How to decorate the classroom for the new year in an original way. Christmas trees from improvised means

There is no doubt that the formation of a person's personality begins with the family - it is there that the main characterological and behavioral features, worldview, understanding of moral and ethical standards are laid. But no less important role in this regard is played, of course, by the school.

The power of the first call

The acquaintance of the child with the schedule, desks, class and teachers begins, of course, with the line - a holiday that each of us associates with balloons, a huge number of flowers and a concert program. It was at this time that we get the first impression of the school, but it is fixed within the walls of our native office, where immediately after the first bell the children go to be initiated into schoolchildren.

This room becomes a real second home for students, where they encounter their first joys and sorrows, hopes and expectations. That is why the design of the primary school classroom plays such an important role.

Several important features

We each have our own special memories of our first home at school. For some, this is a large auditorium with light walls, filled with desks. Others recall the numerous portraits of writers, poets and scientists placed directly above the board.

The correct design of the primary school classroom determines not only our future associations and taste preferences, but also the educational process, the psychological background that is being formed among students.

Literally every detail is significant in this regard. The design of the primary school classroom should begin first of all with the choice of colors. Psychologists around the world have long proven its effect on the nervous system, so it is extremely important to make the right choice in this regard.

Something About Color

It is no secret that at such an early age, children are very mobile and are sometimes distinguished by simply amazing eccentricity. That is why the right choice of wall color is especially important in such a process as decorating an elementary school office.

Reddish shades, for example, will act on the nervous system as a kind of catalyst, and therefore you should not even count on an order of magnitude during the lessons. The blue scale, on the contrary, leads to a state of calm and stimulates attentiveness, which makes it one of the most successful options. The design of the primary school classroom can also be called correct, but the yellow tint of the spectrum, although it will help strengthen the student team, will have a negative impact.

decorating elements

Decorating the school audience also plays an important role. The design of the primary school classroom, a photo of which can be found in any student album, provides for the presence of any decorating elements.

Bare walls can easily discourage even the most active children from learning, and therefore there must be something within the classroom that the eye can stop at. Remember your school years and the design of the primary school classroom: tables with the alphabet and numbers, and for some, a living corner.

However, a big mistake can be overzealous in the matter of decorating. Too many bright pictures, bizarre figurines, tables and other decorating elements can distract students, which, of course, will not have a positive effect on the learning process.

Illustrative material

What will be the most productive design of the primary school classroom? Stands, tables explaining the diagrams in this respect are the first assistants of the teacher. However, it should be noted that for a student at this age, the main thing is interest, so all educational materials of this kind must be done with a creative approach. Illustrations from fairy tales and illustrative examples are good in this regard.

Concentration in a certain place

In each class, from the first to the last, there must be a so-called. As a rule, it is presented in the form of a small stand, on which a list of students, duty schedules, main victories, class achievements, general photos are recorded. The design of the corner in elementary grades, of course, will be different from similar stands in high school.

The color scheme of the corners of younger schoolchildren, as a rule, turns out to be more variegated, and letter entries organically alternate with pictures.

Design guide

Despite the abundance of recommendations, traditions and personal preferences, there are certain norms and standards that should guide the implementation of any action. The design of the office, in which younger students will spend their first years at an educational institution, is no exception.

The fact or relationship with the style of the school cannot even be disputed in this respect. Most of the decisions regarding decorating and filling school classrooms are made taking into account not only the allocated funds, but also the ideas of the teacher who is assigned to the room.

However, it is mandatory these days to design primary classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard. These standards detail the basic requirements for this event.

Where do norms come from?

First of all, it should be noted that under this abbreviation it is customary to understand the so-called Absolutely all schooling directly depends on the rules and norms provided for in this document. For elementary schools, there is a special standard for primary general education, in accordance with which an office for younger students should be designed.

The educational process in elementary school is primarily a cognitive activity. The task of a primary school teacher is not only the formation of an initial knowledge base in the field of reading and writing. This is also an educational work aimed at modeling the worldview of children, their acquaintance with the structure of the environment.

In accordance with this, the Federal State Educational Standard provides for a number of rules and regulations, the observance of which ensures a full-fledged educational process.

First of all, this standard, of course, describes in detail the mandatory technical arrangement of the cabinet. In this case, we mean the presence of a blackboard, desks, bookcases for textbooks, a teacher's table. Also, the indisputable requirements include the presence of a video player and a TV in the primary school classroom.

The latter is due to the fact that the learning process should be not only cognitive, but also playful, which is ensured by the presence of multimedia technology.

game moment

As mentioned earlier, this component is one of the most important, which indicates the need to create the most comfortable conditions for students.

In the classrooms provided for the lower grades, there must be items used as game material. In their role can be a variety of crafts, soft toys, cubes and much more. However, in this case, it is very important to respect the rational framework. The items available in the classroom must be included by the teacher in the educational process.

Small toys like blocks or crafts, for example, can be used to teach counting or reading. Soft toys can perfectly serve for organizing all kinds of theatrical scenes.

School design: photographs, drawings, tables and colors of native walls - this is what remains with us for life. In these cabinets, a person's personality, his taste preferences, and character traits are formed. We remember this place for many years with great love and warmth in our souls.

The classroom is a place where children spend a lot of time. It should have not only an attractive design, but also contain useful information. For ease of perception of this information, it must be drawn up in colorful colors.

It is worth remembering that the design of the classroom for junior and senior students is significantly different. This is due to their development. It is teachers of elementary school who often ask the question of how to arrange 1st grade. When designing a classroom for first-graders, it is worth considering that quite recently they were pupils of kindergartens and were used to seeing bright and colorful stands with cartoon and fairy-tale characters.

A cool corner and various information stands must be decorated with pictures, where there will be a pronounced play of colors. This will help the new student to perceive new information, as well as adapt to the school. For example, if the stand with the alphabet is designed in the form of printed and capital letters, and a variety of animals and colorful objects are depicted on the side, this will help the first-grader to quickly remember the necessary information, learn to write and read. When designing a mathematical stand, it is worth remembering that solving the simplest examples will be done much faster if instead of numbers, various geometric shapes or those apples that appear so often in tasks are displayed. The solution of simple problems will be made much faster if its condition is not written on the board, but is depicted on the stand in the form of drawings. This will help the child to navigate much faster.

When designing a class for first-graders, it is worth remembering that at this age it is necessary not only to provide children with knowledge, but also to develop their logic, thinking, and memory. It is the work with pictures that will help the teacher in this.

Primary School

After the end of the first grade, the children go to the second, third, fourth ... This makes it necessary to make some changes in the design of the class. It is worth remembering that during the year of being at school, children have already adapted and learned to represent objects without a variety of pictures. But this does not mean that they must be completely excluded when designing a class. So how do you get an initial class?

The first condition for the design of any class is the presence of live indoor flowers. This will teach children to love wildlife, besides, they clean the classroom from carbon dioxide and make it beautiful. It is undesirable to hang artificial flowers in the classroom, which are considered lifeless. The class should shine with joy, fun and love for life.

class asset

During this period, the concept of "class asset" appears in the children's team, which the students choose on their own. This procedure allows them to feel their weight in society. After you have chosen a class asset, you need to fix it. That's what cool corners are for. The stand itself should be made in bright and colorful colors, and the information given in it should be written in black.
ink on a white background. This will give it importance and formality. The class asset should be filled in from top to bottom, starting from the class commander. The duty schedule is best filled in bright colors. But at the same time, the names of the students must be written in black and white, and the marks on duty should be made in different colors. This will not depress the psyche of children who consider cleaning the premises to be black and dirty work.

Don't forget the birthdays

The birthday corner should not only be bright and colorful, but also include a picture in the form of a bouquet of flowers or a cake with candles. This will give the student's birthday solemnity and a sense of celebration.

Thematic stands

As for the thematic stands of the elementary school, they should be bright. The presence of various pictures in them is not excluded, only they should have a different content. Instead of a cartoon or fairy-tale hero, it would be most rational to draw any representative of wildlife. This will help the child recognize the world around him and learn to love it.

Important points in the design of any class

An integral attribute of any class is the symbolism of the country. From the very first days of study, the teacher must tell the children about its designation and place in the life of every person.

How to design a classroom using ready-made stands? Here it is worth saying that this can be done with your own hands. The second option will be much more effective, especially if students are involved in class design. This will help them learn to respect work and save the classroom from all sorts of damage.

The class can be designed in different ways, the main thing is that it helps the student to develop comprehensively.

The classroom is the place where the student spends most of his time. And such a place should attract, so that students want to go there. But when making repairs, hardly anyone asks the opinion of children.

As a rule, schools try to make the classrooms not too bright so that they do not distract children from their studies. It turns out that even walls painted the wrong color can lead a student astray. Many psychologists argue that the appearance of the classroom can certainly affect children. So, first we should talk about the color of the walls. In almost all schools, they try to paint classes in blue or white. Of course, there are educational institutions in which classes are pink, white, green. In connection with what is it connected? This may be due to the whim of the director, or simply the right paint was not found at the moment. And in Russia, they approach this a little frivolously. Therefore, it is worth saying a few words about the color scheme.

Many people think that white, which symbolizes purity, may well be suitable for the classroom. Moreover, almost everything fits white walls. The only drawback is that the walls will often get dirty. If you look from a different point of view, then the white color has a rather negative effect on the thinking of students. He gives emptiness. In a classroom with white walls, students think more slowly. I also want to note that children do not have any interesting ideas. Therefore, it is better not to color the class with this color.

Sometimes, when entering a classroom, you can see light green walls. This color is also considered protective. It is better to refuse such a color scheme. Firstly, from the outside it does not look very nice. Yes, and seeing this, you may get the impression that the school has complete bad taste. Of course, it is not reasonable to argue like this, but still this is not the best option. Moreover, green makes you defend yourself even from people who wish good. It's all about psychology. This does not appear immediately, but after 3-4 years. Therefore, in some schools there is a cabinet system, where students themselves have to walk around the classrooms so that teachers can conduct a lesson. It is advisable to use this method from grade 2.

Light blue color, at first glance, does not pose any threat. Moreover, this color soothes. However, he is misleading. The blue color on the subconscious makes people doubt. Of course, if you enter a class with blue walls and sit in it for 5-6 hours, then nothing like this will arise. But if a child has been studying in this class for two years, then one can notice windiness and frivolity in him. Perhaps the attitude to study will become a little more negative.

To everyone's surprise, the walls in schools are also painted pink. Of course it's a good color. But in the classroom, he creates ridicule or frivolity. Some children, especially boys, will be annoyed by such colors. Yes, and for the school is not quite the right color. Looking at such a picture, one gets the impression of the irresponsibility of an educational institution.

But peach or yellow color may well be suitable for the class. This color scheme makes students think and think faster. This proves that in psychiatric hospitals the walls are also painted yellow. This is done so that the patients get better soon. Psychologists and doctors are sure that such a color really makes you think. You can also experiment. Color one class yellow and the other white. Six months later, see which class began to show itself better in knowledge. Specialists ensure that students sitting in a yellow-walled classroom begin to show their love of knowledge. The success rate will also increase.

And, of course, do not forget about the wallpaper. Many schools glue bed color wallpaper. They are sure that in this way, such a color scheme will soothe. In a sense, they are right. That's just such a color does not allow you to focus. Moreover, seeing this, a person already at a subconscious level will want to sleep. When a student comes to class early in the morning, he already dreams of a soft bed. And in this class, he will fall asleep on the desk at all. If we choose wallpaper, then a brown tint.

In addition to all this, one should pay attention to the age of the students. Sometimes, due to a lack of classes, high school students are temporarily moved to younger students. Here you can see how adult children behave not quite the way they should. It is advisable to draw illustrations for some fairy tales on the walls in the classrooms of younger students. To do this, you need to invite artists who are engaged in this. Also a great option is to hang children's drawings on the wall. If the class is large, then the lighting should be good. It is not advisable to save on light. Otherwise, children's eyesight may be severely impaired. You should also pay attention to the windows. They should not let air through, so it will be necessary to install plastic windows. Lots of classrooms have blinds. But it’s better to hang tulle anyway. Creates coziness and comfort.

You should also think about cabinets and shelves. After all, books and clothes must lie somewhere. And it is better if the color of the furniture is also light. Of course, if the school plans to become a gymnasium or a lyceum in the future, then it is better to leave the design of the school class to specialists. True, experts can make mistakes. Many designers recommend the American style. That is, single desks, wide windows, Italian wallpaper, etc. But Russian schools, unfortunately, cannot allocate so much money for repairs. Therefore, you will have to act according to the rule “Cheap, convenient and beautiful! ".

It is considered very important to hang various monuments around the class. For example, the multiplication table, formulas, the alphabet, teaching proverbs. It is highly recommended to take a group photo of the class and print it out on A2 size and stick it up at the entrance. Plants are also an important element. It is highly recommended to arrange at least 6 cacti. They absorb negative energy and release oxygen. You also need to install a humidifier that will regulate the temperature of the classroom.

As a general rule, a class refurbishment should be done every 4 years. Of course, after 8-10 months, you still have to carry out cosmetic repairs, since the walls quickly become dirty. But here you need to buy only brushes and paint. But if there is a desire to fundamentally change the class, then you should think about the design. For example, if this is a math class, then there should be wallpaper with numbers, pictures with famous mathematicians. It happens that such wallpapers simply may not be in the store. In this case, it is possible to order. And if the deadlines do not suit you, then you should just buy paint, invite an artist and paint the walls. But you need to paint so that it looks beautiful.

You can make a class without naming any subject. For example, it is not necessary to write "Class of the Russian language" on the plate. After all, in the classroom you can conduct completely different lessons. There is an opportunity to choose from many styles any one. Preferably, something gentle, because all the lessons will be held in this class. It's even better if you make this class a break room. For example, put chairs, TV, toys. It's great when the children are busy with something in the same office, and not run along the corridor. As a rule, the creation of a separate class for leisure is safe for the life of a student.

It is also worth recalling another very important detail - these are models of school tables. You should pay attention not only to size and beauty. School furniture sets should not cause any discomfort to students. There are tilt tables. It is better not to purchase these, as school supplies will slip. And it is also important to pay attention to the height of desks and chairs. The posture of the students largely depends on the school desks. So do not choose furniture cheap furniture. Otherwise, it can lead to sad consequences. For example, to the curvature of the spine.

Do not come up with some unusual classroom design. The main thing is that nothing distracts from the learning process. After all, at school, it’s not beauty that is important, but the knowledge of schoolchildren.








Director of MBOU

"Kirov secondary school"

Poleshchuk L.V.





Responsible for classroom:

Grishina Elena Anatolievna

Help about finding a classroom No. 2.1

    Classroom No. 2.1 of the primary grades of the MBOU "Kirovskaya Secondary School".

    School address: 296423, st. Lenina, d. 8, p. Kirovskoe, Chernomorsky district, Republic of Crimea.

Passport Structure

    Explanatory note.

    Regulations on the primary school classroom.

    Analysis of the work of the classroom and tasks for the 2014-2015 academic year.

    Analysis of work on the equipment and equipment of the classroom No. 2.1.

    Valeological passport of the classroom No. 2.1.

    Classroom plan No. 2.1.

    Inventory of classroom property No. 2.1.

    Inventory sheet for TSO.

    Classroom occupancy #2.1.

    Video and audio materials.

    Perspective plan for the development of classroom 2.1 for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Explanatory note

Cool room- a school classroom equipped with visual aids, educational equipment, furniture and technical teaching aids, in which methodological, educational and extracurricular work is carried out with students.

The purpose of certification of the classroom:

Analyze the state of the classroom, its readiness to meet the requirements of educational standards, determine the main areas of work to bring the classroom in accordance with the requirements of the educational and methodological support of the educational process.


Director of MBOU

"Kirov secondary school"

Poleshchuk L.V.


about the primary classroom

    General provisions.

    The primary school classroom is an educational unit of the school, which is a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education, providing optimal conditions for improving the quality of educational training of students, preserving and strengthening their health.

    Classroom activities should serve:

    activation of mental activity of students;

    the formation of skills to work with various types of information and its sources;

    the formation of a communicative culture of students;

    developing students' abilities for self-control, self-assessment and self-analysis;

    education of a highly organized personality.

    The equipment of the classroom includes: educational and visual aids, educational equipment, devices for practical classes in the subject, technical teaching aids.

    Basic requirements for the classroom.

    Compliance of equipment and equipment of the classroom with the requirements of SanPiN.

    Compliance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards in the classroom.

    Compliance with aesthetic requirements for the design of the classroom.

    Availability of normative school documentation for the opening and functioning of the classroom:

    regulation on the classroom of primary classes of a general educational institution;

    job description of the head of the classroom;

    rules for using the classroom for students;

    valeological passport of the classroom;

    inventory list for existing equipment;

    passport of the automated workplace of the teacher;

    catalog of educational, educational and informational and educational materials;

    analysis and work plan for the development of the office.

    Availability of a classroom schedule for a compulsory program, extracurricular activities, an additional education program, individual lessons with students of various categories, consultations, etc.

    The presence in the classroom of instructions and a safety briefing log for students.

    Requirements for educational and methodological support of the classroom.

    Completeness of the classroom with educational equipment, educational and methodological complex, a set of teaching aids necessary for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the implementation of the educational program of the school.

    Compliance of the educational and methodological complex and the complex of teaching aids with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the implemented educational and methodological package.

    Provision of students with textbooks, didactic materials, handouts in accordance with the educational program of the school and the educational and methodological package being implemented.

    Availability of a set of didactic materials, standard tasks, tests, examinations and other materials for diagnosing the quality of education and the educational process.

    Availability of permanent and replaceable training and information stands. Classroom poster material should include:

    safety rules for work and behavior in the classroom;

    materials used in the educational process.

Classroom Analysis #2.1

In the 2014-2015 academic year, classroom No. 2.1 was organized as an educational unit of an educational institution, equipped with teaching and visual aids, educational equipment, furniture for theoretical and practical, classroom and extracurricular classes in subjects. In addition, the classroom is used in teaching various subjects, in organizing the socially useful work of students, extracurricular activities, additional education, for the effective management of the educational process. The classroom is spacious, well ventilated and moderately light.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, classroom No. 2.1 and the materials in it are used to work with elementary school students. Every day in the first half of the day in the classroom, lessons are held in the 1st grade according to the approved schedule. The opportunity is used to organize individual, group and collective work. There are also meetings with parents, parent meetings and parent education.

A psychologically and hygienically comfortable environment in the classroom is organized in such a way as to contribute to the maximum extent to successful teaching, mental development and the formation of an educational culture of students, the acquisition of solid knowledge, skills and abilities in the subjects and fundamentals of science, while fully ensuring the requirements for health and safety at work teachers and students.

Classroom activities contribute to:

    the formation of students' general educational skills, abilities and knowledge about the world around them;

    to familiarize students with the application of the acquired knowledge in the educational process in practice;

    improvement of teaching methods and organization of the educational process at school.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, a large and fruitful work is being carried out to update the material and technical base of the office and improve the educational process, namely:

    computer installed;

    connected to the INTERNET;

    14 desks and 28 chairs for students were installed for the classroom, meeting modern hygiene requirements and the age characteristics of students;

    handouts have been modernized and updated;

    demonstration material is systematized.

Planned in the next academic year:

    carry out further implementation of ICT tools in the educational process;

    replenishment of the fund of electronic manuals, electronic textbooks and programs;

    equip the office with modern bench and handouts;

    develop manuals, guidelines and specific educational material for working with gifted children, individual and group lessons.

Analysis of work on equipment and equipment

primary school classroom No. 2.1

The classroom is designed to organize the educational process of students in grades 1-4, including:

    training sessions;

    individual work with students;

    class hours, leisure of students during breaks and after classes.

Target classroom work: providing a health-saving, developing, object-spatial environment for primary school students.

Classroom tasks:

The main activities of the classroom are:

    Creation of a health-saving educational environment.

    Didactic support of training sessions.

    Creation of a developing educational environment.

In the first direction the following activities are carried out:

Adjustable desks and chairs, taking into account the growth of students, were installed, which contributed to maintaining the posture of students, reducing the number of children with scoliosis (according to the dispensary examination). It is planned to install spotlights above the blackboard, which contributes to the preservation of students' vision.

These activities contribute to the preservation of the physical health of students, including posture, vision; creation of proper sanitary and hygienic conditions.

Plastic windows have been installed, which facilitates the possibility of airing the classroom and provides higher sound insulation and light transmission, increases compliance with safety rules.

In the second direction didactic materials are being developed on the main topics studied in the lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading and the world around, which allow taking into account the peculiarities of information perception at the stage of learning new knowledge and methods of action.

Individual multi-level cards are developed and prepared to organize work on consolidating and applying knowledge and methods of action, taking into account the different levels of student learning; kits for developing the cognitive interests of students and organizing individual work with students who are interested in studying certain subjects; multi-level didactic materials for the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics.

In order to form and develop skills in working with texts, test control materials are prepared on topics included for study in literary reading lessons.

Thus, the use of didactic material in the educational process allows achieving a higher level of student learning.

In the future, it will be necessary to develop didactic material aimed at developing logical thinking: the ability to analyze, highlight the main thing, draw conclusions, materials for the development of students' verbal memory.

In the third direction stands with materials that promote the development of cognitive activity of students were systematically updated. At the same time, this is not enough. It is necessary to involve students in updating poster materials.

The analysis carried out makes it possible to conclusion that these areas of work of the classroom are relevant and in the coming academic year it is necessary to direct efforts to address the following tasks:

    To create comfortable sanitary and hygienic conditions corresponding to the age characteristics of primary school students.

    Organize didactic support for training sessions based on the differentiation and individualization of the learning process.

    Systematically update classroom poster materials to create a learning environment.

    Contribute to the formation of the aesthetic culture of the individual.

Valeological passport of the classroom No. 2.1

Sanitary assessment of the classroom

Daylight ratio

(most remote location 1.75 - 2%)

according to the norms

Main stream of light

(left side only)

From the left side

The presence of light openings in the wall where the board hangs (not allowed)

Benefit location

front, side

Optimal orientation of classroom windows

according to the norms

Hygiene standards observance of windows


The place of flowers in the classroom

behind, side

classroom lighting

according to the norms

Switching on lights



Work surface illumination


Class room occupancy

classroom area

49.8 m 2

classroom shape


Table arrangement in the classroom

according to the norms

Entry to class

side, front

Classroom plan #2.1

Benefit cabinet

School desk adjustable in height

Height-adjustable student chair

Single-pedestal teacher's desk

Teacher's chair, p/m chair

School desk

Wardrobe of two parts

School Board


Inventory of Classroom Property No. 2.1

Property name

Inventory number

Teacher's desk

Teacher's chair

Student desks

Student chairs

Wardrobe 2 parts

Board school 1x4

Wall Clock

Lamp above the board (daylight)

Benefit cabinet

School desk

Classroom Lighting #2.1

Name of working areas

Fixture placement

Lighting type

Workplaces for teachers and students

On the ceiling

daylight lamp

Chalkboard surface

Above the board

daylight lamp

Inventory list for technical training aids

classroom number 2.1

Name of TCO

Inventory number

A computer

Schedule of employment in the classroom No. 2.1


Timetable of classes




1. Literary reading











3.Russian language


4. Ukrainian language and literary reading







3.Russian language


4. Surrounding world


5.Fine art




1. Literary reading


2.Russian language


3. Surrounding world






1.Russian language





4. Ukrainian language and literary reading



Video and audio materials


Literary reading

Electronic supplement to the textbook "ABC" by V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, L. A. Vinogradskaya

Literary reading

Audio supplement to the textbook "Literary reading" Klimanova L. F., Goretsky V. G., Golovanova M. V., Boykina M. V.

Russian language

Electronic supplement to the textbook by V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky


Electronic supplement to the textbook "Mathematics" by M.I. Moro, S.V. Volkova, S. V. Stepanova

The world

Electronic supplement to the textbook "The world around" by A. A. Pleshakov

Future Plan for the Development of the Classroom No. 2.1

for 2014-2015 academic year

What is planned


Activities for the design of the classroom (decoration of the place of the teacher, student places, preparation of permanent and replaceable educational and information stands).

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Updating the teaching and methodological support of the classroom (compilation of didactic material, tests, test papers, handouts).

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Complete student data by creating a portfolio for each student.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

To replenish the classroom library with methodological literature, reference literature, visual aids.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Measures to ensure the safety of the material and technical base of the classroom.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Measures to ensure compliance in the classroom with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic requirements, ensuring the safety of the classroom as a whole (floor, walls, windows, furniture), ensuring the level of illumination.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Classroom landscaping activities.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Replenish storage folders.

During a year

Grishina E. A.

Equip shelves in the niches of the left wall.

During a year

Tasks * creation of a comfortable, educational environment * improvement of professionalism and work culture of teachers * creation of a comfortable, educational environment * improvement of professionalism and work culture of teachers * ensuring the psychological well-being and health of schoolchildren * systematization of didactic and methodological material * involvement of parents in joint work, improvement of cooperation * ensuring the psychological well-being and health of schoolchildren * systematizing didactic and methodological material * involving parents in joint work, improving cooperation

Annotation Creating an office is a very complex, painstaking task that requires patience and time. This is a common work of like-minded people: teachers, parents, students. And today, none of the teachers doubts that a well-designed and equipped classroom contributes to positive changes in the organization of the educational process. It is easier to work in such an office, because the teacher has the opportunity to significantly reduce the time for preparing a lesson, can pay more attention to the methodological and didactic equipment of training and education, thereby increasing their professionalism and work culture. The participation of parents and schoolchildren in the creation of an office strengthens contacts between the family and the school, guarantees the safety of equipment, stimulates the initiative of students in maintaining order, replenishing the expositions and materials of the office, as a result of which the office becomes their home. Creating an office is a very complex, painstaking task that requires patience and time. This is a common work of like-minded people: teachers, parents, students. And today, none of the teachers doubts that a well-designed and equipped classroom contributes to positive changes in the organization of the educational process. It is easier to work in such an office, because the teacher has the opportunity to significantly reduce the time for preparing a lesson, can pay more attention to the methodological and didactic equipment of training and education, thereby increasing their professionalism and work culture. The participation of parents and schoolchildren in the creation of an office strengthens contacts between the family and the school, guarantees the safety of equipment, stimulates the initiative of students in maintaining order, replenishing the expositions and materials of the office, as a result of which the office becomes their home.

Requirements for the premises and equipment of the class Desks (tables) are placed in classrooms by numbers: smaller ones are closer to the blackboard, larger ones are farther away. For children with hearing and vision impairments, the desks, regardless of their number, are placed first, and students with reduced visual acuity should be placed in the first row from the windows. Desks (tables) are placed in classrooms by numbers: smaller ones are closer to the blackboard, larger ones are farther away. For children with hearing and vision impairments, the desks, regardless of their number, are placed first, and students with reduced visual acuity should be placed in the first row from the windows. Children who often suffer from acute respiratory infections, sore throats, colds Children who often suffer from acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, colds should be seated further from the outer wall. should be seated farther from the outer wall. When equipping classrooms, the following dimensions of aisles and distances between items of equipment in cm are observed: When equipping classrooms, the following dimensions of passages and distances between items of equipment in cm are observed: between rows of double tables - at least 60 cm between rows of double tables - at least 60 cm between the rows of tables and the outer longitudinal wall - at least cm between the rows of tables and the outer longitudinal wall - at least cm between the row of tables and the inner longitudinal wall or cabinets along this wall - at least cm between the row of tables and the inner longitudinal wall or cabinets standing along this wall - at least cm from the last tables to the wall (partition) opposite the blackboard - at least 70 cm, from the back wall, which is external - at least 100 cm, and in the presence of reverse classes 120 cm; from the last tables to the wall (partition) opposite the blackboard - at least 70 cm, from the back wall, which is external - at least 100 cm, and in the presence of reverse classes - 120 cm; from the demonstration table to the training board - at least 100cm; from the demonstration table to the training board - at least 100cm; from the first desk to the training board - 2.4 - 2.7 m; from the first desk to the training board - 2.4 - 2.7 m; the greatest distance of the last place of the student from the training board - 860 cm; the greatest distance of the last place of the student from the training board - 860 cm; the height of the lower edge of the training board above the floor, cm; the height of the lower edge of the training board above the floor, cm; the angle of visibility of the board (from the edge of the board 3 m long to the middle of the extreme place of the student at the front table) must be at least 45 degrees for children 6-7 years old. .. the angle of visibility of the board (from the edge of the board 3 m long to the middle of the extreme place of the student at the front table) should be at least 45 degrees for children 6-7 years old ...

Requirements for the air-thermal regime ... Transoms and vents in classrooms must function at any time of the year ... Transoms and vents in classrooms must function at any time of the year Educational premises are ventilated during breaks, and recreational - during lessons Educational rooms are ventilated during breaks, and recreational rooms - during lessons Before the start of classes and after they end, it is necessary to carry out through ventilation of educational rooms. The duration of through ventilation is determined by weather conditions. On warm days, it is advisable to conduct classes with open transoms and vents. Before the start of classes and after their completion, it is necessary to carry out through ventilation of the classrooms. The duration of through ventilation is determined by weather conditions. On warm days, it is advisable to conduct classes with open transoms and vents.

Requirements for natural and artificial lighting ... Finishing materials and paints that create a matte surface are used to decorate classrooms .... The following colors of paints should be used: ... Finishing materials and paints that create a matte surface are used to decorate classrooms .. .. The following paint colors should be used: for the walls of classrooms - light colors of yellow, blue, green, beige, pink; for the walls of classrooms - light colors of yellow, blue, green, beige, pink; for furniture (desks, tables, cabinets) - natural wood colors or light green; for furniture (desks, tables, cabinets) - natural wood colors or light green; for chalkboards - dark green, dark brown; for chalkboards - dark green, dark brown; for doors, window frames - white. for doors, window frames - white. To maximize the use of daylight and uniform illumination of classrooms, you should: To maximize the use of daylight and uniform illumination of classrooms, you should: .., do not paint over window panes; .., do not paint over window panes; do not place flowers on the windowsills. They are placed in portable flower beds cm high from the floor or hanging planters in the window piers; cleaning and washing of glasses should be carried out 2 times a year (in spring and autumn) do not place flowers on the windowsills. They are placed in portable flower beds cm high from the floor or hanging planters in the window piers; glass cleaning and washing should be carried out 2 times a year (spring and autumn)

The color scheme of the classroom One of the most important factors that ensure the efficiency of the office, is considered to be the correct use of color. It is an element of creating psychological comfort and a means of emotional and aesthetic impact on the human body. Skillfully selected color causes satisfaction, joy, reduces stress, relieves fatigue of the nervous system, and has a beneficial effect on mental and physical activity. That is why the influence of color on the mental state of the child must be taken into account when organizing the space of his life. The correct color design balances the neuropsychic excitability of children, increases labor productivity by 12-17%, and contributes to the creation of normal psychophysiological comfort in the classroom. The stable productivity of the south-facing office is helped to achieve the optimal color zone by a range of pale purple, green and beige colors. If there are panels, they should be below the level of the door, this visually unifies and disciplines the space. Doors are painted in the same color as the furniture or walls, but in a more saturated tone. The ceiling and window frames are white. The role of light coloring is also important in educating children in accuracy, respect for things and objects. On the windows that are on the south side, you can hang the blinds of the corresponding color in the form of an arch, place flowerpots with houseplants on the window sills. The height of the flower should not exceed 15 cm (SanPiN requirement). One of the most important factors that ensure the effectiveness of the office, is the correct use of color. It is an element of creating psychological comfort and a means of emotional and aesthetic impact on the human body. Skillfully selected color causes satisfaction, joy, reduces stress, relieves fatigue of the nervous system, and has a beneficial effect on mental and physical activity. That is why the influence of color on the mental state of the child must be taken into account when organizing the space of his life. The correct color design balances the neuropsychic excitability of children, increases labor productivity by 12-17%, and contributes to the creation of normal psychophysiological comfort in the classroom. The stable productivity of the south-facing office is helped to achieve the optimal color zone by a range of pale purple, green and beige colors. If there are panels, they should be below the level of the door, this visually unifies and disciplines the space. Doors are painted in the same color as the furniture or walls, but in a more saturated tone. The ceiling and window frames are white. The role of light coloring is also important in educating children in accuracy, respect for things and objects. On the windows that are on the south side, you can hang the blinds of the corresponding color in the form of an arch, place flowerpots with houseplants on the window sills. The height of the flower should not exceed 15 cm (SanPiN requirement).

Corner of Moidodyr According to the SanPiN requirements for hygienic education and upbringing of students, there should be a corner of Moidodyr in the classroom. The sink is installed at a height of 0.60.7 m from the floor. According to the SanPiN requirements for hygienic education and upbringing of students, there should be a corner of Moidodyr in the office. The sink is installed at a height of 0.60.7 m from the floor.

Front wall of the classroom The front wall is equipped with a blackboard 2 m long and 1 m high. The bottom edge of the board is at a height of 85 cm from the floor. The box of the board is painted white (we are upholstered in steel). Part of the board is lined for writing. Attachments for hanging tables, reproductions of paintings and maps are fixed on the upper edge of the board. Boxes for manuals, tables are installed under the board. There is a clock above the board so that the children appreciate the time in the lesson. The front wall is equipped with a chalkboard 2 m long and 1 m high. The board has 2 wings, behind which are a type-setting canvas and a magnetic board. The bottom edge of the board is at a height of 85 cm from the floor. The box of the board is painted white (we are upholstered in steel). Part of the board is lined for writing. Attachments for hanging tables, reproductions of paintings and maps are fixed on the upper edge of the board. Boxes for manuals, tables are installed under the board. There is a clock above the board so that the children appreciate the time in the lesson.

Side wall of the classroom The side wall of the classroom is decorated with permanent exhibitions. The first of them includes the symbols of Russia: flag, coat of arms, anthem. Below is the stand I live in Russia. It shows a map of Russia with cities, rivers and lakes. In the corner of the stand there is a pocket where materials about the remarkable historical figures of the country, cities, events taking place in the state are placed. This exposition contributes to the civil and patriotic education of students. The exposition-stand I + YOU = WE is divided into three equal sectors, representing the color of earth, water, sky, three elements vital to man. In the first sector, the purpose of which is to promote the development of thinking and imagination in children, to involve them in the process of cognition, to encourage joint search activities, materials are placed for the whys: Olympiad tasks in academic subjects; rubric It's interesting; materials from children's encyclopedic publications, magazines. The Memory Knot sector contains materials on how to develop memory, attention, observation, reminders for solving problems, different types of word parsing, that is, everything that helps students learn the curriculum in various subjects. The purpose of the Beginning of Wisdom sector is to assist in the formation of emotional interest, the development of the emotional sphere, self-knowledge and positive self-esteem of students. Materials on spiritual and moral education are placed there: how to live in friendship, forgive insults, help people, etc. Here, on the side wall, just below, the exposition World of Fantasy finds its place. Its goal is the formation of creative abilities for practical and mental experimentation, the development of an emotional and value attitude to artistic images, the development of students' speech on the best examples of children's work. Children's works are exhibited here: drawings, compositions, plasticine, natural materials, etc. The main principle of the expositions located on the side wall is rotation at least once a week, participation and representation of children at least once a month, which allows each child to show their abilities, to be noticed. The side wall of the office is decorated with permanent exhibitions. The first of them includes the symbols of Russia: flag, coat of arms, anthem. Below is the stand I live in Russia. It shows a map of Russia with cities, rivers and lakes. In the corner of the stand there is a pocket where materials about the remarkable historical figures of the country, cities, events taking place in the state are placed. This exposition contributes to the civil and patriotic education of students. The exposition-stand I + YOU = WE is divided into three equal sectors, representing the color of earth, water, sky, three elements vital to man. In the first sector, the purpose of which is to promote the development of thinking and imagination in children, to involve them in the process of cognition, to encourage joint search activities, materials are placed for the whys: Olympiad tasks in academic subjects; rubric It's interesting; materials from children's encyclopedic publications, magazines. The Memory Knot sector contains materials on how to develop memory, attention, observation, reminders for solving problems, different types of word parsing, that is, everything that helps students learn the curriculum in various subjects. The purpose of the Beginning of Wisdom sector is to assist in the formation of emotional interest, the development of the emotional sphere, self-knowledge and positive self-esteem of students. Materials on spiritual and moral education are placed there: how to live in friendship, forgive insults, help people, etc. Here, on the side wall, just below, the exposition World of Fantasy finds its place. Its goal is the formation of creative abilities for practical and mental experimentation, the development of an emotional and value attitude to artistic images, the development of students' speech on the best examples of children's work. Children's works are exhibited here: drawings, compositions, plasticine, natural materials, etc. The main principle of the expositions located on the side wall is rotation at least once a week, participation and representation of children at least once a month, which allows each child to show their abilities, to be noticed.

Back wall of the classroom Along the back wall there is a section in which there is methodological material. On the first shelf in the center of the section, it is advisable to place an illuminated aquarium with fish, indoor flowers and a stand with a nature calendar. Observations of wildlife help the teacher develop students' observation skills, form a careful attitude to nature. An aquarium with fish helps to relax even the most excitable children. The second shelf is a convenient place to place reference books, encyclopedias and other books, united by the common theme I am learning the world. On the third shelf, you can place materials on the organizational and educational work of the Heirs, where the children get acquainted with the duties of the duty officer, the laws of the class, the rules of the game, etc. One of the shelves is reserved for crafts made by children in labor lessons and in hobby classes. Each work is signed. The section has drawers and cabinets. Sections of the section, folders, boxes must be numbered, make an inventory of the materials and equipment available in the office. If the contents of the inventory are entered into a computer disk, each teacher will be able to use visual and didactic material that he may not have. One of the cabinets can accommodate a class library. Take the top shelf under the section "reference books". Arrange a cot for extracurricular reading on the second shelf. On it, place annotations of books that the teacher advises to read, a memo on how to write a review about a book, children's reviews about the books they read, their drawings, filmstrips, literary quizzes. Along the back wall there is a section in which the methodological material is located. On the first shelf in the center of the section, it is advisable to place an illuminated aquarium with fish, indoor flowers and a stand with a nature calendar. Observations of wildlife help the teacher develop students' observation skills, form a careful attitude to nature. An aquarium with fish helps to relax even the most excitable children. The second shelf is a convenient place to place reference books, encyclopedias and other books, united by the common theme I am learning the world. On the third shelf, you can place materials on the organizational and educational work of the Heirs, where the children get acquainted with the duties of the duty officer, the laws of the class, the rules of the game, etc. One of the shelves is reserved for crafts made by children in labor lessons and in hobby classes. Each work is signed. The section has drawers and cabinets. Sections of the section, folders, boxes must be numbered, make an inventory of the materials and equipment available in the office. If the contents of the inventory are entered into a computer disk, each teacher will be able to use visual and didactic material that he may not have. One of the cabinets can accommodate a class library. Take the top shelf under the section "reference books". Arrange a cot for extracurricular reading on the second shelf. On it, place annotations of books that the teacher advises to read, a memo on how to write a review about a book, children's reviews about the books they read, their drawings, filmstrips, literary quizzes.

Play area In the play area there is upholstered furniture (sofa and armchairs), a coffee table, children's toys and games. Children enjoy spending time talking and playing in the play area on the sofa and in the armchair. Some of the children's toys are large bright ones that arouse the interest of children, allowing children to feel the comfort and presence of homeliness, which is important, especially when teaching first graders. In the play area there is upholstered furniture (sofa and armchairs), a coffee table, children's toys and games. Children enjoy spending time talking and playing in the play area on the sofa and in the armchair. Some of the children's toys are large bright ones that arouse the interest of children, allowing children to feel the comfort and presence of homeliness, which is important, especially when teaching first graders.

Green Corner There are a lot of flowers in the classroom, which allows you to bring up the diligence of children who care for them, love and respect for nature, their native land, and the Motherland. In addition, it allows you to strengthen the created cozy and comfortable learning space. There are many flowers in the classroom, which allows us to bring up the diligence of children who care for them, love and respect for nature, their native land, and the Motherland. In addition, it allows you to strengthen the created cozy and comfortable learning space.

Design of curtains It is interesting in terms of color scheme and the design of the curtains on the windows. The design of curtains creates lightness and elation, which is reflected in the mood of those in the room. The choice of warm brownish-white shades of curtains creates a warm feeling of the office space, which positively affects the desire to be in the classroom for both children and adults. Interesting in terms of color scheme and the design of the curtains on the windows. The design of curtains creates lightness and elation, which is reflected in the mood of those in the room. The choice of warm brownish-white shades of curtains creates a warm feeling of the office space, which positively affects the desire to be in the classroom for both children and adults.

Results So, the correct design of the office allows you to successfully organize the educational process. The cabinet demonstrates respect for the child, care for him and his health, cultivates respect for one's own health and the health of others. Allows you to organize an educational process that contributes to the formation of friendly relations in a team of children, the formation of a positive self-esteem of each child, brings up the patriotism of students, culture and a sense of beauty. So, the correct design of the office allows you to successfully organize the educational process. The cabinet demonstrates respect for the child, care for him and his health, cultivates respect for one's own health and the health of others. Allows you to organize an educational process that contributes to the formation of friendly relations in a team of children, the formation of a positive self-esteem of each child, brings up the patriotism of students, culture and a sense of beauty.

Information resources Medico-pedagogical control over the organization of the educational process in the primary grades: method. recommendations / auth. K. S. Farino, L. F. Kuznetsova, N. F. Farino et al. Minsk: Patchwork School, SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the device, content and organization of the educational process of educational institutions. Desks of Bazarny // Public education Salov, AM Artistic design of the primary school classroom // Elementary school School psychologist: weekly. method. newspaper Medico-pedagogical control over the organization of the educational process in primary school: a method. recommendations / auth. K. S. Farino, L. F. Kuznetsova, N. F. Farino et al. Minsk: Patchwork School, SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the device, content and organization of the educational process of educational institutions. Desks of Bazarny // Public education Salov, AM Artistic design of the primary school classroom // Elementary school School psychologist: weekly. method. newspaper