What are the types of communion. What is a real sacrament

The Russian language is rich in a large number of different parts of speech, which help to build a competent and logical text. But it is impossible to imagine our native speech without participles, forms of the verb, which contain both its features, and adjectives. Participles are a synthesized part of speech that has a large number of expressive possibilities and can perform different functions in a sentence. It must be studied in the course of the school curriculum.

in participles

First of all, it is necessary to give a definition. The participle is called a verb form that combines the features of an adjective and a verb and answers the questions what? which the? The participle characterizes the action and its sign at the same time. So briefly you can explain what the words related to this part of speech are - this is leading, screaming, knowing, becoming, living, readable and many others.

Since the participle is inseparable from the adjective, they have some common features. So, participles can change in numbers, gender and cases. It is important to note that both short and full participles have these features. Examples of words that have these features, bringing them closer to adjectives: dreaming - dreaming (change by gender), recognizing - recognizing (singular and plural), composed - composed - composed (change by cases: nominative, genitive and dative, respectively).

Signs of a verb in a participle

Since the participle is one of the forms of the verb, these two parts of speech are closely related and have a set of common features. Among them, one should note the appearance (perfect - said, imperfect - speaking), recurrence and irrevocability (laughing, removed), pledge (passive - prepared, real - aging). Transitivity and intransitivity is another sign that characterizes the sacrament. Examples of words that are transitive are cleaning (room), reading (newspaper), intransitive - downtrodden, inspired.

A special point is the presence of participles of time. It must be remembered that this part of speech has only the past and present tenses. Participles do not have a future tense form.

Valid participles

This group of participles names the action that the object itself performs. But what is it in practice? Examples of words of this category - frightening, whispering, lived, screaming, flying, etc.

In a sentence, the real participle describes an action that develops simultaneously with the one that names the predicate (for example: Mother is watching a child play).

Special situation with real past participles. What action describes a particular participle can be judged after determining from which it is formed. So, if the real participle is formed with the help of the corresponding suffixes from the verb of the perfect form, then the action occurred before the other, called the verb. For example, there is a student in the class who has solved a test. The participle is formed from the verb "decide" (what to do?) - the perfect form. There is a student in the class doing a test. In this case, the sentence uses the imperfect participle.

Passive participles

Another variation of this part of speech is the passive participle. Examples of words that fall into this category might be: created, purchased, dressed, built in, driven, etc.

This type of participle describes an action that is performed on an object. In turn, the process that calls the participle can occur both simultaneously with what the predicate is talking about, and end earlier, nevertheless have a connection with the present moment.

Very often, both in speech and in literature, one can find a passive participle with a dependent word. Examples of such phrases: a work written by a composer, a music track listened to by a music lover, etc.

Connection with other parts of speech

The participle can be transformed into other parts of speech under the influence of various processes that contribute to the development of the Russian language. So, the participle can be substantiated into a noun (it is necessary to pay attention to such words as commander, future, which answer questions who? and what?).

Another important concept is the adjectivized participle. Examples of words that have been affected by this process are fried, mature, intimate, innate, etc. A completely logical question arises: how to distinguish a participle from an adjective in each specific case? One of the main signs that will help separate these parts of speech is to find a participle with a dependent word. Examples of such words: potatoes fried in a pan, an act of resentment, etc.

Parsing participles in the topic "Morphology"

In the course of studying each part of speech, both in the school curriculum and in the curriculum of any philological faculty, there are tasks for parsing a particular word in a sentence. To do this, it is necessary to determine the part of speech to which this lexical unit belongs, and correctly perform the analysis. So, let's try to parse the sacrament. How to determine that the word is a representative of this particular part of speech? You just need to know the typical participle suffixes. Examples of words containing suffixes -usch-, -yushch (participating, thirsty), -ash-, -yash- (hurrying, sleeping), -vsh- (becoming), -t- (deceived), -enn-, -nn - (built-in, recognized), -om-, -em- (adored, led), - all these are participles, real and passive, past or present tense.

So, parsing the participle consists of substituting a question for it (most often which one?), identifying it as a participle, indicating the initial form of the masculine gender, the singular in the nominative case, defining the verb and the suffix with which it is formed from it. It is also obligatory to indicate the type, the presence of recurrence and transitivity, pledge, tense, form (short or full), gender, number, case and declension, in this particular sentence.

In Russian lessons, we all studied the sacrament. However, linguists still do not have a common opinion about what a participle is. Some consider it a special form of the verb, others define the participle as an independent part of speech. Let's try to figure out what the sacrament is: the Russian language and its answers.

Participle definition

Conventionally, a participle is called a special form of the verb, which denotes a sign of an object or object by action, and answers the questions: which ?, which ?, which ?, which ?. In addition, the participle combines the features of both a verb and an adjective.

Participle and adjective

Participles have a lot in common with adjectives. Participles decline - agree with the noun in gender, number, case. The initial participle form has the same characteristics - masculine, singular, nominative. For example, reflective, coloring, flying. Participles, like adjectives, have a short form.

Brief Communion

What is a short participle is another question that linguists ask when arguing that it is an adjective or a special part of speech. One way or another, the modern Russian language distinguishes two forms of participle - short and full. A short participle answers the questions: what is done?, what is done?, what is done?, what is done?.

For example, spilled - spilled, lost - lost. In a sentence, short participles are always a predicate: "the shop has been closed for several hours."

Short participles are formed from the full form by adding a zero ending, as well as the endings "a", "o" and "s". For example, built - built; beveled - bevelled.

Participle and verb

The participle has common morphological properties with verbs - reflexivity, transitivity, aspect and time. Moreover, unlike the verb, the participle does not have the forms of the future tense. But the forms of the present tense are only participles, which are formed from verbs of an imperfect form. For example, sit - sitting.

The most difficult moments are connected with the question of what the past participle is, namely with their formation. You must remember the following rules:

  • The real past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes "vsh" or "sh", as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, hide - hidden; endure - endured.
  • Passive past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes "nn", "enn" and "t", as well as adjective endings. For example, do - done; contribute - contributed; shoe - shod.

Participle in a sentence

In a sentence, participles are a definition, less often a part of a compound nominal predicate. Participles with dependent words: nouns, adverbs or adjectives - form participle turnover. In a sentence, he, as a rule, is separated by commas: “a dog that ran along the road”

There are two types of participles: active and passive.

What is a passive participle

Passive participles denote a sign that is present in an object after the impact of another object or object. For example, a problem solved by a student is a problem that a student solved; lost fight by a boxer - a fight that a boxer lost.

What is a real sacrament

Real participles denote a sign that is created by the actions of the object or object itself. For example, a suffering man is a man who suffers; a running horse is a horse that runs.

It is worth remembering that the participle can be translated into an adjective or a verb with dependent words. For example, a lying boy is a boy who was lying; a tried friend is a true friend. Sometimes a short adjective can be formed from participles: a bewitching smile - a bewitching smile.

What is communion in church

The word "communion" can mean not only part of speech, but also the church rite of communion or the Eucharist.

During this rite, the believer must taste wine and bread, which symbolizes the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Communion or communion is carried out to enter into close contact with God, which gives a blessing.

At different times they took communion a different number of times. In the Middle Ages, Christians observed the Eucharist every day, and since the 19th century, this rite has been performed twice in a lifetime - after birth and before death.

The participle is a special part of speech, which is a verbal form, denotes a sign by action. It should be noted that being a verbal form, pr-e has some morphological features of the verb: aspect and tense for each verbal form, transitivity and reflexivity can be distinguished in some verbal forms.

Features of the part of speech

The sacrament answers the question:

  • Which?
  • Doing what?
  • What did you do?
  • What has done?

Here are some examples: melting snow (doing what?), melting snow (doing what), melting snow (doing what?), sown field (what?). It should be noted that the question "what?" can be set to all of the above, incl.

Since this part of speech answers the question "what?" and signifies action, it has several morphological features of an adjective: number, gender, case.

This part of speech has its own special morphemic features - suffixes:

  • ushch (yusch) - ashch (box)
  • vsh (sh)
  • em-im (om)
  • enn (yonn)

These suffixes distinguish it from other parts of speech.

In a sentence, it plays the role of an agreed definition or predicate.

For example:

  • A melting snowflake lies on my palm. In this sentence, "melting" is the agreed definition and is underlined by a wavy line.
  • snowflake melting. In this sentence, "melting" is part of a compound nominal predicate with an omitted linking verb (modality of the present tense).

About half of all participles have a short form. The short form is formed from the full form by truncation of the morphemic suffix. It is important not to confuse the short adjective form with the short participle form.

In Russian, this part of speech is of two types: real and passive.

Real Communion

The real participle denotes the object or person who himself performs the action.

For example: A running person (a person performs an action on his own), melting snow (snow performs an action on his own).

  • Present tense suffixes: ush-yusch, ash-box.
  • Past tense suffixes: vsh (sh).

These suffixes will help determine the time and type of the sacrament. All real participles of the present tense are formed from the stem of verbs of the same form.

It should be noted that suffixes usch (yusch) form this part of speech from the verb of the first conjugation, and the suffixes asch-yash - from the verb of the second conjugation. For example: "sower" is formed from the verb "sow" of the first present tense conjugation using the suffix "yusch".

Passive Communion

The passive form denotes a sign according to the action of an object that does not perform this action itself (experiences this action on the part of another object or person).

For example: a reed swayed by the wind (a reed that is swayed by the wind, the reed itself did not perform this action), a sown field (a field that someone sowed, the field did not perform the action itself).

  • Present tense suffixes of the passive pr-tion: am-em-im
  • Passive past tense suffixes: n, t.

Passive present participle formed in the same way as the real, only other suffixes are used. When forming the past participle with the help of suffixes nn, t the stem of the infinitive from which this part of speech was formed is preserved.

Exception! When forming a passive participle from the verb to "it", the stem of the infinitive will be cut off and a suffix will be added to it enn.

The passive participle can be formed from a single intransitive verb. For example: The words managed and led are formed from the verbs manage and lead, which are intransitive.

The passive form of the past tense is formed from full perfective and imperfective verbs. However, there are very few participles formed from imperfective verbs in Russian.

It is impossible to form such forms from verbs: seek, take, love, write, sew, revenge, beat. The verb "to give" has the exclusive form "given".

It should be noted that there are several verbs in -sti- and -st-, the forms of which are formed from the basis of the future tense.

  • Example: Bring - reduced, spin - spun

A return postfix can be added to the passive lines of the present and past tense "sya"

  • Example: Sold (books, buns), conceited (children, athletes).


Before finding out the role of these parts of speech in turnover, you need to understand what a turnover is. So, participial turnover is the creation of a phrase with dependent words. In both complex and simple sentences, the participle can be found:

  • Before the word being defined;
  • after the defined word.

It should be noted that participial turnover is always a single member of the sentence, namely the agreed common definition.

For example:

Painting, , hanging in the hall of our museum. In this sentence, the participial phrase " painted by famous artist» is in front of the defined word "picture" and is an agreed common definition.

We hope that our article has helped you improve your knowledge of the Russian language and understand what full passive participle is.

Participle is the part of speech that means object sign by action and answer questions which? which? which? which? Sometimes the participle is considered not as an independent part of speech, but as a special form of the verb.

Participles are formed from the verb and have some of its constant features. Participles are perfect ( read, excited ) and imperfect form ( reading, excited ). The form of the participle coincides with the form of the verb from which it is formed ( excited - from the perfective verb to excite, worried- from the imperfective verb to worry).

Like the verb, participles have a sign of time, but for participles this sign is constant. Participles are past ( listened) and present tense ( listening). There are no future participles.

denoting attribute of an object by action, participle combines signs verb and adjective . Like an adjective, the participle agrees with the noun in gender, number and case (these are its inconstant signs): child playing, girl playing, children playing . Some participles, like adjectives, can form a short form: built - built, born - born .

The initial form of the participle is the nominative singular masculine. syntax function participles: in full form most often perform the function definitions , and in short form - nominal part compound predicate .

ATTENTION. You have to differentiate!

adjectives and communion answer the same question, indicate the sign of the subject. To distinguish between them, you need to remember the following: adjectives designate a sign by color, shape, smell, place, time, etc. These signs are constantly characteristic of this subject. And the participle denotes a sign by action, this sign flows in time, it is not always characteristic of the subject. Compare: reading room - adjective, sign by purpose, and reading person - participle, sign by action; bold - emboldened, dark - darkening, troublesome - bustling . Participles are also formed with the help of suffixes peculiar only to them: - ush- (-yusch-), -ash- (-box-), -vsh-(-sh-), -em-, -im-, -om-,-t-, -enn- (the latter is found in adjectives).

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The participle is a special form of the verb with the following features:

1. Denotes a sign of an object by action and answers the questions which? What is doing, what is doing?, what is done?.

2. It has the morphological features of a verb and an adjective.

The features of the verb are

Type (SV and NSV),

Transitivity (the sign is relevant for real participles),


Time (present and past).

Voice (active and passive).

In school grammar, voice is considered as a feature that is not characteristic of all verb forms, but only participles, while in scientific grammar the feature of voice is seen in the verb in any form (cf.: Workers build a house - The house is built by workers) - see reflexivity of the verb .

The features of the adjective are

Case (for full participles),

Completeness / brevity (only for passive participles).

3. Participles agree with nouns like adjectives and in the sentence they are the same members as adjectives, that is, the definition and nominal part of the compound nominal predicate (short participles are only part of the predicate).

Dependence of the number of participial forms on transitivity and the form of the verb

A verb can have from one to four participial forms, depending on its transitivity and aspect.

Transitive verbs can have forms of real and passive participles, intransitive verbs have only forms of real participles.

ST verbs have only past participles (that is, ST verbs cannot have any present tense forms - neither in the indicative mood, nor in participial forms), NSV verbs can have both present and past participles. In this way,

transitive verbs NSV have all 4 participles (reading, reading, reading, reading),

intransitive verbs NSV have 2 participles - real present and past tense (sleeping, sleeping),

transitive verbs CB also have 2 participles - real and passive past tense (read, read).

intransitive verbs CB have only 1 participial form - the real participle of the past tense (overslept).

Valid participles

Real participles denote a sign of an object that itself produces an action: a boy reading a book.

The real participles of the present tense are formed from transitive and intransitive verbs NSV from the stem of the present tense using suffixes

Usch-(-yushch-) for verbs of the I conjugation: run-yush-y, run-yush-y,

Ash-(-box-) for verbs of the II conjugation: lying-ash-th, hundred-box-th.

The real past participles are formed from the transitive and intransitive verbs NSV and SV from the basis of the past tense using suffixes

Vsh- for verbs with a stem ending in a vowel: chita-vsh-y,

Sh- for verbs with a consonant stem: carried-sh-th.

Verbs can form real past participles from another stem:

Some verbs in -sti (to lead, to acquire) form the participles under consideration from the stem of the present / simple future tense (and not from the stem of the past tense): who has found (the stem of the future tense has found-ut, the stem of the past has found-la), who led;

The verbs to go and fade form these participles from a special stem that is not equal to any other: walked-sh-th, fade-sh-th.

Some verbs can form two participles from different stems: one from the stem of the past tense dried up and the other from the stem of the infinitive dried up, and the choice of the suffix is ​​carried out in accordance with the above rule.

Passive participles

Passive participles denote a sign of the subject to which the action is directed: a book read by a boy.

Passive present participles are formed from the transitive verbs of the NSV, from the basis of the present tense with the help of the suffix

I eat- (sometimes -om) for verbs of the I conjugation: read-em-th, ved-ohm-th,

Im- for verbs of II conjugation: store-im-th.

Passive participles can be formed from single intransitive verbs: led and managed are formed from intransitive verbs to lead and manage (the meaning of the object with these verbs is expressed by the noun in the form not V. p., but T. p.: to manage, manage the plant).

The passive participles of the present tense do not have verbs to beat, write, sew, revenge and others.

The passive present participle of the verb to give is formed from a special stem (give-em-th).

The verb move has two passive participles in the present tense: moved and moved.

Passive past participles are formed from transitive verbs NSV and SV (participles from NSV verbs are few) from the stem of the past tense using suffixes

H (n) - from verbs on -at, -yat and -et: read-nn-th,

En (n) - from the bases to the consonant and -it: carried away-yonn-th, built,

T- from the bases to -nut, -ot, -eret and from monosyllabic verbs and their derivatives: close-t-th, ring-t-th, locked-t-th, bi-t-th, break-t- th.

Passive past participles are not formed in the verbs love, seek, take.

For some verbs in -sti, -st, passive past participles are formed from the basis of the present / future tense: given, acquired, spun, stolen.

Passive present and past participles can also be formed by adding the postfix -sya to the active form:

Passive participles have a full and short form: a letter written by me - a letter written by me. Short participles have the same grammatical properties as short adjectives, that is, they do not change by case and act in the sentence mainly as a nominal part of the predicate.

Participles and verbal adjectives

Both forms of participles and verbal adjectives can be formed from the same verb. If suffixes of different sound (letter) composition are used to form participles and adjectives, it is not difficult to distinguish them: from the verb to burn with the help of the suffix -yash- the participle is formed, and with the help of the suffix -yuch- - the adjective combustible. If both participles and adjectives are formed using suffixes that have the same sound (letter) composition (for example, -enn- or -im-), it is more difficult to distinguish between them.

However, there are differences between participles and adjectives in this case.

1. Participles denote a temporary attribute of an object associated with its participation (active or passive) in an action, and adjectives denote a permanent attribute of an object (for example, “arising as a result of an action”, “capable of participating in an action”), cf .:

She was brought up in strict rules (= She was brought up in strict rules) - communion;

She was educated, educated (= She was educated, educated).

2. A word in full form with the suffix -n-(-nn-), -en-(-enn)- is a verbal adjective if it is formed from the verb NSV and does not have dependent words, and is a participle if it is formed from the verb SV and/or has dependent words, cf.:

unmowed meadows (adjective)

not mowed slanting meadows (participle, because there is a dependent word),

sloping meadows (communion, because ST).

3. Since passive participles of the present tense can only be found in transitive verbs of the NSV, words with the suffixes -im-, -em- are adjectives if they are formed from the verb CV or an intransitive verb:

waterproof boots (adjective, because the verb to get wet in the meaning of “let water through” is intransitive),

invincible army (adjective, since the verb is to defeat the NE).