Mathematical puzzles to print. Basic rules for compiling puzzles


Before you start solving complex problems, practice on a simple example: CAR + CAR = COMPOSITION. Write it in a column, so it will be more convenient to decide. You have two unknown five-digit numbers, the sum of which is a six-digit number, so B + B is greater than 10 and C is 1. Replace the characters C with 1.

The sum of A + A is a one-digit or two-digit number with a unit at the end, this is possible if the sum of G + G is greater than 10 and A is either 0 or 5. Try to assume that A is 0, then O is equal to 5 , which does not satisfy the conditions of the problem, since in this case, B + B = 2B cannot equal 15. Therefore, A=5. Replace all A's with 5's.

The sum O + O = 2O is an even number, it can be equal to 5 or 15 only if the sum of H + H is a two-digit number, i.e. N more than 6. If O+O=5, then O=2. This solution is incorrect, because B + B \u003d 2B + 1, i.e. O must be an odd number. So O is equal to 7. Replace all O with 7.

It is easy to see that B is equal to 8, then H=9. Replace all letters with the found numerical values.

Replace the remaining letters in the example with numbers: G=6 and T=3. You got the correct equality: 85679+85679=171358. Rebus solved.

When subtracting, also start with units. If the number of one or another digit being reduced is less than the number of the subtracted, then borrow 1 ten or a hundred from the next digit, etc. and do the calculations. Put a dot over the number you borrowed from so as not to forget. When performing operations with this digit, subtract already from the reduced number. Write the result under the horizontal line.

Check the correctness of the calculations. If you added, then subtract one of the terms from the resulting amount, you should get. If you subtracted, then add the resulting difference with the subtrahend, you should get a reduced one.


Be sure the digits of the numbers must be under each other.

In linear algebra and geometry, the concept vector defined in different ways. In algebra vector ohm is the name of the element vector foot space. In the same geometry vector om is an ordered pair of points in Euclidean space - a directed segment. Above vector we have defined linear operations - addition vector ov and multiplication vector but for some number.


work vector and a for a number? is called a number?a that |?a| = |?| *|a|. Obtained by multiplying by a number vector parallel to the original vector y or lies with it on the same straight line. If? > 0, then vector s a and?a are unidirectional if?<0, то vector s a and? a are directed to different .

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A rebus is a special riddle in which the search word is enclosed in drawings containing various letters and numbers. In the pictures you can also find other signs that will help you read the word correctly. Solving puzzles is a very exciting activity that will help you warm up before difficult work. To, you must remember a number of simple rules.


The names of any objects depicted in the figure are read only in the nominative case.

Sometimes a drawing may have several names (for example, a paw or a leg). And also an object can have both a specific and a general name. For example, a flower is a common name, and a specific one is either a rose. Therefore, if you can correctly guess the object shown in the picture, then consider that the most difficult part is over. The simplest and most popular method for solving puzzles is drawings in parts. That is, you first need to write down all the names of objects in order, and then add text from them.

One or more inverted commas can be drawn to the right of the subject - this means that you need to remove one or more letters at the beginning or end of the word, respectively.

In the event that there are numbers above the picture, the letters in the word must be read in a certain order - exactly in the one in which the numbers are.

Maths - a rather difficult science However, everyone needs to learn its basics. Without these skills and knowledge in the modern world, nowhere.

Elementary mathematical techniques and tasks are laid in the memory of schoolchildren in the elementary grades. And having “missed” the easier material, it becomes impossible to solve complex tasks. Long and serious math lessons make children especially restless, which means you need to submit information in a playful way, for example, using puzzles . Such tasks do not need to be forced to solve them under duress, the children themselves will willingly take on their solving.

The main thing in the article

The benefits of puzzles on a mathematical topic for the development of a child

Puzzles on a mathematical theme - these are the same riddles and puzzles that use drawings and graphics. They vary in difficulty depending on the age group of students.

Rules for compiling mathematical puzzles for children

  1. If you see before a word or picture comma , then you need to remove the first letter from this name . The same must be done if the comma is at the end of the word. When there are two commas near the picture, then two letters are removed, respectively. For example, the first picture shows juice - you need to remove the first letter "C", the hand - remove the syllable "ka", the letter "g" remains the same, the nose - the word remains in its entirety, five - remove the first two letters. encrypted word - "circle" .
  2. If a numbers denoting the sequence of letters in a word crossed out, then they must be thrown out of it . The same goes for letters. The second picture shows a circus - remove the last letter, you need to remove the letter “A” from the word “shark”, the ready answer is “compass”.
  3. When next to the picture are the numbers swapped , then in the name of the item itself, you need to swap the letters that are in sequence with the indicated numbers.
  4. If a the picture is shown upside down , then the answer must be read in reverse order: from right to left.
  5. For puzzles only the nominative case is used in words .
  6. An arrow pointer or mathematical equals sign means that you need to replace the letters one with another.
  7. in puzzles one value can be located inside another picture behind or below it. Then use the words: IN, ON, OVER, UNDER, FOR.
  8. Numbers in a row next to the image , indicate that you want to use letters from this value in the specified sequence of numbers.

Here are some examples of mathematical puzzles that follow the rules given:

Under the third picture, the word is encrypted "vector" , under the fourth - "degree" , under the fifth - "two" , under the sixth - "proof" .

How to come up with a mathematical puzzle?

Following the general rules for compiling puzzles, try to come up with simple mathematical problems to start with, using numbers and mathematical terms. And then, having mastered simple tasks a little, move on to more complicated ones. Here are some sample math puzzles with answers to inspire you and show you how to do them:

Answers: first puzzle - "diameter" , second - "five" , third - "cone" , fourth - "a task" .

Fifth picture - "algebra" , sixth - "geometry" , seventh - "ruler" , eighth - "the equation" .

The ninth riddle "diameter" , tenth - "compass" , eleventh - "protractor" , twelfth - "cone" .

Features of mathematical puzzles for elementary school

It is best to introduce the child to solving mathematical puzzles in kindergarten, in the graduation group. This will serve as an excellent warm-up before school, it will refresh the child with all the material covered with the teacher.

Just keep in mind that such puzzles should be quite easy, and include only the knowledge that the child has already learned and knows. It can be a two- or three-part puzzle, the answer of which is fraught with a simple mathematical meaning.

The same puzzles will be useful for "warming up" first-graders. Going to school is already a huge emotional burden for a child, so you should not depress mathematics learning with such complex puzzles. The following examples will do:

Mathematical puzzles for grade 1 with answers

First graders are already well aware of the numbers and simple mathematical operations that can be included in puzzles. Moreover, such puzzles are characterized by the fact that the mathematical value can be present both in the riddle itself and in its meaning. Or it may happen that the answer will not be related to this exact science at all. Give your child the following math puzzles:

Mathematical puzzles for grade 2 with answers

In order to compose a mathematical rebus for a second grader, you need to navigate in his knowledge, that is, the proposed task should be feasible for him. Here is what a second grade student should know and be able to do:

  1. When solving tasks, use the numbers from 1 to 100 in the correct order, voicing them correctly.
  2. Solve examples of addition and subtraction of numbers that do not exceed the number 20.
  3. In some cases, apply the mathematical operations of multiplication and division.
  4. Clearly know the rules for using parentheses in examples and solve them.
  5. Use units of length and volume in your vocabulary.
  6. Compare more or less numbers within 100.
  7. Be able to verbally add and subtract numbers within 100.
  8. Solve simple problems with four basic arithmetic operations, be able to increase (decrease) the number by (in) times (units).
  9. Using a ruler, draw and measure the length of the segment.
  10. Recognize flat corners.
  11. Recognize and voice flat geometric shapes.
  12. Be able to calculate the perimeter of polygons.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 3 with answers

To solve feasible mathematical puzzles, a third-grader in a mathematics lesson must:

  1. Count and name numbers up to a thousand.
  2. Performing the basic four arithmetic operations, call each component of the example by its name.
  3. Own the multiplication table and stipulate the result of the division action.
  4. Be able to solve examples with and without brackets.
  5. Know the units of measurement of quantities and express them in different interpretations.
  6. Orally solve math actions up to a value of 100.
  7. Divide a multi-digit number by a single-digit number using the multiplication table.
  8. Check the correctness of the calculation examples.
  9. Complete tasks in one or two steps.
  10. Come up with problems that are inverse to the original.
  11. Be able to write down the task.
  12. Calculate equations and inequalities.
  13. Draw simple geometric shapes, according to the initial data of the task, calculate their perimeter and area.
  14. Be able to use a compass to draw circles of given radii.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 4 with answers

In mathematics lessons, a fourth grader should:

  1. Be able to solve problems in a rational and irrational way.
  2. Solve problems by recording the progress of their solution.
  3. Have an idea of ​​​​calculating the volume and area of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes, based on the learned formulas.
  4. Draw geometric shapes, designate their components in Latin letters.
  5. Draw and measure angles with a protractor.
  6. Know the properties of equality.
  7. Solve tasks with the number of arithmetic operations from one to four.
  8. Know the properties of sides, angles, radii of geometric shapes.
  9. Subtract and add multi-digit numbers.
  10. Divide a multi-digit number into a one-digit number and a multi-digit number.
  11. Have the concept of a natural series.
  12. Multiply a fraction by a natural number.
  13. Correctly name and write fractions: numerator and denominator.
  14. Compare fractions.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 5 with answers

The mathematics program for the fifth grader is similar to the previous year, only it is more extensive. Not without reason, after all, in some schools the fourth grade is skipped, and the entire school curriculum for the missed year is studied in the fifth grade.

Mathematical puzzles for grade 6 with answers

  1. In the sixth grade, geometry is actively studied, in particular its theorems.
  2. The child gets acquainted with famous scientists in the field of mathematics and other exact sciences.
  3. The student deals with the study of geometric figures on the plane, learns to calculate their volume and area according to the studied formulas.
  4. In algebra, the solution of equations with two unknowns, inequalities, is used.

Math puzzles with numbers with answers

The numbers depicted in mathematical puzzles can be of two types:

  • Those whose name or part of the name is used to answer.
  • Those that are near the image, and indicate that from the name of this image you need to borrow letters corresponding to the sequence of standing numbers in a row.

Mathematical riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles

Mental activity is well trained not only by math puzzles, but also by logical, arithmetic riddles, crossword puzzles. They develop curiosity and ingenuity in children. And the game form of tasks helps to achieve a high speed of thinking and guessing.

For the little ones, the following tasks are suitable:

Solve the following crossword puzzles and tasks:

  • Solve the examples, connect the answer and the group of children corresponding to it with lines (first task).
  • Solve examples on oars, and then connect each of them with the boats that have the correct answer with lines (second task).

  • Fill in the missing cells with numbers in such a way that the answer is always 15 horizontally and vertically (third task).
  • Fill in the gaps and solve the examples (fourth task).

Solve crossword puzzles:

Here are more difficult puzzles:

How to solve math puzzles with letters?

Solving math puzzles with letters

All words are made up of letters, so many puzzles contain letters in their structure. Guided by the basic principles of solving puzzles, you can easily master mathematical puzzles with letters.

Math puzzles and puzzles

Such riddles and puzzles will be of interest not only to schoolchildren, but also to their parents:

The easiest math puzzles

Let the student practice for a start on simple mathematical puzzles. For example, on these:

Complex math puzzles

Try to provide your tomboy with these puzzles that will allow you to concentrate your wits and train your intelligence. This assignment is supposed to be for 5th grade students.

Our article provides examples of mathematical puzzles with answers of different levels of complexity, depending on the age of the student. Having studied the basic rules for solving puzzles, try to create interesting tasks for your children. Such activities will help the child to activate their intellectual abilities, develop perseverance and concentration, and also consolidate the material covered in mathematics. This exciting activity will help to rally relatives (comrades), and create a friendly atmosphere in the family and the school team.

A rebus is a riddle in which the desired word or phrase is depicted as a combination of figures, signs, letters, i.e. "objects". One of the main difficulties in solving puzzles is the ability to correctly name the object depicted in the figure and understand how the fragments of the picture relate to each other. It is necessary to take into account the presence of synonyms, the letter "fraction" can be read in different ways. In addition to knowing the rules, you also need ingenuity and logic.



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MOU "Secondary school d. Yurlovka Saratov district of the Saratov region" Vostrikova I.O. puzzles

A rebus is a riddle in which the desired word or phrase is depicted as a combination of figures, signs, letters, i.e. "objects". One of the main difficulties in solving puzzles is the ability to correctly name the object depicted in the figure and understand how the fragments of the picture relate to each other. It is necessary to take into account the presence of synonyms, the letter "fraction" can be read in different ways. In addition to knowing the rules, you also need ingenuity and logic. Puzzles Solve puzzles.

Find the missing figure?

What little man should be put instead of the question mark? ?

Collect FLOWER

How many triangles? eight

Top Beam Rebuses

Puzzles Problem Diameter

Puzzles Sign Five

Puzzles Diagonal Square

Puzzles Addition Subtraction

Puzzles Segment A Cuba

Puzzles T and \u003d a Point Eight O 7

Puzzles A D Two

Addition Problems In all problems, express the whole number with the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., applied one time and arranged sequentially. Example. Write down the number 19 using the first four digits. Answer: 19 \u003d 12 + 3 + 4 1. Draw the number 24 with numbers from 1 to 5. 24 \u003d 12 + 3 + 4 + 5 3, 4, 5 and 6. 30 = 12+3+4+5+6 3. Write the number 37 using one, two, three and four. 37 = 1+2+34 4. Draw the number 45 using the numbers from 1 to 8. 45=12+3+4+5+6+7+8 5. Express the numbers 1, 2,3 and 4 the number 46. 46 =12+34 6. Represent the number 55 using the first seven digits. 55=1+2+34+5+6+7 7. Draw the number 69 using the numbers from 1 to 5. 69 = 1+23+45 8. Write the number 100 in two ways using 1,2,3,4, 5,6 and 7. 100 = 1+23+4+5+67 9. Express the number 102 with digits from 1 to 6 100 = 1+2+34+56+7 102 = 12+34+56 10. Imagine the number 333 with all numbers. 333=1+234+5+6+78+9

Mathematical KVN

4 classes


    tasks in verses and drawings,



    blitz tournament.

Cognitive gaming marathon

Kuznetsova Natalya Ivanovna

2015 – 2016 academic year


    the formation of children's interest in mathematics,

    development of their creative and intellectual abilities.

    search and support of gifted and talented children;



    book exhibition,

    exhibition of children's works,

    stopwatch (hourglass)

    task cards

opening speech

Teacher. Dear children, distinguished guests, members of the jury! Today we have gathered to talk about the most necessary science - mathematics, about its role in the life of each of us.

The subject of mathematics is so serious

which is useful not to miss the opportunity

make it a little fun.

Blaise Pascal

1. Hello friends! Today at school

Big and interesting day

We have prepared a fun

And a wonderful holiday - KVM.

2. We are funny guys

And we do not like to be bored.

With pleasure we are with you

Let's play KVM.

3. To celebrate KVM

You liked everything

You need to have solid knowledge

Be fun and resourceful!

4.And this KVM now

Dedicated to science

What do we have with mathematics

It's called with love.

5. After all, mathematics will be able to educate

Such power of thought.

To know everything in our life

Measure and count.

6. Everything is ready for battle,

Teams are just waiting for the signal.

One minute patience

I present to you our mathematical court.(Submission by the JURY)

7. And we warn the fans,

That the meeting will be hot

And that's why we wish you

Sick without calling a doctor.

Teacher: Dear friends! In our "Club of Merry Mathematicians" you will see a meeting of two teams - the "X" team - 4-A class and the "Y" team of 4-B class.

1. Presentation (name, motto)

Members of both teams stand up.

4th grade Our team "X".

Today we want to win the tournament
And we will not give you victory.

We'll have to sweat and try:

We will fight for every point.
We will show ingenuity and courage
Hurry, give us assignments and paper!

Our motto:

To be smart and win
I need to learn math!

Team Yigrek.

Teacher. That's the end of the commands. We start the workout. Homework was as follows: prepare ditties about mathematics.

2. Homework math ditties.

4th class team "X". Mathematical ditties

1. Mathematics is science

All sciences - we are told

But in life we ​​have science

Never hurt.

2. I am an exemplary student

I know the whole table.


6*6 - I don't know.

3. Mathematician Pythagoras

Super jeans invented

His pants say

In all directions are equal.

4. We wrote off the solution book,

Thought everything was right

And they came to algebra -

We were given a double.

5. Theorems, theorems

What have you brought

X's, cons, tasks

You drove me crazy.

6. I love math

I'm friends with a calculator

I'm sitting on the control

I'll get the calculator.

7. I know the equations

And I solve them by 5.

Only I don't understand

Where to add, where to take away.

We need to think fast.

Divide the path for a while

And get to the answer.

9. I know mathematics

I study computer science.

I get fives

I'll probably go to college.

4th grade team "Igrek". Mathematical ditties

So, attention! Word to our jury. Your scores for team exits and warm-ups.


Team assignments.

3. Puzzles


minus the equation


number example

4. Tasks in verse

(assignment to teams at the same time)

4 "A" "Bouquet for mom"

Thirty five wonderful roses

In my mother's bouquet.

There were three reds.

Count, children

How much did mom have

White roses in a bouquet?

4 "B" "Reading a novel"

Ivan took an interesting novel

There were a hundred pages in the novel,

But Ivan did not lose heart

And read three-fifths.

5. Explain the proverb

(assignment to teams at the same time)

4 a Zero without a stick .

    A worthless, meaningless person.

4 b Zero Attention .

    Complete indifference, indifference on the part of someone to someone or something.

6. Task in pictures

(assignment to teams at the same time)

4 a Turtle talk

Could it be?

Answer. Yes, if one of the turtles is lying ... By the way, which one?

4 b How old is the captain?

How old is the captain?

    Answer. Since you are the captain of the ship, then ...

6. Crossword

(assignment to teams at the same time)

    Horizontally : 1. Unit of length. 2. Surname of the ancient Greek mathematician. 3. The smallest three-digit number. 4. Single digit. 5. The result of the addition. 6. Rectangle with equal sides. 7. One of the division components. 8. Mathematical expression that requires the performance of some operations on numbers. 9. Mathematical sign in the form of a crescent. 10. Exercise, for which you need to think, calculate, write down the answer.

    Vertically: 1. School subject.



    1 meter.

    2. Pythagoras.

    3. One hundred. 4. Seven.

    5. Amount.

    6. Square.

    7. Divider.

    8. Example.

    9. Parenthesis.

    10. Task.



8. The task "Four letters"

(assignment to teams at the same time)

    Write the letters E, L, H, A in the empty squares so that there are no identical letters in any horizontal, vertical and four-cell diagonal row. What name can be read in one of the rows?






















9. Think!

(captains competition)

How to divide the number 1888 into two equal parts so that each of them turns out to be 1000?

10. Write an example

(assignment to teams at the same time)



11. Forgotten signs

(assignment to teams at the same time)

123 = 45.

    ANSWER: 12 - 3 = 4 + 5.

11. Blitz - tournament

(assignment to teams separately)


1. There is an apple on the table. It was divided into 4 parts. How many apples are on the table?Answer: one

2. How many months in a year have 28 days?

Answer: All months3. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and ran two hundred meters. How did she do it?

Answer: Her rope was not tied to anything.4. What should you do when you see a green man?

Answer: Cross the street (this is a picture on a green traffic light)5. You and I, yes we are with you. How many of us?

Answer: two6. Three brothers have one sister each. How many children are in the family?

Answer: 4 children7. In what month does the talkative girl speak the least?

Answer: February 8. How to find last year's snow?

Answer: Go outside right after the start of the new year.9. The boy had 7 flies in the box. He caught two fish with two flies. How many fish will the boy catch using the rest of the flies?

Answer: unknown.4-B

1. 6 sparrows are sitting in the garden, 5 more flew to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one. How many birds are left in the garden?

Answer: not at all. The rest of the birds flew away.2. What are all people on earth doing at the same time?

Answer: getting older3. The last house on one side of the street is number 34. How many houses are there on this side of the street?

Answer: 17 houses4. The field was plowed by 6 tractors. 2 of them stopped. How many tractors are in the field?

Answer: 6 tractors5. One egg should be boiled for 5 minutes. How long does it take to boil 6 of these eggs?

Answer: 5 minutes6. There are two children in the family. Sasha is Zhenya's brother, but Zhenya is not Sasha's brother. Could this be?

Answer: Zhenya Sister7. What notes can measure the distance?

Answer: Mi-La-Mi.8. What won't fit in the biggest pot?

Answer: Its cover.9. Who gets taller when they sit down?Answer: Dog.


Anyone who has been involved in mathematics since childhood develops attention, trains his brain, his will, cultivates perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

(A. Markushevich)

Thank you for your attention!

Mathematical KVN between 4-A and 4-B class

Competition name

4 "A"

4 "B"

Team View

Homework (chastushki)


Tasks in verse

Explain proverb

Task in pictures


"Four Letters"


(captains competition)

write an example

Forgotten signs

Blitz - tournament


4 a Turtle talk

Three turtles crawl along a straight path one after another.

The first one says: "There are two turtles crawling behind me."

The second one says

The third says: "One turtle is crawling in front of me and one behind me."

Could it be?


4 b How old is the captain?

Imagine that you are the captain of a ship. In the early August morning you set off on a flight on the Astrakhan-Moscow route. In the hold of the ship - 200 tons of watermelons, 33 centners of fish and 499 centners of tomatoes.

How old is the captain?



Task "Four Letters"

Write the letters H, E, A, L in the empty squares so that there are no identical letters in any horizontal, vertical and four-celled diagonal row. What name can be read in one of the rows?






(captains competition)

How to divide a number I 888 into two equal parts so that each of them turns out to be 1000?


4a Write an example


4 b Write an example



Insert the forgotten mathematical symbols into the following equality:

123 = 45.



  • Horizontally :

    1. Unit of length.

    2. Surname of the ancient Greek mathematician.

    3. The smallest three-digit number.

    4. Single digit.

    5. The result of the addition.

    6. Rectangle with equal sides.

    7. One of the division components.

    8. Mathematical expression that requires the performance of some operations on numbers.

    9. Mathematical sign in the form of a crescent.

    10. Exercise, for which you need to think, calculate, write down the answer.

    Vertically: 1. School subject.






Thirty five wonderful roses

In my mother's bouquet.

There were three reds.

Count, children

How much did mom have

White roses in a bouquet?




Ivan took an interesting novel

There were a hundred pages in the novel,

But Ivan did not lose heart

And read three-fifths.

This is what you guys need to know.




Zero without a wand.


Zero attention.


Task in pictures
"Turtle Talk"

Three turtles crawl in a straight line one after another.

The first one says : "Two turtles are crawling behind me."

The second one says : "There is one turtle crawling in front of me and one behind me."

The third one says : "There is one turtle crawling in front of me and one behind me."

Could it be?

Task in pictures
"How old is the captain?"

Imagine that you are the captain of a ship. In the early August morning you set off on a flight on the Astrakhan-Moscow route. In the hold of the ship - 200 tons of watermelons, 33 centners of fish and 499 centners of tomatoes.

How old is the captain?






I88810. Write an exampleand solve it

(assignment to teams at the same time)


10. Write an exampleand solve it

(assignment to teams at the same time)


11. Forgotten signs

(assignment to teams at the same time)

Insert the forgotten mathematical symbols into the following equality:

1 2 3 = 4 5

11. Forgotten signs

(assignment to teams at the same time)

Insert the forgotten mathematical symbols into the following equality:

1 2 3 = 4 5

ANSWER: ________________________________