How smart (smart) goals are set for the year: methodology and examples.

New Year always gives faith in the fulfillment of desires. However, desires are fulfilled by those who clearly planned them.

Before planning 2018, sum up the results of the outgoing year, business coach, coach Sergey Borzenkov advises.

“You need to understand what you managed to achieve this year, what was the best thing about it and what lessons you learned. This is best done when you have the opportunity to be alone with yourself. And of course, a piece of paper and a pen will help you,” he adds.

After that, you can already plan for 2018. “Imagine yourself in December of the coming year, how you look, what you do, what kind of people surround you, what was good in 2018. Do not be afraid to give freedom to fantasy, all the boundaries are only in our head, ”the expert assures.

Next, clearly segment all wishes and goals into blocks: family, health, career, finances, personal growth, spirituality, recreation, relationships, continues the coach, international business expert, founder of the Goldstein group of companies Evgeny Samus.

“Afterwards, make a table in which for each block define your tasks. The table looks like this: at the top we list all 8 blocks horizontally, below we enter the tasks, as well as the dates by which the tasks must be completed. It turns out a schematic structured plan,” explains the coach.

When compiling the table, do not rush. Carefully prescribe what exactly and in what month you want to achieve. If the goal is too serious, break it into parts. “For example, the goal of 'buying a new car' can be broken down into 'earn N rubles', 'find a suitable car model' and 'choose and buy', says Sergey Borzenkov.

“Be honest with yourself. The answer to this question determines whether you achieve your goals or not. For example, if you set yourself the goal of "losing weight" by answering the question "why", you can come to great discoveries. Why lose weight? To please men? But after all, it has long been proven that how many kilograms you have does not affect how many members of the opposite sex like you. So maybe the goal is different? For example, find a way to please men,” explains Humido.

She also draws attention to the correct formulation of goals:

1) The goal should be formulated positively, in the present tense.

Let's get back to weight loss. The wording: “I want to lose weight”, “I don’t want to be fat” will not suit you. Instead, write down: “I am slim and light,” says a career coach.

2) The target must be within personal control.

“We cannot change circumstances, we can change ourselves. Therefore, any goal that we set for ourselves should be directed only at ourselves, beloved, ”explains Christina Humido.

So instead of “I want my boss to stop yelling at me” and “I want my colleagues to stop gossiping about me,” we write: “I have a way to communicate effectively with my boss.”

3) The goal should be formulated in the format of a measurable result (that is, as specific and understandable as possible).

“For example, you decide to write down: “I successfully complete my studies.” What does "successful" mean? For fives, or a couple of fours will suit you too? And what does "finish" mean? Do you have a diploma? So be sure to ask yourself the question - how will I understand that the goal has been achieved? ”, Says the coach.

4) The goal must be sensory measurable.

We often hear: visualize your desires. In this case, the chances of their execution increase significantly. BUT! There is an important addition. You need to visualize YOURSELF in your desires.
“For example, you want to have a country house. Imagine not just a house, but yourself in it. How do you feel there? How your heels click on the parquet, how delicious coffee smells from the dining room, what a view from the window of your room. As soon as you feel in this house, the chances that you will have it will increase significantly, ”cristina Humido emphasizes.

She also recommends that when compiling a list, use verbs that are aimed at specific actions. For example, "go", "develop", "call", etc. Try to avoid verbs that assume that there will be no real action. For example, think, try, etc. You can think for years and pretend that you are trying, but the result, as it was not, will not be.

“Every written goal should have a simple first step that you take now. If you want to go back to “lose weight”, then the first simple step could be the decision to clear the refrigerator of carbohydrate foods: cakes, pastries, etc., ”adds the career coach.

Business coach, psychologist of the EUROTAS, ACT programs Anna Danilova draws attention to the fact that the list of goals for 2018 can and should be adjusted.

“When you make a list of goals and desires, analyze which of them are relevant for the coming year, for which of them you already have some resources. It is important to remember that one year is a limited period of time, so it is important to listen to yourself and correctly assess your capabilities and resources. For a week, observe for yourself which desires on the list you spend the most time and resources on, and which desires do not attract you at all in terms of motivation to act. Rewrite the list based on the results of self-observation,” says Anna Danilova.

Another way to correct: imagine that the goal has already been achieved, and evaluate your feelings. “Do you like everything? And if you don't like it, then what? Analyze your condition. Adjust the list again,” notes the business coach.

Set goals and achieve them. The New Year is a good opportunity to start something new. In addition, in 2018, January 1 is Monday!

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Drawing up a personal life plan for self-development by example.

Why make a plan

The point of making a plan for the year is to live a happier year than without a plan. The plan should lead us on the path to a happy life. Support our growth above ourselves. Expand our capabilities and grow our self-image.

Plan for the year - structures our development and slightly pushes in the back when we stop. It should have goals, the achievement of which is significant for us. It is overvalued to be effective, the plan for the year serves this task.

And “keep the goals in mind” is a slingshot, smoothly turning into a remote control from the telly.

I've been planning goals for 5 years now. To convince you of the benefits of drawing up a plan and not clog the article, it’s hard for me to give not hundreds, but just one strong argument. Heard everyone wants to "travel and lie under a palm tree." Without work is a boring fairy tale. So I work and live in the palm countries 260 days a year.

The plan is to expand our freedom, and not to squeeze us into the framework of old and imposed goals. If our life is shackled: the obligation to earn a living or work for other people's goals, then it will be more far-sighted to make a plan to change our lives.

Basic principles of life planning

The first step is to make a draft list of goals. It is convenient from December to start collecting goals, to look closely at them. You can check them for compliance with yourself, if it is vocal - go to a trial lesson.

But even before you start making a plan, it's helpful to adopt the principles to make it fun to follow the plan:

Goal Sources

The main source of goals for the year is our personal meaning of life. If we have compiled it, it will be much easier for us in the future: to determine what is valuable for us in the year, and what to discard. Or we will proceed from the idea - what we want to achieve in 5 years. I'll give you abbreviated examples.

My draft version of the personal meaning of life: figure out "Who am I?" and where I am.
Goals for the year: read books on psychology, philosophy, religion. Expand "I" - unusual behavior, roles, habits, self-image, travel.

Year planning results

We don't know what will happen in a year. We can be wrong about our desires. Example - planned to move to the city center, but left abroad. The plan didn't work - we just changed.

We are planning for the New Year. If it is implemented, we will be delighted. And an unfulfilled plan will remain in our head - an unpleasant burden. Therefore, we are cunning.

The plan for the beginning of the year is taken as 100%. Those 25% of free space - we fill with new goals. We consider everything based on the original plan, and additional goals as overfulfillment of the plan.

The plan is necessary for us to feel better, so that it fills us with the will to move forward, and not slow us down. In life, an order of magnitude more will happen than is written in the plan. Unplanned meetings with friends, emotional gatherings, some joyful moments. But they will not be taken into account in the plan. Remember that following a plan is a part of life, not all of life.

It is important not to draw up a plan correctly, but the planning of life itself is significant.

So, this is your 2018 year since the birth of Christ, it's time to write the main plans for the Econ Dude blog more for yourself, as well as goals for 2018.

We work like Indians in 2018, even better, much better

What do I plan to achieve by the end of 2018 and how will I do it, what should I write about?

There are really a million, if only to find time for this after work.

The first rule is to improve the quality. Good articles to write, 10k characters at least, 15-25k is better. Add your own pictures (draw them), do better research, embed videos, more external links, etc.

Although all this is not for all articles, but for key ones.

Another rule is .

Let 1-3 per week, but sometimes re-read and improve, add links, etc.

What sections do I plan to fill in 2018?

At the most likely time will be the least, it requires the most labor and time. Likewise with YouTube videos on this topic.

Unfortunately, there is no strength, desire and time to make games, or to teach this now.

It's a pity, maybe I'll return to the topic, but later.

The main thing is to move forward, not to give up, to do what you must and come what may, as they say. Work, work and work again, work hard.

Think, learn and develop.

Also, following the results of 2017, I made a video, just in case, I will add it here:

You, my dear but few readers, always have the opportunity to influence the editorial policy of a blog in a very simple way. It is enough to write comments (here, in VK or in YouTube) about the topic that you would like me to cover.

Also, if you support some content and share it, giving links to it, if I see that this content is successful and it comes in, then I will most likely think and write something else on this or a related topic.

Christmas trees are decorated, champagne is in glasses, herring is under a fur coat: everyone is looking forward to 2018. Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? For example, write the main goals for the year. With a clear plan, the future does not seem so vague, and dreams look more real. In the article we tell you how to plan the coming year with SMART goals and not be disappointed with the result.

How NOT to set goals for the year

I decided to start 2017 with a bang. I wanted a new life, work, more money, travel, beauty and sit on the transverse twine. Made a plan for the year. She identified 4 main areas for development:

  • income;
  • travels;
  • health;
  • foreign language.

I did everything according to my mind: I deciphered each goal and divided it into stages. The plan turned out to be detailed and realistic - I believed in myself and that I would have time to fulfill my plan.

The plan stretched over 4 notebook pages

A year has passed, it's time to take stock. And then a continuous fail began: not a single goal was achieved, only some stages were completed, but absolutely not on time! I confess that in a year I looked into the plan only 2 times, and at the end of the year I didn’t want to look at all. Why, if I already know that I didn’t have time to do anything?

But the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing: I opened the notebook, reread my unsuccessful to-do list, thought it over and understood what was the matter.

Why nothing worked out for me: analysis of errors and tips

1. Too many goals

There are 4 of them in total, but the decoding of each took 7-10 points. For example: “body improvement” included a gym, yoga, Pilates, contrast showers, jogging in the morning and 2 online nutrition courses. It is not right. Billionaire Warren Buffett has a useful recommendation on this:

Warren Buffett, one of the richest people in the world, chairman of the board of directors of the Berkshire Hathaway holding:
- Make a list of 25 goals you want to achieve in the next few years or in your lifetime. Anything that didn't make the top 5 is now taboo. You must avoid the rest of the targets until you complete the first five.

2. Did not check and correct the plan

The plan is not reinforced concrete. You can adjust your creative and professional goals for the year in accordance with changes in life. You need to be flexible.

3. Not doing microtasks every day

It is better to take 365 small steps than one big, but with great difficulty (and never). You need to work on the goal a little every day: choose the color of the upholstery of the chairs, call the editor, pull yourself up 20 times, etc.

4. Didn't create a thematic environment around you

The appropriate environment helps to achieve the goal faster: you can sign up for training courses on the topic, engage in discussions with experts on social networks, read specialized books. Then there is a movement around: promising acquaintances, tempting offers appear, the amount of knowledge and motivation grows.

5. Didn't visualize goals

There is little text, even if it is written in your favorite notebook. Visualization helps to set the mind and activate the subconscious: schemes, calendars, photographs of the desired (new office, bank account, country). There are special services for planning and visualization, for example: Smart Progress.

The work on the bugs has been done, and now it's time to take on a new list. And I will do it according to the SMART system.

How to set goals for the year according to the SMART system

The SMART system was originally used by managers to set tasks for employees, but now it is used by everyone in general, including for organizing everyday life.

We will analyze in more detail how to set goals for the year using SMART technology, and give examples of setting goals and objectives for SMART.

Specific - specific

First, the goal must be clear and concrete result. Determine exactly what you want to achieve so that the task does not turn into the usual “want”. An abstract goal leads to abstract results.

Measurable - measurable

Second: it is easier to achieve your goals when there are specific numbers or other criteria you aspire to. Otherwise, when summing up, you will not even be able to give an exact answer: the task is completed or not.

Achievable - achievable

Third, the goal must be real otherwise how will you achieve it? Consider all the difficulties, deadlines and your opportunities. If you set too ambitious a goal that you cannot afford, by the end of the year you risk disappointing yourself and all this planning.

Relevant - significant

In management, this smart criterion means the value of the goal for the company, and in everyday life it determines why you set this task for yourself. Before writing a goal, consider: why are you looking for it? What will it give you in the end?

Time bound - with a deadline

Fifth, do not set a deadline - you will get stuck in the wilds of procrastination. You will delay what you have planned to the last. The exact date plays the role of a magic pendel: the closer the cherished deadline, the higher the productivity. Just do not do everything at the last moment, it is better to do a little bit every day.

SMART Goal Example: Smart Goal Setting

Now that I have a SMART system in place, one of my goals will look like this:

Goal: July 2018 - I have been resting on Lake Baikal for 2 weeks as a savage and making a detailed photo report for the blog.

  1. February 2018 - buy a map of Russia, draw up a detailed travel itinerary and calculate the cost of travel (transport + accommodation + food + equipment).
  2. March 2018 - choose suitable parking spots, read related blogs, watch videos and talk to travelers on forums.
  3. April-May 2018 - make a detailed list of travel equipment and buy everything. Collect half of the backpack, buy long-term storage products and medicines.
  4. June 2018 - buy tickets for the Moscow-Irkutsk train and fully pack your backpack.
  5. July 2018 - complete all work projects, notify customers about the vacation. The first blog post is from the train. The journey begins!

If not all goals and objectives for 2018 are completed, then do not scold or criticize yourself. Calmly analyze everything, find out what is the reason and draw conclusions. In the meantime, there is still time before the New Year, sum up the results for 2017, and then sit back in your chair and visualize yourself in the coming year.