What is the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect. Global warming and greenhouse effect

If you do not stop its growth, the balance on Earth may be disturbed. The climate will change, famine and disease will come. Scientists are developing various measures to combat the problem, which should become global.


What is the greenhouse effect? This is the name given to the increase in surface temperature of the planet due to the fact that gases in the atmosphere tend to retain heat. The earth is heated by radiation from the sun. Visible short waves from a light source freely penetrate to the surface of our planet. As it warms up, the Earth begins to radiate long heat waves. Partially, they penetrate through the layers of the atmosphere and “leave” into space. reduce bandwidth, reflect long waves. Heat remains at the surface of the Earth. The higher the concentration of gases, the higher the greenhouse effect.

The phenomenon was first described by Joseph Fourier at the beginning of the 19th century. He suggested that the processes occurring in the earth's atmosphere are similar to what exists under glass.

Greenhouse gases are steam (from water), carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), methane, ozone. The former takes the main part in the formation of the greenhouse effect (up to 72%). The next most important is carbon dioxide (9-26%), the share of methane and ozone is 4-9 and 3-7%, respectively.

Recently, you can often hear about the greenhouse effect as a serious environmental problem. But this phenomenon also has a positive side. Due to the fact that the greenhouse effect exists, the average temperature of our planet is about 15 degrees above zero. Without it, life on Earth would not be possible. The temperature could only be minus 18.

The reason for the appearance of the effect is the active activity of many volcanoes on the planet millions of years ago. At the same time, the content of water vapor and carbon dioxide significantly increased in the atmosphere. The concentration of the latter has reached such a value that a superstrong greenhouse effect has arisen. As a result, the water of the World Ocean practically boiled, its temperature became so high.

The appearance of vegetation everywhere on the surface of the Earth caused a fairly rapid absorption of carbon dioxide. Heat buildup has been reduced. A balance has been established. The average annual temperature on the surface of the planet was at a level close to the present.

The reasons

Strengthening the phenomenon contribute to:

  • The development of industry is the main reason that carbon dioxide and other gases that enhance the greenhouse effect are actively emitted and accumulated in the atmosphere. The result of human activity on Earth is an increase in the average annual temperature. For a century, it has risen by 0.74 degrees. Scientists predict that in the future this growth could be 0.2 degrees for every 10 years. That is, the intensity of warming increases.
  • - the reason for the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. This gas is absorbed by vegetation. The massive development of new lands, coupled with deforestation, accelerates the rate of accumulation of carbon dioxide, and at the same time changes the living conditions of animals and plants, leading to the extinction of their species.
  • Combustion of fuel (solid and oil), waste leads to the release of carbon dioxide. Heating, electricity generation, transport are the main sources of this gas.
  • The growth of energy consumption is a sign and condition of technical progress. The world population is increasing by about 2% per year. Growth in energy consumption - 5%. The intensity is increasing every year, humanity needs more and more energy.
  • An increase in the number of landfills leads to an increase in the concentration of methane. Another source of gas is the activity of livestock complexes.


The consequences of the greenhouse effect can be detrimental to humans:

  • The polar ice caps are melting, causing sea levels to rise. As a result, coastal fertile lands are under water. If flooding occurs at a high rate, there will be a serious threat to agriculture. Crops are dying, the area of ​​pastures is shrinking, sources of fresh water are disappearing. First of all, the low-income strata of the population, whose lives depend on the harvest, the growth of domestic animals, will suffer.
  • Many coastal cities, including highly developed ones, may be under water in the future. For example, New York, St. Petersburg. Or entire countries. For example, Holland. Such phenomena will necessitate mass displacement of human settlements. Scientists suggest that in 15 years the ocean level may rise by 0.1-0.3 meters, and by the end of the 21st century - by 0.3-1 meter. In order for the above cities to be under water, the level must rise by about 5 meters.
  • The increase in air temperature leads to the fact that within the continents the period of snow is reduced. It begins to melt earlier, as the rainy season ends faster. As a result, the soils are overdried, unsuitable for growing crops. Lack of moisture is the cause of desertification of lands. Experts say that an increase in average temperature by 1 degree in 10 years will lead to a reduction in forest areas by 100-200 million hectares. These lands will become steppes.
  • The ocean covers 71% of our planet's surface area. As the air temperature rises, the water also heats up. Evaporation increases significantly. And this is one of the main reasons for the increase in the greenhouse effect.
  • With rising water levels in the world's oceans, temperatures threaten biodiversity, and many species of wildlife may disappear. The reason is changes in their habitat. Not every species can successfully adapt to new conditions. The consequence of the disappearance of some plants, animals, birds, and other living beings is a violation of food chains, the balance of ecosystems.
  • Rising water levels cause climate change. The boundaries of the seasons are shifting, the number and intensity of storms, hurricanes, and precipitation are increasing. Climate stability is the main condition for the existence of life on Earth. To stop the greenhouse effect means to save human civilization on the planet.
  • High air temperature can adversely affect human health. Under such conditions, cardiovascular diseases are exacerbated, respiratory organs suffer. Thermal anomalies lead to an increase in the number of injuries, some psychological disorders. An increase in temperature entails a more rapid spread of many dangerous diseases, such as malaria and encephalitis.

What to do?

Today, the problem of the greenhouse effect is a global environmental issue. Experts believe that the widespread adoption of the following measures will help solve the problem:

  • Changes in the use of energy sources. Reducing the share and quantity of fossils (carbon-containing peat, coal), oil. Switching to natural gas will significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Increasing the share of alternative sources (sun, wind, water) will reduce emissions, because these methods allow you to get energy without harm to the environment. When using them, gases are not emitted.
  • Changing energy policy. Increasing the efficiency of power plants. Reducing the energy intensity of manufactured products at enterprises.
  • Implementation of energy saving technologies. Even the usual insulation of the facades of houses, window openings, heating plants gives a significant result - fuel savings, which means less emissions. The solution of the issue at the level of enterprises, industries, states entails a global improvement in the situation. Each person can contribute to solving the problem: saving electricity, proper waste disposal, warming their own home.
  • Development of technologies aimed at obtaining products in new, environmentally friendly ways.
  • The use of secondary resources is one of the measures to reduce waste, the number and volume of landfills.
  • Restoring forests, fighting fires in them, increasing the area as a way to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The fight against greenhouse gas emissions today is carried out at the international level. World summits dedicated to this problem are being held, documents are being created aimed at organizing a global solution to the issue. Many scientists around the world are looking for ways to reduce the greenhouse effect, maintain balance and life on Earth.

In the atmospheric layers of our planet, there are many phenomena that directly affect the climatic conditions of the Earth. Such a phenomenon is considered the greenhouse effect, characterized by an increase in the temperature of the lower atmospheric layers of the globe in comparison with the temperature of the thermal radiation of our planet, which can be observed from space.

This process is considered one of the global environmental problems of our time, because thanks to it, solar heat is retained in the form of greenhouse gases near the Earth's surface and creates the preconditions for global warming.

Greenhouse gases affecting the planet's climate

The principles of the greenhouse effect were first illuminated by Joseph Fourier, considering different types of mechanisms in the formation of the Earth's climate. At the same time, factors that affect the temperature conditions of climatic zones and qualitative heat transfer, and factors that affect state of the overall heat balance our planet. The greenhouse effect is provided by the difference in the transparency of atmospheres in the far and visible infrared ranges. The heat balance of the globe determines the climate and average annual near-surface temperatures.

Active participation in this process is taken by the so-called greenhouse gases, which trap infrared rays that heat the Earth's atmosphere and its surface. According to the degree of influence and impact on the heat balance of our planet, the following types of greenhouse gases are considered to be the main ones:

  • water vapor
  • Methane

The main one in this list is water vapor (tropospheric air humidity), which makes the main contribution to the greenhouse effect of the earth's atmosphere. Freons and nitric oxide are also involved in the action, but a small concentration of other gases does not have such a significant effect.

The principle of operation and the causes of the greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect, also called the greenhouse effect, is the penetration of short-wave radiation from the Sun to the surface of the Earth, which is facilitated by carbon dioxide. In this case, the thermal radiation of the Earth (long-wave) is delayed. As a result of these ordered actions, our atmosphere is heated for a long time.

Also, the essence of the greenhouse effect can be considered as the possibility of increasing the global temperature of the Earth, which can occur as a result of significant changes in the heat balance. Such a process can lead to a gradual accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of our planet.

the most explicit cause of the greenhouse effect called the release of industrial gases into the atmosphere. It turns out that the negative results of human activity (forest fires, car emissions, the work of various industrial enterprises and the burning of fuel residues) become direct causes of climate warming. Deforestation is also one of these reasons, since it is forests that are the most active absorbers of carbon dioxide.

If normalized for living organisms, then the Earth's ecosystems and people will need to try to adapt to the changed climatic regimes. However, the most reasonable solution would still be to reduce and then regulate emissions.

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If we consider the actual problems of mankind, we can conclude that the most global of them is the greenhouse effect. It is already making itself felt and greatly changing environmental conditions, but its exact consequences are unknown, although it is clear that they may be irreparable.

To save humanity, you should find out the essence of the greenhouse effect and try to stop it.

What it is

The essence of the greenhouse effect is similar to the principle of operation of greenhouses, which is well known to all gardeners and gardeners. It lies in the fact that a certain greenhouse is formed above the planet, which, having transparency, freely passes the sun's rays through itself. They fall on the earth's surface, warm it up. Heat normally must pass through the atmosphere, and its lower layers over the past few decades have become so dense that they have lost their capacity. Thus, heat transfer is disturbed, which leads to the launch of the greenhouse effect mechanism.

The definition of the greenhouse effect is approximately as follows: an increase in temperature in the lower atmospheric layers compared to effective indicators characterizing the thermal radiation of the Earth, which is observed from space. In other words, it is much warmer on the surface of the planet than outside of its atmosphere. And since the layers are very dense, they do not allow heat to pass through, and it, under the influence of low cosmic temperatures, provokes the formation of condensate. A simplified diagram of the mechanism is shown below.

For the first time, Joseph Fourier took up the study of the issue of the greenhouse effect back in the 19th century, who suggested that the earth's atmosphere changes greatly and in its properties begins to resemble glass in greenhouses, that is, it passes the sun's rays, but prevents the reverse penetration of heat. Because of this, the so-called are synthesized, which consist of carbon, water vapor, ozone and methane.

The basis is steam, which provokes the formation of condensate. An equally important role in the greenhouse effect is played by carbon dioxide, the volume of which has recently increased to 20-26%. The shares of ozone and methane in the atmosphere are 3-7% each, but they also take part in the processes of the greenhouse effect.

The reasons

Planet Earth has already gone through the greenhouse effect and global warming, and, probably, without such phenomena, humanity and all living things would not be able to develop and live normally. Many centuries ago, the processes started due to the high activity of numerous volcanoes, the eruption products of which fell into the atmosphere. But as vegetation spread on the planet, the level of gases decreased, and the situation stabilized.

In the modern world, the greenhouse effect is due to the following reasons:

  • Active and uncontrolled use of various minerals extracted from the bowels of the Earth, which have combustible properties. Mankind strives to use all the gifts of the planet, but does it extremely thoughtlessly and rudely: in the process of burning and burning, a huge amount of various decay products polluting the atmosphere, as well as carbon dioxide, are released into the environment every day.
  • Active deforestation throughout the Earth, which has recently become simply huge. Trees are felled mainly for fuel use, but land is sometimes cleared for construction. One way or another, a decrease in the number of green plants changes the composition of the air. Leaves absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. And the less vegetation on the planet, the higher the concentration of substances that thicken the atmosphere and enhance the greenhouse effect.
  • A huge number of vehicles running on gasoline. During its operation, they are produced and immediately enter the air. They rush up, penetrate into the lower atmospheric layers and make them even denser, enhancing the greenhouse effect.
  • The development of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere contributes to the rapid growth of the population. Each person, inhaling oxygen, exhales carbon dioxide, and, as you know, it is the main development of the greenhouse effect.
  • Forest fires, which are increasingly occurring due to weather changes and human negligence, are also exacerbating the greenhouse effect. A huge number of trees are burned every year, which means that incredible amounts of carbon dioxide are released into the air and atmosphere.
  • Numerous landfills that have flooded the surface of the Earth, in the process of decay of waste, emit methane and other harmful substances that greatly pollute the lower atmospheric layers.
  • The rapid pace of industrial development. Various processing plants and other industrial companies emit a huge amount of exhaust and vapors that enter the atmosphere almost immediately and provoke a greenhouse effect.
  • The introduction of chemical and synthetic substances into all spheres of life. They are found in fertilizers, containers, clothing, food and other products of modern production. Some compounds do not decompose and emit vapors that rush into the atmosphere.

Possible consequences

It is not enough to know what the greenhouse effect is in order to understand how dangerous it is. And in order to assess the globality and seriousness of the problem, one should consider the consequences that threaten the planet and all living things. They may be as follows:

  1. Air pollution and thickening of its layers contribute to global warming. For a long time, scientists involved in the study of climatic conditions have noticed an increase in average annual temperatures by several degrees. And such changes can upset the overall balance, lead to heat and drought in some southern regions.
  2. Due to the greenhouse effect and the warming caused by it, active is taking place. The water level in the oceans is growing rapidly, coastal areas may be completely flooded after a few decades. And if we take into account that various crops are grown in these territories, then huge damage will be done to agriculture, and this, in turn, can provoke an acute shortage of food.
  3. Due to rising water levels in the world's oceans, many coastal cities may be flooded, and in the future even entire countries. As a result, people will simply have nowhere to live. Moreover, a real threat is already looming over some regions.
  4. Under the influence of the high temperatures caused by the greenhouse effect, moisture evaporates much faster, and this has the most direct detrimental effect on the vegetation of the Earth. Reducing its volume will exacerbate problems and worsen the composition of the air. As a result, centuries later, a moment may come when there will be simply nothing to breathe on the planet.
  5. Heat is a threat to the health of many people, especially those suffering from cardiovascular and endocrine diseases. It is not without reason that in the summer period, mortality throughout the Earth increases markedly.
  6. Due to the greenhouse effect and the serious climatic changes caused by it, not only the flora of the planet, but also the fauna, that is, the animal world, can suffer. Some of its representatives are already considered endangered, including due to.
  7. Humanity is already experiencing the power of natural anomalies: heavy rainfall, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes and other phenomena that threaten people's lives.

How to avoid serious consequences

The problem of the greenhouse effect on Earth is very relevant, so many scientists are actively developing and thinking through solutions.

  1. First, energy consumption should be completely reconsidered. It is advisable to abandon combustible natural fossils and solid fuel materials by switching to natural gas or alternative and still insufficiently developed natural sources, such as sun, water, wind.
  2. Secondly, the greenhouse effect and its influence on the planet Earth will weaken if humanity pursues a policy of saving and saving energy. To do this, you can, for example, fully insulate houses and use building and finishing materials that retain heat. Also, in manufacturing and industrial enterprises, equipment should be installed that will reduce energy consumption.
  3. Thirdly, one of the ways to combat the greenhouse effect can be the re-equipment of the transport system. It is not necessary to give up cars, but you can buy those that work without exhaust gases settling in the lower layers of the atmosphere, for example, on solar panels or electricity. The development of alternative sources is underway, but its results are not yet known.
  4. Fourthly, it is necessary to restore forests on Earth, stop their cutting down, and plant new trees. And if every inhabitant of the planet makes a contribution, then this will already significantly affect the overall situation. In addition, it is worth reconsidering the cultivation of various crops, namely, abandoning chemical fertilizers and spraying poisons that pollute the atmosphere and enhance the greenhouse effect.
  5. Fifth, we need to optimize the waste recycling system so as not to pollute the atmosphere and the planet. At industrial enterprises, wastewater treatment plants should be installed to minimize emissions. The waste itself must be fully disposed of or recycled and used as secondary raw materials. In addition, in order to reduce the number of landfills, completely degradable and harmless materials should be used in production.

Now the essence of the greenhouse effect and its influence on the atmosphere is clear to you, and you know why the planet is in danger. It is very difficult to eliminate such a phenomenon, but if all of humanity reconsiders its attitude towards the Earth and begins to act, then serious consequences can be avoided.

Gardeners are well aware of this physical phenomenon, as it is always warmer inside the greenhouse than outside, and this helps plants grow, especially during the cold season.

You can feel the same effect when you are in a car on a sunny day. The reason for it is that the sun's rays pass through the glass inside the greenhouse, and their energy is absorbed by plants and all objects inside. Then the same objects, plants radiate their energy, but it can no longer penetrate the glass, so the temperature inside the greenhouse rises.

A planet with a stable atmosphere, such as Earth, experiences much the same effect. To maintain a constant temperature, the Earth itself needs to radiate as much energy as it receives. The atmosphere serves as a glass in a greenhouse.

The greenhouse effect was first discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and was first studied quantitatively in 1896. The greenhouse effect is the process by which the absorption and emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases causes the atmosphere and surface of a planet to heat up.

Earth's warm blanket

On Earth, the main greenhouse gases are:

1) water vapor (responsible for approximately 36-70% of the greenhouse effect);

2) carbon dioxide (CO2) (9-26%);

3) methane (CH4) (4-9%);

4) ozone (3-7%).

The presence of such gases in the atmosphere creates the effect of covering the Earth with a blanket. They allow you to keep heat near the surface for a longer time, so the Earth's surface is much warmer than it would be in the absence of gases. Without the atmosphere, the average surface temperature would be -20°C. In other words, in the absence of the greenhouse effect, our planet would be uninhabitable.

The strongest greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect takes place not only on Earth. In fact, the strongest greenhouse effect that we know of is on the neighboring planet, Venus. The atmosphere of Venus is almost entirely composed of carbon dioxide, and as a result, the surface of the planet is heated to 475 ° C. Climatologists believe that we have avoided such a fate thanks to the presence of oceans on Earth. There are no oceans on Venus, and all the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by volcanoes remains there. As a result, we are seeing an uncontrolled greenhouse effect on Venus that makes life on this planet impossible.

The planet Venus is experiencing an unmanageable greenhouse effect, and seemingly gentle clouds hide a scalding hot surface.

The greenhouse effect has always been

It is important to understand that the greenhouse effect has always existed on Earth. Without the greenhouse effect caused by the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the oceans would have frozen over long ago, and higher forms of life would not have appeared. In essence, not the climate, but the fate of life on Earth depends entirely on whether a certain amount of carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere or disappears, and then life on Earth will cease. Paradoxically, it is mankind that can prolong life on Earth for some time by returning to circulation at least part of the carbon dioxide reserves from coal, oil and gas fields.

Currently, the scientific debate about the greenhouse effect is on the issue of global warming: are we, humans, disturbing the energy balance of the planet too much as a result of burning fossil fuels and other economic activities, while adding an excessive amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen in her? Today, scientists agree that we are responsible for increasing the natural greenhouse effect by several degrees.

Let's do an experiment

Let's try to show the result of the action of increasing carbon dioxide in the experiment.

Pour a glass of vinegar into the bottle and put a few crystals of soda in it. We fix a straw in the cork and close the bottle tightly with it. Place the bottle in a wide glass, place lighted candles of various heights around it. Candles will begin to go out, starting with the shortest one.

Why is this happening? Carbon dioxide begins to accumulate in the glass and oxygen is displaced. It also happens on Earth, i.e. the planet begins to experience a lack of oxygen.

What does this threaten us with?

So, what are the causes of the greenhouse effect, we have seen. But why is everyone so afraid of him? Let's consider its consequences:

1. If the temperature on Earth continues to rise, this will have a major impact on the global climate.

2. More precipitation will fall in the tropics, as additional heat will increase the amount of water vapor in the air.

3. In arid regions, the rains will become even more rare and they will turn into deserts, as a result of which people and animals will have to leave them.

4. The temperature of the seas will also rise, which will lead to the flooding of low-lying areas of the coast and to an increase in the number of powerful storms.

5. Residential land will shrink.

6. If the temperature on Earth rises, many animals will not be able to adapt to climate change. Many plants will die from lack of water and animals will have to move to other places in search of food and water. If the increase in temperature leads to the death of many plants, then many animal species will die out after them.

7. Temperature change is bad for people's health.

8. In addition to the negative consequences of global warming, one can also note a positive consequence. Global warming will make Russia's climate better. At first glance, a warmer climate appears to be a boon. But the potential gain may be wiped out by the harm from diseases caused by harmful insects, as the rise in temperature will hasten their reproduction. Lands in some regions of Russia will be unsuitable for habitation

It's time to act!

Coal-fired power plants, car exhausts, factory chimneys and other man-made sources of pollution together emit about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases per year. Animal husbandry, fertilizer application, coal burning and other sources produce about 250 million tons of methane per year. About half of all greenhouse gases emitted by mankind remain in the atmosphere. About three-quarters of all greenhouse gas emissions over the past 20 years have been caused by the use of oil, natural gas and coal. Much of the rest is caused by landscape changes, primarily deforestation.

Human activities lead to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

But the time has come to work just as purposefully on how to give back to nature what we take from it. A person is able to solve this grandiose problem and urgently begin to act to protect our Earth:

1. Restoration of soil and vegetation cover.

2. Decreased consumption of fossil fuels.

3. Wider use of water, wind, solar energy.

4. Combat air pollution.

The greenhouse effect is an increase in the temperature of the earth's surface due to the heating of the lower atmosphere by the accumulation of greenhouse gases. As a result, the air temperature is higher than it should be, and this leads to such irreversible consequences as climate change and. A few centuries ago, this existed, but was not so obvious. With the development of technology, the number of sources that provide the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is increasing every year.

Causes of the greenhouse effect

You can not avoid talking about the environment, its pollution, the dangers of the greenhouse effect. To understand the mechanism of this phenomenon, it is necessary to determine its causes, discuss the consequences and decide how to deal with this environmental problem before it is too late. The causes of the greenhouse effect are as follows:

  • the use of combustible minerals in industry - coal, oil, natural gas, the combustion of which releases a huge amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful compounds into the atmosphere;
  • transport - cars and trucks emit exhaust gases, which also pollute the air and increase the greenhouse effect;
  • , which absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and with the destruction of every tree on the planet, the amount of CO2 in the air increases;
  • - another source of destruction of plants on the planet;
  • an increase in population affects the increase in demand for food, clothing, housing, and to ensure this, industrial production is growing, which is increasingly polluting the air with greenhouse gases;
  • agrochemicals and fertilizers contain varying amounts of compounds that release nitrogen, one of the greenhouse gases, as a result of evaporation;
  • the decomposition and burning of garbage in landfills contribute to the increase in greenhouse gases.

The impact of the greenhouse effect on climate

Considering the results of the greenhouse effect, it can be determined that the main one is climate change. Since the air temperature rises every year, the waters of the seas and oceans evaporate more intensively. Some scientists predict that in 200 years such a phenomenon as the "drying" of the oceans, namely a significant decrease in water levels, will become noticeable. This is one side of the problem. The other is that the increase in temperature leads to the melting of glaciers, which contributes to the rise in the water level of the World Ocean, and leads to the flooding of the coasts of continents and islands. The increase in the number of floods and flooding of coastal areas indicates that the level of ocean waters is increasing every year.

An increase in air temperature leads to the fact that areas that are little moistened by precipitation become arid and unsuitable for life. Here, crops are dying, which leads to a food crisis for the population of the area. Also, there is no food for animals, because plants die out due to lack of water.

Many people have become accustomed to weather and climate conditions throughout their lives. As the air temperature rises due to the greenhouse effect, global warming sets in on the planet. Humans can't stand high temperatures. For example, if earlier the average summer temperature was +22-+27, then an increase to +35-+38 leads to sun and heat stroke, dehydration and problems with the cardiovascular system, there is a high risk of stroke. Specialists in abnormal heat give people the following recommendations:

  • — reduce the number of movements on the street;
  • - reduce physical activity;
  • - avoid direct sunlight;
  • - increase the consumption of plain purified water up to 2-3 liters per day;
  • - cover your head from the sun with a hat;
  • - If possible, spend time during the day in a cool room.

How to minimize the greenhouse effect

Knowing how greenhouse gases are created, it is necessary to eliminate their sources in order to stop global warming and other negative consequences of the greenhouse effect. Even one person can change something, and if relatives, friends, acquaintances join him, they will set an example for other people. This is already a much larger number of conscious inhabitants of the planet who will direct their actions to preserve the environment.

First of all, we need to stop deforestation, plant new trees and shrubs, as they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Using electric vehicles will reduce the amount of exhaust gases. In addition, you can change from cars to bicycles, which is more convenient, cheaper and safer for the environment. Alternative fuels are also being developed, which, unfortunately, is slowly being introduced into our daily lives.

An entertaining video about the greenhouse effect

The most important solution to the problem of the greenhouse effect is to bring it to the attention of the world public, and also to do everything in our power to reduce the amount of accumulation of greenhouse gases. If you plant a few trees, you will already be a huge help to our planet.

The impact of the greenhouse effect on human health

The consequences of the greenhouse effect primarily affect the climate and the environment, but its impact on human health is no less detrimental. It's like a time bomb: after many years we can see the consequences, but we can't change anything.

Scientists predict that people with a low and unstable financial situation are most susceptible to diseases. If people are malnourished and do not receive some food due to lack of money, this will lead to malnutrition, hunger and the development of diseases (not just the digestive tract). Since abnormal heat sets in in summer due to the greenhouse effect, the number of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system is increasing every year. This is how people's blood pressure rises or falls, heart attacks and epileptic seizures occur, fainting and heat stroke occur.

An increase in air temperature leads to the development of the following diseases and epidemics:

These diseases spread geographically very quickly, as the high temperature of the atmosphere facilitates the movement of various infections and disease vectors. These are various animals and insects such as tsetse flies, encephalitis mites, malarial mosquitoes, birds, mice, etc. From warmer latitudes, these carriers migrate to the north, so people living there are exposed to diseases because they do not have immunity to them.

Thus, the greenhouse effect causes global warming, and this leads to many ailments and infectious diseases. As a result of epidemics, thousands of people die in different countries of the world. By fighting the problem of global warming and the greenhouse effect, we will be able to improve the environment and, as a result, the state of human health.