A state of anxiety for no reason what to do. How to get rid of feelings of anxiety

Anxiety is the tendency of a person to experience a state of anxiety. Most often, a person's anxiety is associated with the expectation of the social consequences of his success or failure. Anxiety and anxiety are closely related to stress. On the one hand, anxious emotions are symptoms of stress. On the other hand, the initial level of anxiety determines individual sensitivity to stress.

Anxiety- groundless indefinite excitement, a premonition of danger, a threatening catastrophe with a feeling of internal tension, fearful expectation; can be perceived as pointless anxiety.

Increased anxiety

Increased anxiety as a personal characteristic is often formed in people whose parents often forbade something and frightened with the consequences, such a person could be in a state of internal conflict for long periods of time. For example, a child in excitement looks forward to an adventure, and a parent to him: “this is impossible”, “this is necessary”, “this is dangerous”. And then the joy of the upcoming trip to the campaign is drowned out by prohibitions and restrictions sounding in the head, and at the end we get an alarming state.

A person transfers such a scheme into adulthood, and here it is - increased anxiety. The habit of worrying about everything can be inherited, a person repeats the patterns of behavior of a restless mother or grandmother who is worried about everything and receives an appropriate picture of the world “inherited”. In it, he appears as a loser, on whose head all possible bricks must fall, but it cannot be otherwise. Such thoughts are always associated with strong self-doubt, which began to form even in the parental family.

Such a child, most likely, was fenced off from activities, did a lot for him and was not allowed to get any experience, especially negative. As a result, infantilism is formed, there is always a fear of a mistake.

In adulthood, people rarely realize this model, but it continues to work and influence their lives - fear of error, distrust in one's own strengths and abilities, distrust of the world give rise to a constant feeling of anxiety. Such a person will strive to control everything in his life and the lives of loved ones, because he was brought up in an atmosphere of distrust in the world.

Such attitudes as: “the world is not safe”, “you constantly need to wait for a dirty trick from anywhere and from anyone” - were decisive in his parental family. This may be due to family history, when parents received similar messages from their parents, who survived, for example, war, betrayal, and many hardships. And it seems that now everything is fine, and the memory of difficult events is preserved for several generations.

In relation to others, an anxious person does not believe in their ability to do something well on their own, precisely because he himself has been beaten on the hands all his life and convinced that he himself can do nothing. Learned helplessness, formed in childhood, is projected onto others. “No matter how hard you try, it’s still useless” And then - “and a brick, of course, will fall on me, and my loved one will not escape it”

A person brought up in such a picture of the world is constantly within the framework of duty - he was once inspired with what he should be and what to do, what other people should be, otherwise his life will not be safe if everything goes wrong as it should." A person drives himself into a trap: after all, in real life, everything cannot (and should not!) correspond to once acquired ideas, it is impossible to keep everything under control, and a person, feeling that he “can’t cope”, produces more and more disturbing thoughts.

Also, the formation of a personality prone to anxiety is directly influenced by stress, psychotrauma, a situation of insecurity in which a person has been for a long time, for example, physical punishment, lack of emotional contact with loved ones. All this forms a distrust of the world, a desire to control everything, worry about everything and think negatively.

Increased anxiety does not allow to live here and now, a person constantly avoids the present, being in regrets, fears, worries about the past and future. What can you do for yourself, in addition to working with a psychologist, how to cope with anxiety yourself, at least in the first approximation?

Causes of anxiety

Like stress in general, anxiety isn't exactly good or bad. Anxiety and anxiety are integral components of normal life. Sometimes anxiety is natural, appropriate, useful. Everyone feels anxious, restless or tense in certain situations, especially if they have to do something out of the ordinary or prepare for it. For example, speaking in front of an audience with a speech or taking an exam. A person may experience anxiety when walking down an unlit street at night or when they get lost in a strange city. This kind of anxiety is normal and even beneficial, as it prompts you to prepare a speech, to study the material before the exam, to think about whether you really need to go out at night all alone.

In other cases, anxiety is unnatural, pathological, inadequate, harmful. It becomes chronic, permanent and begins to appear not only in stressful situations, but also for no apparent reason. Then anxiety not only does not help a person, but, on the contrary, begins to interfere with his daily activities. Anxiety works in two ways. Firstly, it affects the mental state, making us worry, reduces the ability to concentrate, and sometimes causes sleep disturbances. Secondly, it also has an effect on the general physical condition, causing such physiological disorders as rapid heart rate, dizziness, trembling, indigestion, sweating, hyperventilation of the lungs, etc. Anxiety becomes a disease when the intensity of the anxiety experienced does not correspond to the situation. This increased anxiety stands out in a separate group of diseases known as pathological anxiety conditions. At least 10% of people suffer from such diseases in one form or another at least once in their lives.

Post-traumatic stress disorders are common among war veterans, but anyone who has experienced events that go beyond ordinary life can suffer from them. Often in dreams such events are experienced again. Generalized Anxiety Disorders: In this case, the person feels a constant sense of anxiety. Often this causes mysterious physical symptoms. Sometimes doctors cannot figure out the causes of a particular disease for a long time, they prescribe a lot of tests to detect diseases of the heart, nervous and digestive systems, although in fact the reason lies in mental disorders. Adjustment disorder. A state of subjective distress and emotional disturbance that interferes with normal activities and occurs during adjustment to a major life change or stressful event.

Types of Anxiety


Panic is sudden, recurring bouts of intense fear and anxiety, often for no reason at all. This can be combined with agoraphobia, when the patient avoids open spaces, people, for fear of panicking.


Phobias are illogical fears. This group of disorders includes social phobias, in which the patient avoids appearing in public, talking to people, eating in restaurants, and simple phobias, when a person is afraid of snakes, spiders, heights, etc.

obsessive manic disorder

Obsessive manic disorders - a condition when a person periodically has the same type of ideas, thoughts and desires. For example, he constantly washes his hands, checks if the electricity is turned off, if the doors are locked, etc.

Disorders due to post-traumatic stress

Post-traumatic stress disorders are common among war veterans, but anyone who has experienced events that go beyond ordinary life can suffer from them. Often in dreams such events are experienced again.

Generalized Anxiety-Based Disorders

In this case, a person feels a constant feeling of anxiety. Often this causes mysterious physical symptoms. Sometimes doctors cannot figure out the causes of a particular disease for a long time, they prescribe a lot of tests to detect diseases of the heart, nervous and digestive systems, although in fact the reason lies in mental disorders.

Anxiety symptoms

People with anxiety disorders have a variety of physical symptoms, in addition to the non-physical symptoms that characterize this type of disorder: excessive, abnormal anxiety. Many of these symptoms are similar to those present in people suffering from diseases such as myocardial infarction or stroke, and this leads to a further increase in anxiety. The following is a list of physical symptoms associated with anxiety and worry:

  • shiver;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • back pain;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • numbness or "goosebumps" in the arms, hands, or legs;
  • sweating;
  • hyperemia;
  • anxiety;
  • mild fatigue;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • irritability;
  • muscle tension;
  • frequent urination;
  • difficulty falling or staying asleep;
  • easy onset of fear.

Anxiety treatment

Anxiety disorders can be effectively treated with rational persuasion, medication, or both. Supportive psychotherapy can help a person understand the psychological factors that trigger anxiety disorders, as well as teach them to gradually cope with them. Anxiety symptoms are sometimes reduced with relaxation, biofeedback, and meditation. There are several types of medicines that allow some patients to get rid of such painful phenomena as excessive fussiness, muscle tension or inability to sleep. Taking these medicines is safe and effective if you follow your doctor's instructions. In this case, the intake of alcohol, caffeine, as well as cigarette smoking, which can increase anxiety should be avoided. If you are taking medication for an anxiety disorder, check with your doctor first before you start drinking alcohol or taking any other medication.

Not all methods and treatment regimens are equally well suited to all patients. You and your doctor should work together to decide which combination of treatments is best for you. When deciding on the need for treatment, it should be borne in mind that in most cases an anxiety disorder does not go away on its own, but transforms into chronic diseases of the internal organs, depression, or takes on a severe generalized form. Stomach ulcers, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome and many other diseases are often the result of neglected anxiety disorder. Psychotherapy is the cornerstone of the treatment of anxiety disorders. It allows you to identify the true cause of the development of an anxiety disorder, teach a person ways to relax and control their own state.

Special techniques can reduce sensitivity to provoking factors. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the desire of the patient to correct the situation and the time elapsed from the onset of symptoms to the start of therapy. Drug treatment of anxiety disorders includes the use of antidepressants, tranquilizers, and adrenoblockers. Beta-blockers are used to relieve autonomic symptoms (palpitations, increased blood pressure). Tranquilizers reduce the severity of anxiety, fear, help normalize sleep, relieve muscle tension. The disadvantage of tranquilizers is the ability to cause addiction, dependence and withdrawal syndrome, so they are prescribed only for strict indications and a short course. It is unacceptable to take alcohol during treatment with tranquilizers - respiratory arrest is possible.

Tranquilizers should be taken with caution at work that requires increased attention and concentration: drivers, dispatchers, etc. In most cases, in the treatment of anxiety disorders, antidepressants are preferred, which can be prescribed for a long course, since they do not cause addiction and dependence. A feature of the drugs is the gradual development of the effect (over several days and even weeks), associated with the mechanism of their action. An important result in treatment is the reduction of anxiety. In addition, antidepressants increase the threshold of pain sensitivity (used for chronic pain syndromes), contribute to the removal of autonomic disorders.

Questions and answers on the topic "Anxiety"

Question:My child (14 years old) has constant anxiety. He can't describe his anxiety, just constant excitement for no reason. Which doctor can show it? Thank you.

Answer: Anxiety is a particularly acute problem for adolescents. Due to a number of age characteristics, adolescence is often called the "age of anxiety". Adolescents are worried about their appearance, about problems at school, relationships with parents, teachers, peers. A psychologist or psychotherapist will help to understand the reasons.

It is impossible to live without it. We are talking about an unpleasant and vague state called anxiety or anxiety. Such sensations arise when a person is waiting for something bad: bad news, an unfavorable course of events or the outcome of something. Despite the fact that many view anxiety as something negative, it is not 100% good or bad. In some situations, it can even be useful. Which ones exactly? Let's figure it out together.

Anxiety disorder: what is it?

First of all, it is worth noting that worry and anxiety have little in common with the concept of "fear". The latter is subject - it is caused by something. Anxiety can arise for no apparent reason and disturb a person for a long time.

One type of disorder that a person can develop is an anxiety disorder. This is a specific psycho-emotional state that has its own symptoms. From time to time, each individual may experience anxiety due to certain circumstances.

The appearance of anxiety is a rather serious signal, declaring that changes are taking place with the body. Therefore, we can conclude that anxiety and anxiety are a kind of factor in a person's adaptation to his environment, but only if the anxiety is not overly expressed and does not cause discomfort to the person.

Why Anxiety Disorders Occur

Despite all the achievements of science and technology, scientists and doctors have not yet been able to determine in detail who they are - the main "culprits" that cause such a pathology as anxiety. For some people, a state of anxiety and anxiety may appear for no apparent reason at all and irritating objects. The main causes of anxiety can be considered:

  • Stressful situations (anxiety occurs as a response of the body to a stimulus).
  • Serious somatic diseases (by themselves they are a cause of concern. The most common of them are bronchial asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, brain injuries, disorders of the endocrine system, etc.).
  • Taking certain medications and drugs (for example, abruptly stopping the constant use of sedative drugs can cause unreasonable feelings).
  • An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air (contributes to the aggravation of anxious anxiety and a more painful perception of a pathological condition).
  • Individual characteristics of temperament (some people are very susceptible to any changes in the environment and react to changes with fearfulness, isolation, anxiety, shyness or anxiety).

Scientists identify two main theories of the appearance of anxiety pathologies.

Psychoanalytic. This approach considers anxiety as a kind of signal that speaks of the formation of an unacceptable need, which the "suffering" tries to prevent at an unconscious level. In such a situation, the symptoms of anxiety are rather vague and represent a partial restraint of a forbidden need or its repression.

Biological. He says that any anxiety is the result of biological abnormalities in the body. At the same time, against the background of changes in the body, an active production of neurotransmitters occurs.

Anxiety and anxiety disorder (video)

An informative video about the causes, symptoms, types and effective methods of treatment and getting rid of an unpleasant phenomenon.

Anxiety symptoms

First of all, it is determined by the individual characteristics of a person and his psycho-emotional state. Someone begins to worry for no reason quite suddenly. For some, a small irritating factor is enough to create a feeling of anxiety (for example, watching a news release with another portion of not-too-pleasant news).

Some people are fighters who actively confront negative thoughts and obsessive fears. Others live in a state of round-the-clock tension, trying not to notice that an obvious pathology causes some discomfort.

In life, disturbing pathologies manifest themselves physical or emotional symptoms.

Emotions above all. They pretend to be immeasurable fear, unjustified anxiety, excessive irritability, inability to concentrate, as well as excessive emotional anxiety.

physical manifestations. They are no less common and, as a rule, always accompany emotional symptoms. These include: rapid pulse and frequent urge to empty the bladder, tremor of the extremities, profuse sweating, muscle spasms, shortness of breath,.

Additional Information. Often a person can confuse the physical manifestations of an alarming pathology and take them for diseases of organs or their systems.

Depression and anxiety: is there a relationship?

People suffering from chronic depression know firsthand what an anxiety disorder is. Doctors are convinced that depression and anxiety disorders are concepts that are closely related. Therefore, they almost always accompany each other. At the same time, there is a close psycho-emotional relationship between them: anxiety can exacerbate the depressive state, and depression, in turn, exacerbates the state of anxiety.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

A special type of mental disorder that is manifested by general anxiety over a long period of time. At the same time, the feeling of anxiety and anxiety has nothing to do with any event, object or situation.

Generalized anxiety disorders are characterized by:

  • duration (stability for six months or more);
  • generalization (anxiety is manifested in the expectation of something bad in everyday life, bad forebodings);
  • non-fixation (the feeling of anxiety has no restrictions regarding the events and factors that cause it).

The main symptoms of a generalized disorder:
  • concerns(feelings that are almost impossible to control, disturbing a person for a long time);
  • motor voltage(manifested by muscle spasms, migraines, trembling in the arms and legs, inability to relax for a long time);
  • CNS hyperactivity(the main manifestations are excessive sweating, dizziness, rapid pulse, dry mouth, etc.);
  • gastrointestinal( , increased gas formation, );
  • respiratory(difficulty breathing, feeling of constriction in the chest, etc.);
  • urogenital(in representatives of the stronger sex, they may manifest as a lack of erection or a decrease in libido, in women - menstrual irregularities).

Generalized disorder and sleep

In most cases, people suffering from this type of disorder suffer from insomnia. Difficulties arise when falling asleep. Immediately after sleep, a slight feeling of anxiety may be felt. Night terrors are frequent companions of people suffering from generalized anxiety disorders.

Additional Information. Generalized disorders often lead to overwork and exhaustion of the body due to the long absence of a full restful night's sleep.

How to recognize a person with a generalized disorder

Individuals with this type of anxiety disorder are very different from healthy people. The face and body are always tense, the eyebrows are frowned, the skin is pale, and the person himself is anxious and restless. Many patients are detached from the outside world, withdrawn and depressed.

Generalized anxiety disorder: symptoms and treatment (video)

Anxiety disorders - a signal of danger or a harmless phenomenon? Generalized anxiety disorder: symptoms and main methods of treatment.

Anxiety-depressive disorder

The quality of a person's life largely depends on his psycho-emotional state. A real scourge of our time has become such a disease as anxiety-depressive disorder. The disease can qualitatively change the life of an individual for the worse.

Another name for disorders of this type, which is more commonly used and well known in society, is neurotic disorders (neuroses). They are a combination of different symptoms, as well as a lack of awareness of the presence of a psychogenic type of disease.

Additional Information. The risk of neurosis during the life of the average person is 20-25%. Only a third of people turn to specialists for qualified help.

Symptoms of this type of disorder are divided into two types of manifestations: clinical and vegetative.

Clinical symptoms. Here, first of all, we are talking about sudden mood swings, a constant feeling of obsessive anxiety, reduced concentration of attention, absent-mindedness, reduced ability to perceive and assimilate new information.

Vegetative symptoms. They can manifest themselves with increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, frequent urge to urinate, pain in the abdomen, trembling in the body or chills.

Most of the above symptoms are experienced by many people in a banal stressful situation. A diagnosis of anxiety-depressive disorder requires a combination of at least several symptoms that torment a person for months.

Who is at risk

More prone to anxiety and worry:
  • Women. Due to the greater emotionality, nervousness and the ability to accumulate and not relieve nervous tension for a long time. One of the factors provoking neurosis in women is drastic changes in hormonal levels - during pregnancy, before menstruation, during menopause, during lactation, etc.
  • Unemployed. More likely to develop anxiety-depressive disorders than busy individuals. For most people, the lack of a permanent job and financial independence is a depressing factor that quite often leads to the emergence of addictions - alcoholism, smoking, and even drug addiction.
  • People with a hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of anxiety disorders (children whose parents suffered or suffer from anxiety disorders are at greater risk of developing an unpleasant illness).
  • Elderly people(after a person loses a sense of his own social significance - he retires, children start their own family, one of his friends dies, etc., he often develops neurotic-type disorders).
  • People suffering from serious physical illnesses.

Panic attacks

Another of the special types of anxiety disorders are, which are characterized by the same symptoms as other types of anxiety disorders (anxiety, rapid pulse, sweating, etc.). The duration of panic attacks can vary from a few minutes to an hour. Most often, these seizures occur involuntarily. Sometimes - with a strong stressful state, alcohol abuse, mental stress. During panic attacks, a person can completely lose control of himself and even go crazy.

Diagnosis of anxiety disorders

Only a psychiatrist can make a diagnosis. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary that the primary symptoms of the disease persist for several weeks or months.

Diagnosis problems are rare. It is more problematic to determine the specific type of such a disorder, since most of them have similar symptoms.

Most often, during an appointment, a psychiatrist conducts special psychological tests. They allow you to clarify the diagnosis and study the essence of the problem in more detail.

If there is a suspicion that the patient has an anxiety disorder, the doctor evaluates the following points:

  • the presence or absence of a complex of characteristic symptoms;
  • duration of anxiety symptoms;
  • whether anxiety is a banal reaction to a stressful situation;
  • whether there is a relationship between symptoms and the presence of diseases of organs and their systems.

Important! In the process of diagnosing anxiety disorders, the need to determine the causes and provoking factors that led to the appearance or aggravation of complaints comes to the fore.

Basic Treatments

The main treatments for various types of anxiety disorders are:

Anti-anxiety drug treatment. It is prescribed in case of an aggravated course of the disease and may include taking:

  • antidepressants;
  • beta-blockers;
  • tranquilizers.

Important! Drug therapy has a positive effect only in combination with psychotherapy sessions.

Anti-anxiety psychotherapy. The main task is to rid a person of negative thought patterns, as well as thoughts that increase anxiety. To eliminate excessive anxiety, in most cases, 5 to 20 sessions of psychotherapy are enough.

Confrontation. One of the ways to treat high anxiety. The essence of the method is to create an alarming situation in which a person experiences fear in an environment that is not dangerous for him. The main task of the patient is to take control of the situation and cope with his emotions. Repeated repetition of such a situation, and the way out of it instills in a person self-confidence and lowers the level of anxiety.

Hypnosis. A quick and fairly effective way to get rid of an annoying anxiety disorder. During immersion in hypnosis, the doctor brings the patient face to face with his fears and helps to overcome them.

Physical rehabilitation. A special thirty-minute set of exercises, most of which are borrowed from yoga, helps relieve nervous tension, fatigue, excessive anxiety and improve overall well-being.

In most cases, anxiety disorders do not require medication. Symptoms of the disease recede by themselves after a conversation with a professional psychiatrist or psychologist, during which the specialist voices convincing arguments and helps to take a different look at one's own anxiety, anxiety, fears and the reasons that cause them.

Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children

In a situation with children, behavioral therapy in combination with drug treatment comes to the rescue. It is generally accepted that behavioral therapy is the most effective method of getting rid of anxiety.

During psychotherapy sessions, the doctor models situations that cause fear and negative reactions in the child, and helps to choose a set of measures that can prevent the appearance of negative manifestations. Drug therapy in most cases gives a short-term and not so effective effect.

Prevention measures

As soon as the first “alarm bells” appeared, you should not put off a visit to the doctor on the back burner and wait for everything to go away by itself. Anxiety disorders significantly impair the quality of life of an individual and tend to be chronic. You should visit a psychotherapist in a timely manner, which will help you get rid of anxiety as quickly as possible and forget about the problem.

To cope with daily stress, anxiety and prevent the development of an anxiety disorder, you should:

  • adjust the diet (if you can’t eat regularly and fully, then you should regularly take special vitamin complexes);
  • if possible, limit the use of coffee, strong tea, alcohol (these products can provoke sleep disturbances and lead to panic attacks);
  • do not neglect rest (half an hour of doing what you love, which gives pleasure, will help relieve stress, excessive fatigue and anxiety);
  • exclude from the list of cases those that do not give satisfaction and cause negative emotions;
  • do not forget about physical activity (playing sports or banal house cleaning will help to switch and make the body “forget” about the problem);
  • try not to get nervous over trifles (reconsider your attitude to anxiety and the factors that cause it).
Anxiety disorder is far from a harmless phenomenon, but a serious pathology of a psychoneurotic nature, which negatively affects the quality of human life. If there are any symptoms of the disease - do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Modern medicine offers effective strategies and treatment methods that give stable and lasting results and allow you to forget about the problem for a long time.

Next article.

Anxiety and fear, how to get rid of these unpleasant sensations. Inexplicable stress, expectation of trouble, mood swings, in which case you can handle it yourself, and when you need the help of specialists. In order to understand how dangerous it is, how to get rid of them, why they arise, how to remove anxiety from the subconscious, it is necessary to understand the causes and mechanisms for the appearance of these symptoms.

The main causes of anxiety and fear

Anxiety has no real background and is an emotion, a fear of an unknown threat, a fictitious, vague premonition of a danger. Fear comes into contact with a particular situation or object.

The causes of fear and anxiety can be stress, anxiety, illness, resentment, troubles at home. The main manifestations of anxiety and fear:

  1. physical manifestation. It is expressed by chills, palpitations, sweating, asthma attacks, insomnia, lack of appetite or inability to get rid of hunger.
  2. Emotional condition. It is manifested by frequent excitement, anxiety, fear, emotional outbursts or complete apathy.

Fear and anxiety during pregnancy

The feeling of fear in pregnant women is associated with anxiety for future children. Anxiety comes in waves or haunts you day after day.

The causes of anxiety and fear can be caused by various factors:

  • Hormonal restructuring of the body of some women makes them calm and balanced, while others do not get rid of tearfulness;
  • Relationships in the family, financial situation, experience of previous pregnancies affect the level of stress;
  • The unfavorable medical prognosis and the stories of those who have already given birth do not allow getting rid of excitement and fear.

Remember Every expectant mother has a different pregnancy, and the level of medicine makes it possible to achieve a favorable outcome in the most difficult situations.

Panic attack

A panic attack comes on suddenly and usually occurs in crowded places (large shopping malls, metro, bus). There is no threat to life or visible reasons for fear at this moment. Panic disorders and related phobias plague women in their 20s and 30s.

An attack is provoked by prolonged or one-time stress, imbalance of hormones, diseases of internal organs, temperament, genetic predisposition.

There are 3 types of attack:

  1. Spontaneous panic. Appears unexpectedly, for no reason. Accompanied by intense fear and anxiety;
  2. Conditional panic. It is provoked by exposure to chemical (for example, alcohol), or biological (hormonal failure) substances;
  3. situational panic. The background for its manifestation is the unwillingness to get rid of the expectation of problems or a traumatic component.

The most common symptoms include the following conditions:

  • Pain in the chest;
  • Tachycardia;
  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • High pressure;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Fear of death;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Flushes of heat and cold;
  • Shortness of breath, feeling of fear and anxiety;
  • sudden fainting;
  • unrealized;
  • uncontrolled urination;
  • Hearing and vision impairment;
  • Impaired coordination of movements

Anxiety neurosis, features of appearance

Anxiety neurosis occurs under the influence of prolonged mental stress or severe stress, is associated with a malfunction in the autonomic system. This is a disease of the nervous system and psyche.

The main symptom is anxiety, accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • causeless anxiety;
  • Depressed state;
  • Insomnia;
  • Fear that you can't get rid of;
  • Nervousness;
  • Intrusive anxious thoughts;
  • Arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • Hypochondria;
  • severe migraines;
  • Dizziness;
  • Digestive disorder.

Anxiety neurosis can be both an independent disease and a concomitant state of phobic neurosis, depression or schizophrenia.

Attention! The disease quickly turns into a chronic disease, and the symptoms of anxiety and fear become constant companions, it is impossible to get rid of them if you do not contact a specialist in time.

During periods of exacerbation, attacks of anxiety, fear, tearfulness, irritability appear. Anxiety can gradually degenerate into hypochondria or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Features of depression

The reason for the appearance is stress, failure, lack of fulfillment and emotional shock (divorce, death of a loved one, serious illness). Depression is a disease that mainly affects residents of large cities. Failure of the metabolic process of hormones responsible for emotions causes causeless depression.

Main manifestations:

  • Sad mood;
  • Apathy;
  • Feelings of anxiety, sometimes fear;
  • Constant fatigue;
  • Closure;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Indifference;
  • Unwillingness to make decisions;
  • Lethargy.

hangover anxiety

Intoxication of the body appears in everyone who takes alcoholic beverages.

To get rid of it, all organs come into the fight against poisoning. The reaction from the nervous system is manifested in a person's feeling of intoxication, accompanied by frequent mood swings, from which one cannot get rid of, fear.

Then comes the hangover syndrome, accompanied by anxiety, manifested as follows:

  • Mood swings, neuroses in the morning;
  • Nausea, discomfort in the abdomen;
  • Tides;
  • Dizziness;
  • Memory losses;
  • Hallucinations accompanied by anxiety and fear;
  • Pressure surges;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Despair;
  • Panic fear.

Psychological techniques to help relieve anxiety

Even calm and balanced people periodically experience anxiety, what to do, how to get rid of anxiety and fear in order to regain peace of mind.

There are special psychological techniques for anxiety that will help get rid of problems:

  • Succumb to anxiety and fear, set aside 20 minutes a day for this, but not before bed. Immerse yourself in a painful topic, give vent to tears, but as soon as the time is up, get down to everyday activities, get rid of anxieties, fears and worries;
  • Get rid of anxiety about the future, live in the present. Imagine anxiety and fear as a plume of smoke rising and dissolving high in the sky;
  • Do not dramatize what is happening. Let go of the desire to be in control. Get rid of anxiety, fear and constant tension. Knitting, reading light literature make life calmer, relieve feelings of hopelessness and depression;
  • Go in for sports, get rid of despondency, it improves mood and increases self-esteem. Even 2 half-hour workouts a week will help relieve many fears and get rid of anxiety;
  • An occupation to your liking, a hobby will help get rid of anxiety;
  • Meetings with loved ones, hiking, trips are the best way to get rid of inner worries and anxiety.

How to get rid of fear

Until the fear has crossed all boundaries, and has not turned into a pathology, get rid of it:

  • Do not concentrate on disturbing thoughts, get rid of them, learn to switch to positive moments;
  • Do not dramatize the situation, really assess what is happening;
  • Learn to quickly get rid of fear. There are many ways: art therapy, yoga, switching technique, meditation, listening to classical music;
  • Focus on the positive by repeating “I am protected. I'm fine. I'm safe" until you get rid of fear;
  • Do not be afraid of fear, psychologists advise you to study it and even talk and write letters to your fear. This allows you to get rid of it faster;
  • To get rid of fear within yourself, go to meet it, go through it over and over again until you get rid of it;
  • There is a good breathing exercise to get rid of fear and anxiety. You need to sit comfortably with your back straight and begin to slowly breathe deeply, mentally imagining that you are inhaling courage and exhaling fear. After about 3-5 minutes, you will be able to get rid of fear and anxiety.

What to do if you need to quickly get rid of fear?

There are times when you need to quickly get rid of fear. These can be emergency cases when it comes to life and death.

To get rid of the shock, to take the situation into your own hands, to suppress panic and anxiety, the advice of a psychologist will help:

  • The breathing technique will help to calm down and get rid of anxiety and fear. Take a slow, deep breath in and out at least 10 times. This will make it possible to realize what is happening and get rid of anxiety and fear;
  • Get very angry, this will relieve fear and give you the opportunity to act immediately;
  • Talk to yourself by calling yourself by your first name. You will calm down internally, get rid of anxiety, be able to assess the situation in which you find yourself and understand how to act;
  • A good way to get rid of anxiety, remember something funny and laugh heartily. Fear will quickly disappear.

When should you seek medical help?

From time to time, everyone experiences feelings of anxiety or fear. Usually these sensations do not last long, and they manage to get rid of them on their own. If the psychological state is out of control and you can’t get rid of anxiety yourself, you need to see a doctor.

Reasons for visiting:

  • Attacks of fear are accompanied by panic horror;
  • The desire to get rid of anxiety leads to isolation, isolation from people and an attempt to get rid of an uncomfortable situation by all means;
  • Physiological component: chest pain, lack of oxygen, dizziness, nausea, pressure surges, which cannot be eliminated.

An unstable emotional state, accompanied by physical exhaustion, leads to mental pathologies of varying severity with increased anxiety.

To get rid of these types of anxiety on your own will not work, medical help is needed.

How to get rid of anxiety and anxiety with medication

To relieve the patient of anxiety and fear, the doctor may prescribe treatment with pills. When treating with pills, patients often experience relapses, therefore, in order to completely get rid of the disease, this method is combined with psychotherapy to achieve a good result.

You can get rid of a mild form of mental illness by taking antidepressants. In order to finally get rid of the symptoms with positive dynamics, a course of maintenance therapy is prescribed for a period of six months to a year.

In severe forms of the disease, the patient is treated inpatiently, being placed in a hospital.

Antidepressants, antipsychotics and insulin are administered to the patient by injection.

Anti-anxiety drugs that have a sedative effect can be bought at a pharmacy in the public domain:

  • Valerian acts as a mild sedative. It is taken within 2-3 weeks, 2 pieces per day.
  • Persen drink 2-3 times within 24 hours, 2-3 pieces to get rid of causeless anxiety, fear and anxiety for a maximum of 2 months.
  • Novo-Passit is prescribed to get rid of unreasonable anxiety. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tablet. The course time depends on the clinical picture of the disease.
  • Grandaxin 3 times a day after meals to get rid of anxiety.

Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders

Panic attacks and unreasonable anxiety are well treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, based on the findings that the causes of mental illness and psychological problems lie in the distortions of the patient's thinking. He is taught to get rid of inappropriate and illogical thoughts, taught to solve problems that seemed insurmountable before.

It differs from psychoanalysis in that it does not attach importance to childhood memories, the emphasis is on the current moment. A person learns to act and think realistically, getting rid of fears. To get rid of anxiety, 5 to 20 sessions are needed.

The technical side of the technique consists in repeatedly immersing the patient in a situation that causes fear and teaching him to control what is happening. Constant contact with the problem gradually allows you to get rid of anxiety and fear.

What is the treatment?

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by a general, persistent anxiety that is not related to specific situations or objects. It differs not very strong, but long exhausting action.

To get rid of the disease, the following methods are used:

  • Method of exposure and prevention of reactions. It consists in complete immersion in your fear or anxiety. Gradually, the symptom becomes weaker and it is possible to completely get rid of it;
  • Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy gives very good results in getting rid of unreasonable anxiety.

Fighting panic attacks and anxiety

Tranquilizers are traditionally used to relieve anxiety and panic attacks. These drugs quickly relieve symptoms, but have side effects and do not address the causes.

In mild cases, you can use preparations made on the basis of herbs: birch leaves, chamomile, motherwort, valerian.

Attention! Drug therapy is not enough to get rid of all the problems in the fight against panic attacks and anxiety. Psychotherapy is the best treatment.

A good doctor prescribes not only medications that relieve symptoms, but also helps to understand the causes of anxiety, making it possible to get rid of the likelihood of a return of the disease.


The modern level of development of medicine allows you to get rid of feelings of anxiety and fear in a short time if you turn to specialists in a timely manner. The treatment uses an integrated approach. The best results are achieved with a combination of hypnosis, physical rehabilitation, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and drug treatment (in difficult situations).

Tension and anxiety is a normal reaction to difficult life situations, however, after the resolution of difficulties, it passes. During periods that cause a state of anxiety and anxiety, use stress relief techniques, try folk remedies.

Anxiety is the body's response to a physical or psychological threat. Acute anxiety can occur before an important or difficult event. It passes quickly. However, for some people, anxiety becomes almost the norm, which seriously affects their daily life. This painful condition is called chronic anxiety.


An acute state of anxiety manifests itself in a vague or vice versa, clearly directed foreboding. It can be accompanied by physical symptoms - stomach cramps, dry mouth, heart palpitations, sweating, diarrhea and insomnia. Chronic anxiety sometimes causes unreasonable anxiety. Some fall into a panic for which there seems to be no reason. Symptoms include a feeling of suffocation, chest pain, chills, tingling in the arms and legs, weakness, and feelings of terror; sometimes they are so strong that both those suffering from a neurosis and those around them can take them for a real heart attack.

Breathing exercises for anxiety

Yoga classes are useful for people who often experience anxiety. They promote physical and mental relaxation, even breathing and help overcome negative emotions. The exercise is designed to strengthen and relax the muscles of the chest and abdomen and restore the disturbed flow of vital energy (prana). Take five breaths in each step.

  • Get on your knees, put one hand on your stomach, the other on your thigh. Feel how the abdominal wall rises when you inhale, and when you slowly exhale, it retracts.
  • Place your palms on either side of your chest. When breathing, raise and lower the chest, while exhaling, pressing it with your hands, squeezing out the air.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles. Raise your shoulders and upper chest as you inhale and lower them as you exhale while relaxing your abdominal muscles.

No matter how the feeling of anxiety manifests itself, it is exhausting, debilitating; in the end, physical health can be seriously affected. It is necessary to find ways to deal with the root cause of the disease. Consult with a specialist. How to avoid feelings of anxiety?

obsessive neurosis

Obsessive neurosis is a disorder in which a person feels the need to constantly do something, such as washing their hands, constantly checking to see if the lights are off, or replaying sad thoughts over and over again. It is based on an ongoing state of anxiety. If this type of behavior interferes with normal life, see a specialist.


In stressful situations, the body burns nutrients faster than usual, and if they are not replenished, the nervous system is gradually depleted, which causes anxiety. Therefore, it is important to eat a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates, such as those found in whole grain bread and brown rice. It is believed that such food has a sedative effect.

Note! If you can't deal with stress on your own, don't worry. Today there are many How to choose your sedative read in our material.

To keep your nervous system healthy, be sure to include essential fatty acids (found in whole grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables, for example), vitamins (especially the B group), and minerals in your diet. To achieve a stable blood sugar level, eat often, but in small portions. A harmonious combination of rest, physical activity and entertainment will help you feel healthier physically.

Treating Feelings of Anxiety

You yourself can do a lot to alleviate your condition.

  • Self-knowledge. Thinking about the causes of the pathological condition will serve as the first step towards overcoming them. If you are prone to phobias, such as being afraid of flying, you may be able to focus your fear on something specific.
  • Relaxation. Evolution has programmed our body in such a way that any danger causes a response, expressed in involuntary physiological changes that prepare the body for the “fight or flight” response. By learning the techniques of physical and mental unloading, you can remove the feeling of anxiety. There are several ways to achieve this.
  • Try exercising or other physical activity that requires effort, this will relieve muscle tension and release nervous energy.
  • Do something calm.
  • Start a group class that teaches relaxation and meditation, or use a relaxation course on an audio or video cassette.
  • Do progressive muscle relaxation exercises twice a day or any time you feel anxious. Try relaxing yoga exercises.
  • You can relieve anxiety and improve well-being by pressing your thumb on the active point located on the back of the hand, where the thumb and forefinger converge. Do the massage three times for 10 - 15 seconds. Do not touch this point during pregnancy.

Hyperventilation on alert

In a state of anxiety and especially during outbreaks of panic fear, breathing quickens and becomes superficial, the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body is disturbed. To eliminate oversaturation of the lungs with oxygen, or hyperventilation, sit with your hand on your upper abdomen and inhale and exhale so that your arm rises when you inhale. It helps to breathe slowly and deeply.


Cognitive therapy. Practicing affirmations will help reprogram your thoughts so that the focus is on the positive aspects of life and personality, rather than the negative ones. Write short sentences that fit your occasion. For example, "I am prepared for this job" if you are going to be interviewed by a potential employer. It is helpful to repeat these phrases out loud or write them several times. This type of psychological exercise is a part of cognitive therapy aimed at changing natural or instinctive reactions without trying to understand their essence. The doctor can direct your thoughts in search of a positive explanation for the actions of certain people: for example, a friend did not pay attention to you in the store, not because she did not like you, but simply did not see you, thinking about something. Having grasped the essence of such exercises, you can perform them yourself. You will learn to adequately perceive negative influences and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.

Anxiety and nutrition

The amino acid tryptophan has a calming effect on the brain. In the brain, it is converted to serotonin, which induces calm. Most protein foods contain tryptophan. In addition, the absorption of this substance improves with the simultaneous consumption of carbohydrates. Good sources of tryptophan are milk and biscuits, turkey sandwiches, or cheese sandwiches.


Food. The state of anxiety depresses appetite or increases it. Give preference to foods rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium, since the lack of these nutrients exacerbates feelings of anxiety. Limit your intake of sugar and white flour products. Avoid alcohol and drinks containing caffeine. Instead, drink spring water, fruit juices, or soothing herbal teas.

Aromatherapy. If you feel physically tense, massage your shoulders with aromatic oils, add them to a bath or in an inhaler. To prepare massage oil, take two teaspoons of cold-pressed vegetable oil - almond or olive - and add two drops of geranium, lavender and sandalwood oils and one drop of basil. Avoid the latter during pregnancy. Put a few drops of geranium or lavender oil into your bath water or a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam for 5 minutes.

Phytotherapy. For three weeks, drink three times a day, one glass of tea from pharmacy verbena, empty oats (oatmeal), or ginseng. These herbs have a tonic effect.


To relieve tension during the day and sleep well at night, add chamomile, intoxicating pepper (kava-kava), lime blossom, valerian, dried hop cones or passion flower to the described mixture of herbal raw materials. Before use, consult your doctor.

Flower essences. Flower essences are designed to relieve negative emotions. They can be used both individually and in various combinations, depending on the type of personality.

For general anxiety, take aspen flower, mirabelle, larch, mimulus, chestnut, sunflower, or pedunculate oak flower essences four times a day. Take Dr. Buck's Rescue Balm every few minutes when panicking.

Other methods. Psychotherapy and cranial osteopathy can help alleviate anxiety symptoms.

When to See a Doctor

  • Strong feelings of anxiety or bouts of fear.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if
  • Anxiety is accompanied by depression.
  • Insomnia or dizziness.
  • You have one of the physical symptoms listed above.