Characteristics of the student's educational activity example. Pedagogical characteristics per student

A characteristic for a student from a class teacher is compiled according to a certain algorithm, which implies an indication of his main qualities, relationships with classmates, teachers. It should reflect his psychological and individual characteristics, which were shown by the child in the behavior and educational process.

Important Points

The characteristic for a 4th grade student should be understandable and “readable” not only for the teacher, but also for other people.

When the class teacher is faced with the need to write characteristics for his pupils, he prefers to use a template.

How to write a good testimonial?

First you need to understand what kind of characteristic of the student is needed. When describing his psychological qualities, it is better to seek help from a professional - a school psychologist. He will conduct special diagnostic studies, according to their results, he will draw up a psychological portrait of the student.

The pedagogical characteristic for a 4th grade student is compiled by a primary school teacher. Its content directly depends on the purpose for which it is compiled. Its minimum length is 800-1000 characters, and the maximum description has no bounds. If the pedagogical characteristics of the student's personality are compiled for a third-party organization, it is drawn up on the letterhead of the school, the date of writing, the signature of the teacher and the director of the school are indicated below.

Compilation plan

First, information about the student, the year of his admission to the educational institution, the number of years of study is indicated. Next, the teacher notes the personal achievements of the child. The characteristic of the student includes information about relationships in the family, living conditions, financial condition, the attitude of parents to the child. The correspondence of physical development to the age of the child is prescribed. If a characteristic of an elementary school student is compiled, then the teacher notes the state of motor skills, coordination of movements, the state of hearing and vision, fatigue, aggressiveness, attention, and the presence of chronic diseases.

In addition, the characteristic of the student involves an indication of the characteristics of cognitive activity, the level of development of involuntary and voluntary attention, switchability. In order to draw up an objective picture for each specific child, the teacher notes the predominant type of memory, memorization strength, and communication skills.

A full-fledged characteristic from school gives a complete picture of the child referred to in the characteristic.

First Sample

Consider some samples of characteristics for students of different classes. Let's start with the pedagogical description of the eighth grader.


Sidorov Sidor Sidorovich, 8th grade student

MBOU "Secondary School No...."

Sidor is brought up by his mother. The family has normal relations, the young man tries to talk at home about his school life, calmly accepts the advice and recommendations of his mother.

Sidorov Sidor has been studying at MBOU "Secondary School No...." since the first grade. During the last year of schooling, he showed himself to be a student with an average mark of "3" points. He does not show any particular interest in studies, while there were no significant violations of discipline in the classroom over the past year. There were no comments from the subject teachers working in the class regarding the behavior of Sidorov Sidor to the class teacher, but there were problems with attending classes, as well as preparing for lessons.

A teenager is not focused on physical development, he is indifferent to physical culture. Sidor is calm, balanced, relations with peers are "cool". Technology can be singled out among the young man's favorite school subjects.

Sidor does not show leadership qualities, is a driven member of the student team, reluctantly responds to the instructions of the class teacher.

A teenager calmly reacts to critical remarks of adults, tries to get rid of shortcomings.

In relationships with adults, he is tactful. The young man has adequate self-esteem, observes the norms of behavior in public places.

The young man does not take an active part in the organization of class and school events, he keeps apart. Appearance is indifferent.

During the last academic year, Sidor, according to the class teacher and social teacher, did not differ in deviant behavior.

Classroom teacher...

Head teacher...

Second example

Below is a description of a 11th grade student.

Petrov Konstantin has been studying at school No. ... of the city ... since the first grade. He has established himself as a diligent, disciplined, hardworking, attentive student, who owns educational material at a high level. Kostya did not need constant monitoring, he showed an increased interest in learning. Has an arbitrary mixed memory, quickly memorized educational material. Possesses logical, creative, figurative thinking. He has the ability to study almost all academic disciplines, has repeatedly become the winner of school, district, and a participant in regional subject Olympiads in mathematics, chemistry, the Russian language, English, literature, life safety, and physics. At the lessons he was always attentive, active, fully completed his homework, helped his comrades.

Additional Information

Kostya reads a lot, is fond of historical literature, which allowed him to become a finalist in the qualifying (correspondence round) in 2015 and a participant in the regional stage of the Lomonosov's Heirs Olympiad in 2016. Konstantin treated the fulfillment of public assignments conscientiously, he was elected headman of the class in the 1st half of 2015. The young man actively participated in the social life of the class, school, city, district. Kostya is a regular participant in almost all cultural and sports events, as part of the school team he took part in the military-patriotic games "Zarnichka", "Zarnitsa". The young man is modest, restrained, reasonable, disciplined, does not give in to other people's negative influence, shows pronounced leadership qualities. He always followed the rules of conduct, followed all the recommendations of teachers, and enjoys well-deserved respect among teachers. Konstantin also has authority among his comrades, maintains friendly relations with all classmates.

Date of writing...

Classroom teacher...

Head teacher...

The third version of the characteristic

Characteristics for a student of the 11th grade of school No. ... of the city ... Tulyakov Petr Alexandrovich, born on April 2, 1999, living at the address: .. Peter has friendly relations in the family, he has an older sister. Peter studied at MBOU No. ... from the first grade. For eleven years of study, he proved to be a diligent, benevolent, neat, well-mannered young man, with an average score in the certificate of "4". He did not allow absences from classes without a good reason, he always warned the class teacher about a possible absence from the lessons. In addition to studying, Peter was active in extracurricular activities, danced in a choreographic studio, took part in creative competitions at the school and district levels. Throughout his school life, the young man has repeatedly been a participant and winner of subject school Olympiads in various academic disciplines.

Important Facts

Peter does not have obvious leadership qualities, he was a led member of the student team, but he always willingly responded to the instructions of the class teacher. Relations with classmates are friendly, throughout the entire period of study, not a single conflict situation was identified. Peter always followed the rules of conduct in an educational institution, public places, was kind to the comments from the class teacher, teachers, tried to correct the shortcomings indicated by adults.

Date of writing...

Classroom teacher...

Every class teacher is familiar with the task of compiling a psychological and pedagogical description of the students in his class. And every time you don’t want to invent something anew, it’s better to have a ready-made template on the basis of which it’s easy to prepare the necessary document.

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student are written with maximum consideration for the individual aspects of the development of each child, describing in detail his psychological characteristics. This is due to the fact that it plays a very important role in the educational process, greatly simplifying the interaction of the teaching staff of the school with the student. Allows the teacher to get an initial idea of ​​the student, to choose the most beneficial strategy for interacting with him.

In addition, such characteristics may be required when transferring to another school or college, they are requested by the guardianship authorities, the police and the PDN, the military registration and enlistment office.

Rules for conducting psychological and pedagogical examination

There are fairly clear rules for compiling a characteristic for a student. One of the fundamental requirements for conducting psychological and pedagogical characteristics is objectivity. It is equally important to carefully analyze the factors influencing the development of the child as a whole, with the obligatory consideration of the characteristics of the student. The child should be treated as delicately as possible, minimizing any coercion or pressure on him. Only in this case, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student or student can be as objective and useful as possible.

The characteristic for the student is written by the class teacher, signed by the director of the school. When writing the psychological characteristics of the child, the help of a school psychologist, the results of testing and diagnostics may be required.

How to write a testimonial for a student

Consider what a typical psychological and pedagogical characteristic should look like, drawn up for a student of a secondary educational school. The content of the characteristic may be based on the one who requires it. The minimum length of the characteristic is 800-900 characters, the maximum length is not limited, and, as we said above, the characteristic may contain reports on work with the student, test results.

  1. At the beginning, they indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the student, the class in which he is studying, and the characteristics of his health group.
  2. If desired, you can also specify the most striking external features. This data can be obtained by organizing a conversation with both the student himself and his parents.
  3. It is equally important to indicate the composition of the student's family, the features of social status, and the quality of interaction.
  4. After that, you can proceed to the study of the child's personal characteristics, covering his attitude to learning (industriousness, perseverance, academic performance), to others (development of communicative competencies, ability to communicate with peers and with adults). Data can be obtained both through observation and conversation with the child, and with the help of projective techniques (drawing tests, etc.).
  5. The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student should contain information about his stress resistance, the level of development of thinking and speech, emotionality, attention, punctuality.
  6. It is necessary to indicate how high the social status of the child is, whether it is easy for him to establish social contacts.
  7. At the end of the compilation of the characteristics, it is necessary to summarize the development of the student and the correspondence of his level to age characteristics. Recommendations are given related to the upbringing, training and further interaction with the child.

The characteristic, which will be transferred to a third-party organization, is written on the letterhead of the school, the date and signature of the person who prepared it, the signature of the director of the school, are put at the bottom.

Sample characteristics for a student

Ready-made characteristics for a student you can see on our website - select a sample of the characteristics below. The development will help the class teacher to quickly and accurately draw up a characterization for the student. You can make a full description according to the plan on this page.

Sample pedagogical characteristics for an elementary school student

A sample of a characteristic for a primary school student from a teacher, which is necessary when passing a psychological and pedagogical commission of any level. The characteristic is written in duplicate, signed by the teacher and director, the seal of the school is required.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics surname first name.

Full Name:

Date of Birth:

Address of residence: ………………….phone….

School No. class

At school No. has been studying since the year (left for a second course in the classroom);

g. studied at school no.

Psychological characteristics of cognitive processes

Gross motor skills are characterized by (not) sufficient arbitrariness of control over movements, fine motor skills are well / poorly developed.

The function of perception is not sufficiently developed, the child (does not) experience minor difficulties in acting on a visual pattern / verbal instruction. Perception is developed better/worse than thinking.

Attention is (not) stable and (not) exhaustible, arbitrariness, concentration and switchability are reduced/within the age norm.

Visual memory, short-term and long-term, is (not) sufficiently developed. Arbitrary short-term memory is (not) high. Medium/high/low mechanical memory level, logical memory level lower/higher. When memorizing, he quickly gets tired / remembers (not) large / medium volumes of text.

Visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking are developed better / worse than verbal-logical / correspond to the norm of this age.

(not) Identified violations of oral speech development, phonemic hearing. Articulation (“blurred” / pronunciation of sounds in syllables and words is fuzzy / frequent agramatism / inconsistency).

The level of formation of concepts and orientation in the surrounding world are (not) sufficient / age-appropriate.

In general, the child is characterized by (increased fatigue / unstable attention / the predominance of inhibition processes over excitation processes).

Pedagogical characteristics of educational activity.

The child is studying in a mass class / is on individual training ... a year.

Literary reading. The pace of reading ... words per minute (the norm at the end of the first / second half of the year ... words). Reading (not) sufficiently conscious, but not very expressive / not expressive / expressive), without observing / observing logical pauses and intonation of the end of the sentence. Makes many mistakes (the nature of the mistakes), (but does not) repeat them when re-reading the text. Detailed / short / creative retelling of the text is difficult, skips details, descriptions, the story is little / rather emotional. He reads poems by heart with errors, (not) expressively enough. Answers to questions gives full / detailed / monosyllabic, makes (minor) mistakes, establishing causal relationships. Vocabulary limited/age appropriate.

In Russian, he (does not) know the rules poorly and (does not) understand / does not always understand how to apply them. Grapho-motor skills are (not) sufficiently developed, handwriting is different (sloppy/often very small/very large/uneven, (un) legible). The following errors appear in writing: (omissions and substitutions of letters (often similar in spelling or denoting similar sounds), extra elements of letters, as well as their underwriting, agrammatisms), which indicates a violation of writing processes.

In mathematics, difficulties are caused by the formation (graphic skills, counting skills, problem solving). Mathematical speech is (not) formed slowly/in full. It causes the greatest difficulties (the formation of computational skills that are at a low / medium level (without relying on clarity, it counts within 10), mechanical memorization of the multiplication / addition table is more successful). The specific meaning of the operations of multiplication and division / addition and subtraction is realized only when using visualization. When solving problems, difficulties arise (explanation of the choice of action, recording of explanations, omission of names).

Homework (not) performs (not) in full, but under the supervision of parents/independently.

The pace of work in the lesson is (not) sufficient / low / medium / high with independent / collective / performing simple (of the same type) tasks, exercises that require switching attention (do not) cause a decrease in pace. The child is little / active in the lessons, creative tasks (do not) cause interest.

Learning motivation is absent/low. Self-control is poorly developed/within the age norm/highly developed, skills of independent work are formed in (not) sufficient volume/are formed with difficulty.

Relations with the teacher / calm / even / benevolent; fulfills requirements and instructions formally / willingly / sometimes reluctantly / with desire. Reacts to comments and praise more often with restraint/(in)adequately.

The child's clothes are (un)tidy, writing materials and school items are in good/(un)satisfactory condition.

The child is (little) sociable, (not) friendly with other children, (does not) participate in collective games / often is a leader. Outside of school, there are no/have friends, hobbies(...), at school she is engaged in circles(...), outside of school she attends(...).

Teacher ______________ / surname acting /

Director ____________/ surname acting /

Characteristics for a difficult student

Characterization of a difficult student requires a special approach from the teacher who composes it. Not only psychological knowledge, but also the ability to analyze the situation from different angles, revealing the main reasons for his low academic performance or difficult education. The social environment has a great influence on this:

  • the influence of the family (parents have addictions, criminal records, single-parent families and large families, violence and conflicts in the family);
  • low material well-being in the family;
  • the presence of seriously ill close relatives who are in direct contact with the child;
  • difficult life circumstances

An example of a characteristic for a difficult student

Characteristics of the student __ class

The year of birth,

residing at: _________________________

Ivanov Ivan has been studying at MBOU ________________ since class __. Consists of intra-school records from the 2nd grade for violations of discipline. He was registered with the Commission for Juvenile Affairs and Protection of their Rights under the administration of the ________ district in 2016-2017 for causing harm to the health of a student of the school _____________.

The composition of Ivanov Ivan's family: mother - __________________ and father ____________________. The parents are currently living separately. Ivan lives with his mother in a rented apartment.

The mother of ____________________ works ________________ at _______________. The father does not participate in the upbringing, does not help the family financially, and abuses alcohol.

Mother ____________________ answers the calls of the class teacher, always comes to school at the invitation of the class teacher, teachers, deputy principals, but does not always attend parent-teacher meetings. The mother overprotects Ivan, seeks to satisfy all his needs and protect him from worries and efforts, does not control Ivan's academic work and behavior enough.

Ivan is outwardly tidy, well dressed, has all the necessary school supplies and textbooks provided for him by the school.

Ivan's intellectual abilities are low. Attitude towards learning is negative. He was transferred conditionally to the 6th grade with an academic debt in mathematics. According to the results of the 1st and 2nd quarters of the 2015-2016 academic year, he had unsatisfactory marks in 6-9 subjects. He rarely does his homework. He often reacts inadequately to the comments of teachers. At many lessons, he refuses to get a textbook, notebook, diary, to complete educational tasks.

Conflict, quick-tempered, unbalanced. Has high self-esteem. During the last two years of study, he allowed numerous violations of discipline in the classroom and extracurricular time, a rude attitude towards classmates. There was a statement in an obscene form in a mathematics lesson, obscene abuse against classmates.

Refuses to participate in school activities. Performs public assignments under pressure. Treats public property with disrespect.

Shows interest in physical culture, is engaged in weightlifting in the sports and health center in +______. E

Preventive conversations were repeatedly held with Ivanov Ivan by the class teacher, members of the Prevention Council and the school administration. Preventive work was carried out with the student's mother, who was repeatedly invited to talk with the class teacher, the school administration on the issue of her son's low academic performance, but there were no changes for the better. During the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 academic year, it was considered at meetings of the small teachers' council, the teachers' council, the Prevention Council for poor progress, violations of discipline. Repeatedly, individual interviews were held with the mother and Ivan about complaints about Ivan's rough treatment of classmates. The mother was advised to increase control over Ivan's progress and behavior. Mom listens to the remarks of the class teacher, teachers, deputy directors, but believes that teachers do not pay enough attention to Ivan's education and upbringing. Mother ____________ explains the rough treatment of classmates and other students of the school by the fact that the children themselves provoke Ivan. Due to the fact that Ivan's behavior in the classroom reduces the effectiveness of the teachers' work, members of the class parents' committee asked the school administration to take action against Ivanov Ivanov.

During the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 academic year, the class teacher, deputy director for VR conducted conversations with Ivan about the inadmissibility of rude treatment of school students, the prohibition of fights.

In vagrancy, theft, the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances at school was not noticed.

characteristics for the family of a student from a dysfunctional family

student ____class MBOU _SOSH ...,

The year of birth

A student has been studying at this school since _______ class, from ______ years.

He is brought up in an incomplete large family. In addition to the student, the family has ___________. The mother works all day. Children can remain on their own. The mother of the student does not attend parent meetings, often for a good reason (work shift). He comes to school on the call of the class teacher and subject teachers. Can't handle the child's behavior.

The student completed the first half of the 2015-2016 academic year satisfactorily. For the first quarter I had an unsatisfactory grade in algebra. During his studies, the student shows weak abilities in many disciplines of the school curriculum due to the fact that he has absolutely no desire to learn. The student does not prepare homework, in the classroom he works only with repeated reminders from the teacher. Can be rude to teachers. She does not wear school supplies, explaining this by forgetfulness. The diary does not submit marks to subject teachers.

Established friendly relations with the class. Participated in class events and competitions.

He attended the hockey section at the FOK, participated in district and regional competitions. Currently not attending the section.

The student is physically healthy. Smokes.

Started skipping school since _________. Since January 2017 I attended only 4 lessons.

At the moment, she does not attend classes, but all the study time is in the school building. Rude to teachers, technical staff, using obscene language. Disrupts the lessons taking place in the second shift (runs into classes, knocks on doors), behaves outrageously in the corridors and the dining room. Doesn't respond to anyone's comments. The child had a sense of permissiveness.

The class teacher, the deputy director for educational work, the deputy directors for educational work, and the social teacher repeatedly conducted conversations with the student.

But the student remains indifferent to his misdeeds, does not confess to anything, does not realize his mistakes.

Director of MBOU _________________

Classroom teacher _________________

Positive characteristic for a student

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

per student... class MAOU ... ..

…… the year of birth,

residing at:…..

The student was born...

The general physical development is above average, a strong physique, the state of health is satisfactory - I main health group, has slight vision problems, wears glasses.

Lives in a family, which consists of three people (mother..., father..., student...). An apartment with all amenities, the student has his own room. The duties of a schoolgirl around the house include washing dishes, cleaning, taking out the trash and other household chores. Parents are actively involved in the upbringing of the girl, they are always interested in her success, they themselves are directly involved in school affairs.

In …… studies from the first class. The class is large (... person). Several groups can be distinguished in it: leaders, preferred, elected, no outcasts. The student can be attributed to the preferred group, which was shown by the sociometric study. In the class team, the student enjoys a certain authority, this is determined by her academic performance (she studies "good" and "excellent") and the ability to defend her point of view. Relations with classmates are friendly. Equally easy to communicate with both boys and girls. Befriends in class... .I am satisfied with my position in the team. He cherishes his stay at school, values ​​communication most of all, which was shown by the test for determining school motivation, actively participates in all school affairs. Relationships with teachers are trusting. The student willingly makes contact with teachers, tries to comply with subordination and generally accepted school rules.

A student from the first grade studies without triples, she is also a participant and winner of many school and distance olympiads in various disciplines, she recently participated in such competitions as Golden Fleece, British Bulldog, Native Word, Perspective. He has commendation sheets, many thanks and awards in his portfolio. The level of knowledge in all subjects is approximately the same, shows great interest in biology, masters the main educational program with equal success. The student is emotional, well-read, has a rich vocabulary, knows how to correctly express her thoughts both orally and in writing.

He studies with interest, if questions arise, he always looks for answers to them, consults with his elders, and studies additionally after school. She treats praises and censures from teachers adequately, she realizes that study is a necessity for later life. According to the survey, he has a “good” average level of school motivation, even slightly higher (close to high).

Knows how to be concentrated, long-term stability of attention, rationally allocates time. The level of voluntary attention is high, which was shown by tachistoscopy testing.

She perceives educational material meaningfully and quickly, which is one of her strengths. He remembers quickly, arbitrary memory prevails over arbitrary (this was shown by the results of a study of arbitrary and involuntary memory). Memory is long-term. He owns the techniques of analysis and synthesis, successfully draws conclusions and generalizations, easily finds the main idea and knows how to separate the priority from the secondary. Quickly seeks solutions when a problem arises. Medium-developed imagination, likes specificity, accuracy and certainty. Possesses the ability to learn: independently works with a book, draws up plans, notes, memorizes material.

Labor respects, understands its significance and value. The student is interested in the social benefit of her work. She conscientiously performs all individual tasks and social work. Sometimes he is the initiator of some business, actively goes forward in helping and organizing school events. Thanks to his domestic duties, he has the highest level of labor skills. Every job is done with care.

The student is interested in literature (likes to read works of art), music, sports, attends many school electives, such as speech culture and a second foreign language. He is engaged in swimming.

The student behaves calmly, with restraint. She follows her daily routine on her own. Fulfills the requirements of adults, even if there is no strong desire.

The student manifests such traits as sensitivity, kindness, collectivism, conscientiousness, as well as perseverance, independence. The mood is often good, sometimes it is neutral, even.

The student has great potential and a huge number of positive traits that she is not yet able to fully realize. The ability to instantly get up to speed and adequately understand the task at hand greatly facilitate the assimilation of educational material. I relied on her for some questions during the lesson, and my trust was justified. She was always active, reasonable and interested. In the future, I consider it necessary to develop its potential through extracurricular activities. Also, through various methods, develop her leadership qualities, because. she has great potential to become a class leader.

This work presents 14 Approximate Characteristics for Primary School Students . They were written for presentation on demand: police, social security, doctors, guardianship, court.

If you need a psychological and pedagogical description of a student, then you can see an example of writing.

Characteristic student 3 "B" class, living at:

In secondary school No. __, ________ has been studying since the age of 7 (09/01/2008) under the program 1-4 of the teaching materials "School of Russia".

The boy is brought up in an incomplete family, which consists of 4 people (mother, 2 children and grandmother) living in the same apartment.

The physical development and state of health of _____ corresponds to the age and norm, there are no serious diseases, it is well developed, rarely gets sick. The mother constantly monitors the school performance and behavior of the child, and also cooperates with the teacher and provides all possible assistance. Every Saturday, _______ comes to the school to talk to the teacher, and often calls for urgent matters.

During his studies, _____ showed himself to be a very active, open, sociable child. He easily gets in touch with peers, teachers. Adults are respectful and listen. Follows all instructions of the teacher. The boy is neat, school supplies are in good condition, but work in notebooks is sloppy due to inattention. He tries to keep not only his belongings in order, but also school property. The reaction to the teacher's comments is positive, he tries to correct mistakes, feels guilty. However, Vlad is easily influenced by the surrounding classmates. He is friends with everyone in the class, but prefers friendship with __________. They are connected by friendship from kindergarten, as well as "housing next door", so the boys often return from school together and go to each other's houses to play on the computer. Vlad's mother tightly controls their friendship.

The intellectual potential of the student is high. He graduated from the second grade with one "4" in Russian, the rest of the subjects - "5". In the class he is a leader in educational activities, he is equal, respected, hoped for. At the lesson, he always raises his hand, often tries to answer all the questions of the teacher, interrupting others, striving to be the first in everything. Always distributes his work in time and works according to the plan. Shows a strong interest in learning activities. Takes an active part in school life (reads poetry at parties, participates in competitions, contests). The boy participates in all competitions of the school, district, as well as Russia. Repeatedly became the winner in school competitions, in the district, and also became the winner in the Kemerovo region. The mother of ___________ shows interest in the success of the child.

The boy attends school circles - "Magic Tassel", "Musical Theater", and also attends extracurricular activities - athletics, dance, swimming pool.

In the class team, he takes the position of a clear leader, mainly in educational activities.

Characteristic 1st "B" class student living at:

I went to secondary school No. ___ in _______ from the age of 7 (09/01/2008) to the first general education class "B" according to the program 1-4 of the EMC "School of Russia", where she is currently studying.

The physical development and state of health of the girl corresponds to the age and norm, there are no serious diseases. The family consists of 5 people (mother, grandmother and 2 older brothers) who live in the same apartment. _________ (middle brother) studies in the 8th grade of school No. __ and sometimes brings his sister to school. Mom - ________________ is practically not involved in raising children. She is ill-informed about the interests of the child, her daughter's progress, behavior in and out of school. During the current academic year, at the parent meeting was 1 time.

He tries to arrange his personal life, which is reflected in the child. During the period of living with a roommate (in winter) separately from her family (only Yana lived with her), control over her daughter was poorly carried out: homework in subjects was not completed, she was periodically not ready for lessons, sometimes she missed lessons without explanation (or, for example, said “the down jacket did not have time to dry”), money for food was not given during this period. The mother herself very rarely approaches the teacher.

The rest of the time, the grandmother is engaged in upbringing, and also supervises the studies of ______ and provides financially (food, entertainment - theater, cinema, New Year's gifts). She is always up to date with the events of the current day. She approaches the teacher. According to ______, her grandmother teaches her a lot (to sew, read, clean). _____ takes an active part in school life (reads poetry at parties) thanks to his grandmother.

There is a dysfunctional emotional atmosphere between the grandmother and mother.

At first glance, the girl is well dressed, well-groomed. During the training, _____ showed herself as an open, sociable child. She easily gets in touch with her peers and teachers. Not afraid of wrong answers, says what he thinks. Adults are respectful and listen. Follows all instructions of the teacher. He loves to be on duty in the class until he leaves everything, sometimes he does work for others. He tries to keep his belongings and school property in order. The reaction to the teacher's remarks is positive, he tries to correct mistakes, feels guilty (lowers his head, is silent).

However, not always a prosperous atmosphere in the family is transferred by the child to the children's team. She is overly mobile, sometimes even aggressive with her peers (she can shout, push, she firmly defends her position).

In the team, she takes the position of "average", they listen to her. Girls play role-playing games with her, color pictures, etc.

The intellectual abilities of the student are average. Favorite lessons are: physical education, art, work, music, the world around.

The general outlook is very small. A small vocabulary and low erudition do not make it possible to correctly express one's thoughts in writing and orally. Memory is developed at a mechanical level, it does not own the methods of deliberate memorization, there is no speed and strength of memorization, therefore, after a few days, information is forgotten without intentional repetition.

Thinking is poorly developed. Difficulty distinguishing essential and secondary features of objects. The level of assimilation of general and abstract concepts is very low, he is not able to draw conclusions on his own and find solutions.

Imagination is poorly developed.

_____ shows interest in learning activities, but it quickly disappears, because all mental processes are poorly developed. Often distracted in class. He does his homework with reluctance and with great difficulty (according to his grandmother). It is difficult to memorize addition and subtraction tables, vocabulary words, etc.

However, the girl tries very hard to keep up with the rest of the students. Actively answers the teacher's questions, even if the answers are not always correct.


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Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student:

structure and content

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, there are many different recommendations and schemes for compiling student characteristics. Each of them has its pros and cons.

After analyzing the currently existing criteria for compiling characteristics, we have identified several basic requirements that these characteristics must meet.

1. The characteristics of the student should reflect as fully as possible the individual psychological characteristics of a particular child, manifested in his communication, behavior, and learning.

2. The characteristic of the student should be easily "readable" and understandable for other specialists who are not familiar with the child being characterized.

3. The characteristics of the student should be compiled according to the standard scheme, this process should not be laborious.

4. The structure of the characteristic should include 5 main blocks:

1) general information about the child;

2) features of the child's cognitive activity;

3) features of the child's personality;

4) features of the child's behavior;

A well-written psychological and pedagogical description of the student helps the educator and teacher to get an idea of ​​the child's personal qualities, establish contact with him, build a plan for further pedagogical and educational work, and create optimal conditions for the development of the student.

The template for compiling the characteristics of the student and the detailed content of the individual sections that cause the greatest difficulties in the description are presented below (see Table 1). In addition, we provide a template for characterizing the class as a whole (its goals and objectives are related to determining the directions for developing preventive work with the class).

student (student) ___ class

(school name)

FULL NAME. child __________ date of birth _______________



Date of Birth.

Date of admission to the institution.

Child's family ties(parents, brothers, sisters, next of kin).

Health information(presence of chronic diseases, health group).


academic performance(excellent, good, satisfactory).

School motivation(attitude towards school, the presence of interest and desire to learn).

Features of the assimilation of individual subjects(level of assimilation of the program, difficulties in assimilation of the material, favorite subjects) .

Features of attention(concentration, switching, stability of attention).

Features of perception and comprehension of information(understanding the instructions for tasks, understanding the content of pictures, stories, highlighting the main thing in the text).

Features of thinking(the ability to compare objects, generalize the material, draw conclusions).

Memory Features(speed and accuracy of memorization, type of memory: auditory, visual, motor).

Features of speech(vocabulary, completeness and coherence of speech, pronunciation defects).

Pace of activity(speed of tasks, switching, fatigue).

Behavior in the classroom(understanding and observance of school norms and rules of conduct).


Orientation of the interests of the child ( educational, artistic and aesthetic, sports or other activities).

 (does the student like to study, what encourages him to study, attitude to various academic subjects, attitude to successes and failures):

Public activity-passivity;





Striving for success, leadership;



Attitude towards people(relationships with the class team, teachers, the attitude of the class to the student):

Features of relations with adults (politeness, a sense of distance, openness, attitude to criticism and praise - self-criticism).

Features of relations with peers (sociability, collectivism, disinterestedness, honesty, truthfulness, justice).

self-attitude ( self-assessment and self-control):

Modesty or, on the contrary, tells, boasts about his achievements, virtues

Self-confidence, i.e. whether he performs tasks, assignments without the help of others or needs the approval and help of others

Self-control, emotional balance.

Table 1 can help in filling out the second and third sections of the characteristics. "The content of individual sections of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student", presented below.


Compliance with social norms and rules of conduct.

Reaction to failures and failures.

behavior in conflict situations.

Bad habits.

Tendency to antisocial forms of behavior(deceit, theft, vagrancy, etc.)

General impression of the child.

conclusions(strengths of the student that should be developed and weaknesses that need to be corrected).



(school name)

General information about the class(number of children, age, composition of the class, health status of children).

Formal class structure(class asset).

Goals and objectives of the class as a team(the main directions of educational work with the class).

Achievement and attitude to educational activities(the number of excellent students, shock students, three students, favorite subjects, etc.).

Extracurricular activities(interests of children, involvement in circle activities, participation in events, competitions).

The state of discipline in the classroom(understanding and observance of social norms and rules of behavior).

Relationship between class and class teacher, other teachers.

Interpersonal relationships in the classroom(informal class structure, the role of positive and negative class leaders, the psychological climate in the class).

class cohesion(the ability to work collectively, the values ​​of the students of the class).

Class Achievements(educational, sports, literary, etc.).

Table 1

Child Assessment Options

Possible options for the development of the studied parameters of the child



Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the explanation of the teacher. He never gets distracted in class, does not make mistakes due to inattention in class

Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanation. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking

He listens attentively enough only when he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to inattention, does not always correct them when checking

As a rule, slowly and with difficulty focuses his attention on the lesson, learns little from the teacher's explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many mistakes due to inattention and does not notice them when checking


When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires rote memorization is easily memorized by him.

When memorizing, he can remember only what he previously understood, understood. Material requiring rote memorization is given with difficulty

Material that requires rote memorization is absorbed very easily, it is enough to look at it 1-2 times

To memorize the material repeatedly mechanically repeats it, indiscriminately and comprehended, makes semantic errors.


Quickly grasps the essence of the material, always among the first to solve problems, often offers his own original solutions.

Satisfactorily understands the material after the teacher's explanation, solves problems at an average pace, usually does not offer his own original solutions

Among the latter, he captures the essence of the teacher's explanations, is distinguished by a slow pace of thinking and solving problems.

He understands the material only after additional classes, solves problems extremely slowly, blindly uses known “templates” when solving problems.


Attitude to affairs, assignments

Public activity

Actively participates in all public affairs.

Does not show activity in public life, but carries out instructions.

Rarely takes part in public affairs.


The child performs any task willingly, looks for work himself and tries to do it well.

Carries out household chores and errands for adults.

Often evades cases and assignments, performs them in bad faith.

A responsibility

He always performs any task entrusted to him well and on time.

Often completes assigned tasks on time.

Rarely completes the tasks entrusted to him.


He knows how to properly distribute and completes his work on time.

Correctly distributes and performs his work on time only under the supervision of an adult.

Does not know how to distribute his work in time, wastes time in vain.


Always keeps his belongings in perfect order. Dressed neatly, pulled up - both at the desk and at the blackboard. Protects public property, always tries to put it in order.

Keeps in proper order own and loaned to him things (books, abstracts). Helps to put in order public property (desks, inventory, etc.) rather out of duty.

Does not show much desire to maintain order around him. Doesn't care about his appearance. Does not protect public property.

Striving for success and excellence

Always and in everything strives to be the first (in studies, sports, etc.), persistently achieves this.

Strives in one thing, especially of interest to him, to achieve recognition, success.

Very rarely strives for success in any activity, easily satisfied with the position of the "middle peasant".


Always independently, without hesitation, makes a responsible decision.

Sometimes hesitates before a responsible decision.

Rarely dare to make any responsible decision

Unable to make any responsible decision on their own


He always achieves what he has planned, even if long-term efforts are required, he does not back down in the face of difficulties.

Brings to the end the plan, only if the difficulties of its implementation are insignificant or require short-term efforts.

He rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

Faced with difficulties, immediately abandons attempts to fulfill the intended.

Attitude towards people

The position of the child in the classroom

Sympathy classmates

He is the favorite of the class, he is forgiven some shortcomings.

Enjoys the sympathy of only a part of classmates.

The class doesn't like him.

Relationships with adults

Politeness, tact

Always shows due respect for other people.

Sometimes it is impolite and tactless.

Often too harsh, starts quarrels, insults others, is rude.


He adequately perceives criticism, listens to advice, tries to correct his shortcomings.

Often listens to fair remarks, tries to take them into account.

Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious faults, does nothing to correct them

Relationships with peers


Always willingly and with pleasure comes into contact with people, loves to work and relax with others.

Communicates with a limited circle of people.

Prefers individual forms of work and rest. Closed, uncommunicative.


He always helps his comrades in difficult work and in difficult moments of life.

As a rule, he helps his comrades when asked.

He very rarely helps his comrades: if asked, he can refuse to help.


In his actions he is always guided by considerations for the benefit of the cause or other people, and not his own benefit.

Almost always guided by considerations for the benefit of the cause or other people.

In his actions he is guided by his own benefit, and the benefit of the case.

Honesty, truthfulness

Always truthful in relation to teachers and educators, comrades. He speaks the truth even when it is “unprofitable” for him.

Rarely deceives, almost always truthful to other people

Often tells lies for personal gain


Actively fights what he considers unfair.

Rarely speaks out against what he considers unfair.

Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.

Attitude towards yourself


He never flaunts his merits and merits.

Sometimes, he talks about his real achievements and virtues.

Often boasts of even minor achievements, exaggerated virtues, or things that have not yet been done

Self confidence

Very confident. Rarely consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.

Self-assured. All tasks are performed without the help of others. Asks for help only when needed.

Often, when performing tasks, he asks for help, support from others, even if he himself can handle it.

self control

Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.

As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.

Often unable to suppress unwanted emotions. Poorly owns his feelings, easily loses his temper.

The work of a teacher cannot be overestimated. A lot of responsibilities rest on the shoulders of the teacher. In addition to his main vocation - to bring knowledge to the masses, which in itself is not easy - he also has to do a lot of paper work: prepare plans, check notebooks, keep journals, and do methodical work. In addition, the teacher draws up a characteristic for the students.

Compilation of characteristics is an important and responsible part of the teacher's work. This procedure is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, the information in the reference must be presented truthfully and impartially, it must adequately characterize the student. Secondly, it is necessary to correctly convey the required information on a piece of paper, since this document is of a public nature and will be available for reading to other people. What is a characteristic for a school student, how to write it correctly, why is it needed? All these questions are of considerable interest to teachers, especially beginners who have just encountered such a task.

Characteristics for a student, its purpose

Often, the characteristics are compiled by the class teacher when the student moves to another school or class, or at the request of the school management. For example, at the end of the fourth grade, the teacher draws up a characterization for students for a high school teacher, in the ninth - for a vocational school or technical school, in the eleventh - for a higher educational institution.

Therefore, the teacher often has to write a large number of them, because of which the text turns out to be stereotyped and contains general information, without presenting the personality characteristic in the proper volume. As a result, this can negatively affect the student and his relationship with the new teacher. A characteristic for students is a document that is familiar to almost every person; it should reflect the student’s character traits, his psychological and personal characteristics as much as possible.

It is important to avoid bias when compiling the characteristics and to give an objective assessment of the student. A correctly drawn up characteristic will be of great help to a new teacher when a student changes his place of study. It will help determine the type of personality, characteristics and character traits, as well as identify the needs and abilities of the child.

Basic requirements for compiling a characteristic

The document should have a certain structure and be easy to read. Should be understandable to a person who is not familiar with the student on whom the characteristic is drawn up.

The information indicated in the characteristic should give an extensive picture of the individual psychological characteristics characteristic of the particular student for whom it is drawn up.

It is forbidden to indicate the abbreviated surname, name and patronymic of the student, as well as his address and contact information.

In the characteristic the qualification of knowledge and skills of the student should be given.

The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student are compiled on the basis of the student's card. Thanks to the psychological and pedagogical map, it is easier for the teacher to impartially assess the student's abilities according to a specially designed scale. It helps to reveal the characteristics of the student's character, to assess the level of knowledge and behavior.

Cheat sheet for writing characteristics

The first paragraph of the characteristic describes general information, indicates the full name, address, age of the student. A verbal description of the student is given.

Health, physical development

In the next paragraph, it is necessary to describe the general state of health of the child, his physical development, indicate whether there are any chronic diseases, whether the height and weight of the student correspond to the norm for his age.

Family atmosphere

The next point is about the conditions of family education of a student. The composition of the family, its material well-being, the psychological atmosphere in the student's family, his relationship with relatives are described. It is necessary to indicate the age, profession and place of work of the parents, contact information for communication with them.

Class Information

A characteristic for an elementary school student should contain information about the class. Indicate the number of students in the class, how many boys and girls are studying in it. Give a general description of the class, its performance, activity and organization.

Description of the student's personal qualities

This is followed by an extensive description of the behavior and place of the child in the classroom: his discipline, academic performance and organization, other personal qualities (whether he is a leader or, on the contrary, behaves in isolation and apart, whether he is an organizer or a performer). Indicate if he has close friends among his peers. Mark the level of development of morality and morality of the student: his ideas about friendship, honesty, betrayal, conscience, attitude to work. Does he have a passion for one of the areas of activity, can he do what he loves for a long time, does he attend sections that interest him?

Attitude towards learning

The characteristics of the students should indicate the student's attitude to learning: is there an interest in it, what subjects are favorite, is the student more inclined towards the humanities or the exact sciences, etc. Describe whether the child is inquisitive, his psychological characteristics, type of thinking, how developed memory. Indicate what qualities are well developed, and what still needs to be worked on.

Student Temperament

Next, describe the type of temperament to which the student belongs, what mood prevails at school, whether he is subject to emotions and how he shows them. Give an assessment of strong-willed qualities, courage, purposefulness, determination.


In the last paragraph, summarize the above information, draw conclusions. Does the student develop according to the norms for his age? Give general recommendations and advice to parents and future teachers, focus on points that require special attention from adults.

Characteristics for a student of grade 4-B

Secondary school No. 171

Vasilkovsky Vasily Vasilyevich

2006 year of birth

residing at:

Tyumen, st. Lenin house, 56, apt. 158

The student masters the school curriculum at an average level, non-conflict, restrained, calm. Discipline does not violate, respectful of the teaching staff. The physical development of the child is normal, active, engaged in martial arts. There are no visible health problems; he is not registered with highly specialized specialists. Height and weight are normal.

He lives in a full-fledged family, which consists of his father, Vasily Ivanovich Vasilkovsky, born in 1980 (works as an engineer in a bridge construction company), and his mother, Victoria Andreevna Vasilkovskaya, born in 1984 (housewife). The family is prosperous, family members have no criminal record, parents are interested in the child's progress at school, and participate in the organizational issues of the class.

The psychological atmosphere in the class is satisfactory, academic performance is at an average level. There are 26 children in the class, 15 of them are boys and 11 are girls. The third grade was excellently completed by seven people, fifteen more children finished the year with good students and four students satisfactorily. Vasily is organized, performs the tasks entrusted to him, executive, does not have leadership qualities. It does not conflict with the class. The boy has a friend with whom he spends time during breaks and after school.

The child is friendly, shy, balanced. Inclined for the most part to the exact sciences, shows interest in sports. The problematic subject is reading. Reading skills below average.

The child has a sense of purpose, but not very pronounced. Emotions clearly does not show, constrained in their expression.

In general, the child is well developed, meets all the norms of mental and physical development. Mentally balanced, he can attend a children's team. Attention should be paid to the excessive shyness of the student, continue to develop skills in the exact sciences and improve reading technique.

Above, an average sample of a characteristic per elementary school student was presented. The characteristic for a student of the senior and final grades is compiled in the same vein, the distinguishing feature is a greater bias towards professional skills and the student's predisposition to certain subjects. Recommendations are indicated on the choice of direction in training at a higher educational institution and the further choice of profession.

After the characteristic for the students is drawn up, it must be documented, assigned a registration number and entered in the log of incoming and outgoing documentation. The volume of the characteristic should be on average one sheet of A4 format. Using the recommendations described above and following the example of compiling a profile, you can easily prepare the necessary document for any student in your class.