School work, documents. Is school your home? Do's and Don'ts for your child at school

Rules of conduct for students at school


1. Students are required to come to school in school uniform, clean, modestly combed, in ironed clothes, in polished shoes. You must have a change of shoes.

2. Students come to physical education lessons and sports sections in sportswear.


1. The student arrives at school 15 minutes before class starts; clean, tidy, takes off outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on a change of shoes, takes a workplace with a warning for the lesson and prepares all the necessary teaching materials for the upcoming lesson.

2. At the entrance to the school, students must wipe their shoes, change into a change of shoes.

3. Students are immediately sent to class according to the lesson schedule.

4. In the event of the appearance of individual students in a sloppy look, the attendants require them to immediately put themselves in order.

5. All students report to school on time.

6. It is not allowed to bring foreign objects to school that are not related to classes.

7. The departure of students home after school is organized, accompanied by a teacher.

8. Only students engaged in social work or in circles according to the schedule can stay at school after classes.


1. At the call, students should take their seats at their desks and prepare everything necessary for the lesson.

2. Duty officers are required to prepare the classroom and equipment for each lesson, inform the teacher about the absence of students in the classroom.

3. Students should remember that the teacher starts the lesson only when the class is absolutely clean, with everything necessary for educational work.

4. Each student is responsible for the cleanliness, order and safety of the workplace in the classroom.

5. When the teacher and senior students enter, they must stand up and greet them.

6. There should not be anything superfluous on the desk, textbooks and notebooks can only be opened with the permission of the teacher.

7. During the lesson, students should sit straight, listen carefully to the teacher's explanations and the answers of their comrades, not to talk or engage in extraneous matters.

8. When called for an answer, the student must go with the diary to the board, when answering, the student must stand straight, speak loudly, clearly.

9. Students wishing to ask the teacher about something are required to raise their hand, after the teacher's permission to stand up and ask a question.

10. Students should not prompt, correct the answers of their comrades without the permission of the teacher.

11. At the call from the lesson, with the permission of the teacher, students leave the classroom calmly.


1. When carrying out changes in the school premises, students must behave calmly, disciplined.

2. When carrying out changes in the school premises, students are only on their floor.

3. When carrying out changes in the school yard, students should take care of green spaces: do not break trees, do not trample lawns, do not litter, do not push during games, do not interfere with others.

4. During breaks, students eat in the canteen at the time set for the class.

5. Each student, at the request of the teacher on duty or the student on duty, is obliged to report his name and class.

6. Walking along the corridor, you should keep to the right side, do not run, do not shout.

7. Be polite, say hello to all adults and familiar guys.

8. When entering or leaving the school, do not push others, let the elders and girls go ahead.

9. It is allowed to play games during recess, but in a way that does not disturb others.

10. Eating on the go during recess is uncivilized. You need to eat in the dining room, if you eat in class, spread a napkin on the table, do not litter, wipe your hands with a napkin after eating.

11. Do not enter the teacher's room, the office of the director or his deputies without permission.

12. During the break, only the attendants remain in the class, who ventilate the room and put the class in order.

13. During recess, go to the toilet room so as not to take time off from lessons, be careful in the toilet, do not forget to wash your hands.


1. All students are required to protect school property, take care of their belongings.

2. In case of damage to property through the fault of the student, its restoration or repair is carried out at the expense of their parents.

3. Pupils are obliged to preserve green spaces, including those at school, and, if damaged, restore them.

4. Textbooks, books, school diaries should be neatly wrapped.

5. All students should take care of their textbooks. Each book must have a bookmark. You can not tear out or bend pages, make notes and drawings on the book.


1. Be polite, friendly with everyone.

2. When talking to adults, do not keep your hands in your pockets, stay straight.

3. Greeting the guys, call them by name.

4.Keep clean and tidy, do not litter.

5. Help adults, comrades. Don't wait to be asked for help, be considerate of those around you.

6. Be neat, tidy. Keep your face, hands, hair, clean clothes and shoes clean.


1. Come to school holidays smartly dressed, smart, neatly combed, at exactly the appointed time.

2. When taking a seat in the hall, do not push, do not run ahead of everyone.

3. In anticipation of the holiday, you can talk calmly, you can’t push, run. As soon as the beginning is announced, it is necessary to stop talking.

4. During a concert, a movie, you can not talk, interfere with others, move from place to place, leave before the end of the event.

5. Noticing the adults who have entered, offer them a seat.

6. If something is not going well on stage, there is some kind of awkwardness, do not laugh

the brackets and use the correct form.

1. My friend was sure that Ferdinand Magellan (discovered, had discovered) Australia. But I told him he (is, was) wrong. 2. Our history teacher explained to us that the Revolutionary War in America (took, had taken) place in the 18th centry.3. Betty knew that she(did, had done) everything she could to win the competition.4. We asked Professor Smith when he(came, had come) to Moscow how many places of interest he already(saw, had seen). 5. Little JOHN delieved that Canada (is, was) in the South of the American Continent. 6. We all wanted to know where in New York the Statue of Liberty (is, was) situated. 7. The children asked what cities in the USA we (saw, had seen) . 8. Father told me that I (made, had made) a mistake in my school test. 9. We all knew that Germany (declared, had declared) war on several European countries in 1941. 10. He said he always (supported, had supported) me. 11.Not all the pupils kneww that the US President (is,was) the Commander in Chief of the countrys armed forces.

Translate into English please: Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich - was born in the family of a doctor who served in the Mariana Hospital in Moscow. In the family

had 7 children. After graduating in 1841 from an engineering school in Petersburg, he entered the military service. His first major work "Poor people". He was arrested and brought to trial for participation in a criminal community. He was sentenced to death, but at the last minute, when he was already on the scaffold, he was declared royal mercy. The death penalty was commuted to hard labor. In 1854, Dostoevsky, who fell ill with epilepsy in hard labor, was sent to the army. In 1859, the tsarist government allowed him to return to St. Petersburg. On February 15, 1867, he married Anna Snitkina. In Zhinev his son was born, but he died when he was 3 months old. In 1869, a daughter, Lyubov, was born in Dresden. Dostoevsky's most famous novels are Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and the novel Besy. On January 26, 1881, the writer died of epilepsy. Glory came to him only after death.

I like to read books. Books take a lot of time, but it doesn't frighten me. Me since the childhood taught cares and to love books. Recently I read books

such as Eragon, Harry Potter and others. Books it is my friends they teach me to assiduity, patience and I become cleverer. Since then when I began to read books my lexicon increased twice. My most favorite book is Eragon in it is reported about that as the boy of years 12 came to be in the old, rotten village. Then it made friends with a dragon and he helped it to get out from there. Book of very big more than 500 pages. I very much love books and I think I will always love. Help check essay

The older generation remembers their school years like this: in the lessons we carefully listen to the teacher, we complete all the tasks; at breaks, we help the teachers on duty to keep running around in the corridors; after the lessons we put the class in order, water the flowers, wash the floor; we return home, and only after we conscientiously do our homework, we run with a clear conscience into the street.

Working days of the current student: who listens to the teacher, who does not, you can fool around; during breaks we run along the corridor or on the street, we will also visit the store; rustling packages of chips and chocolate, you can throw candy wrappers on the floor - someone will clean it up; wash the blackboard after class? - Catch me teacher! We must quickly run away so that they do not notice; in the dining room I am a consumer, why should I wipe the table? And at home you can do whatever you want, here no one will force you to do anything. Homework? - I’ll sleep with an excellent student tomorrow, now I’ll surf the Internet or go for a walk.

I did not study in Soviet times, so please forgive me if I described it in a wrong way. It's just that films gave me such a bright idea about Soviet education and the behavior of students at school. And about the state of affairs in our time, I know firsthand.

Why has student behavior changed so much?

I think the problem is rooted in many reasons.

  • Firstly, the state has changed and with it the values ​​in education. Teachers have become service personnel (education has become a service, and the teacher is essentially a servant), but I will not say anything about other school employees (not the teaching staff). They are not put on anything at all. The teacher must be interested in any way, he is also to blame for all the problems with the students - he must be able to cope with any children. The main goal of getting an education at school is not an end in itself (getting an education!), but passing the exam with a good score. But what about personal development?
  • Secondly, together with the state laws have changed (about education, in particular). We'll talk about this a little lower.
  • Thirdly, the most important reason lack of education . If the child is allowed to do everything at home, then at school he will also feel in charge and behave as he wants.

There can be many more reasons, I have described the main ones. If you want to add something, then write in the comments. Not only on school, but also on life examples, many of us understand that a person began to study (and then download) his rights, but for some reason completely forgets about duties. And he should know them from the cradle, not that much from the school bench.

Rights and Responsibilities of Schoolchildren: Then and Now

Rights students are enshrined in the Constitution - this right to education, and free, from kindergarten to university. We can have as many higher educations as we like, but one is free. Although there is a reservation here - you have the right once in a lifetime to get a profession (including higher education) for the second time at the expense of the state, if you contact the employment service. We can also refer to the rights of schoolchildren the right to a safe learning environment, free textbooks and manuals, free use of the library and other school equipment, free meals(under certain conditions) and further on the list of human rights in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Let's get to the responsibilities...

I will try to compare two extracts from the law "On Education" in Russia and in the USSR (the law "On Education in the USSR" of 1973 is taken).

What were the duties of students in the USSR:

  • systematically and deeply acquire knowledge and practical skills , develop your abilities develop the ability to independently replenish knowledge and apply it in practice;
  • participate in socially useful, productive work, self-service , observe the internal regulations of the educational institution (rules for students), be disciplined and organized, lead a healthy lifestyle, improve their cultural level;
  • protect and strengthen socialist own , protect nature and protect its wealth, strictly observe Soviet laws and respect the rules of socialist community life, and be intolerant of antisocial manifestations;
  • improve health , engage in physical culture, prepare yourself for the defense of the socialist Fatherland.

Let there be many obligations in relation to the state, but at the same time, how many demands on yourself - develop your personality, skills, knowledge, improve your health.

What now? (Article 43 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation")

1) in good faith to master the educational program, to fulfill an individual curriculum , including attending the training sessions provided for by the curriculum or individual curriculum, carrying out independent preparation for classes, performing tasks given by pedagogical workers as part of the educational program;
2) fulfill the requirements of the charter of the organization carrying out educational activities, internal regulations, rules for living in dormitories and boarding schools and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities;
3) take care of maintaining and strengthening your health to strive for moral, spiritual and physical development and self-improvement;
4) respect the honor and dignity of other students and employees of the organization carrying out educational activities, not to create obstacles for other students to receive education;
5) take care of company property carrying out educational activities.

If we compare, then in principle the same obligations for the development of one's personality, compliance with the charter of the school, etc., remain in the new law. But one important point is missing - participation in socially useful work and self-service .

Why do I pay such attention to this point?

I described at the very beginning of the article the day of a modern schoolchild. Only the most sympathetic children respond to the request to wash the blackboard after the lesson. The rest, either to the extent of the workload of the school day or the lack of education, immediately run away after the lesson. I generally keep quiet about help at the end of the day. At our school, the cleaner only washed the floors. But other? Who is left with this job? That's right, teacher. But he has so many worries, so he also needs to clean up the classroom?

With my article, I want to convince respected parents to educate diligence in their children. Just clean up after yourself after eating, litter - clean it up, work out with books - put it back in place. This will help you keep the house in order and the school. Once a quarter, decide not to do a general cleaning in the classroom. Help organize this ungrateful, but necessary for health business.

And on this pathetic note, I'll tell you

What is a child not required to do in school?

Why am I placing this section at the very end of the article? Because it is designed for conscience. If you want, do it, if you want, don't. You are not required to:

  • Carry out any job duties (according to Article 34, paragraph 4 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation") without the consent of the parents (legal representatives).
    Those. in fact, they cannot force a child to wash the board, sweep the floor, etc. Now everyone is allowed to throw candy wrappers, airplanes, seed peels. But other children then enjoy learning in such a room?
    In Kamchatka, at one time, even a scandal was fanned about this. The school principal required all students to participate in cleaning the classroom and the school. The authorities considered it illegal (according to the above paragraph in the law on education) and that's it.
  • Go to various school activities (except for those in the curriculum).
    They are required to go to lessons, but not to concerts, matinees, rallies.
  • Let me tell you more about the summer school practice. This is also labor coercion. Making all schoolchildren walk - does it make sense? There are 1500 students in my school. The conscientious guys decide to pass in June in order to go somewhere else for the rest of the time, and they come to the school in droves. But there is not so much work for such a large number of children! So it turns out that in June there is no work, and in July and August there are no workers.
    I repeat once again that no one has the right to force a child to undergo summer practice. The school is cunning and calls it "help to the school", "beautification of the school", etc. I'm not saying that help is not needed, it is still needed. But you need to make it more feasible for the child (and not for 20 hours!). He came for a day, helped where he could, and you go home satisfied. Which I suggest you think about, dear parents.

The school gives us a free education, and we can help it with landscaping, minor repairs,. All the same, the children study there, we do everything only for the comfort of our children.
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Watching how schoolchildren behave during breaks and in the classroom, many adults sometimes catch themselves thinking that they did not behave this way in childhood.

Fifteen to twenty years ago, discipline was much more important in schools, and students knew the rules of behavior in the classroom and during recess. But do you know them? Let's check.

Behavior before class

Arriving at school, you need to remove outer clothing and street shoes, change into changeable shoes. A jacket or coat is hung in the cloakroom or on a hanger in the classroom, and street shoes are left the same in a special bag.

It is necessary 10-15 minutes before the start of the lessons in order to have time to prepare for the lesson - to get textbooks, notebooks, a diary, pens and pencils out of the portfolio and put them on the desk. Before the lesson, you can open the textbook and review your homework.

The student on duty should arrive early - half an hour before the start of classes to prepare the class. He needs to wipe the board, wash the rag, water the flowers and bring a class magazine from the teacher's room.

Behavior during the lesson

After the call to the lesson, the students take their places next to their desks. When the teacher enters the class, he is greeted by standing up. You can sit down only after the permission of the teacher.

Silence reigns in the class: during the lesson, conversations between students are prohibited. Only the student who answers at the blackboard or from his seat speaks. Everyone listens carefully to the teacher. If you need to ask a question, the student raises his right hand and waits for the teacher to allow him to ask.

During the lesson, you can’t do extraneous things - draw, dig into your phone, spit chewed paper, etc. It is not allowed to get up without the teacher's permission, it is unacceptable to walk around the classroom and sit down with other students. You can not laugh out loud, knock on the desk or break the silence in other ways.

Behavior during recess

The change between lessons is needed so that students can relax a bit and prepare for the next lesson. To ventilate the classroom, everyone except the attendant goes out into the corridor. The attendant wipes the board, washes the rag, if necessary, brings and puts a new piece of chalk on the board.

During the break, it is not allowed to run quickly along the corridors of the school, push, fight, shout loudly, whistle, use foul language. If you want to run, you need to go to the school yard, where running around will not interfere with other students and teachers. But it is better to take a textbook with you and repeat your homework for the next lesson.

Behavior in the school cafeteria

A visit to the school cafeteria always takes place at recess. You are not allowed to go to the cafeteria during the lessons. Before entering the dining room, students wipe with special clean napkins. Each student has his own napkin, this is monitored by the duty officer or the head of the class.

The students enter the dining room in order, without pushing, and sit down in their places, at the tables assigned to their class. As a rule, by the time they arrive, breakfast plates are already on the tables. Each student takes their own plate and spoon or fork. You need to eat carefully, without spilling or smearing food on the table.

It is unacceptable to throw food on the floor, crumble bread or sculpt figures from it. After eating, each student puts his plate on a special table.

Behavior in the auditorium

In the assembly hall of the school, students gather on holidays to attend a solemn school meeting or concert. The whole class enters the hall, in order, under the supervision of the teacher, and calmly take their seats. You can not scream, stomp, slam folding seats, put your feet on the seats.

At a meeting or concert, one should not talk, whistle, shout or interfere with others to listen or watch. If you liked the performance, you can express your approval by clapping your hands. You can’t eat sweets or buns in the assembly hall, crack seeds, and even more so - throw husks or pieces of paper on the floor.

You should be polite and careful. At the end of the concert, you can’t push, making your way to the exit - it’s better to wait until those who go ahead come out and calmly follow them.

Behavior in the Library

Silence should always be observed in the library, talking quietly, not laughing or stomping. It is unacceptable to litter in the library, bring food with you and grab books with greasy fingers.

Borrowed books must be returned on time and in good condition. If the book is accidentally torn, the gap must be glued together so that other students can use it.

Rules of conduct in a conversation with teachers

You need to speak politely with teachers, address them with “you” and by name and patronymic. Having met the teacher in the corridor or on the street, the student is the first to greet. If the teachers are talking among themselves, the student waits for them to finish the conversation, and only then turns to one of them on his own business.

You can’t interrupt the teacher, insert your comments into his speech, run away without listening to the end. After talking with the teacher, the student must wait for his permission, and only after that you can move away.

If the teacher noticed any violation of discipline, the violator must submit a diary to record the remark. It is unacceptable to be rude to the teacher, to wave your hand at him, to grimace, etc. - the punishment in this case may be removal from the class so that the negligent student does not interfere with his comrades.

The school period is one of the fundamental stages of growing up a child. In addition to gaining knowledge in general education disciplines, within the walls of the school, the child learns to communicate with other people, realizes his role in life, and knows himself. Here he takes the first steps in communicating with the opposite sex, shows his leadership qualities.

Meanwhile, the school is also a certain, rather strict, framework for the behavior of a maturing person. The school allows children to learn the rules of generally accepted behavior, teaches tact, diligence and helps parents in their upbringing. In order for the kid not to be a black sheep and understand how he should behave in new situations, you need to tell him in an accessible and detailed way about what he will face at school and how he should behave in it.


The content of the article:

Student rights at school

School is, among other things, also a huge stress for the child. On the one hand, he is tormented by the fear of letting down, disappointing his parents, on the other hand, the fear of often too strict teachers, new rules, for which children are not always ready. The child feels insecure, afraid to take the wrong step - and therefore may lose motivation and desire to learn at all.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to explain to the child that at school he has not only certain duties, but also rights that teachers are obliged to provide him.

  • The teacher does not have the right to expel a child from a lesson for violating discipline. The right to education is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and by preventing attendance at classes, the teacher violates the law. The same applies to being late - even if the child is late for the lesson, the teacher is obliged to let him into the class.
  • No one can force a child to work. Subbotniks, cleaning of school premises and other similar extra-curricular activities must be carried out in a strictly voluntary manner.
  • The child also has the right to independently decide whether or not to attend extracurricular activities. Additional lessons, in addition to the general educational load, cannot be mandatory.
  • Teachers have no right to demand to donate money to the class or school fund, to raise funds for security, cleaning or any other needs of the school. Education in our country is completely free.

At the same time, the baby also has a number of obligations that he must fulfill at school. We are talking about discipline, rules of conduct in the classroom, breaks, in the canteen and on school grounds.

How to dress properly for school

The appearance of the child is a reflection of the accuracy and neatness of his parents, their kind of business card. In some schools, free form of clothing is allowed, in others it is strictly regulated: parents can sew it to order according to a certain sketch or buy it in a specific store.

School uniforms are a controversial issue. On the one hand, it unifies schoolchildren, deprives them of their individuality, on the other hand, it promotes discipline and concentration on learning. In schools where free clothing is allowed, disputes and even conflicts often arise between teachers and students. At a certain age, girls try to stand out from the crowd, and they do it with the help of too bright, even revealing clothes.

The optimal school clothes are as follows:

  • For girls - a knee-length skirt or strict trousers, a light blouse, a jacket or vest.
  • For boys - classic trousers, light shirt, jacket or vest.

All clothing should be clean, fresh, ironed, look neat. The school imposes separate requirements on students' shoes: you need to bring a change pair with you to school and change shoes before starting classes. It should also be clean and tidy.

Hairstyles for schoolchildren should not be defiant: you can’t dye your hair in bright, unnatural colors, make mohawks, comb your hair like punks, or, conversely, shave your hair to zero.

How to come to school according to the rules

Many schoolchildren come to school a few minutes before the first bell, in a hurry to undress and change shoes. Some literally run into the classroom with a bell, and the first few minutes of the lesson are forced to tune in and enter the working rhythm.

In order for the child to be as productive as possible and to easily learn the material in the classroom, the rules of conduct for students at school recommend coming to school 15 minutes before the start of classes. During this time, he will be able to calmly change clothes, put on a change of shoes, relax, lay out his school supplies and even chat with friends. He will no longer be distracted by these simple activities during the lesson, which will improve discipline and will contribute to better academic performance.

It is not recommended to bring foreign objects to school: toys, cosmetics, knives and other things. Many boys treat the latter as a way of self-affirmation, they feel more confident with a penknife, but parents should understand that this is a type of cold deadly weapon, and it has no place in the hands of a child.

How to behave in class

The behavior of children in the classroom is the main headache for many teachers. The culture of behavior during classes should be laid in the child's family. Parents should teach him to respectfully listen to elders, not to interrupt, not to make noise, not to argue with the teacher and not be distracted by extraneous things.

During the lesson, the child has many temptations: the phone, the neighbor in the desk or the view in the window can greatly distract his attention, especially if he has problems with concentration. So that your child does not become the reason for disrupting the lesson, you should accustom him to simple rules for the behavior of students in a lesson at school:

  • You need to come to the class in advance (5-10 minutes).
  • You should sit in your place.
  • There should be no extraneous distractions on the desktop.
  • Silence must be observed during the lesson.
  • You can leave the classroom by asking permission from the teacher.
  • To ask a question, you need to raise your hand and wait for permission.
  • Don't tell other students the correct answers.

The child must not only remember these rules, he must understand why they exist. For example, why can't you help your friend answer a difficult question if he himself knows the answer? Explain to the child that each person should independently come to a decision that this will allow him to learn faster and become smarter. Prohibitions without an explanation of the causal relationship, the child will not be taken seriously.

How to behave during change

The noise and craziness during the break is an occasion for the teacher to think about how disciplined his class is. Younger students are more difficult to control, and therefore students should be helped to follow the rules of behavior at school during recess. If you offer them certain games during recess, you can control their activity and gradually accustom them to discipline.

  • Even after the bell for recess, the child should not jump up until the teacher has finished the lesson.
  • During the break, you can not sit on the windowsills, open windows - this is contrary to fire safety rules.
  • During the break, you can not run along the corridor, shout, push other children. Also, you can't eat in the hallway.
  • Keep to the right when walking down the corridor.
  • In the dining room, you should calmly wait for your turn, do not overtake the kids, follow all the rules of etiquette.
  • Do not litter, write on the walls or damage school property in the toilet.

How to behave in the school grounds/school yard

On the territory of the school for students, the same rules of conduct apply that operate inside its walls. Children should behave politely, any manifestations of aggression and violence are prohibited: quarrels, fights or showdowns should be immediately settled by adults.

On the school site it is forbidden to break trees, pick flowers, bend bushes. Damage to any property belonging to the school will result in a fine imposed on the parents.

How to communicate with the teacher and other students

School everyday life is a real school of life, children learn to communicate with each other, show their strengths, meet the first difficulties in communicating with each other. The first serious conflicts, emotional upheavals, positive and negative, also happen at school.

In order for the child to be ready for any situation, you need to mentally prepare him even before entering first grade. It is necessary to tell and explain to the child that he must treat his classmates with respect, not to enter into conflicts, not to take other people's things, not to spoil them. At the same time, the child must be able to stand up for himself, to fight back bullies, but within the framework of decent behavior.

Older children in the transition period may experience difficulties in communicating with peers of a completely different nature. Their age may make them aggressive, however, in any case, they must treat all their classmates with respect.

The ethics of communication with the teacher dictates the following requirements:

  • You need to address the teacher strictly by name and patronymic, on “You”;
  • The teacher must not be interrupted;
  • You should follow all the tasks and instructions of the teacher;
  • After the teacher enters the classroom, you need to get up.

Mobile phone at school

Ten years ago, the problem of using mobile phones at school did not arise. Today, almost every first-grader comes to school with a modern gadget stuffed with games and applications. Instead of socializing during recess, children play on their phones, which makes them withdrawn and uncommunicative.

The child's mobile phone should perform the only function - to be a means of communication with parents. Moms and dads want to be able to know at any time where their child is and if everything is all right with him. This is an absolutely justified desire, but the child must be explained: at school, he must use the phone differently than at home. The student should not take out the phone during the lessons, play it or listen to music.

The child will never have problems with learning or adapting to the class and new people around if he follows the simple rules of behavior for students at school.