Volitional effort: concept, types and characteristics. Volitional efforts and readiness of athletes for their manifestation

The very concept of strength, according to F.Engels, arises in a person because he has the means necessary to perform the movement. "These means can, within certain limits, be put into action by our will ...". .

Presentation of volitional efforts as a sign of any volitional action, considering that "one should sharply distinguish the volitional process with its central factor, volitional effort, from the more general concept of mental activity, which is included in all mental processes without exception." .

A number of authors (A.G. Kovalev, V.A. Krutetsky, S.V. Korzh, and others) associate the manifestation of volitional efforts with the conscious mobilization of human capabilities (updating the psychophysiological resources of the body). Volitional efforts are considered mainly only as a factor that determines the realization of human capabilities in physical activities, while omitting the analysis of their organizing, regulatory functions. Other psychologists (A.P. Kolisnyk, A.S. Zobov, N.E. Malkov) associate the manifestation of volitional efforts with the active self-regulation of the individual in terms of effective self-government, the choice of optimal motives. At the same time, analyzing mainly only the organizing function of volitional efforts, they underestimate their function of mobilizing and realizing human capabilities.

Thus, it can be assumed that volitional efforts are a reserve energy and higher regulatory factor in any field of human activity, and in sports in particular. .

The main volitional efforts are the conscious motives of the activity performed, which perform a meaningful, guiding, simulating function. Volitional efforts themselves perform an organizing, managing, realizing function. Conscious motives do not always determine the manifestation of volitional efforts. It depends on the level of development in a person of the corresponding volitional abilities and the awareness of the need to perform certain activities related to overcoming difficulties. At the same time, the availability of appropriate practical skills, the development of the ability to self-stimulation using various methods of self-hypnosis, self-persuasion, and self-orders are of great importance. Motivational determination of volitional efforts is favored by certain emotional states - confidence, readiness, mobilization, excitement, etc., arising on the basis of actualization of the corresponding achievement motives and claims of the individual.

There are a number of works in Soviet psychology that reveal the positive influence of strong motivation on the effectiveness of performing various human actions (A.N. Povarnitsyn, Yu.Yu., Palaima, and others). But the problem of the influence of different strengths of motivation on the effectiveness of volitional efforts, unfortunately, has not yet been developed. Considering that the skills of overcoming difficulties in habitual activities of a person are usually well developed, we can only assume the following: when a person overcomes difficulties corresponding to the main difficulties of his professional activity, there can be a direct relationship between the strength of motivation and the effectiveness of volitional efforts.

Thus, we can assume that the influence of motives on the effectiveness of volitional efforts depends on the strength of motivation and the significance of the action being performed. According to N.F. Dobrynin, “efforts are determined by the significance for the individual of the decision being made, manifesting in volitional actions. The degree of volitional effort therefore depends on the degree of difficulty of this action. time". Therefore, a person's ability to manifest volitional efforts should be judged on the basis of his ability to realize significant motives.

If we consider that the will is a property of the individual, then we can expect the dependence of volitional manifestations on the individual characteristics of a person, and primarily on self-consciousness (on the characteristics of self-esteem). Therefore, it can be assumed that the manifestation of volitional efforts depends on the individual characteristics of a person (temperament, age, professional orientation, level of professional skill, etc.), on the adequacy of his self-esteem.

The properties of this or that personality are manifested in its activity. Moreover, depending on the types of activities performed, the same properties can manifest themselves in different ways. In this regard, it can be expected that the manifestation of volitional efforts depends on the characteristics of the activity performed.

In psychology, today there is almost no concept developed that characterizes the mechanisms of the emergence of volitional efforts of athletes and their function in the overall structure of sports activity. Therefore, it can only be assumed that the emergence of volitional efforts among athletes is associated with the realization of the need for successful performance of competitive activities, with increased activation of their consciousness, with the use of various methods of self-stimulation (self-orders, self-persuasion, self-hypnosis), which contribute to the organization and implementation of actions aimed at overcoming difficulties. .

Volitional efforts are a factor that ensures the management of mental processes in extreme conditions of competition. In addition, volitional efforts are gradually involved in the organization (formation) of various aspects of sports activities. At the first stage of organizing such activities, volitional efforts contribute to the activation of the motivational sphere of the individual. They, organizing an active analysis of various motives, contribute to the selection of the most significant of them and their approval in the mind. Volitional efforts additionally activate, strengthen significant motives and, on their basis, form a sustainable motivation for sports activities. In accordance with this motivation, they participate in the formation of a dynamic attitude, which further contributes to the correction of volitional actions.

An important function in the actualization of the content aspects of the volitional motivational attitude is performed by the athlete's self-assessment. Volitional efforts, contributing to the correlation of motivation, self-esteem, attitudes, claims, capabilities, feelings and activating mental processes (especially attention and thinking), ensure the setting or selection of goals (for volitional actions of a nature, setting realistically achievable goals).

Setting goals and their implementation are associated with the manifestation of appropriate emotions. Volitional efforts exercise control over them and their necessary regulation.

After setting specific goals, strong-willed efforts ensure the organization of the most complex planning processes for upcoming competitions, the selection of the most effective tactical means and methods, etc. Before proceeding with the implementation of the intended goals, strong-willed efforts contribute to preliminary mobilization, forming strong-willed readiness for the upcoming extreme activity. Then they organize the beginning and execution of this activity, maintaining the necessary level of mobilization and carrying out appropriate self-control and correction of complex operations of volitional actions. At the same time, when obstacles arise (to overcome them), volitional efforts perform the function of stimulating activity with the help of self-orders, self-persuasion, self-hypnosis, and setting intermediate goals.

Depending on the specifics of the difficulties that impede the realization of a particular goal in sports, volitional efforts acquire certain features. So, it can be assumed that in the process of performing complex intellectual tactical actions, volitional efforts are mainly aimed at optimizing the motivational sphere, at choosing from a hierarchical system of motives, goals, tasks, decisions, positions, the most optimal and significant, mainly due to the inclusion of additional regulatory processes. When performing physical volitional actions, volitional efforts are mainly aimed at the implementation of significant motives, goals, decisions due to the inclusion of additional mobilization processes. .

For the manifestation of volitional efforts, information is needed about the course of wrestling and the state of the athlete's body. On the basis of this information, volitional self-control is carried out, which is characterized by a constant comparison of complex aspects of volitional actions with the developed program and, on the basis of this comparison, the implementation of an appropriate correction.

Volitional efforts, activating intellectual processes for the analysis of incoming information in accordance with the goals of activity, contribute to the formation of optimal algorithms and programs of volitional actions. The planning of such actions is associated with the maximum actualization of mental processes, especially mental, creative, and often intuitive ones.

In general, the manifestation of volitional efforts is associated with a high level of attention. Adequate rapid switching of attention is an important condition for volitional regulation.

To achieve a high level of volitional mobilization readiness, stable intensive attention is necessary, which contributes to the emergence of the necessary images and ideas, the mental implementation of upcoming actions and favors the formation of appropriate sthenic emotional states. It can be argued to a certain extent that volitional efforts are manifested through attention.

The development of volitional efforts is also associated with the formation of the ability to subordinate one's actions to necessity, with self-education of a high level of self-control. The highest degree of development of volitional efforts is manifested in the emergence of a need for volitional activity, in overcoming difficulties in sports.

This is accompanied by the motives of self-affirmation, self-expression, self-realization, knowledge of one's capabilities.

For the formation of strong-willed efforts, regular adherence to the requirements of necessity is equally important. But this submission should not always be rigid, because frequent violence against oneself can lead to a breakdown of the will. To prevent this from happening, the athlete needs to learn how to relax in a timely manner, relieve tension.

But it should be noted that in the ability to relax, relieve tension, a kind of regulatory side of the will is manifested. .

A high level of development of the ability to manifest volitional efforts is characterized by the optimal organization of the main aspects of volitional sports activity. Volitional actions in sports are characterized by high efficiency, economy of manifestation of mental and physical energy. In such actions, volitional efforts, as a rule, do not ensure the regulation of all its elements, but only those of them, the implementation of which requires conscious effort, overcoming difficulties.

For the manifestation of volitional efforts, it is important for the athlete to consciously foresee the reality of achieving the intended results. Volitional efforts only achieve high efficiency when they are subordinated to goals of various levels and values.

At the same time, long-term goals (to become the champion of Russia, Europe, the world, etc.) determine the stability of the manifestation of volitional efforts, and the immediate goals (to complete the next category, standard, etc.) stimulate their intensity. In addition to the presence of goals and strong conscious motives, it is also necessary to include the presence of a strong-willed attitude, readiness for the manifestation of strong-willed efforts.

Setting on the manifestation of volitional efforts contributes to the necessary correction of volitional actions, maintaining readiness to overcome difficulties, and contributes to the adoption of optimal intuitive decisions in extreme conditions of competition.

The volitional attitude is formed on the basis of an objective assessment of the athletes of their capabilities adequately to the requirements of the upcoming competitions and in accordance with its assessment. The formation of a volitional attitude is preceded by the cognitive and prognostic activity of an athlete with an analysis of emotional and value relations to sports.

An important factor in the formation of the attitude to the manifestation of volitional efforts is self-hypnosis.

With its help, an athlete is able to program his consciousness to manifest his will. To implement volitional self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve a state of self-confidence, consciously update and strengthen the achievement motivation, present the intended result, mentally perform the main actions, repeat the necessary settings several times with the help of inner speech.

Self-hypnosis is preceded by self-persuasion and self-orders. So, self-persuasion characterizes the act of substantiating the need to perform certain arbitrary (volitional) actions.

Self-persuasion is carried out on the basis of the actualization of certain intentions and aspirations. It contributes to the formation of the necessary level of readiness to achieve the intended goal.

The potential state of volitional readiness turns into volitional actions with the help of appropriate self-orders, i.e. direct verbal, hard self-stimulation of efforts, corresponding to the level of difficulties of intensity, based on the awareness of their necessity.

The manifestation of volitional efforts is the moment of the most active active state of consciousness, characterized by the dialectical unity of the motivating and executive sides of the action. The determining condition for the manifestation of volitional efforts is increased activity of consciousness.

Based on the experience of volitional activity and the formation of additional stimuli that arise in the process of this activity, certain positive changes occur in the structure of self-consciousness: the adequacy of the assessment of one's abilities increases, the stability of emotional-value relations increases, and the regulatory mechanisms of self-consciousness are potentially strengthened.

Volitional efforts provide the creative side of sports activities, contribute to the formation of such motives that are associated with the self-improvement of the athlete, his development, with the transformation of himself and the surrounding reality.

The strong-willed efforts of an athlete aimed at the implementation of moral and ethical motives, correlating with self-esteem, moral claims and attitudes, contribute to the formation and actualization of such personality traits as pride, self-respect, conscience, self-esteem, a sense of duty, responsibility, etc.

Volitional efforts are manifested on the basis of self-knowledge, the study of one's capabilities, ways of volitional activity.

They can act as a process of self-realization of an athlete, as a process of self-realization of an athlete, as a leading tool that contributes to the stability of his character and the development of his best qualities.

A stable manifestation of volitional efforts leads to the harmonious development of all aspects of self-consciousness: motivational-emotional, intellectual-prognostic, normative (moral) and regulatory. If this harmony is violated, one can observe some instability of the volitional regulation of behavior. .

Depending on the stable orientation and the characteristics of readiness for the manifestation of volitional efforts, one can judge the formation of various volitional qualities of athletes. The attitude towards the manifestation of volitional efforts that contribute to the formation, maintenance and implementation of meaningful long-term goals characterizes such a volitional quality as purposefulness, the leading side of which is volitional orientation.

Readiness for a steady manifestation of volitional efforts that contribute to the implementation of the decisions made in accordance with significant motives in the face of overcoming various obstacles characterizes such a volitional quality as perseverance.

The potential for sustainable manifestation of strong-willed efforts that contribute to overcoming difficulties that impede the implementation of immediate goals characterizes another strong-willed quality - perseverance.

The focus on the manifestation of strong-willed efforts that contribute to the adoption of objective responsible decisions, despite the risk and danger, is associated with such a strong-willed quality as determination.

Setting on the manifestation of volitional efforts, contributing to the adoption of responsible decisions and their implementation in actions associated with risk and danger, characterizes the volitional quality of courage.

The ability to manifest volitional efforts, contributing to the maintenance of mental and psychomotor processes at the required

level in extreme conditions in accordance with the goal, characterizes such a strong-willed quality as endurance.

Readiness for volitional efforts, contributing to the effective management of motives, emotions and actions in extreme conditions in accordance with the need, acts as a characteristic of volitional quality self-control.

The focus on volitional efforts, contributing to the development of original, optimal, timely solutions and methods for their implementation in difficult conditions, characterizes the volitional quality initiative.

Readiness for volitional efforts, which contribute to independent setting of goals, decision-making and their implementation in extreme conditions, is associated with such volitional quality as independence.

Thus, volitional qualities are not only manifested, but also formed through volitional efforts.

The manifestation of volitional efforts in accordance with the characteristics of the difficulties to be overcome in extreme activity contributes to the formation of appropriate skills of volitional activity, as well as the formation of volitional orientation. .

Will is perhaps one of the most complex concepts in the world of psychology. Belief in yourself and your own strengths, the ability to discipline yourself, the manifestation of determination at the right time, courage and patience - these are all phenomena that are reunited into one, forming the main character of our article. Psychology covers several interpretations of the concept of will. In our article we will try to learn about this mystery as much as possible.

What is will: definitions

  1. Will is a conscious regulation by each individual of his actions and actions, the implementation of which requires moral and physical costs.
  2. Will is a form of mental reflection, in which the reflected object is the set goal, the motivation for achieving it and the existing objective obstacles to implementation; reflected is considered to be a subjective goal, the struggle of contradictions, one's own volitional effort; the result of the manifestation of the will is the achievement of the goal and the satisfaction of one's own desires. It is worth noting that the obstacles that a person has to face are both internal and external.
  3. Will is a side of consciousness, which is a kind of lever of activity and regulation of the beginning, designed to create efforts and hold them for as long as necessary.

In short, we can combine all of the above and conclude that that the will is the ability of each person, which manifests itself in self-determination and self-regulation by him of his own activities and various mental processes.

Will and its main features

Modern psychology divides this phenomenon into three the most common type in the human psyche:

The development of the will in the character of man

This distinctive feature of human character distinguishes us from the behavior of other living beings on the planet. It is commonly believed that this is a conscious quality that was formed as a result of the formation of society and social labor. The will closely interacts with the cognitive and emotional processes that take place in the human psyche.

She is subject to have only two functions:

  • brake;
  • incentive.

The functioning of the first quality manifests itself in the form of restraint of those actions that contradict your prejudices, signs, moral standards, and so on. As for the second quality, it encourages us to take action and achieve our goals. Thanks to the combination of these two interacting functions, each person has the opportunity to develop your willpower to overcome life's difficulties that stand in the way of one's own realization and happiness.

It is worth noting that if the quality of living conditions, starting from birth, were unfavorable, then the likelihood that the child will have well-developed volitional qualities is small. But believe and know that courage, perseverance, determination and discipline can always be developed through painstaking work on yourself. To do this, it is necessary to devote time to various activities, suppressing external and internal obstacles.

List of factors, which contribute to inhibition of the development of volitional qualities in children:

  • spoiled;
  • tough parents who believe that suppressing the decisions of the child will do him good.

Will Characteristics

  • Close relationship with the concept and motive of “must”;
  • Formation of a clear intellectual plan that allows you to go to the implementation of the plan;
  • Conscious mediation;
  • Interaction with other mental processes, for example: emotions, attention, thinking, memory, etc.

Will in the structure of character and its education

Self-education and development of one's own volitional qualities is an integral part of the self-improvement of each individual, on the basis of which it is necessary to develop rules and programs for the development of self-education of “willpower”.

If a willpower to consider as spontaneous control, it must include self-stimulation, self-determination, self-control, and self-initiation. Let's look at each concept in more detail.

  • Self-determination (motivation)

Determination or, as we used to say, motivation is the conditioning of human behavior, which was prompted by certain factors or reasons. In the arbitrary behavior of a person, the cause of action and deed is hidden in the person himself. It is he who is responsible for the reaction of the body to the stimulus. However, decision making is a more complex process, which covers more flowing phenomena.

Motivation is the process of forming the intention to act or not to act. The formed foundation of one's act is called a motive. Quite often, in order to try to understand the reason for the actions of another person, we ask ourselves, and what motive prompted the person to take this action.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to note that in one person all the components of volitional qualities are manifested inhomogeneously: some are better, others are worse. This indicates that the will is heterogeneous and depending on various life situations. Therefore, it can be assumed that there is no unique willpower for all cases, otherwise it would be manifested by one person either extremely successfully or consistently poorly.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. engage in self-improvement and cultivating your willpower. It should be assumed that significant difficulties can be encountered along the way, therefore it is necessary to acquire patience, wisdom, tact and human sensitivity.

Will- this is a conscious regulation by a person of his own behavior and activities that are associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles.

The will of a person is manifested as confidence in his strength, necessary for the decision. A strong will is necessary when difficult situations arise with obstacles in the "outer world", when the inner world of a person, from whom the manifestation of will is required, is complex and contradictory.

The will and volitional qualities of a person are formed depending on the conditions of life and upbringing.

For the emergence of volitional regulation, certain conditions are necessary - the presence of obstacles and barriers. The will manifests itself when difficulties appear on the way to the goal: external obstacles - time, space, counteractions of people, physical properties of objects, etc.; internal obstacles - relationships and attitudes, painful conditions, fatigue, etc. All these obstacles, reflected in the mind, cause an effort of will, which creates the necessary tone to overcome difficulties.

Volitional efforts are needed:

  • 1) when making up for the lack of motivation to act in the absence of their sufficient motivation;
  • 2) when choosing motives, goals, types of actions in case of their conflict;
  • 3) with arbitrary regulation of external and internal actions and mental processes.

Will is inextricably linked with cognitive motives and emotional processes. In this regard, all human actions can be divided into two categories: involuntary and arbitrary.

Involuntary actions are performed as a result of the emergence of unconscious or insufficiently clearly perceived motives (drives, attitudes, etc.). They are impulsive and lack a clear plan. In other words, in involuntary actions there is no clear goal and efforts of the subject to achieve it. An example of non-productive actions is the actions of people in a state of passion (amazement, fear, delight, anger).

Arbitrary actions involve awareness of the goal, a preliminary presentation of those operations that can ensure its achievement, their sequence. In this regard, the will manifests itself as a person's confidence in his abilities, as the determination to perform the act that the person himself considers appropriate and necessary in a particular situation.

Volitional regulation of human behavior is formed and developed under the influence of control over his behavior by society, and then - self-control of the individual.

Depending on the difficulties of the external world and the complexity of the inner world of a person, there are 4 options for the manifestation of will:

  • 1) in the easy world, where any desire is feasible, the will is practically not required (human desires are simple, unambiguous, any desire is feasible in the easy world);
  • 2) in a difficult world, where there are various obstacles, strong-willed efforts are required to overcome the obstacles of reality, patience is needed, but the person himself is internally calm, confident in his rightness due to the unambiguity of his desires and goals (a simple inner world of a person);
  • 3) in the light outer world and in the complex inner world of a person, strong-willed efforts are required to overcome internal contradictions, doubts, a person is internally complex, there is a struggle of motives and goals, a person suffers when making a decision;
  • 4) in a difficult external world and in a complex inner world of a person, intensive volitional efforts are required to overcome internal doubts in order to choose a solution and carry out actions in the face of objective obstacles and difficulties. Volitional action here appears as a conscious, intentional, purposeful action taken for implementation by one's own decision on the basis of external and internal necessity.

The need for a strong will increases with:

  • 1) difficult situations of the "difficult world";
  • 2) a complex, contradictory inner world in the person himself.

Performing various activities, while overcoming external and internal obstacles, a person develops volitional qualities in himself: purposefulness, determination, independence, initiative, perseverance, endurance, discipline, courage.

In management activities, the following rules must be observed:

  • 1) provide conditions for the success of the employee's activities, but not significantly facilitate his tasks;
  • 2) to intensify the independent activity of the employee, to arouse in him a sense of joy from what has been achieved, to increase his faith in his ability to overcome difficulties;
  • 3) explain what is the expediency of those requirements, orders, decisions that the manager makes to the employee, and provide the employee with the opportunity to independently make decisions within reasonable limits.

Emotional and volitional processes are thus closely interrelated. Will acts as a means of regulation, correction of the negative impact of emotions on activity. Emotions, in turn, give a subjective tone to volitional effort, and can help increase its potential.

In the study of managerial activity, it is most significant that all the main types of states and the patterns discovered in their study are not only preserved in the activities of the manager, but often appear in the most distinct form. In the psychology of functional states, there are different ways of classifying. For example, according to the degree of intensity (increased, medium, low activity); by content (in particular, the state of fatigue, monotony, mental satiety, frustration, inspiration, anxiety, discomfort, etc.); by types of activity in which they arise (game, educational, labor); by theft (positive, negative, ambivalent); by the nature of the impact on activities (positive and negative).

There is a direct relationship between the degree of negative (destructive) influence of mental states and the complexity of those mental processes, formations, in relation to which this influence takes place. Negative states have a stronger effect on more complex processes, formations, activities than on simple ones. For example, under the influence of stress or fatigue, intellectual functions first and to a greater extent decrease (as more complex ones), and then, to a relatively lesser extent, motor, executive functions (as simpler ones). These two patterns are most important for understanding the specifics of the emotional-volitional regulation of states in general, and for its features in managerial activity.

The main and most general feature of the emotional-volitional regulation of states in managerial activity is the combination of the following two features in it. Firstly, it is management activity that is characterized by extremely high emotionality and stressfulness, contains a huge number of reasons for the emergence of negative emotions and difficult conditions. Secondly, it is she who makes the highest demands on the effectiveness and rigidity of the emotional-volitional regulation of states, which is associated with her responsibility. Apparently, no other activity contains such a wide range of causes and factors that generate emotional reactions as managerial.

In addition to the factors associated with the process of activity itself, with its organization, there is an additional and very powerful group of emotional factors associated with interpersonal relationships. The complexity of the content of this activity, the presence of difficult and often extreme conditions for its implementation, combined with high responsibility for its results, form a permanent symptom complex of the characteristics of managerial activity. It acts as a source of development of unfavorable mental conditions, chronic "managerial stress". At the same time, it is the leader who is obliged to “be able to restrain emotions”, “not to succumb to the mood”, to control himself. Moreover, this is necessary not only to reduce the negative impact of emotions and states on his own activity. The point is also that the leader is “constantly in sight”, and any of his undesirable emotional manifestations and states (uncertainty, depression, nervousness, and even panic) are perceived by subordinates and affect their activities.

Finally, it is management activity that requires the maximum inclusion of volitional processes, and the concepts of “good leader” and “strong leader” themselves are often used as synonymous. All of the above means that both the “world of emotions”, and the “world of states”, and the entire spectrum of volitional processes and qualities are manifested in this activity in their maximum expression, most fully and vividly. At the same time, in the psychology of managerial activity, a circle of the most typical aspects, emotional and volitional regulation, which are of the greatest importance for its organization, is usually distinguished. These include: the problem of stress in managerial activity, the problem of the state of frustration, the phenomenon of "readiness for emergency actions", the concept of emotional resistance of the leader, the features of cognitive regulation of dysfunctional states, the patterns of expressive processes in managerial activity.

A person is able to deliberately dispose of his energy resources in order to achieve success in his activities. When faced with difficulties, this happens with the help of strong-willed efforts. Volitional reinforcement manifests itself every time the subject detects a lack of energy necessary to achieve the goal, consciously mobilizes himself to bring his activity in line with the obstacles encountered that must be overcome in order to achieve success. Observations and special experiments point to the enormous effectiveness of volitional efforts in human activity.

Science rejects the primitive idea of ​​volitional effort only as a means of increasing mental tension. Nothing good comes from the work of a person when he works only in an exhausting mode. With such "regulation", harmful consequences for the body (overwork, neurosis, etc.), a sharp decrease in working capacity, and the appearance of negative emotional states are inevitable.

A developed will presupposes an economical expenditure of neuropsychic energy, when conscious impulses are directed not only to intensify and accelerate processes, but, if necessary, to weaken or slow them down. It is a strong-willed person who can disconnect from annoying interference, force himself to rest or sleep at the right time, while a weak-willed person does not know how to deal with his passivity and his mental overstrain.

But not every human effort is volitional. A distinction must be made between intentional and unintentional efforts. An effort of will is only a deliberate effort, when the subject is clearly aware of the actions, sees the difficulties that impede the achievement of this goal, deliberately fights them, consciously causing the necessary tension aimed at regulating the process of activity (intensification - weakening, acceleration - deceleration, etc. .).

An unintentional effort can be primary (unconditionally reflex) and secondary (habitual, but little conscious, which is formed in a person when a person repeats a deliberate, i.e. volitional, effort). When a person learns a particular skill, then in the first exercises he keeps all operations under volitional control. At the same time, volitional efforts find expression in external reactions - in the tension of the muscles of the body, in facial expressions, in speech. As the skill becomes automated, the effort of will is, as it were, curtailed and encoded. And then only one conscious-volitional impulse of a small force is enough for a person, expressed, for example, in the form of the words “this” or “should” flashed in his head, or even an interjection, to change something in his work. When solving a habitual task, the difficulty may turn out to be greater than that, the overcoming of which is enshrined in behavioral stereotypes. In this case, there is a conscious mobilization of activity, i.e., the transition of little conscious (secondary) efforts into conscious, volitional ones.

There is no action without motivation. With an increase in the significance and strength of the motive, the ability of the individual to mobilize volitional efforts increases. But these concepts should not be identified. The strength of certain motives often creates only a general tension caused by the dissatisfaction of one or another need. This is also found outside of activity in the form, for example, of vague anxiety, anxiety, emotions of suffering, etc. Willpower is manifested only with the conscious regulation of behavior and activity, when choosing a chain, making a decision, planning, and performing itself. We will say about volitional effort: this is that by means of which action is carried out in difficult conditions.

The importance of volitional effort in human life is great. But no one is acting for him. It is most often emotionally unpleasant. Volitional effort is only a necessary means of realizing the motive and goal. Willpower lends itself well to exercise. In accordance with this, psychologists often define the will as the ability to consciously overcome difficulties on the way to the goal. As for motives, the situation with their formation and exercise is much more complicated. For the purposes of education, it is important to assimilate not only the idea of ​​the unity of motivation and will, but also the idea of ​​their difference, non-coincidence.

Volitional action, its structure.

The main form of manifestation of human activity is his labor activity. In the structure of labor and any other activity, its individual "units" - actions - are distinguished.

Action is a set of movements and mental operations completed in time and space, united by a single consciously set goal. A person makes a thing, plants a tree, solves an algebraic problem - all these are actions in which the relationship between the mental and the material is clearly represented, the regulation of the process of activity by consciousness. Actions can be individual and collective, on their own initiative and on the instructions of other people. Along with the term "action" in psychology, the term "act" is also used.

An act is usually called an action in which a person's conscious attitude to other people, society is expressed, requiring a moral or legal assessment.

As we have seen, not all actions are volitional. The criterion for classifying some actions as involuntary, and others as volitional, is not the absence or presence of a conscious goal, but the absence or presence of a person’s conscious struggle with difficulties on the way to achieving the chain. In impulsive or long-rehearsed, stereotyped actions, there is no such struggle with difficulties. A person who often has impulsive or affective actions is rightly called weak-willed. They will also call the weak-willed one who is "stuck" in the routine of habitual actions and is no longer capable of initiative and creativity.

The emergence of a motive for action, awareness of it, the "struggle" of motives, setting up a chain and making a decision - the content of the first stage of the volitional process. The second stage is the choice of means to achieve the chain, the planning of identified possible ways to realize this goal. It is an important intermediate link between goal setting and execution. The third stage - execution - includes the implementation of the goal and plan in practice, as well as the evaluation of the result.

All stages of the volitional process are interconnected. The motive and purpose are somehow represented in the mind of a person throughout the action, volitional effort is a necessary component of all three stages of volitional action.

When performing a task, the formation of the individual's own goal of action is mediated by a ready-made goal, introduced from outside in the form of a demand, instruction, recommendation, order, etc.

The system of tasks teaches a person in childhood to volitional regulation of his behavior. Setting a goal in an initiative action is not formed spontaneously, but under the influence of learning this in given actions.

An initiative volitional action is always an electoral act. This introduces its own specifics into the first stage of these actions - goal setting. A person must now not only be aware of the consequences of his possible actions, but also be aware of and evaluate motives: whether they encourage a person to be active in the aspect of his leading needs and aspirations, or, on the contrary, undermine them. The evaluative function of the mind during actions on assignment can still be shifted to the manager to some extent. With an initiative action, a person must decide everything himself from beginning to end. Setting a goal in such actions is associated with great internal difficulties, fluctuations and conflicts between motives. In the process of the transition of desire into a categorical desire and the intention "I will do it," there is an intense work of consciousness on the evaluation and selection of motives.

Whether the process of setting a goal proceeds without contradictions or in the presence of a conflict of motives, it ends with a decision. With a positive decision, the volitional action develops further and the person proceeds from goal setting to the second stage - to mental planning of execution.

Mental planning is always the disclosure of the goal in a specific body of knowledge of all those conditions that ensure its implementation in the very process of activity. This equally applies to every action and deed of a person. If the situation is well known, then usually there is no special execution plan. All habitual actions (wash, have breakfast, go shopping) are performed on the sole impulse, only due to the fact that the conditions for these actions are always present, and the plan for their implementation has long been memorized, therefore, the need for a new plan disappears. But as soon as these conditions change, there is immediately an urgent need for a plan.

In objective reality, there are various possibilities for performing the same action. They have various execution plan options associated with them. These options may conflict with each other. In the process of this internal "struggle" the final plan is worked out, according to which we act. When planning collective action, creative, critical discussion takes place publicly. As a result of collective work, a plan is adopted that most fully meets the task and the possibilities for solving it.

Planning in complex actions is not only a mental, but also a volitional process. So, in order to: 1) think over a particular plan of action, a strong-willed impulse and effort are needed; 2) choose one of several options for the plan, you need to find decisiveness and apply effort; 3) to prevent the hasty adoption of the plan, restraint should be shown (strong-willed efforts are also needed to stop fruitless hesitation and slowness); 4) do not deviate from a good plan, you need to show perseverance, perseverance, etc.

Foresight is not only knowledge, reasonable calculation, but also volitional activity aimed at finding the best way to achieve the goal.

Goal setting and planning are not given to a person without a struggle. But in these preliminary stages of action, the struggle against difficulties has only just begun. Bringing an action to a successful conclusion depends on overcoming the difficulties of execution, no matter how great they may be. Often we meet such people who set high goals for themselves, develop good plans, but as soon as it comes to overcoming the difficulties of implementation, then their complete failure is revealed. Such people are rightly called weak-willed. By the ability to overcome difficulties, by the fulfillment of the intended goal, one judges the degree of development of the will. That is why the main characteristic of the will is the ability of a person to overcome the difficulties and obstacles that stand in the way of achieving the goal.

Execution can be expressed not only in the form of external active actions of a person, but also in the form of a delay, inhibition of unnecessary movements that contradict the purpose. In many cases, performance in a complex volitional act can be expressed in the form of external inaction. One must distinguish between acts of active action and acts of refraining from action. Often, inhibition, delay in actions and movements require a greater effort of will from a person than a dangerous active action. Consequently, a strong-willed person is characterized not only by action that actively overcomes an external obstacle, but also by endurance, which actively overcomes internal obstacles in the name of the goal, delaying unnecessary or harmful thoughts, feelings and movements. The task of educating the will is to teach a person to manage himself in any conditions, not to lose control over his behavior.

Volitional processes.

In order to do a good job, you need to accurately perceive and evaluate information, be attentive, think, remember, recall, etc.

All mental processes are divided into two groups - involuntary and arbitrary. When it is required not just to look or listen, but to peer and listen in order to better understand and remember specific information, then in all such cases we are forced to mobilize strong-willed efforts, otherwise we will not achieve success. An operator in production cannot rely only on his knowledge and skills, he must be extremely careful in order to correctly identify the signals of control and measuring instruments, timely and quickly determine the causes of damage, make decisions on troubleshooting, etc. Those mental processes that are not carried out only consciously, but with sufficiently pronounced efforts of the individual, are called volitional processes.

Of course, even complex work cannot be carried out without the participation of involuntary, involuntary processes. It is known that voluntary attention is one of the most tiring mental functions. The protective mode for attention is created in various ways, including interest and external stimuli that switch it to involuntary attention without prejudice to the case. But something else is also known: without a sufficient development of voluntary, volitional attention, there can be no productive, let alone creative, activity.

Volitional states.

These are temporary mental states of the individual, which are favorable internal conditions for overcoming emerging difficulties and achieving success in activity. These include states of optimism and general activity, mobilization readiness, interest, determination, etc. In these states, the connection between will and emotions is especially pronounced. Actions and deeds performed intelligently, but with an emotional, passionate passion, are the most successful. But some emotional states can reduce or even block the volitional activity of the individual. These include states of apathy and excessive mental tension (stress). Stresses also arise in the conditions of labor activity (when managing complex units in production, overcoming information overload in mental work, etc.). They are stimulated by such general factors accompanying scientific and technological progress as the acceleration of the pace of life, rapid changes in social conditions, etc.

Selivanov V.I. Education of the will in conditions of combining education with industrial work. - M.: Higher School, 1980. - S. 13 - 21.

Manifestation of volitional efforts in the form of physical tension If a person regularly displays conscious volitional efforts, then by this he greatly strengthens his field form of life. There are many options for the manifestation of volitional efforts, but in the end, most of them manifest themselves outwardly in the form of certain physical acts, such as muscle tension. This feature was noticed long ago in ancient China, where a whole system of preparation and improvement of the mind and body was developed on the basis of voluntary muscle tension.
Some people in our country achieved significant results in this type of training. For example, Alexander Zass, thanks to the original method of training volitional muscle tension, achieved amazing strength results. However, he had an ordinary physique.
So, let's turn to the primary sources of strengthening the field form of life, to the ancient Taoist system "The secret foundations of muscle and bone transformation, the subtle art of life extension."
Foreword by Xiong. Yuyu was 17 when he was called a weakling. He was angry, but did not dare to utter a word in response. He was advised not to get angry, but to do muscle transformation. He worked out for 5 years, and then he was able to lift a load weighing 300 kg and wore 20 circles on a platform with a diameter of 3 meters. And I made sure that there is strength in the lower back. Then he lifted the load on three fingers, determining their strength. Now Yuyu is 75 years old, the skin and muscles are smooth like a child's, the bones do not protrude, people do not believe in his age.
When Yu was in charge of the fine martial arts sports society, there were those among the practitioners who could not be helped. They were with a constantly cold head, poor digestion, stomach and lung disease. In just two months, having reached the 4th exercise of the first stage, one after the other began to improve. In time, those who did not stop practicing cured all diseases. Such is the efficiency of muscle transformation work.

On the Composition of a Treatise on the Transformation of Muscles

The first stage includes 8 exercises, the 5th and 8th provide for some movement, in the rest there are no movements. The second stage includes 4 exercises, of which 1-3 are without movements, the movement of the 4th will be discussed separately. There are two exercises in the third step, the 1st without movements, the movement in the second will be said separately. What to look for in training. 1. Each exercise begins to be performed in 9 respiratory cycles (one cycle - inhalation and exhalation) and brought to 81. Breathing should be slow and long, sharp and fast breathing should not be allowed. Starting with 9 breaths, train to a clean execution without violence, then add 9 more breaths. Advance gradually without violence. Each time you finish an exercise, you need to rest a bit, only then move on to the next one. And while practicing stretched breathing, in no case is it unacceptable to attract effort. If you feel tired, then you need to adjust your breathing and only then continue. 2. Beginners should start with the first exercise of the first stage, with 9 breaths, and work up to 9x9=81 breaths. Only when you feel that there is no violence, you can move on to the second exercise. But if it seems too monotonous to you, you can sequentially go from 1st to 8th. In this case, perform each exercise for only 9 breaths. Increase the dosage gradually, bringing each exercise to 9x9=81 breaths. The increase should be gradual, all attempts at sharp and rapid breathing are stopped. 3. It is necessary to breathe with closed teeth, raise the tip of the tongue to the palate, the mouth is slightly ajar. Closed teeth prevent the loss of old teeth. An open mouth promotes natural breathing. Touching the palate with the tip of the tongue increases salivation. 4. Studying this technique, they practice in the morning, at noon, in the evening - at least 1 time per day. During training, the consciousness is made unified, the shoulders are lowered, the chest is not protruded. After completing the exercise, you should take a few steps, relax a bit. If you are too tired, you should not exercise. Training should go naturally, without violence. 5. Performing movements: clenching fists, pressing with the palm, propping up, pushing forward or resting the palms to the left and right, one tension must be added for each exhalation and inhalation. For example, after clenching the fists, inhale and exhale, further increase the squeezing force in the fists, inhale and exhale - further increase the squeezing force in the fists, up to 9x9 breaths, and only then do the fists relax. In other words, the tension force should gradually increase from one breath to the next, reaching a maximum on the last respiratory cycles. Push forward, support up, emphasis with palms to the left and right are performed in the same way. 6. Performing the exercises of the 1st step does not require an increase in tension, only naturalness and duration are needed. Duration in training will spontaneously increase your strength and strengthen the field form of life. In the second step, exercises 1 to 4 are a way of "folding the bones". The whole body is shortened by 5 cun. With intensive training, a purposeful student can master this method. When breathing in exercises, it is necessary to mentally monitor that the inhaled energy (qi) descends, plunging into the area just above the navel. 7. The first exercise of the third stage - the method " swallowing yin". Only purposeful students, after several years of training, can succeed in this. The second exercise is designed to train the strength of the fingers and lower back. Performing these exercises for a long time leads to the extension of life, the transformation of weakness into power. 8. Here are collected 14 exercises, each has its own characteristics.During the practice of them, you will feel what they are aimed at and gradually comprehend their true essence.Treatise on Muscle Transformation Training Methodology. First stage. Ex. one. Place your feet steadily shoulder-width apart, eyes look horizontally, teeth in full bite, mouth slightly open, tip of tongue touching the palate. After completing each breath cycle, the fists clench a little, hold the force, and after the next breath cycle they clench a little more, and so they do until they reach 81 breaths, after which the fists relax. At the first stage, you do not need to exert excessive stress. You do everything to the fullest. After a similar training for several months, the strength of the hands will naturally increase. Attention: the shoulders should be lowered, the chest should not protrude, mentally, while inhaling, conduct energy to the navel. First, take 9 breaths, relax your hands. Then gradually increase the number of breaths, while not forcing yourself, achieve naturalness. Ex. 2. Body position as in ex. 1. But the palms are set aside to the left and to the right. After each respiratory cycle, create a downward pressure force with the palms. In this case, there is not so much pressure on them as pulling on the fingers. As you press, the palms fall without relaxing. This exercise increases arm strength. Attention: lower the shoulders, absorb the chest, mentally immerse the energy in the navel area. During pressing down fingers bend outward. Ex. 3. Palms push forward with exhalations and inhalations. Starting position, as in ex. 1. Palms push forward, thumbs and forefingers form a triangle. Each time you complete the inhalation and exhalation, the palms are "pushed forward" (it just gives the impression of pushing forward, in fact, the hands are in place, only the tension increases), while the fingers are pulled inward. As the “pushing” progresses, the palms move further forward, and only after performing 9x9=81 breaths do they relax. This exercise increases the strength of the hands and fingers. Attention: the arms and wrists are slightly bent, the energy is immersed in the navel center, the fingers are pulled inwards towards you. Ex. four. The left and right palms are supported with exhalations and inhalations. The starting position is the same. Arms extended to the left and right horizontally, palms up. Imagine that there are heavy objects on the palms. After completing each cycle of breathing, they mentally prop it up with their palms up - only mentally, they increase tension, while the palms are motionless. And so 9x9 = 81 breaths. It strengthens the hands. Attention: immerse the shoulders, pick up the chest, lower the energy to the navel area, stretch the hands horizontally and hold motionless. Ex. 5. Breeding and bringing the palms together with exhalations and inhalations. The position of the body is the same. The palms are tightly closed at chest level, the thumbs are "glued" (fixedly pressed) to the body. On inhalation, the palms diverge, on exhalation they close again; train up to 9x9 = 81 breaths. In this exercise, the lungs are either straightened or compressed, this helps in case of tuberculosis. Attention: immerse the shoulders, pick up the chest, take the energy to the navel; when the palms diverge and converge, bend the fingers, the thumb is "glued" (touches) to the body; do not lift your elbows up (see fig. 5-1, 5-2); move your palms at chest level. Hands in time with breathing are spread, brought together and finished the exercise in the position shown in Fig. 5-a. Ex. 6. Emphasis with palms to the left and right with exhalations and inhalations. The position of the body is the same. The palms are spread to the left and to the right in a resting position, the centers of the palms are directed outward, the fingers are directed upwards, the fingertips are drawn to the head. With each breath, the palms seem to rest outward. The number of breaths is the same 9x9=81. The stronger the emphasis, the farther the palms diverge. Relaxation only after the end of the entire respiratory cycle. This exercise increases the strength of the forearm and shoulder. Attention: immerse the shoulders, pick up the chest, immerse the energy in the navel area, pull the fingertips to the head. Ex. 7. Emphasis with palms up with exhalations and inhalations. The position of the legs is the same, the hands, having twisted the palms, rest upwards, the centers of the palms are turned to the sky, the thumbs and forefingers are located opposite each other, forming a triangle facing the sky. On inhalation, tightly compress the teeth, on exhalation, open the mouth, the hands rest high up - the stronger the tension, the higher, until 81 breaths are completed. This exercise gets rid of bad breath. Attention: immerse the energy in the navel area, tilt the head back, eyes look at the back of the palms, do not protrude the chest and stomach, pull the fingers down. Ex. eight. Hanging hands with exhalations and inhalations. The position of the body is the same. The body is bent up to 900, the brushes gradually hang down. When the torso leans down - exhale, rises up - inhale. Brushes as the body tilts down lower and lower. If the breath is too fast, then rising to a vertical position, you can inhale and exhale, and then tilt the torso down again. If fatigue is not felt, you can repeat up to 81 respiratory cycles. Attention: immerse the shoulders, pick up the chest, immerse the energy in the navel area; when the hands hang down, the shoulders move slightly relaxed; the hands should be relaxed, no tension. This exercise is effective in case of excess fat in the abdomen. It contributes to its reduction, thinning of the waist. If there is too much fat, then for quick success, the exercise must be performed 3-5 times a day for 9x9 = 81 breaths. The effect will be felt within a month. Second step. Ex. 9. Onion step, pulling the body to the right with exhalations and inhalations. Move the right leg to the right for a step, forming a right arched step. (This step, i.e. the stance, is formed as follows. Putting the feet parallel at shoulder width, push the right foot forward a step parallel to itself, and turn the left foot to the left by 450). With the body stretch forward to the right, then the right palm is placed behind the back, and the left hand, bent in an arc, is placed in front of the chest with the center of the palm outward. Eyes look at the left heel. In this exercise, standing in a stance, tightly connect the teeth, only then perform from 1 to 81 breaths. Attention: this exercise is a "right addition of bones", but when performed not at a young age, success is difficult to achieve. During inhalation and exhalation, the body is completely still. Similarly, a bend to the left is performed with a left bow-shaped step. Ex. ten. Clench your fists and turn your face up as you exhale and inhale. Legs, as in the previous exercise, i.e. in the right bow-shaped step, keep the torso straight. Bend your right hand at the elbow and, clenching your fist, place it above your head. Tilt your head back, eyes look at the center of the right palm. Clench the left hand into a fist and hang down, the center of the palm facing back. (Fig. 10-a). The bite of the teeth is tight. Continue exhaling and inhaling 81 times, only then relax. Exercise is useful for a thick neck. Attention: during inhalations and exhalations, the whole body is motionless, the right arm is slightly bent at the wrist inward, the head is thrown back, the neck is tensely extended. Do the same on the left side. Ex. eleven. Rest with one palm up, hanging the other down with exhalations and inhalations. The position of the legs is as in the previous exercise: the right bow step. The body is straight. The right palm rests up, the center of the palm is turned to the sky, the fingers are bent down to the head. The left palm hangs down, fingers pointing to the ground, the center of the palm is directed to the thigh. The eyes are looking horizontally. The bite of the teeth is tight, perform 81 breaths, then relax. This exercise has an interconnected effect with ex. 9 first stage. Attention: when breathing, the whole body is motionless. After completing each exhalation-inhalation, you need to rest your right palm up, and pull your left hand down: the point is in the stretching effect on the bones. Do the same on the left side. Ex. 12. Raising and lowering in a squat with exhalations and inhalations. "Glue" the toes of the feet to the ground at a distance of 40 cm from each other, put the hands on the belt, slowly lower the torso in a crouch. When squatting, the heels come off the ground, the center of gravity is maintained only by the toes. The eyes look horizontally, the bite of the teeth is tight. Squat until your hips are horizontal. Climb and squat up to 81 breaths. Long training makes the step steady, the kidneys are strong, in old age there will be no weakness in the legs. Attention: in the whole complex of "muscle transformations", only ex. 5, 12 and 14 contain movements. In this exercise - squatting exhale, getting up inhale. When standing up, use the toes of the feet, while standing - the heels rest on the ground, when squatting again they come off the ground. Third step. Ex. 13. Swallowing Yin with exhalation and inhalation. The feet are "glued" to the ground, the distance between them is somewhat more than 30 cm. The hands are placed behind the back, the right hand is clenched into a fist, the left one compresses the right wrist. The body is slightly crouched, the knees are slightly bent, the eyes are looking horizontally, the teeth are in a tight bite, the tip of the tongue touches the palate. Perform continuously 81 exhalations and inhalations. This exercise is effective for young people with a long workout. In adulthood, you will train for several months and the result will be unexpected. In this exercise, standing in a position "standing up" By drawing in energy with the breath and lowering it to the navel area, all chronic diseases can be cured. Attention: in the "standing column" position, the anus is slightly tense and raised (this contributes to a better retention of energy in the body and its concentration in the corresponding energy center - pill box in Chinese). Ex. fourteen. Push-ups with exhalations and inhalations. The whole body is aligned in support, the toes of the feet and fingers are "glued" to the ground. Lower and raise the body with exhalations and inhalations 81 times. The weight of the body is mainly held on the hands. There are three ways to use brushes. In the first case, they move, "gluing" their palms to the ground. After pure mastery, in the second variant, the palms are replaced with fists. After a clean mastery of this, when performed without overstrain, they move on to the third option: fists are replaced with fingers. Fingers can also be positioned in different ways: at an angle and vertically. At an angle - the nails are facing upwards, in a vertical - the nails are perpendicular to the ground. In this exercise, it is most difficult to use your fingers. Start lifting and lowering the body with a small number of times, gradually increasing the quantitative (number of times) and qualitatively (standing on your fingers) loads. In this case, you will not have any difficulties. In the future, they reduce the number of fingers, bringing up to one thumb - this is the maximum task. Healthy people, performing this exercise, after a few months achieve amazing results in terms of the strength of the fingers, hands, lower back. When doing this exercise for more than a year, you can bend copper coins. Movements must be slow. Attention: these movements cannot be performed by those suffering from tuberculosis, heart and stomach diseases.