Drug addiction. How to prevent? how to cure? How to cure addiction to computer games? Folk recipes for beer alcoholism and female drunkenness

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In our society, it is customary to treat drug addiction as a "vice of the will", a kind of manifestation of weakness of character and spirit. Drug addicts in the modern world are often condemned, scolded, and shamed. However, narcologists do not get tired of telling patients and their families that addiction is a disease. And it requires not censure, but treatment.

What is a disease, which in society is considered to be a manifestation of "weak character"? Any addiction - both chemical (for example, drug or alcohol) and psychological (for example, gaming) - is a severe complex brain disease that affects the human body at various levels. First of all, his body suffers.

Diseases of the central nervous system, liver, kidneys develop. In addition, drug addiction, like any other, affects the psychological, emotional, volitional sphere of a person and significantly affects interpersonal relationships. As a rule, the circle of communication of such people narrows down to those like him, that is, those who share his way of life. All the rest, who condemn the behavior of a drug addict, are eliminated by him as undesirable people in terms of communication.

Experts emphasize that the treatment of people with drug addiction is most effective if it is carried out in a complex manner. In other words, drug addiction treatment is a complex consisting of at least three stages. The first is to provide medical assistance (detoxification). This stage lasts several days and is usually carried out in a hospital. Unfortunately, most people with drug addiction refuse treatment after going through the first stage. But in 100% of cases, having passed only the first stage, a person returns to the use of psychoactive substances. Therefore, the modern idea of ​​treatment boils down to the fact that it should not only be complex, but also continuous.

The medical stage is followed by psychological rehabilitation. It can last for months. At the second stage, psychologists and psychotherapists are included in the work. The main task of psychological rehabilitation is to enable a person to change relationships with loved ones, because during the illness they are completely destroyed.

The third "step" to freedom from drug addiction is called social rehabilitation. Many people know the facts when a person managed to get rid of drug addiction while in an isolated society - for example, in a community. For a year or a year and a half, while he was in isolation, everything was fine. But as soon as a person returns home, to a familiar environment, everything starts all over again. This is due to the fact that there was no stage of social adaptation. Without it, treatment, unfortunately, will not be effective.

The most basic question that worries the relatives of such patients is there a chance for a person suffering from drug addiction to completely recover from it? Narcologists say that humanity is familiar with the mass of incurable diseases. Their course can be suspended, it is possible to improve the quality of life. The approach to drug addiction treatment is based on the same principle. Drug addiction is a disease that stays with a person for his entire conscious life. It's just that the one who has been treated can adapt, learn to be tolerant of the psychoactive substance that caused the addiction.

However, it is not at all easy to convey to the mind of a person with drug addiction that his value system is destructive and needs to be changed. One of the main symptoms of chemical addiction is the denial of problems associated with the use of a particular substance. Although the vast majority of addicted people in their hearts would like to get rid of their disease, they do absolutely nothing for this. This explains the great popularity of the so-called healers. But miracles, unfortunately, do not happen. It is impossible to cure a person with drug addiction in minutes, hours or days. And he can't handle the situation on his own. Understanding and participation of his relatives and friends is necessary. By the way, a psychologist should also work with them, because relatives should also rebuild their relationship with a family member who is undergoing treatment. And most importantly, you need to learn to treat addiction as a disease. No mother will be ashamed that her son or daughter has pneumonia. There is no need to be ashamed of the fact that he / she has a drug addiction. You need to seek help from specialists, undergo full treatment and live a normal life. Every person who has got rid of drug addiction has such a chance.

Drug addiction is difficult to overcome. But when it is not there yet, it is important to stop a person who has set foot on this dangerous path in time. Drug addiction is sweeping the country by leaps and bounds, and year after year schoolchildren, in fact, still children, get into the ranks of addicted people. What do parents need to know to stop a child at the right time?

The desire to have his "adult secret" makes the child hide from his parents the fact of his first acquaintance with narcotic substances. Most children know that drugs are bad. Otherwise, they would not have sought to hide their new hobby from dad and mom. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that they need to speak frankly with their child even on those topics that seem difficult and do not often come up in conversations.

Sometimes high school students who have never even taken drugs are more "advanced" in these matters than the older generation. Therefore, an attempt at a preventive conversation, beginning with the words "I hope you know that drugs are very bad, and do not use anything like that!" evokes irony in the child. Like, my parents still don’t understand anything about it, and even if I try something once, they won’t guess anything.

So, dear parents, relying on the fact that you do not have any knowledge of addictions, the child can mislead you for a long time. To avoid such a problem, experts advise adhering to the following algorithm:

1. Be as frank as possible with your child. Do not use abstract language, such as "this could end badly," but specifically explain to a teenager what drug addiction can lead to. Do not scold or threaten. Explain that a teenager can turn to you for help at any time, ask any question and that you are, first of all, his friend.

2. Pay attention to the characteristics of the child's behavior. Unmotivated laughter, gaiety, increased activity, lack of need for sleep or, conversely, unexplained drowsiness or depression, sharp constriction or dilation of pupils, reddening of the skin or severe pallor, change in speech, traces of intravenous injections (they can be located on the elbows, forearms) should alert , neck, inner surface of the feet, under the knees, in the groin). In order to confirm or refute your suspicions, you can use special tests that allow you to determine at home whether a teenager is using drugs. If the suspicions are confirmed, explain to the child that it is necessary to avoid the formation of addiction and treat addiction with the participation of a specialist - drug addiction is not treated "on its own".

Any addiction is fatal, whether it is addiction to alcohol, sex, card games, drugs. Adolescents and young adults are especially susceptible to addiction. Not so long ago, a wave of poisoning with spices swept - narcotic smoking mixtures. Many young people said goodbye to life or developed serious illnesses. In this regard, the question arises: how to cure addiction to spices? First, let's figure out what these smoking blends are.


Drug traffickers lull the vigilance of teenagers, claiming that spices are a completely natural product, namely dried herbs. But this statement is far from true. When spice first appeared in 2008, this may have been the case. The spices included plants that have a psychotropic effect: Hawaiian rose, sage, skullcap, blue lotus, etc.

However, a little later, these mixtures became much more dangerous: after all, synthetically synthesized drugs began to be added to them. The drug was imported in the form of a powder, then dried herbs were dissolved and impregnated with it. Thus, spices became more addictive and more poisonous.

How to cure spice addiction

  • Of course, you need to resort to the help of a narcologist. First of all, you need to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, because in fact there was a chemical intoxication of the body. Naturally, you need to completely stop taking spices. During detoxification, the patient must use special preparations - adsorbents, adhere to a diet, walk, drink plenty of water. With mild addiction, help is provided at home, if the case is serious, then in a hospital or dispensary.
  • The psychological support of the patient from relatives is important. It is necessary to protect the addict from the bad influence of other addicts. It is important that a person must consciously give up drugs and agree to treatment - this is the first and main step towards recovery. It is necessary that the patient understands: spices are not harmless herbal mixtures, but a dangerous and destructive drug.

You can learn how to get rid of other kinds of dependencies in the following articles.

The problem of Internet addiction is one of the hottest topics in the world's medical forums. Computer addicts are equated with drug addicts and are forcibly treated. In Europe, there were cases when young people were not taken into the army because of this "illness" and were forced to undergo rehabilitation courses with psychiatrists. Now doctors and psychologists are concerned about another painful phenomenon, which is called informational vampirism.

For several years, doctors have been using a special term that describes an Internet addicted person - a netaholic (Netaholic, by analogy with a shopaholic, workaholic, alcoholic).

“Nataholics are really sick people who need treatment,” says Australian doctor Nigel Plott. - Most patients are diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis and paranoia. In the case of a long absence from the network, addicts become depressed, or, conversely, become aggressive and dangerous to society.

The first symptoms of the disease are visible in the details. A person plays computer games for more than five hours a day, eats at the computer, stops paying attention to family members and their appearance. The network prefers all other entertainment.

In the West, scientists have long sounded the alarm, considering the Internet dangerous for the psyche and social development of children and adolescents. The latest data from researchers prove that Internet addiction is stronger than addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling and is more difficult to treat. In extremely neglected cases, negaholism is similar to schizophrenia: the patient loses touch with reality and lives in some kind of his own world.

Here is the latest data from the research center Computer Economics:

In Europe, more than 40 percent of Internet users are addicted;

Natoholics spend more than 18 hours a day online;

15 percent of people on the planet are diagnosed with informational vampirism.

60 percent of Europeans equate virtual friends with real ones;

3 percent of Europeans prefer virtual marriages;

In the US, one in 20 married women is a "computer widow".

40 percent of Americans barely leave their homes. They order everything they need via the Internet (clothes, food), have virtual wallets, virtual sex and go on a virtual vacation.

Here is an excerpt from the diary of nataholic Sandra, 29 years old, she is undergoing compulsory treatment in one of the American clinics: “My husband and I were web designers. When we bought personal laptops for ourselves, we were sure that we would only use them for work. It took two years to immerse yourself in the virtual world with your head.

In the midst of our illness, we had little to no contact with the outside world, months without paying bills for an apartment, eating from plastic dishes, because ... it seems that we did not wash the dishes for half a year. We didn't take a bath, there were soaked dirty laundry in it... for several months. Our dog died of starvation. One day the police came to see us because the neighbors noticed that we had not left the house for several months. We were sent for treatment."

Kimberly Young, a doctor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, identifies the following alarming symptoms of the onset of the disease:

1. Obsessive desire to check e-mail.

2. Constantly waiting for the next access to the Internet.

3. Preference for virtual friends and real entertainment.

4. Information overload - an irresistible craving for searching for information on the WWW or web surfing.

5. The desire to play online games, attachment to online auctions and online stores.

Researchers note that most Internet addicts come online for the sake of communication, but over time, all real people are forced out of life by virtual ones. It seems to the patient that he has wonderful friends, a busy life, he met his love, got married, went to travel to the other end of the world ... But all this is not real, which, however, the patient is not aware of.

In the US, there is an acute problem of "computer widows" (Cyberwidows). These are wives whose husbands have lost interest in a real family in favor of a virtual life due to fasting.

Psychologists say that in the near future Internet addiction will be recognized as the No. 1 mental illness. Professional clinics have already appeared in the West, where various “cyber disorders” are treated, but patients prefer to seek help from specialized Internet clinics that function like Alcoholics Anonymous. Patients do not come to see a psychiatrist, they communicate with a virtual doctor.

How to cure a person of alcoholism - the question is often asked by relatives of alcoholics who have lost hope of overcoming the disease. There are many therapies with proven effectiveness and dubious reputation. To make the right choice, it is important to understand what each of them is.

Drug treatment of alcoholism in a hospital

Those who cannot get out of a binge or experience painful withdrawal symptoms are the first to turn to a narcologist in a hospital. How to cure a person from alcoholism with medication? Therapy is carried out in the narcological departments of psychiatric hospitals, specialized narcological institutions.

The result of medical intervention is the relief of the symptoms of a "hangover", an improvement in the general condition, and the normalization of the indicators of the cardiovascular system. When wondering how to cure an alcoholic with the help of droppers in a hospital?, keep in mind: the conditions of stay can be uncomfortable. Finding an alcoholic is accompanied by the negative influence of "regular patients" - unicamerals, calling for a violation of the regime.

Another minus: registration in the district drug dispensary. This is done automatically when you apply for a referral for treatment.

Paid inpatient treatment is possible without registration, but it should be understood that droppers, medicines are the first stage in overcoming the disease. To know how to cure a person of alcoholism, he must have his own desire to recover, otherwise there is a risk of wasting money.

Outpatient treatment (detoxification) using medications

Activities for outpatient therapy are similar to the previous method, only medication is taken at home. The patient has the opportunity to visit a psychologist, is not registered. The method works in the presence of the initial stage of alcoholism, it is effective only with a stable motivation for treatment. How to cure a person from alcoholism in the last stages? Choose another way - a hospital.

Alcoholism can be cured!

We know how to do it! Sign up for a consultation:

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The advantages of outpatient treatment are that there is no need to stay in a hospital, drug registration is not necessary. The disadvantages include a high risk of relapse.

Will coding cure a person of alcoholism?

To understand how to cure alcohol addiction, you need to consider the causes of the formation of the disease. Coding is a method that is widely used in many countries of the world, but it does not allow the patient to fully participate in recovery.

The most common is Dovzhenko's coding - anti-alcohol suggestion. The main condition for its effectiveness is the addict's belief in the efficiency and effectiveness of the sessions. The patient must be suggestible. This parameter is evaluated by the doctor at the preliminary consultation.

If the patient does not have a sufficient degree of suggestibility, the specialist refuses to conduct a session.

The procedure is relatively safe, harmless, despite the interference in the psyche. It consists of one or more sessions of hypnosis, the result of which is the conviction that alcohol is no longer needed for a happy life. Coding does not help everyone, and with apparent effectiveness, a breakdown may occur at the end of the suggestion.

"Sewing in" as a method of treating alcoholism

Drug treatment may consist of the introduction of special drugs into the body of an addict - sewn under the skin or by injection. There is no guarantee that the patient will recover from alcoholism - being driven by the fear of complications, he temporarily refuses alcohol. Each drug has an expiration date, after which a breakdown may occur.

Fear is enhanced by the doctor's explanation of the possible fatal consequences of drinking any dose of alcohol. If the patient violates the regimen and drinks, this leads to serious side effects - nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, panic attacks, severe deterioration. This method, like most others, is based not on working out the causes of alcoholism, but on intimidation, external influence. How to cure an alcoholic with this method? A certain psychological barrier is formed, because of which the patient does not allow himself to drink, but the effect is temporary.

Sensitizing therapy is a radical way to treat alcoholism

The essence of the method is the same as with stitching, only the ways in which sensitizing agents enter the body are different - in this case, the patient drinks the prescribed medications in a course. Depending on the mechanism of action, it can be short or long.

How to cure a person of alcoholism using drugs? Taking medication causes alcohol intolerance. Alcohol is not absorbed by the body, there are no decomposition reactions, poisoning of the body and intoxication occurs, which provokes vomiting, deterioration of health, headache, pressure surges. Fear of side effects forces the alcoholic to give up even small doses of alcohol. But at the end of treatment, the addict returns to his former way of life, nothing is holding him back.

Common drugs:

  • Disulfiram (Antabuse, Teturam, etc.) - blocks the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of alcohol. Alcohol becomes a toxic compound, provokes negative reactions - vomiting, nausea, impaired performance of the cardiovascular system. The principle of treatment for alcoholism is simple - he physically cannot drink alcohol;
  • Esperal is a medicine whose action is similar to the above, only French-made;
  • Lidevin - a similar action, but supplemented with vitamins. How to cure a person from alcoholism with his help? Additional components reduce the effects of poisoning on the nervous system, improve tolerance;
  • Colme - the active substance cyanamide causes alcohol intolerance, reactions are pronounced, provokes a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages. The course of treatment is up to 6 months.

When wondering how to recover from alcoholism on your own, you should remember: such drugs are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, but it is absolutely impossible to engage in self-medication. The body of an addict sufferer undergoes tremendous stress, additional receipt of serious drugs can worsen the condition. Only a doctor prescribes one or another type of remedy.

Acupuncture: how effective is this treatment for alcoholism?

Acupuncture allows you to influence biologically active points with the help of mechanical action - special needles. The result is the activation of metabolic processes, the normalization of the flow of energy through the channels of the human body, and the improvement of well-being. Some masters claim that in this way it is possible to achieve such an effect as curing a person from alcoholism - blocking cravings for alcohol. But the statement is controversial, acupuncture cannot be an independent method of treatment, it is intended only to improve the health of the patient. There are certain contraindications to acupuncture, and the body of an alcoholic often undergoes irreversible changes. The presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, tumors, endocrine and other disorders is a direct contraindication to performing acupuncture sessions.

Folk methods: herbal treatment at home

This group of methods of treatment is the most extensive. It is worth remembering that the patient will not be cured of alcoholism with the help of herbs alone, but as an auxiliary way, they can support the condition.

Some recipes are designed to cause a persistent aversion to alcohol. Getting rid of cravings, avoiding alcohol can be provided in the early stages of the disease.

  1. Thyme. 20 gr. dried herbs insist, pouring boiling water, 20 minutes. Reception mode: 1 tbsp. How to cure alcohol addiction with thyme? If the addict takes alcohol, vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders may occur.
  2. Thyme, wormwood, centaury. 4 tbsp. l. thyme and 1 tbsp. l. the rest of the dried herbs are poured with boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  3. Lovage root. Chopped root and a few bay leaves are poured with vodka. Insist 2 weeks. How to cure a person of alcoholism with the help of lovage? After filtering, offer the patient when he is about to drink.
  4. Baranets. Juice is squeezed out of the leaves of the plant, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 20. This is a prerequisite, the sheep is poisonous. You need to use 50-70 gr. mixture obtained per day. 15 minutes after use, give the patient a sniff of a cotton swab moistened with vodka. Nausea, vomiting and alcohol withdrawal occur. You need to be treated 5-10 days before recovery - a persistent refusal from alcohol.

Cons of home treatment:

  • the likelihood of intolerance to some plant components;
  • unpredictable reactions to receiving funds;
  • high risk of relapse due to the lack of direct participation of the addict in the recovery process.

How to clear alcoholism from alcohol,

Why are folk methods in high demand? For privacy reasons. This type of therapy does not require registration, referral to a specialist, stay in a hospital. How to cure a person from alcoholism only with herbs? It is important to remember that it is impossible to overcome psychological dependence at home, especially when the patient does not exert willpower.

The use of dietary supplements for alcoholism

Dietary supplements are not medicines and cannot cope with withdrawal symptoms or psychological cravings for alcohol. Their use is driven by the need to support general state dependent, improve well-being, compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and important substances. How to cure a person from alcoholism with vitamins? No way.

Read more about the symptoms of alcoholism,

Basically, dietary supplements are prescribed by a doctor in cases where, as a result of chronic alcoholism, a person has acquired diseases of the internal organs, nervous, endocrine systems. However, they are only part of a comprehensive treatment, and the main course is prescribed by the therapist. In order to know how to cure an alcoholic, it is not enough to choose dietary supplements correctly - it is important to work out the causes of the disease.

Is it possible to cure an alcoholic without his knowledge? Narcologist comments.

How to cure alcohol addiction if a person does not want to lead a sober life? No way. The first and main condition for the effectiveness of any therapeutic measures is the sincere desire of the patient to become healthy.

This is possible due to the awareness of one's illness and the unwillingness to continue life in the same vein.

An alcoholic who has made the decision to recover may find himself in a dead end: willpower alone is not enough to forever give up addiction. Specialists are called to help with this - a narcologist, a psychologist, a psychotherapist, an addiction consultant.

Any measures that do not imply the direct participation of the addict in their own recovery run the risk of being ineffective.

The second condition, thanks to which the patient is almost guaranteed to recover from alcoholism, is attention to the root cause of the disease.

Independent measures to remove a loved one from addiction do not give the desired result, but this does not mean that you no longer need to take part in the life of a loved one. How to cure a person from alcoholism?

Gently direct the addict, convince him of the need for treatment, provide moral support - on his own or with the involvement of specialists from the motivational team working in the rehabilitation center. Only this approach allows you to "include" the psychological aspects of recovery in the work.

Getting rid of psychological addiction to alcohol

Psychological assistance is a tool for a complete restructuring of a person's way of thinking. You can start a lot of work even at home - in order to know how to cure an alcoholic, relatives need to follow several recommendations in order to motivate a loved one to receive outside help:

  • try not to provoke the addict into a conflict;
  • do not blackmail, do not threaten;
  • do not "nag", give up long lectures, lectures about harm;
  • not to save the patient from the consequences of his illness - this contributes to the rapid awareness of the disease;
  • talk about what you have learned about new ways to cure a person of alcoholism;
  • gently but confidently stand your ground - the need to get help.

A change in attitude to the disease acts as a kind of shake-up for an alcoholic. He thinks about his lifestyle. It is necessary to act gently, making it clear that they do not refuse him - they want to help him. How to cure a person of alcoholism when he prefers to remain addicted? Contact the motivational team of the rehabilitation center. After the realization has come, the understanding of the need for outside help, the refusal to drink alcohol, it is advisable to continue treatment - rehabilitation and adaptation.

Schematically, further work with an alcoholic in a rehabilitation center can be represented as follows:

  • awareness of values, acquisition of new goals, aspirations;
  • understanding the principles of how to cure alcohol dependence;
  • gaining a sober view of things;
  • understanding of opportunities for a new “start”;
  • participation in group work;
  • physical activities - the formation of a new regimen, exercises, sports events;
  • the emergence of hope for a future without alcohol;
  • the basis of understanding how to cure a person from alcoholism is the acceptance of the root causes of the disease and the realization that alcohol is not the way to solve them;
  • formation of hobbies, interests;
  • formation of needs for self-realization (in professional terms);
  • stability, return to normal life - to the family.

After the patient is cured of alcoholism, he can at any time receive psychological help from specialists being in familiar conditions. Psychological support is an excellent prevention of a breakdown. It relieves tension, allows you to solve emerging issues, not to go astray.

The effectiveness of deep psychological work depends on the timeliness of its beginning, so you should not delay contacting specialists. If you or your loved one is faced with the problem of alcoholism, ask questions of interest to the specialists of the rehabilitation center "Generation" and get qualified help. We know how to cure a person from alcohol addiction.

Addiction treatment should be comprehensive. The main thing is liberation from mental dependence. Persistent and correct work is needed to change one's stereotypes, picture of the world and self-image. Treatment of physical dependence (where it exists) is not difficult.

How to determine if there is an addiction or not? After all, drug addicts and alcoholics do not always recognize their addiction. It's simple - if you can, without any conditions, at least for a month, leave your habit - you are free. If you can't, you have a problem and you need to solve it.

Psychological Addiction Treatment

Recognition of the problem

To solve a problem, you need to recognize it, go beyond it. As long as you are inside, you are part of the problem.
Separate it and put it in front of you. Look at it directly and acknowledge it: “Yes, there is a problem.”
Listen to yourself, how you are connected with her, what feelings you experience.
Do you want to solve it or are you satisfied with the current state of affairs.

Congratulate yourself (I'm not kidding) - you have a reason to draw attention to yourself! Any problem is an opportunity for self-development as a person.

Dependency Analysis - With Paper and Pen

  • Why did I do it? . What attracted me, what did I get from the process?
  • What prevents you from giving up the subject of addiction?
  • What do I gain and what do I lose by getting rid of addiction?
  • What can replace the loss? What I want?
    Here it is useful to remember your interests before getting into addiction. What was the most valuable thing in your life then?

Make a decision

It must be final. There is no room for doubt, your whole being makes this decision. You understand (feel) that from this moment you have started a new life.

Deal with desires


Learn to be constantly aware of all your sensations and inner impulses. This is necessary to control your behavior.
Be aware of everything you do. This ability is very useful for an efficient life in general.
Be careful to notice that you are moving towards a result.

Changing our behavior

By tracking the urges and behaviors that lead to "use", . Change your actions until you get the desired result.
Use the feedback principle for this. Remember: there is no failure, there is a result. If the result is not satisfactory, adjust your efforts.

Changing our environment

Break up with people who are pulling you into the past. Communicate with those who are where you aspire, whose interests coincide with your new interests.

IT'S ALL UP TO US! The solution to the problem lies in taking responsibility for your life. Success lies in setting: I am the owner and I am responsible for everything that happens to me. I am the creator of my life. Such a position helps to withstand in any situation on the way to a worthy goal.

Physical Addiction Treatment

  • Treatment with dietary supplements
  • The goal is to help the body easily adjust to the natural metabolism.
    The use of medicines is an extra burden on a weakened body. The best option is (BAD).
    The course includes three stages.
  1. Cleansing the body of toxic compounds.
  2. Replenishment of deficiency of vitamins and microelements.
  3. Restoration of impaired functions.
  • Increasing the level of vital energy.
    1. outdoor recreation, preferably among trees or by the sea,
    2. meditation, "".
  • Physical activity (sports, gymnastics, yoga, etc.)
  • Exercises for the development of flexibility of the spine.
  • Removal massage.