Talk about health and nutrition. Health lesson "Talk about proper nutrition

I. Explanatory note.

The program “Conversation about proper nutrition” was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO on the basis of the Programs: “Conversation about proper nutrition” (M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva M. OLMA Media Group 2009), “Two weeks in the health camp” (M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva M. OLMA Media Group 2007), “Proper nutrition formula” (M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova , A.G.Makeeva M.OLMA Media Group 2009), "An exemplary program for the world around" (M .: "Enlightenment", 2010), "Programs for the world around" Pleshakova A.A. (M .: "Enlightenment" , 2011), "Programs for the world around" Pleshakov A. A. (M .: "Prosveshchenie", 2011), "Exemplary program for technology" second generation standards (M .: "Prosveshchenie", 2010).
In accordance with the “Proper Nutrition Program”: in grades 1-4, 7 hours a year are allotted for studying the course in each class in the lessons “The world around us”, in grades 5-6, 7 hours a year in each class in the lessons “ Technology”, which are carried out by structuring the educational material of the programs “World around” and “Technology”

Purpose of the program- Formation of the foundations of a culture of nutrition, as part of a general culture of health.


  • development of ideas about proper nutrition
  • building useful skills and habits
  • developing a responsible attitude towards one's health
  • formation of ideas about folk traditions related to nutrition
  • education of parents in matters of rational nutrition for children

This program provides children with a wide panorama of proper and healthy nutrition as a component of maintaining health and longevity. In the primary school, this material will be studied in a differentiated way in the lessons of various subject areas: chemistry, biology, technology and other disciplines. Within the framework of this program, thanks to the integration of natural-science and social-humanitarian knowledge, the following tasks can be successfully and in full accordance with the age characteristics of a junior schoolchild and a schoolchild of 5-6th grades:

  • awareness of the importance of education and upbringing of proper nutrition,
  • formation of a system of positive national values, ideals of preserving one's own health, the health of loved ones, as the most important national asset of Russia.

Using the knowledge accumulated by the natural and social sciences and the humanities to comprehend the child’s personal experience, the program introduces a value scale into the process of value attitude to one’s health, namely healthy nutrition, without which it is impossible to form positive targets for the younger generation. The program "Conversation about proper nutrition" helps the student in the formation of personal perception, emotional, evaluative attitude to health, educates morally and spiritually mature, active, competent citizens who are able to assess their place in the world and participate in creative activities for the benefit of their native country and planet Earth.

The significance of the program also lies in the fact that in the course of studying it, schoolchildren master the basics of practice-oriented knowledge about a person; about the rules of nutrition aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, at the formation of readiness to comply with them; learn to comprehend the cause-and-effect relationships of the formation of proper nutrition skills as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

An essential feature of the program is that it lays a substantive basis for the broad implementation of interdisciplinary links in all disciplines of elementary school. The program uses and thereby reinforces the skills acquired in the lessons of reading and literature, the Russian language and mathematics, music and fine arts, technology and physical education, together with them accustoming children to rational, scientific and emotionally valuable comprehension of the world around them.

II. General characteristics of the program

Education of schoolchildren according to the program is based on the development of specific processes of transformation and use of materials, information, objects of the natural and social environment; in accordance with the use of forms and methods of teaching the psychological characteristics of children in grades 1-6.

The program includes three substantive parts:

Part 1. "A conversation about proper nutrition"
Part 2. "Two weeks at the health camp"
Part 3. "Proper Nutrition Formula"

The teaching materials of the Talk about Proper Nutrition program include:

Workbooks (3) for students:

"A talk about proper nutrition" for children 6-8 years old (grades 1 and 2, 7 lessons each)
"Two weeks in the health camp" for children 10-11 years old (3rd and 4th grade, 7 lessons each)
"Proper Nutrition Formula" for children aged 12-13 (5th and 6th grade, 7 lessons each)
Methodical manuals for teachers (3)
Booklets for parents
Collection of competitive materials (summaries of classes, competitions, holidays, quizzes, competitions, thematic planning).

Part 1 "A conversation about proper nutrition" designed for children in grades 1-2.

The purpose of this course is to form in children the idea of ​​the need to take care of their health, and first of all, the importance of proper nutrition, as an integral part of maintaining and strengthening health. Food traditions are also taken into account here, as well as the active involvement of parents in the learning process.

Part 2 "Two weeks at the health camp" designed for children in grades 3-4.

The purpose of this course is to form in children the foundations of a nutrition culture as a component of a healthy lifestyle.
During the learning process, students:

Get to know:

with folk traditions related to nutrition and health;
with the rules of nutrition aimed at maintaining and strengthening health;
with the rules of etiquette related to nutrition, the realization that etiquette skills are an integral part of the overall culture of the individual.

Will master:

healthy eating habits as an integral part of a healthy diet.

Part 3 "Proper Nutrition Formula" for children of 5-6 grades.

In this part, the following educational and educational tasks are implemented:

  • Adolescents' ideas about health as one of the most important human values ​​are developing, the formation of a willingness to take care of and strengthen their own health.
  • The knowledge of adolescents about the rules of nutrition aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, and forming a willingness to comply with these rules is expanding.
  • The skills of proper nutrition are developed as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Ideas about the rules of etiquette related to nutrition are developing, the realization that etiquette skills are an integral part of the overall culture of the individual.
  • Ideas are being developed about the socio-cultural aspects of nutrition, its connection with the culture and history of the people.
  • Children are awakened to interest in folk traditions related to nutrition and health, in the history and traditions of their people, feelings of respect for the culture of their people and the culture and traditions of other peoples are formed.
  • Creative abilities, the horizons of adolescents, their interest in cognitive activity develop.
  • Schoolchildren develop communication skills, the ability to effectively interact with peers and adults in the process of solving a problem.
  • Parents are educated in the organization of proper nutrition of adolescent children.

Content of the educational and methodological set, as well as the forms and methods used for its implementation, are predominantly interactive in nature, aimed at actively involving adolescents in the work of the program, stimulating their interest in the topics studied, mastering value standards and skills. The tasks offered in the workbooks are based on the creative work of children - independent or in a team.

It is very important that parents participate in the implementation of the program. The effectiveness of building the foundations of a food culture will to a very large extent be determined by the extent to which program-defined norms and values ​​resonate with students' families.

The method of teaching the program is based on a problem-searching approach, which ensures the "discovery" of new knowledge by children and the active development of various ways of learning about healthy nutrition. It uses a variety of methods and forms of education using a system of tools that make up a single information and educational environment.

Role-playing game is based on the image by its participants of certain characters acting in given conditions. In the course of interaction, the participants in the game must solve the problem assigned to them. Role-playing games turn out to be very effective in mastering behavioral skills in different situations by teenagers (when studying the topic “Where and how we eat”, teenagers should demonstrate behaviors in a cafe - the “Cafe” game).

situational game involves a clearly defined scenario of actions and is focused on a specific result (when studying the topic “Different foods are important, different dishes are important”, teenagers should distribute the products on three colored “tables”, depending on the frequency of eating a particular product).

Role-playing games allow you to activate specifically sensory experience, to form a certain emotional attitude to a particular factor (when studying the topic “Health is great”, teenagers should present a pantomime, depicting useful and bad habits - the game “Guess”).

Project activity is based on creativity, independent work of teenagers to solve the problem (in the topic "Culinary History" teenagers prepare a quiz for their classmates dedicated to cooking in the Middle Ages).

Debate, discussion. The main task is to form a teenager's personal position on a particular issue. The discussion can be organized in the form of a round table, brain ring, etc.

III. Place of the program in the curriculum

Each grade (grades 1-6) is given 7 hours a year to study the "Talk about Proper Nutrition" program. The program is for 42 hours.

IV. Value orientations of the content of the program

As a result of the training, students will master:

  • knowledge about health as one of the most important human values;
  • health promotion skills;
  • knowledge about the rules of nutrition aimed at maintaining and strengthening health and readiness to follow these rules;
  • proper nutrition as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

V. Results of the study of the program

personal results students of the program are:

  • manifestation of cognitive interests and activity in the field of healthy nutrition;
  • mastering the attitudes, norms and rules of proper nutrition;
  • willingness and ability to make a conscious choice of a healthy diet, including orienting in the assortment of the most typical food products, consciously choosing the most useful value-semantic attitudes of students, formed by means of various subjects within the framework of the program "Talk about proper nutrition", including the development of an idea of nutritional adequacy, its compliance with height, weight, age, lifestyle of a person.

Metasubject outcomes learning programs are:

  • the ability and willingness to master systematic knowledge about proper nutrition, their independent replenishment, transfer and integration;
  • ability to cooperate and communicate;
  • the ability to solve personal and socially significant problems of healthy eating and put the solutions found into practice;
  • ability for self-organization, self-regulation and reflection in the field of healthy nutrition;

Substantive results learning programs are:

In the field of knowledge:

  • rational use of educational and additional technological information for designing and creating a personal healthy eating trajectory;
  • assessment of the technological properties of raw materials and their areas of application;
  • knowledge of methods for reading barcodes on food products purchased in retail trade;
  • formation of an idea of ​​the role of national cuisines in providing good nutrition to the inhabitants of a particular area.

In the labor area:

  • compliance with the norms and rules of labor safety, fire safety, sanitation and hygiene rules;
  • planning of the technological process of labor.

In the area of ​​motivation:

  • expressed readiness for the need for a healthy diet;
  • awareness of responsibility for the quality of proper nutrition.

In the aesthetic field:

  • design design of dishes in terms of healthy eating;
  • mastering the skills of table setting.

In communication:

  • public presentation and defense of mini-projects on healthy eating.

VI. Thematic planning (Attachment 1 )

VII. Literature:

  1. The program "Conversation about proper nutrition" M. M. Bezrukikh, T. A. Filippova, A. G. Makeeva M. OLMA Media Group 2009.
  2. The program "Two weeks in the health camp" M. M. Bezrukikh, T. A. Filippova, A. G. Makeeva M. OLMA Media Group 2009.
  3. The program "Proper nutrition formula" M.M.Bezrukikh, T.A.Filippova, A.G.Makeeva M.OLMA Media Group 2009.
  4. "An exemplary program for the world around" M .: "Prosveshchenie", 2010.
  5. "Program for the world around" Pleshakova A. A. M .: "Enlightenment", 2011.
  6. "Exemplary technology program" Second generation standards. M.: "Enlightenment", 2010.

Prionezhsky municipal district

Methodical development of extracurricular activities in elementary school.

"Eating Right Talk"

Theme: "Health Holiday"

Compiled by:

Efimova N.V., Zhukova S.N., Rossieva N.V.

Explanatory note

This educational activity on proper nutrition is aimed at children of preschool age (preparatory group for school) and elementary school. This is one of a series of planned sessions on nutrition, health and wellness.

The game form of the lesson will help to interest children in the final topic "Health Holiday"

Purpose of the lesson:

Formation of a positive attitude towards useful products-gifts of nature.


1. Expand children's interest in family traditions related to nutrition and health.

2. Introduce children to holiday dishes.

Expected results:

The lesson is aimed at developing in children the basic ideas and skills of a healthy lifestyle, the ability to choose healthy foods and dishes.

Festival participants:

Children and educators (teachers);

Jury (parents)


Models of vegetables, fruits, berries. Basket with apples. Salads. Medals. Surprise moment from parents. Musical accompaniment.

I. Organizational moment (emotional attitude to work).


Today is a glorious day, or rather a holiday,

This day took root a long time ago,

He encourages you to eat right

After all, we are given to eat by nature!

Healthy food is the key to health

Sometimes we sin on sweets, friends,

Sweets, chocolates are bad,

But, alas, it is impossible to do without them!

Let's replace what is less useful,

Healthy food from fruits, vegetables,

To become healthier

To become better and more cheerful every day!


Guys, hold hands, look into each other's eyes and give a smile. After all, we have a Health Day today!

Today we will remember: what we learned, what we learned, what homework you had.

Our parents are present at the celebration, they will be our jury. Let's welcome them!

II. The main part of the lesson.

Children are divided into 3-4 groups. (By dividing the models (pictures) of vegetables and fruits by color).

1. “We harvest »

(Each group receives a task. To the music, children collect the fruits of plants that grow: in the garden, in the garden, in the forest, in the field).


How much we have grown and collected! These are all the healthiest foods. At home, our mothers and grandmothers make preparations for the winter. We will have a Harvest Day today! You can start making salads.

2. Competition "Guess what?"

(Meals are prepared in advance with the help of parents).

Children, in appearance, must determine from which products (vegetables, fruits) the salad is made (jury assessment).


We all did a great job and raised a wonderful crop. We will bring home a lot of blanks.

And now we will prepare a fruit and vegetable dish, but what do we need for this?

(children's answers)

3. Relay game "Shop"

Children from a large basket choose vegetables, fruits, berries for their meals.

(The jury evaluates the result.)

4 .Next task. draw a poster "Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods."

Each team draws their poster.

(The jury evaluates the posters)


For a long time we will remember the warm, generous summer that gave us such a harvest. We took care of ourselves, we need to take care of our friends. Autumn is ahead, people are vaccinated (vaccinated) against the flu. Well, we have prepared a gift for everyone present at the celebration.

(basket with apples)

The jury sums up the overall result... Awarding of medals.

If you want to be healthy

Do not mope and do not get sick,

All these problems in life

You can win with honor!

Delicious, healthy food

What carries energy

She gives us health

Strength, vivacity gives!

So let's go guys

Be friends with such food

And then the problems in life

It will be easier to survive!

And now we invite you to our festive table!

(on the tables are holiday dishes prepared at home by parents with their children, healthy for children. For example, baked apples, apples stuffed with raisins; fruit salad, etc.)

Our parents have prepared a festive surprise for you.

Bon Appetit everyone! Be healthy!


Diets and healthy eating 03.11.2012

Proper nutrition. What it is? What can and should be eaten in order to be healthy? Let's talk about it today. Probably, if you ask each of us what proper nutrition is, the answers will be very different. Everyone has their own truth. Vegetarians - the rejection of meat, raw foodists - the rejection of heat treatment of products, nutritionists - how much protein, fat and carbohydrates should be consumed, everyone else - everything is their own.

I want to think a little on this subject. First of all, I want to say that this is only my position. And since I'm a musician, not a nutritionist or a doctor, but you can take everything just philosophically. I think that every person who cares about health needs to ask himself this question. How to eat right so that you are cheerful, cheerful, energetic, so that you have enough strength for everything, and at the same time be healthy.

You know, amazing letters began to come to my mail asking for help. Write and very young people, and people of age. Most of the time there is only one problem. Got up in the morning, but no strength, and what to do with it? If you are familiar with this situation, I think you will find some wisdom in my reflections. I really hope so.

When we don’t have the strength, we need to ask ourselves the question: “Why is everything happening like this?”. After all, our body can not be deceived. No strength is the first signal that you are doing something wrong.

In no case do I want and cannot, of course, act as an expert on this matter. There is no reason for this. But, after reading a lot and thinking about it, I nevertheless came to a simple conclusion: if we are not cheerful and not full of strength, then we eat too much of what is simply contrary to us by nature.

And if we gain weight, the reason is also in our food. Of course, there are still many psychological and age-related problems, but they are a consequence, not the cause of everything. I think so, at least.

You just have to be honest with yourself and answer a simple question: “What is wrong with our diet?”. As soon as the answer comes, all problems will go away. And then often we want to eat tasty and a lot, but we refer to the hormonal changes in the body, our characteristics, etc. But it's not all that difficult, really.

I have a good example. My husband, who became a raw foodist. As soon as he was imbued with everything and switched to the food that, in his opinion, was the best, many problems were gone. Slimness, energy, overall tone, not a single pill for the last year and a half - everything I see makes me happy. I don’t want to persuade anyone, and I myself am not quite ready for this, but I review many points in my diet.

So, what can everyone do and what to think about?

Change towards proper nutrition.

Let's start with our favorite dish - potatoes. What do we love to do with it the most? Of course, fry, stew, and even with meat. If you can’t do without potatoes, just try baking, boiling them, or even better, try Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato instead. I wrote about Jerusalem artichoke in my blog. Many recipes can be found in the article.

It will probably not be very correct on my part, but I want to remind you of a simple fact. Have you ever wondered what they give to pigs and piglets so that they quickly gain weight? It's simple - just potatoes. On it so quickly they gain all the fat. And we are with you? Do we want the same result? I think no. So there is definitely a reason to think about it.

Once again I will say that if you eat potatoes, then it is best to just boil, bake and eat along with vegetable salad and sprinkle it with herbs.

Move on. Our bread. If you love white bread, know that there is too little utility in it. It is definitely not suitable for vigor and harmony. It is best to switch to bread from cereals, sprouted grains. Now a lot of things are sold in stores. And it is best to buy bread without yeast. And still breads are on sale from grain. They are also great for our health.

About flour. The topic is just very broad. Many people love, buy, cook themselves. Of course, one smell of baking gives the house a unique aroma and creates coziness. I'm not saying that you should completely give up flour.

But if you love everything, then it is best to consume this before lunch. At the very least, for lunch. Let's remember the British with their tradition of drinking tea at 17 o'clock. It is clear that you want something for tea. You can dry fruits, halva, a little marmalade or a small piece of baking. But not for the night...

About cheese. Are you a cheese lover? I think that many of us love it and very often buy it for our family. Try buying goat cheese or sheep cheese instead of cow cheese. It's just that cow's cheese is very difficult to digest. But goat cheese or cheese made from sheep's milk is absorbed much better in our body. And the taste is not affected. Now such a choice in supermarkets, you just have to look at everything.

And it is better, of course, to choose good quality chocolate. It is better to eat much less, but it will be more useful than a bar of not the best quality in one sitting.

Now about tea. Probably a lot of people love it. But you need to remember that if you are too fond of tea, then this can damage the stomach, adrenal glands, and can also lead to dehydration. Moreover, this applies to both black and green tea.

The best thing to do is get creative. Drink tea and brew yourself herbal teas periodically. What you love, what suits you. Just do everything wisely and according to your mood. My favorite herbal teas are with mint, currant, strawberry, linden, lemon balm. Don't forget spiced teas. You can also mix everything according to your taste. I love all that.

Try to replace dinner or some other meals with the healthiest ones. Let it be vegetable salads, sprouted grains, fish or cottage cheese. Mix different foods less. The simpler the better. Of course, it is best to do it for dinner. Just in the evening, the whole mechanism of digestion slows down, so choose the simplest solution for yourself.

I also talked about the most useful products for our health in my blog. If you want to remind yourself of this again, you can follow this link.

The Japanese have such a peculiarity in cooking. They believe that anything that takes more than 5 minutes to cook loses its potency. I think it's a very wise thing. And they eat a little bit, but very diverse. Of course, it is very difficult for us to follow the Japanese in everyday life. Where and when to cook variety and eat it quite a bit?

Beautiful figure and slenderness. This is what many of us dream of. Dear women from St. Petersburg, the club in St. Petersburg will allow you to solve many problems. An ideal figure, an anti-cellulite program with tone and mood - everything is possible in our life.

Proper nutrition for children.

Here I just want to say very briefly that we are fully responsible for the health of children. And what we teach them and what we buy in stores, what we cook for them - only our wisdom is needed to make the right decisions.

Listen to the child. He does not want to eat - do not force feed. Do not keep sweets in sight of the child. Teach him to vegetables, fruits, sprouted grains,. Do not buy chips and soda, juice boxes, everything that is actively advertised. Cook everything yourself, with love and soul.

I recently wrote an entire article about nutrition for our children. Don't feed your baby canned food I say this over and over to all of us.

My sincere gift for today is Cecilia Bartoli. Kurtis song "Oh, don't forget me."

I wish you all wisdom, health, joy and inspiration. Remember the simplest things: we do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.

The health benefits of avocado oil cannot be overestimated. This folk remedy helps fight skin diseases and wrinkles. In addition, avocado oil is used for liver disorders.

Since Nordic walking is a sport, it should be borne in mind that it is not entirely safe. There are certain contraindications to Nordic walking, such as high blood pressure and recent surgery.

Aloe with honey are used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Aloe and honey masks are incredibly beneficial for facial skin. They perfectly moisturize the skin, have a rejuvenating effect and tone up.

Probably many still remember from school how to grow watercress at home. Watercress is unpretentious to conditions, so it can be grown without land, for example on cotton wool, while providing a humid microclimate.

There are many ways to use flaxseed flour. Pancakes, breading for cutlets and fish, bread, buns and other delicious pastries and this is not the whole list of uses for flaxseed flour.

see also



    19 Feb 2015 at 10:05


    12 Feb 2015 at 11:11






    Alexandra Savchenko
    12 Feb 2014 at 11:42























municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 2 named after V.V. Dagaeva

urban district of Losino-Petrovsky, Moscow region

Working programm

for extracurricular activities

"Health and Diet Talk"

on the course "Conversation about proper nutrition"

(social direction)

(1-B class)

Compiled by:

Shelagina Elena Viktorovna,

primary school teacher


The program "Conversation about Proper Nutrition" was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO based on the author's program of M.M. Bezrukikh:

- "Talk about proper nutrition" (M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva M. OLMA Media Group 2013), workbook for students "Talk about health and proper nutrition")

- “Two weeks in the health camp” (M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva M. OLMA Media Group 2013),

- "Proper Nutrition Formula" (M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva M. OLMA Media Group 2013),

The program is designed for 4 years of study. In grade 1 - 33 hours, in grades 2-4 - 34 hours, a total of 135 hours. Of these, practical classes - 84 hours, theoretical - 51 hours. In each class, time is allocated for joint work of students with parents (projects, competitions, competitions)

Part 1 "A talk about proper nutrition" is intended for children in grades 1-2.

The purpose of this course is to form in children the idea of ​​the need to take care of their health, and first of all, the importance of proper nutrition, as an integral part of maintaining and strengthening health. Food traditions are also taken into account here, as well as the active involvement of parents in the learning process.

Planned results of the program development

personal results students of the program are:

    manifestation of cognitive interests and activity in the field of healthy nutrition;

    mastering the attitudes, norms and rules of proper nutrition;

    Willingness and ability to make informed healthy food choices, including navigating the range of the most typical foods,

    consciously choose the most useful value-semantic attitudes of students, formed by means of various subjects within the framework of the program "Conversation about Proper Nutrition", including the development of the idea of ​​the adequacy of nutrition, its correspondence to height, weight, age, and lifestyle of a person.

Metasubject outcomes learning programs are:

    the ability and willingness to master systematic knowledge about proper nutrition, their independent replenishment, transfer and integration;

    ability to cooperate and communicate;

    the ability to solve personal and socially significant problems of healthy eating and put the solutions found into practice;

    ability for self-organization, self-regulation and reflection in the field of healthy nutrition;

Substantive results learning programs are:

In the field of knowledge:

    rational use of educational and additional technological information for designing and creating a personal healthy eating trajectory;

    assessment of the technological properties of raw materials and their areas of application;

    knowledge of methods for reading barcodes on food products purchased in retail trade;

    formation of an idea of ​​the role of national cuisines in providing good nutrition to the inhabitants of a particular area.

In the labor area:

    compliance with the norms and rules of labor safety, fire safety, sanitation and hygiene rules;

    planning of the technological process of labor.

In the area of ​​motivation:

    expressed readiness for the need for a healthy diet;

    awareness of responsibility for the quality of proper nutrition.

In the aesthetic field:

    design design of dishes in terms of healthy eating;

    mastering the skills of table setting.

    In communication: public presentation and defense of mini-projects on healthy eating.

Introductory lesson.

Topic 1. Getting to know the characters.

Topic 2-3 "If you want to be healthy." Useful and necessary products for every day. A selection of healthy products. Healthy foods among your favorite dishes (practical work).

Questionnaire"Good Habits"

Topic 4. "The most useful products." Balanced diet. Products of the daily diet, products used quite often (rarely). Biologically active additives (BAA). Food iodization. Dynamic game "Train". Test "The most useful products".

Topic 5. Virtual tour of the store.

Topic 6-7. "Amazing transformations of the pie." Regular meals. Diet. Dishes for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Game "Help the Cube or Bead". Demonstration "Amazing transformations of a pie" (a general idea of ​​​​the structure of the body). Competition-quiz "What kind of miracle pies?" - determine the filling of the pie.

Topic 8-9. Who knows how to live by the clock. Basic principles of food hygiene. Basic personal hygiene skills. Relationship between health status and food hygiene. Formation of self-control skills. Implementation of the rules that prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases. Game - discussion "Laws of nutrition" (poem by K.I. Chukovsky "Barabek") - why overeating is dangerous.

Project activity Schoolchildren's Diet.

Topic 10-11. It's fun to walk together. Competition. Basic rules of food hygiene. The song "Walked through the city of a magician." Learning and staging a song. Game "What not to share." What can be shared and what cannot, how to share an apple, chocolate bar (fork, knife, napkin, chocolate bar, spoon, apple).

Topic 12-13. “What is porridge cooked from and how to make porridge tasty?” Breakfast as an obligatory component of the daily menu.Various breakfast options . Dishes for breakfast. Preparation of the breakfast menu. Games: "Proverbs are confused", "Guess", "Connoisseurs", "Compound words", "Guess the fairy tale". Competition "The most delicious and healthy porridge" - "invent" your own porridge with the help of additives (seeds, dried fruits, jam), give a name.

Topic 14-15. "Bad lunch if there is no bread." Proverbs about bread. Lunch (compilation of different options for a four-course dinner), desserts. . The meaning of separate nutrition. The benefits of the product (daily diet; products used frequently; products present on the table occasionally). Role-playing games "We are going to the store", "Lay out the products on multi-colored tables."

"Feast of Bread" Learning the song "Grain", staging the song.

Topic 16-17. "Snack. It's time to eat buns." The game "Pick up a rhyme" (poem by D. Kharms "Very, very tasty pie"). Test "Student's diet".

Game - demonstration "This is amazing milk." Crossword "Milk".

Topic 18-19. "Its time for dinner". Dinner is an essential component of daily nutrition. Dinner options. Choice of dishes for dinner. The culture of behavior at the table during dinner.

The game "Explainers" (proverbs and sayings about dinner). The game "What can I eat for dinner."

Topic 20-21. Fun starts. Nutrition and sports. . Competition - quiz“Milk experts” - remember and name dairy products. Demonstration game "This is amazing milk" - the nutrients that make up milk, whey, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.

Topic 22-23. "Every man to his own taste". Practical work "What juice?" - identify and name fruit and vegetable juices.

The game "Cook a dish" - cooking traditional Russian dishes (cards with the names of products).

Topic 24-25. "How to Quench Your Thirst" Demonstration game "What juices are made of" - making juice from vegetables and fruits, the benefits of juice; “We are not friends with Sukhomyatka” - the harm caused to the stomach when eating dry food. The game “Tea Festival” (useful properties, traditions associated with tea drinking).

Topic 26-27. "What helps to be strong and agile."

The game "My day" (assessment of the load on the body during the day) - filling in the table. Game "Athlete's Menu" (selection of useful products for an athlete).

Topic 28-29. "Vegetables, berries and fruits are vitamin products." KVN "Vegetables, berries and fruits are the most vitamin products." "Vitamin Rainbow" - poems dedicated to vegetables of different colors. Riddles about vegetables.

Products from which you can prepare vitamin salads.

Topic 30-31. Health holiday. "Every vegetable has its time." Game-competition "Tops and Roots" (make a complete set of drawings of vegetables from cut cards). The game "What vegetables grew in the garden" (N. Konchalovskaya's poem "About vegetables", name the vegetables correctly). Dramatization of the song "Vegetables" to the words of Julian Tuvim, translated by S. Mikhalkov, music by E. Silin.

Topic 32. « Cabbage stories” (project presentation)

Topic 33. "Harvest and Health Festival" 1. Game-relay race "Gathering the harvest."

3. Competition "Vegetable restaurant" (determine the name of the vegetable, trying it blindfolded). 4. Competition of poets (compose poems about fruits and vegetables).

Calendar-thematic planning (compiled in accordance with the topics of the workbook for students in the course "Conversation about health and proper nutrition")

Number of hours

the date of the

Introductory lesson. Getting to know the characters.

If you want to be healthy.

1+1(practical lesson)

Most Healthy Products

Virtual tour of the store.

1(practical lesson)

Amazing pie transformations

1+1(practical lesson)

Who knows how to live by the clock


It's fun to walk together. Competition.

1+1(practical lesson)

What is porridge cooked from and how to make porridge tasty?

1+1(practical lesson)

Lunch is bad if there is no bread.

1+1(practical lesson)

afternoon tea. Time to eat buns.

1+1(practical lesson)

Its time for dinner

1+1(practical lesson)

Fun starts. Nutrition and sports. . Competition - quiz

1+1(practical lesson)

Every man to his own taste

1+1(practical lesson)

How to quench your thirst

1+1(practical lesson)

What helps to be strong and agile

1+1(practical lesson)

Vegetables, berries and fruits - vitamin products

1+1(practical lesson)

Health holiday. "Every vegetable has its time."

1+1(practical lesson)

"Cabbage stories" (project presentation)

Harvest and Health Festival

TOTAL: 33 hours


at the meeting of the SMO

primary school teachers

Yudina S.P.____________

Protocol No.