MSU magistracy evening department. Electronic reception

The Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University today is one of the most dynamic and in-demand departments of the university. Being a leader among domestic centers for training management personnel, this structural unit of the university, which proudly bears the name of the great scientist M.V. Lomonosov, has been coping with the goals and tasks set "excellently" for more than twenty years. Within the walls of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of Moscow State University, highly qualified managers received professions, acquiring an unlimited range of practical and analytical skills.

Educational activities at the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University

The result of a successful combination of world standards and traditions of domestic education is the annual graduation of more than half a thousand young professionals in the field of public and commercial management. One of the strategic tasks of the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of Moscow State University is the training of specialists with not only a high level of theoretical knowledge, but also worthy value orientations - dignity, patriotism, honor.

The educational activity of this structural unit is based on a complex system of student education, which includes the qualification levels of bachelor and master. Also, on the basis of the faculty, training is conducted on postgraduate education programs. Based on the content of reviews about the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University, it is easy to conclude that the prosperity of this university building is the merit of its founder, Alexei Viktorovich Surin. To date, the dean of the faculty is Nikonov Vyacheslav Alekseevich - a well-known political scientist and historian, a government official.

Bachelor's degree: directions of preparation and features of curricula

The predominant part of the curricula and programs were created by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university. The admission of students to the full-time department of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University at the educational qualification level of the bachelor is carried out in such specialties as “State and municipal administration”, “Management”, “Personnel management”, “Political science”.

The purpose of training according to approved university programs is to provide students with a deep mastery of fundamental knowledge in specialized disciplines, the formation of skills for collective, team cooperation, the development of leadership qualities and the improvement of the ability to find adequate solutions to any, even extraordinary tasks.

Before entering the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Public Administration, applicants should keep in mind that most of the courses are taught in foreign languages. An in-depth study of English is one of the features of the educational program of this institution, and therefore, in the process of conducting entrance exams, attention is paid to the communicative experience of applicants. Despite the social and humanitarian orientation of the profile, a significant place in the curriculum is also given to the study of the exact sciences.

How to enter the Faculty of Public Administration at Moscow State University?

One of the questions that interest those entering the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University: "What to take?" The list of USE subjects will depend on the chosen specialty by the applicant, but in any case, the applicant will need to provide the results of the Unified State Exam in three academic disciplines. So, for those who want to get a specialized education, final scores in the following subjects are important:

  • Russian language;
  • foreign language;
  • maths.

In addition to the attachment to the application for admission of the USE results, the applicant must pass an additional written entrance exam in mathematics. For potential first-year students in the direction of "Political Science", the admissions committee puts forward a requirement to provide the results of school certification in the Russian language, history and social science. A written exam in history will be an additional entrance test.

Passing scores for applicants

As for the passing scores for the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University, here too strict restrictions are set for bachelors. To enter a profile specialty, an applicant needs to score at least 334 points, and for those who see themselves in the future as a political scientist - 350. To acquire a profession related to personnel management and enter the corresponding faculty of public administration of Moscow State University, in tests you need to score 331 points.

Master's degree at Moscow State University

Having received a document confirming the passage of the first stage of higher education - a bachelor's degree, many graduates decide to continue their studies in a master's program in order to deepen their specialization in their existing professional direction. It is worth noting that the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University is famous for its various forms of presenting educational material to students. Teaching fundamental disciplines corresponding to a specific area of ​​study is built according to the scheme of classical classroom studies (lectures and seminars) or modern interactive methods (analytical training, business games, reasoned discussions within the framework of a round table, work on team projects, etc.).

Master's programs and specialized areas

By the way, striving to become a master of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University, students have the opportunity to choose from a list of narrower specializations.

So, for example, the profile training program includes several courses:

  • "Management of finance and economy";
  • "Fundamentals of the state management strategy";
  • "Crisis management";
  • "Local self-government in the regions";
  • "Management of foreign economic relations";
  • "Global governance within the framework of international law";
  • "History of State and Municipal Administration";
  • "Management of natural resources and resources".

In the direction of training "Management" educational programs are available, formed on the study of the basics of business intelligence, financial management, information and strategic marketing. In the past few years, the profiles "Management in the oil and gas industry" and "Management of non-profit enterprises" have been especially popular with applicants.

Admission to the magistracy: specialties, passing scores, entrance exams

Master's degree studies at Moscow State University last 2 years. There is no correspondence department at the Faculty of Public Administration. For each direction of training, the number of budgetary and contract places has been established, to which students have the opportunity to enter by passing entrance exams in the general manner. The Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University accepts students who have scored the appropriate points in the areas of study for the master's program.

Direction of training

Points for admission to budget places

Points for admission to a paid form of education

Entrance exams (written)

State and municipal administration

Fundamentals of state and municipal government

Political science



Political science

Personnel Management

Fundamentals of personnel management

Benefits of a Master's Degree at the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University

Studying the master's program will be a great bonus for the student. Mastering the educational material will provide new chances for professional development and early career growth both in state power structures and in the commercial sector of the economy. Thanks to the in-depth study of foreign languages, specialists graduated from the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University have the opportunity to work both in Russia and abroad.

A characteristic feature of master's programs in the areas of training of the faculty is a clear emphasis on the development of an integrated approach to solving managerial problems among students. Basic training, formed through the development of applied knowledge in a particular scientific field, allows graduates to make an informed choice in favor of independent practice or further advancement in research direction.

Postgraduate education

It was noted above that the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University. Lomonosov provides opportunities for improving professional skills and abilities. This system at the university appeared several years ago. This educational direction is available to students who have completed training programs and received bachelor's and specialist degrees. The main advantage that postgraduate education provides is the opening horizon of opportunities in the field of management and management.

Faculty teachers and students

The teaching staff of the faculty departments are the leading teachers of the country with scientific degrees of candidates and doctors of sciences, associate professors and professors, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academicians, experts and practitioners. Educational and work programs in the disciplines of these areas of training are formed by the faculty teachers, taking into account the introduction of scientific developments and the latest achievements.

On average, about a thousand students study at the faculty in educational programs of various qualification levels. About a third of the students are visitors from various parts of Russia.

Where do students of the Faculty of Public Administration do their internships?

Another element of the educational process that deserves special attention is the pre-graduation practice at the Faculty of Public Administration. Being an integral part of educational courses, it allows students to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice, develop organizational skills and gain experience in working in a team. MSU students have internships in such state bodies and public organizations as:

  • Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation;
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Public Chamber;
  • Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation.

In addition, some graduates who successfully completed practical training were offered employment. Jobs for masters and bachelors of Moscow State University have been repeatedly provided in analytical centers, departments of federal agencies, major domestic and foreign corporations, including Gazprom, VTB-24, Russian Railways.

International cooperation with other universities

No less active at the faculty is the work to establish new international relations. Thus, cooperation has been established with educational centers in Europe, Brazil, China, Japan, South Africa.

To date, the faculty has a double degree program. Its implementation is directly related to international cooperation between two prestigious world-famous universities - Moscow State University (Russia) and the Rockefeller College of Public Administration and Politics at the University of Albany (United States). As part of the master's programs, students of the faculty have the opportunity to take part in this program and become the owner of a diploma of higher education from a foreign institution. Students of a foreign university take a training course on the basis of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University. From the feedback of students, it can be understood that this program arouses their interest and is an incentive to improve learning outcomes, increase competitiveness among students, because only the best of the best are allowed to participate in the double degree program.

Preparation for admission for schoolchildren

The faculty conducts pre-university work for students of secondary educational institutions. Thanks to attending courses, graduates get the opportunity to qualitatively and fundamentally consolidate school material and prepare for the upcoming USE, entrance exams at Moscow State University in mathematics, history, Russian and foreign languages. Classes are conducted by graduates, professors, associate professors, authors of scientific publications, monographs and other studies. Educational and methodological manuals published by teachers of the Faculty of Public Administration are used in the educational process of a number of Russian universities.

Moscow State University (MGU) is one of the first universities in Russia and the most prestigious today. Moscow State University was founded by M. V. Lomonosov and I. I. Shuvalov, and its opening took place in 1755. Initially it was called the Imperial Moscow University, only in 1940 it was named after the founder.

In the Russian university rankings, Moscow State University always occupies an exceptional first place. There is it in all international rankings, but the positions are not so high. One of the reasons is that most of our scientific texts are written in Russian and their citation rate, compared to English ones, is extremely low.

To date, the infrastructure of Moscow State University includes more than six hundred buildings, headed by the main building, located on Sparrow Hills. Only in Moscow, the university has more than 200 hectares of land at its disposal, on which new buildings are constantly being built. Recently opened:

  • Intellectual center;
  • Fundamental Library;
  • First educational building;
  • 4 humanitarian corps;
  • new modern hostels.

What awaits applicants in the future of 2018 and how will this affect the cost of education? According to the rector of Moscow State University V.A. Sadovnichy, today's high school students are much more motivated to gain knowledge and go to university not for the sake of a diploma, but precisely for knowledge.

In 2018, as well as in previous years, those wishing to enter Moscow State University will need to pass not only the Unified State Examination, but also the written exam of the university. The competition for a place, according to forecasts, will be 7-15 people per one, depending on the faculty. Both traditional specialties and new ones are popular. What faculties will appear at Moscow State University in 2018 has not yet been reported, but they will be. In the same 2017, as you know, the Faculty of Space Studies was opened.

In total, the university has 300 departments at 43 faculties, as well as 15 research institutes (research institutes).

Branches of Moscow State University are located in the following cities:

  • Sevastopol;
  • Astana;
  • Baku;
  • Dushanbe;
  • Yerevan;
  • Sevastopol;
  • Tashkent.

What the cost of studying

Since Moscow State University is a prestigious educational institution, the competition here is very large and increases from year to year. Enrolling on a budget is the dream of any applicant, but not everyone can count on such places, there are few of them at the university, so students are forced to enroll in a contract in order to get a quality education.

The cost of studying at Moscow State University in the 2017-2018 academic year depends on the chosen faculty and specialty. Every year, tuition prices are growing, not so long ago, the rector of the university, academician Sadovnichiy, named the minimum amount for students. In an interview with a Russian newspaper, the rector said that the minimum tuition fee for the current academic year would be 310,000 rubles for full-time education. Evening parties will have to pay less, for them the minimum will be 195,000 rubles a year.

The exact cost is still subject to change. It directly depends on how much the government will allocate for the training of state employees.

According to independent calculations, for the entire period of study at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, master students will have to pay about 2 million rubles on average.

The cost of studying at different faculties

Every year, the deans of each faculty at Moscow State University publish information on tuition fees for applicants. This information is very important, since it is extremely difficult today to enter the full-time department of some faculties, for this it is necessary not only to pass the exam perfectly, but also to be a winner of at least citywide Olympiads. For a budget place, the passing score at the university should be from 241 to 455, depending on the faculty and specialty

The highest cost of education at Moscow State University. Lomonosov in 2017-2018 will be at the leading faculties: economics, law, the faculty of international relations, as well as the faculty of journalism, foreign languages ​​and translation. That is, at all, where they train in-demand specialists with good prospects.

The following tuition prices are expected in the leading faculties of Moscow State University:

  1. The cost of studying at Moscow State University for the Faculty of Economics in 2017-2018: 360,000–390,000 rubles. Education at the Department of Economics will cost 360,000, and 390,000 at the Department of Management and International Accounting of Finance. There are no tuition discounts for beneficiaries.
  2. Faculty of Journalism: 325 thousand rubles when studying for a bachelor's degree and the same for a specialist. The second higher education here will cost 225,000 rubles.
  3. Faculty of Law: 385,000 rubles. Discounts are not provided.
  4. Faculty of Psychology: 325,000 rubles
  5. Faculty of Biology: 320,000 rubles.
  6. Faculty of State and Municipal Administration: from 325,000 rubles, depending on the specialty.
  7. Faculty of Philology: 310,000 rubles
  8. Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics: 310,000 rubles for full-time education.
  9. Faculty of Sociology: 325,000 rubles For evening parties - 195,000 rubles.
  10. Faculty of General Medicine: 390,000 rubles After receiving a diploma, it is possible to continue education in graduate school and residency on a paid basis.

This is not the final amount, the decision of each faculty will be officially announced at the end of June, there may be an increase in the amount of tuition due to inflation and general price increases. The cost of studying at Moscow State University for a bachelor's degree in 2017-2018 does not differ from the cost of training for a specialist. The second higher education at the university is always paid, but it will cost less - on average, the amount per year will be 220,000 rubles. It is worth noting that almost all postgraduate studies at Moscow State University are also paid.

Those who fail to enter or do not have money to study at Moscow State University should not be upset. Now the idea of ​​distance learning is being actively promoted, and tens of thousands of people get the opportunity to listen to the best lectures without leaving their homes.

We invite you to learn interesting facts about how one of the most popular universities in Russia was created by watching a video with documentary footage:

Foreign languages ​​and regional studies. It is quite young in comparison with many other faculties and departments of the university. However, he is already making great strides. Professors and teachers of Moscow State University, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies, excellently prepare graduate students and students who join the ranks of highly qualified workers. That is why we can say with confidence that this unit has taken its rightful place among the long-established and recognized by the whole world. This is evidenced by many things, first of all, extensive international relations of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University, recognition of its high achievements in the community of world universities. He also selflessly fulfills his most responsible tasks set by society: he trains highly professional graduates who demonstrate the deepest knowledge and willingness to share it for the benefit of their homeland. This is a very high criterion, and the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University fully meets it.

Reliance on tradition

Education at the faculty is truly university-based, at the same time based on modern achievements and based on the glorious traditions of one of the best higher educational institutions in the world. Graduates turn out to be specialists who know the business perfectly, true patriots, creative personalities, that is, they contain everything that MSU has been famous for from time immemorial.

Learning languages ​​is not easy, but students have the best of assistants - these are talented teachers dedicated to their work, a close-knit team with common hobbies - to lead all young people striving for knowledge. Entering Moscow State University is not easy, even younger students know this. It is from the lower grades that you need to start preparing - attend special circles, courses, participate in all school linguistic events. Then it will be possible for the senior classes to gain enough knowledge for admission to courses intended for schoolchildren. There are a sufficient number of types of training here: full-time, part-time, remote and many others. Without such thorough preparation, studies at the faculty may not take place.

Thus, you can be very well prepared for passing the exam and additional entrance tests, which are conducted by almost all universities with a language focus. Here they also receive the main skills for participation in the Olympiads, without which admission to such a landmark university is very rare. For example, the main preparatory course at Moscow State University involves the study of languages ​​to choose from - Spanish, Italian, French, German, English. And this is one hundred and fifty academic hours! This means that the student will attend Moscow State University twice a week and stay at the university for at least three hours at each lesson. But for admission to the courses, you must pass an online test, the results of which will determine the group. This test can also be taken in person. The website of the faculty provides all the information regarding the time of its holding.

Students in the ninth grade, tenth and eleventh grades can enroll in such courses. It is better to start earlier, because within three years there will be an opportunity to attend other courses in order to improve the knowledge of the language.

Admission conditions

To enroll in the FIYAIR MSU master's program, you need to collect a certain package of documents, the content of which will depend on many factors, such as: citizenship, type of education (full-time or part-time), choice of specialization.

1. Citizens of Russia.

  • The passport.
  • Data on the license and accreditation of the university where the education was received.

2. Citizens of other states.

  • Original diploma with application (state standard). If the diploma was not obtained in Russia, then it must be nostrified by Rosobrnadzor and legalized at the address: Moscow, Ordzhonikidze street, building 11, building 9, room 13 on the second floor.
  • Six photographs strictly sized 3 x 4, black and white, matte.
  • Passport, where a visa of the Russian Federation is required.
  • Medical certificate with a mark of the results of the HIV test (F-086u). If the certificate is received in another state, it must be nostrified at the clinic
  • Migration card.
  • Certificate or certificate in the prescribed form on testing in the Russian language. Citizens who have completed a preparatory course at the Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University or a preparatory course at any accredited higher education institution in Russia must present the original certificate of completion (successful) of such pre-university training.

Master's degree part-time

In the direction of "Linguistics" offers any of the forms of education, not only full-time. The package of documents is the same, but must be supplemented by a certificate from the place of work for those applicants who work. Documents for admission to the magistracy in the areas of regional studies (both foreign and Russian) for our compatriots and citizens of other countries do not differ in any way from the package that is provided for admission in the direction described above. The same applies to applicants for cultural studies. Theory and translation, intercultural communication, regional studies, cultural studies are the main areas from which you can choose your specialization. A graduate of a master's program becomes a teacher of a foreign language, a translator, a cultural specialist, a regional expert or a specialist in intercultural communication.

The faculty conducts admission in four directions. This is an integrated master (at all departments, excluding only the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies") with a study period of 6 years; specialty - especially for the department of translation and translation studies, also 6 years; magistracy full-time or part-time for those who graduated from other universities and faculties of Moscow State University with a study period of two and two and a half years; bachelor's degree - only for foreigners, four years. To become an integrated master, you need to study for six years: four years for a bachelor's degree and two years for a master's degree. Intercultural Communication and Linguistics, Regional Studies and International Relations, Cultural Studies are departments for integrated masters. Two years (full-time magistracy) masters study in four areas. These are cultural studies, regional studies of Russia, foreign regional studies and linguistics. Part-time education lasts two and a half years and is conducted only in the direction of "Translation and Translation Studies" involves only full-time education.


Foreign citizens are taught at the faculty under the undergraduate program. Directions: linguistics, Russian for foreigners, regional studies of Russia and foreign regional studies. Training is face-to-face only. The curriculum covers a very wide range of subjects, allowing each graduate to become a comprehensively educated person and learn two, three or more foreign languages. Lectures and practical classes are supplemented by excursions - thematic and educational and familiarization. There is a budgetary form of education, there is also a contractual one - on a paid basis. The most interesting for students of the faculty are programs that provide for a double diploma: together with the diploma of Moscow State University, the graduate is awarded another one - from a foreign university. These are Russian-Dutch and Russian-British programs. Master's and postgraduate studies at the faculty are extremely in demand.

Admission of applicants to the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies (bachelor's and specialist's) is carried out on the basis of the results of three compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination and entrance examinations according to the profile of the chosen department. There is only one additional test for admission, and this is an exam. Linguist-translator (department of intercultural communication and linguistics in the magistracy) - integrated master. Six-year training in two profiles. These are the theory and practice of intercultural communications, the theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures. The results of the exam will be considered here in the Russian language, history and a specialized foreign language. An additional entrance written test will be a foreign language - Spanish, French, German, English.

Regional Studies and Cultural Studies

The Department of International Relations and Regional Studies prepares integrated masters with six years of study. Here, too, we need Russian and foreign languages, history, an additional exam is also written in a foreign language. Foreign regional studies are taught in two profiles. These are European studies with regions of specialization (France, Great Britain, Italy, Germany) and American studies with regions of specialization (Canada and the USA). Here, upon admission, the results of the Unified State Examination in history, Russian and foreign languages ​​are considered, in addition - in writing a foreign language.

The Department of Cultural Studies trains integrated masters with a six-year term of study. Upon admission, you need good USE results in the Russian language, social studies and a foreign language, in addition - a foreign language (written exam). At the Department of Translation and Translation Studies - a specialist with a six-year term of study. There is only one direction - translation and translation studies. Here you will need the results of the exam in the Russian language, history and a foreign language. Additionally - an exam in English as the first (main) foreign language. A linguist-translator usually speaks at least two foreign languages. English is required.

Organization of the magistracy

Master's degree at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies is the most modern and internationally accepted form of the humanitarian direction of higher education. It is organized according to the principle of creative cooperation between teachers and students in order to assimilate unique curricula and courses that have been specially designed for the upper level of university education. The basis of the classes is an individual approach to all the needs of students.

Education in the magistracy is the choice of a specific specialization and obtaining the deepest knowledge of theory and practical skills. The educational process is provided by well-known Russian and foreign specialists involved in teaching. The Master's program of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies offers many opportunities for foreign internships. Students studying in the evening (part-time) form have the opportunity to combine classes and professional activities.

Master's programs

In the direction of linguistics of full-time full-time specialization, students are offered the following:

  • linguodidactic foundations (teaching of foreign languages ​​and cultures);
  • foreign language (intercultural communication in diplomacy and politics);
  • Russian language;
  • intercultural communication and translation theory;
  • intercultural communication and theory of language teaching;
  • PR (international public relations);
  • intercultural communication and comparative study of cultures;
  • management (the field of language education);
  • language of professional communication (management and top management).

Evening, part-time forms of education in the field of linguistics involve the following specializations (master's programs): PR (international public relations and communication theory), intercultural communication and the theory of language teaching, intercultural communication and translation theory. Full-time full-time education in the areas of regional studies in Russia and abroad includes master's programs:

  • "Russia and the modern world space";
  • "Socio-cultural regional studies of regions and countries of Europe";
  • "Socio-cultural regional studies of regions and countries of North America";
  • "Technologies for creating the image of the European region";
  • “Technologies for creating the image of the North region. America."


The LiMKK department (linguistics and intercultural communications) is intended for students who decide to connect their path with a deep and comprehensive study of European languages ​​​​- Italian, Spanish, French, German, English or Slavic - Serbian, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech. This educational standard provides for the training of teachers who own theory and practice, knowledge and skills in the field of teaching. Students receive theoretical courses in methodology, pedagogy, psychology, and undergo compulsory pedagogical practice in Moscow schools, in other universities of the capital, or at other faculties of their native university. Following their example, students who have completed undergraduate studies at other universities also carry documents for admission to the magistracy of this faculty of Moscow State University.

Intercultural communication as a specialty is quite young and is now experiencing a natural upsurge all over the world, it can be seen in the widest range of sciences - from linguistics to management theory. Some scientists believe that this is the most important topic for the social sciences and the survival of mankind as a species. That is why this profile and these master's programs are in such high demand.

Education is based on a combination of communication and linguistics, communication and a foreign language, and therefore the human factor is always involved in linguistic research. It is always interesting to analyze the use of language as a means of interethnic and intercultural communication. During training, a multicultural personality is formed, which equally owns information about its own and foreign culture, and therefore not knowledge comes to the fore, but mutual understanding, which is based on knowledge.

regional studies

The Department of International Relations and Regional Studies trains future unique international specialists of the widest profile who are fluent in two foreign languages ​​or more. Master's programs here, as already mentioned, regional studies in Russia and foreign regional studies. The latter includes three profiles: Eurasian studies, American and European. The graduate receives the qualification of an expert in the region of his choice with knowledge of the language, he is awarded a master's degree in regional studies of such and such a region. These specialties are among the most promising, since they meet the needs of our time, allow you to combine fluency in foreign languages ​​and a comprehensive study of the region.

In addition, great practical knowledge is given that will allow analyzing and predicting the situation in the region. Regional studies is a complex of disciplines related to the study of the patterns of development of the region and includes the study of the main stages of its historical and cultural development, after which the analysis of the situation and the forecast of possible development paths become more accurate. The population of a given country is under special attention, since the human factor is considered as the basis for the existence of any region, namely its socio-political side and historical and cultural, in contrast to the purely geographical or natural.

Academic plan

The best achievements of world education have entered the new traditional classical university curriculum. Students are offered not only lectures, seminars and practical classes. The greatest attention is paid to their creative work. Students try their hand at journalism, including international journalism, make documentaries, create special websites, and work on real projects. Great emphasis on practice. Students conduct field research in various regions of Russia, work in public, political, educational, commercial and scientific organizations, and also do internships in those regions abroad that have been chosen for specialization.

The faculty organizes meetings with those people who play the most significant role in our time. These are diplomats, political and public figures, representatives of international organizations, scientists, educators, and culture. Students from the most knowledgeable people learn the latest information about the situation in the country and in the world, namely from those who shape it. Here you can participate in the discussion, ask questions and get answers to them.