Who are you from the point of view of a psychiatrist: Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl, Donkey Eeyore, Rabbit, Tiger? Accentuation - the norm or a mental deviation? types of accents.

Winnie the Pooh

A sanguine cycloid, of a realistic syntonic character, in harmony with the surrounding reality: laughing when it's funny, and sad when it's sad. Abstract concepts are alien to the cycloid. He loves life in its simple manifestations - food, wine, women, fun, he is good-natured, but can be narrow-minded.


An example of a psychasthenic, a realistic introvert, whose character is determined by defensiveness, a sense of inferiority, manifested in the form of anxiety, cowardly-tense uncertainty, dreary-obsessive fear of the future and incessant experience of past events. He analyzes the possible outcome of events and always considers the most terrible one as the preferred one. At the same time, he is extremely conscientious, ashamed of his cowardice and wants to be significant in the eyes of others, for which he resorts to overcompensation.


Pronounced autoism, isolation on oneself and one's inner world, complete detachment from reality, building immanent harmony in one's soul. This is a property of a schizoid, a closed-in-depth personality.

Donkey Eeyore

Eeyore, first of all, draws attention to himself with his constant gloomy mood. The psychiatrist would say that he suffers from severe endogenous depression, which completely takes over the personality and controls its behavior. In such cases, the character can be deformed and acquire a contradictory combination of characteristic radicals. On the one hand, Eeyore is aggressive and casuistic, on the other hand, he is cut off from those around him. The first is the essential property of the epileptoid - a tense-authoritarian character, the second - the schizoid. Eeyore is convinced that everything is hopelessly bad and everyone treats him badly, but deep down he is quite subtle and, even, rather kind. He can subtly mock the interlocutor, but at the same time, in the depths of his soul, feel goodwill towards him. Eeyore resembles the character of F. M. Dostoevsky. In psychopathology, this character is called mosaic.


He is authoritarian, strives to subjugate others, which is combined in him with an inferiority complex and a mechanism of hypercompensation as a way to overcome it. Definitive-epileptoid. His strongest side is organizational skills. The weakest is insincerity and narrow-mindedness. His immanent inner world is practically empty; he needs people to satisfy his socio-pedagogical ambitions. He strives to organize something, to command someone. Sometimes he succeeds, but most often he gets into a mess and, due to the lack of depth and subtlety, underestimates his partners.


Hezpel and demonstrative - the properties of a hysteric. He strives to draw attention to himself, is incredibly boastful, completely unable to answer for his words. He reminds Khlestakov. The main radical is sanguine with a hyperthymic bias.

Cool! But there is such a test - Sondi! That's right there! This test is passed when applying for a job in the police!

Psychiatrists are rushing to us.
Hope to cure.
Soon, soon biathlon.
I just can't believe it!

Thank God, at least not a pig. I found in myself the makings of Eeyore. True, for some reason optimistic, although the cartoon donkey must be a pessimist. November, answer like a specialist: what is this, a split personality?

november, thank you, you are a kind person. You, in my opinion, the image of Pinocchio would be more suitable.

This is what you delivered!

Alina, we all need to be treated


I have a little bit of each)

november is not needed with you! Thanks for the positive!

november, I am a general practitioner, category 1. A friend is a psychiatrist.

Lioness, psychiatrist is your profession? Or are you also laughing?

november, I'm laughing so hard! From a psychiatrist's point of view, I'm a psychiatrist.

Lioness, keep it simple and smile! Don't look like a cartoon Owl - it doesn't suit you! All stupid things on earth are done with a serious expression on your face and a moralizing tone!

november, there are questions about your knowledge of psychiatry. Where did you get such bad guys? SPIT OUT and WASH YOUR MOUTH!

hahahaha, and I'm the main Winnie the Pooh then))


And I don't even know... what type of character do they have?
Definitely not a Tiger, not a Rabbit, and not an Eeyore.
The owl is too closed, Piglet is cowardly, Well, he doesn’t look like Winnie the Pooh either (

And it turns out funny: “As for the main character, the RB-shnik, he, according to psychologists, is a drug addict who suffers from a severe mental dependence on biathlon. Biathlon is the center of his existence, and RB is only truly happy when he is.”

larakarp, then we are all Winnie the Pooh, because we love biathlon like honey. Drugs, in short!

Interestingly, if in the characterization of Winnie the Pooh "honey" is replaced with "biathlon", then it will suit someone?

A group of Canadian psychology experts analyzed (.pdf) the characters and behavior of the characters in one of the world's most popular children's books. It turned out that everything is not at all as cute and funny as it seems to an innocent childish look. In the world of adults, Winnie, Tigger, Piglet and other inhabitants of the Magic Forest have serious mental disorders.

So the restless Tigger suffers from a pronounced attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which does not give him a minute to sit still without trying to attract the attention of others.

Piglet's problem is a pathological causeless anxiety and fear, it is also an anxiety disorder. This is evidenced by both the shy and nervous nature of the piglet, and its very demeanor: shuddering, tremors, constant attempts to hide in a corner and hide from the terrible world.

The rabbit is a typical anancaste, that is, a pathological pedant. This is how psychologists describe this disorder: “anxious suspiciousness, fear of getting dirty, fear of thieves, scoundrels, over-accuracy, over-punctuality, exactingness, pangs of conscience…”. Do you recognize our hero?

Owl got OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder. There is also little pleasant: "suspicious personalities, prone to rare maximally decisive actions, which is immediately noticeable against the background of their dominant calmness."

The diagnosis of Eeyore can also be made by a non-specialist: chronic depression. A droopy look, slow speech, melancholy and inescapable pessimism - these symptoms are understandable to anyone who has experienced depression at least once in their life.

Winnie the Pooh

As for the main character, Winnie the Pooh, he, according to psychologists, is a drug addict who suffers from a severe mental addiction to honey. Honey is the center of his existence, and Pooh is only truly happy when he has it. When there is no honey, all the thoughts of the bear cub are occupied only with how to get it. Moreover, Pooh, like a true drug addict, is ready to do anything, his brain is very inventive in the fight for honey, while in all other areas of life, Pooh is stupid and has little interest in anything.

I noticed that sometimes I want to talk seriously about funny things and funny about serious things. So, the psychological analysis of the personality and behavior of Eeyore (the hero of the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and the Day of Worries") through the prism of three approaches: psychodynamic, humanistic and cognitive behavioral.

1. Psychodynamic approach to the study of the personality of the donkey Eeyore.

According to Freud, the "unconscious" dominates the structure of personality. Sexual and aggressive drives, which make up the main part of the libido, are not realized by a person. Human behavior is completely determined by his sexual and aggressive motives, which he called ID. To satisfy deep motives, a person develops special EGO structures (a part of consciousness that seeks to express and satisfy the desires of ID, in accordance with the restrictions imposed by the outside world) and SUPER-EGO (an acquired system of values ​​and norms accepted in the social environment of a particular person).

Donkey Eeyore stood on the shore of the lake and talked about the oddities of life: "A pitiful sight, a heartbreaking sight, a nightmare ..." - a socially acceptable manifestation aggression to the surrounding world. That is, the aggressive part of the donkey is suppressed by the super-ego. Example of manifestation libido the donkey can be traced in joy, regarding the placement of a burst balloon in an empty pot. “Look, in and out, in and out…”.

In dialogue with Winnie the Pooh:

- On a day like this.
- What day is it today?

- Not
“Me too… It’s a joke… haha…”

the unsatisfied part is clearly visible super ego. In the society in which the donkey lives, it is customary to celebrate the birthday with gifts and treats. Dissatisfaction with this part leads the donkey to a bad mood, sadness and an unhappy look.

Freud believed that most conflicts are associated with the "fixation" of a person at one of the stages of personality development - oral, anal and phallic. At Eeyore we watch fixation at the oral stage, since it has such psychological properties as “distrust”, “gluttony”, “dissatisfaction with everything offered” - general “pessimism”.

Id, ego and super-ego are in constant conflict. For the temporary removal of conflicts, a person develops special defense mechanisms. Let's consider what protective mechanisms the personality of the donkey Eeyore has developed.

Negation.(the way to cope with experiences is to refuse to acknowledge the existence of problems, as such)

"What happened to your tail?"
"What could have happened to him?"
- He is not.
— You are not mistaken?
“The tail is either there or not at all, you can’t make a mistake here.”
“Then what is there?”
- Nothing.
- Can't be.

Projection.(A mechanism in which qualities corresponding to internal experiences are selectively distinguished from perceived objects of the external environment.)

Eeyore projects his own experiences of grief and hopelessness onto the outside world, while ignoring the optimistic and joyful sides of life.

— Good morning, Eeyore!
- Good morning, Winnie the Pooh, if it is good at all, which I personally doubt.

But who cares? Nobody cares. Nobody cares.

- You must have left it (tail) somewhere.
- Not. Someone must have taken it. However, one should not be surprised. This was to be expected.

Throughout the plot with the donkey Eeyore, the following occur traumatic situations, as a result of which psychological traumas are formed and an intense level of tension arises.

  • Loss of an object. In the form of a tail.
  • Loss of love object. No attention from friends on birthday.

When these situations are eliminated (the Owl brought the tail, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet brought gifts and congratulated everyone on their birthday), the tension decreases, joy and satisfaction with what is happening appears.

- A real birthday! So many gifts!
“My real own tail?!
It's nice to give a friend a gift on his birthday!
- And I, and I, and I have the same opinion!

2. Humanistic approach to the study of the personality of Eeyore.

In humanistic psychology, Rogers considered the main source of personality development to be innate tendencies towards self-actualization. On the basis of this tendency, a special personal structure of the Self arises in a person in the process of development, which includes the “Ideal Self” and the “Real Self”. These substructures are in complex relationships from congruence to complete disharmony. Maslow distinguished types: deficit and growth needs. And also, five levels of needs.

  1. Physiological (food, sleep) - deficient
  2. Security needs (apartment, work) – deficient
  3. Needs for belonging (in another person, family) - intermediate
  4. The need for self-esteem (self-esteem, competence, dignity) - growth
  5. The need for self-actualization (creativity, beauty, integrity) - growth

Eeyore has the following unsatisfied needs:

  • the third level in accessories". He expects to be accepted by his friends Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Owl on his birthday, which can manifest itself in the form of congratulations and birthday gifts.

- On a day like this.
- What day is it today?
Friday, my birthday. But who cares? Nobody cares. Nobody cares.
- Today? Your birthday?
- Well, yes. Can't you see, presents, birthday cake, candied cranberries and so on. Can't you see?
- Not
“Me too… It’s a joke… ha ha… but I’m not complaining, don’t pay attention to me, Pooh Bear. It’s enough that I myself am so unhappy on my birthday, and if everyone else is unhappy ...

  • fifth level in self-actualization". The donkey thinks about the structure of the world and the "strangeness of life." But the aesthetics and beauty of the outside world is not perceived by him. The device of life leaves him only questions.

Donkey Eeyore stood on the shore of the lake and talked about the oddities of life.
- Sorry sight. A heartbreaking sight. Nightmare…
Crossed the lake to the other side.
- Well, I thought so, from this side it’s not better at all, but why? And for what reason? And what follows from this? ...

- How are you doing?
- Not very like ... I don’t even think at all ...

The donkey Eeyore can be traced low self-esteem and low congruence score(Ideal Self is rated higher than Real Self), resulting in a high level of anxiety, signs of depression. He gives up trying to satisfy his needs.

- What happened to you?

What can't they do?
- Have fun, sing, dance “it doesn’t matter! Yes, yes, yes, etc...

“… but I'm not complaining, don't pay attention to me, Pooh Bear. It’s enough that I myself am so unhappy on my birthday, and if everyone else is unhappy ...

Low self-esteem as a hypothesis may be due to "my friends do not congratulate me, which means that I am not worthy of their congratulations."

Thus, due to certain specific circumstances, a temporary block arose on the path of growth and development of Eeyore (a sharp discrepancy between the "Real Self" and "Ideal Self"), stuck at the 3rd level of needs, eliminating which, Eeyore returns to normal, non-depressive behavior and, as a result, to better satisfaction of the 5th level. Now the world and life seem more joyful to him, he laughs and sings songs. Even in a bursting balloon he finds pluses.

- No, just the balloons will not fit into such a pot, they are too big.
“The others won’t fit, but mine will. Look, Piglet, in and out.
- In and out!

3. Cognitive-behavioral approach to the study of Eeyore.

Each person, according to Kelly, has his own system of personal constructs, a kind of classifier-templates of our perception of other people and ourselves (smart - stupid, strong - weak, good - bad, etc.). The main block of personality, according to Bandura, is self-efficacy (I can - I can't).

I draw on Beck's clinical observations and experimental research on the cognitive triad.

1. negative attitude to one's own person.

- How are you doing?
— Not really like… I don’t even think at all.

“… I’m so unhappy myself…”

- Good morning, Piglet, which I personally highly doubt, but it doesn’t matter (devaluation of my opinion)

2. Prone to a negative interpretation of his current experience. Negatively interprets the situation in the presence of more plausible alternative explanations.

You must have left it somewhere.
- Not. Someone must have taken it...

Nobody cares, nobody cares.

Although the plot follows that the friends simply did not know about the event.

3. Negative attitude to your own future. Looking to the future, expecting failure.

“However, there is no reason to be surprised. This was to be expected.
Crossing the lake:
“Well, that’s what I thought, it’s not any better from this side ...”

Seeing the Owl's tail, he continues to disbelieve
- My tail?
“My real own tail?”

- Happy Birthday to you!
- As you said? Repeat.
- Happy Birthday.
- Whom? Me? Happy birthday?

Thus, Donkey mistakenly believes that he will be rejected by people, his emotional reaction is just as negative as in the case of actual rejection. Pessimism and a sense of hopelessness paralyze the will. He makes no attempt to remedy the situation.

He distorts the facts or perceives only those of them that fit into the dominant dysfunctional schemes in his mind. The normal process of associating a scheme with a stimulus is disturbed intrusion of active idiosyncratic schemas.

The donkey's belief in the validity of his negative ideas is maintained by the following: systematic errors of thinking:

  • Arbitrary inferences: the donkey draws conclusions and inferences in the absence of facts to support these conclusions, or in spite of the presence of contrary facts.

- Nobody cares. Nobody cares.

  • Selective Abstraction: The donkey builds its conclusions based on a single fragment of the situation taken out of context, ignoring its more significant aspects.

“A pathetic sight, a heartbreaking sight, a nightmare…”

  • Generalization: The donkey deduces a general rule or general conclusion based on one or more isolated incidents and then evaluates all other situations, relevant and irrelevant, based on pre-formed conclusions.

After accepting a burst balloon from Piglet
- Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life. Fluff.
- Thank you, I'm already lucky (sad)
“I brought you a little present.
— I already have one gift (sarcasm)

  • Absolutism, dichotomism of thinking: Donkey Eeyore tends to think in extremes, divide events, people, actions, etc. into two opposite categories.

- Thank you, Piglet, you are a true friend, not like some ...

The donkey Eeyore has the so-called " learned helplessness"(according to Seligman's theory) Since the donkey believes that external events do not depend on us, and we cannot do anything to prevent or modify them.

- Why? What happened to you?
“Nothing, little Pooh, nothing special, they still can’t ...”
What can't they do?
- Have fun ... sing ... dance ...

According to this theory, negative ideas about one's own person, one's future and the surrounding world are formed in a donkey on the basis of early experience. These representations (schemes) may for the time being be in a latent state - they are activated by specific circumstances, such as: the loss of a tail and the lack of attention of friends on “such a day”.


A psychologist of any direction can help to change the unbearable heaviness of being Eeyore for the lightness of being!

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Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All ... (continued)

in which Eeyore loses his tail and Pooh finds

The old gray donkey Eeyore stood alone in the overgrown thistle corner of the Forest, his front legs wide apart and his head hanging to one side, and thought about Serious Things. Sometimes he thought sadly: “Why?”, and sometimes: “For what reason?”, and sometimes he even thought: “What is the conclusion from this?” And it is not surprising that sometimes he generally ceased to understand what he, in fact, was thinking about.

Therefore, to tell you the truth, hearing the heavy steps of Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore was very glad that he could stop thinking for a minute and just say hello.

How are you feeling? he asked dejectedly, as usual.

How about yours? - asked Winnie the Pooh. Eeyore shook his head.

Not very how! he said. “Or not at all. I feel like I haven't felt like myself in a very long time.

Ay-ay-ay, - said Pooh, - very sad! Let me take a look at you.

Eeyore continued to stand, looking dejectedly at the ground, and Winnie the Pooh walked around him.

Oh, what happened to your tail? he asked in surprise.

What happened to him? - said Eeyore.

He is not!

Are you wrong?

A tail is either there or it isn't. I don't think you can go wrong here. And you don't have a tail.

What then is there?

Well, let's see, - said Eeyore.

And he turned slowly towards the place where his tail had been; then, noticing that he could not manage to catch up with him, he began to turn in the opposite direction until he returned to where he started from, and then he lowered his head and looked from below and finally said, sighing deeply and sadly:

It seems you are right.

Of course I'm right, said Pooh.

This is quite natural, - Eeyore said sadly. - Now everything is clear. There is no need to be surprised.

You probably forgot it somewhere, - said Winnie the Pooh.

Probably someone dragged him away ... - said Eeyore. - What to expect from them! he added after a long pause.

Pooh felt he should say something useful, but he couldn't think of what it was. And he decided instead do something useful.

Eeyore, - he said solemnly, - I, Winnie the Pooh, promise you to find your tail.

Thank you, Pooh, - said Eeyore. - You are a true friend. Not like some!

And Winnie the Pooh went in search of a tail.

He set out on a wonderful spring morning. Small transparent clouds played merrily in the blue sky. They either ran into the sun, as if they wanted to close it, then quickly ran away to let others indulge.

And the sun shone merrily, not paying any attention to them, and the pine tree, which wore its needles all year round without taking off, seemed old and shabby next to the birch trees, which put on new green lace. Winnie walked past the pines and fir trees, walked along the slopes overgrown with junipers and burdocks, walked along the steep banks of streams and rivers, walked among piles of stones and again among thickets, and finally, tired and hungry, he entered the Dark Forest, because it was precisely there, in the Dark Forest, lived an Owl.

“And if anyone knows anything about anything,” the bear cub said to himself, “then it is, of course, Owl. Or I'm not Winnie the Pooh, - he said. - And I - he, - added Winnie the Pooh.

The owl lived in the magnificent castle "Chestnuts". Yes, it was not a house, but a real castle. In any case, it seemed to the bear cub, because on the door of the castle there was both a bell with a button and a bell with a cord. An ad was pinned under the bell:

And under the bell is another announcement:

Both of these announcements were written by Christopher Robin, who alone in the whole Forest knew how to write. Even the Owl, although she was very, very smart and knew how to read and even sign her name - Sava, would not have been able to write such difficult words correctly.

Winnie the Pooh carefully read both announcements, first from left to right, and then - in case he missed something - from right to left.

Then, to be sure, he pressed the bell button and rapped on it, and then he pulled the bell cord and shouted in a very loud voice:

Owl! Open! The Bear has arrived. The door opened and Owl looked out.

Hello, Pooh, she said. What news?

Sad and terrible, said Pooh, because Eeyore, my old friend, has lost his tail, and he is very hurt about it. Be so kind as to tell me, please, how can I find it?

Well, - said the Owl, - the usual procedure in such cases is as follows ...

What does bull zest mean? - said Pooh. - Do not forget that I have sawdust in my head and long words only upset me.

Well, that means what needs to be done.

As long as she means it, I don't mind," said Pooh humbly.

And you need to do the following: first, report to the press. Then...

Cheers," said Pooh, raising his paw. "So what are we supposed to do with this... what did you say?" You sneezed as you were about to speak.

I didn't sneeze.

No, Owl, you sneezed.

I'm sorry, Pooh, but I didn't sneeze. You can't sneeze and not know you sneezed.

Well, you can't know that someone sneezed when no one sneezed.

I started to say: first tell...

Well, here you are again! Be healthy, - said Winnie the Pooh sadly. l

Report to the press, - the Owl said very loudly and clearly. - Give an advertisement to the newspaper and promise a reward. It should be written that we will give something nice to whoever finds the tail of Eeyore.

I see, I understand," said Pooh, nodding his head. "By the way, about 'something pretty,'" he continued sleepily, squinted at the buffet, which stood in the corner of the Owl's room. - Let's say, with a spoonful of condensed milk or something else, for example, one sip of honey ...

Well, - said the Owl, - we, then, will write our announcement, and it will be pasted all over the Forest.

“A spoonful of honey,” the bear cub muttered to himself, “either ... or not, at worst.”

And he took a deep breath and began to try very hard to listen to what the Owl was saying.

And the Owl spoke and spoke some terribly long words, and these words became longer and longer ... Finally, she returned to where she started, and began to explain that Christopher Robin should write this announcement.

He's the one who wrote the notices on my door. Have you seen them, Pooh?

Pooh had been saying “yes” and “no” in turn for quite some time to everything Owl said. And since the last time he said “yes, yes”, this time he said: “No, no, never!” although he had no idea what he was talking about.

How did you not see them? - Asked the Owl, obviously surprised. - Let's go and look at them.

They went outside and Pooh looked at the bell and the notice underneath it and looked at the bell and the string that came from it and the more he looked at the bell string the more he felt he saw something somewhere very similar ... Somewhere in a completely different place, once before ...

Nice string, right? - said the Owl.

Pooh nodded.

It reminds me of something, he said, but I can't remember what. Where did you get it?

I somehow walked through the forest, and he was hanging on a bush, and at first I thought that someone lives there, I called, and nothing happened, and then I called very loudly, and he came off, and, since he , in my opinion, nobody needed it, I took it home and ...

Owl, - said Pooh solemnly, - someone really needs him.

Eeyore. To my dear friend Eeyore. He... he loved him very much.

Loved him?

Was attached to him, - said Winnie the Pooh sadly.

With these words, he took the lace off the hook and took it to the owner, that is, Eeyore, and when Christopher Robin nailed the tail in place, Eeyore began to rush through the Forest, waving his tail with such delight that Winnie the Pooh tickled all over and he had to hurry home and eat a little.

Half an hour later, wiping his lips, he proudly sang:

Who found the tail? I am Winnie the Pooh! About two (True, it was about eleven!) I found the tail!