When the summer holidays come. Holidays in quarters

Already from the beginning of the school day, many students begin to dream of a long summer vacation. Of course, this time of year is beautiful for its warmth and friendliness. Children want to play computer games most of the day or dive in warm rivers and lakes. The Ministry of Education also considers the summer holidays to be one of the most positive vacation periods. The thing is that over the long summer time, the guys have time to relax and miss their studies and their classmates. When are the summer holidays planned for 2018? This question is asked by those who are somehow connected with the school.

Benefits of summer vacation

The time spent at school is the most beautiful and emotionally positive for many. But be that as it may, with the beginning of each school year, students are already beginning to think about when the holidays begin. It is summer that carries an alluring mystery, because this period of time can be lived by the children to the maximum fun and informative.

Holidays bring huge benefits related to the health of the younger generation:

  1. The guys have a rest both psychologically and morally.
  2. Returns the correct mode of the day with a full sleep.
  3. Parents can adjust the diet of children.
  4. Children can do what they love - switch only to themselves and their interests.

Satiation with information, faces and deeds requires the opportunity for the child to be alone with himself, to calm down.

Academic plan

Currently, administrative power is given to directors of educational institutions. They may allocate study time and rest periods in such sequence as they see fit. But the leadership of any educational institution must adhere to the approximate plan drawn up by the Ministry of Education.

As has been established since ancient times, the school academic year is divided into periods of study and vacation periods. In total, there are 4 quarters in a year, there are days of rest between them, but they are not equal in duration to each other.

Summer holidays in Russia are the longest. It is for this reason that they are so long-awaited for schoolchildren. Usually, in general education institutions, summer vacation time begins from May 25–31. Why such difference?

Vacation start school link
From May 25 First-graders, as well as elementary school students who are distinguished by successful grades, have the right to start a long rest.
From the 27th or 29th Middle and high school students go on summer vacation
After the 20th of June Graduates begin to rest only after passing the final exams. In some schools, the deadline for taking the final exams is June 25th. Accordingly, only after the specified time, graduates begin their summer vacation.

In the 2017-2018 school year, the last bell will ring on May 25, Friday, for schools that study on a five-day work week, and possibly on May 26 for children studying on a six-day work week.

Summer vacation schedule by terms and modules

As a rule, vacation dates vary depending on the form of education adopted at the school. That is, vacations at a school with a trimester or modular system, according to which many schools in Moscow study, may not coincide with rest days for children studying under the quarter system.

A pleasant exception to this scheme is the summer holidays: their terms are the same throughout the country, regardless of the options for building the educational process. Already at the end of May, students begin their summer vacation, which lasts a little more or less than 3 hot months.

How to organize a summer vacation?

It is known that the school summer holidays in 2018 in Russia are long in duration. Therefore, most of the time the guys are left to their own devices. It is important for parents to think in advance about where to send their child for the summer holidays.

What nuances are important to observe when organizing recreation for schoolchildren?

  1. Summer employment allows students to distribute their free time in a positive way. Of course, the guys at this time want to relax, not study, so most of the daytime they should be free.
  2. If possible, it is recommended to enroll a child in a children's summer playground or send him to a children's health camp.
  3. It is equally important to explain to children the mandatory safety measures while in the forest or on the water. It is necessary to remember the rules of conduct on the road or on a trip.

Holidays in general, and summer holidays in particular, play a very important role in the development, upbringing and health improvement of children and adolescents. Summer vacation is also an opportunity for the creative development of children, enrichment of the spiritual world and the child's intellect.

Summer employment of children

The healthiest vacation is, of course, in nature. Therefore, if possible, the child needs to stay with relatives in the village for at least one summer month. The benefits of nature are invaluable for a growing organism.

During the summer months, school entertainment and educational sites are open, which children can visit as they wish. Such sites are most often visited by students of primary and secondary schools, but for high school students they are no longer particularly interesting.

Many parents go on tourist trips with their children. In such trips, it is important to follow all the necessary safety measures so that the rest is complete.

Make the most of your summer:

The most long-awaited time for almost every schoolchild is the onset of summer holidays. During this period, you can take a break from school lessons, exams and enjoy a good rest surrounded by family and friends.

A sufficient amount of time is allotted for the holidays - as many as 3 months, during this period, you can fully recover and start studying with renewed vigor. It is interesting that such a respite is needed not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers, educators, and also for the school institution.

It is in the summer months that repairs begin at the school, so that from September the children feel comfortable. During the children's recreation, teachers create a new curriculum that will help the child to use all his creativity and knowledge.

Summer holidays are a serious test and a problem for parents, because children's free time needs to be filled with interesting moments. They try to plan summer holidays in advance so as not to waste time on useless activities.

Important! Currently, many are interested in the question of when the summer holidays of 2018 will begin. As a rule, school holidays begin on June 1 and continue until August 31 inclusive. In 2018, the summer vacation schedule will remain the same, and students will be able to enjoy unforgettable moments for three months.

Interestingly, this period may vary, it all depends on the particular school. Most likely, the beginning of the summer holidays is associated with the end of the curriculum. The coincidence of vacation dates in various educational institutions is not accidental, because it is easier for school leaders to set the date for olympiads and final exams.

Students who are going to enter a higher educational institution should be prepared that their holidays will be shorter. This is due to the fact that final exams are scheduled in mid-June, which makes it possible for applicants to prepare for them. And if for admission to a university or institute it is necessary to pass additional exams, then in this case, you will have to give up vacations for the benefit of your future.

Reasons for changing the date

There are exceptions to everything, and the date of the holidays can also change, it all depends on the current situation at the school, and in the country as a whole. For example, due to natural disasters and unforeseen and unplanned circumstances, management may decide to take early vacations in order to be able to correct all problems.

It is interesting that during strikes and popular unrest, due to weather conditions, the work of the entire school is stopped and students are allowed to go home. This situation can continue for several weeks, causing students to fall behind in the program.

Important! In order to fill in the gaps, the school administration may decide to extend the school year, so the holidays may not start on June 1, as is customary, but much later.

Thus, the most important reasons for extending school lessons are:

  • natural disasters;
  • quarantine;
  • technical problems.

Teachers are aware that the load on schoolchildren should not be strong, therefore it is not fair to detain children for a long time, taking away the time of legal vacations. In order to fill in the gaps and catch up with the curriculum, teachers suggest studying on Saturdays.

Another option to have time to complete the full training course is to extend the lessons. If you do 1 more lesson several times a week, then the program will be completed in a timely manner. At the same time, teachers do not give an unbearable mental load on the child, because immediately after the rest it is impossible to load the student heavily, especially if this is a primary school student.

Summer schools - useful recreation

If parents think about the future of their child, they will plan their vacation in such a way that the child, in addition to rest, will also receive a good education. To this end, you can consider summer schools, which are famous for their excellent curriculum. In addition, if it is possible to send a student abroad, then this is a unique way to learn about another culture.

Interestingly, such summer schools contain an intensive foreign language study program. Many parents send their children to relatives who live abroad. The advantage of this practice is that the child will be able not only to learn the language, but also to go to an educational institution for a while. The date of summer holidays that starts on the first day of summer and ends on August 31 does not always coincide with holidays in a foreign country.

Holidays from June 1 to August 31 are a unique opportunity to spend wonderful, warm days with benefit. The holidays are aimed at ensuring that schoolchildren and parents take a break from the hustle and bustle, endless homework. Also, for the summer holidays, you can send the child to the village to the grandparents. There, the child will be surrounded by nature and will have the opportunity to recuperate in order to start classes on September 1, rested and full of energy.

Thus, the summer vacation period is not only 3 months of unbridled fun and idleness, but also an occasion to do something interesting, go to a summer camp, where you can meet interesting guys, change your worldview. The guys, communicating with each other, gain experience and knowledge, the main thing is that the environment helps the child to open up.

Very little is left before the end of the school year, the onset of the vacation period. At school, children are looking forward to the start of the summer holidays, so that they can finally sleep and take a break from school. Class teachers have already told when the school will be closed.

Parents of schoolchildren usually take vacations in the summer so that the whole family can go on vacation. Of course, vacations should be planned in advance, because now it is so important to find out as soon as possible when the summer holidays at school begin in 2018.

There are no fixed dates for summer holidays at school.

In every Russian school in 2018, summer holidays may begin at different times - there is no fixed date. After the May holidays, control, pulling up subjects, exams begin, as a result of which the children are transferred to the next classes. The Ministry of Education draws up a schedule of school holidays every year: the approved start date will be the end of the school year. The date changes every year due to holidays.

The schedule of school holidays of the Ministry of Education is advisory in nature: the final dates are approved by the council of each school. Parents of schoolchildren should plan a vacation after June 1 and until August 31: it is during this period that summer holidays fall in schools.

For elementary school students, the educational process will end on May 23, for middle and high school students on May 26. If elementary school students had additional holidays in February, then they will also go on summer holidays on the 26th. Schoolchildren studying in the modular system will go on summer holidays on May 31. Graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades will rest only after passing the OGE and the Unified State Examination.

Summer holidays for a child should be useful and interesting

During the summer holidays, schoolchildren are mostly left to their own devices, because their parents are at work. In the summer, children need to be occupied with something interesting and useful, for example, a primary school student is recommended to be sent to a special children's group in a specialized institution in nature: here they will improve their health, get stronger, grow up, and communicate with their peers. You can also enroll children in swimming, in some interesting circle.

It is advisable to enroll middle school students during the summer holidays in some section: sports, music, chess. As for high school students, summer holidays will pass quickly for them. They have to pass exams, including entrance exams, and choose a university. High school students in the summer need the maximum attention of their parents, who must explain to them that they are already entering adulthood.

From year to year, students receive the same recommendations for reading during the holidays. Krymskaya Gazeta decided to diversify this list with books that are recommended for reading by schoolchildren in different countries of the world.


Freedom, equality, book fraternity

French schoolchildren do not have a mandatory list of literature for reading, but there is a clear list of literature that is necessary to prepare for exams. But usually teachers are not limited to this list and add books to them at their discretion. At the same time, they are not forced to read a huge work - sometimes key passages are enough.

Voltaire "Candide, or Optimism":

"Work drives away three great evils from us: boredom, vice and need."

Victor Hugo "Les Misérables":

“No one watches the actions of others so jealously as those who are least affected by these actions.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince":

“You are still just a little boy for me, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am only a fox for you, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world.

Pierre Corneille "Sid":

"Carelessness is a worse enemy than the enemy army."


Humanism, romanticism, realism

From the 9th grade, German students must study Goethe, Hoffmann, Schiller, Kafka and other classics. What exactly to read - the teacher decides, since there is no single approved list of literature for the student.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann "Worldly views of the cat Murr":

"Fate has always been merciful to you, and no one but you is to blame for the fact that you cannot go along the tornado road, but always rush to the right, then to the left."

Johann Goethe "The Sorrows of Young Werther":

"People - who knows why they are so created - people would suffer much less if they did not develop the power of imagination so diligently in themselves, would not endlessly recall past troubles, but would live in a harmless present."

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing "Nathan the Wise":

“To ridicule the chains does not mean

Get rid of them."

Hermann Hesse "Siddhartha":

“It is not for me to determine the paths of other people's destinies. Only for myself, for myself alone, I must decide, I must choose, I must reject.


Aesthetics, culture, traditions

In the Land of the Rising Sun, senior school students study literature in sufficient detail and, depending on the chosen direction, the list of required reading books increases.

Yukio Mishima "Sound of the Surf":

“Knowing that she was not at all beautiful, Chiyoko consoled herself with the fact that ugly faces also had their own virtues. She believed that the mature face of ugly people is more expressive, more emotional than that of cold beauties. This conviction was as strong as plaster."

Haruki Murakami "Sheep Hunt":

“In vain they say that over the years you become wiser. As some Russian writer noted, it is only the character that can change with age; the limitedness of a person does not change until death ... Sometimes these Russians say very sensible things. Isn’t it because in winter it’s generally better to think?

Junichiro Tanizaki "Praise of the Shadow":

"Beauty is more often associated with aimless evil than with good."

Murasaki Shikibu "The Tale of Genji":

“When you start to learn something, it becomes clear that you can improve in skill endlessly. You understand how difficult it is to reach even a level that would satisfy you yourself.


Detectives, naturalism, fantasy

In English lessons, students read and discuss those works that the teacher chooses. And although students are not required to read complex and large works in order to enter a prestigious college, a graduate must, for example, read and understand literary works relating to different eras, societies and ideological directions and be able to express their thoughts in writing on various topics.

Theodore Dreiser "An American Tragedy":

“Happiness comes to those who know how to wait.

Yes, of course, just look, don't spend your whole life in the waiting room.

Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird":

“Courage is when you know in advance that you have lost, and yet you get down to business and, in spite of everything in the world, go to the end. You rarely win, but sometimes you do win."

Jerome Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"

“If a girl comes on a date beautiful - who will be upset that she was late? Nobody!"

Edgar Allan Poe "The Gold Bug"

"The mind tries to establish a causal connection between phenomena, and, having failed, it appears for a while, as it were, paralyzed."


History, comedy, love

In Italian schools, children study in detail the classical works of Boccaccio, Petrarch, Dante Alighieri and Machiavelli. In addition, attention is paid to both world and modern Italian literature.

Dante Alighieri "The Divine Comedy"

It's time for you to know

What, when rising, seems at first

Every mountain is always steep.

Alessandro Manzoni "Betrothed":

“Memory told him only one thing, namely, that she had been away all this time.”

Francesco Petrarch "Canzoniere"

I again hoped to fight him back,

Putting all your strength into the fight without a trace,

But the arrows speak briefly

Especially since he was shooting point-blank.

Carlo Goldoni "The Innkeeper":

“The most undoubted sign of love is jealousy. Who is not jealous, he does not love.

The most anticipated period in 2017 for all schoolchildren is the summer holidays. However, not only children, but also adults are waiting for them: we all dream of escaping somewhere in the warm month, relaxing, changing the situation. For the younger generation, changes of such a plan are also very welcome. Modern workloads at school do not allow you to feel the lightness and freedom inherent in childhood during the year. That is why the guys are looking forward to the summer season so much, so that they can walk, swim and sleep off for the rest of the nine months of study.

Holidays in the summer of 2017 - schedule

When will the summer holidays for schoolchildren come in 2017 in Russia? In this article, you will learn about the timing and schedule of vacations in the territory of the Russian Federation during the specified period.

It should be noted that summer holidays start from the last Friday of May - from the last bell at school. In 2017, the last training Friday falls on May 26th. Therefore, the summer holidays will begin the next day. Thus, the timing of the summer holidays in the Russian Federation - from May 27 to September 1, 2017 .

Who sets the dates for the summer holidays in 2017

Each educational institution in Russia reserves the right to change the timing of the start and end of the academic year, depending on its own characteristics. Traditionally, the academic year begins on September 1st, and most educational institutions not only in our country, but also in many other countries adhere to this date. It is noteworthy that September 1, 2017 falls on the last working day of the week - Friday. Few schools, lyceums and gymnasiums will decide to start classes on this particular date. Therefore, the summer holidays will most likely be extended by as much as three days, and classes will begin no earlier than September 4 - on Monday.

Recreation of schoolchildren during the summer holidays 2017

According to the rules established by Russian law, during the summer period, schoolchildren must rest for at least 90 calendar days.

Why was such a long period of time chosen specifically for the summer period, and not, say, winter, when it is especially cold, or spring, in which most diseases are exacerbated? The answer lies in antiquity, when decisions were only made about the construction of training time. In the days of church schools, initially the children studied all year round. But later it was noticed that in the summer, children attend school less often, because they spend a lot of time helping adults (previously, every person who could help in arranging life or working in the field was worth its weight in gold). Therefore, in order for children to be less distracted from the school process, at the time of the special activity of sowing work, as well as during the care of the crop and its collection, children were allowed not to attend school. Later, this period was called summer holidays and introduced to the level of the state norm, with which we are all familiar from childhood.