Life without cancer. Natural remedies for cancer


Modern MEDICINE is faced with the problem of the ineffectiveness of drugs invented long ago. We have to create more and more analogues of modern drugs, but the diseases do not recede. Not only that, there are also medicinal diseases. Chemical drugs have disappointed not only patients, but also doctors, so more and more we have to return to the original source - NATURE.

In my medical practice, I prescribe complexes of medicinal plants and bee products. In my books I give many recipes for herbs. They can be used for treatment. However, if the patient wants results, he needs to get my consultation and drugs. They have a common name, for example, water extract of propolis, polyphyte oil, polyphyte elixir, apiphytobalm and others, but the formula of these drugs is completely different in the treatment of different diseases and I modify it every two months so that there is no addiction and the effect in treatment does not decrease.

I write about my latest developments in the books “Life without Cancer”, “The Big Honey Book”, “Healing Letters”, “Plants as Medicines” and in newspaper articles.

Readers wishing to receive additional clarifications can write to ALEXEY FYODOROVICH SINYAKOV by e-mail at: [email protected], or call tel.


All consultations are free.


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the UN International Informatization Academy A.F. Sinyakov.


Newspaper "Business Podmoskovye"
“Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov... The name of this person is well known among the world elite of alternative medicine. Thousands of revived patients from all over Russia and the CIS countries speak of him with deep gratitude. Corresponding member of the UN International Informatization Academy, professor, one of the country's most authoritative specialists in api-and phytotherapy, a great connoisseur of traditional medicine, a talented bioenergy therapist, he published many works on these topics that are very popular among readers.

Newspaper "Arguments and Facts"

“Every person is interesting in their own way. Aleksey Fedorovich Sinyakov is interesting in terms of degree and especially because he is an outstanding doctor and healer. He is the embodiment of participation and attention, multiplied by the willingness to provide real assistance by all means available to him. The arsenal of his means, their effectiveness is impressive. Here are just a few recent examples.
Tatyana Vasilievna Ya-oh had a whole “bouquet” of diseases - digestive disorders, cholecystitis, neurosis, heart failure. After removing the "damage" she began to do without medication.
In P.'s family, diathesis disappeared after a session of bioenergetic correction in a four-year-old boy. Several sessions to restore the biofield and the use of herbal collection “put on their feet” the elderly Zinaida Ivanovna S. A benign tumor resolved in a seven-month-old girl ... "

Newspaper "Peasant Russia"

“Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov successfully treats various ailments with non-traditional methods based on the magical fusion of knowledge of centuries-old Russian folk medicine, oriental medicine, psychotherapy and bioenergetic influences. On the pages of our newspaper, he reveals his secrets, shares his innermost thoughts about God, about the unity of the spiritual and material, about eternal values ​​- Faith, Hope, Love, Goodness and Wisdom.

Newspaper "Grandmother's recipes"

“Dr. Sinyakov succeeds where conventional therapy fails, for example, in cancer of various localizations, thyroid diseases, prostate adenoma, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, cataracts, glaucoma and many other diseases. In his opinion, today the most effective method of treatment is the judicious use of medicinal plants, bee products and other natural remedies that increase the body's defenses.

Magazine "Beekeeping"

The readers of our magazine are well aware of the name of Alexei Fedorovich Sinyakov. For many years, his articles on the use of bee products in medicine have been of constant interest, helping to improve health, instilling hope for healing. His medical and scientific career is connected with the study and use of medicinal plants, bee products and other natural remedies. Interest in them is not accidental, because Alexei Fedorovich is a hereditary doctor. Continuing the family tradition, he is looking for new ways to get rid of serious illnesses.
High professionalism, deep erudition, love for people, their desire to teach them to overcome their ailments prompted Alexei Fedorovich to take up a pen. In addition to many scientific articles, he is the author of 38 excellent monographs.”

Newspaper "Grandmother's recipes"

"Professor Sinyakov's advice and recipes are used for treatment not only by readers of his books and patients, but also by doctors. Aleksey Fedorovich does not treat according to a stencil. For each patient, he selects an individual set of drugs. The formula for the composition of herbs, ointments, tinctures, etc. is modified to at every stage of treatment. In addition to natural remedies, Dr. Sinyakov helps patients find a reserve of strength and gain faith in their recovery. In his practice, there are cases of curing hopelessly ill patients. And these cases, official medicine cannot yet explain."

© Aleksey Fedorovich Sinyakov, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4490-5437-1

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, api- and phytotherapist, Aleksey Fedorovich Sinyakov in his book talks about many types of cancer, their prevention and offers a large number of unique recipes for the treatment of oncological diseases and restoring the body's strength after surgery and chemotherapy. His book is the result of 45 years of medical and scientific activity, which is associated with the study and use of medicinal plants, bee products and other methods in medical practice. The author has provided many available methods for the preparation of anti-cancer therapeutic and prophylactic drugs. Using his advice and recipes in combination with traditional treatment will help to fight cancer faster and more effectively. We especially note that the doctor assisted the leaders of Mongolia, Yu. Tsedenbal, in maintaining health, as well as the Cuban leader Fidel Castro, prominent party and Soviet leaders, and many other famous people. For a wide range of readers.

All rights are reserved and protected by the Russian Federation Copyright Law and the Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property. Reproduction of the entire book or any part of it is prohibited without the written permission of the author. Any attempt to break the law will be prosecuted.

Word to the reader


In memory of my unforgettable parents,

instilled in me a love for alternative

medicine. When I write my books, they

as if come to life, talking to me, and

guide my thoughts.

In this book, I lift the veil that hides the unknown and indicate the direction by which you can get away from the disease. Trust me, because without this you cannot begin treatment, enter with me on the path of health with complete, unshakable, firm confidence in a positive result. Decisiveness and faith - that's what I need from you.

It is not enough to read about cancer therapy - you must act! Leave complaints and start healing! Only then will you be able to do the impossible - to enter the path of healing. My many years of medical experience allows me to assert that in the case of such a serious illness as cancer, there is no single way to healing, it must be laid for each individual. The patient himself must also change, become a different, renewed person: change his thinking, nutrition, lifestyle - and then you will become the winner, not the disease. Drop all doubts, you need an indestructible faith in a miracle, and it will happen.

The possibilities of the human body are fantastically great, which is confirmed by individual cases of recovery from cancer, even in very advanced cases. Many people know that academic medicine is powerless, considering a cancer patient hopeless, and the patient, contrary to all pessimistic forecasts, suddenly recovers!

Modern science has achieved significant results in the field of medicine, but at the same time, it still cannot explain cases of recovery, for example, cancer patients, returning to life and the emergence of certain abilities after clinical death, the ability of a person to heal not only with drugs. Many more mysteries are fraught with the reserve of the human brain. In oncology centers, operations are often performed that change little in the tumor process itself. Sometimes the fact of the existence of alternative methods of cancer treatment is hushed up or they are deliberately (or more often unknowingly) given a negative assessment. Here I would like to note that some Russian oncologists do not burden themselves with the study of new methods of treatment. This, of course, does not make the doctor competent enough, rather the opposite. For example, oncologists often speak about the inadmissibility of taking adaptogens, their categorical statements that all of them (eleutherococcus, ginseng, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, etc.) contribute to tumor growth. But one should ask such "specialists" - do they have scientific articles or studies about this? At least such statements of doctors are not professional. However, I think that most often oncologists deliberately hide information about the methods of api- and phytotherapy for cancer, even to the detriment of the health of patients, as they seek to sell them the services that are available in their clinic. This situation, of course, is shameful, not corresponding to the true title of a doctor. Declaring that "you need an operation, only it is an effective and radical treatment," the doctor is disingenuous, because this is far from a radical and not always effective treatment. “After surgery and chemotherapy, tumor recurrence, metastasis formation are possible…” - such an answer would be more honest. Many diseases with the prophylactic intake of herbs with the addition of bee products “freeze” and may never manifest themselves. Herbs and bee products contribute to the maintenance and preservation of strong immunity, which in turn prevents cell mutation.

My experience in managing oncological patients shows that in each specific case a creative approach is needed, new solutions, new drugs that I develop based on the "bouquet" of diseases of a particular patient, and in some cases I correct his biofield and put the patient on protection, thereby help him to recover.

A. F. Sinyakov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the UN International Informatization Academy

[email protected]

Or call mob. tel. 8-916-525-06-72

According to the press

≪Dr. Sinyakov succeeds where conventional therapy fails, for example, with cancer of various localizations, thyroid diseases, prostate adenoma, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, cataracts, glaucoma and many other diseases. In his opinion, today the most effective method of treatment is the judicious use of medicinal plants, bee products and other natural remedies that increase the body's defenses. The advice and recipes of Professor Sinyakov are used for treatment not only by readers of his books and patients, but also by doctors. Alexei Fedorovich does not treat according to a stencil. For each patient, he selects an individual set of drugs. The formula for the composition of herbs, ointments, tinctures, etc. is modified at each stage of treatment. In addition to natural remedies, Dr. Sinyakov helps patients find a reserve of strength and gain faith in their recovery. in his practice there are cases of curing hopelessly ill patients. And official medicine still cannot explain these cases.

Newspaper "Grandmother's recipes"

≪Aleksey Fedorovich Sinyakov… The name of this person is well known among the world elite of alternative medicine. Thousands of revived patients from all over Russia and the CIS countries speak of him with deep gratitude. Corresponding member of the UN International Informatization Academy, professor, one of the country's most authoritative specialists in api- and phytotherapy, a great connoisseur of traditional medicine, a talented bioenergy therapist, he has published many works on these topics that are very popular among readers.”

Newspaper ≪Business Podmoskovye≫

"BUT. F. Sinyakov in the book "Phytotherapy that conquers cancer" summarizes the rich experience of traditional medicine (the book describes 118 medicinal plants, many of which are good honey plants) in the treatment of cancer. The publication contains a large number of recipes for the treatment and prevention of tumors. Most prescriptions are designed for the use of bee products. The book is also interesting with specific examples of cures for benign and malignant tumors (prostate adenoma, cancer of the esophagus, stomach, skin, etc.).”

Journal "Beekeeping".

“Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov successfully treats various ailments with methods based on the magical fusion of knowledge of centuries-old Russian folk medicine, oriental medicine, psychotherapy and bioenergetic influences. On the pages of our newspaper, he shares his knowledge, innermost thoughts about God, about the unity of the spiritual and material, about eternal values ​​- Faith, Hope, Love, Goodness and Wisdom. Newspaper "Peasant Russia".

“The publications of Dr. Sinyakov in our newspaper cause a flurry of letters from patients asking for help. And Alexey Fedorovich answers all letters, giving effective advice. In the outback, this is especially tangible and relevant.

Newspaper-healer "Ay, it hurts"

What is invested in the concept of "cancer"?

My drugs are not medicines, they are not available in pharmacies, they are prepared individually for a particular patient (as an exception) and, of course, in each case, my consultation as a doctor is required.

Our body is built from various tissues (muscle, connective, bone, etc.), and tissues are built from a huge number of cells that can divide and increase in number. For example, the development of an embryo in an adult organism occurs through the reproduction of its cells in a certain rhythm. An increase in the number of cells is observed throughout the life of the organism. Moreover, this process under normal conditions is in a state of equilibrium (regulatory mechanisms control cell reproduction and, accordingly, tissue growth). However, under the influence of a number of reasons, the balance is sometimes disturbed, and the reproduction of cells gets out of control, and this can lead to the emergence of a wide variety of malignant tumors, called the word "cancer".

There are six main properties that characterize cancer

1. The ability of malignant cells to persist and grow indefinitely.

2. Loss by cancer cells of specific functions characteristic of cells of normal tissues - their precursors.

3. Germination of the tumor in the surrounding tissues and their destruction.

4. The ability of malignant cells to spread from the primary focus with blood or lymph throughout the body and settle in various tissues with the formation of secondary nodes (metastases) of the same type as the primary tumor. At the same time, if the conditions in the body become unfavorable for tumor cells, the process of their reproduction can stop, and then they can remain in the so-called dormant state for a number of years. With the onset of favorable changes for them, tumor cells again begin to grow intensively. All forms of cancer are capable of metastasizing, but their frequency and timing depend on the type of malignant tumor.

5. General self-intoxication and cachexia (extreme exhaustion) in the later stages of the development of the disease.

6. Ability to recur. So, after surgical removal of the tumor or its disappearance under the influence of radiation treatment, sometimes, after a certain interval

time, a new tumor of the same structure as the original one arises. This is due to the lack of destructive effects on malignant cells, the weakening of the body's defenses.

benign tumors (fibromas, adenomas, lipomas, warts, etc.), unlike malignant ones, develop in one place, pushing adjacent tissues, but not destroying them. They do not metastasize, do not recur, and are far from being as serious diseases as cancer.

I note that the term "cancer" unites a large group of malignant tumors, different in causative factors, their structure and clinical course.

So, we can conclude that the word "cancer" should be understood as all tumors , consisting of cells that have lost their specific functions and are able to persist, grow, destroy healthy tissues and form new tumors (metastases) at a certain distance from the primary one, as well as give relapses after a more or less long period.

More and more mechanisms for the development of cancer are being established. Moreover, in different patients, their specific gene can be turned on or off, about which science still knows nothing and whose existence is not even suspected.

A complex of influences is necessary for the implementation of malignant degeneration. An appropriate role can also be played by additional influences related to the way of life of a person, changes in his internal and external environment.

It should be noted that the ever-increasing incidence of cancer in recent years is directly related to changes in our habits, living conditions, as well as changes in spiritual life.

From, for example, whether we can fully manifest the spiritual possibilities inherent in us, our emotional state of mind . Dissatisfaction with oneself, the inability to realize one's "I", constant stress, etc. cause violations of the enzymatic and hormonal systems, metabolism. And all this adversely affects our immune system, its functioning. As a result, a group of cells may appear that is out of control, which begins its life, not connected with the whole organism. Cells are reborn become capable of unlimited uncontrolled reproduction. A malignant tumor develops.

This process has been unfolding over many years. However, it is revealed only in its final phase, when a whole community of degenerated, uncontrollably multiplying cells is formed.

I emphasize: precancerous conditions can lurk in the body for years and decades.

Scientists have calculated that from the appearance of the first cancer cell to the formation of a tumor of 2 mm in size, it takes from 10 to 20 years. Only for particularly rapidly growing tumors, this period can be reduced to 6 years. A tumor of 2-3 mm can already be diagnosed. In the future, within 2-6 years, it grows up to 10 mm and can be determined by palpation - but this is already a late diagnosis. For the success of treatment measures, it is very important to detect the tumor as early as possible.

I also note that neither radical surgery, nor radiation therapy, nor chemotherapy, aimed directly at the destruction of a malignant tumor, can eliminate the predisposition of the body to the development of cancer. Consequently, all this super-powerful treatment is not only unable to protect the body from the occurrence of tumor relapses, but, moreover, contributes to this to a certain extent, since it sharply lowers immune responses.

To mitigate the adverse effects of such treatment, you need to combine it with strengthening the immune system of the patient and his spiritual abilities. There are cases (and I can cite many of them) when, during a surgical intervention, it was established that the tumor had given extensive metastases and could not be removed (inoperable cancer). The surgical wound was sutured and, after it had healed, the patient was sent home, prescribing symptomatic treatment (in fact, this is a betrayal by doctors towards the patient, albeit a forced one, dictated by the impotence of modern medicine).

However, after some time the patient still recovered. What's the matter? There was self-healing. If necessary, each of us can push ourselves on a similar path. For this, it turns out, it is necessary, in particular, that our “I” rebel against our own weakness, and then we will get a chance to recover. Strong psychogenic stress, leading to a revolution in consciousness, a reassessment of spiritual values, an indestructible desire to achieve a high goal in life, can become saving incentives in the fight against a deadly disease.

Cancer is a disease that can be defeated only by using a complex of influences. , including the mandatory active participation of the internal mechanisms of protection of the patient himself. Not only the doctor, but also the patient must fight against the disease, and the position of the patient should not be defensive, but offensive. Boundless faith in your abilities works wonders!

It has long been known that there is a hereditary predisposition to tumors , and not the whole organism as a whole, but only individual organs - the lungs, stomach, liver, etc.

There have been cases when a defective gene, wandering from generation to generation, caused the death of a large number of relatives from cancer of the same organ. However, only relatively recently it was revealed that a hereditary predisposition to cancer manifests itself already in the early period of development of the organism in the form of a violation of intercellular interactions (it turned out, for example, that the adhesive force of epithelial tissue cells in a healthy organism is on average 10 times greater than in cancer).

So, the relationship of hereditary predisposition to cancer with the mechanical properties of the tissue was established. This discovery is of great practical importance. It allows not only to predict cancer already in infancy, but also to indicate the way to increase resistance to it, namely, the need to strengthen the adhesion force of the cells of a certain organ.

Immunity and tumors

popular word "immunity" usually does not make you wonder what it means. Many understand that we are talking about protecting the body from various diseases, but only experts can accurately explain what the immune system is and how it works. In my work, I have often thought about the side effects of many drugs and studied the mechanism of action of medicinal plants and bee products to reduce the negative effects of synthetic drugs, as well as the effect of natural remedies on strengthening immunity. Each of us can get sick. But in some, the disease proceeds quite easily and without complications, while in others, a minor cold provokes serious illnesses. And immunity plays an important role in this.

There are a lot of factors that destroy the immune system . For example, stress. If it does not last long, then the body quickly recovers. But with prolonged stress, special hormones are released that can suppress the immune system. Literally every sore clings to such a weakened person: infections, fungal infections, tumors, allergies, etc. Improper nutrition, especially fashionable fasting, injuries, and operations also lead to damage to the immune system. For example, in oncological patients after irradiation and chemotherapy, immunity so weakened that these patients are susceptible to secondary diseases. This is the problem I am still working on. In my arsenal I use not chemicals, but plants and bee products. To do this, it is necessary to have not only medical knowledge, but also to know the plants themselves, their chemical composition, and the compatibility of one with another. For example , propolis preparation, polyphytic oil, apiphytobalms, the formulas of which I constantly modify, have the property of strengthening the immune system. That is, in the composition of certain plants and bee products there are chemical compounds that, interacting with lymphocytes and other systems, stimulate the immune response.

The mistake of many herbalists is that, apart from, for example, vodka with oil or hemlock, aconite, sublimate and fly agaric, they cannot offer anything else. They do not take into account that the patient may have comorbidities, viral infections, and stressful situations. That is why I demand from patients a complete examination and an accurate diagnosis.

For example, propolis aqueous extract improves the functioning of not only the liver, kidneys, but also cleanses the blood and lymph from many foreign proteins, weakens intoxication from the secretions of viruses and bacteria, and suppresses their reproduction. In the case of tumor cells, it helps to restore intracellular metabolism and block the growth of altered cells.

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to completely abandon the treatment with chemical agents. Another thing is that you can reduce the side effect of them by strengthening the immune system. To do this, you need to know, as I have already said, quite a lot and prescribe treatment to the patient not according to a stencil, but approach it creatively.

For example, in case of tumor diseases, it is important, first of all, to balance nutrition and restore peace of mind, not to let the disease conquer your spirit. The trouble is that the patient is left alone with his illness, he cannot express his doubts and thoughts to anyone. And district doctors, under whose supervision a patient is discharged from an oncology center, are too overloaded to delve into the spiritual problems of such a patient. Therefore, along with the use of medicinal plants and bee products, I have to support the spirit of the seriously ill, strengthen their hope. Sometimes the word in its power of influence surpasses any other treatment. That's it combination of words and natural remedies gives wonderful results.

Many medicinal plants can be used not only in preparations or decoctions, but also in the form of seasonings, salads. For eye diseases, you can prepare a salad of spring primrose, blueberry leaves. With a weakened immune system, a drink made from blackcurrant and rose hips helps well.

Fees from medicinal plants must be compiled correctly. After all, a collection can include up to 20 herbs or more, and all of them must complement each other and be compatible. Compiling fees is a kind of art. They should not contain mutually exclusive and absolutely unnecessary plants. For some doctors, some rare overseas plants are too attractive. The patient loses precious time in search of the "scarlet flower", and the disease, meanwhile, does not sleep. Each such exotic recipe undermines faith in the doctor, in his competence, sincere desire to promote a speedy recovery. But you can be treated with those plants that grow in your area.

I should note If 15 years ago a cure for many diseases occurred in about a month and a half, now the treatment process takes from 4 to 6 months, and sometimes up to two years. And this is due to the fact that in many patients the immune system is greatly weakened.

To strengthen the immune system, good spirits, good mood, fresh air, a balanced diet, and the absence of bad habits are important.

Development of tumors also depends on a number of genetic causes (we do not know all of them), as well as on hormonal regulation, immune responses of the body, etc. However, the most attention among them should be given to the state of immunity. And if it is high, then the resulting cancer cells are destroyed by the immune system. The weakening of protective reactions can threaten the development of a cancerous process. But if the immune system regains its strength, then the tumor stops progressing and even undergoes reverse development. By acting on the immune system, stimulating it, we can influence the tumor indirectly.

Today it is already known for certain that clinically malignant tumor manifests itself after immune surveillance fails. As a result, protective (immune) cells cease to eliminate the cells of tumor "reborns" that are constantly formed in our body.

Stimulate, increase the effectiveness of the immune response - this is what the treatment with medicinal herbs, beekeeping products and other means that are the property of only traditional medicine so far is mainly aimed at.

However, it should be noted that scientific medicine has also intensively taken up the search for immunostimulating effects. Cancer vaccine development appears to be promising.

Among the factors that reduce immunological reactions and, therefore, contribute to cancer , can be called passion for hormonal drugs and tranquilizers. They began to be used too often, which negatively affects the defenses. So, synthetic sedatives well relieve tension, anxiety, drown out feelings, etc. However, they pollute the internal environment of a person, because microdoses of these drugs can circulate in the blood for weeks and even months. At the same time, the body's ability to overcome stressful conditions decreases, since regular intake of tranquilizers leads to detraining of special mechanisms of protection against stress.

There is also an assumption that a long-term decrease in body temperature (normal limits 36-36.9 ° C), the absence of inflammatory processes or their rapid relief with antipyretics are prerequisites for the onset of cancer. Apparently, with mild forms of acute respiratory diseases, influenza, etc., one should not rush to lower the temperature by taking antipyretics, but allow the body to overcome the disease on its own, because, having defeated it, it strengthens its immune system, and A strong immune system is the best defense against cancer.

Individuals wishing to receive further clarifications can email me at:

This book is written not only for those who are faced with a terrible diagnosis. But also for those who thought about cancer prevention in time. For those who have not come to terms with a cruel illness, have not lost faith in the possibility of overcoming it, in the miraculous power of traditional medicine. Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, api- and phytotherapist, Aleksey Fedorovich Sinyakov in his book talks about many types of cancer, offers a large number of unique recipes for preparing effective drugs at home for the treatment, prevention of cancer and recuperation of the body after surgery and chemotherapy. Using his advice in combination with traditional treatment will help to fight the onset and development of oncological diseases faster and more effectively.

Sinyakov Alexey Fedorovich 2012

Big honey healer

medical literature

Apiphytotherapy is the easiest, most affordable and natural way to gain strength, improve the quality of life and stop the aging process. No wonder Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization at the UN Alexei Fedorovich Sinyakov turned in his work to the treatment of honey and herbs. For more than thirty years, he has continued the family tradition of healing, helping people cope with a variety of ailments, restoring health to many, and sometimes even life. In this book, he summarized the knowledge of traditional medicine, his unique experience and scientific developments, systematized this information and presented it in a form accessible to a wide audience, now each of you can improve your health with the help of Professor Sinyakov's most effective recipes. This encyclopedia is the perfect companion for those who want to gain strength, vitality and longevity through natural means.

Sinyakov Alexey Fedorovich

Proper nutrition is the key to health

Cooking. Beverages.

Where do these extra pounds come from? - you sigh, looking in the mirror, or buttoning buttons with difficulty. In this book you will find the answer to this and many other questions. In addition, here you will find specific advice on the most rational and balanced diet, physical exercises, as well as dozens of recipes for delicious and healthy dishes that will decorate your table and not spoil your figure.


Sinyakov Alexey Fedorovich

Healing letters. 840+1 health improvement recipe

medical literature

Aleksey Fedorovich Sinyakov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of api- and phytotherapy, corresponding member of the UN International Informatization Academy. This book contains letters that came and continue to come to the author with a plea for help, since official medicine has already refused many patients. Not a single letter was left unanswered, without advice and a prescription. And so that all these recipes could become available to any person, the author decided to publish this book. Along with the release of this book, you have the chance to ask your question to the professor by sending him an email and get another healing recipe.


Sinyakov Alexey Fedorovich

My propolis treatment. Treatment of intractable diseases

medical literature

In the book "My treatment with propolis" I reveal the main secrets of api- and herbal medicine. I talk about effective methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases. Here you will find many useful recipes for every day. Of particular interest are cases of recovery from some serious and protracted diseases.


Sinyakov Alexey Fedorovich

My healing amulets. NEW MEANS AND NEW METHODS. The secret of success has been tested by practice

Psychology , medical literature

This book is for those who have not come to terms with a hopeless illness and have not lost heart in the face of a ruthless illness. It is not always possible to rely on medicines. There are diseases that are very difficult to treat, and then, in addition to chemicals, you have to use herbs, beekeeping products and other influences. The amulets made by me serve as one of the useful mechanisms in a complex set of therapeutic effects on the patient. This is discussed in the book, intended for a wide range of readers.


Sinyakov Alexey Fedorovich

New in medicine: how to defeat diseases

Psychology , medical literature

This book contains some letters that came and continue to come to the author with a plea for help, since many patients have already been abandoned by official medicine. Not a single letter remains unanswered, without advice and a prescription. And so that all these recipes, proven by practice, could become available to any person, the author decided to publish this book. Together with its publication, you have a chance to ask your question to the professor. Contacts in the book.

Current page: 1 (total book has 56 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 37 pages]

Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov

Big honey healer

Reviews of printed publications


“The readers of our magazine are well aware of the name of Alexei Fedorovich Sinyakov. For many years, his articles on the use of bee products in medicine have been of constant interest, helping to improve health, instilling hope for healing. His medical and scientific career is connected with the study and use of medicinal plants, bee products and other natural remedies. Interest in them is not accidental, because Alexei Fedorovich is a hereditary doctor. Continuing the family tradition, he is looking for new ways to get rid of serious illnesses.

High professionalism, deep erudition, love for people, the desire to teach them to overcome their ailments prompted Alexei Fedorovich to take up a pen. In addition to many scientific articles, he is the author of 38 excellent monographs.».

magazine "Beekeeping"»
* * *

“Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov successfully treats various ailments with non-traditional methods based on the magical fusion of knowledge of centuries-old Russian folk medicine, oriental medicine, psychotherapy and bioenergetic influences. on the pages of our newspaper, he reveals his secrets, shares his innermost thoughts about God, about the unity of the spiritual and material, about eternal values ​​- faith, hope, Love, Goodness and Wisdom.

newspaper "Peasant Russia»
* * *

“Periodically, my health deteriorated sharply. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She was treated for two years, but to no avail, but then she got an appointment with a wonderful doctor and soon after the treatment prescribed by him, she felt healthy.

"I I was treated for many years for acne that disfigured my face, at 22 she looked like an old woman. Now I enjoy looking in the mirror. Your preparations from bee products work wonders!”

"A miracle happened I became what she longed to see herself. And all this thanks to you, dear doctor!”

it excerpts from numerous letters of thanks that come to the address of the famous doctor and healer, professor of medicine Alexei Fedorovich Sinyakov, author of such popular books as “Living Medicines”, “Strengthening Immunity», «Golden recipes of herbal medicine», "Healing Maybe", "pollen treatment», "treatment with propolis" and many other original publications.

newspaper "Golden Bee"»

“Dr. Sinyakov succeeds where conventional therapy fails, for example, with cancer of various localizations, thyroid diseases, prostate adenoma, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, cataracts, glaucoma and many other diseases. In his opinion, today the most effective method of treatment is the judicious use of medicinal plants, bee products and other natural remedies that increase the body's defenses. The advice and recipes of Professor Sinyakov are used for treatment not only by readers of his books and patients, but also by doctors. Alexei Fedorovich does not treat according to a stencil. For each patient, he selects an individual set of drugs. The formula for the composition of herbs, ointments, tinctures, etc. is modified at each stage of treatment. In addition to natural remedies, Dr. Sinyakov helps patients find a reserve of strength and gain faith in their recovery. in his practice there are cases of curing hopelessly ill patients. And these cases are not yet explained by official medicine./maybe".

newspaper "Grandmother's recipes"»
* * *

“Every person is interesting in their own way. Aleksey Fedorovich Sinyakov is interesting in terms of degree, and especially because he is an outstanding doctor and healer. He is the embodiment of participation and attention, multiplied by the willingness to provide real assistance by all means available to him. The arsenal of his means, their effectiveness is impressive. Here are just a few recent examples.

At Tatyana Vasilievna, I was whole"bouquet" diseases - digestive disorders, cholecystitis, neurosis, interruptions in the heart. After removing the "damage" she began to do without medication.

In P.'s family, diathesis disappeared after a session of bioenergetic correction in a four-year-old boy. Several sessions to restore the biofield and the use of herbal collection put the elderly Zinaida Ivanovna S. At a seven-month-old girl had a benign tumor resolved ... "

newspaper Argumenty i Fakty»
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“Alexey Fedorovich Sinyakov… The name of this person is well known among the world elite of alternative medicine. Thousands of revived patients from all over Russia and the CIS countries speak of him with deep gratitude. Corresponding member of the UN International Informatization Academy, professor, one of the country's most respected specialists in api- and phytotherapy, a great connoisseur of traditional medicine, a talented bioenergy therapist, he published many works on these topics that are very popular among readers».

newspaper "Business Podmoskovye"»

honey doctor

Over the past decades, great advances have been made in medicine. Its arsenal was replenished with the latest technologies, diagnostic equipment, effective and potent medicinal preparations, it was possible to find ways to cure many diseases. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment is very expensive, which is not affordable for many patients. Therefore, there is an increasing need for inexpensive and effective treatments, such as medicinal plants, bee products and other natural remedies, the effectiveness and safety of which has been proven by time. It is also important that many pharmaceuticals have side effects and in some cases contribute to the emergence of drug diseases. Academic medicine is faced with the fact that many diseases have become chronic, and viruses and bacteria have become resistant to many drugs. Almost all methods of traditional medicine are recognized by medical science and are included in the practice of health care. The World Health Organization has a significant impact on the re-evaluation of the importance of traditional medicine in all countries of the world.

At the same time, cases of self-treatment with medicinal plants (including poisonous ones), bee products have become more frequent among the population, which inevitably leads to complications, and in some cases, poisoning, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, etc. are possible. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe api- and phytotherapy. professional after a thorough examination of the patient and diagnosis.

Such a professional doctor is SINYAKOV ALEKSEI FEDOROVICH, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Api- and Phytotherapy, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization at the UN, author of more than 650 publications and 38 monographs. He bit by bit collected and summarized the experience of traditional medicine, and then applied it in his practice. During his 40 years of medical activity, Dr. Sinyakov cured many hopeless patients, whom academic medicine refused.

Worthy of continuing the family tradition (his grandfather, grandmother and parents were herbalists), Aleksey Fedorovich built a bridge between academic and traditional medicine, using in the treatment not only medications, but also beekeeping products, herbal preparations, apiphytobalms, polyphyte tinctures, phytocandles, etc. His inquisitive analytical mind, high professionalism, perseverance, love for the sick made it possible to develop unique drugs that help get rid of such diseases as prostate adenoma, varicose veins, lymphogranulomatosis, hepatitis, many forms of cancer, infertility, thyroid diseases , cataract, glaucoma, hypertension, tuberculosis, etc. The struggle for the extension of human life has become a distinctive and main feature of Dr. Sinyakov's medical activity at the present time.

He is the author of many books “Healing is possible”, “Golden recipes of herbal medicine”, “Pollen treatment”, “Propolis treatment”, “We strengthen immunity”, “Living medicines”, Phytotherapy that defeats cancer”, he does not stop there, he is looking for his own methods of struggle with such intractable diseases as cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, etc. Professor Sinyakov constantly improves his treatment methods, developing unique preparations from bee products and medicinal plants, the action of which is aimed at increasing the body's defenses. In special cases, the doctor uses methods that allow you to include an additional reserve of the body. Among his patients, there are many who were considered hopeless, but, despite the verdict of the doctors, Alexei Fedorovich managed to “raise” them.

His publications in the publications Golden Bee, Beekeeping, Health, Russian Pharmacies, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Arguments and Facts, AiF Health, Peasant Russia, Babushkiny Prescriptions” help those who live far from urban centers and do not have the opportunity to be treated in expensive clinics.

This is confirmed by letters of thanks from readers and patients from different parts of Russia. Alexei Fedorovich answers each letter in detail, gives explanations and recommendations.


“Probably, this has happened to you too: after meeting with one doctor - despondency, longing, you visit another - and as if you breathed fresh air. Of course, the recommendations of a specialist are important in any case, but there is something in some doctors that gives a strong additional energy and instills endless faith in healing. Doctor Sinyakov is one of them. Thanks to him, I, a completely sick woman in the past, seemed to be reborn».

A.I. Seliverstov, Moscow

“Dear Alexei Fedorovich, please accept my sincere gratitude for getting rid of chronic prostatitis and adenoma. I I carefully drank the infusion of all the herbs that you sent me, regularly took the medicines you recommended. And the result was not slow to tell. For the third year now, I feel good. Before you, I was treated with pills, but they helped me for a short time. And now, from the realization that all this is behind, my soul is light and joyful. Please accept my deep gratitude and heartfelt respect for you!”

A.I. Pokachalov, Polessk

“Dear Alexei Fedorovich! A patient who was treated with you for tuberculosis writes, the last x-ray examination showed a complete recovery, that's my business. From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my deep gratitude to you for your mercy and help in the treatment of such a serious illness as tuberculosis. When you responded to my request, all doubts disappeared from me, and I firmly believed in the possibility of recovery. Please advise what I need to do as a preventive measure so that there is no recurrence of the disease».

S.N. Bastrykin, Pushchino

“Your books “Strengthening the Immunity” and “Living Medicines» I really liked it and have become a practical guide. The fact is that I am one of those from whom official medicine has turned away ... ”.

PER. Nikiforov, Murmansk region

“Dear Alexey Fedorovich, I read your book “The Big Honey Medical Book” with pleasure and great benefit, I I work as a doctor in a rural hospital and use your recipes and recommendations in the treatment of patients. I myself suffered a myocardial infarction and, if not for traditional medicine, the outcome would have been unknown. I now I understand the doctor’s prescription in a different way.”

doctor A.P. Romanina, Krasnodar Territory

“In February last year, I turned to A.F. Sinyakov for help. This happened after I read his article in the Golden Bee newspaper. I have a malignant tumor of the lower leg. On the advice of Alexei Fedorovich, I used propolis-herbal ointment for 2 months and took a preparation from unique herbs, and here is the result: the sore on the skin does not progress, and the pebbles in the renal pelvis are crushed, but I have not yet coped with renal colic (because I have not Followed all doctor's recommendations regularly. Thank you very much, Alexey Fedorovich

K. Konyukhova, Vologda region

They express their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Sinyakov for the effective treatment of Kaluga 3. Dakukina, T. Kishenina, a resident of the city of Vologda, Y. Troeglazov from Yaroslavl, Y. Litvinov from the Moscow region and many other patients. “Sonny, an angel of holy power,” I. Logunova from Chuvashia calls him, who, thanks to the efforts of the doctor, was cured of uterine fibroids and chronic bronchitis. A. Petrovskaya from the city of Onega, Arkhangelsk region, reports that her malignant tumor in the nasopharynx disappeared after treatment with drugs prepared according to the prescription of Dr. Sinyakov. “God bless you with health, happiness and success in your good deeds,” she writes.

You can list the names of patients who turned to A.F. for help for a long time. Sinyakov and whom he, thanks to folk methods of healing, literally returned to a healthy active life. But what has been said is enough to be convinced of the miraculous power of A.F. Sinyakov and from the bottom of my heart wish him further success in his noble, life-giving activity!

In the stream of published literature, one can find a lot of information about medical treatment, but the reader should think: where does this information come from, who is its author? Now it is very fashionable to rewrite folk recipes from famous authors, but the results of treatment may turn out to be completely different.

So, dear reader, you have in your hands a unique book about winged workers - bees and their gifts. We have not yet learned to appreciate and use the healing gifts of the hive, but they have a great future.

Thanks to the work and deep knowledge of the honey doctor, professor of medicine Sinyakov A.F., you, the readers, and those who are desperate to find the right cure for the disease, are given the opportunity to get to know and feel the healing power of Mother Nature more deeply.

Anna Shevchenko,

editor-in-chief of the Golden Bee newspaper,

practical psychologist,

psychotherapist, physiotherapist

To my reader

In many letters from patients one feels hope for a cure, and sometimes despair and hopelessness. The letters testify that traditional medicine helps the sick in hopeless cases. We should not forget that each patient needs an individual approach. In addition, there are a number of "small" but significant secrets. For example, for oncological diseases, I use plants enriched with natural selenium. Or there are soils with special microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the healing substances of plants, and then transferred to beekeeping products - honey, pollen, propolis.

At the beginning of my work on the development of formulations from medicinal plants and bee products, I experienced many difficulties and obstacles, but I moved forward, as I saw the results of my work. The patients took on a new life. It's always hard for pioneers. Now, when the printed word is less subject to censorship, many unscrupulous publishers and compilers rewrite the author's recipes and works only in order to increase the circulation of the publication. And sometimes it is very difficult for the reader to figure out which of the recipes is really valuable. After all, only the doctor who compiled it and applied it in his practice knows this. Therefore, using recipes from books, still try to get advice from a doctor. For this, I give the address so that the patient can receive detailed advice.

In this book, you will read about our old acquaintances: bees and widespread honey plants. Who does not know a bee or, say, such plants as a linden, an apple tree, a pear, a cherry or a dandelion! However, I hope that after reading about them, you will be convinced that you have learned something new about the tireless winged workers, their gifts, and about the plants from which they collect the “divine” nectar. You will find a lot of useful and instructive information here. ⅘ know, for example, why bee products and many honey plants have a healing effect, how to prepare a "green pharmacy" and prepare herbal preparations. This science, perhaps, is not so tricky, but I am sure you will see that you did not know how to do it properly.

Treatment with medicinal plants (phytotherapy) was initiated by ancient people. Such great doctors of the past as Hippocrates, Dioscrides, Avicenna, Galen and many others highly valued this trend in medicine. They are long gone, but herbal medicine is alive, moreover, today it is experiencing a rapid rise. So, perhaps, it always happens with what is undeservedly suddenly forgotten. Sooner or later it is resurrected, filled with life and takes its rightful place in it.

It is quite possible to prevent and treat diseases, as well as to prolong an active life with the help of bee products and medicinal honey plants. Apply them correctly, with knowledge of the matter, only in this case there will be benefits: the deficiency of vitamins, mineral salts, organic acids, phytoncides, and other biologically active substances will be eliminated in the body and metabolism will normalize. And this is a necessary condition both in the treatment of diseases and their prevention. I note that in recent years, the gifts of melliferous herbs have been increasingly used, and this despite the increasing arsenal of new pharmacological preparations obtained as a result of the synthesis of chemical compounds. This fact indicates a growing interest in natural medicines. It is understandable, because herbs are much easier to tolerate and practically do not give side effects.

For millions of years, bees have adapted to take from plants the most valuable substances that determine their vital activity. They add their specific substances to plant biologically active compounds. As a result, rather effective products with new biological properties are formed, thanks to which the bee colony is able to protect its nest and preserve its genus, ensuring its rapid reproduction. Bee products have proven to be very effective in the treatment and prevention of many human diseases. Their use in combination with medicinal plants further increases their effectiveness.

In this book, I set myself the task of telling you about the nutritional and medicinal properties of bee products and honey plants. Each of you has some personal experience and knowledge in this area. And yet I hope that after reading my work, you will take a fresh, creative look at bees, beekeeping, and the use of their gifts. Use them more widely, perhaps they will become a source of health for you.

So, this book will be published, to you, dear reader, and I hope to make even more friends (albeit in absentia!). I would like to believe that my work will not be in vain, that it will help you regain your lost health, and for those who are simply tired of life, throw off the captivity of apathy and gain vigor. This is what I wish you with all my heart.

For readers who wish to exchange opinions, get additional clarifications or advice on the use of non-traditional methods of treatment, I inform you of the address for correspondence:

1,5569, Moscow, st. Domodedovskaya, d. 6, cor. 2, apt. 573,

Sinyakov Alexey Fedorovich

(remember to include a self-addressed envelope);


e-mail: [email protected]

Healing gifts of bees

The bee makes it possible to cure all our diseases. This is the best little friend that a person has in the world.

Who has not heard such advice: “If you want to improve your health, temper yourself and do physical education.” And indeed, people who regularly and correctly engage in physical education become hardened, usually do not complain about their health, as they are well adapted to changes in environmental factors, have good functionality of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other vital systems of the body, and generally have an increased nonspecific resistance (expressed in an increase in endurance to adverse effects). However, physical education and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is still not a guarantee against ailments - after all, sooner or later there are states of pre-illness and illness.

It is clear that the disease requires qualified assistance and sometimes even treatment in a hospital. As for its prevention, as well as the treatment of some simple, common and well-known diseases (for example, a cold, mild sore throat, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.), then a person who knows himself well and is used to coping with them on his own , you will not force to sit out long lines to the local doctor for a generally banal advice and a prescription for 2-3 fashionable drugs (which he most likely will not even think about taking). And now, whether we, doctors, want it or not, a considerable category of people turn to self-medication (this fact cannot be ignored!), And it’s good if they use non-potent antibiotics or other similar chemotherapeutic agents, but use something from folk medicine, such as bee products.

I am far from the idea of ​​leading you, dear reader, along the path of self-treatment and presenting the gifts of winged workers as a panacea (this is a stage that has long been passed). I just want to help make better use of bee products as a universal folk remedy.

When using herbs and bee products on your own, do not forget that each patient is individual, has concomitant diseases, so in case of severe illness, consult a doctor who has special knowledge about medicinal herbs and bee products.

Herbs bloom. The bees buzz over us. From morning to night they work on flowers, rushing to take advantage of the generosity of nature. "Wise" instinct unmistakably helps them in choosing the most valuable natural substances that make up honey, pollen and other bee products. Bees have existed for about 60 million years. They settled all over the planet, in places with a wide variety of climates and vegetation. These amazing insects at the cost of their lives have learned to produce such unique products as honey, perga, royal jelly and others. They also learned to create large stocks of this magnificent, well-preserved food for a period of adverse weather, and this helped them not only to survive in the conditions of fierce competition between species, but also to spread everywhere.

The gifts of the apiary are amazing. They serve as both food and medicine. Their high efficiency in the treatment of various diseases is well known throughout the world. Apitherapy (treatment with bee products) is the name of this new area in modern world medicine.

As for honey, even the great thinkers of antiquity called it the elixir of health and longevity. And in our space age, the glory of honey has not faded at all. It contains most of the elements of the periodic table, is saturated with vitamins, amino acids and many other biologically active substances. However, this main product of beekeeping should be told separately.