Compliance scores oge. Features of the new exams

For 9th grade students, the beginning of spring is associated with preparation for the main state exam. The Institute of Pedagogical Measurements has developed a detailed program for the successful passing of the exam and a special scale for the distribution of grades in the score-to-assess ratio.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 scores into grades: the most common mistakes at the OGE

When passing the OGE in the Russian language, there are many spelling errors in the written part of the exam. This is mainly due to the inattention and confusion of schoolchildren. Before the exam, it is important to focus on reviewing your accumulated knowledge and concentrating on certain tasks.

Spelling “not or neither” in sentences is one of the biggest mistakes students make. It must be remembered that the difference between these two particles depends on the meaning of the phrase: “not” - denies, “neither” - strengthens.

Punctuation marks are also important. The best cure for this is to say the sentence in your head. This will allow you to intuitively place all the punctuation marks.

Errors in passing the exam in mathematics also have a similar character. All teachers focus on the confusion of students and the inability to correctly apply the well-known formulas.

In the section of the social studies exam “Man and Society”, words that are similar at first glance cause frequent confusion, but you should not be misled. It will be useful to simply flip through the dictionary of the meaning of certain words and build a chain of associations of these words in your head. Based on this knowledge, it will be possible to easily pass the exam.

In the "Economics" section, experts highlight such terms as extensive intensive growth. It must be remembered that the prefix "ex" is associated with external indicators, and "in" - with internal ones.

The most common mistake in the legal section is the misinterpretation of a misdemeanor and a crime. You need to pay attention to these points.

Of the typical mistakes in biology and geography, from the experience of past years, three main ones can be distinguished: the material of difficult-to-understand sections must be worked out independently at inopportune hours; carefully read the terms of the examination tasks; you should not randomly put answers to test tasks, you need to justify your choice.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 scores into grades: the ratio of scores to grade

Passing the main state exam will confirm the certificate of ninth graders. After the exam, there will be a transition to the 10th grade or admission to a college or technical school. To pass, the student will need to pass the final test in two main subjects and three selective ones. Points for completing tasks are converted into an assessment on a 5-point scale.

In Russian, you can score from 15 to 39 points, where 15 points will be equated to a mark of 3.

Results in the subject of mathematics should be in the range from 8 to 32 points.

The maximum number of points in the subject of social science is 39 points. You need to score a minimum of 15 points for a satisfactory grade in the subject.

When passing an exam in foreign languages, the required number of points varies between 29 and 70. The minimum and maximum number corresponds to marks 3 and 5.

The maximum number of points for the OGE in physics is 40, the minimum is 10.

The subject of chemistry is presented in two variations: with and without experiment. For the first option, you can get from 9 to 38 points, and for the second - 9-34 points.

For completing assignments in biology, you can get 46 points. The minimum allowable number of points in this subject is 13.

For a positive assessment in geography, you need to get at least 12 points. The mark “excellent” will correspond to 32 points.

In history, the student will have to score at least 13 points out of a possible 44.

On the exam in literature, you will need to get a minimum of 12 points. The maximum number of points will be 33, which corresponds to 5.

The maximum in computer science will be 22 points, and the minimum - 5 points per subject.

The final grades in the subjects will be used for the subsequent enrollment of students in and distribution to profile classes.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 scores into grades: the impact of the results of the OGE on the school certificate

In 2017, it was decided that the grade for the OGE would not be displayed in the school certificate of ninth graders, but would affect the final mark for a particular subject. Previously, in 2017, the result was taken into account only for the Russian language and mathematics, but starting from 2018, the OGE score will affect the grade in the certificate in selective subjects. When calculating the total score for the subject, the final grade will be rounded in favor of the student.

Table 1

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work of the OGE in chemistry (without a real experiment) is 34 points.

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 23 points.

The scale for converting the primary score for the performance of the examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale (work with a real experiment, demo version 2)

table 2

The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 25 points.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work (with a real experiment) is 38 points.

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work of the OGE 2018 in chemistry as a whole.

Checking students' answers to the tasks of part 1 is carried out by experts or using a computer. The correct performance of each of the tasks 1-15 is estimated at 1 point. The correct performance of each of the tasks 16-19 is estimated as a maximum of 2 points.

Tasks 16 and 17 are considered completed correctly if two answers are correctly selected in each of them. For an incomplete answer - one of the two answers is correctly named or three answers are named, of which two are correct - 1 point is given. The rest of the answers are considered incorrect and 0 points are scored.

Tasks 18 and 19 are considered completed correctly if three matches are correctly established. Partially correct is the answer in which two out of three matches are established; it is worth 1 point. The remaining options are considered incorrect answers and are scored 0 points.

Checking the tasks of part 2 (20–23) is carried out by the subject commission. When evaluating each of the three tasks, the expert, based on a comparison of the graduate's answer with the sample answer given in the evaluation criteria, identifies elements in the student's answer, each of which is estimated at 1 point. The maximum score for a correctly completed task: for tasks 20 and 21 - 3 points each; in model 1 for task 22 - 5 points; in model 2 for task 22 - 4 points, for task 23 - 5 points.

Tasks with a detailed answer can be completed by students in different ways. Therefore, the sample solutions given in the evaluation criteria should be considered only as one of the possible answers. This applies, first of all, to methods for solving computational problems.

GIA is something that 9th grade students are actively discussing. In addition to the hassle of passing the exam itself, they often have a problem understanding how points are converted into grades, because they are used to the 5-point system. The grading table will help them understand what the scores at the OGE 2018 mean.

Every year, the points transfer table changes, just as the maximum number of points, the passing score, the OGE tasks themselves change. You can read about all the changes on the FIPI website (Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements).

There is no single scale for converting OGE 2018 scores into grades for all subjects at once. All subjects have a different maximum score (or different primary score), so that the same score in different subjects corresponds to different grades. There are differences at the OGE 2018 in the distribution of points for tasks, for some tasks 1 point is given, for more complex ones they can give from 2 points, all this can be read in the specification (also on the FIPI website).

But this is not all the subtleties. In such subjects as mathematics, Russian language and chemistry, it is not enough just to get a certain number of points, there are some more criteria.

In total, you can score 32 points in mathematics. The passing score is 8, but at the same time, no matter how many points you get for the algebra module, if you have less than 2 points for the geometry module, then the mark for the entire exam will be unsatisfactory.

In Russian, the rules are less strict, if you apply for a grade of "3", you can not be afraid of anything. But if you are a contender for a grade of "4", then you need not only to score 25-33 points, but at least 4 of them must be for literacy, otherwise there will be a grade of "3". If you are applying for a grade of "5", then the number of points for literacy must be at least 6, otherwise a grade of "4" is set. The “points for literacy” include criteria for evaluating an essay and presentation, such as punctuation, beauty and expressiveness of speech, spelling, etc.

If you pass chemistry without an experiment, then for a grade of “5”, in addition to 31-40 points, you need to score at least 5 points from the 3rd part, if you want a grade of “5” and pass with an experiment, then in addition to 29-38 for the 3rd part part you need to get at least 7 points.

OGE 2018 score transfer scale

Subject/Grade "2" "3" "four" "5"
Russian language 0 – 14 15 – 24 25 – 33 34 – 39
Maths 0 – 7 8 – 14 15 – 21 22 – 32
Physics 0 – 9 10 – 19 20 – 30 31 – 40
Chemistry (no real experiment) 0 – 8 9 – 17 18 – 26 27 – 34
Chemistry (with real experiment) 0 – 8 9 – 18 19 – 28 29 – 38
Biology 0 – 12 13 – 25 26 – 36 37 – 46
Geography 0 – 11 12 – 19 20 – 26 27 – 32
Social science 0 – 14 15 – 24 25 – 33 34 – 39
Story 0 – 12 13 – 23 24 – 34 35 – 44
Literature 0 – 9 10 – 17 18 – 24 25 – 29
Informatics and ICT 0 – 4 5 – 11 12 – 17 18 – 22
Foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish) 0 – 28 29 – 45 46 – 58 59 – 70

Enrollment in specialized classes

To get into a profile class, you must pass Russian and mathematics, as well as have a certain score for an additional exam corresponding to the profile of the desired class. Each school sets its own minimum, but there are special recommendations from FIPI. Most often, the minimum chosen by the school is lower than the minimum recommended by FIPI.

  • in Russian from 31 points;
  • in mathematics from 19 points for the physical and mathematical profile, from 18 points for the rest;
  • in physics from 30 points;
  • in chemistry from 23 points without an experiment, from 25 points with an experiment;
  • in biology from 33 points;
  • in geography from 24 points;
  • in social studies from 30 points;
  • in history from 32 points;
  • in literature from 19 points;
  • in computer science from 15 points;
  • in English (or another foreign language) from 56 points.

How does the OGE not a certificate affect

When setting the final grade for the subject in the certificate, the final grades for the quarters / semesters for this subject and the OGE grade are added up, after which the sum is divided by the number of terms. If you have 4 quarters, and even the grade for the exam, then these 5 grades are added up and the sum is divided by 5, if you have 2 semesters, the grades for the semesters and the exam are added up and divided by 3. The resulting number is rounded off. If the result is controversial, then rounding up occurs (rounding always occurs in favor of the student). So the OGE has a great influence on the certificate.

When entering somewhere, they will look not only at how you passed the transitional exams, but also at the average score of the certificate: all the final grades are added up and divided by their number, the closer the average score is to 5, the better, the more chances to enter budget, and in general to act.


Getting a passing score on the OGE is not difficult at all. A passing score is a score from which the grade "3" begins, that is, a test is put. The work of the OGE is usually not evaluated very strictly, since no one is interested in a large number of retake children, inspectors grab every opportunity to put at least "3". Also, many students manage to drag a cheat sheet to the exam, hide it somewhere, and then also help others (not directly in the classroom, of course), so the chance to pass is great. But still, the opportunity to go for a retake also exists.

If you did not pass 1-2 subjects, then you will have the opportunity to take it again in the summer in reserve terms (usually in 1-3 weeks), and even more than once, if you passed only 1 subject or failed all 4, then the opportunity retake will be only in the fall. If you didn’t pass in the fall, then you will have a whole year to prepare, and then you will surely pass. In Russia, basic general education (on the basis of 9 grades) is compulsory. So you can't do it without a certificate.

OGE - no reason to worry

In the 9th grade, the exams are very simple, so don't worry too much about it. The minimum score for all subjects is really very low, controversial questions are not submitted to the OGE, so there is strictly one answer for each question, and the questions themselves on the exam for grade 9 are often very simple, most of them can be answered purely intuitively.

For many, the OGE is the first serious test, but why is it necessary? The main state exam is needed to assess the student's knowledge over the past nine years of study, this is clear to everyone. Good results in passing this exam are a guarantee for admission to the profile tenth grade, technical school, college or other secondary specialized educational institution.

The very system of passing such exams is no longer a novelty, but the conversion of OGE scores into familiar grades still raises many questions. The article will help you figure out what grades will allow you to successfully pass the exam and enter specialized institutions.

State certification

It was the introduction of the OGE and the Unified State Examination into the educational system that made it possible to abolish the entrance exams to universities and technical schools. The whole system is based on a single scale for transferring USE scores, thanks to which the final grade is obtained. But how to figure it out?

Educational institutions set their own OGE passing score for admission in various areas of study. In the event that the student's score exceeds the passing level established by the institution, then the applicant will be enrolled in the ranks of students.

In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation establishes certain gradations for applicants, so the Main State Exam is conducted in accordance with the established requirements.

The passing score of the OGE makes it possible to understand whether the student managed to pass the certification or the exam failed, whether the student has mastered the theoretical minimum of the school course or he will have to re-train in the 9th grade. In turn, the passing threshold of the OGE, established by a secondary specialized educational institution, allows you to determine whether the applicant will be enrolled in the ranks of students of this institution.

A bit of history

Examinations in the form of the Unified State Examination and the OGE have long become familiar to Russian schoolchildren. However, their form, rules and conditions are periodically changed and adjusted. Graduation students, in order not to inadvertently miss important innovations, have to constantly monitor information about updates in the system.

The exam in the form of the Unified State Examination was first held for the eleventh grade in 2001. But at that time, the experiment was carried out only in five areas and only in eight disciplines. Already by 2008, an exam in this form began to be held throughout the country and in almost all subjects.

Transition to tenth grade

To continue studying at school, it is also necessary to pass the OGE. To move to the tenth grade, the student will have to pass two compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), and in addition to them, two additional ones to choose from. And if last year it was allowed to limit itself to only two academic disciplines, then this year a ninth-grader must pass four exams.

To enter classes with one or another educational bias, you will need to prepare for certification in the main subject of the profile. For example, those entering the tenth grade with a legal bias are forced to pass an exam in social science and history, with a linguistic one - a foreign language, and so on.

The modern education system gives the full right to be certified in almost any discipline mastered during the period of study. By the way, it is often difficult for graduates to decide on the choice of a profile direction. Hence the difficulties with the choice of special items.

Admission to a technical school

Similarly, the passing score of the OGE is considered for admission to a technical school. Two main subjects are obligatory for delivery - Russian language and mathematics. This academic year, they added two more mandatory exams in disciplines that applicants can choose on their own. Those who enter technical schools for economic specialties additionally take social studies, and the medical direction - chemistry and biology.

There is also the possibility of entering technical schools for those who did not pass the USE exam after the eleventh grade. Enrollment in this case occurs on the basis of the results of the OGE exam and, as a rule, immediately for the second year of study.

Graduates of the eleventh grade, when entering a technical school, are usually admitted immediately to the second year, because the first year of secondary special education, as a rule, is devoted exclusively to school programs.

How are points calculated?

The main state exam is mandatory for everyone, but not everyone knows how to calculate their results correctly. The OGE passing score for admission is a certain criterion of knowledge and a guideline in the aspirations of the student.

For each year, the minimum criteria for passing the exam are approved. Based on them, a system for transferring points to the usual marks on a five-point scale is established. However, they play a role in deciding whether a student has passed the exam, but not in admission. To accept a student, the admission committee of a technical school takes into account the passing or average passing score.

How to calculate the OGE score?

Each educational institution for the admission of students sets its own lower thresholds for grades. As a rule, the arithmetic mean of the grades of the certificate and (or) the total result of the OGE is taken as the basis. Depending on the maximum indicator approved in the current year, a minimum passing score for admission is set.

Translation of OGE points into an assessment

The school translates the final indicator into an assessment according to the approved scale. The result obtained affects the grade in the student's certificate. This translation is advisory in nature. The following data has been approved for 2017:

1. The minimum score of the OGE, that is, the extreme indicator for passing the exam in the Russian language, is 15, the maximum is 39.

A student will receive a mark of "two" if he scores only 14 points or less. "satisfactory" starts from 15, "good" - from 25 and "excellent" - from 34. Moreover, to get a four, you need to score at least 4 points for literacy and at least 6 to earn a five.

2. OGE in mathematics. The passing score for passing this exam is 8. To get a triple in this discipline, you must score at least 3 points in algebra and 2 points each in geometry and real mathematics.

The maximum possible result for this exam is 32 points, which includes 14, 11 and 7 points in Algebra, Geometry and Real Mathematics respectively.

Starting from the minimum passing threshold and up to 14 - the score is "three", from 15 points scored to 21 - "four", and 22-32 - "excellent".

Applicants with a score of at least 18 are considered for admission to specialized institutions.

3. In physics, you can score a maximum of 40 points. A well-deserved three is at least 10. To earn a four, you need to score at least 20, and for a five - from 31 points.

4. The maximum result of the exam in chemistry is 34. A triple is guaranteed with nine points scored, a score of "four" - with 18-26, and "five" - ​​with 27 and above.

23 points - a minimum for entering specialized institutions.

In addition, the exam in chemistry includes a part with a real experiment, which is also scored. The maximum result in this part of the exam is 38, the passing threshold is 9. To mark "excellent", you need to score 29 points, and for a four, from 19 to 28 is enough. The acceptable minimum is 25 points.

5. In preparing for the biology test, the student should know that the passing mark for the technical school is 33 points. A graduate who scored from 13 to 25 points in the corresponding exam will receive a triple, a five - from 37 to 46.

6. The minimum for geography is 12 points, but this will not be enough for admission to specialized institutions. In this case, the passing score of the OGE must be at least 24. Passing for "excellent" means to score from 27 to 32, and for "good" - from 20 to 26.

7. The following translation is used for the social studies exam:

  • 15-24 - "satisfactory";
  • 25-33 - "good";
  • 24-39 - "excellent".

30 points - a minimum for those who have chosen to study in this direction.

8. Future students who have chosen the history of their profile discipline must score 32 points for admission. For all others, the history score is determined according to the following scheme:

  • 13-23 - "three";
  • 24-34 - "four";
  • 35-44 - "five".

9. To get a three for the exam in literature, it is enough to score from 7 to 13 points, 14-18 for a four and at least 19 for an "excellent" rating. To continue training in the profile, only applicants who have scored at least 15 are considered.

10. The computer science exam is assessed in the range from 5 to 22 points, where up to 11 inclusive is a three, up to 17 inclusive is a four, respectively, 18-22 is a mark of "five".

11. Foreign language exam (can be French, Spanish, English and German) - the most voluminous. The maximum possible score for it is 70. The minimum threshold is 28. In addition:

  • 29-45 - score "three"
  • 46-58 - score "four"
  • 59-70 - score "five".

The minimum score for applicants in the direction is 56.

How to calculate the passing score of the OGE?

Everything is simple here too. It is enough to know the approved standards for converting points into an assessment and your results.

Upon admission, as a rule, two indicators are formed from the OGE scores and grades. The first is the average score of the certificate. It is calculated as the arithmetic mean, that is, the sum of all grades is divided by the number of subjects. The second indicator is the overall result of passing the state exam, that is, the sum of all points scored. More often it is led to percentages that are calculated from the total maximum result.

A reasonable question arises as to whether the OGE affects the grades in the certificate? Yes, it does. The grade obtained from the results of passing the exam is summed up with the obtained annual grade and divided by two. When rounding, elementary laws of mathematics apply. Thus, if the annual grade in the subject is "four", and the exam was passed with a "five", then the arithmetic mean will be 4.5, which, in turn, should be rounded up to five. In the certificate, the graduate will stand "excellent".

Unified State Exam

How many points do you need to score on the exam?

The assessment system of the Unified State Exam does not differ from the OGE assessment system. The minimum passing threshold is set by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the institutions themselves form the selection criteria, including how many points you need to score on the USE for admission. Therefore, whether there are enough points for the triple, the state decides, and whether it is enough for admission - educational institutions.

Validity of exam results

All exams have a period during which their results will be valid. For students taking the exam in 2017, this period will be limited to four years. Therefore, the points earned are valid until May 2021.

If you do not have time to submit documents for the next four years, then you will have to retake the exam for admission. The deadlines for the relevance of the results of the OGE are the same as for the USE. Good luck with your exams everyone!

This is the name of the exam, which every student who has completed the ninth grade must certainly pass. The OGE will continue to be a guarantee of the student's transition to the tenth and eleventh grades, after which the path to universities is open. It also will not cease to be a calling card for admission to institutions of specialized education. Nevertheless, rumors about a change in the number of OGE exams do not stop. Let's try to figure out what changes can happen.

The main state exam is a kind of dress rehearsal for passing another important test in the life of a school student - the USE. Grades of the latter will decorate the certificate of the future graduate of the school. The fate of a young person depends on them - either to continue their studies further, or to start working.

How many subjects to take in 9th grade

Currently, mathematics and Russian are among the mandatory OGE exams. However, it is worth recalling that back in 2015, the Ministry of Education started talking about increasing the number of exams in the coming years.

In fact, four subjects have already been offered for passing the OGE. Until 2014, among the compulsory subjects were: mathematics and Russian, and the other two could be chosen at your discretion. At the same time, the choice of additional items in reality was as follows:

  • social science - 40%;
  • biology - 21.5%;
  • Physics - 12.8%.

Starting from 2017, it was decided to return to the practice of passing several exams. According to the Deputy Minister of Education N. Tretyak, in 2017 and 2018 they are going to introduce two more compulsory subjects, and by 2020 they will add the following two subjects. Thus, in the near future, in order to pass the OGE, it will be necessary to pass the following number of compulsory subjects:

  • from 2016 - 2017 - 4;
  • since 2018 - 5;
  • after 2020 - 6.

Already in 2017, the OGE grades in compulsory subjects will begin to influence the student's certificate. Students who do not pass the required subjects will be forced to retake them in August.

It is not yet known what specific items will be introduced. However, rumors are circulating that physics and history will be among the required subjects.

Why are there additional exams?

Analyzing the situation with education in recent years, experts came to the conclusion that the level of training of schoolchildren who take only two mandatory exams at the OGE has fallen sharply.

After the introduction of two compulsory subjects, the situation changed dramatically and students began to choose mainly mathematics and the Russian language for passing the OGE - 90%. Other items were distributed as follows:

  • social science - 9%;
  • biology - 3.5%;
  • physics - 4.1%.

Analyzing this table and the one shown above, one can see that the overall level of education has become much lower. It turned out that out of the sixteen subjects taught now for high school students, almost only two are supervised.

The Ministry of Education believes that returning to passing several exams will help to better pass the exam in the future and, in general, improve the preparation of schoolchildren.

Features of the new exams

Until 2016, the scale of assessments in each region was different. The teachers themselves determined what knowledge should be given an A, and for which a D. With the introduction of new compulsory subjects, uniform standards for assessing knowledge will be introduced.

KIMs - control and measuring materials will also be developed not in the regions, but will become uniform throughout the country.

FIPI is already preparing to develop new exams for high school students. The Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements will most likely add jobs for school graduates. The Ministry of Education also plans to increase the number of exams for the Unified State Examination.

To improve the level of training in 2018, they may also introduce a special certification in the fourth grade. The question of the possibility of introducing examinations in the primary grades is also being considered.

Changes in KIMs and OGE assessment

The FIPI official website provides complete information about the changes that will take place in 2018.

Maths The exam contains 26 tasks:
  • Algebra -11;
  • Geometry - 8;
  • Mathematics - 7.

In tasks 2,3,8,14 you need to make the right choice from the options offered, in others you need to indicate the correct number.

Russian language The ticket has 15 tasks. First you need to write a summary of the text you have listened to. It can only be heard twice. Next, answer 13 tests that contain the correct answer. The result can be offered as a number or a word. At the end, you will need to write an essay on one of the topics. You can use dictionaries.
social science KIM consists of 31 tasks. The ticket consists of two parts:

The first part contains 25 tasks, the answers to which must be done briefly. In the next six tasks you need to give a detailed answer.

Physics The exam has 26 tasks, of which 21 questions must be answered shortly, and the next five must be answered with reason.
Biology The ticket contains 32 tasks, divided into 2 parts:
  • 28 - short answers;
  • 4 - you must answer with reason.
Chemistry 22 tasks expected:
  • 19 - short answer;
  • 3 - extended wording.
Geography You need to answer 30 questions:

Answers to tasks 1-8,10-13,21,22,27-29 must be selected from the options provided and presented as a number of the correct answer. Questions 9,14,16-19,24-26,30 should be answered by writing a word or numbers. In tasks 15,20,23, you need to give detailed reasoned information. You can use atlases, a calculator and a ruler.

Story The ticket contains 35 questions. Thirty tasks are solved simply - you need to give a short answer. There are five other tasks worth working on. In tasks 31 and 32, it is necessary to show the ability to work with the source.

As noted above, if earlier only the grades of two subjects were taken into account, then from 2017 the results of all tests will affect the future certificate. A document confirming the end of the school will be received only by those who have passed four subjects out of five with a satisfactory grade or higher.

As for the scoring for exams, they vary in mathematics. Algebra and geometry scores will now be combined. As a result of each exam, you can score the following maximum number of points:

Subject Max. number of points The number of points for obtaining an "excellent" grade Number of points to get a "good" rating The number of points for obtaining a rating of "satisfactory"
Maths 32 22 and above 15-21 8-14
Russian language 39 Above 34 inclusive 25-33 15-24
Physics 40 From 31 inclusive 20-30 10-19
Chemistry 34 Over 27 inclusive 18-26 9-17
Biology 46 37 and above 26-36 13-25
Geography 32 27 and over 20-26 12-19
Society-doing 39 Above 34 inclusive 25-33 15-24
Story 44 From 35 inclusive 24-34 13-23
Literature 23 Over 19 inclusive 14-18 7-13
Informatics 22 Above 18 inclusive 12-17 5-11
Foreign language 70 59 and above 46-58 29-45

Retaking the exam

There are five exams to take in 2018. It is possible that some students will not be able to gather their strength and “fill up” one of the subjects. The Ministry of Education has foreseen such a situation. Students can retake exams, but there can be no more than two. If the student has not passed the test in more than two subjects, he does not move to the next class and remains for re-training in the same class.

At first glance, all these changes seem quite complicated, given that the OGE was not mandatory before.

State Duma deputies, who approved the new rules, believe that innovations will benefit society. They believe that the level of intellectual abilities of the younger generation will increase compared to the current period.