History of dgtu. Participation in international programs

History of the Don State Technical University

The industrialization of the country and, in particular, the construction of Rostselmash required organizational measures to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of agricultural engineering. In this regard, the history of the Don State Technical University is inseparable from the history of the formation and development of industry in the South of Russia. The beginning of the DSTU activity was laid on May 14, 1930, when on the basis of the mechanical faculty of the Don Polytechnic Institute (DPI), now the South Russian State Technical University (NPI), the Institute of Agricultural Engineering was organized with its transfer to Soyuzselmash. The first name of the institute, the North Caucasian Institute of Agricultural Engineering (SKISHM), emphasized not so much its location as the regional focus of its activities. The material base of the SKISKhM and its scientific and pedagogical staff were organized on the basis of the specialty of agricultural engineering of the mechanical faculty of the DPI and in 1930 they consisted of two departments "Agricultural machines" and "Technology of metals", 5 classrooms: agricultural machines, hoisting and transport machines, machine parts, drawing and model, as well as mechanical workshops, an agricultural machinery testing station, a research bureau for the standardization of agricultural machinery and a library. The staff of teachers of SKISKhM was determined in the amount of 12 people, the number of students of II - V courses is 217.

Geographically SKISHM was located in Novocherkassk in the main building of the DPI on an area of ​​2127 m 2 .

L.B. was appointed director of the SKISHM. Sunitsa, his deputies Professor P.V. Kondratiev and I.Z. Tolpekin. The first admission to the institute (1930) was 125 people.

The basis of the teaching staff of the new university was made up of teachers and researchers of the DPI, such as Professor Gan V.Yu., Professor P.V. Kondratiev, associate professor Krutikov P.V., Efimenko Z.D., Secretev I.I., Bezditno I.S., Khmelevsky E.I., Muravin F.A., Varfolomeev B.I., Tolpekin I.Z. , Rosenblat E.M. and etc.

From the moment of its organization to the present, the University has been developing as an educational institution, in the management and staff of which they well understood and understand that the level of training of specialists is determined, first of all, by the level of scientific research. Therefore, scientific work in the history of DSTU has always been considered, on the one hand, as the most important component of the educational process, and on the other hand, as a necessary condition for ensuring a close connection between science and production. The subject of scientific research deployed in SKISHME was formed on the basis of the closest ties between scientists and teachers of the University with the workers of the flagship of the domestic agricultural engineering plant "Rostselmash", and the point here is not only that Professor Gan V.Yu. and Professor Krutikov I.P. were part of the team that developed the technical design of the plant, but also in the fact that in November 1930 a decision was made on the advisability of placing the SKISHM in the city of Rostov-on-Don, in fact, on the territory of Rostselmash. Through the joint efforts of the director of "Selmashstroy" N.P. Glebov-Avilov and director of the SKISHM L.B. Sunitsa managed to resolve the issue of allocating funds for the construction of an educational building and a hostel on the territory adjacent to the Rostselmash plant and, in the shortest possible time, to ensure the implementation of a large amount of construction and installation work with the active participation of the institute staff.

On October 1, 1932, the relocation of the SKISHM to Rostov-on-Don was completed, and the 1932-1933 academic year began in the new five-story building of the University. In the first years of the institute's existence, the training of specialists at the SKISHME was carried out in two directions:

  • Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment,
  • Cold working of metals

under which the corresponding topics of scientific research were formed:

  • Design of agricultural machines.
  • Improving the technology of production of agricultural machinery.

The beginning of these areas of scientific activity of the University was laid in the Scientific Design Bureau (SKB), created in the structure of the SKISHM, where a team of young engineers, graduates of the DPI and SKISHM 1929-1930, worked. graduation and senior students of the Institute. The NCB was headed by Professor Gan V.Yu. and Krutikov N.P. Among the most notable developments of the National Design Bureau, it is necessary to single out the development of the designs of the first Soviet tractor plows TP-3-30 and TP-4-30, as well as the improvement, in relation to the production at Rostselmash, of the designs of cultivators, seeders, sheaves and other agricultural machines.

In the period from 1939 to 1947, the university was called the Rostov-on-Don Machine-Building Institute.

In 1931, on the basis of the NKB SKISHMA, the North Caucasian branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering (VISHOM) was organized, the director of which was appointed graduate of SKISKhM Isaenko A.A., and Krutikov N.P. The development of the domestic combine harvester "Stalinets" awarded the Grand Prix at the International Industrial Exhibition in Paris in 1937 and the organization of its serial production at Rostselmash is one of the brightest pages in the activities of the SKISHMA, the National Design Bureau and the North Caucasian branch of the VISHOM.

After being relocated to Rostov-on-Don, SKISHM was renamed the Rostov-on-Don Institute of Agricultural Engineering (RISHM).

Improvement in the production of agricultural machinery was associated in those years, first of all, with an increase in the productivity of metalworking equipment and ensuring the necessary reliability and durability of agricultural machinery. The most notable developments in this direction were achieved in the field of introducing high-speed cutting of metals at the Rostselmash plant and in the field of studying friction and wear of metals. Regarding the study of friction and wear, it should be noted that these were the first scientific studies in the region in the field of tribology, started by Professor N.N. Dyakov (1883-1951) and continued by Associate Professor Lifshitz Ya.G. (1899-1982) in a specialized friction laboratory. The first tribological monograph and the first reference book of friction coefficients in Russia were published from the walls of this laboratory.

Since 1938, RISHM was renamed RMI (Rostov Machine-Building Institute), and in 1947 again in RISHM and under this name for many years (until 1992) remained the leading university of agricultural engineering in the country. During the first decade of its activity, the material base of the University was significantly expanded, a highly qualified staff of teachers was formed, the number of students in 1940 increased to 1000 people.

At this time, there was a frequent change in the leadership of the University, which was headed by directors A.K. Witkovsky (1931-1932), L.E. Glushchenko (1932-1935), S.A. Serikov (1935-1938), P.A. Chikish (1938-1939). In 1939, I.I. Smirnov. The 1930s were years of intensive development of the Institute. During this period, the first three faculties were formed in 1934: general technical (dean Lifshits Ya.G.), mechanical (dean Krutikov I.P.) and evening (dean Yakovlev T.F.). By 1940, the institute had 21 departments, 17 laboratories, 14 classrooms, and an agricultural machinery pavilion. The scientific and technical library had the necessary amount of scientific, technical and educational literature, the number of volumes exceeded 100,000. The faculty of the university also changed noticeably, so in 1940 there were 6 full-time professors, 19 associate professors, 19 senior teachers and 25 assistants and teachers, including 2 doctors of sciences and 9 candidates of sciences. During the period from 1930 to 1940, the institute trained about 1000 engineers. among the graduates of the University of this period, the director of the plant "Rostselmash" N.P. Glebov-Avilov, deputy director Ivanov A.N., chief mechanic of the plant V.I. Klimov, Deputy chief engineer K.I. Bronnikov, head of the design bureau of the chief technologist K.O. Gasparikov, head of the new technology bureau A.M. Shekhter, head of the welding laboratory B.M. Kontrov, head of the self-supporting sector of the Krasny Aksai plant Ya.G. Lifshits, designer Rybin V.I., future director of Rostselmash, etc.

A notable event in the life of the institute was the organization and publication of the weekly newspaper "Vtuzovets" (editor - student Kalashnikov T.D.).

In the 1930s, the traditions of our institute were laid down, which are still preserved. First of all, this is well-ordered cultural and mass work (student amateur performance of the RISHMA has been and remains one of the best in the region), mass sports work (the success of RISHMA athletes is well known), sponsorship of the village, etc.

The successes of our institute in scientific and educational work, as well as in social activities over the first 10 years of its existence were so significant that it became the leading university of the People's Commissariat of Medium Machine Building of the NKSM of the USSR. The Rostov Machine-Building Institute for three years in a row (1938-1940) took first place in the competition of the industry's universities, was awarded the challenge Red Banner for the "Best Higher College of the People's Commissariat" three times.

The years of the Great Patriotic War occupy a special page in the history of the institute, as well as in the life of all our people. Already in the 1941-1942 academic year, the team switched to wartime curricula, which provided for a reduction in the training period from 5 to 3.5 years. Many students and teachers went to the front. Some of the students were sent to complete their education at the Artillery Academy. F.E. Dzerzhinsky. Many volunteered to join the self-defense regiment created in Rostov-on-Don. So under the command of cabinet of social sciences T.A. Malyugina (her name is immortalized in the name of one of the streets of our city), a sanitary platoon of the people's militia was organized, consisting of: laboratory assistant Boyko V.G., head of the foreign language department - Markova T.I., head of the library - Stepanova L.F., students Shura Ivanova-Vyazemskaya, Zina Kozlova, Ivan Polevodin, Vali Kishelgolf, Leni Movshevich, German Yeletsky and others.

After leaving for the front in August 1941, the director of the institute, I.I. Smirnov, Ya.G. was appointed the head of the university (acting director). Lifshits, and a month later, after his conscription into the army, V.I. Leporsky, who experienced the most tragic times in the history of the Institute.

In November 1941, the evacuation of the RMI to Tashkent began. Most of the University's property was lost under the bombing of German aircraft. The archive of the institute, many of its relics, disappeared without a trace, the library “burned down” in the fire of the war.

But the heaviest loss for the University is the loss of its students, teachers and staff. In November 1941, in the battles for Rostov-on-Don, Malyugina T.A. died, near Balti in 1942, student Larin G.I., in 1942, student Movshevich L. died on the Mius-Front, near Stalingrad laid down their lives students M. Zhurakovsky, S.L. Tumakov, D.K. Ilchenko, associate professor, Ph.D. died in Crimea. Revich. O.Ya. and Art. teacher Kletennik D.I., Ph.D., associate professor Lvovsky P.I. died near Kharkov, in 1943 student Pikhelson L.Kh. died on the Kursk Bulge, students Zina Kozlova and Shura Ivanova tragically died behind the front line - Vyazemskaya, performing a special task of the command; in the Tiraspol prison, the former editor of the institute newspaper Vtuzovets, K.S., was brutally tortured. Grishin.

Nevertheless, until the summer of 1942, the institute continued to work in Rostov-on-Don, and already in October 1942 it resumed its work in Tashkent.

In May 1943, the first admission to the Rostov Machine-Building Institute in the war years was organized, and in August 1943, 150 people were enrolled in the first course. February 1, 1943 acting Associate Professor Lebiotko L.I. became the director of the institute, and on February 5, 1944, L.V. was appointed director of the institute. Krasnichenko, whose name is associated with 30 years of the 70-year history of DSTU.

After the liberation of Rostov-on-Don in 1943, a decision was made to re-evacuate the institute, and already on October 2, 1944, the RMI began the academic year in Rostov-on-Don. By this time, it was possible to gather only 256 students and 32 teachers who remained in the city. The 1944-1945 academic year was held in incredibly difficult conditions: the premises were practically not heated, there was not enough furniture, the hostel was destroyed, teachers and students often went hungry. However, the activity and enthusiasm of the team were so great that in January 1945, 32 engineers graduated.

The victory in the Great Patriotic War gave a new impetus to the development of the Institute. Teachers and students who returned from the fronts enthusiastically set about restoring their native university.

On September 4, 1947, the institute was again renamed RISHM. Three full-time faculties were organized in the structure of RISHMA: “Agricultural Machinery” (Dean, Ph.D., Associate Professor Tepenkichiev), “Hot Metal Working” (Dean, Ph.D., Associate Professor Khoroshev I.I.) and “ Welding production” (Dean, Ph.D. Sheinin V.I.).

Of great importance for the post-war development of RISHMA, as a profile university of agricultural engineering, was government support, which provides, among other measures to improve agricultural engineering, capital construction for the development of educational and laboratory facilities and social infrastructure of universities working in the interests of the industry. Already in October 1947, the design of a new complex of buildings of the RISHMA on the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don, in the area of ​​​​Andreevskaya grove, began. Today it is the center of the city, and the main building of the DSTU, designed by the architect I.G. Bugrov, one of his decorations is an architectural monument of republican significance.

The ceremonial laying of the first stone in the foundation of the main building of the RISHM was carried out on March 22, 1949.

At the same time, a lot of organizational work was carried out to restore the teaching corps and the number of students. In 1945, 243 students were accepted for the first year, after 10 years in 1955 the number of students of the RISHM was 2345 people, which was more than 2 times the level of 1940. The staff of teachers in 1944 was a little over 10 people, in 1946 there were already 62, and in 1955 the educational process was conducted by 132 people, 23% of whom had academic degrees and titles.

The traditional directions of scientific research in RISHME, related to providing the country with efficient agricultural machinery, found their embodiment in the practice of producing agricultural machinery in the first post-war years.

So in 1947, Associate Professor of RISHMA Popov I.F. as part of a creative team with engineers from the Rostselmash plant, he was awarded the State (Stalin) Prize for the development of the design and organization of mass production of one of the best at that time in the world, the Stalinets-6 combine harvester, and Professor Krutikov N.P. the design of a combine for harvesting corn and sunflower has been developed.

Simultaneously with these works, traditional for RISHMA, new areas of research appear, such as metal forming, welding production, and engineering technology. In those years, the institute considered the relationship between science and production to be an indispensable condition for conducting research. The experience of interaction of RISHMA with the Rostselmash and Krasny Aksai plants, as an example of fruitful and effective cooperation between the educational institution and production, was widely covered in the central press and was recommended for widespread use in the country.

The result of such cooperation between RISHMA and Rostselmash, in particular, was the program “Improving the production technology and designs of agricultural machines of the Rostselmash plant”, within the framework of which all scientific work performed at the institute was combined.

In 1950, RISHM came out the winner in the social competition of universities in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region. In 1953, for success in the educational process and scientific research, a large group of teachers of RISHM was awarded high state awards. Professor Krutikov N.P. was awarded the Order of Lenin, associate professor Leporsky V.I. - Order of the Red Banner of Labor, associate professors Lifshits Ya.G., Smirnov I.I., Shcherbakov K.F. and Art. teacher Ryabinin B.V. - Order of the Badge of Honor. Medals were awarded to the work of many other teachers and staff of RISHM.

The beginning of the modern history of RISCM, a characteristic feature of which is the continuous expansion of the range of educational services provided and the development of scientific research in new areas of scientific activity for RISCM, coincided in the late 50s and early 60s with the breakthrough of mankind into outer space, when it was put into operation the main building of the institute, located on the square with the symbolic address of Gagarin, 1.

The opening of new specialties: automation of production processes (1960), precision mechanics instruments (1959), machines and technology of foundry production (1960) and the reorganization of the structure of the university: the creation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology and the correspondence faculty allowed RISHM to respond in a timely manner to the need of industry, in training engineering personnel in new specialties. Gradually, from a profile university of agricultural engineering, RISHM turned into a traditional polytechnic institute, and already in the 80s its name no longer corresponded to the content of the educational process, which to a certain extent hindered the development of the institute, especially during the years of stagnation.

In 1959, on the basis of RISHM and Rostselmash, one of the first plant-VTUZ in the USSR was organized, which later became an independent university (1984) - the Rostov State Academy of Agricultural Engineering.

In 1973 L.V. Krasnichenko as rector was replaced by Grinkov Yu.V. In 1980, I.A. became the rector. Dolgov Academician.

In the same year, for merits in the development of higher education and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the RISHMA, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In 1983 Yu.A. Ustinov, who paid special attention to the development of scientific research related to the defense industries + informatization at the institute.

Since 1988, the rector of RISHMA (since 1992 - DSTU) was A.A. Ryzhkin.

1992 is one of the most significant dates in the history of the university. On December 24, 1992, the transformation of the Rostov-on-Don Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Institute of Agricultural Engineering into the Don State Technical University was the logical conclusion of the work carried out at the University for many years and a statement of the fact: DSTU is a multidisciplinary higher technical educational institution.

May 17, 2007 at the Don State Technical University on an alternative basis were elected rector. The conference of the labor collective by an overwhelming majority of votes - 84.3% - elected Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Meskhi B.Ch.

On June 5, 2007, Meskhi Besarion Chokhoevich, by order of the Federal Agency for Education No. 18-02 / 117-1, was approved as the rector of the Don State Technical University.

DSTU today is 12 faculties, 4 branches, a technological institute, a college of economics, management and law, a technical lyceum, a gymnasium, postgraduate and doctoral studies, a distance learning center, experimental production, a training and production site for testing agricultural equipment, as well as a number of divisions operating within the Southern Federal District.

15,000 students study at DSTU in 49 specialties of higher professional education.

The personnel potential of the university is quite high and is able to solve the problems of developing both educational activities and scientific research. The educational process is conducted by 700 full-time teachers, and 62% of them have academic degrees and titles, 73 doctors of sciences, professors, two academicians, six honored scientists.

The university successfully operates five academic councils for the defense of doctoral and master's theses in 12 scientific specialties of a technical profile. Over the past three years, more than a hundred dissertations have been defended in them.

Research work is the basis of a high level of education at DSTU and training of highly qualified personnel at the university is carried out in priority areas of science and technology: Mathematical analysis, Mechanics of a deformable solid body, Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment, Solid state physics, Mechanical engineering, systems drives and parts of machines, Materials science, Machines and units (by industry), Friction and wear in machines, Mechanical engineering technology, Technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing, Technology and machines for pressure treatment, Technology and machines for welding production, Metal science and heat treatment , Powder metallurgy and composite materials, System analysis, management and information processing, Automation and control of technological processes and production (by industry), Technologies and means of agricultural mechanization, Labor protection, Fire and industrial safety (by industry), Economics and management ie national economy (industry), Philosophy of science and technology, Social philosophy.

The most important task in carrying out research and development work at DSTU has been and remains the connection between science and production, traditional for the university.

Cooperation with foreign universities is fruitfully developing. Currently, direct agreements on joint research, training of highly qualified personnel, exchange of researchers, graduate students, doctoral students, students for included education with the Vienna Technical University (Austria), Dresden University of Technology, Radom University of Technology, Poznan University of Technology, University of Bialystok , the Research Institute of Construction, Mechanization and Electrification in Agriculture (Poland), four universities and research institutes of the Republic of Belarus, the Institute of Problems of Metal Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Federal Technical University in Yola (Nigeria) and others.

DSTU is a university with a developed infrastructure that continues to improve. The educational process takes place in eight educational buildings. Five student dormitories have good living conditions for our students. The university has a local computer network that unites all departments with access to global information networks.

The university has a sanatorium for 100 places, a kindergarten "Beryozka". On the territory of the student park of the university there is an athletics arena, the largest sports facility in the Rostov region. The Raduga sports and recreation complex is actively developing on the Black Sea coast in the village of Divnomorskoye. More than 1200 students have a rest here during one shift alone.

DSTU today is a university that trains specialists of the 21st century - versatile educated, with a broad outlook, a high sense of responsibility and patriotism, ready to enter into an active independent life of specialists.


Student education involves the possession of extensive knowledge and practical experience in the field of organizing business communications, the work of public relations departments, press services of commercial firms, government bodies, political parties and movements, the work of information and advertising agencies, in the media.

Educational and familiarization practice is part of the educational process and is focused on the practical training of students; consolidates the knowledge and skills obtained as a result of mastering theoretical courses in the first year, forms practical skills of professional activity, contributes to the integrated formation of general cultural and professional competencies of students, prepares students for the perception of subsequent academic disciplines.

The purpose of this practice is to form a holistic view of the specifics of the work of the Center for pre-university training, career guidance and the applicant reserve of the state educational institution of higher professional education "Don State Technical University".

The objectives of the practice are:

combining the scientific, innovative and methodological potential of the structural divisions of the university to conduct all types of pre-university training and ensure the enrollment of students in the specialties and areas of DSTU;

organizing and coordinating the activities of structural units of pre-university training of DSTU for the implementation of pre-university educational services, expanding their range and increasing the level of training of applicants;

creation of a unified Resource Center for Applicants based on the integration of educational, scientific, methodological and material and technical resources in order to optimize the pre-university training of applicants;

monitoring the needs of the market of pre-university educational services;

planning, organizing and conducting activities to develop and improve the system of pre-university education at the university, improve the efficiency of various forms of educational services, introduce new educational technologies and teaching methods into the educational process;

carrying out a unified policy of career guidance work among applicants of the Southern Federal District based on: coordination of career guidance activities in the structural divisions of the university, integration of personnel and material and technical equipment of pre-university training structures;

development and implementation of new innovative forms of advertising of directions and specialties of the university, as well as pre-university educational services.

History of the Don State Technical University

The history of DSTU is inseparable from the history of formation and development of industry in the South of Russia. The industrialization of the country and, in particular, the construction of Rostselmash required organizational measures to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of agricultural engineering. In this regard, on May 14, 1930, our university was organized on the basis of the mechanical faculty of the Don Polytechnic Institute (DPI).

So, 83 years ago, the first enrollment in DSTU was 125 people, and the university itself was geographically located in Novocherkassk and consisted of two departments and 5 classrooms. The staff of teachers consisted of only 12 people.

To date, DSTU is the largest university in the South of Russia, where over 50,000 students receive higher education at 17 faculties, and the teaching staff includes more than 2,000 highly qualified employees.

Returning to the history of DSTU, it is worth saying that already in November 1930, a decision was made on the advisability of locating the university in the city of Rostov-on-Don, in fact, on the territory of the Rostselmash plant. Soon the construction of an educational building and a hostel began on the territory adjacent to the plant, and in the 1932-1933 academic year, students of our university began their studies in a new five-story building, which is now the 10th building of the DSTU and is located on the Land of Soviets Square, 1.

In the 1930s, the traditions of our university were laid down, which are still preserved. First of all, this is an orderly cultural work (amateur student activity of DSTU was and remains one of the best in the region), sports work (the success of our university athletes is well known), as well as active social work, the result of which can be called the organization of a student fire department. rescue team "Donskoy", as well as the formation of a powerful volunteer movement, which every student of DSTU can become a member of.

And of course, all these years, our university has remained the largest forge of qualified personnel, which did not stop its work during the war years. Many students and teachers of the DSTU went to the front, voluntarily enlisted in the militia regiment created in Rostov-on-Don. A memorial located in the DSTU student park reminds modern young people of the feat of those days.

The post-war period for DSTU, as well as for the whole country, became a time of restoration and construction. Already in October 1947, the design of a new complex of university buildings on the outskirts of the city, in the area of ​​​​Andreevskaya Grove, began. Now this is the territory of our student park, which bears the name of Leonid Vasilyevich Krasnichenko, who served as the rector of the DSTU for 30 years. Today it is the center of the city, and the main building of the DSTU, designed by the architect I.G. Bugrov, one of his decorations is an architectural monument of republican significance.

The solemn laying of the first stone in the foundation of the main building of the DSTU was made on March 22, 1949. Thus, the beginning of the modern history of the university coincided in the late 50s and early 60s with the breakthrough of mankind into outer space, when the main building of the university was put into operation, located on the square with the symbolic address of Gagarin, 1.

Gradually, from a profile university of agricultural engineering, DSTU turned into a traditional polytechnic educational institution, which, for its merits in the development of higher education and in connection with the 50th anniversary, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, which was proof of recognition of the successful and professional work of the university at the highest level. The emblem of the Order to this day adorns the pediment of the main building of the DSTU.

Turning to the latest history of DSTU, it is worth noting December 24, 1992. It was then that our university received its modern name - the Don State Technical University, which was the logical conclusion of the work carried out for many years and a statement of the fact: DSTU is a multidisciplinary higher technical educational institution.

DSTU today is 17 faculties, 4 institutes, 5 branches, 4 colleges, a technical lyceum, a gymnasium, a cadet corps, postgraduate and doctoral studies, a distance learning center, experimental production, a training and production site for testing agricultural equipment, as well as a number of departments operating within the Southern Federal District.

DSTU is a university with a developed infrastructure that continues to improve. The educational process takes place in twelve educational buildings. Eight student dormitories have good living conditions for our students. The university has a local computer network that unites all departments with access to global information networks.

The university has a sanatorium-dispensary for 100 places, kindergartens "Birch" and "Spike". On the territory of the student park of the university there is an athletics arena, a sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool, a mini-football field. The construction of a temple in honor of the patroness of students - St. Tatiana is actively underway, and in March of this year, the construction of the largest assembly hall among higher educational institutions in the South of Russia was completed, the grand opening took place on April 30, 2013.

DSTU has all the conditions for successful study, and it is worth noting that students who achieve excellent results in scientific, educational, sports or social activities receive rewards in the form of scholarships or prizes. According to the results of the session, successful students are paid a scholarship - the minimum is 1350 rubles per month, the maximum is 1925 rubles per month. There are also social scholarships, material assistance is provided, as well as nominal scholarships from industrial partner enterprises of DSTU.

While studying at the university, there is a great opportunity to develop your talents in numerous creative teams. And also participate in the creation of the youth student newspaper Plus One, graduation video blocks on DSTU TV and audio clips on the Test Radio, which broadcasts during breaks between classes.

And, of course, students not only study, but also relax. DSTU has sports and recreation complexes on the Left Bank of the Don and on the Black Sea coast in the village of Divnomorskoye - "Rainbow". During the winter and summer holidays, the trade union organization of students organizes excursion trips to Russian cities and tours abroad.

DSTU today is a university that trains specialists of the 21st century - diversified, broad-minded, highly qualified and successful in the labor market.

pre-university educational vocational guidance applicant

Don Polytechnic Institute (Novocherkassk) In November 1930, a decision was made on the expediency of placing the SKISHM in Rostov-on-Don, in fact, on the territory of Rostselmash. Through the joint efforts of the director of "Selmashstroy" N.P. Glebov-Avilov and director of the SKISHM L.B. Sunitsa managed to resolve the issue of allocating funds for the construction of an educational building and a hostel on the territory adjacent to the Rostselmash plant, and in the shortest possible time to ensure the implementation of a large amount of construction and installation work with the active participation of the institute staff. On October 1, 1932, the relocation of the SKISHM to Rostov-on-Don was completed and the 1932-1933 academic year began in the new five-story building of the university. In the first years of the institute’s existence, the training of specialists at the SKISKhM was carried out in two areas: “agricultural machines” and “cold working of metals”, for which the corresponding topics of scientific research were formed. Institute of Agricultural Engineering (VISHOM), the director of which was A.A. Isaenko, and scientific adviser N.P. Krutikov. The development of the domestic combine harvester "Stalinets", awarded the Grand Prix at the International Industrial Exhibition in Paris in 1937, and the organization of its mass production at Rostselmash is one of the brightest pages in the activities of the SKISHMA, the NKB and the North Caucasian branch of WISHOM. After being relocated to Rostov-on-Don, SKISHM was renamed the Rostov-on-Don Institute of Agricultural Engineering (RISHM). Since 1938, RISHM was renamed RMI (Rostov Machine-Building Institute), and in 1947 again in RISHM and under this name for many years (until 1992) remained the leading university in agricultural engineering in the country. During the first decade of its activity, the material base of the university was significantly expanded, a highly qualified staff of teachers was formed, the number of students in 1940 increased to 1000 people. The years of the Great Patriotic War occupy a special page in the history of the institute, as well as in the life of all our people. Already in the 1941-1942 academic year, the team switched to wartime curricula, which provided for a reduction in the training period from 5 to 3.5 years. Many students and teachers went to the front. Some of the students were sent to complete their education at the Artillery Academy. F.E. Dzerzhinsky. Many volunteered to join the self-defense regiment created in Rostov-on-Don. So, under the command of the head of the cabinet of social sciences T.A. Malyugina organized a sanitary platoon of the people's militia. In November 1941, the evacuation of the RMI to Tashkent began. Most of the property of the university was lost under the bombing of German aircraft. The archive of the institute, many of its relics, disappeared without a trace, the library burned down. Nevertheless, until the summer of 1942, the institute continued to work in Rostov-on-Don, and already in October 1942 it resumed its work in Tashkent. In May 1943, the first admission to the Rostov Machine-Building Institute in the war years was organized, and in August 150 people were enrolled in the first course. After the liberation of Rostov-on-Don in 1943, a decision was made to re-evacuate the institute, and already on October 2, 1944, the RMI began the academic year in Rostov-on-Don. By this time, it was possible to gather only 256 students and 32 teachers who remained in the city. The 1944-1945 academic year was held in incredibly difficult conditions: the premises were practically not heated, there was not enough furniture, the hostel was destroyed, teachers and students often went hungry. However, the activity and enthusiasm of the team were so great that 32 engineers graduated in January 1945. The victory in the Great Patriotic War gave a new impetus to the development of the institute. Teachers and students who returned from the fronts enthusiastically set about restoring their native university. On September 4, 1947, the institute was again renamed RISHM. Three full-time faculties were organized in the structure of RISHMA: "Agricultural machines", "Hot metal working" and "Welding production". Already in October 1947, the design of a new complex of buildings of the RISHM began on the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don, in the area of ​​​​Andreevskaya grove. Today it is the center of the city, and the main building of the DSTU, designed by the architect I.G. Bugrova, one of his decorations. The ceremonial laying of the first stone in the foundation of the main building of the RISHM was carried out on March 22, 1949.

Rostselmash will allocate 600,000 rubles for the implementation of the project that won the RSM Projectorium RSM Projectorium. Rostselmash will provide a grant in the amount of 600 thousand rubles for the implementation of the project. Team members who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will receive nominal scholarships from the company and the university. A joint educational project of the flagship university and Rostselmash company "Projectorium RSM" has been completed at DSTU. 65 participants of the intensive course, including students of specialized fields in the field of engineering, programming, management and economics, as well as schoolchildren from Yandex.Lyceum, have been solving technological cases from the largest domestic manufacturer of agricultural machinery for several weeks. – At the projectorium, 8 topics were presented that related to design topics and issues of production and technological nature. The winning team will receive a grant in the amount of 600 thousand rubles, this amount will be used for the technical implementation of their development, - said Denis Radionov, HR Director of Rostselmash. – We are happy to invest this money, because we see that we will get a much better result. Almost the entire team of first-place winners will be hired by Rostselmash. The project "Development of an information system for monitoring the movement of cabins in the assembly shop, based on Rfid tags", which won the main prize of the projectorium, after completion is planned to be implemented in production. According to the team representatives, their project is aimed at automating the work of the entire workshop: controlling the conveyor and tracking the progress of parts and cabs. In order for their idea to be brought to actual implementation in the production workshop of Rostselmash, the team members will have to hold a series of consultations with representatives of the industrial coworking Garage and the Don engineering center of DSTU. In addition to the project that received investment, the teams that won prizes were named. The third place was taken by the team that proposed the project "Grain bunker emptying control". Second place - the team of the project "Belt tensioner". The first place was taken by students who worked on the “Tire Inflation” case – the guys were developing an automatic system for regulating the pressure in the combine tires. The participants of the winning teams received nominal scholarships from the Rostselmash company and the flagship university. The top manager of Rostselmash noted that regardless of the place taken, the participants of the projectorium were invited to work together on various projects. Denis Radionov also said that the dates of the next joint projectorium will be determined in September, the participants of which will have to solve several new design, production and technological tasks. – The project movement in DSTU is gaining momentum. It is important to introduce it into the educational process: it develops thinking, gives young people the opportunity to comprehend the problem and solve it on their own. Such an educational platform makes it possible to guide and career-orientate our students, - Besarion Meskhi, rector of DSTU, is sure. – As a result of the intensive, many guys have already found a job. Therefore, it can be said with confidence that the projectorium is a format that unites an enterprise and a university, allows, on the one hand, to solve production problems, and, on the other hand, to develop students' competencies in the field of design activities and engineering skills.