Interesting number and gender of the adjective. Outline of the lesson in Russian (Grade 4) on the topic: Gender and number of adjectives

Target : To form the ability of students to determine the gender and number of adjectives.


Development of spelling vigilance, the ability to reason, distinguish parts of speech, work in pairs;

Education in schoolchildren of interest and love for the Russian language, for the subject.

Equipment: table “Genus of adjectives”, cards for individual work (strong and weak).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The bell rang and stopped...

2. Post subject.

We continue to work with adjectives. But what we should learn in the lesson, you will answer for yourself.

Calligraphy ( work out the connections of letters).

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Who guessed what we just wrote?

D: Adjective endings.

These combinations of letters will be found in phrases in the lesson.

Dictionary: big watermelon, cunning crow, warm coat, hard frost, juicy berry, juicy cabbage.

(We write down with commentary. The teacher asks weak students.)

What parts of speech are phrases?

How do you distinguish parts of speech?

Underline the adjectives and the spelling of the nouns.

(Students explain. You can also ask poorly performing children.)

Make sentences with the word cabbage using adjectives.

(Children offer different options for sentences. Write the following on the board:

A good cabbage will curl into a tight head.

3. Educational material(reported by a trained student):

Do you know. That cabbage loves clean water and good weather. In Kievan Rus, cabbage was planted in special vegetable gardens, “kapustniks,” and at the same time they said: “Don’t be an ankle-bone, but be a paunch! Don’t be empty, but be thick!” it is a very useful and vitamin-rich product. Especially in spring time. Eat cabbage in salads, cabbage soup and borscht! It is very beneficial for health!

Find adjectives in the sentence.

Why do adjectives have different endings?

What is it connected with?

What will we learn in class today?

(Students express their assumptions. The teacher chooses the ones closest to the topic.)

D.: Determine the gender and number of adjectives.

This is the topic of the lesson. First we will rest, and then we will continue to work.

4. Physical Minute.

Read the phrases on the board:

Red scarf, red hat, red coat

How to determine the gender of nouns? Adjectives?

masculine He's mine
Feminine She is mine
Neuter gender It is mine

(Table explanation:

Conclusion: To determine the gender of an adjective, you must determine the gender of the noun.

(The students themselves draw the conclusion.)

This is the main thing for us in the lesson.

Selective dictation.

Two couples work near the board. Girls write out feminine adjectives and boys write masculine adjectives. In notebooks, you make all the entries.

(The pair is built like this: strong-weak.)

New book, new day; warm weather, warm house; cheerful person, fun games; fluffy snow, fluffy Christmas tree.

How do you determine the gender and number of adjectives?

(Children's statements.)

Let's study the name of the adjective. Let's write: Clear sky.

If my statement is true, then put “+”, if not, then “-”.

(Two students work at the blackboard individually.)

Why did you disagree with some of the statements?

(Explanation of children that the word has 3 syllables, not 2, 7 sounds.)

We work with text. Add appropriate adjectives.

It sounds... the starling's song. The sun is shining. Worth... the weather. Flowers bloomed in the garden.

Write sentences in your notebook in different ways.

  • 1 sentence - write off the board;
  • 2 sentences - taking dictation;
  • 3 suggestions - from memory;
  • 4 sentences - draw up a diagram and encrypt spelling.

Underline the adjectives, determine gender and number.

How to determine the gender and number of adjectives?

Why are we doing this?

5. Independent work on cards.

(At the same time, two students are working at the blackboard, doing similar work. This is material for self-examination.)

What did you learn in the lesson?

We are friendly!
Features of objects
You call.
Gender male, of course, mine, what?
Feminine, I remember
What I will say - mine, what?
The middle gender is it, mine, what?

6. Explanation of homework. It is differentiated. For underachieving children, more detailed instructions are given.

What did you learn in the lesson?

Marks message.

As noted in the linguistic literature, the categories of gender and number of adjectives do not have the independent meaning that is characteristic of a noun, and are only expressions of the connection between an adjective and a noun. Therefore, to assimilate the gender and number of adjectives by students means, first of all, to assimilate the essence of the connection between these two parts of speech. Endings are the means of expressing the connection. The attention of children should be directed to the endings, for example: What day? warmNight to a to a me? warm. What morning? warm.

A variant of familiarization with the change of adjective names by gender.

For observation, nouns of masculine, feminine and neuter are offered. Such nouns are selected that are lexically compatible with the same adjective. In addition, endings for masculine adjectives are taken into account - -ш, -ой, for example:

Add the endings of the adjectives. Why different endings? Why does it depend?

Students determine the gender of nouns and adjectives and make inferences about adjectives.

1. Adjectives in the singular change by gender (unlike nouns).

2. The gender of an adjective depends on the gender of the noun with which it is associated. If the noun is masculine, then the adjective is masculine, etc.

3. The masculine adjective answers the question to a-, who? and has the ending -ш (-й), -ой. The feminine adjective answers the question what kind? and has an ending -aya (-aya). The adjective of the neuter gender answers the question a-k about e? and has the ending -oe(-ee).

Observing plural adjectives, students are convinced that plural adjectives do not change by gender.

In the course of working on the endings, it is necessary to draw the attention of students to the following fact: after hard consonants, the ending is written -sh, -th, -th, -th, after soft - -th, -th, -ee, -th.

According to the program, students of grade II develop the ability to write the generic endings of adjectives. The formation of this skill is positively influenced by the students' mastery of the algorithm of actions that ensure the application of knowledge.

Students master the following procedure:

1. I find out with which noun the adjective is associated, and I will determine its gender.

2. By the gender of the noun, I recognize the gender of the adjective.

3. I will remember the ending of the adjective of this kind and write.

4. Compare the ending of the adjective and the ending of the question.

For example, a student writes down a sentence: Favorite activity brings a lot of joy. The course of his reasoning: “I am establishing a connection: what occupation? favorite; the adjective favorite refers to the noun occupation; a noun occupation of the neuter gender, which means that the adjective is beloved of the neuter gender, the sound m is solid, the ending is written -th. Gradually, the explanation becomes brief, but the course of action remains the same. -

Given that the endings of neuter adjectives (-ee) and the endings of plural adjectives (-s) are close in pronunciation (which is often the cause of erroneous spelling), it is necessary to specifically exercise students in their recognition. In the beginning, phrases are used for this purpose.

<…>for a similar reason, it becomes necessary to compare the endings of feminine singular adjectives -th and the endings of plural adjectives -e1 for example: red ribbon - red ribbons, interesting book - interesting books, pioneer song - pioneer songs, etc.

Working on phrases prepares students to write sentences, for example:

In the mountains

Bright blue sun. Sheer mountains. Dazzling ice shine. Unusual silence. Only far below is the noise of a mountain stream beating against the stones. People move in a chain along a steep slope. They are young climbers. Climbing is a sport of strong, courageous and noble people.

Students use a conventional sign (X) to mark the noun to which the adjective belongs, determine the gender, number, highlight the ending.

The system of exercises, which includes not only the analysis of sentences, but also their compilation with subsequent recording, contributes to the development of the spelling skill of endings and, at the same time, the accurate use of adjectives in speech.

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Topic. Gender and number of adjectives.

Target: to update knowledge about the relationship between adjectives and nouns, about changing adjectives by gender and number.


Cognitive: independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal; conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement in oral and written form; semantic reading; analysis of objects in order to highlight their features.

Communicative:the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Regulatory: setting a learning task; comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; assessment of the quality and level of assimilation of the material.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment of the lesson.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

1. Vocabulary work(writing at the blackboard with commenting, spelling explanation).

Live in the village, lie in bed, write in a notebook, cook in a pot.

What spellings did you repeat?

2. Commented letter.

Trees crackle in the winter forest.

Make a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

3. Parsing the word by composition: cold weather.

4. Guess the riddles. Write down the clues.

*Everyone tramples me, but I'm getting better.(Path.)

* Nondescript, round and small,

He used to live at the door.

You press a little - you will raise a cry.

Everyone will understand his language.(Call.)

wooden fences,

And the fields are glass.(Window.)

- What spelling unites these words? (An unstressed vowel in the root, checked by stress.)

- What letters did you write in place of unstressed vowels? List the test words.

III. Self-determination to activity.

Match each word with an adjective. Write down the phrases, putting the question from the noun to the adjective. Highlight the endings of adjectives.

Forest path, electric bell, wooden window.

What endings do adjectives have to answer the questions which one? which? which?

- What kind are they? How did you define it?

Formulate the objectives of the lesson.

(Remember how a noun and an adjective are connected, practice determining the gender and number of adjectives, develop the ability to highlight the endings of adjectives, correlate the gender, number of adjectives and their endings.)

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Is it possible to determine the gender of plural adjectives? (No, the gender of adjectives is determined only in the singular.)

Little ostrich from very hot countries

Ran away to live in a small zoo.

But he was not offended, honestly,

Good uncles of the male gender.

Taken for a walk in any weather

Good female aunts.

The ostrich sent a letter to his mother.

“Very good!..” - he wrote in it.

The mother of the ostrich marvels, looking at such a letter,

He does not know who are kind: aunts or uncles.

How could the poor ostrich forget:

For adjectives in the plural

The genus cannot be determined!

Physical education minute

V. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work according to the textbook.

Ex. 11 page 8

Read the task.

Determine the gender and number of adjectives.

(All adjectives are singular. Question which? and endings -th, -th - indicators of the feminine gender. Question which? and endings - oh, th, th - indicators of the masculine gender. Question which? and endings

Oh, -her - indicators of the middle kind.)

Give examples of such adjectives. Make up phrases with them, write them down.

A yellow chicken, a grayish bird, a moonless night, a radiant look, fragrant jam, animal tracks, earthenware, a leather belt, a smooth table, a beautiful blouse, foreign treats, a gullible boy, a car steering wheel.

Ex. 12 p. 8.

Ex. 8, 9, 10 (oral).

2. Vocabulary work:seeds, electricity, electric, power plant, electric locomotive - make offers with them.

VI. Reflection.

Test "Check Yourself".

1. Indicate the adjective.

A) insulate
B) warm;

B) warm.

2. Choose the appropriate ending for the given adjective: winter ... morning.

A) - no;
B) - her;

B) - ya.

3. Indicate the adjective opposite in meaning to this one.

The green thread is thin, and the red ....

A) smooth
B) short;

B) thick.

4. The gender and number of the adjective depends on:

A) a noun
B) verb;

B) place names.

5. Choose the correct statement:

A) In a sentence, the adjective is most often the subject;
B) In a sentence, an adjective is most often a predicate.

C) In a sentence, the adjective is most often secondary
member of the proposal;

VII. Summing up the lesson

What did we do in class today?

What can you praise yourself for?

What remains unclear to you?

VIII. Homework(Ex. 13 p. 9).

Additional material.

Card number 1.

Add the endings of the adjectives.

Fluffy ... mitten.

Warm ... blanket.

Syn.. jacket.


Rann... potatoes.

I. Motivation for learning activities

So, friends, pay attention-

After all, the bell rang.

Sit back -

Let's start the lesson soon.

II. Knowledge update.

1. Writing in a notebook the number and class work.

2. A minute of calligraphy: She came, smiled - the blizzards subsided. The bell began to ring. The river woke up, the ice melted, Gardens put on snow-white outfit.

Guys, what season is the poem talking about (Slide 1) - What season is it now? - Tell me, what signs of the arrival of spring do you know?

What is the first sound in the word spring?

Describe this sound. (Consonant, voiced, soft, paired, denoted by the letter "ve").

Today, in calligraphy, we will write the letter "c". Write down, continuing the pattern.

Vv vvv vvvv ...

Write down the words and underline the spellings.

spring flower grass spring tree

3. Review

Make up sentences on the topic "Spring" using one of the words.

proposal on the board bugs need to be corrected: Napratalinka ate the first blue flower.(Slide 2)

One student analyzes the sentences by members, the second by parts of speech, the third determines the case of nouns. (Assessment)

III. Fixing individual difficulties. Construction of the project of an exit from difficulty.

Let's get back to calligraphy.

Which one is "redundant"? (Spring).

What do the remaining words have in common? (nouns)

Why do you think so?.

Determine the gender of nouns. What will help you with this? (Nouns that can be replaced by pronouns he is masculine, she is feminine, it is neuter).

What did you get? (Masculine noun - flower, feminine noun - spring, grass, neuter noun - tree).

Now let's look at the "extra word".

Can we determine the gender of this word by substituting the pronouns he, she, it? (No we can not).

Why? (Different part of speech?)

What part of speech? (Adjective).

How did you determine?

Can adjectives change by gender? Today we will try to answer this question.

- Let's formulate the topic of our lesson. (Slide 3)

IV. Implementation of the constructed project. Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Work with cards.

In the name itself - an adjective - already contains a hint that the word should be “attached” to something, attached.

Look at the words you wrote in your notebook at the beginning of the lesson.

Think about what noun the word spring will be combined with? (Flower).

Make up this phrase. (Spring Flower).

Try to match the words grass and tree shapes from the word spring.

What happened?

Therefore, the adjective (attached) depends on the noun. If the noun flower is masculine, then the adjective spring will also be masculine. Let's continue to make phrases noun + adj. and expand them by gender (Estimation) (Slide 4)

Cards: ringing drops, bright sun, whitesnowdrop, spring flower, spring grass, spring tree, blue stream, dark thawed patch, blue sky.

Physical education minute

2. Work in a notebook

Write down the received phrases by gender, highlight the endings of adjectives. Check the endings with the table. (Sk. 5)

Try to identify the gender of the adjectives on the board. Make a conclusion. (Adjectives pl.) (Slide 6)

V. Consolidation of the studied material 1. Introduction to the rule in the textbook on page 72.

2. Drawing up an algorithm.(Slide 7)3. Independent work. Ex. 126 Mutual check according to the sample. (Assessment) 4. Multi-level test- I offer you a small test on the topic "The gender of adjectives." You have two tests. Test 1 is hard, Test 2 is easy. The result will be evaluated according to the selected test: if everything is correct, Test 1 - for "5", Test 2 - for "4". (Slide 8)(Assessment) 5. Working with text on the card. (If there's time left)- Title the text, write the title. - Insert missing words, determine the gender and number of adjectives. (Slide 9)(Assessment)

VI. Reflection

Our lesson is coming to an end. - Did you like the lesson? What have you learned?

Why are adjectives called like that? (They are attached to nouns). How do adjectives change? How to determine the gender of an adjective? Is it always possible to determine the gender of an adjective?

Let's evaluate your work.

VII. Homework.

Learn the rule on page 72, do exercise 128.

    The feminine gender answers the question What? , the masculine gender - What? , the neuter gender - What? . For example, summer (what?) is hot - neuter; winter (what?) cold - feminine; snow (what?) white - masculine.

    For example: She wore a long dress for the holiday. Noun - dress (cf. gender). Adjective - long (also cf. gender).

    The gender of an adjective can be recognized based on its ending:

    In order to correctly determine what gender the adjective used in a sentence or phrase will have, you need to refer to the noun (pronoun) to which this very adjective refers. What gender it has, the adjective will have the same one. For example, the forest (he is male) is winter (also male), mother (she is female) is kind (also female).

    It can be determined by the question and also by the end:

    Which? will be at m.r., ending. - -th (th), -th (th) - beige, linen-oh, mighty.

    now what? - this is a question, cf., ending. - oh (maybe -her) - silk-th, blue-her.

    In plural number of adjectives cannot determine belonging to the genus.

    The gender of an adjective is easy to determine.

    Here is an algorithm for determining the gender of an adjective:

    So, here are the questions that the adjective answers in a different way.

    In the male - it will be what? ;

    In the female - it will be what? ;

    On average - it will be what?

    The gender of an adjective can be determined:

    • on the noun to which the adjective refers

    A soccer ball is masculine (a masculine ball, and hence the adjective football associated with it, is also masculine); cold weather is feminine; summer sky is neuter.

    • also the gender of an adjective can be determined by the question to it

    Which? - masculine adjective

    Which? - female

    Which? - neuter

    • at the end of an adjective

    Masculine adjectives have the following endings: -y-, -yy-, -oy-

    Feminine adjectives have the following endings: -aya-, -aya-

    Adjectives of the middle gender have endings: -oe-, -ee-.

    The adjective always refers to the attribute of the object being described. In what form is the part of speech responsible for the subject used (most often it is, of course, a noun), the adjective should also be in the same form, i.e. the gender as well as the number must be identical.

    So, for example, we take this example: Spring was cool this yearquot ;. Spring (what?) - cool. Noun spring (she is mine) is feminine, which means that the adjective is also feminine and has the ending -aya (in the case of the feminine, the ending -aya may also occur).

    I suggest you follow the following table. It indicates the endings of all three births - male, female and middle.

    The gender of an adjective is easy to determine if you find it in a sentence. You can do this by analyzing other parts of speech.

    Here is a detailed instruction on how to find out the gender, as well as the case and number of the adjective:

    The gender of an adjective can be determined by the question, namely: which one? which? which?

    Also, the gender of the adjective can be determined by the ending, that is, by the following endings: aya, ya, y, y, oh, oh, her.

    The gender of an adjective is defined as follows:

    By the gender of the noun;

    On the issue;

    At the end of an adjective.

    Since the adjective is used with nouns, it agrees with them, that is, it is placed in the same gender, number and case, which is the noun being defined.

    For example.

    And here is September! Slow down your sunrise SHINE COLD the sun shines.

    And beam it in MIRROR ZYBKOM waters INCORRECT GOLD trembles.

    GRAY MIST winds around the hills; The plains are flooded with dew;

    turns yellow CANOPY CURLY oaks, and RED ROUND LEAF aspens;

    In this excerpt from a poem by E.A. Baratynsky Autumn there are all cases of agreement of adjectives with nouns:

    a) by numbers: singular (gray haze) and plural (live voices);

    b) by birth (only in the singular): the canopy is curly, the round leaf is red, the forest is silent;

    c) by cases (in both numbers): with a cold radiance, in a unsteady mirror, unfaithful gold, the heavens are soundless.

    The endings of adjectives just indicate the connection of adjectives with nouns.

    Most often, adjectives in sentences are definitions.

    Less often - the nominal part of the compound predicate, but even in this case, both the gender and the number of the adjective (by noun) are easily determined.

    For example. Autumn was warm. Leaves become red and yellow. Day became short.

    To determine the gender of an adjective, you need to make sure that it is in the singular.

    For example, the word native we will look for the gender, and the word native no.

    There is one more condition. There must be a noun or pronoun next to the adjective to determine the gender, so phrases are always used, and even better whole sentences.

    Take the word pink. It doesn't even need a noun. The ending - th - and the question is what? give a 100% guarantee that the word is in the feminine gender. There is also -o- and the question is what? pink for the neuter gender and -y- and which one? pink for male.

    But for example the phrase hot coffeequot ;. Here we can say that the gender is masculine or neuter.

    Hot chocolate. Genus male.

    It is strange, but true: once in the language there was no division into nouns and adjectives. It was so long ago that it is impossible to give a date, but gradually our ancestors began to distinguish between an object and a feature that can belong to any object or feature. The new part of speech gradually developed its own characteristic features, a system of endings took shape, and consistency with nouns in the category of gender was developed.

    The adjective by itself there is no gender, case or number - they all depend on the form of the noun they agree with. Therefore, in a sentence and a phrase, one must first find the noun. and consider its number, if it is plural, then determine the gender and case.

    When we have before us a single adjective, it remains to put the question to it what? which? which? which? in each of the cases and see which of the endings match.