The most powerful solar power plant. Solar Plant Shakti Sthala, India

Last week in California's Mojave Desert, a huge solar power plant, which fascinates with its beauty, officially began operation. The design capacity of the power plant is 400 megawatts, which, according to experts, will be enough for 140,000 homes in California. Let's find out more about her.

Experts emphasize that the new station will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions: as if 72,000 cars were removed from the roads of California. In such "sunny" states as Arizona, Nevada, California and others, 17 sites have already been allocated for the construction of similar solar power plants.

At the same time, projects are being implemented more slowly than planned, encountering, oddly enough, protests from the "greens". The fact is that although in the long term such stations benefit the environment, in fact, the construction of stations itself pollutes the areas allocated for them, depriving turtles and other representatives of the desert fauna of their usual habitats.

However, the US plans to become the world leader in the use of clean energy. Now it occupies no more than 1% of the total energy market in the country, but by 2020, according to the adopted state program, a third of the total produced energy should be transferred to renewable sources.

This station is the largest in the world, with an area of ​​14.24 square kilometers (5.5 square miles). This facility is called Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System. This station belongs to the type of thermal solar power plants.

This station is capable of producing about 30% of all "thermal energy" produced in the United States. The facility has 3 towers 140 meters high, surrounded by 300,000 mirrors the size of a garage door. All of these mirrors focus the sun's rays on a collector located at the top of the tower. In the upper part of the tower there is also a water reservoir, where all the thermal energy collected by the mirrors is directed.

Each tower has its own control center, plus there is a common control center from where the operation of the entire system is controlled. At the same time, according to the company that created the station, there is no storage for molten coolant salt in the system, as in the case of smaller projects such as Crescent Dunes.

It is worth noting that each of the mirrors can change the angle of inclination and the direction of inclination on command from the center. The mirrors are washed once every two weeks. As far as you can understand, a special mirror washing system is used + a special team of washers who clean the mirrors at night. To manage all the mirrors, a proprietary SFINCS (Solar Field Integrated Control System) system was created.

The whole system consists of 22 million individual parts (rivets, bolts, etc. do not count).

The total cost of the project was 2.2 billion US dollars, of which 1.4 is a federal loan.

At the same time, water vapor is generated in the system, directed to the blades of turbines that produce energy, which is quite enough for the needs of 140,000 California households.

True, it was not without problems. For example, focused sunlight burns birds flying over the station. This fact is the reason for the protests of US environmental organizations. But, despite all the protests, the project was completed and put into operation.

Finally, the design still has room to develop. BrightSource Energy engineers are already suggesting the elimination of water boilers and the use of special brine solutions to further increase the efficiency of the system while maintaining its environmental and energy qualities.

The station employs 86 employees. The estimated period of operation is 30 years, during which the station will provide electricity to 140,000 homes from the cities of the district.

In our age, alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly popular. An exemplary city for the introduction of innovative technologies can be called Seville, the financial and cultural capital of southern Spain. The world's first commercial solar power plant is installed here.

The surroundings of Seville, where a solar power plant is installed, resemble a real looking glass. In the center are two giant towers PS10 and PS20, the height of which is comparable to 40-story buildings. Surrounding the PS10 tower are 624 heliostats, huge mirrors that track the sun's rays and redirect them to the top of the towers. There are steam turbines that convert sunlight into electricity. The PS20 tower, which will be in operation before the end of 2013, is even more powerful, surrounded by 1255 mirrors. It is assumed that the operation of the towers will prevent carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere in the amount of 600,000 tons annually for 25 years.

Now the solar power plant provides 60,000 homes, when the project is completed, this figure will grow to 180,000. It is planned that the total capacity of both towers will reach 300 MW. Of course, the prices for such electricity are still higher than for traditional sources. However, over time, the price normalizes due to the increase in production volumes.

The mighty power of solar energy was known to man thousands of years ago. Since ancient times, man has tried to curb, tame this energy, make it serve him. In the sixth century, Anthimius of Tralles wrote a treatise on mirrors. In this treatise, he mentioned how the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes, using numerous mirrors and concave shields-defenders of Syracuse, burned the Roman fleet, focusing the rays of the sun on the ships. Whether it was a legend or not is unknown.

But experiments that would have to confirm or refute the possibility of this event were carried out repeatedly. Different people, in different countries and at different times. And each time these experiments ended with confirmation of the real possibility of this episode in the defense of Syracuse.

Before the advent of new technologies, new materials in the 20th century, before the possibility of practical application of voltaic, solar energy was used only and exclusively for heating small volumes of water. With the discovery of the photoelectric effect, the advent of materials capable of converting sunlight into electric current on an industrial scale, solar energy has entered a new phase of its development.

New reflective and light-absorbing materials, heat-resistant composite elements made it possible to create such structures that made it possible to use solar energy for thermal power plants, thermal installations that provide hot water and home heating.

Solar energy refers to renewable energy sources. It is increasingly used by man and finds its application in various fields. Renewable because the sun is an inexhaustible source of energy.

And if we take into account that solar plants that generate electricity or heat guarantee complete safety for the environment, and the prices for traditional energy carriers are constantly growing, it becomes obvious that solar energy will develop rapidly in the very near future.

The prospects for solar energy are large-scale. The projects of new solar complexes are ambitious, and their implementation can radically change our attitude towards traditional energy sources. Of course, it would be naive to believe that solar energy is a panacea for mankind, constantly suffering from lack of energy.

The capacity of solar power plants is constantly increasing, but, nevertheless, the share of electricity that they produce is only 0.8% of the total amount of electricity generated by all generating installations in the world.

Dependence on weather conditions, on the time of day limits the use of solar power plants as a permanent source of energy. Without storage devices, they can only be fully used as additional sources that take on the load during the daytime, and thereby unload the main electricity producers.

The periods of electricity generation often do not coincide with the periods of demand for it, since the peak of consumption occurs mainly in the evening hours. And in high latitudes, solar power plants are simply unprofitable. However, these shortcomings of helium power plants are not so critical for solar thermal plants, since these plants are quite inertial systems, especially if they have implemented a carefully thought-out thermal insulation system.

The largest solar power plants in the world

Almost all powerful helium electrical installations are built in low latitudes, where there is a lot of sun, where most days of the year are cloudless, where there are vast free areas for solar panels or mirrors.

The most powerful complex of solar power plants was put into operation in 2012 in the Indian state of Gujarat. The total capacity of forty-six solar parks, united in a single energy system, is 856.51 megawatts. With the output of this complex to its design capacity, India can receive from alternative energy systems up to 15% of the total amount of electricity generated in the country.

SES complex in India. State of Gujarat

At the end of 2015, in southern California (USA), in the Antelope Valley, the STAR solar power plant was put into operation. Almost four million solar panels were required to build this station.

To make the most of the sun's energy, about a fifth - just over 750,000 panels - were mounted on movable chassis connected to a solar tracking system. This ensured the reception of the maximum amount of solar radiation during the entire daylight hours.

With the release of the design mode of operation, this power plant provided an output power of about 580 megawatts. This capacity is enough to provide electricity to the inhabitants of the city with a population of up to 75,000. If such an amount of electricity were generated by a conventional thermal power plant, then harmful emissions into the atmosphere from it would be equivalent to those resulting from the operation of 30,000 cars.

Solar power plant STAR. California, USA

In California, several more solar plants were built, which use the principle of direct conversion of light energy into electrical energy. This is primarily the Topaz helium power plant, the third largest in the world. It has a power output of 550 megawatts and is part of a solar cascade that should provide up to 33% of California's power by 2020. Electricity at this station is produced by 9 million thin-film panels made on the basis of cadmium telluride.

Topaz solar power plant. California, USA

In addition to these power plants that produce electricity by directly converting sunlight, California has several thermal solar power plants that are among the ten most powerful solar plants in the world. This is primarily the Ivanpah tower-type solar power plant, commissioned in 2013.

This station has an output power of almost 400 megawatts. The heating of the boilers to a temperature of almost 700 degrees is provided by 173,500 heliostats, each of which consists of two mirrors. Heliostats provide constant focusing of the sun's rays on the working boiler. This solar power plant ranks fifth in the list of the most powerful solar plants.

Ivanpah solar power plant. California, USA

Solar power plants in Russia

In Russia, solar energy is not as widespread as in Europe, the USA, India, and China. The total capacity of Russian power plants operating on solar energy does not exceed the capacity of one Californian one. Nevertheless, much attention is now being paid to the development of solar energy in Russia. This is especially true of the Crimea and Siberia.

Two of the most powerful solar power plants are currently operating in Crimea. The Perovo solar power plant has an output power of about 100 megawatts, the other solar power plant, Okhotnikovo, is 20 megawatts less. In addition, in August 2015, a solar power plant with a capacity of 70 megawatts was put into trial operation in the village of Nikolaevka. A solar plant with a capacity of 110 megawatts was built in the village of Vladislavovka.

In 2014, the Kosh-Agach solar power plant with a capacity of five megawatts was launched in Altai. An electric current of this power is generated by 20,880 solar panels.

Kosh-Agach SES. Altai, Russia

In 2015, a solar plant with a capacity of one megawatt was put into operation in Yakutia. In the Stavropol Territory, in the village of Staromaryevka, a solar power plant with a capacity of 75 megawatts is planned to be put into operation in 2019, and in Siberia, from the Arctic to the borders with Kazakhstan, XEVEL plans to build several solar power plants with a total capacity of more than 250 megawatts.

solar heating

Thermal-type helium power plants, in addition to electric current, generate such an amount of thermal energy that can provide hot water and heat to large industrial premises, sports facilities, and residential buildings.

The coolant, heated to 150 - 200 degrees, enters the heat exchangers, where it heats the water that enters the houses for heating and hot water supply. Therefore, all thermal SPPs are built in such a way that excess thermal energy is transferred to heating plants, and from there hot water is supplied to its intended purpose.

At the same time, the consumption of traditional fossil energy sources is significantly reduced. For example, in Denmark, the design and construction of thermal solar power plants is currently being accelerated, which will not only provide environmentally friendly electricity generation, but will also supply heat and hot water to residents of adjacent settlements.

The use of solar energy in everyday life

At the household level, the possibilities of using the energy of the Sun depend only on the human imagination. And of course, to a certain extent, from material possibilities. Here we can talk about anything: about the power supply of the house, lighting streets and parks, about traffic lights, about street illumination, about decorating a summer house, lighting fountains, garlands on trees, supplying hot water and warmth to a country house, cottage.

Various companies produce and install "turnkey" solar installations for individual use. It can be a solar-powered mini-power plant, and helium concentrators for heating and hot water supply, or maybe a combined installation.

The spectrum of the use of solar energy is huge. This energy works everywhere, from giant power plants to portable chargers that fit comfortably in your pocket or purse. And its main advantages are inexhaustibility and safety for the environment.

Solar energy is often criticized as having a number of disadvantages compared to traditional forms such as coal, oil and gas. But there is no doubt that many countries with the largest economies are actively developing this direction.

If the current growth rates of the sector continue, then by 2020 about 10% of the world's electricity could be generated by photovoltaic systems. The main growth is expected in China, Japan, Germany and the USA.

Much of this electricity is generated by large-scale ground installations, or solar farms, which are thousands of photovoltaic panels in several miles of desert. Apparently, they symbolize the future of alternative energy.

It is these systems that make it possible to produce electricity from solar energy on an industrial scale. They even look more like solar cities than solar farms.

1. Sambhar Lake (Lake Sambhar), India

  • Company: consortium of 6 state-owned companies including Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Power Grid Corp of India, Hindustan Salts
  • Power: 4000 MW

The new solar power plant in India, which will be built 70 km from Jaipur, will have 8 times more capacity than the largest US solar farms.

The project is valued at $4 billion and will symbolize the potential of solar energy in India. However, it is currently on hold due to conflicts over land use between the state and federal governments.

2. Topaz, California, USA

  • Company: MidAmerican Solar
  • Power: 580 MW

It took 2 years and $2.5 billion to build the facility. The last stage was completed in December last year.

The total number of solar panels located on an area of ​​9.5 square meters. miles exceeds 9 million.

There is enough capacity to provide access to electricity in most of the city of San Luis Obispo, which has a population of 276 thousand people.

3. Solar Star, California

  • Company: MidAmerican Solar, SunPower Corp.
  • Power: 579 MW

The construction of this power plant began in 2013 and should be completed this year.

When completed, the number of panels will be 1.7 million, but already now the power plant provides more than 170 MW of power.

4 Ivanpah, California

  • Company: NRG Energy, BrightSource Energy, Google
  • Power: 392 MW.

The power plant was opened almost two years ago. It is located on 5 sq. miles in the Mojave Desert, near the Nevada border.

The total number of panels reaches 300,000, and the capacity of the facility is enough to provide electricity to 140,000 homes.

Nevertheless, the project has been criticized more than once for the fact that during its creation the habitual habitat of many animals was destroyed, and birds flying too close to it very often die.

5. Agua Caliente, Arizona

  • Company: NRG Energy, MidAmerican Solar
  • Power: 290 MW

Agua Caliente was launched in April last year and at that time claimed the title of the world's largest solar farm.

The capacity is enough to power 230,000 homes in the region.

This solar farm was built with a guarantee loan of almost $1 billion from the US Department of Energy, along with capital from NRG Energy and the MidAmerican Solar - Energy Fund, which is owned by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway.

6Setouchi, Japan

  • Company: GE, Kuni Umi Asset Management, Toyo Engineering Corp.
  • Power: 231 MW

A huge solar farm in Okayama Prefecture began construction last November. The cost of the project is estimated at $1.1 billion.

The consortium received $867 million in loans from Japanese banks, the largest amount in Japanese history for green energy projects.

Once completed, the facility, located on the site of the salt lake, will sell electricity to Chugoku Electric Power Company under a 20-year contract.

7Nzema Solar Park, Ghana

  • Company: Mere Power Nzema Limited (MPNL)
  • Power: 155 MW

Currently under construction. It will contain 630 thousand solar panels, which makes Nzema Solar Park the sixth in the world in this indicator.

It is noteworthy that electricity will be supplied not only to Ghana, but also to Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, Benin and Nigeria.

8. Redstone Solar Thermal Power Plant, South Africa

  • Company: SolarReserve, International Company for Water and Power Projects (ACWA Power)
  • Power: 100 MW

In January 2015, the South African Department of Energy gave SolarReserve and Saudi Arabian company AQUA Power preferred bidder status for a 100 MW solar power project.

The volume will be located close to the Jasper PV project, which is currently the largest in the country.

Redstone will supply power to 200,000 homes during peak periods while helping other providers.

9. Amanecer Solar CAP Plant, Chile

  • Company: SunEdison
  • Power: 100 MW

The power plant is located in the middle of the Atacama Desert and has an installed capacity of 100 MW, making it the largest solar power plant in Latin America. The station was opened in June last year.

The volume of investments in the installation of 310 thousand solar panels reached $250 million.

The capacity should be sufficient to provide for 125,000 Chilean households.

10. Jasper PV Project, South Africa

  • Company: SolarReserve
  • Power: 96 MW

The Jasper project produces about 180 megawatt-hours a year, enough to power 80,000 homes.

The project was completed in October last year.

The Ivanpah(full title Solar Electric Generating System) is located in California in the Mojave Desert, 64 km southwest of the famous city of Las Vegas in the United States.

mojave a fairly large desert, with an area of ​​​​over 35,000 km². That's where Death Valley is.
In summer, the temperature there can rise above 54 °C in lowland areas. It was this place that was chosen for the construction of the largest solar thermal power plant.

The power plant capacity is 392 MW. This is achieved by 173.5 thousand heliostats ( a heliostat is a device that automatically rotates a mirror so as to direct the sun's rays constantly in one direction, despite the apparent daily movement of the sun ), each of which has two mirrors that direct solar energy to boilers located on three central 140-meter towers. Thus, the total number of mirrors at the power plant is 347,000! The area of ​​one mirror is 7 sq. m., for a total of 14 sq. m. per heliostat.

General view of the Ivanpah power plant. It covers an area of ​​14.2 square kilometers of the Mojave Desert near the border of California and Nevada.

The project started in 2007. Construction officially began on October 27, 2010 - and by no one else, but at that time, the Governor of California Arnold om Schwarzenegger ohm. The first phase was connected to the network in September 2013 for testing.
The power plant was officially opened February 13, 2014. And now it is the world's largest solar thermal power plant.
The total area of ​​the object is14.2 sq. km.
In total, this system, owned by NRG Energy, Google and BrightSource Energy, provides electricity to 140,000 private households in California.
The power plant was built by BrightSource Energy and Bechtel at a cost of US$2.18 billion.
The project received a $1.6 billion loan guaranteed by the US Department of Energy.
The largest investor in the project was the energy company NRG Energy. Google also contributed financially to the project.

Video about the construction of a large-scale structure


Now Ivanpah accounts for 30% of all electricity generated by solar power plants in the United States.
The operation of the power plant is supported by 86 operators and service personnel.

The LPT 550 power tower generates electricity in the same way as traditional power plants - by generating high temperature steam to turn on the turbine.
The installation consists of fields heliostatic mirrors, guides sunlight on water tanks located on the central power solar towers. generated in tanks steam that spins special turbines Siemens SST-900.
During operation, the tanks glow very brightly.
At the site, light is focused by mirrors on three 140-meter towers, which are heated to 540 degrees, due to which the water inside them turns into superheated steam. Power generators run on this steam.
The environmental friendliness of the project allows avoiding the emission of 400,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, which corresponds to the emissions of 72,000 cars.

Simplified diagram of the power plant