Life without a head douglas harding read. Douglas Harding Life Without a Head

Help for those in need. Conspiracies from misfortune and illness Stephanie Sister


Nadyusha lived all her 16 years in a small Siberian town. And when in the 11th grade she became the winner of the interregional Olympiad, she was offered to enter Moscow University on preferential terms, she was even scared at first - how is it, to leave for a foreign city, from friends, from relatives ... But the opportunity to get a metropolitan education in the future finding a good job became a weighty argument in favor of moving.

The capable girl passed her exams without difficulty, one and a half summer months flew by like one day, and now Nadya is a Moscow student.

The first weeks in Moscow passed easily and joyfully - it was a warm autumn, classes at the university carried the girl away, and in her free time she walked around the city. But the weather began to deteriorate, she had to give up walking, and gradually Nadyusha began to realize how lonely she really was in this huge metropolis.

She was not used to the fact that there were always so many people around her who were running somewhere, hurrying and making noise, but the most difficult thing was the realization that all these people were strangers to her.

The girl was acutely homesick for her home, for her family and friends. She hasn't made any new friends yet.

It so happened that in her group were mostly students permanently living in the capital. And it cannot be said that they treated the girl from the province badly, but they still looked down on her and were in no hurry to include her in their company.

And Nadia began to feel sad. For the duration of the lecture and classes, she was distracted from sad thoughts, but as soon as a free minute was given out, so melancholy fell upon her. There were evenings when she sat at the window of her room and cried for hours on end. At night, she dreamed about the house and her parents, and in the morning she woke up with tears.

She didn’t want to upset her parents with her complaints, but you can’t deceive a mother’s heart. And by the voice of her daughter, the mother felt that something was wrong. Word for word, and the sobbing Nadyusha was already complaining to her mother about longing and loneliness. And she found a remedy. She knew that I give people prayers and conspiracies from a variety of troubles. So Nadia came to me. I met her, gave her tea, and began to create conspiracy magic, to expel longing and sadness from her heart.

The girl repeated the holy prayer words every night before going to bed, and a week later she called me with words of gratitude. The power of the word of the ancient and the intercession of the saints did their work - the girl’s longing was released, she stopped shedding tears, she began to smile at those around her, she no longer had such painful dreams. Of course, she remembered her relatives, but there was no longer a heavy feeling of separation and loneliness, the insurmountability of the distance to home, on the contrary, there was an incentive to take the session ahead of schedule in order to leave home early for the holidays.

And a couple of weeks before the New Year, the head of the group suddenly approached Nadya and invited her, along with everyone, to see off the old year. So the girl began to make new friends.

A conspiracy from longing, sadness that comes from loneliness

It is better to ask him to make a girlfriend and mother. In a word, you need to find a helper.

Draw a circle on the floor with charcoal and put the one who toils in the center, and strengthen four burning church candles in a circle. Cross the yearning three times and say this:

I, the servant of God (the name of the one who speaks), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, from hut to hut, I will go out into the open field to the ocean-sea.

At the ocean-sea lies a white Latyr stone, on this Latyr stone a thin white tablecloth is spread. On this, on a thin tablecloth, two wise, two cunning girls are sitting, appeasing the longing and grief, sadness and sorrow from the servant of God (name). So that, just as in a dead body there is no longing, no grief, no sadness, no sorrow, so - with the servant of God (the name of the one who is being conspired against) and forever and ever. Amen.

You need to blow out the candles, and then take the person standing in the circle by the hand and lead him beyond the line.

Conspiracy after the departure of a loved one

Those who cannot overcome the longing for their loved ones, those who have left, left, who left us in a word, need to go to the river or to the spring and whisper these words into the water:

Like you, mother water, you flow day and night, day and night, you don’t think about anything, you don’t grieve about anything: neither about your father, nor about your mother, nor about your family, nor about your tribe, nor about the white world, nor about moon. So I wouldn’t think about anything, I wouldn’t grieve, I didn’t think with thoughts, I didn’t think, I thought with thoughts, I ate food, I drank it down with a drink, I fell asleep soundly, went on a spree.

Take this water with you, and every day drink three sips in the morning and evening, and before that say:

Leave me alone, melancholy and dryness, both mortal and critical.

A quick conspiracy from tears and tantrums

It is always important to keep yourself in hand, but it is not always possible. But for this trouble I give you a conspiracy.

When you feel sick, go to the bathroom and put your hands under the running water. On the street you can go to the river. As a last resort, buy a bottle of water and pour it on your hands. They say this:

The water is fast, bear the melancholy, the indefatigable cry where the grass does not grow.

After that, you should not talk to anyone for at least five minutes.

A conspiracy that washes away all longing, sadness, fear

You go to the bathhouse or the bathroom to wash, as you undress, so read the plot three times:

Amen, my blood, amen, my thoughts, amen, my body.

After washing the sea salt, take three pinches, dilute in warm water, and while stirring with your hand, read the plot:

Roll all the melancholy, like water from the elbow, from the servant of God (name).

And wash your hands with this water up to the elbow.

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cat house

Magic lives here

Strong prayer from quarrels and insults in the family

Read this prayer every time something goes wrong in the house. It will help to smooth out all the sharp corners and cool the brawlers. The prayer is this:

“Jesus Christ, the son of God, and Ever-Virgin Mary, our mother and intercessor! You are living in heaven, you are looking at us, help us in our hardships. Thou hast set us up as husband and wife, combining with a crown, loving humanity, and commanded us to live with each other in sorrow and in joy, like Your heavenly angels live in heaven, they glorify You, but they do not swear among themselves and are not reviled by vile words. We are comforted by Your grace, we delight in the intercession of Ever-Virgin Mary, we are touched by Your angels singing!

Give us peace and quiet forever and ever, give us a long life and dove fidelity, so that love is between us and there is no resentment and cold, and there is no discord and filth. Have mercy on our children and give them peace and quiet forever and ever and extend their years to deep old age and do not charge them for their unreason.

Pacify their hearts and guide them along the true path, not the false one, as the Lord Thou art our souls. And give our house peace and quiet forever and ever. And protect us from the night, day, morning and afternoon, and from the evil of man, and from the evil eye, and from heavy thoughts. Do not bring, O Lord, the heavenly lightning, nor the earthly fire, to enter our house. Save and save, protect from sorrows and misfortunes.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Holy God, have mercy on us and do not let us perish in a cursed place, but lead us to the light with Your inexpressible light. Will be with us forever and ever. Amen."

It would be even better if you rewrite the prayer by hand and put it in a secret place where you keep holy water and church candles. Holy water must be collected every year and kept in a large bottle in the house.

After cleaning, sprinkle all the corners with it.

If one of the household members falls ill, place a handkerchief soaked in holy water on his forehead.

If someone fights or scandalizes, splash him in the face to cool his ardor.

Quarrels between children: how to solve conspiracies

In case of quarrels between children, you need to act in the same way as in the previous conspiracy, only you need to write on paper the following text:

(Full names of children) love each other, from now on they will peacefully live together and never quarrel.

White Tablecloth for help I pray,

I command my beloved children to live in peace!

So that parents with children live in peace

You need to do the same as in the first two conspiracies, but write this:

(Full names of parents and children) love each other, from now on they will peacefully live together and never quarrel.

Here is what you need to say:

May there always be peace and tranquility in this house,

Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else will destroy it.

White Tablecloth for help I pray,

I command parents and children to live in peace!

There are two more similar conspiracies from quarrels between children, I give the words that are also needed for them.

So that children do not quarrel among themselves, live together and help each other

So that the children do not quarrel among themselves,

lived together and helped each other

You need to act in the same way as in the previous conspiracy, only you need to write on paper the following text:

(Full names of children) love each other, from now on they will peacefully live together and never quarrel.

And the words of the conspiracy should be:

May there always be peace and tranquility in this house,

Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else will destroy it.

White Tablecloth for help I pray,

I command my beloved children to live in peace!

More material on this topic


Prayer for harmony in the family

My husband and I have been living for 15 years and everything was fine with us, and since last autumn we have been arguing over every little thing, I have already forgotten when he last spoke an affectionate word to me.

It seems that there are no serious reasons - we live in abundance, our children are wonderful.

I was already thinking about turning to magic in order to improve family relations, and then a friend gave an apocryphal prayer that helps to restore peace to the family. Here's how it sounds:

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Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer from scandals and quarrels in the family, with her husband, with children

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, please subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

In Orthodoxy, the family, the upbringing of children and the relationship between married couples is of high importance. The family is called the "small temple" due to which the family hearth is under the intercession of all the saints and even the Almighty.

As you know, nothing is perfect in this world. It is also in a family where various disagreements and misunderstandings occur, but the main thing to remember is that you are not just a couple, you are a whole union consisting of two people and which is responsible not only for yourself, but also for your children before all the Saints and the Lord .

Prayer for quarrels in the family

In order to avoid any difficulties that have overtaken a couple and to allay all misunderstandings, you can turn to prayer for help, which you can read with different images.

A prayer from scandals in the family is pronounced before:

  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Defender of a pious family - Archangel Barahiel;
  • Xenia of Petersburg;
  • Apostle John the Theologian;
  • Miraculous image of the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts";
  • Saint Archangel Raphael.

In the Orthodox religion, there are a huge number of defenders of the family hearth from scandals in the house. In addition to the above Miracle Workers, patrons can also include such Saints as Fevronia and Peter, who were able to live happily in love and harmony for a long life, and they died in one hour and one day.

There are also Saints Anna and Joachim (the parents of the Queen of Heaven), who were truly an indicator of an ideal married couple. In prayer, you can turn to these images in case of a quarrel with your husband and other family troubles, when it comes to divorce, and this is done so that peace reigns again in the family, and the faded love is reborn.

But to avoid quarrels with children, to protect the family hearth and the marriage itself, the prayer service pronounced by St. Paraskeva will help. Such conversion in Christianity is considered the most revered as it saves from mental torment.

A prayer appeal to the Saints and the Lord will help you:

  • Overcome difficulties and strengthen family ties;
  • Restore harmony in the house;
  • Establish contact with children and achieve understanding;
  • After a quarrel, a prayer service will help to realize wrong, relieve pride and allow you to realize your mistakes;
  • In some cases, couples with the help of a prayer to a miraculous image can even avoid divorce.

It should be noted that in order to get a greater effect from a prayer petition, it is necessary to visit the temple with your soulmate in order to read a prayer service in hope and faith for a bright and happy future.

Prayer for scandals

Appeal to Archangel Barahiel:

“O great archangel of God, Archangel Barahiel! Standing before the Throne of God and from there bringing the blessings of God to the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, good haste in everything, and on enemies victory and overcoming, and will keep us for many years, always. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Appeal to the Mother of God:

“Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my spouse and our children peace, love and non-controversy to all that is good; do not allow anyone from my family to separation and a difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.

And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves' attacks, every evil situation, various insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, and together and separately, clearly and secretly, we will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Holy Mother of God, save us! Amen".

Appeal to Xenia of Petersburg:

“Oh, simple in the way of her life, homeless on earth, the heiress of the cloisters of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia! As if before, you had fallen into illness and sorrow at your tombstone and filled it with consolations, now we too, overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resorting to you, we ask with hope: pray, good celestial lady, that our steps would be corrected according to the word of the Lord to the doing of His commandments, and yes God-fighting atheism will be abolished, which has captivated your city and your country, casting us many-sinners into mortal fraternal hatred, proud self-exaltation and blasphemous despair.

Oh, most blessed of Christ, for the sake of confounding the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our heart, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body , chastity in marriage and care for our neighbors and sincere ones, our whole life renewal in the purifying bath of repentance, as if all-praisefully singing your memory, let us glorify the miraculous in you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

Watch also the video of prayer for family well-being:

Prayer to live together

Angels of peace in the family

Our children are very sensitive at heart, they painfully perceive when there is no harmony between father and mother. Even if the parents do not quarrel openly and violently, the children feel in their hearts that something is wrong, they feel unnecessary and lonely. What can a child do if love has cooled in the hearts of the closest people - mom and dad? Archpriest Artemy VLADIMIROV answers.

I know that my father loves me. But he left us with his mother, and with another child, not with his own, he communicates more often than with me. Why did he do that?

Unfortunately, our parents are not angels, and they also tend to make mistakes. Eggs do not teach chicken, and children should not condemn their parents, much less laugh at them, as the infamous Ham, deprived of God's blessing, did. That is why we should always pray for our parents. Even if, unfortunately, they have lost the language of mutual understanding and do not live together, they are worthy of our prayers, because life goes on, and we really hope that sooner or later life will reconcile them again, for the Lord Jesus Christ Himself wants us, His faithful disciples had unity among themselves.

When parents lose their peace and, like little children, begin to sort things out (which is especially deplorable in the presence of children), then one must remember that ancient youth who, during an earthquake, ran out of his house to the city square in Constantinople, was suddenly raptured by Angels to Heaven ; and just as suddenly was returned. Having come to his senses, he told that the Angels in Heaven, around the Throne of God, proclaim the song "Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal." The people, hearing these words, began to repeat, adding with reverence: “Have mercy on us!” And the earthquake stopped: the wrath of God subsided.

That’s when the “earth shakes” at home, when all the households tremble with a small shiver: a parrot, he is also not indifferent to these kitchen showdowns; the kitty huddled somewhere under the bed; the fish are neither alive nor dead in the aquarium; then a wise Christian child, if he does not find suitable words for the reconciliation of his father and mother, let him read with faith: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!” And even better, let him read this prayer before any quarrel between adults, in the morning, so that the Lord would not let the volcano grumble and the fiery lava of irritation and anger pour out. God will hear this prayer like no other, especially if you say it with faith in the omnipotence of the Creator. “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!

let's live in peace

How can I reconcile my parents?

This is not an easy matter if the father and mother have long lost their common language, have ceased to understand each other, and constantly communicate in irritated tones. They don’t forgive, they don’t condescend, they don’t endure, but they make something complex out of simple things and turn a trifle into a reason for a major quarrel. May each of you, our little readers, be an angel of peace in your family. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God,” says Christ about this service (Matt. 5:9). If, having seen the seal of resentment, irritability on the faces of adults, you turn to your parents with simple and wise words: “Daddy, mommy, let's live together, there is no need to quarrel, because our earthly days are so short, they go so quickly. Think how bitter and hurt we will be when, looking back at our lives, entering the vast expanses of eternity, we remember nothing but endless reproaches, ironic, and often angry and cynical words, years of resentment and the coldness of mutual alienation. “Daddy, you are our head,” a young Christian can turn to his father with warmth and pain of the soul. - How I don’t want the proverb to say about us: “A bad head does not give rest to the legs.” - “Mommy, you are the rib of the marital union, and the rib covers the heart, being the shield of the most important part of the body. Let's forgive dad - he's so tired, he just doesn't have enough strength to restrain himself, let's at least be silent with you so that father changes his anger to mercy.

I think that the task of reconciling parents can only be successfully accomplished by the child who, without judging those who gave birth to him, constantly prays: “Lord, save and have mercy on my parents, soften their hearts, drive away all irritation from them, grant them Your Guardian Angel, who protects them from all evil." If the parents are not married, but baptized, then their endless quarrels, perhaps, indicate the power of sin, which will torment them until they come to the Church, confess and bow their heads under the yoke of a legal, divine marriage.

Prayer to live together

What are you, devil, sitting in the shuttle with your devil? You are sitting, devil, away from your devil; go you, devil, to people in the ashes, settle, devil, your devil to that in the hut, not like you, devil with.

Conspiracy for the love of the mother-in-law

Conspiracy From quarrels and insults

Conspiracy From constant quarrels in the family

For peace in the family

Conspiracy amulet for grandchildren

Your strength and Your will.

Save, save and protect

In all ways, in all roads.

Conspiracies for a grouchy mother-in-law

And he will walk in the heavens of the Lord

In my own way and my path,

My own boss

So would the servant of God (name), the young mistress,

Strength and power over the mother-in-law was born. /i]

If your husband's relatives do not love you and harass you

I drink it with jelly. Amen.

How to remove the curse from the family

From doors and from all four corners.

Conspiracy on New Year's Day for complete well-being

This plot is read on the morning of January 14 (New Year in the old style). Get up before everyone in the house, take water from the well (or pour it from the tap, but don’t drain the water before that, take the very first one). Water must be poured into an unpainted metal bowl. Fold the fingers on your right hand as for the sign of the cross, lower this hand into the water and begin to draw a cross inside the water - up and down, left and right.

Conspiracies to return strong friendship

It is easy to bring discord into a long-term friendship. Whoever is to blame - you can cast a friendship plot to return a dear person. Even when your quarrel happened many years ago. Positive energies from memories will help you perform the ritual correctly. You will be able to resume communication, make your relationship as strong and trusting as it was before. Everything is in your hands - return a dear friend, forget old grievances.

When should you say a conspiracy to return friendship?

There was a big quarrel, misunderstanding, resentment. Your trusting warm relationship has received a serious crack. You can apologize for a long time, ask for forgiveness and promise to start your friendship from scratch. We forgive with our heads, but mistrust and fear will settle in our hearts. If such a situation happened to you and your friend, you need to heal your heart and give him confidence again. You can become the initiator of a conspiracy in both cases:

  • When a friend is offended by you;
  • When you are offended by the words or actions of a friend.

Either way, it takes courage to start. Your strong friendship can be renewed - the conspiracy will work like a magic plaster that can glue, heal a heart with resentment. These conspiracies are not invented today - they have a rich history. They have helped hundreds of people to become friends again and forget the past. Now new opportunities are opening up for you - you don’t have to wait until a friend himself appears, offers to forget the quarrels, takes back the unpleasant words spoken. Take action, the positive energy of kindred spirits is on your side.

Conspiracy to reconcile after a quarrel

A major quarrel happened recently, feelings are still fresh? Then rather read a conspiracy that will help mitigate the consequences, look at the situation from different angles. It will work in both directions.

  • A prayer is read to your Saint. From the bottom of your heart ask for help in your cause.
  • If you had negative emotions, let them go. Better remember how happy you were in the company of a friend or girlfriend, how much laughter, jokes, smiles were.
  • Take a white candle, light it.
  • Say three times:

“Lord, help, Lord, bless, Amen. As the dark night rejoices at small stars, how it rejoices, so the servant of God (name) will rejoice at the servant of God (name). As the evening dawn rejoices in the dark night, so the servant of God (name) will rejoice in the servant of God (name). As small stars rejoice in a bright month, a bright month, so the servant of God (name) will rejoice in the servant of God (name). As the bright month of the morning dawn is glad, so the servant of God (name) will rejoice at the servant of God (name). May it come true what is said. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • Bow on four sides, let the candle burn out to the end.

This method is strong, effective, and will help you quickly erase bad memories from your memory, a bitter residue from a quarrel. You can safely call a friend yourself, ask for forgiveness. Very soon, the positive energy will take away all the sadness and pain from her or his heart, you will regain your old relationship again. Try it - the method has been repeatedly tested and has reconciled so many.

A conspiracy for an old grudge between friends

When the resentment is old, it is very difficult to take the first step. Years have already passed since the last time you really were friends, and now it seems that nothing can be returned. You can rekindle the fire of friendship - you will need a friendship conspiracy that can break the ice of misunderstanding and anger.

The ritual is done on Friday evening on the growing moon. You need:

  • Three white candles and one church.
  • A joint photo with a friend, if he is not there, write your names next to it on clean white paper.
  • Mirror.
  • A ball of red woolen thread.

The ritual must be carried out exactly like this:

  • Put the mirror on the table, or if it is large, move the table to it.
  • Put the photo on the table.
  • Place three white candles between the photo and the mirror.
  • Light a church candle with matches, read, lighting white church candles in turn:

“God bless, Lord help me. An angel walked from the throne to the church, and to the very gates of the king. At the gates of those stood the Most Holy Theotokos Mary, and the Archangel Michael. They held a saber and a sword, they killed all human anger with a sword, and cut quarrels with a saber. Put, Lord, the world in its place between the servants of God (names). Strengthen their peace and tranquility, close the gates stronger, so that their friendship will never be broken. The Lord will remove that key, and no one will find it. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus, protect, Mother of God, save. Order you to live in the world to the servants of God (names), in the world from this day until the end of time. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Actively imagine your friend, the years that separate you. Ask for forgiveness from him, looking at the photo. If you were wrong, apologize.

  • Tear off a piece of red thread, tie a photo with it, saying:

“The best friend, beloved friend - forgive insults, forget quarrels. I forgive you, I ask for your forgiveness, apologies."

  • Put the photo under the pillow, go to bed. The situation will be resolved very soon.

Conspiracy for the speedy reconciliation of friends

Another good old conspiracy that can restore strong friendship. It works great if it was you who initiated the quarrel or if it was your fault. Before the start of the ritual, go to church, pray, sincerely ask for forgiveness.

The ritual cannot be performed if there is still anger in your heart, a desire to take revenge, to prove you are right. What difference does it make who is right if you have lost a faithful comrade? Honestly admit your mistakes, ask for forgiveness. When there is no more negative energy left in you, you can start.

  • Take a photo of a girlfriend or friend.
  • Look at her for a long time, ask for forgiveness again, say what was the reason for your offense, try to pour out your soul.
  • If there are tears in your eyes - a very good sign. Your soul is ready for redemption.
  • Read the text:

“God bless. From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates An angel walked. At the gate are the Mother of God And Michael the Archangel. The Mother of God holds a sword and a saber. He kills malice with the sword, cuts the quarrel with the saber. Put, Lord, the world in its place In the hearts of God's servants (names). Strengthen the world, peace, Close the gates more firmly, And, Lord, throw the key into the swamp. Mother of God, bless. Lord Jesus Christ, Command, command to live in the world and to be in the world. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

This prayer will help you and make the task easier. Very soon, your friend himself should make contact in some way. It can be a chance meeting, a phone call, a sudden meeting with mutual friends, a sudden offer of friendship on the Internet. Do not waste this magical moment - apologize to a friend, ask for forgiveness sincerely, even if many years have passed. White forces have given you a second chance - use it properly, improve your friendship, start it over.

What else can help you restore friendship

There are many small rituals that can be used in parallel with the main one - they will help enhance its effect, speed up the result.

  • Pink candles are a symbol of sympathy, reconciliation. Their soft insinuating energy smooths out sharp corners, heals the soul.
  • Sandalwood and rose oil - has a very strong charge of healing at the energy level. Buy a small jar of this oil, keep at home next to the photo of the one you want to return.
  • Visualize the result more often - in the subway, at work, during meditation, imagine your friendships, talk to the visualization.
  • When you go to church, be sure to light a candle for the health of your friend. This is a very strong positive message that can be felt from a distance.

Use these tools, they are guaranteed to help you. Never start a ritual while you still have resentment. Even if it's been 10 years. Everything evil, dark and destructive must be expelled from your soul, otherwise it will not work to restore friendship. In less than a few months, you will again initiate a quarrel. Your sincere prayers will surely be heard - the Universe will return your former happiness and joy, help you forget all the bad things. Believe in yourself, love your friends, and ask for forgiveness more often.

Miraculous words: a prayer to make friends in full description from all the sources we found.

To find reliable friends!

  • In order to find true, reliable friends, perform such a ritual on the growing moon. Pour a handful of sunflower seeds into a deep metal plate. Light a blue candle and say aloud 9 times a plot:

“How many seeds I poured into a bowl, so many friends I invited myself.”

  • Then pour the seeds onto a white piece so that the seeds do not spill out, and say the plot 3 times:

“Just like you, seeds, you will lie with me, you will be just as faithful to my friends.”

  • Extinguish the candle, and put the seeds in a secluded place so that no one will find them.

© Orthodox prayers, special conspiracies, magical rites and rituals, signs and Orthodox icons

How to find a new friend or return an old one with the help of a magical conspiracy?

A faithful and reliable friend is a rather rare occurrence. Especially in the conditions of the modern world, where everyone seeks to find personal gain. But it also happens that a simple friend can be made a best friend with a little magic. For such cases, conspiracies are provided, with the help of which friendly sympathy is born. As a result, it develops into a strong friendship, allowing you to build relationships with others. What else can be achieved using magical conspiracies for friendship, we will tell in this article.

After reading the magic words in a specially created environment, you can radically change the attitude towards yourself as one or several people at once. As a result, reliable friends will appear in your life, on whom you can rely at any time.

What are the rituals?

All conspiracies for friendship, with the help of which you can get friends, are divided into three groups. Each of them is represented by specially prepared texts that can be applied in a specific situation.

So, conspiracies to create friendships can be:

  • attracting friends - for lonely people who have not yet found a good friend;
  • supporting an already existing connection - are used after scandals and quarrels to establish and restore friendship between people;
  • causing friendly sympathy - to attract new friends and acquaintances in order to choose among them a suitable candidate for the best friend.

Speak fresh flowers to find a friend

If you want to achieve the location of a particular person who does not seek to be your friend, you can apply this conspiracy. It will help to correct the current situation between you and another person (or several people at once).

In order for the approval from the victim, as well as friendly sympathy, to soon appear on the part of the object of the conspiracy, get:

Having prepared a bouquet, go to the temple. Buy a candle and put it near the icon called "Taming Evil Hearts". Say over it, holding flowers in your hands, the following words:

“Snakes will not spare anyone, they will sting with their tongues, poison them with poison, but let them pass me by, leave me alone. Let them have mercy on me and love me in society, let them only say good things about me. Our Great Lord will help these words to come true. Help me, Lord, the servant of God (your name), indulgence and blessings have gone. Amen".

After saying a friendship plot three times in a row, leave the bouquet under the icon. Now you can return home. The result should become noticeable within a month. The first signs of the effectiveness of the ritual will be a good attitude of enemies and good communication in society.

To make up

If you quarreled with your best friend and want not only to restore relations, but also to restore a strong friendship, perform this ceremony. To organize it, prepare:

For the plot to be effective, perform the ceremony at sunset, in the light of the setting sun for twelve days in a row. On the evening of the first day, light one candle, setting it in a saucer. Say over the flame of a candle the following words of a conspiracy for reconciliation:

“Lord Almighty, help, bless and send your indulgence to the servant of God (proper name)! An angel walked from the throne to the church. And at the gates of the church, the Mother of God and the Archangel Michael met him. They had swords and sabers in their hands, with which they drove away evil spirits from the angel. They also dispersed all squabbles, quarrels, scandals, and returned the world to the friendship of a servant of God (his name) and a servant of God (name of a friend). So let peace and friendship reign from now on, and peace settle in their souls. From now on, their friendship will become strong, it will never collapse and break under the influence of vile speeches, malicious glances. Key. Language. Lock. Amen".

Leave the candle to burn out, and in the following days repeat the same steps. If you manage to make peace and restore friendship before 12 candles run out, do not interrupt the ritual. Take action now to strengthen your relationship. If you can’t make peace with a friend, even when all the candles run out, take the initiative. By apologizing, you thereby establish a friendship and return a friend.

Speak the thing of a potential friend

If in a society one person attracts your attention, whose location you have not yet achieved, speak his personal thing. Even if the object was only a few minutes in the hands of the victim, it will also fit.

In the evening, take a thing and read a friendship plot over it:

“Let us make friends and never scatter, never quarrel, never part on different sides. Help me, heavenly powers, preserve friendship and obstacles prepared by fate to overcome. From now on, let it be so forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Remove the charmed thing to the farthest corner. You need to hide it securely so that no one finds the item and destroys the magic.

To find a friend

If a person is completely alone and there is no true friend in his life, you can use this rite. With it, you can get new acquaintances, friends and friends. To perform the ritual you will need:
  • a handful of sunflower seeds;
  • wide bowl made of metal;
  • church candle;
  • a piece of natural white fabric.

Sit down at the table in the evening. Put the candle on the table, light it. Set a bowl nearby and pour the seeds into it. Next, read the plot to attract friends seven times in a row:

“How many sunflower seeds are in a bowl, let me have so many friends. How many seeds I poured into this bowl, so many people will step on my threshold, they will become friends.

Next, transfer the seeds one at a time from the bowl to the cloth. When all the seeds are on the fabric, tie it up so that not a single seed falls out. Take and hide this bundle in a secret place, while saying:

“How quiet and true you lie, so faithful and good to my friends to be. Amen".

And remember, in order for the ceremony with the reading of the conspiracy for friendship to be effective, spend it with the growing moon. During this period, the heavenly body will deign to new achievements and help you make new friends and strengthen friendship.

Effective conspiracies for a girlfriend

Most people believe that friendship never fades. Moreover, magic is absolutely not needed for friendship. This opinion has several interpretations, because even the closest friend can betray. Making friendships is easy, but keeping them in perfect condition is much more difficult. There are situations when all friends have turned away from a friend, and it is not possible to make peace. And sometimes a person has a new girlfriend.

Conspiracy for friends

It is never possible to predict the behavior of the closest friend. It is in such situations that it is customary to use a conspiracy on a best friend or friend. It has always been easy enough for a child to attract new friends.

A little information

Never plot on friends if you know the person for a fairly short period of time. For starters, just chat and get to know the person better. If after some time you are sure that you have met a true friend who will never betray and will support, then you can use magic to strengthen friendly ties. There are rituals that are directed against bad friends.

If you understand that you want to build friendly relations with this person, but your bonds are crumbling pretty quickly, then you should not hesitate to solve the problem that has arisen. This rite does not require special knowledge in the field of magic. You do not have to spend all your energy strength to complete it. White magic is designed in such a way that it cannot cause harm. It is aimed at improving the life of an ordinary inhabitant of the planet to the state that the performer dreams of.

You don't have to worry about the consequences. There is no specific time for this ceremony. The only important thing is that your actions must have a certain sequence. The ritual is allowed an indefinite number of times. Everything depends on your desire.

Conspiracy for a long friendship

During the creation of a conspiracy for friends, the result is imprinted not on one victim, but on a certain number of persons. You can use special attributes.

  1. A voodoo doll. Each doll should represent a certain person. It is desirable that she has at least a few similar parameters with a real person. If you are unable to carry out these manipulations, then you can stick a photo of the participants in the ritual on each doll to make new friends.
  2. An item that belongs to your new friend. A conspiracy is slandered on this thing, after which it must be returned to the owner.
  3. Photos of participants. Photos must be recent. It is important that there is only one person in the image. Outsiders in the photo should not be.

“I, the servant of God (name), read this conspiracy in order to forever bind myself with the bonds of friendship. We will never be able to get away from each other. We will become one so that no one can separate us. Higher powers will be on our side, and will help us be friends all our lives. I ask the person to run and try to make reconciliation. I'm even ready to submit an invitation to my home. Amen".

Love spell of a friend

If you have a goal to acquire one specific like-minded person, then this method is especially for you. To attract a new friend, this is a great magical option. Buy a small gift for your desired friend, and read a special plot on it.

“I ask the Lord to help me in a certain situation. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a good friend in the person of the servant of God (name). May our destinies intertwine, and forever remain connected. I don't want to lose this person from my life. May no one ever separate us. We'll be like Bonnie and Clyde. Always together, always near. Amen".

The charmed item must be presented to the right person and make sure that he will keep it at home. If you have the opportunity to visit the house, then you can bring any object with you, and put it in a place where no one can find it.

For the return of a former friend

You can bind a person to yourself with the help of prayer. A great option in order to send your son to you, who has ceased to treat you like a human being. If you need to return an old friend, then this rite is used. Take a mirror and put it in front of you. Put a photo of the victim in front of the mirror. Place three candles nearby and light them. Now you need to read the plot.

“Please, God, help me get my former friend back. It so happened that we lost contact with each other. Most likely, out of stupidity, because they were young. Now I have realized my mistake, and I ask for help in restoring our friendship. Make it so that it never collapses again, but on the contrary, only intensifies. Let my son come to me for advice, I will always come to his aid. My words represent the key to friendship that I will never give to anyone. Amen".

The ritual is held for twelve days. It is forbidden to interrupt it, even if reconciliation has occurred. It is best if you take the first step towards, and not wait for a step from your friend. This will only speed up the process.

Final part

With the help of magic, you can get rid of the bad friends of your husband or son. If you do not like the environment of your husband or son, then perform a special ceremony that will forever quarrel even the best friends. An example in such a situation is impossible.

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Recently, a whole collection of conspiracies has appeared that help to reconcile with a former friend, or to acquire a new like-minded person. There are many situations in which, apart from magic, there is no other way to solve the problem. Remember that white magic is strong. She has a large number of ways to return old friends and make new ones. It is better not to use black magic at all, because it has a number of negative consequences. If, nevertheless, you turn to black magic, you will bring trouble not only on yourself, but also on your friend. Therefore, use white magic, because it personifies goodness and happiness.

How to attract love and friendship into your life?

We live in a modern world with advanced technologies, which, unfortunately, by providing conveniences in everyday life, very much separate people. Many of us are very acutely experiencing loneliness and the question of how to get rid of it in our time is very relevant.

Rite methods

You can get rid of loneliness with the help of conspiracies of white magic. They do not have negative consequences and with their help it is impossible to harm either oneself or another person. Any conspiracy from loneliness has a directional effect.

Rites are used to attract into one's own life:

  • Partner for creating a family;
  • Friends for communication;
  • Ensuring inner harmony.

To approach the meeting

If you are trying to bring a meeting with your loved one closer, then you should conduct the following ceremony, which involves the use of additional attributes.


  • Petals of seven red fresh roses;
  • sheet of white paper;
  • Pens;
  • Church candle.

The ritual is performed on the full moon by candlelight, in a separate room and in silence.

You need to do the following:

  • Write on a piece of paper: “Love, happiness, reciprocity!”
  • Circle the words with a line in the form of a heart and cut it out;
  • Pour rose petals on an impromptu heart;
  • Say the following conspiracy seven times, while holding your hands over the petals:

After the ceremony, the paper heart must be hidden in a secret place, and the rose petals must be dried and also stored until meeting with the sweetheart.

A simple ritual for friendship

A very simple magic plot can help in finding friends. To do this, all that is needed is to read the plot three times during the period of the growing moon at midnight in a secluded place.

His words sound like this:

The ceremony must be performed seven times every day. This conspiracy from loneliness, uttered sincerely, is very effective. Therefore, soon you will begin to make new acquaintances and completely forget about past sorrows.

Conspiracy for inner harmony

To find inner harmony, you should conduct a special conspiracy that will balance the inner world.

For this you will need:

  • Dried collection of various herbs collected by yourself:
  • A flap of fabric;
  • needles;
  • Threads.

First you need to sew a bag out of fabric, where to put the dried collection of herbs and carefully sew it up. The resulting bag needs to be spoken.

The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced five times:

The charmed bag must be kept in a conspicuous place and periodically picked up.

Before choosing a rite to get rid of loneliness, you should analyze the current situation and carefully consider whether you can cope with the problems that have arisen on your own without magic.

Conspiracy for friends

I bring to your attention a strong conspiracy to friends, which was shared with me by a familiar village healer.

It will allow you to direct the flows of positive energy to people dear to you and strengthen existing friendships.

If you have not found them yet, then it is time to perform the simplest ritual.

My friend's shoulder will become a strong support,

No one will separate us with an evil quarrel.

Let's support each other in tough times

Let's drive away trouble and a hateful blizzard.

Let betrayal pass by

You will be with me and I will be with you.

Let me meet friends on the way,

I call on reliable comrades.

I swear I'll be there for the hard days

I help them, they help me.

Amen! Amen! Amen!

one). Go to the church shop and buy seven expensive candles.

2). If not available, get the icon of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

3). Exactly at midnight, close in the room and light candles.

Place Orthodox icons nearby.

four). Look at the burning flame and mentally imagine your friends in good health, drawing images of those who are not yet in your life.

In this way, you will attract positive energy towards meeting a reliable friend.

5). Read seven times in a row from a sheet of magic conspiracy to friends.

6). After the candles burn out, get rid of their cinders.

7). After some time, the ritual can be repeated.

I wish you to meet only reliable and decent people in your life.

A friendship conspiracy is a method of magical influence that helps to arouse friendly sympathy in another person or strengthen an existing friendship. Rites of this kind help to influence not only one particular person, but also all those around them. Using special conspiracies or prayers for friendship, you can build relationships with others and have many friends and acquaintances.

All conspiracies for friendship can be of several types:

to attract friends.
Such rituals are usually used when a person is lonely and dreams of a faithful and good friend. Such rituals are performed most often during the growing month in the daytime.

to maintain relationships.
This type of ritual helps to restore relations with a friend after a quarrel. In addition, conspiracies are used to maintain friendship in a situation where people move away or their paths diverge.

to new friends and acquaintances.
These conspiracies help others to like and make a person friendly and sociable. As a rule, this type of rituals will not help to find one true friend and keep him, however, if they do so, then a person will have many new acquaintances and the opportunity to get rid of loneliness.

Having chosen the most suitable type of plot, you should follow all the recommendations and instructions exactly.

Conspiracy to please others

It happens that the most ordinary person feels uncomfortable among the people around him. Even more, he realizes that they do not like him. And all attempts to win the favor of other people fail miserably, not allowing them to achieve approval and friendship. In this situation, a special ritual will come to the rescue, which will help fix everything.

To carry out the ritual, you will need twelve fresh flowers of light shades. With this bouquet, you need to go to church to pray for an icon to tame evil hearts. The bouquet is left near the icon. Leaving the church, you need to say the magic words:

“The snakes sting everyone with their tongues, spare no one,
And let their poison bypass me,
Let the people love and have mercy on me.
Whoever has my name on the tongue, he can only remember me with a kind word,
Only good things can be said to me and others.
And the Lord will help me, my desire will be fulfilled.
God bless you, help me.

The words of the prayer are read three times. When you say a prayer, go home. At this point, the rite is considered completed. However, it is recommended to repeat it one more time in a month.

This ritual is effective when a person is looking for good communication with others and does not do it for his own benefit.

Rite to the world

It is believed that finding a good friend is not too difficult.

It is much more important and more difficult to carry the friendship through the years, strengthening the relationship.

But it happens that people quarrel and not every time it turns out to make peace. In order not to delay reconciliation with a loved one, you can use the following rite.

For his fulfillment of this friendship conspiracy, twelve church candles will be required.

The prayer is read twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the ceremony is twelve days.

“Lord God, bless and help me, the servant of God (your name).
The angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, to the church itself.
At the gate, Archangel Michael and the Mother of God were waiting for him.
They held a saber and a sword, they drove away evil spirits from a slave,
With a saber and a sword, quarrels dispersed everything, troubles were stopped.
Return, God, peace and tranquility between the servants of God (your names),
Strengthen their friendship and peace, but close the gates stronger,
So that their friendship is not broken and does not stop.
And the key with which you will lock friendship,
Put it away so no one will find it.

You need to read the prayer for twelve days, even if you and your friend have already reconciled. This will only strengthen your relationship and make the friendship eternal. If during this time you have not reconciled, then you should take the initiative and apologize. The use of magic will make the reconciliation process quick.

Magic rite for a good relationship

This friendship plot can be used both to improve friendships and to restore friendship due to a quarrel. In addition, the rite is also perfect in the case when completely new friendships are born to make them strong.

The plot is read at exactly noon, thinking about the person with whom you want to be friends:

“An angel will fly from heaven, call the servants of God with him (your names)
One table, one bench.
The servants of God (names) will sit side by side,
They will bring them food, drinks,
They will sit next to each other.
The conversation between them will boil, no one can stop those speeches
And will not understand. The ardor of God's servants cannot be appeased by anyone.
A tree grows over that table,
Green leaves make noise on it, they are supported by a conversation.
And while those leaves make noise, there will be friendship between the slaves (names).
Their hearts will thaw, their hands will close in a handshake,
Smiles will adorn their lips, there will be peace to the world.
And if the slaves quarrel, they admit that they were wrong together,
Drink at the table and breathe with ease.
After a quarrel, peace comes, friendship will be indestructible.
Be friends with the servant of God (your name) and with the servant of God (name of a friend).

Ritual for a thing

This ritual can be used both to get the location of a completely new person, and to restore relations with those with whom there was a quarrel. To perform the ceremony, you will need a thing or object that was in the hands of a prospective friend.

A conspiracy is read on this subject:

“Let us never scatter, never be separated,
Let's not go in different directions.
And the heavenly forces will help us to be together, overcome quarrels, resolve disagreements.
From now on and forever, forever and ever.

The plot is repeated three times, after which the item must be removed to a secret place and stored there.

An effective and efficient means for establishing new relationships and restoring old ones is considered to be a conspiracy against friends. Accurate adherence to all instructions and recommendations regarding the performance of the ritual and faith in a successful outcome will make the magical effect strong and effective.