Quantitative names are numerals. Compound numbers in Russian

§one. General characteristics of the numeral

The numeral is an independent significant part of speech. Numerals are different in meaning, grammatical features, structure.

1. Grammatical meaning- "number, quantity, order in counting."
Numerals are words that answer the questions: How much? Which one?

2. Morphological features:

  • constants - quantitative / ordinal, simple / compound
  • changeable - case for all numerals, gender and number for ordinal ones, and, in addition, individual numerals have signs that do not fit into the general scheme:
    some quantitative ones: gender, for example, one-one-one, two-two,
    number, for example, one-one, thousand-thousands, million-millions.

Numerals decline, changing in cases, and some - in cases, numbers and genders in the singular. On this basis, they refer to names.

3. Syntactic role in the sentence:

  • cardinal numbers, together with the noun that depends on them, make up a single member of the sentence, for example:

    Three magazines lay on the table.

    I bought three magazines.

    The story was published in three magazines.

    Cardinal numbers are part of those members of the sentence, which can be nouns.

  • ordinal numbers are in a sentence a definition or part of a compound nominal predicate.

    Our place is in the tenth row.

    The boy was third.

§2. Rank by value

By value, numerals are divided into two categories: quantitative and ordinal.
quantitative means "number" or "quantity". Number is an abstract mathematical concept. Quantity is the number of items. Quantitative numerals, in turn, are divided into subcategories:

  • whole denote integers and quantities in integers, for example: five, twenty-five, one hundred and twenty-five
  • fractional denote fractional numbers and quantities, for example: one second, two thirds
  • collective express the value of the aggregate: both, three, seven

All subcategories of cardinal numbers have their own characteristics. Integers with fractions can form mixed numbers, for example: five point and three tenths (or: five point three tenths).

Ordinal numerals indicate the order in counting: first, one hundred and first, two thousand and eleven.

§3. Number structure

By structure, numerals are divided into simple and compound.

  • Simple numerals are those that are written in one word: three, thirteen, three hundred, third, three hundredth
  • Composite- these are numerals made up of several words written separately: thirty-three, three hundred thirty-three, three hundred thirty-third .

What happens?

  • Whole quantitative
  • Fractional quantitative- composite.
  • Collective quantitative- simple.
  • Ordinal Numerals can be both simple and compound.

§four. Cardinal numbers. Morphological features

Whole numbers

Whole numbers change in cases. If these are composite integer numerals, then when declining, all parts change. For example:

I.p. eight hundred five ten six (books)
R.p. eight hundred and fifty six (books)
D.p. eight hundred fifty-six (books), etc.

It can be seen from the examples that for derivatives of numerals formed by adding bases, both parts change with declination.
Of great interest are numerals, which have not only case forms, but also gender or gender and number.

These are numerals: one, two, one and a half, a thousand, a million, a billion and others like that.


Word one varies by birth and number: one boy - m.r., one girl - f.r., one state - cf. r., one - pl. This numeral does not have one set of forms, like most integer cardinal numbers, but four: for each gender in the singular and for the plural.

The numeral two changes not only by cases, like all numerals, but also by gender: two boys, two girls, two windows (the forms cf. and m.r. coincide).

Thousand, million, billion

These numbers are similar to nouns. They have a constant gender and change in numbers and cases.

I.p. thousand, thousands
R.p. thousands, thousands
D.p. thousand, thousands, etc.

Fractional Cardinal Numbers

In addition to numerals one and a half, one and a half, all fractional components: the first part is an integer cardinal number, and the second is ordinal: two thirds, five eighths. Declension changes both parts, for example:

I.p. five eighths
R.p. five eighths
D.p. five-eighth

one and a half
numeral one and a half varies not only by cases, but also by gender: one and a half - one and a half, for example:

a day and a half, a week and a half.
(The form cf. is the same as the form m.r.)

One two in the composition of fractional genders they do not change, but are used in the form of a f.r., for example:

one eighth, two thirds.

Collective numbers

Collective numerals change in cases. Only the word is special both, which has genus forms:

both brothers, both sisters, both states
(Forms m. and cf. are the same)

§5. Ordinals. Morphological features

Ordinal numbers are closest to relative adjectives. They change by number, in the singular by gender and by case, and have endings like those of adjectives. In compound ordinal numbers, only the final word changes, for example:

I.p. one thousand nine hundred eighty-four
R.p. one thousand nine hundred eighty-four
D.p. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-fourth, etc.

§6. Syntactic compatibility of numerals with nouns

At cardinal numbers there are features in syntactic compatibility with the nouns to which they refer.

In I.p. and V.p. they require after themselves nouns in the form R.p., for example:

eight books, fifteen roses, twenty people.

At the same time, the numbers one and a half, two, three, four require a noun in singular. hours, and the rest - in many. h.

Two windows - five windows, three roses - thirty roses, four boys - forty boys.

This kind of syntactic compatibility is called control, because the case of the noun is controlled by the numeral.

In all other forms, the type of connection is different, namely: agreement, i.e. numerals agree with nouns in the case.

R.p. five windows, three roses
D.p. five windows, three roses
etc. five windows, three roses
P.p. (o) five windows, three roses

The exception is the numeral one. It agrees with the noun in all cases.

Fractional numbers have simple one and a half, one and a half combine with nouns as wholes.
The rest of the fractions govern R.p. It is possible to use nouns both in the singular and in the plural, for example: two-thirds apples (part of the subject) and two-thirds apples (part of the total number of items).

Collective numbers combine with nouns in the same way as whole cardinal numbers. In I.p. and V.p. they run R.p. noun, and in all other cases they agree with the noun in the case. With all collective numbers except both, the noun is used in the plural form, for example, seven kids. And only with both nouns are used in the singular: both brother both sisters.

Ordinals agree with nouns, i.e. act like adjectives. For example:
the first day, seventh a week, eighths day.


in compound numerals, only the final word changes:
one hundred and twenty third paragraph (T.p., singular, m.r.),
second hand (T.p., sing., f.r.),
fourth window (T.p., singular, cf.).

test of strength

Check your understanding of the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What is the grammatical meaning of the numerals?

    • Number, quantity, order in counting
    • Item attribute
    • indication
  2. What numerals indicate the order in counting and answer the question Which the?

    • quantitative
    • Ordinal
  3. Is it possible in Russian to combine whole numbers with fractional ones?

  4. Can collective numbers be compound?

  5. Does the numeral change by gender? both?

  6. Can a numeral be a definition?

  7. What kind of syntactic connection does the collective numeral have in the example: Seven kids were waiting for their mother. ?

    • Coordination
    • Control
  8. In what forms do ordinal numbers agree with a noun in case?

    • In all
    • In all, except I.p. and V.p.
    • In I.p. and V.p.
  9. How do collective numbers change?

    • By cases
    • By cases and numbers
    • By cases, numbers and in the singular - by gender
  10. Which numerals have subranks by value?

    • Quantitative
    • Ordinal

Denoting the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: how much? which the?

Numerals are divided into three lexical and grammatical categories: quantitative (two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one), collective (both, two, five) and ordinal (the first, second, hundredth). Cardinal numbers include definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The former denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, a hundred and fifty, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include the words few, quite a few, a lot of, a little, as well as pronominal numerals several, How many, any, some, so many.

Cardinal number

Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question "how much?", "how much?", "How much?" etc.

Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

  1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical value, represented by two particular values ​​-
    • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five heads, three chairs, ten days, some years) and
    • numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two, three times ten is thirty; several is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, generally a little; oral speech).
  2. Only definite quantitative numbers have a counting ordinal value: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when the count is stopped, limited to three); wagon eight, place thirty five(place, last in the row, when the score is stopped, limited to 35 places).

Spelling of cardinal numbers in Russian

  • Simple (consisting of one basis) for example: "one" (1), "two" (2), "three" (3)
  • Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: "eighteen" (18), "eighty" (80), "eight hundred" (800).
  • Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: "eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight" (88888).

Spelling of numerals

1. For the numerals "five" - ​​"nineteen", as well as "twenty" and "thirty", b is written at the end, and for the numerals "fifty" - "eighty" and "five hundred" - "nine hundred" - in the middle of the word.

2. The numerals "ninety" and "one hundred" have the ending O in the nominative and accusative cases, and in the remaining cases - the ending A. ("spend a hundred rubles", "not enough a hundred rubles"). The numeral "forty" in the nominative and accusative cases has a zero ending, and in other cases - the ending A. ("he is not even forty years old"). In the nominative and accusative cases, the numeral "two hundred" has the ending And, and the numerals "three hundred" and "four hundred" have the ending A ("has existed for three hundred years").

3. Complex numbers (both quantitative and ordinal), consisting of two bases, are written together (“sixteenth”, “sixteenth”, “nine hundred”, “nine hundredth”).

4. Compound numerals are written separately, having as many words as there are in the number of significant figures, not counting zeros (“five hundred twenty-three”, “five hundred twenty-third”). However, ordinal numbers ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth”, are written together (“one hundred thousandth”, “two hundred and thirty billionth”).

5. Fractional numerals are written separately (“three-fifths”, “three whole (and) one second”), but the numerals “two-half”, “three-half”, “four-half” are written together. The numerals “one and a half” and “one and a half hundred” have only two case forms: “one and a half” (“one and a half” in female), “one and a half hundred” for the nominative and accusative case and “one and a half”, “one and a half hundred” for all other cases without generic differences.

6. In compound quantitative numbers, all the words that form them are inclined (“two hundred fifty-six” - “two hundred and fifty-six”, “two hundred and fifty-six”), when declining fractional numbers, both parts also change (“three-fifths” - “three-fifths” - "three-fifths" - "three-fifths" - "about three-fifths").

7. But when declining a composite ordinal number, only the ending of the last component changes (“two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth” - “two hundred and fifty-sixth”).

8. The word "thousand" is inclined as a feminine noun to -A; the words "million" and "billion" are declined as masculine nouns with a stem in a consonant.

9. Please note: the numerals “both” (m. and cf. R.) and “both” (f. R.) decline differently: for the numeral “both”, the basis for the declension is “wallpaper-” (“both” , “both”, “both”), and the numeral “both” has the basis “both-” (“both”, “both”, “both”).

10. Please note: with a mixed number, the noun is ruled by a fraction, and it is used in the genitive case of the singular: 1 2/3 m (“one whole and two thirds of a meter”).

Other types of numerals

Declension of nouns

In Russian, when quantitative numerals are declensed, all words and all parts of compound words change, and when ordinal declensions, only the last word changes: five hundred sixteen - heels ew one hundred and sixteen ew - five hundred sixteen th .

see also



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See what "Numerical Name" is in other dictionaries:

    numeral- noun, number of synonyms: 1 numeral (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    numeral- Part of speech, characterized by: a) the designation of abstract numbers or the number of objects and their order in the account (semantic feature); b) the almost complete absence of categories of gender and number and special forms of declension and word formation ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    numeral- The significant part of speech, which expresses the entire set of words included in it, the counting system existing in a given linguistic society, in which each numeral expresses an element of this system - a numerical concept (number, quantity ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Numeral- see Numerals ...

    numeral- gram. Part of speech denoting the number or order of objects when they are counted and changing by cases (cardinal numbers) or by gender, cases and numbers (ordinal numbers) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    numeral- The numeral is an independent part of speech, denoting a quantity or a quantitative attribute, the order of an object in counting, answers the questions “which?”, “How much?”. The numeral is an independent part of speech denoting the amount and ... ... Wikipedia

    NUMERAL- NUMERAL, wow, cf. or a numeral in grammar: a word (noun or adjective) denoting a quantity or quantitative attribute, the order of objects when counting. Quantitative hours (denoting quantity as a number, e.g. two ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    numeral- noun, number of synonyms: 1 numeral (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Noun in Russian- is a separate part of speech, denoting an object and having a developed morphology, inherited mainly from the Proto-Slavic language. Contents 1 Categories 1.1 Number 1.2 Pa ... Wikipedia

    numeral- famous. part of speech, which is a non-replenished class of words with a quantitatively countable value. Usually, five categories of numbers are distinguished: 1) quantitative, 2) collective, 3) ordinal, 4) fractional, 5) indefinite. Quantity. H. denote the number of ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary


  • , Zikeev Anatoly Georgievich. Four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech.… Buy for 200 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Practical grammar in the lessons of the Russian language. In 4 parts. Part 3. General participle. Numeral. Adverb. Vulture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Zikeev A.G. The four editions of the manual included exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. ...

In Russian, such large groups of numerals as quantitative and ordinal are of great importance. The article describes the methods of formation of both groups, their characteristic features, the rules of declension. There is also a table that describes the most difficult cases of combining numerals with nouns.

The numbers that have passed into the category of words have become cardinal numbers. From these numbers, new words were formed, which began to denote the order in counting. These words are included in the group of ordinal numbers. Both groups of words are very important for speech. It is important to write and use them correctly.

Cardinal numbers in Russian

The words of this group can denote either an abstract number or the number of some objects.

For example: Eight plus four is twelve - eight days.

All words in this category answer the question How many?

It is important to distinguish cardinal numbers from single-root nouns: seven (numerative) - seven (n.); twenty (num.) – twenty (n.)

TOP 5 articleswho read along with this

Cardinal numbers can play different syntactic roles: One hundred (sub.) minus one (additional)ninety nine (narrative).).

The greatest difficulty is the use of complex cardinal numbers in various case forms, since they have two roots, each of which changes in its own way. The most difficult cases of declension of these words can be checked in the table:

Cases Numerals
AND. eighty, four hundred

eight mi ten ti, four ex honeycomb

eighty ti, four eat st am
AT. eighty, four hundred
T. eight mew ten tew, four um st ami
P. (Oh) eight mi ten ti, four ex st Oh

It's confusing that a simple number one hundred when changed, it takes on a completely different form than the root - one hundred in a compound word. Wed: Two hundred (D. p.) - one hundred (D. p.), five hundred (R. p.) - one hundred (R. p.)

"Difficult cases of combining cardinal numbers with nouns"

rule Examples
1. Combinations of compound numbers with a noun that has only a plural form. h., it is not always possible to incline. If you need to use such a phrase, it is better to turn to lexical substitution. Sleigh in the amount of twenty-three copies; scissors in the amount of thirty-six pieces
2. Combination two (three, four) or more requires setting a noun in the form R. p. Two or more people, three or more students
3. Preposition on used with numbers 2,3,4, 200, 300, 400 in V. p. With the rest of the numerals - in D. p. They gave three hundred rubles; received four rounds; handed out one sheet of paper.


Almost all words of this lexico-grammatical group were formed from cardinal numbers with the help of zero suffixes: ten is the tenth, seven is the seventh. Only words are non-derivative the first and second.

6th grade

The system of lessons on the topic

We present the system of lessons in the section “Morphology. Numeral name ”(UMK under the editorship of V.V. Babaitseva).

Why was there a need for such material? A lot of didactic material is now being published on this topic. But it is often difficult for a teacher to find the necessary publications when preparing for lessons (did not catch my eye ...). It's a shame that the useful material of wonderful authors was not at hand on time. Therefore, I decided to collect all the material I have, but not just collect it, but form it into lessons. There is no need to reinvent the wheel if there are excellent works of our linguists and practicing teachers. Let's think about how to use them.

All lessons devoted to this section aroused genuine interest, and the final results showed good knowledge of students.

Each of my sixth graders received a folder - "Numeral Name", a textbook. The material on topics is distributed in accordance with the thematic planning of work in the 6th grade in the educational complex "Russian Language: Theory", "Russian Language: Practice", "Russian Speech" ("Russian Language at School", No. 6, 2003; No. 1, 2004). All practical material is given according to the principle: from theory to practice. The theoretical material is given in a compact way, forcing students to think, rather than memorize mechanically. The rubrics “It's interesting”, “We will reflect”, “Change”, etc. will help to broaden the horizons of students.

This project in no way replaces the material of the textbook, but only supplements it, making the work in the lesson more varied, more interesting, developing motivation for learning.

Using the presented didactic material to consolidate theoretical knowledge, the teacher has the opportunity to apply a differentiated approach in questioning and reflection. Each exercise has a practical focus on the development of students' speech.

Thematic planning of work on the study of the section

1. The concept of the numeral (§ 108, 1 hour).

2. Simple, complex and compound numbers (§ 109, 2 hours).

3. Cardinal numbers. Declension of cardinal numbers (§ 110–111, 2 hours).

4. Collective numerals (§ 113, 2 hours).

5. Ordinal numbers (§ 114, 2 hours).

6. Fractional numbers (§ 115, 1 hour).

7. Morphological analysis of numerals (this topic is not taken out separately).

8. Repetition of what was learned in the section (1 hour).

9. Control work and its analysis (2 hours).

The concept of the numeral (§ 108, 1 hour)

- What time did you wake up today?

How many lessons do you have tomorrow?

In what year were the first Olympic Games held?

– How old was the city of Chernogorsk in 2006?

- How many letters are in the alphabet?

- How many colors does the rainbow have?

How long does a horse live on average?

When do we use numbers?

We are constantly counting. Numbers are all around us. Meanwhile, the numeral is the smallest part of speech, it has only a few dozen words. In terms of frequency of use in speech, numerals take the 8th place.

1. Let's work with § 108 ("Russian language: Theory").

Work plan:

1) Reading a paragraph.

2) Registration of information by the cluster.

3) Work in pairs: drawing up an insert using the marking technique.

2. Let's talk!

What was already familiar?

What new information did you receive?

- What raised doubts, with what do you disagree?

Let's ask "thick" and "thin" questions and answer them.

3. On a note!

In Russian, there are only 13 roots, from which many numerals are formed: one - ten, forty, one hundred, one thousand. The use of numerals makes the statement more convincing, reasoned.

4. Practice.

Exercise 1. Read the text. Retell.

In ancient times, people counted on the fingers. There was a time when the count reached only four - according to the number of outstretched four fingers. Then came the count of fives. With the development of economic and cultural life, the account improved. Finally, a modern account arose - in tens.

Our Russian numerals were originally nouns or adjectives. So, for example, the word five meant exactly the same as five or five, those. mattered the subject. Subsequently, this meaning of most counting words ceased to be realized, and they lost the signs of number and gender. So a new part of speech arose.

(According to V. Dobromyslov)

* Prove in writing that the word five- numeral, and the word five- noun. (You can take other words for proof: two is a two, three is a three etc.)

Task 2. Digital dictation(1 - numeral, 2 - noun, 3 - verb).

Ten, tithe, ten, triple, three, three, four, thousand, seventeen, double, one.

Task 3. The fact that numerals are often used in figurative speech is evidenced by many proverbs, sayings and riddles. Game Continue!

1) One head is good, but (...)

2) Measure seven times - (...)

3) Do not have a hundred rubles, but (...)

4) Four brothers under one roof. (...)

5) One hundred clothes - and (...)

6) Two brothers across the road live. (...)

Task 4. Read phraseological units with numerals. Try to explain what they mean.

1) Cut one size fits all.

2) From the pot two inches.

3) Like two drops of water.

4) Seven spans in the forehead.

5) For seven miles of jelly slurp.

6) Behind seven seals.

7) Two boots - a pair.

8) Speak with three boxes.

9) Eat a pood of salt.

10) How he swallowed a arshin.

* What other idioms with numerals do you know? Write down as much as you can.

5. It's interesting!

Ancient measures of length and weight

“Of all her (lady’s) servants, the most remarkable person was the janitor Gerasim, a man of twelve inches tall, built by a hero and deaf-mute from birth” - this is how I.S. Turgenev of his hero at the beginning of the story "Mumu".

We know that Gerasim is a hero, but still, how tall was he?

A vershok is an ancient measure of length, equal to 4.45 centimeters. It turns out that Gerasim's height was only 53 centimeters? What, is he a dwarf? Something is wrong here.

The reader of the 19th century is well aware that the height of a person was determined in inches above the two arshins required for a normal person. Arshin is a Russian measure of length, equal to 0.71 meters. The reader was assumed to be aware of this.

And now calculate what the growth of the hero of the janitor was all the same.

The first units of length, both in Russia and in other countries, were associated with the size of parts of the human body.

Fathom - a measure of length associated with the size of both hands (2.13 meters).

A cubit is a measure of length equal to approximately 0.5 meters.

The span is the distance between the extended thumb and forefinger.

To measure large distances in Russia used verst(previously called field); in different areas verst was considered differently - from 500 to 700 fathoms. Pushkin in the poem "Demons" has the lines:

There's an unprecedented milestone
He stuck out in front of me;
There he flashed a small spark
And disappeared into the darkness empty.

From Eastern merchants went unit arshin. There were different arshins: Turkish, Persian, etc. Therefore, the saying “measure on your own arshin” arose.

There were also several fathoms. fly fathom- this is the distance between the ends of the fingers, which are spread apart for a full swing of the arms (1.76 m). Oblique fathom- the distance from the ends of the fingers of the right hand raised up to the end of the fingers of the left foot (2.48 m).

Under Peter I, Russian measures were brought into a certain system:

1 verst = 500 fathoms (1.06 km);

1 sazhen = 3 arshins (2.13 m);

1 arshin \u003d 16 inches (0.71 m);

1 inch = 4.45 cm;

1 pood = 40 pounds (16.4 kg);

1 foot = 96 spools (410 g);

1 spool = 4.3 g.

At the end of the 19th century, most countries of the world, including Russia, introduced the metric system of measures. However, according to tradition, sailors now measure the distance miles(1852 m) and cable(tenth of a mile), and the speed - knots(1 mile per hour). The mass of diamonds is measured in carats(0.2 g is the mass of wheat grain). Volume of oil - in barrels(159 l). And programmers measure the length of the monitor in inches(2.54 cm, 1/12 ft).

6. Resume.

Tip: Read § 108 again.

- A noun is...

– General grammatical meaning of the numeral – ...

- Cardinal numbers change only by ..., do not have ....

The words one two have...

Ordinal numbers change...

- In a sentence, cardinal numbers can be ... a member of a sentence, ordinal numbers are usually ..., less often - ....

7. Change.

* Read the encrypted words. Make up your own words of this type.

Smor1a, po2l, elek3k, 100l, wine, pa3ot, o5, 100rona, 100yanka, pi100let, 40a, 7ya, 100p, 100n.

Simple, complex and compound numbers (§ 109, 2 hours)

1. In the piggy bank of words.


This word came to us in the 18th century from the French language, where it was complex: both of its roots go back to the Greek words for "thousand" (kilo) and "measure" (meter), those. kilometer- a thousand meters.

The word was borrowed in the Petrine era from the German language, goes back to Latin about centum, which means "one hundred".

2. Work with § 109.

We read, we understand, we write down the main thing in the reference book.

So what do you know about this lineup?

3. Knot for memory.

Odie nn hell, mi ll ion, mi ll yard.

4. Practice.

Exercise 1. Read the text and look at the table (exercise No. 396).

Task 2. The game "Who is more?".

Match the root words to the numerals one two.

5. Orthoepic minute.

1) In numerals on -twenty normalized pronunciation [ts].

2) Seven hundred, eight hundred– [ms]. Seven, eight, seventy, eighty- soft [m '].

3) Five hundred- [five hundred], six hundred- [six hundred], nine hundred- [nine hundred].

4) In the numeral sixteen one sound “falls out” when pronouncing [sn], becomes unpronounceable (we check the spelling with a simple numeral six).

6. Learn the rule!

Write b

At the end
From 5 to 20, 30

In the middle
50–80, 500–900

7. Let's get back to practice.

Exercise 1. Write the text, replacing the numbers with words. Do not forget: you must clearly pronounce the numbers!

18 parachutes, 15 plants, 50 programs, 480 copies, 600 kilometers, 14 percent, 800 brochures, 500 portfolios, 16 secretaries.

Task 2. Write out the numbers, explain the spelling b in them.

There are 18,000 species of fish in the world's oceans. The greatest depth of the Baltic Sea is 459 meters, the Sea of ​​Azov is 14 meters. The longest river in the world is the Nile, its length is 6671 kilometers. The greatest depth of Baikal is 1637 meters.

Cardinal numbers.
Declension of cardinal numbers (§ 110–111, 2 hours)

1. Learn the rule

You already know that cardinal numbers indicate the number of objects and answer the question How many? But the question itself (pronoun) changes in cases! Means, ... . Correctly! Cardinal numbers change in cases, i.e. are inclined but have no gender (except one two) and numbers (except one).

Now read § 111 carefully.

* Substitute your number and decline according to the model given in the table of § 111. Do not forget to practice your speech.

What is the peculiarity of the declension of these numerals?

Conclusion: you are right if you saw that when declining complex cardinal numbers from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900, each part of the word changes.

Numerals with hundreds are most difficult to decline: three hundred, six hundred, eight hundred.

Memory knot!

Use the hint of T.L. Sluzhevskaya from the book "Lessons of Russian Literature" (St. Petersburg, 1994, p. 125). She suggests, in case of difficulty, to substitute instead of the second part of a complex number ending in -comb, word note(it is of the same declension).

I.p. five hundred - five notes.

etc. heels ew st am and - five ew notes ami.


How many did you watch TV yesterday?

How many come to the disco?

When declining compound cardinal numbers, each word changes individually. And each of these words is declined according to its own rules: seven hundred twenty five and hundred twenty and heels and, sem and one hundred twenty-five.

This rule is often violated, especially in colloquial speech. But any cultured person needs to learn how to decline numerals correctly.

2. So it's time to practice.

Exercise 1. Write it down by replacing the numbers with words.

472 hectares, 287 excursionists, out of 596 pages, with 728 passengers, in 1995, in 220 volts, with 411 tons, 16 pairs, from 25 cities, up to 30 degrees, out of 1800 participants, among 962 students, 245 students.

Task 2. The director of one school, in which there were 863 students, had to constantly write all sorts of reports, which means using a compound number eight hundred sixty three in different cases. See how he did it.

I.p. Eight hundred sixty three - the number of students for the 2003/04 academic year.

R.p. All eight hundred and sixty-three disciples have a uniform.

D.p. All eight hundred and sixty-three students were thanked.

V.p. I am obliged to award eight hundred and sixty three students (numerals two three four have different forms of vp when combined with odush. or inanimate. nouns: three students but three tables).

etc. As a principal, I am proud of all my eight hundred (eight hundred) sixty-three students.

P.p. The teachers think of the eight hundred and sixty-three students daily and nightly.

* Now imagine that there were not 863, but 974 students in this school, and make 6 sentences with this numeral, putting the numerals in 6 different cases.

Task 3. Rewrite the sentence, adding punctuation marks and adding the endings of the numerals.

Monkey Wash, which scientists taught the language of the deaf-and-dumb, after five years of training, owned st_six_ten_ words, and by the end of the lesson, her vocabulary included about eight_hundred words of verbs, nouns and adjectives.

Task 4. Write the numbers in words and mark the case of the numerals.

1) From 500 kilograms of waste paper, you can get 375 kilograms of new paper and make 12,500 student notebooks.

2) The first woman in space was Valentina Tereshkova. Her ship landed 2 days 22 hours 50 minutes after launch. During the flight, she made more than 48 complete revolutions around the Earth.

Task 5. Write out the numbers from the text, replacing the numbers with words.

The most durable of domestic animals is the donkey, it lives up to 50 years, the horse and camel live up to 30 years, the cow - up to 25, the dog and cat live up to 15 years. Fish are highly durable. The life of a pike is measured in 70 years, catfish - 100 years, goldfish - 30. The life expectancy of an eagle is approaching 80 years, crows - 70, chickens - 20. The life of an earthworm is estimated at 10 years, crayfish - 20 years. The tortoise is considered the most ancient animal - it lives for about 300 years. The age limit for whales is about 50 years, and for elephants - about 80.

Numerals, of course, are found not only in mathematics textbooks.

Task 6. Read the text from the book of the famous philologist M.L. Gasparov "Entertaining Greece". Don't forget to put the numbers in the correct case.

The circumference of the globe was first measured by the ancient Greek philosopher Eratosthenes, who lived in southern Egypt, in the city of Siena.

Siena lay just on the Tropic of the North: once a year, on June 22, the sun at noon stood there at its zenith and objects did not cast a shadow. (Travelers purposely came to Siena to look at such a curiosity.) Eratosthenes took advantage of this. Alexandria was further north, where shadows fell from objects that day. Eratosthenes measured at what angle they fall. It turned out to be more than seven degrees - one fiftieth of a circle. Therefore, concluded Eratosthenes, the land distance between the Seine and Alexandria is equal to one fiftieth of the entire circumference of the globe. The Egyptians considered this distance equal to 5 thousand stadia, that is, 800 kilometers.

Is it accurate or not? 2000 years later, on the eve of the French Revolution, French astronomers made the same measurement in France and got the circumference of the Earth at exactly 40,000 kilometers. (I say “exactly” because it is from this measurement that our current unit “meter” came: it is equal to one forty-millionth of the Parisian meridian.) The accuracy of Eratosthenes' measurement is amazing. This is one of the most glorious victories of ancient science.

* Make a plan of the text, and then retell it according to the plan. Check if you have used numerals in your text correctly. Orally indicate the category of each numeral in composition and in meaning.

Task 7. Read the text aloud as if you were the host of the TV show Obvious - Incredible. Determine what kind of text it is - fiction, scientific or popular science.

The mystery of Atlantis has been worrying mankind for ten thousand years. For the first time, the ancient philosopher Plato spoke about Atlantis and the very ancient civilization of the Atlanteans in his famous Dialogues. Atlantis was allegedly located west of the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar), in the Atlantic Ocean. The mainland died more than nine thousand years ago as a result of severe earthquakes and floods.

Plato reported that the source was the work of an Athenian scientist named Solon, who, in turn, received information about the disappeared mainland during a trip to Egypt around 600 BC, talking with priests and exploring archives.

Over the millions of years of its existence, Atlantis experienced four catastrophes, after each of which the mainland shrank and fragmented. For 90-100 centuries BC. Atlantis perished, plunging into the abyss of waters.

The legend of Plato, set forth in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, is amazing. It tells of the mighty people of the Atlanteans, of their beautiful island, and of the great and admirable alliance of kings, whose power extended over the whole island, to many other islands, and to part of the mainland. Plato described the capital of the last kingdom of Atlantis - the City of the Golden Gates - round, like the disk of the Sun, which the Atlanteans worshiped. The plain that surrounded the capital on three sides was transformed by people into a smooth regular rectangle 555 kilometers long and 370 kilometers wide. A moat 32 meters deep, 85 meters wide, and 1850 kilometers long was dug around the plain along the perimeter. The entire territory of the plain was crossed from north to south by 289 channels, each of which was 30 meters wide and 370 meters long.

Writing, science, technology, and art were developed in the country. The Atlanteans even had flying machines. For many generations it has been a country of wealth, abundance and justice. But the Atlanteans gradually turned away from virtue. During the last Atlantis, they were a shameful sight. And then, legends tell, Zeus, the god of the gods, decided to impose punishment on the people of Atlantis. The time has come for unprecedented earthquakes and floods... And Atlantis plunged into the abyss.

This is how Plato describes Atlantis, given by Poseidon to his firstborn Atlanta.

(According to N. Glazkov and V. Lande)

* Rewrite, emphasizing erroneous places, that part of the text that speaks of the capital of Atlantis. Write the numbers in words. This is always done when preparing to pronounce a difficult text. Above the numerals, inscribe the category by value and by composition. Get ready to retell the text.

Task 8. Please help correct spelling errors. Write down the edited version.

1) There are more than eight hundred street clocks in Moscow. 2) About three hundred million years ago, our Earth was not at all the same as it is now. Some trees reached almost forty meters. 3) In ancient Greek, the word stadium most often they called a measure of length equal to six hundred Greek feet, otherwise - one hundred and twenty-five steps, or the distance that a person walks in two minutes. 4) An adult corn plant evaporates about eight hundred grams of water per day. 5) Interestingly, the banana reaches a height of six to seven meters, and bamboo - forty meters. 6) Pine trees live up to three hundred and fifty - four hundred years and reach thirty - forty-five meters in height. 7) The first microscopes gave an increase of up to two hundred and seventy times, and modern light microscopes - up to three thousand six hundred times.

Memory knot!

Numerals one and a half (m.r.), one and a half (female), a hundred and fifty for all cases except i.p. and v.p., have one form: one and a half, one and a half.

Task 9. Write by inserting numbers one and a half or a hundred and fifty in the right form.

1) ...kilometer(s) left to go. 2) Tourists have to go about ... kilometers. 3) Another five hundred meters have been added to ... kilometers of the highway. 4) The new highway... kilometers longer than the old one. 5) Our village is located ... kilometers from the highway.

Task 10. Write by opening brackets.

1) The plan was completed (one and a half months, three weeks, four days) ahead of schedule. 2) The village is located (one and a half kilometers, forty-four kilometers) from the district center. 3) The time for doing homework is (an hour and a half, two hours, ninety minutes). 4) Repair time reduced to (one and a half weeks, three decades, 50 days).

Check yourself!

One and a half_ thousand, one and a half_ hundred_ kilometers, about one and a half_ ten_, about one and a half_ thousand, about one and a half_ hundred_ copies.

3. Reflect!

What are the features of changing numerals forty, ninety, one hundred? (Refer to the reference material on p. 142 "Practice".)

4. It's interesting!

Word fourty in Ancient Russia it was a noun. It meant "bag". A bag with forty sables served as a monetary unit. Four dozen sable or squirrel skins were put into one forty (bag), which was a set for a whole fur coat. In this way, fourty- first a bag, then a bag with 40 sables (or squirrels) and, finally, a numeral fourty.

5. Change!

1. Many-legged riddle.

Two legs on three legs
And the fourth in the teeth.
Suddenly four came running
And they ran away with one.
Two legs jumped
Grabbed three legs
Three legs screamed
Shouted all over the house -
Yes, three by four!
But four squealed
And they ran away with one.

(K. Chukovsky)

Guess it guys:
What is an acrobat number?
If you stand on your head,
Exactly three less?

Collective numbers (§ 113, 2 hours)

1. Before we talk about collective numbers, try to determine the syntactic role of numbers, and you will find supporting material in § 112.

Check yourself!

1) The traffic light has three colors, they are clear to the driver. 2) The first platoon plunged onto the pontoons. Second behind him. 3) And two snakes and two hedgehogs live in our apartment. 4) For ten hours we were two hundred meters from the boat. 5) “What is the second unit for?” the older sister asked.

2. Learn the rule! (§ 113)

Collective numerals are close to _____ numerals and denote _____.

It is (list the collective numbers) _____.

Collective numbers are formed with the help of _____, except for the numerals _____. Used with nouns:

1) denoting people, for example: _____;

2) ______, for example: seven kids;

3) _____ or _____ items: three scissors;

4) With pronouns us, them: _____________ .

Collective nouns decline like _____.

In the sentence, the collective numerals ______.


Collective numerals Used with denoting nouns Formed using ...

Two Three Four Five Six Seven Seven Eight Nine Ten 1) males 2) cubs 3) paired objects 4) pronouns us, them... suffixes -er- -oh-

Memory knot!

Both - m.r. (both, both, both). Both zh.r. (both, both, both).

3. Let's practice!

Exercise 1. Edit sentences.

1) Four female students receive an increased scholarship. 2) Three new girls came to the class. 3) Seven in one apartment - that's how we live. 4) We were on a hike for three days. 5) I have two parrots. 6) There were four of us in the library. 7) We traveled for five days.

Task 2. Correct mistakes in the use of numerals both, both.

1) The treaty is signed by both countries. 2) My grandmother is proud of both awards. 3) Both athletes were unlucky in the final. 4) Both guys don't have textbooks. 5) Hold the book with both hands.

Task 3. Solve riddles. Specify the names of the numerals.

1) Seven brothers have one sister each. 2) Four lay, two shine, one lies, does not let anyone in. 3) On the edge of the shed, two dolls are sitting, both looking apart.

Task 4. Insert the missing letters. Remember the rule!

In both hands; on both continents; from both lakes; to both marinas; on both walls; between both countries; in both states; with their hands; both guys.

Task 5. Make phrases "collective numerals. + creatures.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven; friends, comrades, children, youths; day, sleigh, trousers, scissors.

4. It's interesting!

* A person takes about 20 thousand steps a day, up to 7 million steps a year, and almost 500 million steps in 70 years. This means that in his entire life a person could go around the globe 9 times along the equator or overcome the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

* 250 million years is needed for the formation of oil in the earth's crust.

* In 10 billion years, the extinction of the Sun is expected.

Ordinal numbers (§ 114, 2 hours)

1. Learn the rule!

What you should know about ordinal numbers:

1. Ordinal numbers are formed from quantitative (except for words first second).

2. They decline like adjectives, change by gender, number and case.

3. Initial form: i.p., units. hours, m.r.

4. In compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes in indirect cases.

5. Names of months ( January February etc.) in phrases with ordinal numbers are always used in r.p. (January, February).

6. The name of the month in the record of a holiday or significant date with a number is written with a capital letter: May 9 - May 9th, March 8 - March 8th.

2. In the piggy bank of words.


Element bio- goes back to Greek. word meaning "life" graph (o) - to the word meaning "writing".


Auto - "self." Can't speak my autobiography: such use of words close in meaning is called verbal excess (pleonasm).

3. Let's practice!

Exercise 1. Write by opening brackets. Replace numbers with ordinal numbers. Specify the case of numerals.

(342) train, (13) number, (15) participant, to (8) patient, to (603) school, to (2006), (1) January, on (8) March, (90) flight, on (105) kilometer, on (714) route.

Task 2. Form ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers.

27, 14, 590, 200, 2500, 37, 37 thousand, 395 million, 23 billion.

Memory knot!

Ordinal adjectives ending in -thousandth, -millionth, -billionth, written in one word: a city of one hundred thousand, a capital of nine million, a population of one hundred and forty million.

However, it is easier to write such words in numbers. Especially if it's a combination. with a half. Like this: 5 1/2 thousandth town (five and a half thousandth).

Task 3. Eat the words with your eyes and then write them down as you dictate. Make sentences with 2-3 of them.

two hundredth, five thousandth, one hundred and twenty five million, nine billion, two meters, four-story, three-story, forty, ninety.

* Explain the spelling of the highlighted words.

Task 4. Insert, where necessary, the missing letters in compound words.

Twenty_year, seven_mile, two_tier, trilingual, forty_meter, bilingual, hundred_year, two_centenary, fifty_meter.

Task 5. Write a greeting card for one of the holidays.

Task 6. Write in R.p. etc. quantitative and ordinal numbers.

77, 36, 50, 88, 124, 43, 861.

4. It's interesting!

Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the numerals!

In 1 minute, an experienced lacemaker can knit 100 loops.

After 21 minutes, a person's feeling of hunger disappears after he eats a piece of bread.

We “view” the longest dreams in 15 minutes.

A one-day butterfly lives for 1 hour.

Oatmeal can continuously sing for 12 hours (during this time it performs 4320 "songs").

In 1 year, Africa and South America move away from each other by 5 centimeters.

Fractional numbers (§ 115, 1 hour)

1. Learn the rule!

A feature of fractional numbers is the following: they are used exclusively orally, and in writing they are replaced by numbers.

Now read § 115 and answer the questions:

1. How do fractional numbers differ from other numbers?

2. Why are fractional numbers called composite (except one and a half, one and a half)?

3. How many forms and what fractional numbers have one and a half (one and a half) and a hundred and fifty?

Memory knot!

numeral one and a half formed from one and a half, those. "one and half two". Nominative-accusative case - one and a half, all other cases have the form one and a half: one and a half meters, one and a half meters, one and a half meters, about one and a half meters. It is curious that we still, without thinking about it, use the ancient account when indicating time, saying: half past two, half past five etc.

1) And now let's practice learning the norm of "reading" fractional numbers:

1/3 of the harvest - one third of the harvest; 0.3 crop - zero point three tenths of the crop.

2) Write the numbers in words and read the entry.

3/4 territory; 7/8 team; 1.5 billion; 2/3 compositions; 1/6 ocean; 5/6 tracks; 1/2 story; 0.9 percent.

3) Decline the numerals by choosing nouns for them.

One and a half hundred; 3 2/7; 1/16.

2. It's interesting!

Don't forget to pronounce the numbers clearly!

A flash of lightning lasts 0.001 seconds.

In 0.1 seconds, the spacecraft flies 1 kilometer.

In ... 25 seconds, a light signal passes ... from the Earth to the Moon.

Morphological analysis of the name of the numeral

1. Plan for the morphological analysis of the name of the numeral.

1. Part of speech. General designation.

2. Morphological features:

1) initial form;

2) constant signs: simple or compound; ordinal or qualitative; discharge (for quantitative);

3) non-permanent signs: case, number (if any), gender (if any).

3. Syntactic role.

On the table are two books.

Two - num., n.f. - two, simple, quantity, whole, in ip, f.r. What? Two books.

2. Test yourself!

Exercise 1. Rewrite the text, adding the missing punctuation marks. Make a morphological analysis of numerals.

The thirty-seventh stellar expedition was sent to the planetary system of a nearby star in the constellation of Ophiuchus, the only inhabited planet of which - Zrida had long spoken to the Earth and other worlds along the Great Ring. Suddenly she stopped talking. For more than seventy years there has not been a single message. It's the Earth's duty to find out what happened. The starship with four astronauts was hurtling toward Zreeda at 5/6 the speed of light. On Earth, during the journey, about seven years have passed, which were called independent. What lies ahead for the astronauts? What will they find on Zreed? And will they find it?

(I. Efremov. Andromeda Nebula)

Task 2. Think of a sentence that would have the largest number of numerals. Compete: who has a longer sentence and more numerals? Disassemble one of the numerals as a part of speech.

Task 3. Write a text on one of the topics:

1) Star expedition.

2) Computers of the future.

3) In search of Atlantis.

Try to use different types of numbers in your essay. But remember the rule: everything is good in moderation.

Task 4. Correct errors in morphological parsing.

If two chemists, fluent in thirty languages, began to read all the publications of professional interest coming out this year on the first of January, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four, and read them forty hours a week at a rate of four publications per hour, then by December 31, 1964, they would have read only one tenth of these publications.

Two (chemists) - num., two, quantity, collected, simple, in the form of I.P. pl. h. Subject.

Thirty (languages) - num., thirty, quantity, simple, in the form of etc., pl. h. Supplement.

(C) the first (January) - num., first, order., simple, in the form of ce, cf. r., units h.

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (year) - num., one thousand nine hundred sixty-four quantity, compound, in the form of r.p., pl. hours, m.r. The situation is

(On) forty (hours) - num., fourty, quantity, simple, in the form of c.p. The situation is

(K) thirty-first (December) - num., thirty first, order, composite, in the form of dp, m.r., units. hours Add.

One tenth (part) - num., one tenth, order., fractional, in the form of p.p., f.p., unit. h Definition.

3. It's interesting!

Some nouns ( droplet, darkness, mass etc.), adverbs (a lot, a little, a little) and pronouns (several, how many, many) constitute a special group of words that perform the functions of a numeral. Unlike numerals, they express quantity indefinitely and that's why they are called indefinitely quantitative words. These words retain the grammatical features of the category of words to which they belong. For example, words mass (mass of questions), darkness (darkness to the people), droplet (droplet of salt) etc. - nouns: they have gender, number and change in cases. The words a lot, a little, a little are adverbs: these are invariable formations, in a sentence they can refer to a verb (read a lot). The words several, how many- pronouns: they do not indicate the quantity, but point to it or ask about it.

Countable nouns must be distinguished from numerals. For example: pair, five, five, ten, dozen, hundred(cannot be counted as one, two, three, four, five...).


1. Pimenova S.N. Approximate direction of work in the 6th grade in the educational complex "Russian language: Theory", "Russian language: Practice", "Russian speech" // Russian language at school,
№ 6, 2003.

2. Pimenova S.N. Indicative direction of work in the 6th grade in the educational complex "Russian language: Theory", Russian language: Practice", "Russian speech" // Russian language at school,
№ 1, 2004.

3. Smirnova O.L. Studying the topic "Soft sign at the end and in the middle of numerals" // Russian language at school, No. 3, 1989.

4. Pimenova S.N. Studying the name of the numeral according to the educational and methodological complex // Russian language at school, No. 1, 1994.

5. Arsyriy A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language. M.: Education, 1994.

6. Bogdanova G.A. Russian language lessons in the 6th grade. M.: Education, 1994.

7. Volina V.V. Fun grammar. Moscow: Knowledge, 1995.

8. Granik G.G. and etc. Numeral. Newspaper "Russian language" No. 8/2004.

9. Deikina A.D., Pakhnova T.M. Handouts for the Russian language. M.: Bustard, 2004.

10. Kaidalova A.I., Kalinina I.K. Russian language. M., 1978.

11. Lvova S.I., Vakurova O.F., Tsybulko I.P. Getting ready for the exam. M.: Bustard, 2003.

12. Malyushkin A.B. Educational tables in the Russian language. 5th-11th grades. M.: TC "Sphere", 2005.

13. Mazneva O. Exam questions and answers. Russian language. Moscow: AST-Press School, 2002.

14. Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B. Russian language. Getting ready without a tutor. Moscow: Makhaon, 2004.

15. Shapiro N.A. Russian language workbook for the 6th grade. Newspaper "Russian language",
№ 18/1998.

16. Yakovenko G.P., Yakovenko N.G. Encyclopedia - to the schoolboy. Kyiv: Scanner, 1994.


Sometimes it happens that a very simple question can confuse a person. So, to the usual question: what is a numeral, you can hear in response the words five, two, a pair, or three, a dozen, ten, and so on. This is all interesting, although in fact these words are not numerals, since they have a gender, they can change in cases and numbers, they also cannot be written in numbers. From this it follows that the above words are nouns.

In linguistics, the question is also ambiguously resolved as to which part of speech the words billion, trillion, billion, million and thousand should be referred to. After all, they have both signs of numerals and signs of nouns.

What is a noun

In Russian, the numeral is an independent part of speech, denoting the number of objects, their quantity and order. Numeral questions are: which? How many?

The form of the nominative case is represented by the initial form of the numeral.

Taking into account the expressed meaning and grammatical features, numerals are divided into two categories:

  1. Cardinal numbers (six, forty, thirty-eight).
  2. Ordinal numbers (seventh, thirteenth, twenty-fifth).

Cardinal numbers

Quantitative qualitative numerals are divided into three grammatical categories:

  1. Numerals expressing whole numbers.
  2. Numerals expressing fractional numbers.
  3. Collective numbers.

Quantitative numbers include:

  1. Definitely quantitative numerals (denoting a specific number: three hundred, five, one and a half hundred).
  2. Indefinitely quantitative numbers (denoting an indefinite number of units: a lot, a little, a little, a lot).
  3. Pronominal numerals: as many, how many, several, how much, how many.

From the point of view of the features of word formation, there are:

  1. Simple numeral. Examples: seven, second, twelve.
  2. Complex number. Example: seventy, fiftieth.
  3. Compound numeral. Example: one hundred and twelve, two hundred and fifty one, two sevenths.

Fractional numbers

Being a kind of cardinal numbers, fractional numbers are necessary to denote a fractional number. For example: five second of the composition, two thirds of the way.

If we constructively consider a fractional number, then we can determine that in its structure the first part (numerator) is a cardinal number (five, two), while the second part (denominator) is a form of the genitive case of an ordinal number (for example: second, tenth, sixth) .

A mixed number can also denote fractional numbers. Example: five point two thirds, six point seven second.

It is necessary to decline a fractional number depending on its structure.