The Tale of the Auxiliary Verb in Russian. Fairy tale about verbs in an indefinite form for the lesson of the Russian language

Lived-were in a certain kingdom, in a certain state of the part of speech.
Each had its own house in the forest, everyone lived together, went to visit each other, sang songs, danced. And only one Verb, respected by all, walked sad, sighed heavily, and then completely stopped visiting.
Gathered parts of the speech Council of Elders. They sent a Noun to Uncle Verb to find out what was the matter. But the sad Verb did not
talk about your trouble. No one was sent: Adjective, Numeral, Pronoun, Adverb, even the little shorties Particle, Union and Preposition ran to the Verb, but they didn’t learn anything.
Finally went Interjection. All the way it stumbled and sighed:
- Oh, oh, uh, uh...
When the Verb opened the door, it groaned loudly:
- Oh-oh-oh ... How we feel sorry for you, dear Verb!
And for so long the Interjection groaned and oohed that the Verb decided to tell
about your trouble.
“How can I not be sad,” he began sadly, and from his eyes into this
tears fell for a minute. - The guys don’t like me, as soon as they start conjugating me, they confuse my endings: in the first conjugation, you need to write the letter E in an unstressed position, and in the second, the letter I ... The guys forget, they get angry with me ... They even composed a teaser:
Harmful Uncle Verb,
Why did you come to us?
Twos, ones -
Here are your sisters...
The interjection first said "ha-ha-ha", and then came to its senses and frowned:
- Fi, shame on them!
- What should I do? Verb sobbed loudly. - I love the guys, because
they are so active: they jump, run, draw, fight, shout ... I live
I can’t live without them… Oh, I must, I must do something, because I’m the Verb!
The interjection groaned and ran to parts of speech. They conferred for a long time and decided that they could not do without the wise wizard Grammaticus. Sent
delegation to the Grammaticus.
And the wizard-sage just watered the flowers and sang songs. When parts of the speech told about the trouble of the Verb, Grammaticus scratched the back of his head (as is customary for thoughts to become wiser), and then said:
- Here, remember the song and pass it on to the Verb, let him teach the guys.
They will sing together - they will never make mistakes ...

Conjugations have a law
And it's not complicated at all:
Drive, hold
Watch and see
Breathe, hear, hate,
And depend, and twirl,
And hurt and endure
And verbs, what to -it,
Except for two: lay and shave, -
We conjugate them with the letter I ...
To remember, repeat ....

Grammaticus repeated the song so many times that the parts of the speech were memorized and ran to please the unfortunate sufferer. The verb now walks cheerfully, sings a song all day long. I forgot my previous troubles, I am friends with the guys. They loved him. And what? The verb is also human!

How to understand the conjugation of the English verb “to be”, if you don’t even understand what the conjugation is? How to use the auxiliary verbs “do” and “does” if there are no such concepts in the Russian language? You can, of course, read the entry "" and understand everything. And you can read a grammatical tale about auxiliary verbs. The fairy tale will be interesting not only for young children, but also for adults themselves.

If it is necessary to explain the conjugation of verbs to children, then Tamara Bobrova from Moscow suggests designing the stand as follows: Place three houses on the stand in which pronouns live. In the first house - "I", in the second house - "he, she, it", in the third house - "we, you, they". Both the houses and the characters living in them can be decorated in the style of Walt Disney cartoons. In advance, you need to prepare pictures that depict cartoon characters denoting the verbs “be”, “am”, “is”, “are”. And you can start telling the story.

A grammatical tale about auxiliary verbs

In a certain kingdom there was a small town with three houses, in which very interesting inhabitants lived.

I lived in the first house, very selfish and arrogant: he wrote his name only with a capital letter, did not make friends with anyone and lived alone. Two faithful friends settled in a neighboring house: he and she, who had a favorite toy it. We, you, they lived in the third house. The city was ruled by the wise sorceress Grammar.

One day the verb be came to the city. He didn't know anyone here and wanted to make friends with the residents. He knocked on the door where I lived and very politely said: “Hello, my name is be, let's be friends!” But I replied: "Go away, I don't like you!" Be was very upset and left. He was received just as ungraciously in the other two houses. Be did not know what to do, he was so lonely!

In tears, he came to the sorceress Grammar and told her about his misfortune. She listened to him and decided to help. She said: “I am very sorry that my subjects treated you this way. Let's fool them a little. You see, there is a chest in the corner. It has masks and different clothes. Change your clothes!" Be changed clothes and became the verb am. In this form, he came to I and was gladly received by him. In this way, he changed clothes two more times, became the verbs is and are, and made friends with all the inhabitants of the city.

Tip for adults

This tale makes it clear that the verbs am, is, are are still the same verb be, only “disguised”. The conjugation of the verb have can be explained in a similar way. When studying the interrogative and negative forms of familiar verbs, one can say that am, is, are, have, has are so strong that they can do everything themselves: in questions they come first or after the interrogative word, and in negations, the particle not becomes immediately after them.

When the study of verbs that require the auxiliary verbs do, does in interrogative and negative sentences begins, the tale can continue. On the stand in front of each house, an image of a car is attached, where it is written: do (in front of the houses with I, we, you, they) and does (in front of the house with he, she, it). Pictures denoting verbs like want, like, love are also attached to the stand. Explain to the children that these verbs are weak and cannot form questions and negatives on their own. They need helpers. Cars do and does help them, but since does is a more comfortable car, he charges for services - ending with s.

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

consonant dispute.

They lived in one kingdom - there were consonant sounds. Once, an amazing dispute took place between voiced and deaf consonants.

In such words as MUSHROOM, TOOTH, FROST, EYE, CITY, you need to write the letter of a voiced consonant at the end, - the voiced consonants repeated.

No it is not true. You need to write a deaf consonant, - said the deaf.

The deaf did not let up, because they wanted, as they say, to take power into their own hands.

Try to prove that in the words GARDEN, OAK, KOLOS, LUNCH, you need to write a letter, a voiced consonant sound at the end, and not a deaf one, - deaf consonants grinned.

The voices were despondent. After all, they did not know the most important thing - the rules. And almost died. But the king himself came to their aid - the almighty RULE.

Paired voiced and deaf consonants must be checked. To do this, you need to change the word so that a vowel sound is heard after the consonant. For example: oak - oaks, lunch - dinners, frost - frost, - the king calmly explained the Rule.

The voiced ones thanked the king for their help and went to put up with the deaf consonants.

Remember, guys, the rules must always be taught. If you do not know them, then any enemy can defeat you, - said the almighty Rule in conclusion.

Who is more important?

In the kingdom Grammar lived two queens. One was called B, the other was called P. They always argued among themselves about which of them was more important. Queen B said: "I'm always written at the end of a word." Queen P said: "And I always say at the end of the word." And they couldn't get along with each other. And, probably, they would have argued for a long time, if not for the vowels. They said: “If not for us, no one would know what to write at the end of a word. Both of you are important: P is important for our patroness Orthoepy (pronunciation), and Queen B is for Orthography (writing).

This is how the vowels reconciled the queens, and they still live in friendship, harmony and mutual understanding, often replacing and replacing each other. But if the question is being decided who to go to the service, they turn to vowels.

Double consonants

About the girl Alla.

Once upon a time there was a girl Alla. She studied in the fifth grade.

Somehow, at home, they were asked to write words with double consonants. Allah got a deuce.

At night she had a dream. Double consonants were chasing the girl. God stumbled and fell. The letters circled above the girl and shouted indignantly:

You don't know the rules about us? After all, you can’t write now a lot of words in which we meet. As punishment, we will disappear from your name.

And Alla forgot how to write her name ...

When the children wrote Alla at the Russian language lesson, the girl could not do this and began to cry.

Why are you crying? her teacher asked.

I don't know how my name is spelled.

The teacher looked at her friend with a smile and said:

You didn't remember a single word with double consonants.

But it's not too late to do it. Learn them and your name will return to you.

The girl was delighted, she learned the rule and since then she knows how her name is spelled, and at the same time such words as: bath, cash desk, class, team, alley, collection, program, Saturday, hockey, yeast, buzz, equestrian, mass, gram, quarrel. Let's learn these words and we.

Spelling o, e, e after hissing

grammar tale

Letter O and letter Yo

The place demands its own.

Moody hissing

Consonants live together with vowels. Still would! They can't do their job without vowels. So they try not to offend their melodious girlfriends.

But it is bad for a vowel when a hissing one appears in front of it. With the letters I, Yu, Y, E, the hissing ones do not want to know at all. And how difficult it is for the letters o and e next to them! Then give the letter e to all hissing ones. They don’t like such a neighbor, and they agree to stand only next to O. So I have to write:

A black jackdaw was walking along the highway.

Hissing and at the end of words are capricious. In the words rye, night or eat, they can do without a soft sign. And in the words of a sword, a knife or a hut, they don’t want to see him.

Oh yes, hissing! Well, well done! Like magicians in a circus!

Be careful when you write words with hissing letters. They kindly warn:

Caution - Wow! We - sh - sh - hissing - shchi!

Explain the spelling of o, e in the words burn, burn.


Grammar story.

How Morphology put things in order.

It was a long time ago. There was a real mess in the words - no order!

We tried to form some words. Became this way and that - everything turns out badly. “You can’t do without a commander,” the words decided. - Let's call - to the aid of us - Morphology!

Which one of you designates the subject? Morphology asked the words.

We designate an object, - answered some.

What forms do you have?

Gender, number, case.

What can you do?

To be all members of the sentence, but first of all the subject and object.

Stand under the banner of "A noun!" Morphology ordered.

And we designate actions, we have a person, time, inclination, appearance, pledge, we can be a predicate! – reported other words.

Stand under the banner of "Verb!" Morphology answered.

Then she collected and combined all the remaining words.

Thus, with the help of Morphology, thousands of words, depending on their meaning, grammatical and syntactic functions, united under their banners.

Morphology is the commander of all parts of speech, together with Syntax it enters the kingdom of Grammar (composing it .... The king in this kingdom is the powerful Language, and the queen is the wise Grammar. She is served by a whole retinue of princes and princesses. One of them stands out, especially strict Loving Order Morphology.

It is from her, the most beautiful of princesses, that it depends in what outfit, in what armor, her devoted servants, whose names are Noun, Adjective, Numeral, Pronoun, verb, Adverb, Preposition, particle, Interjection, should act.

grammar tale

The verb and its friends.

Lived was a verb.

And then one day he decided that everyone should definitely bring some benefit to people. And he went around the wide world to look for happiness. He walked, walked, sees - the noun sits on a pebble and cries.

What are you so upset about?

Yes, I live - I live, but for what - I don’t know. I'm not doing any good

Let's go together to find happiness. Good people say that happiness and wealth are only in work.

They walked, walked and met Adjective: sad, quiet, silent.

What are you doing, Adjective, and why are you sitting here alone?

There is nothing to apply my strength to, I can not please anyone. I'm lonely. So I want to work, but I don't know where.

Come with us to seek happiness.

How long, how short they walked, suddenly found themselves in a huge fairy-tale city of Grammar. There everyone did something, worked - there was no time to be bored.

They were met very friendly and invited to work in the Proposal.

Our friends gladly agreed. Since then, the Verb has been working as a predicate. He answers the questions: What to do? What is he doing? What will he do? And others. The noun received two positions at once. It sometimes serves as a subject, and sometimes as an addition (depending on its superiors - cases.

And the adjective works in the sentence as a definition. It is always right there when you need to better define any subject.

Since then, the smile never left their faces. Well, they do benefit people! And what could be more beautiful on earth!

Grammar story.

About tenses of verbs.

How mother Glagolikha taught Verbs.

There lived - there was a mother Glagolikha with her children - ten verbs. They were cheerful and nimble. They loved to walk around the yard with their mother. During walks, she told her children a lot of interesting things about what surrounds them. So time passed, the Glagolitic people grew up, and my mother decided to take them out of the yard for their first working walk.

Children, and I and our whole family are engaged in interesting work. We are working on a proposal. There we select nouns or pronouns for ourselves and serve together ... And now we will play our favorite game of verbs. The game is called "Know my time". Only to determine the time, we will not look at the clock. We have for this ...

What do you guys think, what did Glagolikha want to tell her children about?

grammar tale


lazy - infinitive

He once said the infinitive:

Oh, you, do you have to hide like that? I'd show you, sorry I don't have time!

We will find time for you. What do you like, present or past?

The future is better, - says the Infinitive, in order to delay time a little. Don't forget the Auxiliary Verb!

Gave him an Auxiliary Verb.

Auxiliary conjugates - only the endings flicker. And the Infinitive will not move a letter.

Why should he move, why should he hide himself? He is the Infinitive, he has no time.


grammar tale

Tricks of adverbs

Adverbs are easily formed from other words. And it is no coincidence.

Adverbs appeared in Russian later than other parts of speech. By that time, names and verbs had already taken almost all the words into their possessions. So adverbs had to lure other people's words to themselves.

The easiest way to do this was with some adjectives. We replaced the ending in the word good with a suffix - about - and it turned out to be a wonderful adverb. Good!

Then adverbs got to nouns. Here it turned out to be more work: to turn the preposition into a prefix, the ending into a suffix. But from one noun, a whole bunch of adverbs is obtained: there was a noun top, but the adverbs turned out up, up, up, up, over, over and even on top - a very useful word if you need to explain that someone likes to ride, and not in cart.

Adverbs liked this very much. They tried to do the same trick with adjectives that do not want to turn into adverbs with the help of the suffix - o. It turns out? Here is the adjective new. With a suffix - o - an adverb does not work from him, but with different prefixes and suffixes - as much as you like: again, again, again, again. The word behaves in a completely new way!

Then adverbs got to numerals, and even to verbs. From two it turned out two and two, from jumping - jump and gallop, from catching up - in pursuit, from hugging - into an embrace.

Happy adverbs. And the students are not very good. These adverbs are too similar to names with prepositions. Go figure out when how to write - together or separately. And then some more adverbs like to be written in general in a special way - through a dash. So you have to be on your guard all the time so as not to make a mistake.

Spelling prefixes with verbs

grammar tale

inseparable friends

Often, sadness attacked the Verb due to the fact that he had few real friends.

And so he walked, somehow sad, with bowed head, along the river bank. Suddenly he hears someone crying. He came closer and sees: the prefix sits on a stone and is filled with burning tears.

Why are you crying? asked the Verb.

How can I not cry? - Prefix said in response.

It's so bad for me to live alone.

Well, let's be friends, and I'll have more fun.

Agree! - Prefix exclaimed with joy, wiping away a tear. - Do you have brothers?

Yes, and a lot, but they all live in different places: they jump, run, sing, shout, fight ...

Let me introduce them to my sisters - prefixes, if I don’t manage to collect them all: one is somewhere above, the other is below, the third is behind, the fourth, it seems, is in ...

Finally, the prefixes got acquainted with the verbs and became forever inseparable. So they liked to be friends ... And their children grew up, many children ...

Now, guys, do you understand why verbs with prefixes are written together?

Not with verbs

grammar tale

The power of love noble

This love was difficult and sad. He said: "I love", and she told him: "I do not love." He confessed: "I believe," and she told him: "I don't believe."

The particle Not never came close to the Verb and was written from it only separately. However, the Verb was constant in its feelings. One day, Ne says to him: “I will reciprocate if you prove that you cannot live without me.”

Verb sighed sadly and went to wander through dictionaries and textbooks. When he returned to his beloved, she, as usual, jumped away from him with a cry: “I am indignant! I hate it! And suddenly she froze in surprise, finding herself in the arms of the Verb. So the Verb proved that in some cases not only he, but also the Particle itself cannot live without each other.

According to F. Krivin


A participle is a part of speech that is part of a verb in the form of an adjective.


grammar tale

How participles and adjectives made friends.

That was a long time ago.

There was a hut in the forest. And adjectives lived in it. And in the neighborhood with them wandered in the forest of communion. And they had neither bread nor shelter.

Here they gathered somehow for communion for advice, to decide how to continue to live. We consulted and decided to apply for permanent residence to Adjectives. They went to the hut where the adjectives lived, knocked. In response they heard:

Who's there?

This is us, Communions.

What you need?

Let us into your hut, we want to live with you.

We will help as much as we can.

Go better to Verbs, -

adjectives answer, - after all, you are of verbal origin.

But we are related to you, - they ask for Communion. - And we always treat nouns, like you, and we change according to gender, according to yours, and according to numbers, and according to cases. How much closer! No wonder some students even confuse us with you.

They consulted and answered with the following words:

We will let you in, just drop the prefix and one - H - from the suffix.

The participles agreed, though not without hesitation. But since then, Adjectives and Participles have begun to live in great friendship, they go to work together.


I have this opinion about myself:

The role of the pronoun is huge!

I give myself to the cause in full:

I'm changing names!

Evil witch

In ancient times, kind and cheerful people lived in one kingdom - the state. They worked tirelessly, so their state was famous for its wealth and prosperity. And not far from this kingdom, among the gloomy rocks in a damp cave, lived an evil sorceress, who was annoyed by the fun, hard work and cheerfulness of people. She puzzled for a long time over how to harm her happy neighbors so that they stop working, having fun and enjoying life, and finally came up with a terrible revenge. She grabbed her magic staff, struck it three times on the ground and shouted:

Let these lucky ones forget their names: let the children forget the names of their parents, and the parents the names of their children; let them forget the names of everything that surrounds them!

The evil sorceress threw away her staff and, rubbing her hands with malevolence, said:

Now they, not understanding each other, will surely quarrel. Their happiness and joy will come to an end!

Let's now and we will be transported to the fairy-tale kingdom.

Unfortunately, it was already in disarray. People became gloomy, irritable, sad. Still not understanding anything, they tried to explain what had happened, but they did not succeed. This continued until the inhabitants of the magical state realized that they had forgotten their names, the names of their children, loved ones, the names of everything that surrounded them. How to return their names, how to find out the names of objects and things, they did not know. And they suffered a lot from it.

But one day a kind sage with a long gray beard accidentally got into this kingdom. People, dejected by the misfortune, rushed to meet him and, having told about their grief, asked for help to restore their former life, full of joy and fun.

Well, I will help you return the names, but it will not be right away, the sage promised. - In the meantime, I give you words instead of names and names that the evil sorceress selected. These words will only point to persons or things. Using them, you can talk, understand each other. For example, each of you will talk about yourself; if there are many of you, we will say. Turning to someone, you say, and to several people - you. When talking about someone or something, say he, she, it, if there are a lot of them - they. In the meantime, goodbye! I'm going to the evil witch for your names.

The sage searched for the cave of the fierce witch for a long time and finally got to her dwelling. He asked the witch to return the names of the inhabitants of the kingdom. The sorceress agreed, but on the condition that she would guess her tricky riddles. She was sure, of course, that no one would ever be able to figure them out.

But let's guys try to guess them together with the sage!

What kind of comb does not comb your head? Petushin.

What celestial body has two names: one is m.r., the other is f. R. The month is the moon.

What do children's words mean: murmuring, kolotok, kopatka, ryzhka, mazelin?

How to say correctly:

Fish don't have teeth

Fish don't have teeth

Or do fish have no teeth?

What part of speech helped to recognize the subject?

The pig is running

iron back,

Linen tail.

So the witch had to return the names to the inhabitants of the good kingdom. Everything fell into place, but people liked the words that the sage gave them so much that it was a pity to part with them. And people kept them for themselves to also use in speech. Since these words were given instead of names and names of objects, they were called so: “pronouns”, that is, “instead of a name”, but then the letter in was lost, and the words began to be called pronouns.


How to do without a number

Could science be exact?

Every business needs an account.

You and with the numeral be friendly.

Grammar tales and stories.

Who will count?

Numerals love counting! Not immediately, a person learned to count and created a numeral. Of all the parts of speech, this is the youngest.

Do you want to hear how the Numeral was first put forward by other parts of speech? Unfortunately, we got to the end of their conversation.

Who is in favor of this proposal, please raise your hand, - said the chairman. – Noun, count the number of votes.

Someone shouted: “A lot”, and the Noun picked up:

A lot of!

You didn't count! Or do you not want to count?

Dear Chairman, the Verb stood up. -

Numeral!!! the room sighed in unison.

Here, it turns out, what an important part of speech is the Numeral.

One thousand

When a thousand showed up for the offer, all the seats were already taken. The Thousand hesitated, and then approached the largest Word, assuming that it was the most important.

A million apologies, said a thousand. “I will take no more than one minute from you.

Please, the Word kindly answered. - I'm listening.

Help me get settled in the offer, - asked the Thousand. -

I need a little, just a little, just to stick somewhere to the edge.

How can I help you?

Oh, you are here - the biggest word, the most important member of the sentence!

Unfortunately, I'm not the main member, - said the Word with real regret. - I'm just a participle...

What about your size? Does no one care about her?

What's the magnitude? Do you see the shortest word? But this is the subject!

So this is what it is, the subject - Thousand held out, immediately losing interest in her interlocutor. And went to the subject.

The subject was busy with urgent work and therefore did not waste words.

A noun, - it briefly introduced itself to the Thousand. - And your name?

Numeral, - said the Thousand and immediately added: - You can simply call me Thousand. That's what everyone I know calls me.

And the Thousand made their request.

Really, I don't know how to help you, - said the Noun. All vacancies are filled with us ... Is it possible to enroll you in the position of official word?

A thousand winced.

No, I’m unlikely to be suitable for this case, ”she said and, after thinking a little, suggested:“ What if I am enlisted instead of the participle? I'll take up much less space...

It's not about the place, said Noun. “The gerund does a great job, but I'm not sure if you can do it. After all, I don’t even know your qualities ...

Why do you need quality? Thousand interrupted him. I have a quantity - and that's enough.

Quantity? the Noun asked. - Well, the quantity is also good. You know what? I will leave you with me. This will be the right place for you.

And the Thousand remained with the Noun.

At first, it tried to give her various small tasks, but this did not lead to anything. The Thousand not only did not obey the Noun, but did not even want to agree with it.

Little by little, she began to control the Noun, and then completely took its place, becoming the first part of the subject and pushing the Noun into the background.

And the Noun didn't even resist. Moreover, it gave way to the Thousand its nominative case, and itself was satisfied with the genitive. So it bowed before its quantity.

According to F. Krivin


We, - said the Particles, -

We can make friends with everyone.

We express the assertion

We deny and doubt ...

Grammar tales and stories.

Official position of the particles.

There were doubts, there were dreams, but there were also hopes that doubts would be dispelled, and dreams would come true!

Were there…

Would it be… Three small particles in which all this was expressed with the greatest force…

Despite their official position, they are completely independent and are written separately from other words - this must always be firmly remembered!

Each of them is busy with their own business in the proposal, trying to emphasize the main idea so that it becomes clear to everyone. And in off-duty hours ... Oh, what service words just don’t talk about in off-duty hours! You will never read this in the text.

If I had not two, but at least three letters, - says the particle Would, - I would say this!

Ah, this particle of By, how dreamy it is. She always wants what is not there.

Hardly, - the particle of Lee objects to her, true to her habit of doubting everything. - And do you need an extra letter?

This is an empty conversation, - a particle stops them, accustomed to look at things differently. “Two letters are enough for you - you are not supposed to spell more.

But the particle would be hard to stop.

If I were the Subject, she suddenly declares, I would put things in order in this text.

Oy! Do you want to put things in order in the text?

Yes, stop it. We have the same order. This order is established by Grammar.

This is how particles argue in their free time. Although they are all service words, each has its own character, so they behave differently in the text.

Would - dreams. Lee is doubtful. Same, he claims.

And try to live without at least one of these particles! Don't live! Try not to doubt anything. Try not to say anything. Try not to dream about anything.

Can you live? You can't. According to Krivin.


Grammar tales

About the benefits of punctuation marks

The person lost a comma, became afraid of complex sentences, and was looking for a simpler phrase. For simple phrases came simple thoughts.

Then he lost the exclamation mark and the question mark and stopped asking any questions. No events aroused his curiosity, no matter where they happened - in space, on Earth, or even in his own apartment.

After a couple of years, he lost his colon and stopped explaining his actions to people.

By the end of his life, he was left with only quotation marks. He did not express a single idea of ​​his own, he always quoted someone: so he completely forgot how to think and reached the point.

Watch out for punctuation marks!

A. Kanevsky

Three dots

The three dots came together and started talking.

What's up? What's new?

Yes, it's the same.

Pleasant little...

At the Point, it is known, life is a point. It is remembered only at the very end, when there is nothing to add to the proposal. But how you want to get into an unfinished sentence, to truly express yourself.

What if we all try? Individually, each of us may mean a little, but together…

Really, shall we try?

Just to find a suitable offer.

The dots became alert and began to vigilantly follow the text. This is a complete sentence, this is a complete one. Here!..

The dots rushed into the unfinished sentence and, as if nothing had happened, stood up for the last word.

Another word. Which was already ready to break off the pen to take its place in the sentence, suddenly noticed the Point.

Where did you come from? You didn't stand here.

No, she was.

You couldn't stand here.

Calm down, please, - the second Point intervened in the conversation. - She stands behind me personally, but I didn’t see you for some reason.

But you didn't stand here either, - the Word was indignant, hanging on the tip of a pen.

Did she not stand? - the third Point was indignant. - Come to your senses. She is behind me!

The word sees that there will be no end to these dots, and begins to get angry ...

And the dots stand and laugh. Three Dots is not one for you. In a sentence, three dots mean something.


The little devil knew her business. She separated the most difficult words with great skill, adding uncommon sentences, even taking part in the formation of some parts of speech. What the dash did not endure in its lifetime - and it never violated the transfer rules.

But it happens like this: a good worker stayed in his place for a long time and did not advance anywhere in the service.

But suddenly Dash was called and said:

We are thinking of promoting you and transferring you to Tire's place. There is more space, you can turn around ...

But I can't do it, - Dash hesitated.

Nothing, do it. In which case, we will help.

And they put the Dash in the place of the Dash - between the two additions. And these Additions just opposed themselves to each other and therefore kept at some distance. As long as Tire stood between them, they succeeded, but when Dash appeared, she first tried to bring them closer. What started here...

Move over! shouted the first Addendum to its neighbour. There can be nothing in common between us!

Move yourself away! – retorted the second Addendum. - I don't want to see you.

Stop, Stop! – begged them Dash.

No need to quarrel.

But she was pressed down, and she could not say anything more. And the Additions were so dispersed that the Predicate itself drew attention to them, to which they were directly subordinate.

Stop messing around! the predicate shouted at them. - What's going on between you?

Additions immediately subsided. They understood that it was impossible to joke with the Predicate.

Between us… - the first Addendum stammered.

There is some kind of Dash between us, but there should be a dash, - the second Addendum said in a barely audible voice.

Only now the Predicate noticed the Dash:

How did you get here?

I work here. I was transferred here to turn around ...

You cannot turn around here,” the Predicate explained. You don't have data for that.

I don't have data? You should have seen how I connected the words!

I don’t know what you connected there, ”said the Predicate, who was already beginning to get bored with this conversation,“ but here you are not in the right place. This is a clear mistake.

Do you think so? Well, you can keep your opinion. But remember, I'm not going anywhere.

Dash makes noise, scandals, does not understand what happened to her.

She was such a modest Dash, so well-mannered, and she did a good job, but they promoted her, put her in the wrong place ...

Yes, of course it was a mistake.

soft sign

Grammar tales and stories.

Mysterious stranger

Someone called. The door opened, and a handsome, pretty letter looked out (I won’t say which one, guess for yourself.

Does such and such a letter live here?


Could you work now?

But as?

Stay at the beginning of a word. The word - then, you understand, begins, and you must, therefore, stand at the very beginning of it, see that the previous word does not jump on it ...

I don't work at the beginning of a word.

And then here: there is a place - between the consonant letter and the letter A, you need to fit there and, therefore ...

Sorry, I don't go to places like this.

That's how it is! And if there are two consonants, stand between them? To keep them from hitting each other?

What are these letters, please?

The first is H, followed by C.

No, I won't go there.

And after H, before T?

If in the verb - then with pleasure.

No, in a noun.

I can't help you.

The door slammed shut.

What letter was it? And how to understand: in a verb she can, but in a noun she doesn’t want to?

Always a hard letter Sh and a Soft Sign

The Soft Sign has been hopelessly in love with the letter Sh for a long time. It follows it like a shadow, from word to word, but all in vain. The letter W hates letters from which you will never get a sound.

And the soft Sign is just that. He is timid, shy, does not try to stand out in the line, to take the first place in the word. He is so quiet and inconspicuous that even in control dictations they often forget about him.

Other letters, which have to meet closely with the Soft Sign, like these qualities of it. Many of them even soften themselves from his proximity.

Only the letter Ш does not soften, despite the efforts of the Soft Sign. It is still firm and hisses so much that the Soft Sign literally loses control. But he can’t help himself, and every time he again stands next to the letter Ш - in second-person verbs or in nouns 3 - declension.

When it will end is hard to say. The Soft Sign is too soft in character, and he is unable to resist the strict laws of grammar, which alone controls everything that is written on paper - from a small comma to the Hard Sign itself.

According to F. Krivin

Solid Sign

"Sat porridge" ...

Dunno wrote a dictation.

“Sit down porridge. I drink water. I'm taking Semyon. Scored Kolya, ”he diligently deduced.

Oh oh oh! - Worried about misspelled words. - In this form, we can not appear in society: we will be ridiculed.

What happened to you? Neznaykin was surprised.

Nothing - you don't know! - the letters E, Yo, Yu, Ya grieved. - In these words we designate two sounds, but we do it in writing with the help of the dividing b, which is placed in front of us after the prefix, and the dividing b, used in other cases. You, Neznaykin, have lost our assistants, and now everyone thinks that we denote only one sound, and they read: “sat, drink, semka, kolya” - instead of “ate, drink, shoot, stakes.”

Introductory words

grammar tale


Fortunately, we have come ... But think that we have come to happiness. There was nothing like that where we arrived, but we walked for so long and were so tired on the road that when we finally arrived, we breathed a sigh of relief:

Luckily we came...

It's all about this comma, which separated happiness from us, turned it into a little meaning introductory word. Maybe not at all in the word that should have been said in this case ...

Maybe not that, but maybe that.

Maybe nothing can, because it means an action, but some indefinite probability. And here again it's a comma. Divorced these commas. And most importantly, you do not know where to put them.

The main thing here is not the main thing, this is the introductory word. Separated from the proposal on both sides, and therefore considers himself the main one.

And in the sentence it is not that the main, and not even a secondary member. They brought it in - it's worth it. It can be deduced without much damage to the meaning.

You will deduce - you will save two commas, which are more needed in other places. Although, in conscience, it is better to do without them. Conscience has nothing to do with it, conscience is again an introductory word, which means that you can do without it. You can do without conscience if it is just an introductory word.

Unfortunately, we have to...

No, no one is in a hurry unfortunately, although unfortunately no one is in a hurry. With these introductory words, you never know what is real, and what is just like that, without which it is possible to do without.

According to F. Krivin


Grammar tales and short stories

The vowels quarreled

One day A and O were walking in the forest picking berries. And suddenly they quarreled so much that even the birds scattered, the animals fled, the trees drooped - everyone felt ashamed of them, it was disgusting to listen to how they cursed.

And why did they suddenly quarrel? The fact is that when O or A stand without stress, then each wants to take the place of the other. This is where it starts...

Fortunately, the wizard Accent came to the rescue. As soon as he strikes a vowel with a magic wand, it is immediately heard clearly and there cannot be even the slightest doubt about its spelling. Children who passed by and also picked berries learned about this. They really wanted to make friends with the wizard so that they could always write vowels correctly. They agreed to always call him for help when vowels A and O occur in words (and others too, for example, E - I).

Since then, children have been writing correctly, and vowels have not quarreled. And why should they quarrel if there is a magician Accent! You just need to call him for help in time. And you guys call him too when you're in doubt about what letter to write. He will always help!

Wizard Accent

Once the words were gathered for advice, they began to say how useful and significant they are. But they forgot to invite words to their advice Emphasis. And it was very offended. When the words began to come out, the Emphasis suddenly jumped out from somewhere and shouted:

What do you mean without me? If I want, I will take and change the meanings of some of you!

Words, of course, did not believe. Castle stepped forward and said:

I'm not afraid of you, I'm so strong and heavy that I can handle some kind of stress. After all, Emphasis is just a dash!

The stress got angry and suddenly jumped from the last syllable to the first, and the Castle disappeared, and the Castle appeared before everyone's eyes. The words were noisy. Then Squirrels came forward and said:

We are the most important parts of any living organism, and even with us, the Emphasis will not do anything.

The accent smiled slyly and moved to another syllable: everyone saw that before them were living graceful Squirrels.

The words began to resent, to shame the Emphasis, but it continued to prove its significance. The stress on the words jumped, and now instead of Atlas it turned out to be Atlas, instead of Drops - Drops, Instead of Road - Road, Cities - Cities. And how many more such words have been chosen by the Emphasis on its way! They see the words that things are bad - they cannot do without the Emphasis! They gave him a place of honor at their meeting and since then they have been treating Stress with great respect.

Magic transformations, or the story of
how letters taught an inattentive schoolboy a lesson

I used to be inattentive and often made mistakes. I can't say it made me very sad.

Think importance. Wrote the wrong letter, I reasoned.

However, the letters themselves thought otherwise. They were very indignant at the dismissive attitude towards them and, finally, decided to teach me a lesson.

…It started in the morning. I didn’t manage to wash myself, because there was no water, - some kind of white powder was pouring out of the tap. I didn’t have to have breakfast: as soon as I reached out my hand to her, Bulka turned into an agile fluffy animal, Cheese into a gloomy gloomy bird, and instead of tea, the glass turned out to be filled with acrid smoke.

Failures haunted me even when I sat down for lessons. There was no ink, instead there were berries in the inkwell. "Well, that's not a problem!" - I thought and began to solve examples. However, as soon as I wrote the first Line, it immediately turned into a bird and flew away. Seeing the fugitive with a confused look, I sighed and took up my pencil again, but immediately noticed that instead of the mathematical sign Minus I wrote a trigonometric function ... The latter was all the more surprising since we had not yet gone through trigonometry.

“What a misfortune,” I thought, put down my pencil and took up the book. I had to learn Krylov's fable, which talks about how badly it turns out when there is no harmony in joint work. I opened the book, found a fable, but… I did not recognize the characters. One of them, the Swan, turned into a weed, the other Cancer - into a garden plant with large bright flowers, the third Pike - into the protagonist from M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom".

This is where my patience ran out. I dropped my briefcase and went to the window. The street was white, smart, snowflakes merrily swirled in the air. I'll go for a walk, go skiing, and then work out. But my trip did not take place. My Skis, which usually stood in the corridor, were not there, but instead of them I saw ...

Yes, what is it really! I exclaimed. - The skis couldn't melt! However, it looked like the skis had really melted. In any case, I had to arm myself with a rag and clean up. Since then, I have become more attentive: I realized that even one letter can have power.

Lived-were in a certain kingdom, in a certain state of the part of speech.
Each had its own house in the forest, everyone lived together, went to visit each other, sang songs, danced. And only one Verb, respected by all, walked sad, sighed heavily, and then completely stopped visiting.
Gathered parts of the speech Council of Elders. They sent a Noun to Uncle Verb to find out what was the matter. But the sad Verb did not
talk about your trouble. No one was sent: Adjective, Numeral, Pronoun, Adverb, even the little shorties Particle, Union and Preposition ran to the Verb, but they didn’t learn anything.
Finally went Interjection. All the way it stumbled and sighed:
- Oh, oh, uh, uh...
When the Verb opened the door, it groaned loudly:
- Oh-oh-oh... How we feel sorry for you, dear Verb!
And for so long the Interjection groaned and oohed that the Verb decided to tell
about your trouble.
“How can I not be sad,” he began sadly, and from his eyes into this
tears fell for a minute. - The guys don’t like me, as soon as they start conjugating me, they confuse my endings: in the first conjugation, you need to write the letter E in an unstressed position, and in the second, the letter I ... The guys forget, they get angry with me ... They even composed a teaser:
Harmful Uncle Verb,
Why did you come to us?
Twos, ones -
Here are your sisters...
The interjection first said "ha-ha-ha", and then came to its senses and frowned:
- Fi, shame on them!
- What should I do? Verb sobbed loudly. - I love the guys, because
they are so active: they jump, run, draw, fight, shout... I live
I can't live without them... Oh, I have to, I have to do something, because I'm the Verb!
The interjection groaned and ran to parts of speech. They conferred for a long time and decided that they could not do without the wise wizard Grammaticus. Sent
delegation to the Grammaticus.
And the wizard-sage just watered the flowers and sang songs. - site When the parts of speech told about the trouble of the Verb, Grammaticus scratched his head (as it is customary for thoughts to become wiser), and then said:
- Here, remember the song and pass it on to the Verb, let him teach the guys.
They will sing together - they will never make mistakes ...

Conjugations have a law
And it's not complicated at all:
Drive, hold
Watch and see
Breathe, hear, hate,
And depend, and twirl,
And hurt and endure
And verbs, what to -it,
Except for two: lay and shave, -
We conjugate them with the letter I ...
To remember, repeat ....

Grammaticus repeated the song so many times that the parts of the speech were memorized and ran to please the unfortunate sufferer. The verb now walks cheerfully, sings a song all day long. I forgot my previous troubles, I am friends with the guys. They loved him. And what? The verb is also human!

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