material on how to productively organize work with children with special educational needs, for better assimilation of educational material by them.

Map of the emotional characteristics of the child's personal development Psychological trait of a first-grader: Family composition: social orphan, pet of a childish building. in the classroom is engaged in other people's affairs, walks around the classroom. Has extremely weak opportunities, remained for re-study in the 3rd grade, although the situation with the level of training has not changed much: as before, low academic performance in almost all things remained, although it is not classified as underachieving.

In total, more than 70 ready-made characteristics + papers, templates and tips. Olesya Maslova's mother, Tanyusha Evgenievna, does not systematically raise her daughter, reducing her own direct duties to providing the girl with clothing and food. Students need to form categories according to the level of their predominance of diverse distinctive features: a sample notice of a fine. In applying all the claims listed above, it is necessary to be guided by a deliberately developed Psychological and Pedagogical Card of the student, which highlights a very specific characteristic of the student.

In this collection, we have selected all 3 types of data, and more standards, templates and tips for writing them.

An extract from the protocol of emotional research according to Veksler's methodology dated 28. Sometimes distracted in the lesson, the central level of assimilation of educational material, is fond of the humanities, prefers to read books.

They differ quite strongly in terms of composition and have their own positive and negative sides. The 1st edge of the scale fits the last level of expression of some distinctive feature of a person or behavior, while the other shows the inaccessibility of the manifestation of this distinctive feature in behavior or the severity of another distinctive feature in quality. The trait is due to the environment being easily readable and clear for teachers who are not yet familiar with the pupil. Based on this prototype, it is possible to draw up a characteristic for any student of the class (5 11) a characteristic for a student of the 8th grade sample. Almost always, the character sheet incorporates the following segments: 1. Scheme for compiling the child's psychological and pedagogical data for admission to a secondary educational institution Scheme for compiling a psychological and pedagogical characterization.

Cognitive enthusiasm for the tasks presented is unstable, the size of stable working capacity is narrowed. The formation of data on a student or on a category of students is one of the most famous, effective and easily accessible methods for determining and revealing the individual psychological peculiarities of students. We supply any paper with samples according to its content and design rules. Download sample Trait per student There are really 70 pre-made traits, maybe even more. It often gives erroneous answers to questions related to awareness of the world around (the size of knowledge about the world around does not fit the age norm, these knowledge are fragmentary and unsystematic). Mom constantly abuses strong drinks, gathering drinking companions in the home, which negatively has a great influence on the composition of her daughter's persona.

On the basis of the above claims, a "Psychological and pedagogical student map" was developed using the method expert assessments in graphic form (the specialist is a terrific head). When preparing awards that were used, it is necessary to withstand a number of claims: size, texture, and others. The characteristics used in educational practice are divided into 3 main ones, similar to psychological, pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical.

  • Drawing up a characteristic for a student or a group of students is one of the most important.
  • Characteristics for a student is one of the most sought after. Communication skills in relation to the class team and teachers.
  • Class) Characteristics of a student (grade 8) Example for a student in grade 9. The compilation of characteristics for a student is considered a sample (possibly.
  • A single outlook is truncated, knowledge about the world around is fragmentary and unsystematic

    Class teachers in their work have to evaluate the social, psychological and other personal qualities of the student, his character. The document in which this information is recorded in writing is called a characteristic. Not all teachers clearly understand its structure. In order to avoid mistakes, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules for completing the characteristics of a 8th grade student, as well as consider several ready-made examples.

    How is a feature written?

    The characteristic is written on the letterhead of the educational institution, the text of the characteristic is written by the class teacher, head teacher or director. If the school psychologist does this, he will add information about the results of the diagnosis. Such a characteristic will be called psychological and pedagogical.

    There are no strict requirements for the structure of the finished characteristics for the student. It is in any form.

    An eighth grader needs a document, for example, when transferring to another school. Properly presented information will help the new teacher to quickly find a common language with the child, get an idea about the child and his family. The characteristic from the class teacher have the right to demand the guardianship authorities and the police.

    8th grade student profile template

    Information about the student should be presented in an understandable form: they are intended for teachers who are unfamiliar with the child. The document consists of the main sections:

    • Personal information about the student. It is placed in the center of the sheet or along the right edge.
    • The level of physical development, its correspondence to the age of the student. Attitude towards sports.
    • Information about the composition of the family and its social status. It is important to describe the moral climate of the family and describe how close people raise the child, what are the relationships with parents and other family members.
    • Hobbies of an eighth grader (in terms of studies and extracurricular activities).
    • The state of intellectual development. The features of memory (visual, auditory) and thinking (the ability to analyze, compare, classify and generalize), the level of development of general educational skills are described.
    • Temperament, strong-willed and moral and ethical qualities.
    • Relationships with classmates and teachers.
    • Self-esteem (overestimated, the student underestimates his abilities).
    • Conclusion. The dominant character traits, their influence on personal life and educational activities are indicated.

    In the description, each item can be disclosed in just a few sentences. Usually they are quite enough to convey the main information about the child.