The BSU Lyceum hosted a Debate Tournament based on the Karl Popper format. Director of the BSU Lyceum Makar Shnip: “Our authenticity has not yet been found - we are in search of a national education system. Lyceum psychologists will help you decide on your profile

Rehearsal testing is very popular among university applicants. At RT you can test your knowledge and see how the exam itself is structured, how much time is allocated for it and whether you can complete it.

Now the same opportunity is available to children who dream of entering the BSU Lyceum. You can order rehearsal tests in the online store of the BSU Lyceum (

To enter the BSU Lyceum, they need to pass two tests in subjects corresponding to their profile. For each you can score a maximum of 100 points (200 points in total). Passing scores range between 100 and 150 points, depending on the chosen profile.

How to prepare for admission to the BSU Lyceum

Today these guys have many opportunities to prepare: with with the help of benefits for admission to the lyceum, in preparatory courses for 9th graders (more than 700 applicants study here every year), , where an entire section is specifically designed for applicants.

For whom are the rehearsal entrance tests held?

Any schoolchild in Belarus can pass the rehearsal test.

The rehearsal test (RT) for applicants to the lyceum is another opportunity for preparation.

As we strive to ensure that every basic school graduate has the opportunity to test themselves, practice tests will be conducted online on a distance learning server. It is important for children to know what awaits them during the entrance examinations.

Stages of conducting rehearsal entrance tests

Rehearsal tests will be conducted between Nov. 1 By April 30 and will be divided into three stages.

  • Stage 1: November 2019 - December 2019,
  • Stage 2: January 2020 - February 2020,
  • Stage 3: March 2020 - April 2020.

At each stage there will only be assignments on topics that 9th graders have already studied. Accordingly, at the third stage the test will correspond to the specification (the program according to which the exam is compiled). And, if the applicant passes it with more than 50 points (for each subject) - on his own, without looking at textbooks or the Internet, without consulting with friends, parents or teachers, then during the test itself he will have a serious chance of admission. The timing of the RI stages is recommended, i.e. after they expire, the tasks do NOT disappear anywhere. Moreover, any test can be taken as many times as you like.

How to find out the results of rehearsal tests at the BSU Lyceum

Rehearsal tests are carried out online, so the applicant will receive the result immediately.

And along with the result, he will see his mistakes and an explanation of how he should have completed the task correctly. For example, in physics, a video with its solution and explanations from the teacher will be added to each problem.

Moreover, there is always the possibility register for courses for applicants on the distance learning server , if the result is lower than desired.

Demo test options

Applicants to the BSU Lyceum can also familiarize themselves with demo versions of the tests. The purpose of the demo version of the test is to enable any participant in the entrance tests to the BSU Lyceum to get an idea of ​​the structure of test options, types of tasks and their levels of difficulty. When familiarizing yourself with the demo options, you should keep in mind that the tasks included in them do not cover all the content elements that will be tested at the entrance tests to the BSU Lyceum in 2020.

Completing the demonstration options will allow test takers to develop a strategy for preparing for admission to the BSU Lyceum, systematize the material studied, prevent possible mistakes, as well as consolidate knowledge and effectively prepare for the 2020 entrance examinations.

On July 12, Belarusian universities began accepting documents. And on the first day, admissions committees were not idle, and in some universities there were very large redi.

“They don’t care where to go - to an ordinary or the best university in the country”

This year, you can apply to most universities from July 12 to 17, that is, within six days. Last year the reception lasted a week. Perhaps this can explain the queues of applicants at universities. The most impressive one was at BSU.

Many young people, who are said to have been born with a smartphone in their hands, for some reason did not know the application rules, although they were indicated on the university website, or did not understand them. It was necessary to fill out the form and application electronically and print them. Someone registered in the applicant’s personal account on the BSU website, but did not print out the application, someone did not even register. For such people, instead of saving time, there was an additional waste of it.

However, the queue was so long - an hour or more - that applicants had time to fill out the application form from their phone. But the application already had to be written by hand.

“We do not accept documents without a written application, because it is kept in the file,” explained the admissions officer. - I don’t know why young people were not ready for this. I go to the BSU applicant website and see that I need to create a personal account, but they don’t see it. It feels like they don’t care where to go - to an ordinary or the best university in the country.”

In the eyes of many, BSU truly remains the best university in the country, where the best applicants are admitted. Graduate of gymnasium No. 1 Borisov Alexey Kozhan scored 381 (out of 400) points, including 99 (out of 100) in English. I studied at school, independently and with a tutor. Enters the Faculty of International Relations.

An employee of the admissions committee patiently explained to the young man that, despite his very good results, he still needed to keep an eye on the competition, because last year the specialty « International Law”, for which he applied, the passing score was 382.

“Follow the competition, you have the opportunity to change your specialty. If this is what you want, then if you don’t get in, focus on paid training,”- said the BSU employee.

Alexey Kozhan says that he will not go for a paid one, he will be guided by the competition within BSU: “I would like to get into international law. This is my dream - to work in the field of international relations. I think this field of activity is related to the opportunity to travel.”

And a graduate of Lyceum No. 1 of Minsk Maria Tomashevich dreams of developing drugs and plans to study at the Faculty of Chemistry. The girl scored 342 points and passed chemistry with 82 points:

“I’m not going to study pharmaceuticals; I don’t want to work in a pharmacy. I think I will find myself in drug development. I studied in a chemical and biological class; at the lyceum we were oriented towards science. I like the atmosphere of BSU, I consider it the best university in the country.”

Natalya, the girl’s mother, really hopes that Maria will be realized in life: “She chose her specialty herself and purposefully prepared. I am raising my daughter alone; I did not have the opportunity to hire tutors. My daughter attended evening courses at the BSU Lyceum and prepared on her own. I am very pleased with her results."

In total, BSU plans to admit 2,164 students on a full-time budget basis (in 2016, 2,202 people were admitted).

Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the main thing is to put on shoulder straps

Those who enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have completely different dreams. Nikolay Suzko dialed from Mozyr "a few points" as he said, and submitted documents to the police department. For example, the CT in social studies wrote for 40 points.

Last year, admission to this faculty for the specialization “Administrative and Legal Activities” (training for the Ministry of Defense) was passed with 132 points, and for the specialization “Operational Investigative Activities” - with 186 (out of 400 possible).

Documents are submitted to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only after a thorough security check at the level of local departments of internal affairs and passing a medical commission, including psychological testing.

Nikolai Suzko said that he had no problems with the commission; the psychiatrist spoke with him for about five minutes: “I asked something unimportant, for example, about a foreign language that I was studying. What I remember most was filling out the questionnaire, which had, it seems to me, a thousand questions. I remember this one: “Could you kill a chicken?” Of course I could. And who will kill her? My younger brother and I live with my mother. So she or I kill when necessary, my brother is still small. In general, starting from about 50, the questions were repeated, just the wording changed.”.

When asked why he chose to work in the police, the young man replied that he dreamed of it. He is not afraid of having to follow any orders, and sometimes disperse citizens during peaceful protests: “I won’t do anything bad, everything is only according to the regulations. True, I haven’t read it yet...”

Natalya Stepanova I came with my son Akira from Gomel. The young man has 180 points and applied for the specialization in “Operational Investigative Activities.” Last year we entered there with 186 points.

The family is happy with their son's choice. In four years of study he will receive a higher education, and he will not have to serve in the army: “He will become a man. And the fact that the protests will have to be dispersed... Firstly, we have a peaceful country. Secondly, this is how it should be, we don’t want a second Ukraine.”

"Let them send"- an applicant from Svetlogorsk answered unequivocally when asked if he was afraid that he would be sent on a mission like dispersing people. The young man scored 260 points and applied for the specialization “Forensic-Prosecutor-Investigative Activities” of the Faculty of Investigative Experts, where last year the minimum passing score was 188 points. Parents support the boy in choosing a profession.

The Minsk resident’s father had no doubts about his choice of profession either. Margaritas, who graduated from school this year, and is going to enroll with a baggage of 242 points. The girl has a chance of enrolling, but it is very small - last year for women in the specialty “Jurisprudence” (specialization “Criminal Enforcement Activity”) the passing score was 309.

“If it doesn’t pass, we’ll try to get a job at least as someone in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main thing is to put on shoulder straps, in this structure everyone has height. People don't go there for salaries. Margarita herself chose this specialty. From the age of four she wanted to punish people. Here in the Zavodskoy district, do you know what kind of crime there is? Just look at “Zone X”, you can see everything there,”- said the girl's father.

This year, the police department will admit 310 people, the investigative and expert department - 112, and the criminal executive department - 90. Women will be admitted through a separate competition - a total of 15 places are reserved for them.

BSUIR: great ambitions and good prospects

Gold medalist, graduate of the physics and mathematics class of the 209th Minsk school Anastasia Shikovets I passed physics with 98 points (the exam was easy, he says), mathematics with 82 and Belarusian language with 91 points (I studied with my mother, a teacher), certificate - 98, final score - 369.

Anastasia submitted documents to the BSUIR Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks, the passing scores for which last year were 343-373.

The girl is sure that in the IT field the level of opportunities does not depend on whether you wear a skirt or trousers: “Many girls show excellent results. I am optimistic about the future, I am sure that I will have a good specialty and a stable income.”

I have already verified this in practice. Alexander. He enters the BSUIR in the evening department. He sees no problem passing the exams (two internal ones in his specialty). This year I received a diploma from the College of Electronics and is already working:

“IT specialties will become more and more popular every year. Creative work that requires not only knowledge, but also imagination. And is paid accordingly. I paid tuition in college, but now I won’t pay. We didn’t work so hard just to get paid.”

This year, BSUIR will accept 1,260 applicants on a budget basis, of which 1,115 are full-time students + 80 people for the military faculty.

Executive Secretary of the BSUIR Admissions Committee Vasily Bondarik said: “Last year we observed the following situation: the more IT-related the specialty, the higher the passing score. For example, they were in the top areas of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks (the 2016 passing score for the budget for the specialty “Informatics and Programming Technologies” was 373). The field of the gaming industry at the Faculty of Information Technologies and Management was popular (the 2016 passing score for the specialty “information systems and technologies (in the gaming industry)” was 360).

Alexander added that, as his experience shows, you can make a career in the IT field even without a higher education. What is valued, first of all, is not a diploma, but knowledge, skills and experience. However, the young man enters the university “firstly, because BSUIR provides a good base, and secondly, to be completely honest, we need to somehow avoid the army.”

Photo by Sergei Balay

The Drug Prevention Center held a series of lectures on the campus of Baikal State University from March 12 to 16. The event covered all four campus dormitories. Lecture topic: “ Preventing the spread of synthetic drugs among young people" At the end of February, three students at BSU were expelled from the Faculty of National Security without the right of reinstatement. They refused to undergo a drug examination, although law enforcement agencies had every reason to send three university students for a medical examination. Ilya Yelyasov, an employee of the State Drug Control Service, also took part in the lectures. The emphasis was placed specifically on responsibility for the distribution and use of synthetic drugs.

First, specialists from the Prevention Center talked about what synthetic drugs are and how they harm the body of a drug user. Let us remember that synthetic drugs began their destructive march around the world in 2009. One of the dangers of “synthetics” is that today more than 100 new potentially dangerous psychotropic substances are synthesized every year - these are spices, salts, mixes, you never know what kind of drug is hidden in the bag - it could be a mild hallucinogen, or maybe a severe psychotropic poison that kills immediately. Getting used to them occurs after the first dose. “Synthetics” have an extremely severe, even lethal, effect on the human body. Thus, in 2017 alone, 76 people died in the Angara region after using “synthetics” for the first time. If a person does not die immediately, he remains disabled for the rest of his life and his home becomes a psychiatric hospital. Rehabilitation of synthetic drug addicts is practically impossible.

An informational and explanatory lecture aimed at preventing the spread of synthetic drugs among young people was held on March 29 at the Irkutsk branch of the Moscow State Technical University
02.04.2018 The level of drug use in the Irkutsk region in 2017 decreased by 17.7% - to 406.6 people per 100 thousand, in 2016 the level of drug use was 493.1 people per 100 thousand,
02.04.2018 A 34-year-old resident of the city of Sayansk came to the attention of law enforcement officers, who, according to the police, provided her home to drug addicts for drug use.
Regional newspaper

Trying everything in life is a stupid idea. This is what students of the College of Baikal State University and the Siberian College of Transport and Construction of the Irkutsk State University of Transport think.
Ministry of Youth Policy
23.03.2018 The level of drug use is decreasing in the Irkutsk region. This was announced at a meeting of the anti-drug commission of the Irkutsk region.
Siberian news
22.03.2018 Why do people start taking drugs? Answering this question, students of two educational organizations - Mechanical Engineering INRTU and the College of Management and Entrepreneurship showed enviable unanimity.
Ministry of Youth Policy

Why am I 25? Now, no matter how much I want, I will not enter the Lyceum of BSU.

But I can, using my official position, enter the building, sit in on classes and find out how everything works here.

When they opened the lyceum, they wanted to create an unusual school, the likes of which had never existed before. The teachers were university teachers and researchers who had never taught school before. They didn't know how to "properly" treat students, so they treated them as students and colleagues.

“Lyceum students are more like students, only the best,” shares director Vadim Matulis, who, by the way, himself graduated from the BSU Lyceum.

Classes here are held in pairs, just like at a university. “This allows you to better focus and immerse yourself in the subject,” says Vadim Edwardovich. “In addition, the student needs to do homework in three subjects instead of six.”

There is no trace of a school uniform here. “We want to create conditions in the lyceum for the manifestation of creative individuality, in this sense, the uniform as an element of equalization may not be entirely appropriate,” the director is sure. - Some people think that it helps discipline. But discipline can only be maintained if students understand why this or that rule is being introduced and see the logical meaning in it.”

Reconnaissance in force

I walk into a chemistry lesson and am amazed at how free the tenth graders feel. They joke, and at the same time you can see how involved they are in the process. While the teacher is talking about phenol, the children do not hesitate to ask philosophical questions: “If gouache contains phenol, then why do they say that phenol smells like gouache, and not gouache like phenol?”

When it's time to call someone to the board, which is interactive, the teacher turns on the “random responder generator.” It is curious that the program was written by a student from another class.

Next on our schedule is physics in the 11th grade. Deputy director and teacher Igor Varaksa speaks Belarusian in everyday life. I wonder what language the classes are held in? It turns out that children can ask to teach lessons in Belarusian. “I have such a class. Soon we will be busy with all of them,” the teacher made me happy.

The children have already successfully completed the eleventh grade program, so I get to prepare for the CT. Guys and girls, armed with remote controls, register in the system. Now you can see who has already answered and who is still thinking, look at the statistics of correct answers, etc. The fastest ones get a plus sign.

Sennya dzyatsey mensch, chym zvychaina, - some of them are at the gatherings of the Fatherlanders and the Republican Olympics. I'll take 100 rubles for a quick day.

I willingly believe it. In 2013, the RIKZ determined that, based on the results of centralized testing in all subjects, the BSU Lyceum became the best educational institution. It’s not for nothing that 1.5 thousand applicants storm it every year, that is, 6-7 people apply for one place. After a serious competition, more than 270 of the smartest guys from all over the country will get here. For those who are not from Minsk, there is a place in the hostel.
Finally, I was pleased with the lesson on physical education and health. No ridiculous exercises for you. Basketball, football, table tennis... - team sports come first here. And not just “here’s the ball, go play.” Serves, passes, etc. are seriously practiced here, so that you can play volleyball on the beach, and defeat everyone in ping-pong in some design bureau.
Twice a year, the winners of the lyceum football championship play against a team of teachers. And this is no joke! “As a rule, we win easily against the tenth grade, but it’s harder against the eleventh grade,” smiles midfielder Vadim Matulis.

Would you like to go to Cambridge?

“There is an opinion that if you enter the lyceum, you will have a bad certificate, because the requirements here are very high,” Vadim Edwardovich notes with a smile. - The requirements are, of course, high, but they correspond to the level of training of lyceum students. If we take the tenth parallel, the average for all subjects last year was 8.6. In the 11th grade, academic performance is higher - 9.0.”

The strongest people enter the BSU Lyceum. Now it’s clear why he has the right to prepare his team to participate immediately in the final stage of the Republican Olympiad, even bypassing district and city competitions.

To retain this right, it is necessary that at least half of the lyceum students participating in the Republican Olympiad receive diplomas, the director explains the principle. - Last year 22 people took part in mathematics. This means there should have been at least 11 diplomas. Our guys took 21.

In total, in 2013, students won 82 diplomas at the Republican Olympiad. All winners could enter any university without exams. Most often, lyceum students choose BSU, BSMU, as well as leading Russian universities. Almost every year one of the graduates conquers Cambridge.

Doing the right thing

For those who want to study at the BSU Lyceum, an open day will be held on March 26, where you can learn everything about the admission campaign. For example, that applicants who are going to major in philology will be given the opportunity to choose the exams they need to take. Russian language and literature, Belarusian language and literature, English - take any two and do well! Something similar will happen in social science.

In addition, in addition to the usual four directions that exist in our country - physics and mathematics -
tical, chemical-biological, social science and philological - the BSU Lyceum also opened a chemical-mathematical department. To enroll in any of them and become part of the lyceum fraternity, you need to successfully pass exams in May or be the winner of the Republican Olympiad with a diploma of 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree.

For applicants there are preparatory full-time and distance courses, as well as an Internet Olympiad. To better prepare, you can take a rehearsal exam specially designed for lyceum applicants. This can be done for free on the website

Elena RYS, photo by Dmitry ELISEEV, ZN

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