Educational institution scientific and methodological service. Methodological service of the school

The goals and objectives of methodological work are closely related to the system of intra-school management, with the life of the school as a whole, and hence the end result of the activities of the entire teaching staff of the school.

The methodological service at the school enables members of the teaching staff not only to participate in the implementation of ready-made programs, but also to take an active part in their planning and development, in testing experiments and innovations, constantly stimulating the development of the teacher's creative potential, aimed at shaping and developing the personality of the student. Therefore, to determine the goals and objectives of methodological work means to determine the effectiveness, which depends, first of all, on the professionally significant qualities of the teacher.

Methodological work is the activity of training and development of personnel; identification, generalization, dissemination of the most valuable experience of teachers; creation of own methodological developments to ensure the educational process.

Functions of methodical work

The need to solve the above tasks stems from the immediate needs of the school itself in providing the educational process with program and methodological material, in training teaching staff to solve the tasks assigned to them. These functions can be considered basic, if you do not list a number of important functions related to the teacher himself. First of all, thanks to active participation in methodological work, the teacher maintains and consolidates his position in the school; training makes teachers more flexible and mobile, adapted to external changes, competitive; on-the-job training helps the teacher achieve the desired professional status and recognition in the team, greater self-confidence, influences the professional career; methodological work plays the role of a stimulus in the professional development of a teacher, promotes self-realization, solving personal and professional problems, and allows achieving greater satisfaction in work.

The structure of the methodological service

In the implementation of the functions of methodological work, the following structure of the methodological service of the school is defined, which looks like this:

  1. Pedagogical Council
  2. School Methodological Council
  3. School methodological associations of subject teachers

The Methodological Council directs pedagogical activity. The purpose of the activities of the Methodological Council is the organization and coordination of the methodological support of the educational process, the methodological study of teaching staff. It consists of the heads of school methodological associations and the deputy director for water resources management.

Over the past years, the Methodological Council has been working in the following areas:

  • creation of conditions for the growth of pedagogical and methodological skills of teachers;
  • coordination of the work of the SHMO;
  • diagnostics of professional activity of teachers.

The main tasks of the MS are as follows:

  • Organization of systematic professional training of teaching staff.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the school, identification of problems, goals, tasks for the near future and for the future.
  • Creation of the necessary conditions to ensure the introduction of pedagogical technologies, the implementation of the School Development Program.
  • Generalization of advanced pedagogical experience of teachers.

The MS contains the following materials:

  • school plan for the academic year;
  • educational program of the school;
  • School Development Program;
  • SHMO work plan;
  • methodological materials developed by school teachers (development of lessons, extracurricular activities);
  • materials on attestation of teachers;
  • materials for exams and final test papers;
  • Olympiads in subjects and materials of the school intellectual marathon;
  • educational and methodical literature to help the teacher.

School Methodological Association of Subject Teachers

The main structure organizing the methodological work of subject teachers and class teachers is the school methodological association (SMO). This is the collective body of the school, contributing to the increase of professional motivation, methodological culture of teachers and the development of their creative potential.

The following SMOs work in our school:

  • MO primary school teachers
  • MO teachers of the humanities cycle
  • MO teachers of the physical and mathematical cycle
  • MO teachers of the natural science cycle
  • MO teachers of foreign languages
  • MO class teachers

The planning of the work of the School of Education is based on the tasks arising from the assessment of the school, methodological association, from the problematic fields of activity of all methodological divisions, arising from the analysis of the performance of the previous year.

Forms of organization and conduct of SHMO can be as follows:

  • lecture;
  • theoretical seminar;
  • workshop;
  • creative discussion;
  • hour of collective creativity;
  • fair of methodological ideas;
  • methodical training;
  • round table meeting.

In the course of work, joint meetings of the SHMO may be held.

As part of the work of the School of Education, homework is provided for teachers. They can be:

  • lesson modeling (in whole or in fragments);
  • development of a system of lessons on a topic or course;
  • development of an elective course, a research program on a specific topic;
  • selection of literature on a specific topic, course, problem;
  • preparation of control materials, tests;
  • compilation and protection of reference schemes, memos, didactic material;
  • development of work plans for additional education associations, scenarios for extracurricular activities in the subject, elective courses;
  • visiting lessons, extra-curricular activities with subsequent analysis;
  • presentation of own experience on the topic, problem;
  • work on the topic of self-education;
  • preparation of reports on a specific problem;
  • preparation of presentations on the studied topic, problem;
  • protection of one's own achievements within the framework of one's own research.

Self-education of teachers permeates all components of the system of methodological work, providing a higher level of their functioning, therefore it is a backbone component.

Bubenchikova Nina Nikolaevna
Educational institution: MKU DO Krasnozersky district House of children's creativity
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-08-08 Article "Methodological service and preschool educational organizations: content and forms of work Bubenchikova Nina Nikolaevna MKU DO Krasnozersky district House of children's creativity This article describes the forms and methods of working with preschool teachers to improve their professional competence in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

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Article "Methodological service and preschool educational organizations: content and forms of work


The description of the work experience systematically reflects new approaches to organizing the activities of the municipal methodological service in the context of the introduction of the federal state educational standard for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as FSES DO). Particular attention is paid to the problem of developing the professional competence of managerial and teaching staff of preschool institutions in the district in the process of mastering the Federal State Educational Standard.

You can only expand your knowledge

when you look your ignorance straight in the eye.

K.D. Ushinsky

There is a special profession among pedagogical professions - this is the profession of a methodologist. A methodologist is a professional teacher, a teacher of teachers. His mission is to nurture a teacher, accompanying him over a long distance of becoming from a beginner to a master-professional, this is a disinterested service to education. Without internal acceptance of these meanings, one cannot become a real methodologist, a sculptor of a new generation of teachers.

Municipal methodological service (hereinafter referred to as MMS) is an organizational structure in the municipal education system that unites the subjects of educational activities and implements the functions of their methodological support and maintenance in order to ensure new educational results. Her c spruce- creation of conditions for increasing the professional and personal self-development of the teacher, readiness for innovation, the creation of an individual author's pedagogical or methodological system. Accordingly, the main purpose of methodical work carried out by us, the methodologists, is to ensure the professional readiness of teachers to implement innovations (FSES is innovation) through the creation of a system of continuous professional development in the context of the professional standard "Teacher". The professional development of a teacher is the subject of activity of methodological services at all levels, because everyone writes and speaks like this, starting with Academician M. Potashnik, who sharply remarked: “With the baggage that the mass Russian teacher owns, it is impossible to master the new standards, since they require a different level of intelligence, erudition, and a common culture.” The same can be said for preschool teachers. The adopted FSES DO has radically changed the status of a teacher, his educational functions, the requirements for his professional and pedagogical competence, and the level of his professionalism. Accordingly, the importance and role of the methodological service in the system of continuous education of pedagogical and leading personnel has grown significantly. In terms of recent documents, the main areas of activity of the IMC are clearly indicated. They highlight those areas in which we have already worked (analytical, advisory, informational, organizational and methodological) and identify new modern ones. These are: scientific support for the development of the education system and information technology support. The main functions of the IMC and our methodological activities are highlighted - teaching, consulting, expert, design, information, research and implementation. The means of professional development of a teacher are: training, communication, self-education and practice. These sources of teacher qualification represent a closed cycle ( see Annex 1, figure 1). Methodical service is a system. The concept of "system" means that not any set, not any list of methodological measures, no matter how large, forms a system. The system has a goal, a structure, specially formed, existing connections and relationships between the components, and the product of its activity must necessarily be such indicators of professional growth that none of the parts that make up the system, taken by itself separately, could give. This explains the reason for any effectiveness of methodological work in the district, preschool educational institution, when there are a lot of events, but there was no professional growth. In order to include these tools in the formation of new competencies of a teacher, it is necessary, first of all, to overcome the internal resistance of teachers to accept new meanings of pedagogical activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Their essence is simple.

1. The main subject of activity is the child.

2. Emphasis is placed on the development of the child, his self, the implementation of "I am a concept", ensuring an individual maximum of development.

3. The educational process (activity) is built not in the logic of the educational process, but in the logic of activity that has a personal meaning for the child, which increases his motivation in learning.

4. The result of the activity is a child, a person. The world of childhood is in the process of qualitative changes; value orientations have changed in it.

5. Project and research activities are declared as a norm, as an obligatory component in the implementation of the system-activity approach and the organization of educational activities.

6. Each teacher needs to change the role repertoire and philosophically determine his position.

Guidelines, meanings of professional activity are defined in many documents, they require qualitative changes in the activities of MMC, primarily in goal setting. At the initial stage of setting goals based on diagnostics, we think over such things that are necessary for the activities of a modern methodological service as methodological support, methodological support. An important task is to create a motivational field for the development of both teaching staff and the individual development of a teacher. Analyzing the staff of preschool teachers and their attitude to innovations (in this case, the Federal State Educational Standard), we observe in practice the picture that many eminent scientists, teachers and psychologists state. These are quite contradictory views in relation to the Federal State Educational Standard (25% of teachers react positively, another 15% are indifferent to its introduction, and 60% are negative). In addition, according to the results of the survey, there is low motivation, lack of knowledge of personality-oriented technologies, inadequate self-esteem, a low level of professional reflection, and, perhaps, the most important and necessary thing is the inability to build a program of one's professional and personal self-development. The results of the study made it possible to identify trends in the activity of the IMC. The update of our methodological service in this case resulted in the development of a program"Creating a new model of the municipal methodological service in the context of the modernization of preschool education."Its main goal is to create a single methodological space as an open developing educational system that ensures the continuous development of the professional competence of the management and teaching staff of preschool educational institutions as part of improving the quality of education aimed at individualization in the development of the personality of a preschool child; positioning of preschool educational institutions at the municipal and regional levels. A network model of the functioning of the IMC was formed to work with teachers of preschool institutions. By network activity, we mean the joint activity of several educational institutions, organized for joint study, mutual learning, exchange of experience, design, development and implementation of forms, methods and technologies for teaching and educating preschoolers. The novelty of this model consists, firstly, in the creation of a wider range of methodological services intended for pedagogical and managerial personnel, and secondly, in targeted methodological support for those areas of activity that are most in demand by preschool teachers. The priority direction in the content of the organizational, methodological and informational support of teachers of preschool educational institutions is the alignment of tutor support for the professional development of teachers. The transfer of knowledge, skills and competencies occurs according to the scheme: MMS methodologist - teacher-tutor - preschool teachers - child. Where a tutor is a mentor who is able to provide methodological support to the teacher and stimulate his professional growth based on individual educational needs. As tutors, methodologists of preschool educational institutions and "master teachers" are involved, i.e. having the highest or first qualification category and having positive work experience, innovative potential and a fairly high level of information competence. Each IMC has its own innovation management strategy. We reflected ours in the project"Methodological support for the introduction of GEF DO in the practice of the work of the preschool educational institution of the district."As part of its implementation, an action plan was developed for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, focused on changing the professional position of the teacher and improving his experience in practical activities. In it, we tried to systematically build methods, principles, content, forms and methods of working with the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution of the district. What does this mean in practice? The system of preschool education of the Krasnozersky district today unites 28 preschool educational institutions of various types, including:

¾ 27 kindergartens implementing general developmental programs;

¾ 1 combined type kindergarten.

This system also includes 4 preschool groups operating on the basis of general education schools. It should also be noted that the bulk of the preschool educational institutions operating in the Krasnozersky District are small-scale (one- and two-group) kindergartens. Therefore, when selecting the optimal content of the activities of the methodological service, we proceed, first of all, from the identified professional requirements and needs of teachers. To do this, we conduct systematically targeted interviews, surveys, and questionnaires. The results of the performed diagnostic studies give us the opportunity to learn more fully the potential educational resources of each teaching staff and almost every teacher. As a result, it is more targeted to predict, plan and carry out the activities of the methodological service. Education, certification and course preparation of teachers are necessary factors that must be taken into account in the process of studying and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard. The action plan was implemented in stages through the activities of the district methodological council, initiative (tutor) groups (based on the "pilot" d / s), RMO, organized for all categories of teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions and creating a unique educational environment that can become a field for the manifestation of creative activity of teachers. eidѐ t the development of new forms of methodological work, within the framework of which teachers are actively involved in creative research and pedagogical activities with intensive development of innovative pedagogical methods, which contributes to solving our goal - changing the professional positions of the teacher. For example, the undeniable benefit and genuine interest of creatively working teachers of the district today is the holding of RMS in the form of a business game - the fair "I have an idea" on the most relevant topic for everyone. In our case, it was the topic "Choosing the optimal variant of pedagogical work with children of different ages in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education." Indeed, the specifics of the content of the work of a teacher in an ungraded preschool institution in different age groups requires him to have special skills and knowledge regarding the skillful combination of the most general requirements of modern pedagogy with the specific conditions of being in the same group of children of different ages. But not all teachers immediately get it in practice. Therefore, in our methodological work, we often use game modeling, within the framework of which we carry out variant reproduction of various ways of the teacher's behavior in a particular situation. As part of network activities, she united teachers in a tutor group based on a “pilot” kindergarten to develop projects for a modern model for the development of teachers and institutions. So, for example, the project developed by us "Model of a preschool educational institution with an intellectual component of the development of a preschool child" in 2016. was awarded the silver medal of the International Correspondence Exhibition of Methodological Materials “ METNODICE".

We actively use one of the most promising forms of organizing methodological work - this is a master class, which we conduct in two stages: a demonstration of the experience of practical work with children and methodological communication with teachers in order to translate creative pedagogical experience as part of the annual professional competitions "Teacher of preschool educational institutions" , "Teacher - professional", "Pedagogical debut", "Educator - of the year". I would like to emphasize that today it is important for us not only to demonstrate the very innovative creative work of a teacher with children, but also to professionally discuss the results obtained, to comprehend the ways to achieve them. During the discussion, usually all participants in the master class actively express their opinions, ask questions, and sometimes even argue. It has also become traditional to hold annual educational exhibitions of professional skills of teachers of preschool educational institutions (“Panorama of pedagogical ideas”, “Children's creative and research projects”, “GEF Territory”, etc.) - this is a system that has already developed quite well in the region, contributing to the disclosure of the creative potential of teachers, increasing their professional competence, uniting educators of different preschool institutions to solve urgent problems of interest to them. In their preparation and implementation, we were provided with invaluable assistance by network cooperation with the "Center for Continuing Business Education" (directed by B.P. Chernik).

In methodological work, the organizational and managerial side is also important today. So, in accordance with the staffing table in a small preschool institution, as a rule, two educators work at 1.5 rates. We usually recommend that the leader draw up a work schedule so that each teacher works with children according to a specific program according to a single schedule. Such, relatively speaking, “subject-program specialization” of teachers is the most expedient already because educators, as a rule, have unequal subject preparedness and unequal personal predisposition to different types of activity. Such diagnostic-oriented ways, forms and methods of methodical work help both the beginner and the experienced teacher to effectively master both the most general pedagogical principles and variable methodological and technological schemes for conducting games-classes, to determine for themselves the most acceptable level of creative improvement of various activities. The results of a cross-sectional diagnostic study were summarized and submitted for discussion at meetings of leaders and seminars of teachers of the district. As a result, we were able to plan more targeted training mechanisms using network interaction with the departments of TIMDO and correctional pedagogy and special psychology of NIPKIPRO; conduct a generalization of creative pedagogical experience; organize individual work within the framework of the consulting club; determine ways to meet the needs for self-education of teachers, etc.

It is extremely difficult to determine the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of MS, they are inseparable from the effectiveness and efficiency of the municipal education system, and yet the main assessment is the teacher-person of the new time. The system of measures sketched out in the work experience to update the activities of the MMS with teachers of the preschool educational institution of the district on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education meets the requirements of the time, acting as the most important factor in ensuring the continuous professional growth of teachers. The main results of the activity can be considered as follows:

¾ The necessary changes in educational purposes, in the content of educational programs, in the technologies of training and education, in the methods and mechanisms for evaluating the results of the educational process have been determined; readiness of teachers to choose programs, and teaching aids.

¾ Provided information, methodological, technological readiness of teachers to work with children according to the Federal State Educational Standard, readiness to master new pedagogical technologies.

¾ The opportunities and needs of teachers to improve their professional competence have been expanded through the use of various forms of advanced training, dissemination of pedagogical experience.

¾ The tradition of mentoring has been revived during the implementation of the Commonwealth Formula project for working with young and novice teachers of the district, developed by the municipal methodological service in collaboration with the regional trade union organization and the public organization Federation of Trade Unions of the Novosibirsk Region, which allocated a grant for the implementation of this project as the winner of the project competition in 2015

I believe that the words of M.M. Potashnik on the role of a teacher in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard “The standard requires every teacher to consciously and, most importantly, independently transform himself and his activities. It allows and motivates, and forces the teacher to rise from the position of an assembly line worker-specialist, acting according to an impersonal subject program - instructions, to the state of a professional master, free to choose the goals and means of teaching, educating and developing each child.ѐ nk, a professional teacher, limited in his activities only by the requirements of his profession and the law” are especially significant. They are a kind of guideline in the further activities of the municipal methodological service. Prospects for the development of the municipal methodological service on the principles of networking are the development of new ideas of methodological consulting, expert services.

. .

Sections: School administration

The main purpose of methodological work is the preparation of human resources capable of creating conditions for improving the quality of educational services, the development of an educational institution.

The concept of “training” includes the creation of conditions for:

  • professional creativity of teachers;
  • use of best practices;
  • analysis of professional activity, self-education;
  • experience exchange and dissemination;
  • opportunities to develop and improve

The teaching staff of our school consists of 55 teachers, for whom such conditions allow them to have a high level of qualification. (2004-2005-90%, 2005-2006-91%, 2006-2007-90%)

The teaching staff is beginning to be updated, the average age is 42 years, the work experience was distributed as follows: from 0 to 10 years - 32%, from 10 to 20 years - 22%, over 20 years - 36%.

How is this level of qualification achieved? What is the role of the methodological service and its activities?

The methodological work of our school is based on diagnostics, analysis, monitoring and forecasting, taking into account the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience, changes in the structure and content that meet modern requirements and is aimed at supporting experimental innovation activities within the framework of the development program of an educational institution and creating an appropriate educational environment.

This approach defines the concept of "modernization". Hence the methodological theme of the school:

“Modernization of the methodological service for the purpose of optimal and effective development of the individual in the educational process”)

The plan for its implementation was developed in the 4-year project of the same name , the purpose of which is “Implementation of innovative work in a modernized structural and functional model of methodological service, focused on the development of the creative personality of both the teacher and the student, developing in a student-oriented pedagogical space”

In the model of the organizational structure of the school, the methodological service of its substructure occupies a central place, since the content of its work is a holistic, based on the analysis of the educational process and the achievements of science and best practices, a system of measures, actions and activities aimed at improving the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher, on the development of innovative, the implementation of experimental activities of the school, and therefore on quality education and the development of the subject-student.

It is timely to say that the methodological service qualitatively accompanies the HC process, there has been an increase in the quality of education .

Academic year 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 I quarter 2007-2008
Quality of education 36% 37,8% 42,6% 44,5%

The results are not random. The mechanism for implementing the development program is innovation, which leads to qualitative changes in education, upbringing, and the conditions of the educational environment. Attachment 1.

In the structure of the scientific and methodological service, substructures have been identified that have appeared and are functioning in connection with the experimental activities of the educational institution.

The main character in it is methodological advice.

Its activity begins with an analysis, and this is a rating analysis, in which the participation of teachers at all levels expressed in points is traced. Taking into account the results of monitoring the methodological activities of the structural units of the methodological network, the growth of professional skills and the content of difficulties in the work of the teacher, the intermediate results of experimental work and other indicators, the content of the main areas of work of all substructures, and from them for each teacher, is planned.

When planning, we are guided by the principles:

1) scientific,

2) integrity,

3) consistency.

4) perspective,

5) specificity and relevance,

6) collectivity.

Areas of work of the scientific and methodological service.

I. Improvement of the educational process.

a) Updating the content of education;

b) New educational and pedagogical technologies:

1. Technology for the development of critical thinking.

2. Teaching technology in free space: in the information, environmental, cultural, ethnographic space of lessons.

3. Integrated reflective educational technology "Workshop".

4. Technology for implementing the principle of value orientation and success.

5. Technology of project-based learning. Information Technology.

II. Management and control.

III. Organizational and methodological support of the system of advanced training of the teaching staff.

IV. Innovative activity.

V. Scientific and methodological work with students.

What changes, innovations have been outlined in the organization and content of the methodological service?

1. The structure of the methodological service has been changed, aimed at creating conditions for each teacher of the school for his professional growth in accordance with the new tasks of the school.

2. A bank of pedagogical experience in the field of humane pedagogy is being formed.

3. New forms (for schools) of continuous pedagogical education have been introduced:

a) Methodological seminar, the activity of which is prolonged from September to the end of the academic year (statement of the problem - implementation of individual routes for its study)

b) Preparation and publication of printed materials by school teachers in order to summarize the best teaching experience.

d) Participation in scientific and practical conferences, competitions of all levels, including remote ones.

4. New forms of teacher documentation have been developed and are being tested: lesson plans, memos to the teacher in preparation for the lesson.

What conditions are created and activities are carried out for continuous professional development, organized within the school?

Pedagogical advice:

1. Formation of key competencies in accordance with the requirements of the modernization of education.

2. Socio-pedagogical design of the developing space of students using a system-activity approach.

3. Modern open lesson.

4. Organization of the situation of success in the lesson.

5. Panorama of educational work: prospects and ways of development within the framework of the School of Achievements project.

6. The role of my subject in the student's future life.

Thematic practical and theoretical seminars:

1. Organization of pre-profile training, profile training and development of subject curricula for elective courses.

2. Formation of skills of introspection and self-control of students in the learning process.

3. Improvement of reflective skills.

4. Fundamentals of personal development of the teacher and student in the new socio-cultural conditions.

5. Organization of experimental activities in an educational institution.

6. Using the means of Museum Pedagogy in the educational process.

Information thematic stands are being designed in the methodological office:

1. Modern lesson (forms, types, structure).

2. Pedagogical technologies.

4. Materials of experimental activity.

5. Profile training.

And these are not only stands, but also entire collections of such materials in folders.

Intra-school course preparation for teaching new technologies is being conducted.

1. Training according to the system of L.V. Zankov (4 seminars + a practical lesson with a tape of open lessons by Zankov teachers) to maintain continuity in education.

2. Training in information technology:

a) User, fast printing, processing and creation of new information.

b) Technology for creating presentations.

Methodical exhibition:

For example, the "Exhibition of the portfolio of teachers" was attended by about 50 portfolios of teachers, leaders of the MO, teachers of additional education (with summing up).

Annual “Methodological Ideas” competition (4th year in progress)

1. Competition for the development of lessons with a competency-based approach to teaching.

2. Competition for the development of lessons based on the developmental learning system of L.V. Zankov (for subject teachers).

3. Competition for the development of lessons and extracurricular activities using information technology.

Master classes, summarizing the experience of teachers.

1) Formation of the information culture of high school students through economic training.

2) Integration in the lessons of fine arts and in extracurricular activities.

3) The place of interactive forms of education in foreign language lessons (MO).

4) Improving the quality of teaching mathematics through the pedagogical competencies of teachers.

5) Project activity at technology lessons

subject decades.

1) Activities are united by methodological topics. It is necessary during the events to show the use of various technologies, the implementation of the practical part of the topic of self-education, or to show the implementation of the topic of the experiment, etc.

2) All events are drawn up in development with an evidence base of photo or video materials.

3) The closing of the decade takes place in the form of a presentation, analysis.

  • Methodical month, methodical week, methodical day with a specific purpose and theme, methodical task arising from the tasks of the methodical service.
  • Pedagogical marathon "Lesson of the XXI century" (in order to show the use of a competency-based approach, creating a situation of success, design, integration).
  • Tapes of open lessons (within the theme of self-education, experimental activities, using the means of museum pedagogy).
  • remote contests. Participation in the All-Russian festival "Open Lesson", distance course preparation.
  • Generalization of experience in publications.
  • School pedagogical readings.
  • School Pedagogical Forum “Education”.

Such an approach in the work of the methodological council gave the result of the level of advanced training, its growth from category to category, from category II to category I, from category I to the highest.

Not only the created intra-school conditions and activities increase the level of skills of teachers, but also external methodological forms of work, personal qualities. Appendix 2

The development program of the MOU "Secondary School No. 12" is the most important strategic document that determines the innovative mode of the school. Appendix 3

It is based on the program of an experimental platform of the II level on the topic “Using the means of museum pedagogy in the formation of schoolchildren's value attitudes towards cultural and historical heritage”, which was approved by the board of the Department of Education.

The scientific and methodological council and the expert council accompany the experimental work, coordinate the activities of the department formed at the experimental site.

Our joint activities include: (App)

Subject methodological associations are a special substructure in the methodological service.

Each of them has its own style of work, its own approach.

The elementary school MO is distinguished by the experience of using the technology of developmental education; in 9 out of 11 classes, teaching is conducted according to the system of L.V. Zankov.

Share experiences at all levels.

One of the first MOs representing the school at the All-Russian level. Their students are laureates of the All-Russian competition "Zankovets" in Moscow.

Almost every elementary school teacher is a laureate of the teacher of the year competition.

The Ministry of Mathematics and Informatics is distinguished by the use of problem-based learning technology, information technology, the presentation of experience at urban pedagogical readings, participation in distance competitions, for the first time in school they introduced a competition of students' creative works - subject portfolios. They have publications.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Language and Literature is distinguished by the activity of conducting research activities with children, the implementation of the continuity of developmental education, and extracurricular activities are always interesting. Teachers have a huge number of programs of the variable part. There are leaders in education and upbringing, participants of the city forum "Education - 2006", laureates of the competition "Teacher of the Year".

The MO of teachers of natural and social sciences is distinguished by the use of integration, an adaptive learning system, the ability to use information technology, they participate in distance competitions, both teachers themselves and students at various levels. They have publications.

The MO of foreign language teachers is distinguished by the use of project, information technologies. The breadth of extracurricular activities. They succeed in creating educational subject programs for the pre-profile, profile, they are fluent in interactive forms of teaching a foreign language, they are laureates of the city forum “Education -2006”, there is a laureate of the teacher of the year competition, participation in distance competitions. They have publications.

The MO of technology and art teachers is distinguished by the use of integration, design, and research activities. Generalization of experience at different levels is widely used. They have mastered distance learning courses and participate in distance competitions. They have many publications.

The Ministry of Physical Education and Life Safety teachers, along with practical lessons, introduced theoretical classes, actively participate in school methodological competitions, summarize their work experience in the form of presentation of the results of students' sports achievements, conduct the city program “Love for sports from childhood”, exchange experience at the city level.

In the structure of the scientific and methodological service there is a group of subject teachers, organizers of the research activities of students, which plans, organizes the research activities of students, accompanies the progress of work, develops types and forms of research work. They prepare presentations of the achievements of educational work in subjects, sum up at the plenary session of the traditional annual scientific and practical conference. Such held in school-7. In comparison with previous academic years, the age of the children participating is decreasing. Children from grades 1 to 11 became participants, 10 sections are already working.

Of the 55 teachers, 50 are covered by coursework at various levels. 28 teachers are computer literate and use ICT technologies. The school has 50 programs, special courses, pre-profile and profile training courses.

Adapted 13%;

Traditional programs with adjustments - 17.5%;

Traditional programs - 30.5%;

There were publications about work experience, the dissemination of experience, only for the last 2 academic years - 13 (at various levels, including in the journal "Principal of the School").

The results of subject Olympiads have noticeably improved.

In the 2006-2007 academic year, the methodological service passed certification at the optimal level, in the 2007-2008 academic year, the deputy director for scientific and methodological work presented her work experience to the competition within the framework of the city forum "Education-2007" and was awarded a III degree Diploma in the nomination "Best organization of a methodological service in a general educational institution”


If humanity could determine the meaning of at least half of the concepts it uses, it would get rid of a greater share of its delusions. To begin with, which of the numerous functions that are objectively necessary for the normal functioning and development of an educational institution can be attributed to methodological ones? The word “method” is translated from Greek as a way of research or knowledge, and from the pedagogical dictionary of Kodzhaspirov G.M. it defines "a set of relatively homogeneous methods, operations of practical or theoretical development of reality, subject to the solution of a specific problem." It is advisable to consider that they are the functions of informing and training teaching staff, as well as creating software and methodological support for the educational process:

  • Informing staff about the new requirements for work, and the latest achievements of pedagogical science and practice.
  • Training and development of teaching staff, improving their skills to the level required by the educational institution.
  • Identification, study and dissemination of the most valuable experience of pedagogical, innovative and other activities of members of the teaching staff.
  • Preparation of methodological support for the implementation of the educational process: memos, programs, recommendations, etc.

Methodological work is the main type of educational activity, which is a set of activities carried out by the administration of an educational institution, teachers in order to master the methods and techniques of educational work, their creative application in the classroom and extracurricular activities, the search for new, most rational and effective forms and methods of organization, conducting and ensuring the educational process.

The specificity of the work of the teacher encourages him to replenish knowledge and skills throughout his life. This process takes various forms. Most teachers prefer to learn from the experience of colleagues, innovative teachers. Psychologists have established: only that knowledge becomes a person's beliefs that he independently thought out and experienced. And if the primary perception of knowledge can be frontal and group, then the subsequent work should be individual, in the volume and pace that each individual needs. And this is possible only in the condition of independent, self-educational activity in the organization of continuous education of teachers.

This work is devoted to the content of the activities of a new type of methodological service - what it should do on a daily basis in accordance with its goals. An attempt was made to build scientific and methodological work aimed at providing effective assistance to leaders and teachers in improving the organization of training and education of lyceum students, generalizing and implementing advanced pedagogical experience, improving the theoretical level and pedagogical qualifications of teachers.

The novelty lies in the development of a comprehensive-targeted program of continuous education and pedagogical growth of teachers.

Target: creation in the lyceum of a high-level cognitive environment, wide and diverse grounds for self-improvement, increasing their professional status for each teacher.

Tasks: creation of a system of professional and personal self-education of teachers in mastering productive, educational and information technologies.

Expected results: If a comprehensive-targeted program is developed and implemented and conditions are created for the organization of continuous education of teachers, then this should contribute to a high level of readiness of teachers for innovative activities and professional competence.

Organization of a methodological service of a new type.

If you want to educate in children the courage of the mind, an interest in serious intellectual work,
independence, as a personal trait, instill in them the joy of creativity, then create such conditions
so that the sparks of their thoughts form the kingdom of thought, give them the opportunity to feel themselves rulers in it.

Sh.A. Amonashvili

The social transformations taking place in our country have created the conditions for perestroika processes in the field of education - this is the creation of new types of educational institutions, the active introduction into practice of various pedagogical innovations, author's programs and textbooks.

The changing situation in the education system creates new educational needs for teachers. This leads to natural changes in the system of pedagogical education. What are these changes? To what extent do they correspond to modern socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical processes? What are the features of theoretical and practical approaches to the issues of advanced training of teaching staff?

These problems are of concern to any teacher who consciously seeks to improve his professional competence, who wants to be ready and able to act in new sociocultural conditions. A significant part of teachers is set up for deep, essential renewal, and not for the search for private innovations of a cosmetic nature. In this aspiration, there is a tendency for the maturation of a new image of the teacher. It is associated with a clear distinction between the concepts of a specialist as a well-trained, prepared person, who masterfully owns pedagogical technique and professional, who has knowledge of the multi-positional structure of pedagogical work. The new pedagogical competence of the teacher is revealed in his ability to include in his activity and integrate in it a number of professional positions: methodologist, age anthropologist, diagnostician, designer of pedagogical situations. A professional teacher does not accept either ideas or technologies in finished form - he defines himself in relation to them and consciously creates his own activity. In this regard, methodological services are faced with the task of finding more effective approaches to organizing the educational process and new forms of organizing methodological work in an educational institution.

The process of constructing the content of the activities of the methodological service is complex and multidimensional, however, it is facilitated by the use of the activity approach: determining the content of the activity based on the predicted goals, concisely conceived plan.

So, where to start determining the content of methodological activity? Let's answer this question, ranking by step actions:

  1. Analysis of the situation to identify difficulties in the work of teachers and managers; willingness and need of teachers in innovative activities.
  2. Fixing the needs of teachers and managers in the methodological service.
  3. Formulation of an order by teachers and managers in the methodological service
  4. Setting the goals of the methodological service, based on the order of practice.
  5. Identification of the main directions of the content of the activities of the methodological service, adequate to the goals set.

According to Nemova, the goal is understood as such a result that meets the needs and capabilities of the subject of activity, is determined in time and is specified specifically.

Goals are a system-forming factor of any, including educational activities. What is the goal and what is the activity. What is the activity, such are the results.

Analysis of the situation, otherwise self-examination - this is perhaps the most difficult stage. It is one of the most important factors in the professional growth of teachers, positively influencing the improvement of the education system. The effectiveness and usefulness of this procedure depends on the provision of a number of conditions:

  • The internal motivation of the staff of the educational institution: the staff should have information about the goals and objectives of self-examination, the most competent and authoritative members of the teaching staff should be involved in this work.
  • Relationships between the self-examination procedure and the organization of work in general; main activities (educational process, methodological, innovative, educational, personnel policy).

For self-examination, the following main areas are distinguished, which allow determining the goals and objectives of the methodological service for the effective operation of an educational institution:

  1. Educational institution management system. An analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of management of the content and quality of training of specialists is given. According to Zvereva V.I. “management efficiency” is understood as the result of achieving the goals of management activity, “management efficiency” is the result of achieving goals.
  2. The structure of training specialists. Analysis of the structure of training of specialists is carried out in order to determine the prospects for the development of an educational institution.
  3. The content of the training of specialists. The content of training is assessed on the basis of an analysis of the compliance of professional educational programs and the complex of their educational and methodological support with the requirements of the state educational standard
  4. The quality of training specialists. The assessment of the quality of training of specialists is carried out by the educational institution based on the analysis of the results of the final certification of graduates over the past five years, the control of students' knowledge.
  5. The effectiveness of the pedagogical work of teachers. For an element of the structure of the pedagogical activity of a teacher according to Kuzmina N.V. the teacher's skills, his personal qualities and abilities are accepted. Where in the first part the psychological and general methodological results of the teacher's activity are evaluated, and in the second part the assessment of the special skills of the teacher and the results of his work.
  6. The system and content of educational work. The meaning of the survey in this direction is to study the level of upbringing of students, to evaluate the content, methods and forms of organizing the educational activities of an educational institution.
  7. Staffing. The state and dynamics of staffing is assessed. At the same time, it analyzes: the correspondence of the basic education of teachers, their specialty to their position; age structure of teachers.

After analyzing the situation, we will be able to obtain objective information about the state of the pedagogical process in an educational institution. An important mechanism of this stage is reflection, which provides the process of introspection and active comprehension of the state of actions of the individual and other people included in the solution of the problem (Zvereva V.I.). Reflection allows the subject to realize his experience not only at the level of thinking, but also at the level of feelings and emotions. And since emotions are involved in the formation of motives, they fill it with the necessary energy. Both active and passive methods can serve as tools for self-examination. Active - questionnaires, interviews, testing, scaling, sociometric measurements. Passive - observation, quantitative - and qualitative analysis of products of activity.

Fixing the needs of teachers and managers in the methodological service includes:

  1. Diagnostics of the social and pedagogical activity of the staff of the educational institution.
  2. Determination of the main value orientations and motives for the activities of teachers and students.
  3. Determining the readiness of the personality of the teacher and the staff of the educational institution for the transition to a new type of methodological service.

The next third step of this work is the formulation of the order. Determination of the main priorities in the content of methodological work to solve the identified problems. Collection of information, ranking of values ​​and motives for improving the methodological skills of teachers. Development of proposals for the creation of an integral system of methodological service. Definition of resources, time, technology.

The fourth step is setting goals for the methodological service. If the goal is real, then it causes activity in a person. In terms of content, the goals are the professional knowledge and skills acquired by teachers. The presence of specific and reasonable goals makes it possible to develop high-quality plans and programs for the educational process. Planning provides a guarantee of obtaining certain results by a given date. The plan defines a set of actions, stages of activity, tasks and others necessary and sufficient in order to obtain the expected results. It also provides for how much time it will take to complete each individual stage, action or task as a whole, since a number of actions can be performed in parallel in it. The plan also regulates the organizational relations between the subjects for the implementation of these actions, that is, who, what, when, how and in cooperation with whom will do.

One of the most difficult tasks of staff training is the training of teachers in the introduction of innovations. If the initiative in using the innovation comes from the teacher himself, then, as a rule, there are no problems with his training. He is actively engaged in self-education: he reads literature, attends the lessons of colleagues working on new technology, finds an opportunity to study at special courses, and conducts independent developments. When the initiative comes not from teachers, but from the leaders of the educational institution, organized learning is necessary. It performs the tasks of motivating and preparing the teacher for the development of innovations.

In the learning process, not only knowledge should be acquired, a general idea of ​​​​the technology should be formed, but also initial professional skills should be developed.

The teacher acquires freedom and can apply knowledge when he has enough skills to plan not just one lesson or event according to a given model, but independently build the entire educational process. This means that the main professional skills for the work of a teacher in the new technology are design - the ability to plan training for a year and a quarter, to develop lesson plans. The success of applying the new depends not only on whether or not the teacher is able to put into practice a certain method, but to a greater extent on how correctly he applies it in a certain context: at this stage of learning, when solving a specific educational problem, in working with specific students . The development of professional skills should be carried out in this direction.

Learning new things cannot be considered complete if the teacher himself is not able to evaluate the results of the innovation used, analyze his activities and identify the hidden causes of shortcomings. The presence of design and analytical skills make the teacher a subject, without them he will only be able to copy someone else's experience.

The new values ​​of methodological work in our lyceum are determined on the basis of a new goal: the preparation of a teacher as a subject of professional activity, social life, a subject of personal self-realization, self-actualization and self-organization. In this regard, improving the quality of the professional level of pedagogical skills of teachers is considered not only as a process of accumulating knowledge. This is, first of all, the process of in-depth penetration into the essence of new technologies. Such a reorientation of methodological work determines the need for a new quality of professional and personal characteristics formed in its process, professional self-organization, key competencies and pedagogical creativity of the teacher. Consequently, there is a need to create for all teachers broad and diverse grounds for self-improvement, raising their professional status and organizing a general cultural developing environment in the lyceum, which would be the most important factor in the development and self-development of teachers. To do this, it is necessary to separate the efforts that will be directed to the implementation of public, official methodological and organizational-pedagogical work, which is necessary for every teacher. And to achieve this without creating a situation where the teacher will be obliged and want to achieve more is a complex and interesting work of the methodological service.

We plan all the work in our lyceum in such a way that conditions are created under which the formation and development of the personality of the teacher, his professional growth takes place (Appendix 1). For the organization of continuous education of a teacher, various forms of work are used:

  • self-education of teachers;
  • methodological associations of teachers, masters of p / o, class teachers and educators of the lyceum;
  • schools of excellence, creative groups;
  • workshops
  • various competitions of professional skills;
  • pedagogical readings.

In the process of intralyceum training, various methods and approaches are used to increase motivation, take into account the individual characteristics of teachers in the lyceum:

1. Permanent consultation mode.

Consulting is carried out by the best teachers of the lyceum. It can be carried out on an individual basis, as well as be connected with trends and difficulties that arise for a number of teachers.

2. Problem-situational training.

This training is a promising type of training. Training is carried out by using real, live, newly arisen situations.

3.Project or program learning.

A group of teachers determines for themselves the direction of activity, develops a program, the implementation of which is carried out jointly or individually, but with a joint discussion of what has been achieved and what has failed.


The paper presents an innovative project for the transition to a new level of methodological work. This work involves obtaining a learning product that is competent in all respects.

  • fixing normative, knowledge, value and other difficulties for teachers, students, managers, which lead to a problem;
  • the study of various sources, literature, its scientific analysis, which makes it possible to determine the scientific and practical grounds for resolving such problems;
  • studying the existing experience of working on a similar problem;
  • typology of problem solving means;
  • training the teaching staff of managerial reflection, the technique of correcting the subjective state in a problem situation;
  • building a model of a new type of activity that allows you to remove contradictions and lead to problem solving;
  • development of the necessary didactic, psychological, pedagogical and other means;
  • approbation of a new model of activity;
  • development of methodological recommendations for all participants in the educational process aimed at solving the problem and obtaining a new quality.

The organization of work on this content will allow organizing the zones of self-development of each teacher, student and the entire teaching staff. Based on a human-centric managerial position, the task was to create a favorable psychological microclimate, to intensify the activities of teachers based on the voluntary choice of the method, depth and method that each member of the teaching staff will master.

Zaitseva Alena Vladimirovna
Methodological service in a preschool educational institution

Methodical work in a preschool educational institution


Today the real level of staging methodical work in a preschool institution becomes one of the most important criteria for assessing its performance. Therefore, it is necessary to consider methodical work in a preschool institution as something of paramount importance. In the modern conditions of the development of our society, very responsible social tasks are assigned - to educate, educate and prepare for life that generation of people, labor and talent, whose initiative and creativity will determine the socio-economic, scientific-technical and moral progress of Russian society. In this regard, shortcomings and errors in the teaching and educational work of the preschool educational institution, in the management education and in pedagogy itself. In our time, the importance of such business qualities as competence, a sense of the new, initiative, courage and willingness to take responsibility is increasing; the ability to set a task and bring its solution to the end. Skillful Methodist clearly defines the tasks of the teaching staff, clearly outlines the ways in their solution. Preschool methodologist does not deal with mechanisms, but with living people who themselves control the process of formation and development of personality. That's why management preschool should be considered as a purposeful active interaction methodologist and all participants in the pedagogical process to streamline it and transfer it to a new qualitative state. The efficiency of the entire team preschool depends on proper selection and use methodologist of various forms of methodical work in a preschool institution. All directions methodical works contribute to the development of a single line of action for the teaching staff.

The task of the manager and methodologist of a preschool institution is in order to develop a system, to find accessible and at the same time effective methods improving pedagogical skills.

The relevance of the problem, the provision of assistance in the preparation of a highly qualified, free-thinking, active educator at the present stage in connection with the resurgent approach to a person as a value in itself. Assistance to the educator in mastering new pedagogical thinking, readiness to solve complex problems in the system education to improve their teaching skills.

State methodological service in the preschool educational institution

One of the significant features of the system education last decade is the variability of work preschool institutions. Polyprogramming and variability are the conditions in which they currently work preschool institutions. methodical provision is an essential part of professional development for teachers. It is designed to maintain the normal course educational process to help update it.

In 1994 the Ministry education The Russian Federation issued a letter "On the forms of organization and activities methodological services in the education system of the Russian Federation”, where information, prognostic, meaningful, innovative and experimental activities, advanced training, certification of teachers stand out. Since 1996 the organization methodical work is entrusted to a special services - methodical offices, methodical centers in the structure of governing bodies education and institutes for advanced training of workers education. An indisputable advantage is that the variability of modern preschool education allows you to respond to the needs of society. Diversity educational services offered preschool, meets the growing demands of parents. The main thing is to keep the priorities education: health promotion, provision of favorable conditions for the development of all children, respect for the child's right to preserve their individuality.

Humanization of modern education tied, first of all, with a change in attitude to education, in the center of which is the child.

The issue of choosing a program was and remains very relevant. In this regard, before Methodist kindergarten, a rather responsible task arises - to choose a program of work with children that can not only be successfully implemented by the teaching staff, but will also contribute to the effective development and upbringing of children. Therefore, pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions should be oriented in the main trends programmatically - methodical flow. The work of the preschool educational institution in the conditions of polyprogramming and variability of technologies ensures self-determination and self-organization of participants educational process: Preschool educational institutions model programs, projects, participate in experimental testing and implementation of new software - teaching materials, and parents are given the opportunity to choose one or another type and type of preschool for their child. The process of creating general developmental and specialized educational programs and innovative pedagogical technologies continues. Implementation varied approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process, which is very promising for the system preschool education in general. This raises the question of the role and significance methodical work for the effectiveness of the educational process.

Improving the skills of teachers, replenishing their theoretical and practical knowledge is carried out in preschool through various forms of methodological work. All directions methodical works contribute to the development of a single line of action for the teaching staff. If the team intends to work in an innovative mode (new content of education or the implementation of new pedagogical technologies), then this requires the creation of a new model. methodical work providing the transition preschool educational institution from the mode of operation to the mode of development.

Such an understanding methodical work imposes requirements on the formulation of its tasks, the characteristics of the content and the selection of participants.

As a general task methodical work, Bagautdinova S. F. singled out the following: control educational process(leader, organization of advanced training for teachers, organization of work with parents.

Organization Responsibility methodical work lies with the methodologist. He, defining the strategy, goals, objectives of the development and functioning of the preschool educational institution, affects the specification of the goals, objectives and content methodical work. AT methodical The work involves a teacher - a psychologist and teachers - specialists, advising educators and parents within their competence.

In all cases, the task methodological service - to create such an educational environment in which the creative potential of each teacher, the entire teaching staff will be fully realized.

Many teachers, especially beginners, need qualified assistance from more experienced colleagues, head, preschool methodologist, specialists in various fields of knowledge. Currently, this need has increased in connection with the transition to a variable system education, the need to take into account manifold interests and abilities of children.

methodical work should be of a proactive nature and ensure the development of all educational and educational process in accordance with the new achievements of pedagogical and psychological science.

The totality of individual pedagogical systems form a single integrated system education. Preschool education is the first stage of the general pedagogical system, and preschool educational institution can be considered as a social-pedagogical system. Therefore, according to Belaya K. Yu, it meets certain properties: purposefulness, integrity, polystructurality, controllability, interconnection and interaction of components, openness, connection with the environment.

K. Yu. Belaya emphasizes that, methodical work in a preschool educational institution as a system can be designed, built in the following structure: forecasting - programming - planning - organization - regulation - control - stimulation - correction and analysis.

Organization and leadership methodical work in a preschool institution

Leading forms methodical work in the preschool educational institution

One of the leading forms is the pedagogical council, which is called upon to be an exponent of collective pedagogical thought, a body for collegial management of educational work, a school of excellence and a tribune of pedagogical experience. The head, being the chairman of the pedagogical council, organizes its work on the basis of the “Regulations on the pedagogical council preschool". During the year, at least 6 meetings of the teachers' council are held, at which topical issues of the work of this kindergarten are discussed, aimed at improving the professional level of teachers' work, at eradicating educational shortcomings - educational process. Meetings of the teachers' council can be devoted to both general issues of improving the health of children, reducing morbidity, and preparing children for schooling. The preparation of the teachers' council includes the selection of topical issues, the discussion of which is dictated by the kindergarten education program and the actual state of affairs in the kindergarten, which appear in the annual work plan.

The effectiveness of pedagogical councils depends mainly way from the work of a methodologist aimed at implementing the decisions made.

Consultations are a constant form of assistance to educators. In the nursery institution consultations are held for educators of one group, parallel groups, individual and general (for all teachers). Group consultations are planned for a year. Individual consultations are not planned, as their conduct is dictated by the need for educators to receive certain information on a specific issue. However, not all questions can be fully answered in a short period of time. Some problems of raising children require a longer conversation, discussion, and if they are of concern to several educators, then appropriate organize such a collective form methodological assistance, which is the seminar.

Experienced educators who have a good result of work on a specific problem can also be appointed to lead the seminar. At the beginning of the school year Methodist determines the topic of the seminar, appoints the leader. The duration of the lessons depends on Topics: they can take place within a month, six months or a year. Seminar attendance is voluntary. Theoretical knowledge gained at the seminar preschool employees can reinforce with practical skills, which they consolidate and improve by participating in a seminar - workshop. How to mold a hare so that it looks like a real one, how to show a puppet theater so that the characters bring joy to children and make them think, how to teach children to expressively read a poem, how to make didactic games with their own hands, how to decorate a group room for the holiday. Educators can get answers to these and other questions from an experienced teacher - methodologist. In order to organize special practical classes, the head studies the need for teachers to acquire certain practical skills and abilities. Made during workshops methodical allowances can be used by educators in their further work with children, and some of them remain in the pedagogical office as samples - standards.

Common form methodical work are conversations with educators. Data method methodist It is used when summing up the results of testing pedagogical work, when studying, summarizing best practices, and in a number of other cases. This form methodical work requires great tact from the methodologist. The ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor, maintain a dialogue, accept criticism kindly, and act in such a way as to influence them, primarily with their behavior. Talking with a teacher Methodist finds out his mood, interests, difficulties in work, learns about the reasons for failures (if any, seeks to provide effective assistance.

An effective form of advanced training for educators, providing them with methodical help are collective views of the work of experienced teachers. Depending on the topic discussed at the teachers' council, such views appropriate carry out with the aim of demonstrating, illustrating those theoretical provisions that were expressed in the reports, and with the aim of studying and implementing advanced methods in the practice of other employees. When discussing such a lesson methodologist it must be emphasized that the educator did a great, multifaceted work and managed to generalize the knowledge, ideas of the children, based on their impressions, made them think, reflect, draw independent conclusions. Those educators who already have it should show their work experience. Analyzing the experience of colleagues, teachers should gradually develop their own successful techniques. Methodist must see this in the work of every educator. Having noticed certain successes of the educator in any section of the program, he projects his further development: selects certain literature, advises, observes the practical actions of this employee. Collective viewings are held no more than once a quarter. It makes everyone feel good to them get ready: both those who demonstrate their experience and those who adopt it. Preparation should attributed: the right choice of topic (its relevance, the need for it for all educators, connection with the topics of teachers' councils, etc., help to the educator - methodologist in the formulation of the main goal of the lesson (or in the process of any other activity of children, drawing up a summary of activities indicating the educational educational goals, methods and techniques the material used.

In order to study and borrow the best experience, such a form of improving pedagogical skills as mutual visits to workplaces is also organized. At the same time, the role methodologist is to recommend to the educator to visit a partner's lesson to develop uniform requirements for children or a lesson of a teacher of a parallel group to compare the results of work. Methodist should give this work a purposeful, meaningful character. To this end, mentoring is organized. When a new, novice teacher appears in the team, at first he has many questions, and he needs help. Due to their busyness, the manager is not always able to provide such assistance. Therefore, he appoints a mentor from among more experienced teachers, taking into account that mentoring should be voluntary on both sides. The mentor's candidacy is approved at the teachers' council, and his report is also heard there. The mentor should help the new employee to establish the necessary business and personal contacts, to get acquainted with the traditions of the team, with its successes, as well as with the difficulties in work.

The methodologist also manages the self-education of educators. First of all, he creates the necessary terms: together with teachers, selects literature of interest to them, materials covering best practices, advises on the choice of topic, form self-education, registration of the results of increasing knowledge and pedagogical skills of working with children. When recommending topics for self-education methodologist proceeds from the interest of each teacher and from his need for education. Considerable effort is required from methodologist study, generalization and implementation of best practices, which is a set of knowledge, skills, acquired by the educator in the process of practical teaching and educational work. Only such experience can be considered advanced, which, being the result of a creative search, opens up new opportunities for raising children, contributes to the improvement of accepted forms, methods and teaching methods. An indicator of excellence is the sustainability of positive, methodically substantiated results of upbringing and education of children.

In the guide methodologist to identify, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience, there are certain stages and methods.

The first step is to identify the best practices. For example, a manager or Methodist in the process of systematic observation of the work of the educator and the behavior of the children of the older group, he saw that everyone was constantly busy with interesting things. Children's games are meaningful, long, they reflect the work and relationships of people around them. Much has been done for games by the children themselves and the educator, etc. The manager or Methodist in a conversation with the educator finds out how, what methods he gets good results. Having received a general idea of ​​the interested, thoughtful, systematic work to familiarize children with the work of livestock breeders, Methodist asks the teacher to describe his an experience: how did he start work, what manuals did he use, methodical literature whose experience was an example for him. how the complex was developed methods and techniques for educating children industriousness, respect for the work of adults, what was new in this work, etc. A combination of various methods allows you to educate in children on a positive emotional background such a very important personality trait as social activity. So way, Methodist brings the teacher to the second stage - the generalization of his best practices. At this stage, the educator should be assisted in selecting and describing the most significant moments in the formation of positive qualities in children, identifying the dynamics of their development. The teacher, who summarized his experience in the form of a report, can speak with him at the teachers' council, methodical associations, at the conference. This is the third stage - the dissemination of best practices and its promotion in order to use other educators in their work. It happens that there is no systematic experience yet, there are only individual findings, successful methods of working with children. In this case, it is necessary to clearly define the problem, the main pedagogical idea, according to which the experience will be gradually accumulated and generalized. Wherein methodologist do not forget about a very significant indicator of excellence - its cost-effectiveness, which involves achieving positive results with the least amount of time and effort of the educator and his wards. It is impossible to consider as advanced the experience that cultivates one of the aspects of education at the expense of other sections of the program and to the detriment of them. The essence of using advanced pedagogical experience is to fill the weaknesses of the work of one employee with the strengths of another. Therefore, the leader must constantly look for talented people who love their work in the team, who willingly and skillfully transfer all their knowledge and skills to colleagues. an experience: strive to concentrate and direct the efforts of all members of the team to improve pedagogical work.