Gymnasium by registration. Which school the child will go to by registration: let's try to figure out which school is ours

"By registration" the child must be accepted without fail. In other schools of their choice, children are accepted to vacant places, in a school not "by registration" they will have to compete with others if there are more applicants than vacant places.

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation reads "General accessibility and free of charge pre-school, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises are guaranteed."

The issues of obtaining education in our country are regulated by the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", all by-laws cannot conflict with it.

Law "On Education of the Russian Federation"

The rules for admission to study in basic general education programs must ensure the admission of all citizens who have the right to receive general education of the appropriate level, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

The rules for admission to state and municipal educational organizations for training in basic general education programs should also ensure the admission to an educational organization of citizens who have the right to receive general education of the appropriate level and live in the territory to which the specified educational organization is assigned.

In admission to a state or municipal educational organization can be refused only because there are no vacancies in it, except for the cases provided for by Parts 5 and 6 of this Article and Article 88 of this Federal Law. In the absence of places in a state or municipal educational organization, the parents (legal representatives) of the child, in order to resolve the issue of his placement in another general educational organization, apply directly to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that exercises public administration in the field of education, or the local government that manages in the field of education.

The mechanism for realizing the right to receive affordable education

The procedure for admission to schools is defined in detail in.

The Law on Education in the Russian Federation gives parents the right to choose educational institutions. In practice, this means that when entering grade 1 in accordance with Order No. 32, when entering a school "at the place of residence", the child must be accepted as a priority. In order to implement accessibility guarantees, first all children assigned to the school at the place of residence are accepted, then for the remaining places of all those who have chosen this school, regardless of their place of residence.

If there are no free places in the assigned school, the child must be placed in another one. But at the same time, no one limits the right to choose a school, you can enter any school, but only for vacant places. As stated in the law, the school does not have the right to refuse admission if there are vacancies.

The right to choose a school remains after admission

When entering a school by transfer, the requirements established by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 12, 2014 N 177 "On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the transfer of students from one organization engaged in educational activities in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, to other organizations, carrying out educational activities on educational programs of the appropriate level and focus", which also provide freedom of choice of schools. In fact, upon admission during the academic year, the priority in admission for those living in the assigned territory ceases to be valid, because. no one can refuse.

It will also be necessary to ask if a registration for a kindergarten is needed from the administration of specialized preschool institutions. They most often do not require registration in the specified area - you only need to be registered in the city.

If we are talking about a standard educational institution or a kindergarten, then it will be quite problematic to enter it without registration. In this case, the solution is to change your child's place of enrollment to an area attached to the territory that serves the institution you wish to enroll in.

Theoretically, it is likely that the question of whether a child will be taken to school without a residence permit will be resolved positively if there are free places in an educational institution. Before placing a child in a school without a residence permit, parents should personally communicate with representatives of the school administration and find out the predicted filling of the school by students for the academic year. If the filling in by children who have a residence permit in the attached area is complete, the situation will be solved by the temporary registration of the child for the school.

How to get temporary registration for a school or kindergarten

There are several options for resolving such an issue as temporary registration in Moscow for a school or attending a pre-school child care institution.

The most convenient and least problematic is option with a residence permit with a close relative or grandmother if they live in an area with the desired institution. In this case, problems should not actually arise - by contacting the territorial office of the FMS and having issued a temporary residence permit for one of the legal representatives of the child, the parents get the right to register it at the specified address and enjoy all the rights of a citizen in institutions divided by territorial basis.

Which kindergarten should you go to? In 1.5 years, this question will come up point-blank, but now I’m just starting to gradually feel the ground.

So, we live in Northern Tushino in Moscow.

I have a knack for teaching Chinese to a child. With repeaters it doesn’t work out in any way - there is an overload (we take the child to the school of the English language).

In accordance with this bzik, a kindergarten with in-depth study of the Chinese language was found. More precisely - boarding school No. 11 At the same time, it refers to the SZAO, i.e. children from the areas of North/South Tushino, Mitino, Shchukino, Strogino and some others go to it. Yes, it is far away, but this is solved by moving to another area - after all, there is still 1.5 years ahead. However, after reading the reviews about the school, I came to the conclusion that the school is ideal in the elementary grades, and in the middle and high grades, teaching is VERY weak. There is also confirmation of this - if in the first grade the school has more than 50 students, then by the 11th grade there are no more than 10 ...

Class Deep Learning Subjects class profile Learning Mode Change Number of students Name of class teacher
1-A First 29 Maznichka Nadezhda Viktorovna
1-B First 26 Kutlyaeva Elena Pavlovna
11-A Philological profile First 6 Savelzon Irina Samuilovna

Not an option. Therefore, I had to look at other schools (not with in-depth study of the Chinese language - there are only 2 such schools in Moscow, and the second one is very far away, so I didn’t even consider it).

In my district (Northern Tushino), I found school No. 1399 with in-depth study of foreign languages, located on Latsis Street. However, after reading about the teaching staff and the new headmistress of the school, I realized that this school is far from ideal - the teachers are rude and do not give knowledge, even English. Moreover, we go to English additionally, and the point of studying a second foreign language even at a basic level (and not Chinese at the same time) is not what I would like from a school. Well, with the arrival of a new headmistress, strong teachers left the school. Not an option.

There are two comprehensive schools right next to my house: No. 827 and No. 1057.

In principle, the advantage for them is that the child will be able to go to school on his own even in the first grade. Therefore, I simply give links to reviews about schools.

Judging by the information on the official website of school No. 827, they even have lyceum and gymnasium classes. However, the faculty... alarming. In the reviews, teachers even engage in assault. And since they forget that such a method is “not pedagogical at all,” then what happens at a professional level is anyone’s guess.

Do children need to be registered for school?

Specific registration requirements there is no child for admission to school in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

The new Law on Education secured for parents the right to choose an educational institution of their choice, regardless of the place of residence of the child and his registration.

However, securing this right for the citizens of the Russian Federation, legislators thought out a mechanism regulation of the occupancy of educational institutions by introducing separate admission requirements on a territorial basis.

According to the requirements of Rosobrnadzor and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of January 22, 2014 No. 32 First of all, the school must provide places children living in the area.

Therefore, the administrations began to issue local acts, according to which, in order to be admitted to a school, it is necessary to document that the child lives next to it.

According to the requirements of the law and local acts of the educational institution have priority right to enter children:

  • police officers;
  • military personnel;
  • registered in the area where the school is located.

Enroll in a school without a residence permit in the territory assigned to it you can if there are free places in it.

How to arrange a child in a school without a residence permit?

Device without registration

Do I need a certificate of the place of registration of the child for the school? And how to get into a school without registration? The Ministry of Education and Science in its Order on the rules for admission to schools sets the deadlines for the admission of children, not residing in the territory assigned to them from July 1 to September 5 of the current year.

Until this time, children registered in the assigned territory (list A) are accepted.

If at the time of the end of the reception of children by registration there are empty seats, the formation of the B list begins. The child, subject to availability, must be accepted without hindrance.

Therefore, there is a chance to get into the OS without registration. But in the event that the school is prestigious and in demand, it is extremely small.

In the absence of vacancies need to find an acceptable way out of the situation, otherwise the child will have to attend an educational institution that is too far from home.

This option is inconvenient in terms of travel time, and in terms of security your child.

The ideal option would be at the place of stay in the right area. can be issued from relatives, acquaintances, as well as with the participation of intermediary firms.

Only by law, a child under 14 years of age can be registered jointly with one of the parents, and from the age of 14, but exclusively in the living space of close relatives.

Therefore, when using the option of registration in the apartment of an outsider, one of the parents in any case you have to register with your child.

Features of admission to gymnasiums and lyceums

Is it possible to get into the gymnasium without registration? When entering a gymnasium or lyceum, the need to pass testing or interview. Gymnasiums offer more complex educational programs than regular schools.

In most of them, many subjects are studied at an advanced level. The management of gymnasiums and lyceums is interested in priority admission of children with good abilities to learning, developed horizons.

Practically in all gymnasiums organized training courses for future first graders. It is worth enrolling your child in them, as this will allow him to adapt to the school team. At the same time, attending courses can serve as some guarantee of priority admission to the first class.

If the gymnasium is located in the area of ​​your official residence, the child must be admitted regardless of the results of tests or interviews.

Even if the first-grader does not cope with the tasks, refuse admission to study at this educational institution administration has no right.

If your child's intellectual abilities are "low", or he does not really want to learn, it is better to choose a regular comprehensive school. It will be difficult for him to study at the gymnasium, and he may fall far behind the program.

You can learn about how to receive a child at the place of residence in form No. 8, as well as in form No. 9, from our articles.

If not accepted

What to do if the children did not get into the school by registration? Each school, located in any area of ​​the city, has a territory assigned to it. All children of school age living in the area by registration, should study at this school.

The educational institution is not only obliged to accept the child for training even in the absence of free places, but is also responsible for educational coverage for all children.

Refusal to accept a child with registration in the area is a direct violation of the law.

But practice shows that parents often receive refusal to accept a child for education.

Such cases are especially common if the school is prestigious. It is quite difficult to get into such an OU, but it is quite possible on quite legal grounds.

If the administration does not accept the child, referring to the lack of places, you need to demand issue a written waiver and at the same time warn about the intention to apply to the Ministry of Education.

The lack of places cannot serve as a reason for refusal, and there are no other reasons at all. The administration can should take steps to ensure that all children registered in the area where the school is located.

You can suggest to the management to move the class to a larger room, where it will be possible to place a larger number of students, to divide the class into two parallels.

If the conflict is not resolved in this way, feel free to file a complaint with the organizations controlling the educational institution (Department of Education, Department of Education) or directly to the Ministry of Education of the region.

It is also worth doing if the refusal is motivated by the child’s poor academic performance at the previous place of study. Similar reasons - violation of the Law on Education.

Having received a refusal, ask the administration to acquaint you with the Charter of the educational institution. This document contains all the rights and obligations of students, teachers and the administration of the educational institution.

You will surely find everything in it. grounds for enrolling your child in this particular school and the conflict will be resolved. In order for the child to be surely enrolled in the educational institution, you can apply to two schools at once.

If there are no places in the school near the house, there will be one more option left.

Attaching houses to certain schools on a territorial basis and the lack of places in the desired educational institution can create problems with admission.

Parents should find out in advance all the information about the child's admission to the school by registration and take the necessary measures so that on September 1st he starts studying.