How quickly do you need to apply to the university. Calculation of total points and formation of the list

All the thoughts of high school students are occupied by the upcoming exams and admission to a dream university. Every year the requirements of universities change, and future students have more opportunities to apply for places in various educational institutions. You should not let everything take its course - as well as for the final exams, you need to prepare carefully for admission.

Rules for admission to universities

Entering a university is an exciting process, so before choosing a university, you should take into account a number of certain features in order to make it easier for yourself to choose your future profession:

  • USE. Each direction publishes in advance a list of exams required for enrollment. In general, three exams are required for different areas.
  • Passing score. For each exam, universities set the minimum passing score required for consideration of documents upon admission.
  • Additional tests. Some higher education institutions (for example, Moscow State University) or areas (for example, journalism) conduct their own internal exams in addition to the Unified State Examination, for which a prospective student must prepare.
  • Individual achievements. Additional bonus points (up to 10) are awarded for a gold medal, victories in olympiads, a gold TRP badge, volunteering and successful writing of the December final essay.
  • The number of budget places. Do not forget that state-funded places at universities are intended both for applicants on a competitive basis, and for beneficiaries, Olympiads and special-purpose students. Therefore, the number of budget places declared by the university can be safely divided by two.
  • Direction specifics. Specialties with the same name in different universities have different curricula. On the websites of universities, you can find the published content of the curricula so that each applicant can familiarize himself with what he will study in the next four years.
  • Tuition and hostel fees. Before entering a university, it is necessary to assess the possibilities of paying for the commercial department. Nonresident students should pay attention to the hostel, information about which is easy to find on official websites or groups in social networks.

How many universities can I apply to

The applicant has the right to apply for admission to 5 educational institutions in three specialties. When applying to different universities at the same time, it is allowed to provide photocopies. Leave the originals for the priority specialty. If an applicant has special enrollment rights (target direction, victories at university competitions), the corresponding copies become invalid - the originals are submitted only for one direction.

The order of admission for the winners of the Olympiads

Victories at university or all-Russian Olympiads give schoolchildren enrollment benefits. At the same time, it must be remembered that such a privilege can be used upon admission to only one direction in accordance with the third paragraph of the 71st article of the Federal Law on education.

Admission to other universities and directions is carried out on a general basis.

What documents are needed for admission to the university

When choosing a university, you must send a package of documents to the admission committee in person or by mail. In addition to the application, the form of which the applicant can find on the website of the educational institution, the following will be required:

  • a copy of the passport or other document proving the citizenship and identity of the future student;
  • school certificate or other certificate confirming the presence of primary, secondary or higher professional education;
  • USE certificate, if the applicant passed the exam;
  • medical certificate of the established form for certain specialties (medical, pedagogical);
  • 2 photos if additional entrance exams are planned;
  • registration certificate or military ID (if available).

If the applicant is a minor, the parent or guardian must sign a consent to the processing of personal data, without which the documents for admission to the university will not be accepted for consideration. It is not necessary to submit only originals, especially if you plan to submit them to several educational specialties. Copies do not need to be notarized. Some universities may require other documents (certificates of olympiads, competitions, etc.), which are specifically written on the official websites.

Terms of acceptance of documents and enrollment

The deadline for submitting documents and the corresponding enrollment depends on the presence or absence of USE results for the applicant:

After the internal university exams, admission to state-funded places begins, which takes place in several stages. The dates of admission to the commercial department and the correspondence form are determined independently by a particular university.

Terms of orders for enrollment

Priority admission (applicants who enter without exams, within the framework of a special, targeted quota)

I stage of enrollment (in accordance with the position occupied by the applicant in the list of applicants)

II stage of enrollment (filling the remaining budget places after the first stage)

Submission methods

Submission of documents to the university does not always require personal presence. The submission methods are related to the features that need to be considered when choosing a future educational institution:

  1. Personal submission. In this case, an adult applicant provides all originals or copies to the selection committee without the presence of parents or guardian on a first come, first served basis.
  2. Submission by power of attorney, certified by a notary. The trustee has the right to represent the interests of the applicant in the selection committee.
  3. Submission by registered mail with a mark of receipt. This process can take five to seven days.
  4. Electronic submission. You must first fill out an application for enrollment and put a personal signature, then the document is scanned and sent by e-mail along with the rest of the copies. Consideration of the electronic application takes place 2-3 days after the receipt of copies by the educational institution.

Features of electronic filing of documents

Not all educational Russian institutions provide for the submission of documents to universities via the Internet, since there are no relevant general requirements. To study at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, all copies are accepted exclusively in PDF format, signed by a QES (qualified electronic signature) of any accredited CA (certifying authority). The following higher education institutions do not accept documentation via the Internet:

  • MEPhI;
  • RGMA them. Sechenov.


One of the possible action scenarios for those who enter according to the results of the exam.

1. First of all, you need to carefully study and preliminarily evaluate your own chances of admission. For example, this can be done with .

2. Next, apply to 5 universities for 3 budget specialties in each. The original, as an option, either remains at home, or is brought to a priority university, or to one where there is a high probability of admission. The next day, look for yourself for insurance in the competitive lists that are posted on the websites of universities so that there is no misunderstanding.

3. Specify the total number of budget places in each university, for each specialty of interest. It consists of the number of places allocated for the general competition + places for targeted students + places for preferential categories of applicants. Record the total number. Let, for example, it will be = 100.

4. Until July 26, as an option, you can take a temporary timeout and take no further action, because until that time, universities, as a rule, do not post ranked lists on their websites.

5. On July 27, universities open competitive lists. This suggests that on this day you can already see your place in the ranking, the competitive scores of other applicants, the number of submitted originals, the number of Olympiads entering without entrance examinations. However, it is too early to draw any concrete conclusions from this. At this stage, competitive listings provide only a general idea of ​​the competitive environment.

6. On July 30, universities publish orders for the enrollment of targeted students, preferential categories of applicants, Olympiads. Look at these orders and calculate how many people received according to these documents. Let's say it's 30 people.

7. Determine how many budget places are actually left for the general competition. To do this, subtract 30 from 100, and thus it becomes clear that there are 70 state-funded places left for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Examination (here are conditional numbers from our example).

8. See your place in the rankings. If this is a position from 1 to 70, with 99% certainty (1% for force majeure) we can say that if the originals are submitted on time (until August 3, inclusive), you will be enrolled in wave 1. If you go beyond these limits, there is a subject for reflection on how to proceed.

9. One of the options - in the period from July 30 to August 2, carefully observe the movement within the competitive list for each university and specialty, in terms of determining the exact number of submitted originals. Lists on the websites of universities should be updated every day.

10. On August 2, in the evening, you finally decide where to carry the original documents (in the event that you did not take them earlier). At the same time, take into account the fact that in the first wave of everything (including target recipients, beneficiaries, Olympiads) up to 80% of all budget places can be filled (in our particular case, this is up to 80 places, and in the second only 20% ( in our case it is 20 places.) The criterion for making a final decision may be the place taken in the rating, the number of originals submitted, the number of free places remaining after the release of the enrollment orders published on July 30th.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand the following - the number of smart people who will keep the originals at home until the last moment may turn out to be large, and therefore on August 3, a pandemonium from among those who brought the originals is possible in the selection committee. This naturally can radically change the entire competitive situation, although not a fact.

11. If you entered the 1st wave - congratulations! If this did not work out, continue to closely monitor the competitive lists. At the same time, keep in mind that on August 3, orders will be issued for the enrollment of those applicants who entered the 1st wave. But this does not mean that all budget places that are reserved for the 1st wave will be completely filled. It is possible that some of the seats will remain free, and, in this case, they will be transferred to the 2nd wave, i.e., in our case, they will be added to 20.

Everything will become clear on this issue on August 3 in the evening. You just need to look at the orders for enrollment and count the number of accepted applicants. Next, perform elementary arithmetic calculations and determine the exact number of budget places that will be played in the 2nd wave.

12. Further, you can proceed according to the algorithm set out in paragraphs 9-10, with the only difference that the process of monitoring the competitive lists is carried out from August 4 to 5, and the final decision on the originals (if they have not yet been submitted) is made on 5 in the evening , because August 6 is the last day for accepting documents, and on the 7th, orders for the enrollment of those applicants who entered the 2nd wave will already be published. But, again, you need to understand that on August 6, there may be a sea in the selection committee, and everyone will try to hand over the originals. So to postpone everything until the last day or not - everyone's choice.

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P.S. The above tactics of entering a university is not a panacea. This is just one of the possible options for actions that can lead to the desired result. At the same time, one cannot deny the randomness factor, which has increased significantly this year. It is he who will open the way to universities for those applicants who, despite their modest scores, already at the 1st stage brought the original documents to the selection committee.

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a list of entrance tests for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs and specialist's programs - has been determined. (Full list).

At the same time, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and in the profile subject for this specialty must be taken into account. Universities are given the right to choose another third exam from several recommended for this specialty.
(The procedure for admission to universities, order No. 890 of 07/22/16)

In 2018, the results of the USE for 2014-2018 will be valid.

Two universities - Moscow and St. Petersburg State Universities have a special status. These universities have the right to independently make a decision on conducting one additional entrance examination of a profile orientation when enrolling for undergraduate and specialist training programs.

By government decree, the right to conduct their own entrance examinations for certain specialties annually may be granted to some more universities. The form of these examinations (written, oral, testing, interview) is determined by the university.

Right to hold ( in addition to the exam) one own entrance test in a specialized subject was given to 5 universities:

Universities that have the right to conduct additional tests for applicants
(for some specialties)

  1. Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin (jurisprudence)
  2. Moscow State Linguistic University (political science, jurisprudence, linguistics, etc.)
  3. Moscow Pedagogical State University (sociology)
  4. National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (Philology, Linguistics)
  5. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University. N. A. Dobrolyubova (translation and translation studies)

Additional tests can also be carried out by universities for admission to creative and sports specialties. Part of the entrance examinations can be considered by the university according to the pass-fail system, others - as competitive ones. Universities must determine the final list of entrance examinations and conditions for admission by February 1 of the current year.

Admission to universities without entrance examinations

Without entrance examinations (USE results), only winners and prize-winners can enter the university final stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of the national teams of the Russian Federation participating in international Olympiads in general subjects, for training in the areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

Winners and prize-winners of additional Olympiads, the list of which is established by the Council for Olympiads, acting on the basis of the Russian Union of Rectors, receive benefits at the discretion of the educational institutions themselves, where they enter in accordance with the profile of the Olympiad

Entering a university is a difficult time that comes in the life of a person who decides to get a higher education. At this time, many questions arise. From how well a person is familiar with all the rules and nuances of admission, his future fate, career depends. So how do you get into college? Let's find the answer to this question.

Choice of higher education institution

If you have moved to the 11th grade, then at the very beginning of the school year, think about where you would like to go. When choosing an educational institution, keep in mind that they are state and non-state. There are many differences between them. There are state-funded places in state universities. This is not the case in private universities. Educational services are provided only on a paid basis.

Often state and differ in the quality of education. This is confirmed by the checks that Rosobrnadzor recently conducted. They showed that many non-state universities are inefficient. Teachers and students do not properly relate to the educational process. Students are only interested in a diploma, and employees of educational institutions are interested in money.

If you have not yet decided which institute to enter, then remember that many employers, when considering applicants' vacancies, pay attention to a diploma. Graduates of major Russian state universities are in high demand. Persons who graduated from non-state educational institutions often have problems finding employment.

Choice of the direction of training

When choosing a university, decide on a specialty. Exams that will need to be taken in the form of the exam depend on it. The fact is that after graduation, people can participate in the admission campaigns of higher educational institutions only on the basis of the results of the unified state exam.

To clarify the above information, applicants constantly ask the question of, Unfortunately, immediately after graduation, ordinary schoolchildren will not be able to do this. Without results, on the basis of entrance examinations conducted within the walls of the university, graduates of past years, people with a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education are enrolled. Winners and prize-winners of Russian Olympiads can also enter the institute without the Unified State Examination.

Preparation for passing the exam and entrance examinations

As a rule, 3 subjects are set for each specialty for passing in the form of the Unified State Examination or entrance examinations. A common subject for all areas of training is the Russian language. Other disciplines depend on the specialty. Additionally, a creative or professional task may be indicated.

Often, applicants think about how they can enter the institute, having significant gaps in knowledge. In such cases, enhanced preparation for exams is necessary. You can carry it out on your own. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is best to sign up for pre-university training courses. This service is available in almost all higher educational institutions. She is paid. Classes in selected subjects are taught by qualified teachers. They help to understand the theoretical material, explain practical examples, offer repeated trial testing in the form of the Unified State Examination.

Submission of documents

After passing the exam and receiving the results, compare the scores with the minimum allowable values. Universities publish them on their websites. If the scores obtained are higher, then apply to the selected university. If the points scored do not meet the minimum threshold, then this means that you will not be able to enter. The admission committee will not accept your application and documents.

Submission of a package of documents is carried out in a strictly allotted period. It is important to meet it and not be late. To know how to enter the institute, study the list of required documents below:

  • an application that is filled in at the admission committee or downloaded from the official website of the institute;
  • the passport;
  • certificate or diploma, indicating the availability of education;
  • documents testifying to individual achievements.

About the number of applications and the original certificate/diploma

In Russia, the admission of applicants to universities is regulated by a special procedure for admission to study, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of our country. If you are thinking about how to enter the institute, study this document first. According to it, you can submit 5 applications to various higher education institutions (at the same time, in each of them you can apply for a maximum of 3 specialties). This will increase your chances of getting in. For example, if you fail to pass the competition to a well-known Russian university, you can enter another educational organization of your choice, in which the passing score will be lower.

A very important nuance of admission is related to the original certificate / diploma. If you have not yet decided on the institute or want to submit several applications to different universities, then present a copy of the document on education. In the future, you will need to decide on the educational institution and bring a certificate or diploma to the selection committee. A certain period is allotted for the acceptance of originals. Students who have not brought a certificate or diploma, after the expiration of the stated period, are deleted from the rating list and are not accepted for training.

Ways to submit documents

There are several ways to submit documents to the selection committee of the selected institute. If somewhere nearby, then go there personally. If the university is located in another city, then send the documents by mail. First, check whether such a form of submission of documents is acceptable at the institute, find out the address.

Many large universities have begun to use the electronic form of submission of documents. For example, to enter an institute in Moscow, you will need to fill out an online application, questionnaire, upload scans or photocopies of documents. This is very convenient for out-of-town applicants.

Calculation of total points and formation of the list

During the admission campaign, the institute determines the points for each applicant. They are calculated by adding the results of exams, entrance tests. Additional points for individual achievements, a red certificate, and a medal are added to them.

Depending on the values ​​obtained, rating lists of applicants to the institute are formed, which are published on the websites of universities. Based on them, you can determine the approximate chances of admission. They depend on where the applicant is located and how many people have submitted original documents. It should be noted that sometimes occupied places are vacated. Some people decide to go to another place and take their documents. As a result of this, very often those people who are already disappointed in the possibility of entering, go through the competition.

Evaluation of the chances of admission by passing score

Entering an institute in Moscow or any other city is psychologically very difficult. Students worry about whether they will be able to get into the university, they begin to study last year's passing scores. These are indicators that indicate the result of the entrance examinations of applicants who took the last places among the maximum allowable.

Don't pay too much attention to last year's passing scores. They serve only as approximate indicators, they help applicants to form an idea of ​​how difficult it is to enroll in a particular area of ​​training. change annually. Sometimes they go up or down a lot. In any case, it is worth trying to enter the specialty you like.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that you should not rush into admission and run on the very first day of the start of the admission campaign. The question of how to enter the institute requires reflection. Try to first get acquainted with all the educational institutions and specialties that interest you. Choose the university and direction that you like. Of course, in the future you can transfer to another educational institution or to another specialty, but this will be a waste of time and nerves. You will have to take those subjects that you did not have in the program, you will again adapt to the educational process, make connections with classmates and teachers unfamiliar to you.

On the eve of entering Russian higher educational institutions, many future students are interested in the question - until what date to apply to the university.

There is a clear schedule for the deadlines for submitting documents to universities, prescribed in the rules for admission, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Deadlines for submitting documents for budget places under the bachelor's and specialist's programs

The main part of applicants choosing bachelor's or specialist's programs will be able to start their admission from June 20. High school graduates will receive certificates of secondary education only on June 24–25, so in reality, on June 20, few people will bring documents to the university admissions office. The main flow of graduates will go to apply only after the graduation party, that is, after June 25-26.

For applicants entering only on a general basis (according to the passing scores of the Unified State Examination, without entrance profile exams of the university), the deadline for submitting documents is 26 July.

Applicants to faculties where additional creative tests are provided, for example, "journalism", "acting", "art history", design, etc., the deadlines for submitting documents are shortened from June 20 on July 7. Creative tests in all universities are held at the same time - approximately from 11 on 26 July. Find out the exact information on the website of a particular university. It happens that creative tests in two selected universities fell on the same day. Do not be afraid, there are reserve days for this.

Some Russian universities (for example, Moscow State University and MGIMO) conduct their own specialized exams. This year, the list of educational institutions that practice additional tests may expand.

When you submit documents, you should not immediately bring the original documents to the selection committee. At this stage, there is no need for them, and they will not affect the enrollment results in any way. Original documents will be needed after you are on the enrollment lists.

Terms of enrollment: until what date to submit documents to the university

The rules for admission to universities provide for two waves of admission to the bachelor's and specialist's programs.

  • First wave of enrollment provides for 80% of the filling of budget places. In order to get into it, documents and a statement of consent to enrollment must be brought before August 1. The order for the enrollment of the first wave, as a rule, is already formed August 3rd and is freely available.
  • Second wave enrollment fills the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Consent to enrollment and documents must be taken to the selection committee before August 6. Enrollment order appears 8 August.

Deadlines for submitting documents to the magistracy (budget places)

Master's degree is the next stage of higher education. After bachelor's degree, the student has the right to apply for a budget place in the university. The end of the specialist's program, unfortunately, does not provide for such an opportunity.

It is better to clarify the deadlines for submission at the selected university, since each educational institution has its own, but in any case, it will be necessary to submit documents no later than August 10.

Admission to the magistracy is always on a competitive basis. Entrance tests for each university are individual, so check the information on the websites of the educational institution. Universities are required to provide all information for applicants to the magistracy before June 1st.

Approximately at August 20th there will be enrollment orders. It should be noted that there are very few state-funded places in the master's program. And if you fail to get into the list of lucky ones on the budget, then you will still have the opportunity to enter on a contract basis (for paid education). Bachelors who have received Russian diplomas of higher education in their hands can try to enter the master's program of foreign universities.